Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Sep 1918, p. 6

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MEEr ---------------------- 460. There ane 468 seate in the. as- *semblY rooni. Because of the lack eft Ieating accommodations It was noces- sary 1te late the members of the se- nior class ln one 'ft he large study roo0m8 lu the Spper part ot the build-- C o un y Scat Ne sj resent :t least Me that lit con be de- termlued whether the large enroîl- en Om" VIOLA. Iont at an date. BOARDI CO. made te lustail adilitoat seuts In tbe miouth then the Ile Camaruik Roma in aey oo n ir I xpert 0F CuL!> LAB~ ci ld, das ed in front of lits ia OP R TN W TI lIgr::sftronad e:xCi O f e appe ring sudde -y t rm b cTI Û W I d the enrolîrnent t u bc even large s chaleI apearipgysuddly rontiibc- 14dot ng the nehool e a btsadI 01AND> 10 tR. LAWS ps h.Te uova eclose ABOR BD. HERE d1- fi suppsit wtl ta,. of stop-tn fact the child ivas sruck et.___ There la no dcîîbt but Ili.a h n ïMty. Inspector Causes Ar. praclically as qiick as sbe nppeared M Dfr~ lse rael noîetlt eri u in xlew. Men En fre CassHere partli ilth efat Ihat the ity lbas Clampng o lit cmerencybri grown eontsideralv.- sud also te the ,Mst and Conviction of Vio- Clmîg uh«rrer'uybae Are Ordered to Obtain Es. tct hat pupiltiare lisiculint' Io the latorsHere and ralitILi lir !nie th1s sential Employmnent Patrlotic pipa or the goverrument t tarasplaced lier tenderly lu his au.pClntinuera sabd "lh. fuir lu brie e ANY MOE VILAIOS lmoit an rsbd br e ie o3i-COULSON IS PLEASEOi pected thnt Morne of the boys whoar __________ lai. 'The rblld was placed on the - ienghwllaeshulurn iperu-îg;tabe sedaely but be rte enter miMtary service. 111pe11Nctor Issues a Warning of ictrwr s eius thal she Says this lis SOIutionkof Prob. Rtght nuw It Is nposrjble teMa Fate that Will Bef ail Other die¶1.1 naval officer Immediately re- lem; Concerns Releasing wvhether or rot Il will bp neres.ssry te Violators in City pored, the ma tter te the police and Men for War Work Inarssemhelrooni. eapaeity in -the ______supplied the coronersa office witb amanàsebyretl liaI of witnessea. Itla sbelieved the I! lasnotired that iherre are, several Wau'iegan, Aug. 2..Inquest wili be beld Friday or Satur- Active co-eperatbon betwven the changes lnufile teaehing staff of the A tho e "'lut et Iuvestigatilons day. ..,Waukegan Draft BoarIt and the Ped- hlgb achool this year. One change et M% -lvebeen côhducted lu Watuke- Entigmi Kleley's Stabemnent. tePa) VommIinItY Labôr board etfILake Dote islte relui-n out fliav flrenice Sfor-the-last severai days by Wt(' "Rosa E. MeLaughliu, chief quarý colintY ta bringixig desired resîtîts Repoge he -#ben'taking a post- r«. department o flabor, division termaster at Gre at Lattea. ocru,ied according te Chairman -1il C. Coul- grlduate cou ,~e l' Replogle tictomiy Inspection, lto alleged vie- the seat t my aide lu the automo- son ut the latter departunent. laugbt at the locll hih scbool a nuni- tloes of the Cbiid Labor Law and bite," said Enatgn Keliey.i Notices have gene forth, from fle ber et years ago bouI desinitid te takie Il Ten Heur Law for wumen, war- "I slowed devin the machine aI draft board te a number of Wauke- up advanced work in rullege. The 6tz weri' aWorn, eut Wednesday at- Browning avenue, for in the distance zan youflg men who have been pliced sehool board considers if self mail ~uby Deputy State Factory lu-.1coutd sep the car turu the cerner ln deferred classification becauetortunate lue btain bçr services agabfl ~tr Arîthur M urr for the arre.,t froni the north near )McKiWey. they have dependants that they wîli as slipe lwsiy s oS0cof file itY's .several Waukegan men. Thee 'Rosa" salid 1 te the quarteruhas. have te gie Up theIr Present posi moql capable in5strtuetors. She will LOZ gifven trialselaIe lu tac ter, -'luisslathe eue danger speriilionsand k pwrki et tend BtIlologv. ea efoe Polie NMagýstrate te city. Any inite a rhlld msy s en tial occupation or be 1induced ri - Follovlng Io a list ofthîe 11g9b 1ýîrTaylor. ruC across the street lu front of yuur to.service. abofft teachling stfif': , 'e cargs rquht gaistthecar "That la the reltl solution cf tht' Principal T.I.. RoLiet bea and the action laken inu ctt "Thon 1 turned into te riddle et' -prohieni." Chairnilu Couli-cu salid, C W. Pritchard~ Ph i, sad (iem- t» ollows-: the street il, avcid ahitI-riai car "The draft hoard cati be of InvuI. Istrv .KIRCHNER BROTHERS, propie' whicîî wast-in(ling on îîtherivrîh le aid te lis in thl5Yniatter mas the -I dith Higley-Bilcî-!I M' et the Riche lieu Fool and Itil- lhunil ide ur the sire-t l'udig Olltli. ca rl many men whom Il ont1' tt ,rcuicc Replogle-Ilt:olog', Wrd Hall. Char,'d witi 1w-o viola- "I bau jus.t passed lie urivers ble ihiclt 'for lils t get a line e-n. Litiat, Edinger- S:euîîgraptuslN ___I et the Child 4abor Law. '-"sa fIi a hnIe11 i. Alreadv a omimber of these soiing lui i bcW Gould ttmtkopn n si-a ofthi carwhe th l'Ile ix-have-PP]ied te me. a.t'iing thnlt MetArrouri ng. dattuued len days bocuuse et the yîarield ctîild daslied acros the ý»Mofe Peler' Kirchner, oCe, of lthe' treet. The child did neut'look te Lbe dir--cted le santie plant wbee i-PIe' Margaret k-lutrite. wieuIlants. the right or lu the left. I Ibeugît 1 jrau ubtuin essentiiti em-loyment,," (. A.-Nvberg-.%tblItirii-and Mill- ,. AMUEL H. BRADBURY, propric- saw a si-rond child in front ef the W'hile tI is laliing dlune Chairffnn tir t-î-ining. Orti a sbooling gallery. Charged car. Ceulson la druwlng thle linos tIghîber Ciau-iA. Jiling \;tumtr KU wo ioltios o th Chld i- 1 aplid te eierenc. 1kiledabout local busnes oncerný wliieli Bertha Warrenngloit b IV. lr Law. Pleaded guilty 10 tle the englue se quiekly did I briîîg t hi arecocnsidered nec essenîtial 'utrh 5a- lMa Larkin-Enzlt-b TIII birge and was ined $5 and resta on car te a stop. Ie rcarn parlers, shue shinitnv oP- flîve Tnbrook -Eiil Two. *# couni, the other reluat bcbng -"ut toc lite. -Thé 1111e lie lad tliI'll'.lillent- Pool rocuaset . i- T te t¶îc Koebler- Engtit fOue Mlre. ee trck 1rce bckIi-vIp n wncra of t bese piltres huiC ii, Il >ngli Lillian ltendee-Fr- neli tand Sporn Sivo. ben sturk.I reed sck u wbrt'en 'a fi-w lastelu gi-trd cf tîir aite- ila -1110AL RESTAURANT, loc.ated lin she lay on tle treel. plcked her up bodied men', releasing tht-ni for est Jeunette Parrit-Iliit(iuv. VFabingon ,treet. Clîarged wblh anîd Ilin began the race wilh death. eenliat a-ar voi-k.and rptarîn" utIMna'r- Vo violations oethie Ton IHtur Lawv t went te the Jane MAister hespi- lVn liBo. udr o ne MrgrtJoînton l eatirEe grwomaeu. Pleaed guibty and was lai. 'clýaughlIn holding tle chîld rgaenei P- W"d $5 and rosts'on eue cot, thelhebi arma. As ive carrled the chilîl 05cr -,ny tber ceuni belug walved. bte the operatlng reeni she breath,'d î M do flot wiih te bc arbtrary ' Mary Melure htliii'ri nls t~AU. AGLAA, repietr e îl lir ls31r. l'oîison said, "and we are elving - raro Wairren-latfin. ,-PAUL NGLADA proprîter oetheiir naa reasonable lengtb cf $mO& Bakery.on Madison street asid 'There vas notiig 1t rould do ilths "'aRivLro-rs >1sti Cate on Genespe eetOt. the boapîlal. su I went dIréecIiy 1toLimeite 10comply wltlî orders" W.hÀ.Laron rt-uih n r MM'Sed with _____violationsofth thA PottheriMi teloobaud sud or- ÛoSiur L*w for wemeu. oee t bis enta et the child. There I les n KdIJJADd ulur ~7nt adIve att . hIe childs mother had beenIVfo1 guiity tu tle chiarge and wa-m rusbed te the hoapital. I roturned Grade Scliool Enrotmn $5 *6and cesta en eue ceui, the te the bospîlal thr hne IRfB~DEIl intet ttCth, i,.ools, two tOcouts being waived. cdilda niother and father. The ta h- IFBE UJL1RTLU INIrZ cIn formation quippld l RBAT LAKE$ FRUIT CO., cbarg- er explained te me that IlIhieir Sp.Jh .Cakb p lth oeeviolation oethle chibd daîîghter nadt met bjury. IaL ie 1 ofp t nS. Clrk oly îlsafe riin ,l aw. ?leaded gulty and fined LOCALIiti l md SCr srelIleiJJLS ~1U 1J i 'lC onnewat in uxrnas oetIhe, !-md ceats. blid for 1 under-tand lIaI ber an ________ t i g duc last s-car. nl.hquestionibly there are other swas bro'îen., The entolîment b%, secols flloas: ~tiens in Waukegan," Inapector "I fel as theuglit Ishould run -ý Every Child in Waukegan Pub- No ih Stitool----------------- 496 krasserted, "ad wo 'put-pose te car 1 Ie flte lake and gît-eaiup autoli te heni as rapbdly as possible. iug for the rcmît et my lite. I woutd Schools WilI Have "éCon- <"'niai Sceel--------------?,9 y complainta have Ieen tmade te do ibis were it nt fo thefart that cetrtin omet"Anriwe' S e-----------.....46 1 West f moentAn riol ..... .'- ..e..oo .-461 dep~artment about the conditions I caunot even convbnce myselt lituaiMrAlister Sehool-----------..726 F'aukegan. Our chef conceru la I was ln auy way te blame fer tle The War Angelus Prayer la te be Total enrotîment-----------..2403 îtm»0 that the violations cease andi accide nt. Xaturally I ami heartbrok- rodcebfective In tle acleels et Wau. "The enirolîment ner-ly shows »a becau.;i_ w-e el lIat the men on. h teed tor flc parents et the kegan. bealîbi- vgrowth lu tbe city that vas le v ers fIned thia lime twill proftlitt1111e tild.1 The plan ias bepn decided upon It-lho ex pecled." Seipt. Clark said. Sthe, expeience thal. we dbd nul M-t. Kelley explatned thal every the brd et Aduration sud la te ho *'There 1, nu serbeus overcrewding lu Sthesi ou ail ceunits. Tley ail night sente autolal bas the score 0f: triade effective Immediatei1y. Ar- anv et the sebols. We wll be able gft.*ured me lIaIttanre wlllibe lis lite as lie passes the bal Park 'rangements will le made se that' oacb le take cane fet I turease lu pupls IvlolaUionz on their part lu the tu- and the nid crcus greunda ou Mariian îlîy atiIl 'clock aharta a gong wiil1tbrough the opentng efthtree reoma W& I do net know just 10w long Ptreel. The klddies, he explains, play.- sound il, the differont scheols ofthîe ai f11w eid South selool. The overfiev gluM be lu Waukegan. but I viii be on btb ground8anad cross, and re- ed'y. froni the Cent-aI, Andrew Cooke and Mle long enougb te dlem up coni- cross the streel hile at piay. This iiilil e a signal fer pupils lu I IMr isîenprbols vill be cared for lar ,I' âMa put au end te vielaions." tPause lu whatever tbey may be de- these tht-ce rclms." Ing for one minute durlng whlch________ -q they are expected te aller up a pray- CÀN 111 YE E - or for île surcesa et Aniertca lu Vie OLDiIL CNOLYEX*great alruggle lu Prne. bt TJJIEF ITEALS A DONB N PLODES; IWOMAN' S e1ofer prar bout e FROM IN FRONT 0F pIT Supls vilI ho qure t AM AD____ IS UND ' eoe o h oemnte7,ý ELKS CLUBBOS The plan ta asSied a "concentrai on re - lome-ni" Camarnik Receives Mrs. Anna Turner of No. But- 1lu other %ordo. eveyei pupl la erg- ~M1OO8tl concentrte is Iboighia oni the Harry Hoyt Reports to Police - ~ Which Prove Fatal t trick Street May Lose Sight one thbng for a tuIî minute, it make.a h heto Fr u -nlnKelley Driver of Eye as Resuit ne1d l-ue vtohera ui l 1~ teTh fFrdRnbu _________ 1dtlng, studylng or walkbng Saudy ih oineof Ihfhalls iîwlen the garl; taudy i -BLAME IS AT1TACHED lr.An î~î oi ,. 1-e uxpecd to -toit a d n rn LunaSp. sluniy nd wlb owc- Pled roer- Harry it yiletfl iaFôrd runahot ~WMted that Child Ran i Bttirkstreel. aas paîffullv lîurned l n Idrdneet1wbs ole-oueo lrdnlcUlatat- ýlFftof Car, Dodging From sagt of bl3er!aiht eyas th rsiet dlîdytmloa eelhudbtday -nixht when hi' strtmped InsId-' Behind Another Car ofu n xplosion of a eau cf ci at-de, oi i t ii dtie sa rs eenod t W ln e watumiontina. I-olokia its ot lime ai lot' home aI 6oclocu '( ei-, u htîîr i île hlsieurt e 'typupi imahinebîîwtt, Iatson iriend lad Wau'îegan, Aug. 27. uesday evenlug. lib o il heacleof yseni. drpilI 1it %%,'hi' urawsonnaua pt-nud i VMmo, tesix-year-old daughter Mrs, Turner lad putcbasd Ihe cat ili loal_________________t- r wa a aprkan . ad Mnr. John Camaruik of 0f lye te use fer disbnfecîantptipo..lItaI l wcîid 1lierttut-Ced mhertly. -claeravnue, 'vas tatally lu- os in the baisement. She wis, uttLCAII( n J ~ Whuttcrvs net brotglt bn Ir IWdnesday nigbt about si\ preparlng te remove tle icu r wliu7 SCH OLS H Nr E N~ i nîoîamrt eleplc tto o« _ien vieaas t-un over by an auddenly tle cau 1ew op tiuriing lit(- and t-tport- iltIe theftt -l. n ve n hy Enislgn F. Me- contents lute ber face and ail oetr f I IU I lEST TI, pulice proccedeil te noiify tle naval sation. the ruent. 1ROLLMENL A IRUL I politas di;artmenta of triti,éi along -~fd vas lushed te îleeliospi- Some erthte lye bit île, siebm lni the net-Ilsbreand aise lîrougholit bMIu died on tle eperalbug tit. fle igît oye Betere a physIciati UJIV C'UC1lV t t' <UtY of tIc tleft, sîîpplying thit Kelley resides ai 211 Conetrcdat-ris-e tle alikaitlad but-cm il i I i I ILI R dblerent ditutIntentlii wl adcscnip- LWaltkegan. A uttle siter et flte coveig of the Pe imîd Iami ino temcie dead trii se 'vas burt aI îhe lurued depp Intoright ide ut tuai' ______a__ lIon etasle machIne. time. victims faim-. Dr. Kalowaky 'vas; High Sahool Enrolment Is So Ovèn a etniadralle ires buit vilI- - KPllcv and a friond front "uznoened tand rendereul irai al - . out apparent gucess for notihing was station was driviug te Waukegan t-atment but waa unali' iii doter- Large Seniors are Criowdeu bei1nd of Itif0 machine. 1theoccridentt appî'ned. mne today wlîte or n ,t ne e utd Out of Assembly Room Assiitant ('blet Tyrcîll lu speaking 1 aie apîru-acii-the ouîBdel ,. teFv tewoa' sgof tIl" allait-, Mnnday afteruou. us- 1: park on Marlon tt-cet, En- ha uitcue l xlso aset-ted t-bat somte deiaY 'vas encourt- --- elley renmrXî-i te litaferlît fit know-u. Mrs. Turner bas been MAY ADD MORE SEATS SOON Pt-ed lu huiing lîreugli il" vat-lei13 li awvs' aas n' c-s;ari' for an isiti 1isNef for il-odorbzng _1-ou' long distâner- ealsa te police dupart- ImhÉ e drIvi - ati fill- ah lIat for a nîmimi r ot Icar. sud lîivs - Opening of South School Takes nl., nl die - ay.s li19 very probabile becauso 1th-m ctese uuan't-vti-he irit 'tinte uhILt' ni-r bail an tc îthat filie thlîf hd tinte te malte god lu lIe neighl ort oud and be- dentt. IUp Overf low from the Other lit seapew ____ Grae ScoolsHere'3 lot-e tire se many Perd machin"a GrdnShol ir ,,ti-ert lb iill a1. tî-toydi III LM ýmv tDAY, TtUBW»AX Y, .198______$MI ________ M M ALFRID N ORTON 0F flAliLE WOUND Son of Mrs. W. A. Etcheli of Waukegan is Added to the Honor Roll of Lake Co. HURT ON AUGUST THIRTEEN 'iLEiSS" SUNDAY OBSI3RVED RIOIDIY BY ALL IN CITY Government Agents Were on Hand to Check Number of aIl Cars' Whl.h Were Out STREETS . ARE DESERTED Has Brother, Edwurd Stevens, N xnie nW hr NewervnCopin t.S.eEnin- OWners of Cdrs Showed' eerig Cops, . S.Armytheir Unpatriotismn Anole LateWaukegan. Sept. 3. HIGHLIGHTS ON GASI.ESS hi ieI évceihaboy lnthtgeîi * SUNDAV IN WAUKEGAN lgis iteIn srvice y d uîe vn A govenment agpnt ln Waukegan arnat . Audocrar>'. reported thât approximately Mus.W A.ltScIel etProsect500 numbers of automobilswere Drtive, rercoi'ed s messýage ibis men .ceked l auIn SsiayTi ing fuanaîle anadin va dop nt- tuddauto trucksansd other cars ment iclllng ba le oht h1er son. Alfred ta ehpshd-rgt ooeae Neton, who vas wounded ou Aucruat l, elp a ngi aoeau h tl I taaie tslied ta take lmb account 1:111. laî dieci on- Atuguit s1na that there were several duplications heepital lunlHa-te, F'nance Young Neton waq 24 cars eld. st- .as:lte liccuse nunMbers ou" everai giesudvasMnsEIclell's son 'Lt>a.cris may have been taken tvaono torineT buabaîîd. tt~ ie.- Nortont aas iiglu Nloritana pt-Ion Government agents vite wone dep- te thie b ivingoto hewr Autized tb talc. dawn the numbers on cre>ssed*ov(>r île border, evul mb ecars which %vers operatlng, were Bta- Canada andl voiunteered to tle Cana- 110usd an Sheridan Rad, ou Grand dian aqny. He Jolned île bntantt-v avenue, aI Washington an*- WesI t ss lt-snob and 'va; marie a cet-pornn, go, aI Washington etreet and Green Bay îug evonses orne mentIa ago. lîe Road sud il Five Points.8 , lad iteu wounded a roupie of 'tintes lu seve rat rases owne ofet rr btîctro and Ila-as a fiw a' diy d'ove them machtines witiotau licens. that N Mrs. El-ell rreed tic(, ps pats.Wietiter or ual lites. were Iliat lt' w-ai Ilion lu the- IiispltAi The emaved purpesely ha& not yet bien nte-.s.e îlen itatrdil tit lits injîtruis deîcrmincd, but the nomes of tome a-cte ot a suerions nature but suic bad 'hvoa pecateditheirauto* lu this min- been bophng againal borie tlIa ieho er were ebtiained, wAtllbcie ttibff iii 1111 îroîug again Neal Suuday, lu the opinion et le- atnd mut-t bau-k imb île tronches, cal governImet repnesenlatlves, the Nturteu îuasbora lun lke eeîînîy cuien check up ou cars wili have sud liýi'-d ti-eut-ly'patorutts lite thc a uthorlty 10 arreit awueris of l'ire. ]l- etîet wi'at te Montana uInI cars wito are out. Just what attion ie"d îlt-o for sorie tinte ,N'orio;til iiie taken withthos0e lio violated t'ý tsa rthoutur nus' tghtlng wli th e on lait Sunday las net yet been de- ited States terces ln Pranci' Ttie termined. ht-eihr--' nuunie ù; Edward Ste-venst- cou( lu- la 22 i-ar, et agi-. 1ttc i u f impliaito i- l I it' "l ttie -titcii n!zinpi'rng corps but i -- S unîl a>" ct-itr i' *iir i Cl i lof ii-uot-iing tb aord reeîoly -vMt-s. iairiui tm V'ak-,tî;n ti-t - --en Fthlleitolte lu, Ien '-ik lu thc e hs- l ili'i t lac i tirlie frt-Irau km ot liftati in Fran" c i- îtce .î une lait. tes-ai Ptt n ts. iorr il t4s' i i lt I 'm Titi' l its --tir uiC' ,-,ni nan'-m s ut lie'-"i-hu i" unt t- coulil mmiii'bm't'ui iol o'îi f bai ing hi-on adcîletK > 'I)y ;sert-5 d nmire nigidly. dttfi'reni tuniblie.. sonte seat-s agi i !li (erlct-ttin îWashington,. il ai MNrs. Etrlitildocs Col lnoatn'w iea is nul nîdatiiry -il thiomu ablit i le iuiearani'i' tlanua- in aitî, piuti l'itri)tth oieitt'f of-. etir- use hn Canaa b, tit-otcfr -lis rotic di-s autuo mia ner f b i) u i' %w t 'iet-oruit-iii svhu-lhier sue usI Il ct any inflitrance It. ha., abs>l ilt t îiet'-itiiry tut- liiin tir penson as roi uit iflier- sons-, i ;,u-litus machuite on Stîi ih.u anti utesuý i I-su iik-gan people toiriltîîdîtîîîm 'Thf (batu cfNoirtounuiakt-l he' eraBat-y te th iber Cars eut oetriue thirl cf 1uke oiuntî's monnbcoep-ti grge. En traîebng about tî lit suar atari <-i, John lui ki etfliainesvile t1i i. miaIV lut ta e i d hebusbrin dît eilistitl un tie 251th uotOcîtor last fICUIlte ocont haîf a dozen mtachine-s. anîd ho tnt-t d',al a tcw au--liaagoni uidthe iii;i htm are Ihut praetbc-aiiy hn - , Tue fIr-tI Lakcecuînnly :ail Oet Ibse wve one d ta> çiysb- mtanrit t ieti-lu du-ais-i oaci w ut l)itî a uts a m c- ho funui Il it esl- t i e tt-,t cf 1t litiittPIarku, tit ciitu el. asssary te lue oui. asîstio-, st-tacdii'd lnactioîn. ' ia-us a i uuîs suglîtto luîîl ly lu unit' a tnd t- itr-(» ultueit'- uit i ut- u.-o.tut. Pieopie alo 4 liii 51 wau- hi'-f-ut l'ut it vas tico >13CENT M!ILft IS svi- tii drive l tg) -nii lu thetr imites il--î ' :,- tî il amild b, fat- ncreu HI.VI.i.DCT'ilNE.~ Patnlic lewak,- and se irubgc-. IILIIL IIRJI 1111114 .sbeîgtisido tbese a ho ar- nuitsut firttiia mule în cars. imesanie ,,weaare, O Y aas true vilI regard te tlt'iec' awlto I N LHV' JISTO lv dtnil' d liii'tI-aines. In tact îhe S'-stri-i-tuoetflic City. iqupecialiy the de'vu tevu 5l8'ccîa nesî-rloctkîd se Increased Cost of Milk from tut-ean ertd the Farmers Forces Deal- n Rcý no it odpounriw aq~ 4rs to Make Jump ttItlorn utl lu>facts for fev bot-sis - su~ad buggies wtto e sn. Live-t-y as PASTURES ARE DRYING UP bl,, ol .tdo tle cxpected gushn - - - Qaner f et ri-ec oupes vert'In ,That is what the Dealers Say :u niot cxcli ve class on Sunday, fer the arm rs ttrbut as I _ entel-tain ment vas net inter the Cause for Raise fer-d ul argeoues a pe When t'acte Sutiu'.urctd tt- e- -psted lbeîuselyes ton rîsi 1151 sert tincat tIat you ave gasi Sutuday by et a day anid dld net open tbeir deors ,ee'plng Yeur aille lusîdfotmm- garage, I f ulîre at-ne any Wuukegan peo- inaY'te lie 'ine-vIlat tle gas yeu piew'vIn eet-d t Ibm nachines uný ,ja s'd ou timut dus v ommd help Puy tle necesaniy on Suuday they doutîlcss 0 e i ,l't.d eOu.i of nilkik bl greeted ut 1h tuî', of tulime malter for locali 'Cou wcn iyo en eut te edoor !n the i'e pt-c-i't Ivesofethlie geverument nmerning et Sept. fat. ver- on land luail] paris et tIc Fort lie h liuown lIaI mik In Wau- City tei jet dovu numbors et auto- kPa anw11cnI ur foe motiolu -s hîcitpassed thent. J lh frs tmp I n ita a t viat ilhIlie doue lu these cases ia Pinta romain île sanie as tIc> lave Totkucisu, rap sanie plan 'vas tel- l'-o 7rnia :liaitpints of crei-mn lowcd ln Lakte Foresti.-lghlan ud'i k -1.. centssu ad elor places aieng île netI tlftOttl 12 te 1? c-nts, asi, ftle change Keeps Check oun ar )j ti Iýi(- w~'a., mamie amullaneotal>y 'Titi' L:tenb-uan ou île electlerit Edi at] nilll, lesters. ane of tho hilg deal- -:ou Court kupi dck On tire uirs <--, w-boum askeul for tIe use cflte i hiat passed bthit intersection. He t-e t-uul-, ad: prd t Iieiiuniug Sept. lst vo arc biîeng Belacen 6 oncIoc* ln the niornlng Ifît-ced] te puy $2.28 pe- ran etoflçgian Sd midnItghi Sonday, 81 pleeisure lgallens or .12 quarts. lu August the cana and 17 t-tucks paased lIat -int. .['rire as $2.17 po-er au: bu Mayi, JoneIWblch slows Inavel 'vasu't oxtu- suad Jîuly hire pt-ire vus $1.80. «Ive but vas more ln pleasure cars à 'Thus, île 'whleele -ptire lu Wau- than il sbei±ld lave been. liegututliîuay is bIc saineas It Is l __In________ Chicago antI vo ire novbe cha-ge ua~ ,île saine retail pt-re as lu ChicageoS.L~LS t 'Ihei w care jtaying tIti'fat-mert-hîe U E SLS maltu' priet-c Iy gel in Chicago, 'o sr wa e .cui't -cil for leass Ian Ibey aak ln Chiago ____wr AY BEIN CREASE!> 4RELATIVÈO F BY ORDER 0F iO VT. MRS. W. A. SPEARS IS SEVERELY HURT Word Just Received that Gea. S. Crabbe is in the Hospi- tai in France Wau'cogan, Aocr. 27. Mn" W' A. Speturs, w'vlmhivisling ln %TIiuhlzga hajusl treived word Ibai ien hhotheninlaw, George >8 ('tab In u omnnaand of Co. h.,cffIthe 12rth Infantry ln France 'vas se- Set-et>'-uOnled lnithlitethîgl 'vhIic fIghIng alcng tle Oîut-nq rIver, and lut nov ln tisse buspitul Ne. .14, lu Nanlt's. Thon.aore bargaini ln The Inde- pendontse advertlaing columne. Federal Authorities Notify Draft Board to Report on Enforcemnents Made Draft huards ot IllineoismmsI re- port to Adjutaut-G eneral Dieckao et hlinoba b> Auguat 29, fcr transmis- ,sion te Pnevost NMarshal ('encrai Crovder aI Washington by Soptent' bu-n 1, te vIat exteut île> bave en- ,otcc îl vnor fight regulallens. The boanda Inust give a reputIsaow- ire boa' ntny men lu deferrcd cias- os were caiied hetone tIern because et idienpsi. 1ev many quit entploy meut they lad for essental Jobs aud besv many vere put ln tle finat l asa berauso Ileti did flot obey the 'wor' or fight oret-o. Huudreds eGt Useful Jobs Waultean lad sevet-al Iuudred men 'vIe 'ere pngaged lu socalied non- essenîhal 'vork 'vIen the 'ork or light ret-dn 'as promulgated but by tle tinte It 'veutt miefelect Joly 1 last, a great majoritf 0f theni had found Jobs, deeined eamential The board no Ipiahing te lnfiict hardship on the men In non-esseili work, and their emPloyers,' organizerî, gav'e the men lime to finâI useful work ln which tliey could make as much money as they were earnlng or at ieaat a living. In consequence of Ibis action ail but 28 or 30 men iln the non-essentiai occupations got Jobs a comblng over of the draft lista, last Saturday, ohowed. The men who had net found essentil work were caiied before the board yesterday and wherever the mien were found physi. <ally capable tbey *were sent to the Ilaited States labor bureau In the' PostbMlce tud the commissioner dlr- rected Ilium te Job. Find Fîw dlrs. The borad found sCarcely any id- lers aud these bave been forced te go te work. There are more ldlert ln the 18 te 45 daisa I la beiteved than lu the 21 té 31 division. This ig be- cause the work or filht order lias net aifected the men over and above the ýpresenh draft age. Despite the work or fight order the country at large has a big lahor shortage ItIAishëiieevd that the gevernmeot Iu seeklng the work er fight enforcement figures te learn If lt ls necessary to make a mor,- dram- tic order, that is the adding ot more Jobs te the so-calledil lst of non-e.;- oential occupations. Mnj. H. Braach and children have relurned home after several weeks' visit wlîh ber brother ln Sheboygan, OlNE Cent Invested in '~Electricity Front Our Mains WiII Buy - WelI Just Listen: 1T wiil opetats a 16-candI. Power carhonleamp for tvo houre, or a 20-candi. power Tungoten a, for four beurs. Et will run a S.w- iap Machine Motor an beur, or a Vacueum Cleaner 45 minutes. 7 T wiloperatea Washinu Ma. chne3_ mnue,_r uAuto. mobile tire punsp 30 minutes. Et wull kesp a 6-pound El.ctric Iron hot 20 mnutes, or Mic. four caps of coffee in an Eicct,'ic Percolator. IT'S cnough te bail a quart of water, or tient baby's milk twic., or ke.p a Heating Pad bot tam homri, or Cookc a welan ian Electric Chafing Diii,, or heat anuEiectric Curling Iron 15 minutes a day for two we.ka, or toast 20 sUices of broad on on Electric Troaster. Where ci.. can you buy so mach for &0 litie? 9l' ,i1lli Il- neraxaîry Ei.'nr!rîai Aplmoscn- Many on iontly> J'ayme a t. IPublicServiceCo of North.rn Illinois MIL!~ WM1 MUPS - ()F- LAKE COUNTY Pablii&ed by the WAUKEO -AN DA1LY SUN at the special l0w price each11 $3.50 Size: 3ft.:8in.by4ft.,2fin. Libertyvilie Fairmers, Attention! For your potatoes, oats and âother amal grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION *65'Cents a Pint The best and cheapeat Antl-Smnut on the mar- ket. IJRUCE-CLEVELA'ND DUIN CO. The Rexail Store Cor. Madison and Genesse Ste. The Storel'hat Saves You Money

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