Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 1

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LIETVLL EINDd LAKECOUNTY INDEpENDEWF Lake Countyts Big W eekly GmdmimC«M" o un ty combinad EPENDE NT WA UKECAN WEEKLY SUN VOLUME XXVIL-NO. 40. TWRLVE PAGES tAXE BLUFI? BOY SCHJOOL EHUIIT "32" IS ýWINNER; -UNCLE SAM: "Nol TAXES IUN PISTOL; ONE 0F TU BUST bRAWN BY PRES* SELLS IT FOR "PIE" MVR AT GO. PAIR' IDENT' ON MONDA Y Lake ount Boy in Ltter Tlie siool exhiblt al.ite oty Resuits Anxiously Watched by Home Tells of Successftd a lot or ,;piendid work wa ttitowrn ai; Registrants in Evory Section Attckson he rmns tlogiunder adverse conditions as of the Country Attaks o theGerm ns teubudin l ot suiteti to e xihtibi eut-h work to advantage. if k la planned toi continue this departmprit KEEIN& HE ONTH RU mme ffot houd e mdeby thse ALBERT VOLNEY FOSTER KEEINGTHE ONTHERUN association to makis thte building more prettentable andi arrange meanmt of dlsplaying the exhibita Ihmoreaad.. Say al te akeBlff oy t-n ..,lt 1y at ra-ttvplv. .*.ds t .......r inDistrict 1 4i Say ai th Lae BuffBoy l'ie or tthte scitool'citiltren No. 1 of Lake County-fle- I LOAy ý Came Out of the Battie ttracteti a large part of thoqe who s t nDsrc o Without Even a Scratch aste indt' jeartuts ani thetrotta re n anti expresed ut' msel'.pt ast ur- prisedi and pieased bs- thte chtracler Washington, Sept. 30-Pre.tîdent V1orporai1 A J. MIller of Lake Bluff of the iori. Wilson personally todày openedthe Il believes ln Profltting by tite spolie Th ocal hiaîorv booksa that wt-re prepared by the sachools îast yelir t1 reremony of tirawing ntînbers for the of war, anti res'eblti when ite and hie ýonmemora1ion of th,' e-ntenilai ý,t .,<(tmOen rfaittered In the' new regiment went over the top, adaanc. tse tatitte reat'-d a tsurprise for tIie draft.le drew the first <capsu:e- bce.itoi a ~German'a plstol r-cis workand effort on t'ic part wNo.h cofllainedth ume (tftthe ttîiffll« andlt i-t-r..înî ake I Whnt'Stliei fattgng nperîTînnTt ret'ord (tf the' lort.i mtîn Titis was thse message that wenî i j," arounti hc uoid It to a rele huntttr Iim'nties litaI a-il worth ltreserv Out lt> al six tdrafttitoards today, put-A ' gel mnme change for pie. Ing. Tht-sp bootit wili h. saft-tv ptt "flt,,idns the prisoners, we captur- amR7 n onetoofte vaultî in te court ting te clerkm t b work i(toking uîî bton"s andti t th, end otf the' noxt 54 the nanes andi agI--s 0f the iltn-ho' eti a nuier of machine gurIsIpId or lot, vears wili prove to be Inter. had te distinction oflt)holding the1 pleres and atmmurilon,'* li ritps to~ ifgrcating. first number drawn in te gratmi!. FAIL TO DISPLAY POSTERS hi nothe-r. %r. N. Nfil-r. t1 litard A large di'trirt map of tht- cournly laydatier tWahntn orne or the' thîngti we raitared ti wre 1, iepcueso iltetcho ____ sent bifk Ioth,ý 1nitiliiatesto he a (coter of ittr,,,,11,n-1 There watt a No. 322 for pacit di., sen ba lu ttclite g la t a'ake emuit- Ian chnnetof manv-j-- Irît, Iholth Is l was flot known how Chairman Burnett of Liberty tiipiîed ît lîeao ia a-ar ex-n ,t t uiding,, art it( ç, a. sw-- position, s"" yoî may s-teahem. Ileittr t tvnaeTt nLa at an>' oftem are h-tlween thse ages Loan Drive Bitteriy Ar- gath.-red ttp, ltesItes 1h.- pistol, a prpsent ht-tIng dl-jtlayeçilunthoigb-ttU ni .adwij. iefrtct numeror ou-airs scbs t.irlandi Parit shooi. eti for .t ii.taîîtu 1ceif they aret raigns Some Dealers anti~ butn.Tht' gradt-d scitoolsat ittûd, Iftr i, 1 alfit Inbebucailedte btise sol- and uttns.IarzýttexitltlIfs andi won mû-t 0!th is "Ail tilt Lakte Bluff fc!1tlows Irefer- ritbons; were the . Ioauth St'tvoi No rth1 ors.- That a number of Wî tht fgan mer. ring to John Lepon, î.Inus Jutison Chitcago. Lait. illuff sehool andti i-' and raneq Geragty) ame ut tbpryvilt cisool; Northt <hicazo %Wben the anvounement watt matie on chants are profiteering a le expense anti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I trhe meragtr am ot t rîbionsto 0 t-t credil Mtnday tat Premidt nîWilson hati -of their patriotism la Il eroup vitbout a scratch. .it vas very easy aniwnfîs tit oltdai gbing untIl we iit a woods full of Te rural scboola vere weîî respre- tirawn No. 322", le was lounti Ihat be- charge matie today by 1lC. Burnett, machine aunx, but we soon got tîiem. t-ntei; te Werrenîon actiool Win. fore' tirait bttard Nt. 1 of Lake couoty, Lake County citaitoan of thse fourtis n Ing tiret an boolt andthie most rib- taI nurober wae helti by AlberSVo ny berty ioafl drive. We are i a quiet litIle village. reet- bonas Hatbrn fn chool wss Fonler, Wýashington roati, La eye îeot nfoto feo u io Ingup, and we are te tiret Ameti second vitit Fort Hill scisool a close F t can soiiersto enter thee% illiage. it competloôr*; SPaldlng.g Corners, Gur- Tise man In district number tv.e f business laut nigit." lMr. Btup le prety itre, asoibe a-,,aie la In a nvpe , vrett, Ruait, Round Lake anti Lakte countu- f)b ave number 322 was nett saiti. "There wsre fuliy 1,000 ar, valley. Thte 0013' faulIitave ta finti Oaklandi scioolq matis gootiexhilit.s andi secureti a goot sitare of the rit Frank Lorek, l6tit anti Grove avenue, titles on dimplay Inlte wîndow. Fi vitb itis country lm tht' bis. bons. Northt Chicago. iy tbree-tourths oftem were ta at. "Our regimt rt harot lhait any mail SuPt. J. 1-. Smitb 0f te Eim.Plare Following le a liet of lte first Wgu. tract lb. attention of sallors witb tise for oser two weesýs on arrouaI o our tahool. Higlgiandi Park, wag kinti kegan men 10 be drawn today, the fr91 boise of inducing tem to bu>'. 1 look« movig mn rpidy, ut e oghtin nough totamake a tiieplay wviicitwas biovng 0 tapilybutvs ugh 10no en tered In competîtjon. numbe rbeing teir order nuanier atit eti for somte Indication of tise mercis- gel sorine now we are setledti I 0k VTe entries were judgeaj b> Suiptlte last titeir serial number: ant's patriotism for I titougis sureiy a two tisys' train ride Ils gel to tbis1 J S. Clar' of Waukegan. 1-32: lîranit Lorsit, l6tb and tisaI a mnan wito was catering t tise vIllageas t,, p naseAthrnîigt Parti ,É1 - -1- -. en te va>. Ai! tise local boys arc lJaIe.' W. bave bati gooti veather thse lest ev veekm anti v. ver. lut>' -tiQ bava-titihle lu thse trelâcheq- "We matie quit. a name for Our regissent (meaning thse Dandy Firot), a»d 1 supposeeyou bave reati about il la the. paperat b> tis s ime." -Corparel Miller la anly 18 years oid andtimeiâtd a year ago lafft Ju. 1>. His braIser Guy', in vitb an en- gineering corps, stalionet i a Tours. RI U NO RECORD 0F ORUI3R STOP-. PiNG COAL SUPPLY L. P. Erskine Gets Letter trom State Fuel Administration Disclaiming Kno ledge STATEMIENT DV ERSKINE «7h. Lake count y fuel administra- tion Io In no way remponmlble for lte nbilty of deaiers to obtaIn airam- cite. The local admlnltratofl wam fot apprtmed taI sucit an order lied beeni iesced or taI it was 10 b. made effec- tive. Titis stalement le made to cor- :,rect the Impression galned by orne taIt. order piaclng a ban on itard coe al men at the local dock, was la- oued by te Lake county fuel admîn- lmvteo." LOUIS P. ERSKINE. M lr. Erskitie Isenedth iis statement Ioda>' afler receiving a letter tram C. O Fowler, dIreclor of tieaers' requtra- ments, In visicisMr. Fvbeer ametai bis office hati no knoviedge tisat an>' entier hati been Issuet inth ie Reasa company aI Sheboygan la discontinue sale ot bard coal lq Waukegan. "There la something Peculiar about thte situation," Mn. Ersitine sai t - day. «'Tllon'l know vois a il valt lesuet tise order aitttng o«f m basti coal aupply but 1 amn going ln do My best la inti out.", If fi'.or anY newe vaiue, you vMii md lilltubthe Uberlyvmle flnepeideït 1 ROBRERS BLOW SAFE GET $150-00 IN E600DS Wauconda, Sept. M -Robtera ilew lte estfe anti lootedth ie store 0f W. S. Dabma Ibis mornlng at 3 a'clack anti Mde Off 's-ltisgootis vatuetiat $150. Tise store lis localet ln te same building as tise Wauconde banit anti theretore visen tise explosion vas bearti as te sje door vas blown off vitit dynamite, viliagers ai angte feil te bang~ bail been aIatketi. Sleeping above the store vas Emil Daitms and ti l as because he bap- penedtet have a loadeti revolver anti f ired Il Out of thte vintiov ta arause te villagers, tisat tise eliove titi nat gel mors boot titan vas discovereti missing aller a isasl>' inventor>'. Thisr boot conisteti Of siik stocitinge, boîta of sutk, caffte, tea antibtIer. Tise Presence Of caftes on tep grounti near the' iumber yard indu- cales tisy e1f t their auto tiser. anti care-led thte stuff tram tise store anti then burrieti ava> No runnlng motor was bearti ln tise village j)roper. Entrante tetse store vas attaineti ity unlotking tbe front doar andt ien Prying open lheelunner door. Na ef- tort was matie te o taihte bank but the robiters mîgisl bave tIelet t bat tbey fnt been icared. ava>'y lte Fhits tireti b>'Dais.' Tisere vas u>ni ons>'y Ite sase andthie tisiets tilt net take tise citecise William Grant, emPloyet a.î a but- er for Sanipel IneultaI hiishome. Hawthoarne Pari, Libertyville, bas wriîten a letter la Hervey C. Couisan, dîrector of lthe tederal employment agency, aaklng tiiat heb lsplacet In sonne usefui occupaîbon. Conîson bas vnitten hlm leliing hlm of an opening te enter a local wan plant. iTé Independents circulation con. $stm Of READEIs.-not Of contes- Uanta, Grove ave., Northiscaoeg. 2-1O27-Edvarti John Kneley, Gurnee. 3-1697 -Matans Petnezian, 202 S. Sheridasafn . - 4-2781-BralnLym&n Turk, 1151 N. Utica st. 5-438-Carl Pomero>' Westerfleid, 719 Norths ave. 6-904-Maltie Ortie, Val de San I'ago, liez. 7-1523-Loubs Henry' Acheubeci, Sandi andi Cimyton Et. "-748-.Aloxij Remo, 733 Market. 9-3808-Nevton Artisur .204 EPli ave, ZMon City. IO-1240---Herbert Henry 133 N. Chapel aI. ll-1907-Artisur Lugene 407 Porter et. Hoyt, Eddy, Flynn, 12-Fredericit Adaît Green, 1115 licAlilaer ave. ll-3t7.-ElpItiio Teetareili, 613 Miarktet st. 14-20-James Titompson, 228 N. Genesse et. 15-1255--Valentin Jerobx, 1130 Jackson st.. N. Chicago. 16-2132-Ciiftorti Hutîleston, 715 Washington st. 17-3235---Cbarles John Scisiike, Gurne. 1 S-739--Harry John Cavfarti. Gurne.. 19-535-Erne'tt Gea. Taplin, 2217 Galilpe ave., Zion CiIty. 20-219-Ceorge Long, 13r Nartis St. Jamecs -t. 23 4217-Citarlie M. Apple, 12C N. West si. t.22-621--Frank F. Mix, 707 Market 23--72-John lirozowaki, 417 Souths Par's ave. 24-832-Emall Wirtanen, 728 Cuni1 minga ave. 25-964---Goge J. Tiielen, 107 Lowe ave. 2-2897-Franit S. Johnson, Win- tisrop Harbar. 27-412----Samuel Pollaock, Antiacis. 28--3505-Norman H. Brown, Our- nies- 29348-Pmtee J. Miller, 116 S. Malt ave. 301--Frank G. Smllb, 633 No. Genespe .1. 31-1961-Balaslow Damavaki, 231 Marktlet. 32-14-Fenil Steart. Zin City., sallar traitie so extenaiveiy sure!>' voulti bave a large UÀberty lban pos-ý ter on tilsplay. FInali>' I spietia itti. loan poster over in ane corner. l -Was so Ïamaîr ltatitil ag a tifficult1 tlng 10 fInti il. "I bave seen vintiavu In otier se- bati. Tise mercitanta apparenti>' bati rettaedta,1 place a large poster In tiseir vIndows for f ear l mlgist bide tablimimentis bers ltaI ver. flias from Viev an. or Ivo of lise tiings te>' ispedti b seiIsalions. Very gt'utgingly, apparent!>', nome f0 tisem, ver, dueplaying samal LiÀberty iaan cardo. "ýA year or so sgt on. couiti valk davn Genesee street on a Saturday nigisî antisese ni5of, tisemestores diaseti--otiters hati extremel>' fev customere. Now te mercisantIs have titrovis mvyalhe keys anti ab4gve Practically no cioalng bour regula lions. Tisey are eve-fi l be founti open on Suntia>. They are protiteer. Ing off lte saliors tron lte naval sta- tion anti seem 10 have torgotten tisaI tite>'ove a certain dtuy 1tiste gav- erfiment. r bave 11111e patience vils Inercilants of thii claîs. ACID EXPLOSION INJURES EYES While working In lise Fansteel lais- onalary ai Nortit Cluiago on Wedneg- day aflernoon R. S. Illacit, Lakte Bluff, ageti 23, met vils w'uat appearedr for a lime 10 ils a mnot serlous accident, one visicis woulde-ause te 105e of bis eyesight. A flas# contaîjninu aniexplatiet lust as he vaq oie. rvIng lt andthie aciti 65w Imb lis eyes, itinding hlm ittetanti>' anticutling bis face.. rThe victlmmvas bu-riedti lte Chicago Preabylerlan itospilal anti late ne. Porta are ho is geîulng on nicsly. Tise specialist Pays ont' eve le sure la ile ail rIghî an dte aliter probabl>' vil! nat beillmpaireti afier te ountis are iteaieti. 31-195-Lefmont D. lRay, R. Pb. 1, Watkegan. 24-657-Lewis iD. McAfee, 1102 <Ion>'ave. I-3511-Etivarti W. laisoie, No. Ch icago. No Att TOGETHERIP" GASOLINE STOVE EXPLODES WOMAN IS BADLY BURNED Manager of Fox Lake Tele- Sphone Office Sustains Bad 4 'Accident Saturday ICLOSE ESCAPE WITH LIFE Waist Was Burned fromn Her Body-Is Mass of Blisters as Resuit of Experience Mrs. Laura Rushmore, manager of lthe telepitone company's excitange Bt Fox Lake andi Ingleside met wIth a deplorable accident Baturday after- noon when & gasoline-etove expladei and burneti ber terribly.. Mn. * Rüsbxüore-a -face and'? sbotld- ers were, badly burned and ber walt vas practically burned off before mile vas ablle to extinguish the flamea wbIcb envelopei ber. Her eyebrows1 and Iambes vere hurned off com- pletely and sbe la a mass of blsters on the upper portion of ber body. Caretul medical nid vas applieti and it Ie hoPed see ili be ablle ta emerge from the experience vitbout sny ser- tous permanent acars' trom wbat might have proved a fatal experience. Mrs. Rusilmore formerly vas town clerk of Grant township, being the' tirst woman officiai ta hoid office in L'e county. 60ES TO SE lIER SON, FINDS BODY IS ENROJJTUlHOME - --.'Y*-" -I .jLl . .U&LK hIN *ADIVAN&(M8 BUL4iARI À QUIIS May Be Beginning of End of Big War Salonika. Sept. 30-An armistice has been signeti on the Balkan battis front, it watt officially announeed te. day. Bulgarla accepteti ail tbe tera dernanded by the aillies. ise chier or these ternis was that ailIinvadedti er- Representatives of tbe Bulgartan -LM * lu a8ri ri R1pÀý goveroment andtihie Bulgarian artay signeti ln behitif of Bulgaria, vitileFuiD caro0Gnin - Geerl 'spreFrçnch command-.ul w" re fGu nWOm. erIn chie; ofthe aid~ forces ln M a -ans Lng Brings on Loss of cedopia, signeti for lth, alliez. Blood Which is Fatal Bulgaria lenlte tiret nation tla break awaytram lb Geren lliace. For twent>' years George Labo«.s By lte collapse cf Ibis cpuntry lb. anti wife have itat a summer cotaaea way te opened la Put Turkey out of at (-voar Lake, Lakte Villa. Eaeli msa lte iigiting very quieli>', for anotiter me-r antd fail tbey vere ta be tonal terninf lte armistic was titat Bul. there, fisiting anti bunîing. LabeaU-'. garta do hothing.ta interfere with tur. tati-pr, Gù.orgp. Labeau, vas ali».. lter alliet i mlitary opérations ln thte quit. a sportsman anti arage te,, Blkans. sPenti last 8uniay aI ite cottage vltb With te Bulgarian army out of the itis daugister ln iaw, Uinniel LabeauL way te allies can, nov stnike et tle~ Laiteau anti Mrs. Labeau vent ei.j heart of Austria, asvel as at Con.t on lte laite tit unt duci#fbotau f -ýlantinople. 1 o'clocit Saturday. Each carrieti a g=' j It l a b e l .a-. t l taIt l b a rm istic e vW in l t e ro w io a t w ft it w ir is t iey re W . be~~~~~ ~~~ floe yatra>atpaeased 10 tise veeds apti vslted for & bc flloed y atreay o pece asflocç( la arrive. Mmn. Lebleau vms qufl lte Bulgar tisiegales lit a rnvet i a1 a maritaman berseif anti enjosmi galonika on Saturda'y ver, empover- itunting very mucit. prbbl eeeA flock of mu-he la veinlgist. Tise fulgar delegation vas campas.ltres La neot hen e ti bmaae eti Of <In. LOnkOif, commander of the in-iaw firet i a anotber set of BD» Second ilulgarlan arn)>; M. Liaptcheff1 ant ie beiagged sonne of tisem. là>,), tise Bulgarlan mliîter of flinance andi ing bis gun dova ln tise boatsbr- M. Radeff a former member of these eartedti 10 mvte, gpttlie gaine- Bulgarian cabinet, as be reaciset over la pull iln a 110010- APParenti>' Premier Malinoif, vilo lng muti-iea. lte oar vhieh"i lnitiatedth ie move for an armistice Put ini lb. boat struktise, tric1wa' laut veek, vas not prse thet gun. The full cisarqe wu m mý At lte tîme ltat lb. delegations -wlh a crash mb is were diacussing lb. armistice Bti5Sa. leg. loniki, Germnan>' as witbdrawing Botit ver. frantic but leauobee, IrOOPî f rotn Roumnania andi vas rush- eti for sitore andtti hie VICtim Je Ing them ltraugis Bulgaria la rein- Lake Villa. Site enstainedth ie ]oum force lteBlkan front, a great amount of blod andtihie d»-:î Unconditionai surrender of tise 1lor ai tise village, Ordered 4~er hurde« Buigarian army vouiti put ln extrema to McAlster isositial, Waukegan. 4 -j Prinl lb. forces of Ausîrians adG rtuehiglarlite ope andtasl,, w» Mans that are figitting ln Macedonia rue soulteerate iedtal,. N anti Albania. w or te hde.' eginn n g of te End e..,, in t e-r. L aebeau vas 44 year s .1 , He C o iiap*6 - f- M ulgr a r m a n e e n t ae n baïèk t Washington, Sept. 30 - BmWral for burial from Ieir.home »" 4J&d> détectionMuans tise beglnnllggoafthe soniboulelvard. endi for th ecentral pover,ln te O* If ever a man va ne.rly il«mm 10101n Of Official andi diplomatie c(renstrousgrief, la*ieau eemei 10 l"e&U. ber. The neye Wua litig climaz Sattl'day anti 8tmday es he iBOel 0» ta tise "mont amaIng veel- of e f1090Ofthe> OonUWebe UU4'I*&' ver. ing roomss andti iought oves'th Tise *effect on lte central p g.isqtMttll ragy. viii il, disasîrous in tise exîreme, *y- The buaband, visen 10140< lb erY Offl éial ber. believea. The eiin. tragedy 'over tise jtisoe.colifleti tIlan Of Turkey la made onîy a uil sementan!such au Impossibetb& lion of days. Il .noiappened tbat a aueDhv tE Thte direct roativay m tiste vitale M.l Zai JnsSetin,, wu te J Of Austnia Hungary n oPis lem tn their buating plans .ue- German>', Premsed back oeed. B&n4 untia>'anti reaciset ILAkeVilla abtM aftie itranco.Belglan bati pin 4 a'clocit. He couldù't undiet"a nol spare a single division or vs ti antvs lt t ie rin9 ta avolti complet. annihilation. meet blm anti tait. hlm 0tiste cab ---------age a few- mles away. It vnt ma. LNTVuan M h.. li e arriveti t tihe bouse tht be iseard of lise tragedy 'andti bat him AIwIntKLAju~ ~4U.uv being russei lis te bon*tt BOY IS KILLED a. _ _ _ _ _ KILI4S DAUÇiITER fIN-LAW nuILEON A JUNTING TIïJ Geo. Labeau, Cicago, Acols dently Sho'ots .Son's Wife Hunting at Cedar Lake In bantiîing tsehundred.q of boys Ilarr>' W. Smith. of La'io Bluff, is nt te naal tat!n filq oi. ur tiste laleat Laite catinla' boy ta meet en t e cidnal tli l o sîtZttls tisa ln France, according ta yard tng litaItin incrlidtlie Iis.f a rjusl reeivýeti b>' Iis nuiter lins. reulSatrt"crelîctilîythe uxier lizabetit Smit. IlarryS-initi.vas a beraeit: Sita Paya site came ber. mecbanic anti vas serving vitis t.e fronthtie west when se bearti ber tank corps. Ife was killet Iin action sonwasver sik. rried ereforAugusl R, accordilng la the message son as vr>'siokArriet teretonrecepveti b> fis motter. Dllàilo f hbis sanie reason or ot-r site vas nal dealis h ave tint yel ileen reteiveti. ahi,' togelta is ere te boy vas sicit Letters reeaived t ram the Lake tri tise bospitli Final>' on Satumde>' out ' i Ylttg nman have tld of bis lIfie site reachedth ie objective point participtorln . pqr tise flercestI tIllant. lte igisling laie iln andi was tld W regret ta sa>' tisaIJuiy nîti parts- bn Atguet. HRe ay tise Young man Iasseti avay anti bis a-as of a nie, isanîcasi tun andi vasdeý reniains lect hiere ai 3 'clock for uls lizlitît ti ihen lhe was assIgnédi to lteo bornein lte w st,"tank t'on. hecaîxa t i fot on>' prom- Bramenisrtet, lt mter a-Iermore ecîement anti more of an Brokn harte, tre athe se OPOpotîuiiv b togel nlitthethlnkof cordingi>' iasteneti back tot Wauke. tht- fielit, bt iti aiso gave him an op gan anti caugit tise tiret train for portîtnily 10 assIsîiln a znichatilcal itorne. laoping agaloat Itope tisaI mis way. arrve ise. Iat. Bîîtff anti vlcfnily andti e-p boyis recflte tnton.>ttipettrance.-of 1 aloe ite nastatl> IliaIoccaionei utuclitsatines,. Tolcîs Serltowa. alias Togo, I Th(, nainte of llarry Sntitlî witIrt, sane Japanese wito itas retenti>' crs- down lni thelitonor roît of,- o i ta- bays as oori flte tir t lt loqe iti aleti cnaiierabla' lumuit ln Hîgisiantit l t ir ie conflinltt tuait li te wt.rid Parký. escaptiti rani lte4syittm 'tor sale for tiemtoecray. te Insane aI E»glu for the~ secondl tinte rlday i-He waît sent ta ôtlgln William Atterige. a butlier, ans of tram Lakte cotitl'sanie lime ago. To- tise iest kcrovît resitients of Lacse For. go vas itouseman for J D. Purti>'of est, stijccumbed la poeuntonia.toiow- Highland Park. tng influso za Sunda>'. LEI-MANNS SUR FOR 930,0 Earneat Lebmann of LaIe Villa. o30 of lhe beade of te lb, ffVar store AU Chicago. anti isa vfe, Care1 A. 1 marn, Ioda>', f61.4 uils aggregat« 139,000 damages against tie No" - Shore electriti for inJuries neclvai September 10, 1917, iten thseir BU90. mobile vas slruck b>' a streel *rab- lise point witere tise Telegrapis sc4 crasses ltse tracte. liacis sues UW $16.000. lira. Lehmiann charges thàt mhe i- feret a compounti nt 5Cs2t5cf« *0 brain anti va; olibe te tspeM Mr~ 000 for nurdical attention,nusa. . Mr. Lpian says he a««" a ed , ture ofthlie sternum and tismarM andi mpPrit $,000 ter' meileel eêdi- Bols chtarge tib tishe accident vus due la the. nogligent andi 'orl@ manner Invisicis tise eiectrIc cai vmu aeing opeaeti, Bthverbrougbt te - the Jane MOAltetea'et VaUkegos 0& lowing tise accident Ton daye àb Lehlmann heverel iselveen lie M tieatis For- ALL te famiy>, The q LIBERTYVHLL, LAXE (OtJNTY, ILLINOIS, TH1IRSDA'Y, OCT. 3.1918 fONE Tfl FEIT gi nmi>',> A TI.T 1

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