Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Sep 1918, p. 13

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TrnTRtI r, EPT. 1~, 191$ q W i ie 1 unusual thst bas ever talen place. MsChanit 'Hillebrand acted as Mali! ef horiorDonald natais beai - I an4 i iUle oLulse OStins a a i Rbr1 liower giland'the. Hrm-ninsI #'ipeband and Rbr were rîbbon bae Ztlf. Prncil n Unusual Wedding Wednesday T LETFA AMY MIXUPS AS PRELUDE Pair Meets Obstacles -md Climax Cornes as Wed-- e~-ing Party "Breaks Up"l Odima Louise. Nillebrand end eoibert1 lt, two well known Antioeh Poo- s hoid th. unique distntioni, pro. Y >'Possils5ed by ne other couple -~thi.e untry, ef belng parti 7mai. ln Wisconlsinand partly ln Ilii l iln other wordl, they'were unit- ln mariagle in a cererneny oni dne$day atteriton, the major por.« of which was read ln Wisconsin when it cam6 toe i.portion- -i1 roby deciare yeu man and wife" y had permitted cnough time te Mifd, toe mabl. thein and 160 guest walI< 5w>Q eet frein one statst *1 as o' of tihe nîast l.teresting t 1 Most uau,ýua ceremonies thai S ever tak ni flîtcv i- iLke colînty.1 Vlitions nid î .î-nt out ta lui) tueii a uattend i î,f ther 'ilkiutîîii î,îîue. tbe- ont to tairet place. , t , ;- lî i ru , famous *YeRem gt. as5 la, -inltlng (offn us- taie and niow ose id b>' Wr. Fiflie- brend, un Antioch i, ~rchant and lath. e.r of thljrJndi-. 'ri t arai tWç lbciod ïpartly liI Itiîi., andl [ari iy in Wi4 ýbonIn liPo hut-s tin the lati.r Siate Sa. .n W.duereita>' nirntng. SýEatan tut Illeî It itowrt Smart of .A»ftiochvti l,k hIsiid#>o4 eb ith- - Peor!4 mliiJ!i, 4-1, ba xata oiciate and, lii aniolit i ii-si rai>- tu Ke-rostia ','Or thmi 1(, iii l ia: iî-y (argot that lii.' Wicnlàwa oid fur-.lve da>'s PubiC.îioîî ift a;îli-alions for litens. s, u i, fl,. - ýdidg set for i 0Vclock tli i. we'n- uch chagined Wbsn the)> sir.. >o inforiped atter reaching teii.' i ici office. They re- tUrnéd ta Anti' -i. gai a mmail tour- lns car cii Il'i rilste tii.-iw l dfor Waukti'an.t . Siraak Thir Car Jîst aWet ai Z î,n fîyt> lt-ir co *vent t ldoaT hi". '-th-y sat, unetil( ~tu go i4iî-id iyn.îi.'Ce. their stepsa 1andi maniià I rbi:ii friends At issi, a t i îe laon. enroute h. nween Milwaiîî> and it ht.big cty, came alang. liii Y baîleit hlm:tht-y ýeRpîlalliid ,- riz.l ad wacritoI detaitula ni Wouuld hi .i.î- ointu Waukegan go theiy <-uld Illeht.lit-case? Sre 1 wll I, f Yau !11 i nie saine wedding caie," salit it.andithe bargain vas The- lit-en-a- vti obtainesi ai dtt La1ke couru>' di-rks office anti then I the qu"sîioîin ro-as to bas the), e uld gî-t tintk tu Antlech. Theru * inydriti rs Tl'>.y acre ail bus>. b e y f i n a l l > a c it t i i A r i n u r s o f i e , c"flowthgiat theI toîal salebrann oem o Antl'Iî i sekl> lie waant goilig tuat dtV. Get ButericRlg But. il"'- salé.in.n liait a thauglît. M. kHew aatà.dinveir of Jeikes iooti Luck buti ne wagon ait ie tbuugiit be inight nîukethie trip, Sa tuc br.- dal pair has îirtîîed ta sëechum. *-W 'Vc,- ia tildul mck ail day tu. da)-,- xtîilditi--d luegroom, -anit wr 0f tl.t- Ga)d Lu'ck wagan, yau miglt tbarige uuar tî.k uni tlace us bacis ta A"loch. Wî,- tavet-lnut-b tinta tic l'ore thé- wetiiig--it. iasea-ttior4 i 'i<k xi]illctil tht. grooma. Il tien wasle2 at-tank. the dinlîr 0f Ith,- Gooti Lut-k wagon, "I aIsays like ta ihetp ont wedding i..oples bei-eus.' len li msuretheyii lise mY- stutt," said the drier, AnIuti i îlig E-t la( !ioilthelit 1p 1edt- Iiver>' trio-lton tiie sudt of wbii ai. >bear liii a ulis. 'Itod ilut-k Butte r- :lne." anti nsiîy tii-iwî-al ta Antloci. Thori- ivi-. 100 gî-tsprescrit ahen tic>' Pt-le-i111) ait Unîeiacr.- farm ai '3:30 o'ciQck-. Ait werc inmpatient, wonderng-if they 'wt-re ta have a wedilg or not. luit, dlulyinx the liceie, tht. coin vie sui - tC(o a liad" aidt he taais- ter proîcoedeit. Take a Waik to Illinois. SThe ecitiiony was a pretty ane for Sit hdbat iiiil ta1orately arrangeti, Iwth fui-wr girib, with nitihon er- the hanse, iîîi issoasln. Sa the. cer- einy -%t-nt aiead with a keenlyinla teresîcîIel gatti-i ut for nanay were, wondiEriîîg liaw theIllinois license '«&» ta be lîseit l.gally ln Wsconsin. Tie minis er, who was fie ans iWho ciiisteîiet the bride- when she- wmsBae balle, weaî ahead wiwh the. ser- vice ustil it came ta thie point .whert-4 lie as'iei: *'If iieru is anyone heru- iie has a rgit tauaiîy why tua Ine.t- t' age shall not take place, let th4çîi1 r tep forward:" Nobody said aaything but litre was a long peuse and the. rgathertag of gueste wandered wiet fil Ment. The bridai pair tartei tut -. niOlVe, tie minuster turnesi about andi ~Intense iwas fie moment, Whatvas ta happen' knd ihura It was reveeled. T'he minister cotinud'"As this bouse la lacetei wlthi le l.Wicu.. ýBia Unes, Il wlll be necessary ftor us te epair ta tic Illinois boundar>' and [afini the ceremen>'. The guntî1 vîhi "001 1111119Y accomplany us thither."1 Albd; vitietht, the minlater and i bj -:ia1, prtyý' waked fronthe house e6seoa' the green and ta a spot la a dlse part tif lie anoda, 300 feet- tro thifle ionise Ttiey knev 81e> Iwere aceroisa thie7 Une andi lu Illinois. rThe wedding part>' aga t 100Ils ,tOrmaî iPosition an~d the. lIlnster- tb5n ~Mer y to say;:.1 tierefore de- e baundilfe" nard It vas inil tblefeéveddlns plena &naiw 11ýAni#L.aa FILLIN iAT FAIR Attendanoe, not Lge pBooaUse ot the Chili ln the A' Which Has Kit Lake County -ST V 1~ETE HOPING FOR SUNSHINE AT J~'IPJNAL Fair Management Dmurag- ed But Declare if Sun me Is Raised by Lieut. Gaston and Out Ail WilI Be 0. K. WiIl Float Over Sovern- EXHISITS FILLEO Up ernment' Propei*ty Libertyville Racerc, 11:30 A. Ni.1 1 lept. 9.-lt tg warmlng up consider-i atly et the county fair groundsanmdI WOME AT HE TRMINL aviait te the various buildings shows WOMEN 'AT HE TERMIN L a r the exhibits are filling up sur-1 Prlaingly weil. There la a gondi ex- Twenty Now Are Engaged. Do- h1iit of li tock and ,the fruit and ing asusalLabg' S h as very rapidly tod.y., The edunational Fréw Cars bIldilig bas filld iij, fgitriy well andi Loalng~ htth.ofIn e ,of the-atisodaUon Oekie The l.S q tatoer sub de. that the. ahowing tQua far tbday la Pot at tbe uanuf 1urrs Trmna, nîhmore. satiafying tban they had I uiia emnl nOw can dlaim the distincetion of haý. I exç,ecteil when a coid wave was felt 1 Ing theýhlghet flag staff in W&IIie.! tiis morning. lu tact, the. way it gan. Tih. staff stàads 92 feet above loks at thl im re It appears as If 4 tih@ groun. The. work of erectlng 1 tday la going te be a pretty fair day1 thia splendid staff han luit been con- at the county fair, and If the weather4 pietod. Di> te thlé tint the dtstinc. ouI> keepa on 'warmlng up a bit, te tIon. cd baving the ighest staff ha» mjnorrow wilil urely -b. a big day. ràetd witlî Christ church, the polo A band tbas arrived on the scene there ebing 86 feet hIgh. and a nunther of attractions are to The tprmInai Ruards under coin-'be seen on the midwaY. tnand -0f IUcut. L. E. Glaston, ailf "chlpped ln" and purchased a hand- iiertyviîîe Race Track, Sept. 19. tome fisg. i10 hy 20. Tlb@ oficiai de- -prospct for a bl& Oounty fair dication of Old Glory han aotyet tek. this year appeared very dublous tlis. enr place but ft la expectedl that this morning wben the contiu>- cold eeeîniony 1w)J ite pace September whlch bas awept the, couinty Mri th. f28, th. opening day of the Fourth liii. pat few daYs showed on the' hcrizOn erty Loau drive. lieut. Gast.oni ex-and peciple about the grounds and vis- ljcs eak n e i occasion quite an iusiweare1 weering overcoat.». heavy importrant on". capes, cetc..a mode of attire whicif Many Wem.en Employed. Isà'r consistent or conducive to the9 The emioyiment of womee by the <'Ounty Pair. spirit. ~îeuement ait the Terminal wam nfcte erfecldo h " started ibis week and already nearly in (ayâthth r eitîtcod o! te pt'1 20 of thein are emlfpoyed. The nm f aa. wig o heh r*-m laalne breths1 jorlty are doing real manuel labor. morningt leono the y hlbiga aiwayI sncb as loadiiig an d unloading carp..expintedto be aocfthserhi gons iCi In 8everal instances thea. women aregointh prssov e aiatr Iauyspti- il wîs-ea of men who are ln the. service tietht.ael of tr e fibfr.Wnype., and tiiay could Uuiko f ne more P& e- isdoffnheir hbt or dWal'd. tiotie way te serve the giVemmren! uneada> isnin haes hthey woudwai erninent ln any capaclty requests'd. make a trip ta the. fair groundsansd îî s anînereîîg sîhîta pejoi'n in the annuat counîy event. How- i iea nfterstng Ig t Se eer. with the setre cod of tij a!them woui ave onaidhere psinornias4theamryrlv t 8temrng, eo o thbl ei ore thae war. Now, patlmoweren't very mucii enthUseti Or Pli- toibs as or thde ahnopoaie touraged. tio asmad anthig pssile. A suc=sfui county fair needs I warm Pethr and usuaiiy îery fair HOW OUR BOYS FIGHT weather baa been encounte-red at th-, ACAINST THE HUNS annuaiL Iakec ounty geuhering. A SHOWN IN U. S. FILM toupie of turnes it bas been reai colti S118cm oofciai iwr.IlJlM. wi ii. shown coldest enep that they have ever ha.i at the Academuy today and Priday. dUring fair turne. Even onie year When shown ini otirer ctiez tese 1 when the fair was heid 1the last of Mlie were the abject of unusual In. sipttznber the weather was more tereat, and tbe engagements were apprapriate for county fairm then It marked by capacity business. Amern- la this year. ta'. part ln the War bath at home an4 While fair officials naturaily are tîbroad 1% shown in lnieresting detail. irying ta keep up their hopes andi one 0f. lie Most stikilg portions of thought the passibiy the wcather the film lg that of the AmeriCan soi- may change and tie wrmer laie tht» diers et the front. They are shown afternoon and for the twa reianlng iu the front Une trençiiei. iaking part days or the fair, nevertheie4.3 there la the actuel grIim ectivîties of wer- wasa-a generj.l feel of depression le (are with theIHunt. cause or the unusual speil of wootber. OOW4pPRIONCS ON J'OOD.B AS P4M B Y EWAIJEA» DCHÂRGI) 1!O OUBTOIIEES Followini are fair prie-, for foeuds ln tlke county for' the current yok. sas deterWaned b>' the food ai miniatratbon.. Naines of aht dealers seiiiug et pries. det#ide of ttua range oould li. reported te 6. C. Gr141.>' federai food aalintrtor for LaIe c ounty, or te tawnabip adminitrtors who wiil tare thei. pbr action: f Prepared by the. Waukegan feoudCI aministration. IffMactive veek bgb. Ding Sep tetaber 20, 191S. Natali le uatome .ilouwd pay for the. stapies named siienld âotl eemi the fsilwleg. The unt te the. retailer ut esch *rticle 413o ià iv«@ Cont ta Retallea *11cm te Consumser crsnult.d Suqar (la bulk) ........Ver 100 Ibs.-$8.27 9 1-2e Granulai d Suar (ir4*Jb. esrtpne>.. Per carton-iSa 20e gakery Wrapred Uread............. Per lb. lofi-&% 10e White Fleur...................... Per 1-8 barrel 1.50-1.56 1.55-1.70 White Feur (;n bulk) ............. 5 ibg.-3.1c38e Rye Fleur(in bugs) ................5à bs.-33e 39e flys Fleur .........................Ver 1S baTrel-$140-170. S.01S Whol'Whoat Fleur ........... t.. Bb. bag-32 1-2o 31C Grihanp Fleur ....................5-1b. lag-32c STe *arley Pleur .....................Per 6,à.b. ag-2c38c ftymé Flou:. ....................... 5-bb ba-.33c "0 Rice leur................. ...... Par ib.-11-12c 12-150 (b'nder the Prealdents proclamation reteilere must sell and consumn- era Mni buy wlh each four pouad.1 of white foeur a Pound of santie aiib- stitute. Consumera have choit-e of c oranc&l, taorn fleur, barley fleur, rie. fleur, cet foeur, buckvbeat foeur and ptato flour. Rye foeur, grebain foeur, wbole wheat flour-axtd cakeé tour rney ticeald wititout substitutes. por Mmii (Wltltbulk)........... Per 100 Iba -4.76. le SoinMemi yellew bulli).......... Per 100 Ibn.-45.75 le, Hien$ C lb.-.34c 38e tacon (bfft grades).... ........1. Per ]b.-48c 540 Bacon (medi ' m grad) ........... Per b.-soci 44o Blacon Sque-.m {wacm) ..........Per l.5c38c Lard <bétgrodes, sertet) .........Per lb-3iC 2 u.ard (bulk)....... .............. Per _lb.-30c36le Choese (full Cremmn eut tu ottier) iii Per b.-*Ie toc Cheses (full crosim. eut tea air. n"u) per Ili-264 se dhèem (full oresmn, brui>)......... pir ib.-37c 45C Prune. (50 to6 .................. Per hb-14c 1ne Pililif(60 to 7...................Per ib.-13c Pres (9 te 1111»; ............Perb-lkeli Niny.................... i..... Par 100 hs-7S.S1'sc Ai"é (finsy)..... ....... ...... er 100 »bg-811.5a' 16c lb. Ri. (I4ueroe)................ Per 100 Ilin.-8.9.00 130 lb. Ummeaj (novy, hand 'plea) ......... Per 100 Ib.-Si> lac uîik hieut grUts) .............8lc %1 .mlmtu (5 v rades)...... ..........1-le& _011t, (výSmated Rotsmotned> . .. Il 12 a bijlm 4ee 'eY'e .....) . uc 65e <oÇie cent bgriler a rîeiMa thmsr l, tube) Umtterine C(tafird Ug eN as'tem.?er b.-34c 39e ie i.Ir poe, "u>. ..Per lb-lc84 eM-im 4 um) ï M-4vs i. Per ib.-31ic .o i.--Gan WXTE- HAVE the largest and most compýlete line of Hetrs si VVRanges in Lake County for you to select from. -Sole agei for Cole's original Hot Blast Hieiters. Jewel Stovesand, Panges, Save $50 on Your Coal Bill This Winter. BUY A.-COLE'SHOT BLAST You wiIl find our line of ruga and house furnishings very Èomplete at prices below manufacturers' cost today. I]i'epsre for the long winter evenings, visit our store today apd select your grafonola, ailthe latest records. Ail styles of machines $20 ed up, ail finishes. CýoI' original Hot BlMt Heaters, guar- saigtqt hold f ire for 48 hours on one- tld dless coal than an>r ôtbIey stove. Burne hard coal, soft coul or coke. I>'it.'6in amid o >k, ina. li>lglny ad val' .9 ilut lUp fSý Jewel base burners are equial to any furnace. Have thfi comfort of furnace heat at less than balf the cost. Buffets ial styles, and Diîniîîg chairs i Extension tabIe frip ...... 8e95I >îOak up lm 2010 1as iow ..I.... Sce the Combination Mcazar, Range for Coal and Gas. Over 600 Sold in Lake County. Sellers« Jlitchen Cabinets - maus.s-b--ss boossm Globe-Wernicke Sectional Book What the County Fi Meaas This Year T HI year our County Fair in is in reaiity a "review" o~f one of America's fighting forces-p rize - winning grain, cattie, food of various kinds. The men who are producing such things are serving the country in -the biggest kind of a way. Ail of us can't take such an ac- tive part, but we- can al do -some- ,thing. Here at this store we 'are trying to seil only -the clothes that save; the kind that give you rniost for your money;' that wear sou wel that they economize the country's. resources, labor, materials. Hart Schaffner & Marx make the clothes, and when you buy them you save some money fôr y6urself and you save material and labor for war work. When you need clothes, we're readv to help you save. In Our S hoe Departnent You can fit the whle* family with shoes that wear well,. and prices that are wlthin reach Of every persons pocket book. M" i' Wrkhess S.6 " 0 je MU Wgume be sf, L te1 a Boy'. Sbos, 2LU to f1* Girl'. Shiees, 2.60 Id 4.001 RtEpAIrIN A SPECIALTY rphè Home of Hart Schaffner &tMarx Clothes Do 1ttIe Cd 1 19. 121 N. Genese.W Sf2ibet WhYte Wiulkegan, Illinis To save food ii to save money; to buy Librty Bonda is to inveat money; tô b'aà aoldier or a saior je to die, perhaps. Doevi't our part look .as.V? Save food. - - - - - - - - - -

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