JUY SERVICE W. WtukoganMon on the ridJuryWhicConvu Hlero in October !N ON' PETIT JURY ALSO Ow rof Cases tb Be Consld- Nd by Grand Jury Is Smaff- or than Usuul li@e s D aU etht.egrand Isya 10 OOtiVUO* In Wsukagsu a Dctb la1", béo u dra w n a n d nq thz ic es b a v Ssent Ott. :'lisa not&j tisers.- Wau-iesn uem du thil ur Preliat ind.uications tac O Sare Wer cases to 11e brougist beforî tisa ad jury tilla"1 lica thoan uauiul enthe r4# wili rat c .uyoVe: oni or 1lwn s et thi nsasunie"s sometalig un- 1.een occls. à panael ft iirty-slK petit jurera ai- bua bean drawn and thbe amrs wé beau seréd vitis notice to report is Noveiabet 11, ovev a uioatb later. in court cati Momnle« ta bc rather IWL Theoe are ten inuf rom Wou. .i on the petit jury. ab n»me of D. L. Putuaniof Wau- MMa appeares a a member of botb a grand aud the petit juriez but li- hlucs as tisey do not con@ lu et the ne time tisera tu Do couflict. lise lames o! tise grand jurors fol- lent.n-0. W. Farley. B. C. Thomp- Pewport-Wiilanl leaarr. Newport-WlIlian sesn. Atioah-llavid Pullen. Irant-Louls 0O. Deproft. ake Vila-t-ee Barsitable. avenb-.. B. Dooittie. Waem - Frank Burkse. Watalegan»-Jae.ph Pisyhorski. Pat Mrain. James Salmon. lbiatld-IF. Uwing. T. Hors». .Jbetyvilte--C. P. Wright. resont-Frank Vtckery. Wàeaond-b. L Putuai. Cobe-George Froelîcis. Paron-4Cbarleo Herseisiergar. IU$-WIilanî Bueacbissg. . j Veelt D.real-Jobn Doyle. Uld-John Puinain, Geo. Bock. lntioch-18. Hawkns. fbe usines of tis epatt jurors ou tise net are: let0s-H. H. Bislîop, William Ed- go. K . H ollets. Mow nrt-. 0 . Nortisrup. 1, Iulob-Je Iupree. .8k. Vîis-Ever Plah,. W. Hock. vn-rlrak i&ry.Wm. Huston. -es~e~ B. Br-adbury,. Richsard Urstaklo, Joba Doyle. ee elan e. atet >or eofe sai! It îs. mnt ts Md! tise . e.. ThmtsWm-.eirLodt Tolls umen at Farmerottes Graduation ai LIbetyvIlIe Harry lltetmeyer , Oea. leAo Durkln, Burt Eddy, T. E. Murphy, Oea. Tou- louse. Chas. Walker. Shielda--Martin Doblilns, W. Dick* ison, 1. M. Dewey, A. D. Jacisman. Lbertyville-W. J. Collina , FI-ani Wilson. Frement-iloward Converse, Wm. Porteouiq. Wauconda-D. L. Putnam, Lee Mur- rMy. Elas-Fred GrimM, Wm. lGraber, G. Thies, Vernon-Wm. Bornlcamp. De.rfled--red Betker, 0. S. Pea- body, A. W. Oison. Bird Protection ln Austr@IWa lu New Zeaiand there are now 29 aclilmation aocletleo, organlsed for tise purpose of pratetting tise native wili Ilile of tise country and Introduclng sud Protectiug new games bîrds anl ani- mais. Thse socleties are ail churtereil b. tise goverument and are under gar- erament supervision. They have ln- troduced Into the coiony n large num- bar of I)heeauta of dlfferent varleties Californîn qunli. Augtrijîlan oî.omusauu eoodcdock, reinbaw trîlut, sulmon, etc. Tise societiefi puy bounliesi for tise de- truction o!fisnwks und oliser euemleo o! usetul birds sud nînruijîa». MRON, MINES IN U. S. GRÀSP SAUSSIIEisO0. K.1 Alox Hin f Wauk@gajn ade the HzppestMn in WgAj- kegan as Lettér Arrive LOAD LIFTeÇ_ROM I4ERT' CseWtere Mothr IWI,Wiit-, tén Son and hogWrote .»er -But Letters èore Logt AJlez Hein, tisa Waukegan merchant la tise happlest man lu town! Uak a voice frOin tise dead ha b as recalVOd tise newsa ta bis motiser la elive Altisoug ir ie had kept tise fear ta hluîî,lf for a long time, ha lsad felt tisat his mothiar lîkel>. had sur- cumbad ta tise tryîng ordeals wiih tise populace of l.iollaud have ised ta pas througis, for, ise felt if se were alive ha could have a word now and tisen o! ber during tise past two yearâ. Here'se is caerful latter wisich came .to Mr . ldo and wilcislifted thse claud tisat bas isung aver his life since tise war got isoder way: Rotterdam, 28, 1918. Dear Mr. Hein: 1 have quitel>. recently een your mathar who begged us ta wrlte ta you, ne lettem whlcis the ha tt'- quent>. wrlttento y"s nover idem ta riacis you. At ail avents the hoa&'mot neard tram you 'for a ver>. long tifma and ie quite dletreaaad at flot receiv, ing any news trans yau. 8h. ha. therefar. esced me ta write ta you àsklng you ta, let me knaw about yaur and your family's heath. Your miôtier wille>s me toa asure you of han boat healts, hen anly earrowl sema ta e ha tsa act of not hearing from yau. 1 @hall ha glad to issar from yau, and 1 wiII immedîstel>. cammunicate wlth your mather. Yourstruflli, (Nome Wîthheli> No Repi>. to Lttera. Po rtwo years >ir. Hein had )mard uotiing [romn is motiser. Not a let- ter, not a postal came froun har. I-c wrote otten. Not a reply came. As ime went uis fears were ail tise mare firmly ftpuded. Occassianally he wauld bè cheared b>-tisa tbaugist thât arel>. ona of bis twa brotisers or bIs siâter would geL word to hlm lu case the motiser actuaily had passe i away. That tisougist uow aud tueti î-onsoled ;um. Perisap.4Lisay coulddjit get word to hlm. Perhisa 5tise>'didut want ta tell hlm tisa matisér had suc- cumbad ta tise privations woicis aU L -0ru ,- Z7-; Tise redution0ftise St. Mibiel sallent briaga tise merican srmy te thé aflaof tâté tam...s Briey tron mtning counît-y of eatern France 'aud oUéýp b4 .àrmae, ubown by tise asaded porton o! tise map* lom thiestqy OeGWMiY bas gai moat of lis tron for munitions lu the IattOUars .- Thse a»MdlneaIl% tise present batlle lin. Europee.s are going ibrougis. 1 now before tise mnother la cheered But, ha wa zalI wrong. j iy knowleage that her eon la aIl righi His 7à-year-eld mother la ai eani hnWaukegan. And tisus man>' heart.4 in gnoj nÙeaitis. Atter toro yî-ar,. . i. wIll be tmade happy and contented lence. after two years allant moun' .!ý once agaiq after two yeais of earraw. ta hlmself, Mr. Hein tisamarning re Was M Hein thse iappiebt man ;u ceived a letter fromn a man ;n fHoilîin,, town toda>.? Ha was, and wl:y risicis, Ih ues-elot, waa -writn(n on r, sisouidu't he be? Couid anytirg queit a! Lia matiser-she i., t , ' happais to suake a person feel marc found somaisady who was abîrIc l r-t heppy, than maât aucis a tlItng as a letter ilîrauga to erason in \V,î. cted above? kegan. Mer efforts, tise 1îttîr.u plaiued, had taiied ai!lthiese - l yeara. Cables to Mer. I-lltory. Irmmedlately upan raceiving tie 1i1 James Impartin>. bis kuawiedge to' ter %Ir. i-rlin wirtd a cab;, tâ lits younger siater: "Rtome waa found- 'riend wso had wrlttéu hlm i ad 1i1 ed by Bomeoand Jpliet" tiis, way -it rwillbe but .. .,hoit tLie totIl fy Plant e:c1btvw 1r'» l Beriing magnetc, la uoed on thCb biles and on a great many truc FARME~S DE~uiii tor<.yclas and mnarine engtneeýLt HIBIT AT MRAIet1oertee #Wamne Co., Ree Motor Co., cocra auacuigM d tipe PaulIR' Avery and Black- ment haue a nationaireput:tioalin thmanufacture of tligh grade Pm0 burnLakeCo. Daler The Lalley Lîglit and Power Plant Warner and cmai ieeetinla the only direct connected plant otw1iy p-e of Waukegan, are thse îhich has given satlsfactary service cOnydiatributors for thse Laîîey for over eight years. When you bn.y EltrcLigistuafld Power plant foi a Llley Light and Power Plant yoW Lake county. van re.t assured you wilI bave Ilots The I.aley plant provides eîectrîcan pwe henever you want It.' light and power for country homles.IkflOfl fail ta see thse talle>. 14111 It wilI develop eîectric power equal Jand Power Plant display "~d dazm0n- to a two and one-h&if laorsepower ga.s strated at the Ree Motor Ca., exhilait angine and wili furnish aighty te at the Libertyville Pair. it niaety -brilliant ligisis et one tlnme. Every farmer ln Lake caunsy who attends thse Lake County Fair at Li- bertyvi île, should ace tise Lailiy llht IL1'OUHÀIIAI)SERTER demonatrationat the Ree Motor Co. ezbibt thee. -TAI(N TO I .su The, local dealers for Ulaley LWght Power plants ln Lake county are the Ree Matar Co.. UÀbertyvilla; Paul 11. Akvery, IAke Villa, and Biackburn and Peter Karpofi', Hbughton, Mics.. Brougiston, the hardware aud impie- was declared' a wiilful deserter from; ment deaers et Wauconda. tise ariny b>.tise Kenosha local board Waxer nd a.,o! aukgan wiansd he waa taken ta Fort Sheridan Wamerand C., o Waukgan, wi ehre bis case cWil ise iaposeil of. be pleamed ta cali on any farmara ln Karpafi bail been jarrestad iserq ge1v- l.a .c! count>- wio wish an estîmate oral day. eg ansd when an Invekli&a on wirIug and' fi,'Mrês, or who wish ta a aei a on ia i ta lern te coa 0f comalbte l falled to file a questionnaire over equipunent Installed :ln their home. at Houghtan. Wben tise Michigant Any £armera living near Wauconda, lioatd wa sappealed ta It sent word Libertyvilie or Lake Villa caon re a thst the man isad beau called into L.*lley plant tipea tithe p ie'- mltary service Iby order of thse ad-, es o buines o a oftise above jutant general in Micisigan and tlsut diealers. who wtll eo mauke an esti aia aie aapar1 uwrt XIX ~ ûr ..~. .* tc oato! con-afiy of the calls. Tise local board hall! plate outfit. risat tiese tateanenta of Karpoc showed Thie featurea of tise Lalley Uàght &him ta lie a wlllful deserter and tbey Power plant are aa follows: nrdered hlm sent ta Fort Sheridan.- 1It l- ,irect eonnected one-unit Kenosha News. plant simalar ln princtpal ta large city _________ Installatians. It eau be opeated isuc ,cessfuly direct a aweil as through the batteries. Higis tension usagneta ig- $ E ZN O S " nation. It la a bail bearing alectric N E I( O S ' plant througisout. i. also tbrottled- governed by a governor that l1anr anteed to ten per cent more = ."e- #E Y B V cy tisan.astem govercor and oper- ates to withiu tisrea per ceat oJ ab- I E1l~ solute accuracy. Tias permit. opar- U ating direct and aecuriug a isright steady light without a fiickar., Tise meter on the Lalley Plant la If you bave a fit ar aneezinga ta j'anutactured by tir angamo Ele<. doesnt mean you're a Spaaâ ntsi m - trie Ca.. twio furniali the United enza victim. Chances are It'i the States guvernmant with, materasfor samekiud of evaryday asneeslug 7011 the U. S. battieshipa. cruiaers, etc.. used te do befare anY one ever board wisera auatalned accurack le neceasar> o! tise queer and uncosufartfble mual- under the heavy concussion of sbeil ady that uwopt aver Europe Met o! lire. &pain and naw leamiing eYes té Tise generatar ou aILalley Plant la water and throats taecisoke vp on this made hy thse Robins and, Meyera Mo- aide of tise Atlantic. tor Co., w.ho have a natianal reputa- At Great Lakes there are now 750 lion tea rquallty, tise bail 4)earlngs are men ln tise miel bu-s. The>. ma not made W t'Hess, BrightI Bail Bearlnr, ail have real Spaniali influenÏa, buT_ ,Ca., wba are cousidered leaders ln witb 60,000 men ta look aut for the tise manufacture o! qualit> beatings, medical autisorities aithe tieaation are Tise Berrling magneto laualedon taking Do chances. * m.u *t~ww A se c TZb 1 _ _ __i *uape St9oes Waukegan'sý Largest Buyeèr and, Seller of urnitilreand House Furnishings 55ib. feht 501hb. FeMt $30.00 25.00 18.50 10,50 8.0 5.25 7.50 w ~ ...~, ... , .. :v.v i . - ANNOUNC ING -the formai opening. of the Schwartz Bedding Co., one of the most modern, sanitary and up-to-dàte mattress' factories in northern Illinois, opperated to supply the many customers of three great stores with a mattress of quality and one we can stand back oi, and at factory rcs cutting out t he midle man' profit, in other words, a mattress direct to you from our factory at wholésale prices. Sample shown. Qt lil three stores and at our factory sales r'oor>,. Our Pie 551th. Foi $2000 S»c'1 Fek 104.00 50)lb. Wood. W01 *700 Fucy t» .5 CombImasiri5.90 Cti, top -4.20 Coich Pads 5.50 OLD MATTRESSES MADE OVER FURN. CO. 307- Park St. WI,. Sol*tlido . VurRiotin $tr 220-22 So. Genesee St. WAUKEGAN, ILL 41.0 N. Sheridan Rd., Waukeà t. - ~ ~ ,.~ j t #~~stz Fr--top8. I1119-12l Wmaington St. WAUKEGAN, IL, vemr- wam ýSCHWARTZ F St.