Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Sep 1918, p. 8

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M.. rea and Vl'ciunitl( -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -- ------- - - - - - - - -- - ARE^ BREVITIES ýr Mi.Dean, wbo has bheuen ined to l;êà bdfor 'ceverilweeks i, i mprovIng rgowly and le able ta ait up smrn. Mrà Mi' ederman, of inhtur@t. s vîit. il« ber brother, Mir. Kuigge ani Mr@.! _nubera1mwhere attended the War U o ln l nlaoon eauuday. Jirn. Jonc Rou4ée a aChic'aguo@hop- fier on Tueeday. Mma Gea. Laue laenetertaining bcr 7oungr brother, oi Chicago, fora couple dweie. Ils,. and Mrs. Powell and con wbo have bqeu speuding the. eumnî..r iere, re- 'iigaetthie home of Mise Ficher, expevt te relUin ta'Evanston saut,. mi"las Hnarding, who tg teachlng &t Braakfleld near Chicago, @pont the wssksud at home. *The ms.y rtende oi the àMisses Mlmma sud Clara Knlgge yl h. cnsrprteed td him a! oteir marriage ta ir. Daimc sud Mr. Harri@,-of Wancauda. They wlll e. d. at ths home oi their father liera. Word has been eceived fram Morris Wilcox by hie parente that he vas stîli la-the thk'k of the fghtlug but exuected tu h sent back ta the ret camp ecan. Leroy Newton has resnmed bis dutles m mail carrier again. Henry Kubiant le takiug a ewa weeke vacation snd E ftansom Io, subtsituting as mail carrier inuishie lace. The meeting af the tiarturiaus wlîicb was ta bie heid at th. honme.oai tre Witt DaY lai Tueday evening lbas beepaeot- poued until &onday night. HALF DAY Hall Day sehool apeued tionday a tii lmas rief and Mise WVaadcork as teachere Miss Carrne Scbrociler was a Waukegan seller tionday. Miss Margaret W ylie bas returned home aller a visit wta frands lu Joliet sud Plalineld Dr. Kate Moody tit Tuesday for Wlifornia, where ebe experte la @pend she We are carry t a ose D>r. Moody as &he bas doue excellent work in Sonday echool aud also for the Red *John %loyer sud family epent Sunday uth Paul Pegelow sud famlly. W. are sorry ta chrouicle the death et LSAKE COUNTY JREAL ESTATE FOR SALE Xmproved Ferma 10 to 1,000 Acrest Fa~vorable Terme Of payment <flws. Ferma W"ti 50 Miles Of Chicago r Gwtst Produce Market le The World PROPERTY IN 1tOWN OFW AREA fftub of ChIcauo %10R SALE Modemn Houses VaCant Lots Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision SmaIl Tracts For Truck Gardeners r ,PouItarY and Small Fruit AREA HAS Water Works Sewer System Gas, Electindty Electric Railroad Soo Rsilroad Beit LUne Coinnectiona Beautiful Lakte Constituting Pôpular Summer Resort Area la ln ThMe Market For. A Number of Industries. Address: Walter Hansen. wbo dled lunLb.eliante- gan hospitai. Frlday. The uerai cen- vt,a's ert. beld at the Hall Day rhurch Tue@dsy afternoou. Intermeut wae Snt the Vernau cemetery. Mmre. E. G. Bcker of Ctticago, le @pend- Ing a few veeke with ber mather. Mr@. Carne Sclraeder sud later expets ta pal-n M. Beckter, who le travellig lat h gouth. Miss Blsuc-b Schuier ,tarted ta bigh schoal at Highland l'ark tiouda3. Qutesa ntinber aîteuded the Ladies' Aid meetîngat tirej. tisrolf's, Thurigday. Hail Oay Cosgregatianal Church WAR PICTURES Fili vtersaptîcan elide. llu@tatlug 'The .xmerlcan Amy lu the lIsting," wili ta shavu at the Congregational chu.ic,Saturday evenlng, Sept. 14, at 8 o'cloet. Theme picturee show the baye a. tbey leave b(ým@, arrive et camp, sud alilthe iuterestiugexpoenncofaithe aver- age soldier ln iucle Sam'e new aimy. The children are eepecially'luvited. No admieeou nwlll h.chsmged. A.i-ollectlan yull be taken te caver expenses ai rentaI of pceures. Camne and ejoy an eveiugr of patriotler entertainmsent oi sperti lin- te-re@t ta those who have boys lu var eervlt.e. *t)n Suuday evcing Rev. Warren wiii speat on *rbe will ta Paver aud the Will ta Serve." cautraetiug tht. teachingem ai the Germant philosaercnNietrache, viLli the teachingso a cie ad.oi boy ture clash i(if idenie b i% ls td in tht. preeeunt nar. The address wiliiilie a ce liglane interpretatian oifte var- The qiîctiu j,sShahl Nijtzecl1e or Jes@us lamiale the Wald' The onuetands for autacracy sud scarld domnion; tht. ather for denuai.raiy sud vorld lrotiier. baud. 11 WAUCONDA 7 Misses Rutlh Bnano'beau sud Ruth Hapke ai Waukegau, epeut Sunday vlth Wauconda relati've@. Harry Kirvan oi Chicago, vas bere aver Sunday. Mise Mat. Malmaàn returued home Suu- day alter speudiug tva veeke viîb frieudesud relatives in Waukegau, North Chicago sud HIghland Park. Misea Grâce Murphy sud ieud oi Chcago, speut Sunday vith relatives here. ir, sud Mm. Vernon Johîns oi Waute- gau @peut Saturday sud Sunday with Wsucouda relativsc tire. iurnet sud famlly returued ta Minneapolis, Frldsy alter iiptudig the. summer mouthe St tht. home uf M. Ninageamu. Mr. sud tirs. Rarry 'jeary sud famlly ai Graylate, spent Saîumday vltb Wsuconda relatives. tianutai ur people attendt.d the ueraI ai Mr. Ouc Neyer st Fairfisld lsst Fidsy. Mis Nttie Murray of Chicago. @pent Saturday and Sunday bers. A numbem ai aur yeuug peopie attend. ed a parti st tht. home ,af Wm. Daeli wesî aitovu, Fridsy eveulng. A pleasant Mime waëe jaysd ha' ail pieest. Henmy Nalman vas a Chcago visItai vlaltom, Tuesday. tir, sud Mre.iarry Bristol and iamily cf North Chicago, *pout Satunday lu lianconds. Chaie oyle of Cicsgo, -peut Sunidsy sud Manday lu Waucouds. Robert Blackburn, Edward Murphy, AnhrStmoker, - Harold BLapte sud Merlin Hughes stteuded tht. van exposil- tIon lu Chiago, Ssturday. tir, sud tins Leu Oeary eitertalned the membereofithe Thomas Geary fsmily St a dinuen at thelr home south Af tovu; iaît Suuiday, thîs belug theeoecoudannuus reunion oi the family. The gueul, pro. cented tir, sud tir. eary vîth a tins mantal clark as s souvenir ai the occasion. tirsud tir@. Wilil Shaw sud famlly loft Thursday far Kenocha, W1lo,, vhsre th.y vîli mate their future home. Their many frlendis veres uory toafceethem leave. liev. and tire. Curtis lef t Friday maru- Iug for their nov home in Dunhans, Wle. The best viches of a hoet af iiende go with tisem. Rer. and tir@. Hslloet sud Mirs. Lury Clough srrlved In Waucouds Frlday for s ew dsym ctay ai thoîr home bore. tiraud tire. Floyd Godirey sud son 0f Chicago, vietted diL the home ai Mn. sud tins. C. E. Jeukc, rereutly. Wm. Roing ai Atioch, ealled ou frIne u nur village Ssturdsy. A son vas baru ta tir, sud tins. Arthur Bobmer, Maudsy, Sept. 2. Mrn. Murray wasj a Chicago vsIitai Manday. Mr, sud tire Il, E Malman atteuded tht.e neîiirr ýni Chicago Thuradai. Miss Sarahi Geiîy bS vleltiug ab the hanme ai Mrnî:d tic,.. jl4 Zimmer. CARD oFTrH44K$. We vlsh La (lsa,iiuri nnds sud ueigbb)oms forthbiir Lnri--' uring the eic(kness and deatb 4 i 'tut letr niother. For ALL tne family, Tise indepen. dent. The 25th annîversary ai lii. Unlted Evangelîcal was weil attsudsd bath morngi session at Deerllsld sud site>- noon sud evening ai Nortb Nortbfisld. Delbsit Meyer, ai Fixer, Ky., retnrned sa bis, womk la the ail &tld aftemepending the week with hie father, L. B. tMsyer. Mir, sud tireWm Wbtlug, of Chicago, were Satuaday gueâte oi Lincoln Petise. Milen Elizabeth Recblt toek op ber as teacher lu the Roudout echool, Mondayr. Mldred sud Ilernice Kusat, aifl)own. er's Grave, are vltlug their grandpar. ente, Dr. sud Mie. Kuagk. Bter. and MisC. K. Osbornoe, of River Fareet. spent sss'eral day.s t Ueo. Sbrauger. tir.sud tire John Lueder aud daugb- t'r, ai Euglewaod, epont tianday with Bev. sud tirs Lueder. Pev sud Mme Lueder, tir. anud ijrs. John Huehl aud daughter. tisdàît.eo Bleimehl, Wiuter sud Witcomb, attend. ed thotb Oi anuivereary ai Nules Evan. gelical church. Scindas. tire. L nsd daughtsr, ai Glenra., vers %ho gueete aiftirs.R. M. Vaut, Tueeday, k . twire Alice De Yuag, ofiS. Charle@, la *peudlng the week wlth ber brather, J. A. Stryker. tir, sud Mrs.Geo. Vinrent, ai Waute. cha, Wle., vliéted the past week at Bert Easa's;. r Mise iahet Bledertsdt, ai Highland Parîk, via@ the week eud gueet at ber fatber'e, F. C. Bledertadt. The ladies ai St. Paul'@ t'hurrb beld theiinomathly meeting at tir Ed. Job. rendeè, p4Mighland t'afit. Tbey cim- lleted plans for tteir Itarsar wihlch vili be beid at Auderous' Thnreday, Sept. liI. Tht. poceedm'af the lunch table le ta be dauated ta the R-d ',rose. Mir. sud tirs EdSeig epeut Suuday lu Chicago. Seral f rani the lresbyterian Sunday Scboal aîtended the Townehlp Sund&ay School convention heid at Highland Park Sept. htb. Mise Mary Cuter wss the week end gueet at ber (ather'e, Dr. Culler. lier. 1, Keiley retnmned Satunday, hav- iug speut bis two weets vacatIon lu the south. Mise Anus Cotise leit Tbureday ta at- tend sehool Iu Mauhattan, Kai. HONOR THE BOYS FR01 VERNON WITII A BIh CELEBRATION The bay@ fru 'Vrnontownship who are dalugi service fon CurIe Sam ln France, a.s'eillasu those who are lu varions rampe lu thiucouutry, preparlug la hoe sent tLathat fan-off acone ai bloud sud carnage, vere tendsred a memorlal celebration lu the nature ai a plicule sud barbecue, Monday alternoon, the cale- bration belng held lu Krueger'a yoad, about a mie nartis of Prairie Vise. The business mcii and farmes ai Vernon township promoted sn ufniced Lb. gstberiug anad t ls noodîcas ta say that It vas weill done. The geuoral coin- mittet. of arrangements inclndud nsarly evemy reoideut cf the' towncbîp. ach ans doîug hi@ or ber part cheerfnlly. Tht.rt.vers about 300 people pres- eut many cemiug in automobilesc. A large tielegatlou firomx Waukegau vert. there and vhile tise ceebratian vas meant la houer tht. baysata tht. front , there vert. so many politiciens present, tbat ItL ooked li'e a big gatherlug of polîticel boosters. Supt.rvnsor MaEther vas called up- ou Loacat as chairman. States A*- tome-y Wtlcb sud Senator R. B. Sy8 wert. tht. auhy speakers and each guis a masterly tait on patriotIsmnn ia tauching on politîrs et ail. A narbeque vac tht.bilg feeture et wbich roass chlckenj svstt rn and seret potatat., vwert. served. Ire cream and Sandwicbes vert. serve-J fret. aI a prettlly decaratt.d iooth. lu tht. eevulug a dance va. beld. Altogetiser the afair iproved a de-- cided ccesi. SUGGESTIONS, OR VICTINS 0F HAY FEVER lu vlev of ths e aonal Jprevalsure of hsy lever the etate department of public health bas iesued %lie fllawlug sugges- tions. Bay lever, though notai1 itosîf gouer. slly dsugerou. ta Itlfe s aserions la- couveuisuce ta it. victime, and ltinsy prepare tht. respratory mucaul, mem- brane for more seions Infecionse. The victime sufifer lu proportlôn as their uose@csud branchIal tubes are sensitive ta tht. Stimulas ai dîffrot faims & Iritation. i'revenion ai the lever depeudu upon avolding the causeseai Irritatlin aut' 1rednciug seucltjveness. Asy farm of ducî, esvsu lu minute quanîltleg, aggravate the suffeing sud e-s' eu bvaPar 01ai scrovded rbom] lnereses the congestion of te na$@. one vho lu suhjert to aya'lever cbould thero- fart. avait theatre-autnîîîiviug pîrtune Showe. Automobile rîdinghn Lecouutny lgesepeiall ta be svalded. The dusi of the raad lm abWetionable, but ans ýcal seldom go inta tht. country vithout tilg exî)ieed t,>tht. one. pollen af the rai; a-ced aitl goldlen rod. tiaDy patien te oss mmedsae aattaun se aeoaS Beuquet. f e f tisa 11loyers shoold Dot h. Pewmitted ID boués.of baY -lever E N O H RS f subjeets. - for ha7Frightened AnimlRn APa botaniste as the genulus Ambroesa. and ash Drcl noPt Heor It came ta be clled. "food for the of Passenger Train Gode" laea mystery. -It le found hîy the roadelde snd la waete places. It pocsee BOTH MANGLED TERRIBLY me no clament ai beau ty. 1l% lea adis-I agreeable sMd naiaous wed. It cbould Wagon to Whioh They Were bextermlnaied, but it gravasO0Per- Htched Smashed to Klnd- eatently tbpi auly by geusal co-apers- ing; Effort to Save Vain tien 0i citizen@ansd local autharities a i ____ is extermination heasccompllehed. Waukegan. fSept. 9. Patienta@tuay reduce their censtiveases 'The southbbuud flyer which goee4 te the pollen ai the. rag Woed and other tbrougb Zion City ahortly atter 8 a. fortua ai Irritation by eatlug mots m. struck a iwagon anld team of hors. spariDgl.y oi poteid food@ sucbs meat ,i near the 29th strep crsIng tbus parieuarl, o th oter andfrotemanng. The tethm was standing at partnulrly On he oherbau fritsthe balerY ->,et of the rallroad ttac- maybh.prolltably eaten f reely. Thie la and while the driver wu. absent the esPecîSl!tins af sncb fruit@ a. contain horsea man up a swtcb trsak whieh mnch fruit acide, sncbase oranges leade ta the main lins and juiLsa. lemua qd ppla Tsseacie rdoy fhey re.ached the south-bound track lemoe ad aples Thoe aide edm afliyer hoipeued te ha golig south at the viaconlty of the blood sud thua tend futl epeed . -As ibis train dues e nt ta prêenet congesions stop at Zian City.Il muet have been A modemate amou'ît ai exercises les Zoing at least 50 miles au heur when heeeiil and the. be@t fhrm af exercise the engîneer notlced the team o! bar.,. foreuc preoa l fnndlu oalngsu es attached to a big &',r wagon and1 forauc pesoa l fond n ostng ndmaklng straigbt for tue track. He1 swlmming: Sncb exercise, mu addition put on hi% brakcs lmnmediately and Wo'belfig good for tunscular developffsent trie4 ta as'ert the. clash, but It was sud beatib, lbas the. specîsi advantage ItuPOsstble luntlte shart space gisen 01 being taiten where danger af ex pocure him ta pull bis his train up lu ttîme of Irittiondus ta eassuad like a flash the englue str'tck the. ai irlttin dui l ieet.big wagon frott the rpar, tare île vay thr<îugh. struck both harses, throw. tbem anc la the. west of the track if~ ~~g~J ( a5 and ctching the other on the rw leait i;0 rode ilowu the track. OLPÏ SNT S VED oth horse, were smnaslied alniobt beyond rce.ognition. The. wagon vas TflEN COME ORDERS -t- -and')lie broad iron tirps thent Fuel Administration Explains raii toi artl the tainand tripcd to How it Is Up to Drivers 0f u:~ t his e foae s wf,î-. I ,a nh. Cars to Be Good *piý,df(J tep train gaeie but a c' csr(oud in w hichi tdoanytlih g lhbc United Stat (tiuei adnmîn'-and the. horsps wtre -vient h ton) tration. bureau',o"f il conservation:iiiich -.eared ta do an>-thing. Bende a te Sun the. faiiawlug , e Tue atin cruw i lear -ii t;,V: ignti ficaliît mat tr reardin cga io sriaize fiartIv a fi-r tho- accidet Surida' s: and bar id .a horse- art cach cîde (if tnle.c t- sca ttii ml et toit. iii th., the trarkse haudiiug atniluse of rioli ar- .1 once ccrre'cted. it w ili undtiouitr'dl, be uereesaary for the. gaiecuipnt catitrol tic di. ri, tilin and uses made of gajsai1tjtir Autonicibils t ' aoud tbeu be rmat1e taIo oforni ta tbe more seevre contro! and. th re- fore, il la ta tht. a ti; oi hls that at. mu-t -go witlî a .i rî-aign uofediica. tien thet wyul point ouÏtettaal asers of ail and gesoline that vaste!ul us age muet be stopped. %Ve hope -for thi- cooperation of yaur paper lu giviug support taete que-tions of ohtil dga'.oline causecr- vaLlon. If s'on conduet an automobile section. anything s-ou can publiicb ln that depertmeut urglng conservat ion of gasoline wihI be greaîly eppreciat- ed by tht. United States fuel adminis- tration sud vili have a heiptul effect lu averting the n"'essity ai moce dca9tic contraI. There le no desire ta u the country ou a fuel ration but It is ne-cc -aryv that ahj usera dis- continus ail wasti-ful uses of fuel ail. gasoline, kerosene and ail other ail products. Maotoristes hould net run ':,e1r en- giflee a-heu the car Is n0 Ir. motion. 'ris.> .ould as-aid overilllng tanke and se-e- that no ail or gacaline- is spilled or ailoved ta isat. Carbure. tors eiîould he adj4isted Laeaperate ou the. thinnest mixture. Al inneces- cary driving sbould he discouraged. If sufilcieut gazoline and ail canuot be saved !rom wat aL enow vsted ina the yaye above auggeeted. then snch maudatory contrai as vîlI assure tht. quantitles ne-eded for the. cotducL of the wer wlfl b. tuevitable. NO CURTAIL14ENT 0F SUEiAI FOR CAN. NINOI 15INTENDED Fo9d Administration of State Issues Bulletin to Public through the Press FILL PRESENTNEEDS ONLY fI'der date af August 288h, th- IlliI nais Fond Adminictrators send new.î- iapers 11, bulletin on sugar: Rather than ru the. rlsk of isaving foodstuf! t vasted thrcughln lck ai insterial tei rau sud preserve theru, the. hh'nole food admînWsretian 1le eetîing uit on restrictions govemulng tht. sa;e of engar for cannlug pur- poses. Grocers mes' nov sel]i puy &Mount up ta 25 panaide ta custoinerg whu certlfy it le ta ha used for tist pur- pose- "There la no desire or Intention of thle F'ond Administratîcii ta curtail re-agciaiîle- use of engar for homtc cannlug." said Robert Stpenon Jr,, deputy food adniiItraLSor. 'W<e do ask tisai as mue-', <annlng as pas ble e dane witisout sugar. or wlth anis'a, emaîl amoinat, but ve have lçft the squpplying of eugar for these- needs ta the t. ientlan of the loal and eounty food admilletrator., whn are sutborlzed toe ndorse- certi- ficates net callng for mars thqan 25 pou nd e. "Ilotteewiveg are nat ePe-ACtdtedl Pppare for future requimements. but only for immediete ne-ede. Shoul suger given oL ut ntisis w&y exeePd our ailolmevut set asîde fom Ibis pur- Pose, ve shaîl give notice tisat th- Privilege- 1e wtbdrawn, but until then a- large a suippis' o! fruits sud sec- etables shculd ise pree-srve-d lu th- beome, thue relieving tise commerrial citititiofl. 'Canning certiflcatte wili coullutte Io be, required and everY ertîficate iiuijslti-ar the. endars.rt%'nt of the la- cal or caunty fod dmtinirator" Mueical Note. A léondoneaecttlcian bua luveutedZ a safe tlsat la unlocked hy a tunlgiU tork, the vibrations of wblrb cause a ire w vthin the safe ta vibrate lu bar> mony erlth tlser sud operate Lb., mecbatia l.ctrically.I WValer C. han-en. aged ît. a -on or Emîl C. H-ansen of Fialf Day, past. J cýd awa :t- the, hans MTcAit- e h puçaI this tuamniner ait3i 0orak. Tht. boy Tva ii rt-d to tht.hospiula Frlday for an t.nsîrgeucy operation for appcndlcitisTht. cas,. -s t a .-rr. ions ont. ae perîtonitis bad set lu. Tht. 0oirotfr nuc%-er h-id been vc"y strang and hi-. hein iras un.tai- ta stand up under tht. strain. John Robertsan. pioneer. hanker of %trriugton. died et his home Frides'. Mir. Robertson vas presîde-ut of tht.e PIrst State Bank af Bamingtau, which ise organixed In yeens &go. HIe was 73 and hed been lu filI he-altb two' s-came. 'Mm. Roberteon le surs-lved by four children. Albert, a hanker ati Barrnugton; Mme. A. J. Redmond ert! Oak Park: Nie A. J1. Leonard of El-, rington. HIGHLAND PARK MAN, THOG IThis la one of the very few bid BLIND, TAKES BLIND WIFE mansettt tv ae laId EvsMat e 'rt Of Galee, and Illiniois. H. B. E-dwardB Of Highland PrII. (ne tling about it-nelther lins- M.,th blid. wr arld t Galena.: ban.d nor wife, will be able to -ses lii, '~brsdy. Mr. Edwar.da . teu.' ate"T5 ogtt ducte a b-ooemaiwteeituring plant tge t n al gt." hyogt (Officiai publication) Report of the conditigtp~ $ltB ank 01 Cake Zurich Located at Lake zurich, kState ni0lnoB, b io onmneetaibana On the Brd day Of Septomber 1918. as made bto the udîtr ieePubi Aco usitesai the State Of Illinois, purenant ta Law. oteudorfpbleecti f 1- Lons adDicun@ .......RESOURCES 2. LOveats dl>eut. .... 1 . . ...... .......................... $118.284 OS 2.....rdra........................... ................... 8.59748 4. Investmonts................ ...................... .....5407 40 5. ltanklug bOuse ............... ............................................. f74 9 Furn.t.................................................... 690 89 6. Cash and Due fron atiks .................................398 7. other refources, ........ .................................... ...............39 82 Total Be@aurees..................10297 LIABIL.ITIES 1 . Capital Stock .......................................#...... ..... 25.000 00 2. Surplus Fonde......................@000 8. Undivided Profitm (<bet)................. ....00000 4. D)eposite:..... 1,045 6.Ail Otherdepacîits...................10521 6. leeerved for Tazee and iliitvrpt...................82 10 TotalLiabiliti............w10297 1, Walter A. Lauu. Caehimr of the s tate Bank ai Leks Zurich do oleuily swear tbat th@ S ab talmont le true ta the boes ofi y knawledgp and bellef. Walter A. Laun, Cauhier. STArs o0F1LLINOI-1, COUNTY 0F LAKE, o. Suertb0d sud 1ewornu belote me ihIe 6tb day of September. 1018. E. A Ficke, Netary Public. IThese prices Will interest you and Bave you money by trading at LAIBS CAHKOER!Mglu&RKET FOR FRIDAY AND SATIJRDAY ONLY Best cuts Round Steak, per lb- ........ 28c Best cuts Sirloin Steak, per lb. . ..... 30c Fresh Spareribs, per lb . . . . . . . . 1..... 22C Boiling Beef per lb. ...... ... 20C Pot Roast Beef, per lb .....22C Sugar cured Hams per lbr, .... ..27c Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, per lb. ---47,C Frankfurters, per lb .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 22c Pancake Flour ..... 5C Seecled Raisins, package .....I c Large package Gold Dust ........26c Campbell's assorted Soups, per can ......... 1 c Baked enper can ...... 1 6c 4 bars American Family, Fels Naphtha or lvory Soap.... .. ............... 25C Post Toasties . . . . . . .. . . . . . .13 c Best Creamery ... ... . .. .. .. . 49c "'P'llsbury's BesC Flour, 24.1-1b. sack ..... . 55 5 lbs. Good Luck Oleomargerine ..1..55. 3 Ib8. Manor House Coffee .......... 95C Chicago bread ... .. ... . .... 9aend 14c, Package Macaroni or Sphaghetti .......... Oc Will Pay 40 Cents a Dozen for Egge GE'O. M. LANE, Prop. PHONE, 89 AREA, ILLINqOIS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b - - 0- M=L PAl North Auto t- FEDEF Stop C, A pari -automot eveulng t*sey're * 5uthorit brinaing zone au The i dicamen ing, Lise: dry terr there d nuit cul * -iDîsmal dleis, bu .ottlegs. dldn't b Thse a Sud vet a dell.ît Sot hoir make a friendi' tory vht for the.> tý hese d scercer. AIl w inont ju -et War iigbts 0 tbey as Iroad an -aide. C «A.t-bon 're, Party h. ' et ers. And "N-e-t te'red ti lise fe( Pauied f4 abou tbey ro distiller federal lated Il -booze i about G "Oh- Lhev am eennty Cicago *Ing lx *They're of tseir It le selxedn U. n the. tsrried m: Ialdn Fan's qii.d at pliai e.i an vas o! Lakf isomed county to dniv Points t road been asu ais anld (JoSnty realised mot sur Mn. Ho -Yi abois *For h about I drove a Waukel This vs Mn. Ho *tiocb (c a sconff bsn of -. The i aiter. Vilsta, I Bert - ..Joy tSn] ru Fner bi lire -sf "rHEREare two (2) kinds of insurance. TBoth are good tili death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is, a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are 0. K. tili you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind is the kind to buy. Your Lif e Insurance Bhould, not be neglected, and, when selecting same, do not get th.e wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better than many JOHN HODGIE, District" Manager AREA, ILLINOIS rWefà -'q

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