Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 10

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'SM THE PASTWIE Cloue t.$90, 000 and Busi- Mae as aWtioIê Has Pick- -ed upOuite aLot iafess of tise recorded's office 1oartbe week ending Sept. 28, 1918, by A. K. ~e. assistant secretary s8e- catitTitis and Trust Co. 'Nomber of conveyances ......... 74 Sijmber of dchattei aorigages .... 8 litmber of truat deede and mos$. tuges........................ 15 Total Instruments filid ...97 Total &Mount of loins .... $88,OC6&85 Buinesa lias been faly brisir. vitis ]Oans aboVe thse averaga. Tise foiiowing are tise more impor- tant deals: ln Wauksgan tp.-Hu9h T. Birch & Arthsur T. (lait bougit thse interest of J. Alleu Haines of Lucy P. andS Dora Allen in 40 acres on thse flata in nw 14 sec 10 for $"090and $800 respec. tively. la North Chicago-Frae< and Frais- ces Furian bought the Andro Zaks's.- Oek Place on West aide Wsdsworth av Juit forth of 111h st. for $3900. In Lakse Forest-John Griffith tooic titis to tise Della W. Hoyt. propert>' on Wast ide Shseridan roaii nortis of Wlz coauin av for Indicated coasidderation .Of $19,000 suisdect to encumbraise of $k9000; Ciicago Titis & Trust Ca. tais titis from Robert R Dawsgn of two lots in Ros Terrace for ladiéat- edcoasdartion of $5000. la LUbertyviile rp.-Joha E.Quinn Of- ChIsiWO ossgit thse Joisn D. Me. 0regeO'f ftas of 120 acres la seacs 13 and 14 for $20,000; Edward j. and * eOmthY 'M. 8cisager bought 76 acres east of rallrcai of tise Judge Edwards *tui nw 14 sec 13 for $13000, and a&11130tise Chrles 8. Becirvitis farm, of 1*e sff n ne 14 sac 13 for $10.000 Mut gave bacis trust deed for $27,- M:; Interstate Sand and Gravai Co. bouOlt thse Oso. A. IlatOsi.Pr~Serty in mec 15 andS part of lot 12 ln sec 16 for 13000; Robert F. Rouge bought 6.694 Srilan w 1-4 saec 30 at Ares from Neg Disciresn sfor $1300. la Éblland Prk-Waiter Lband 11011i4a M. Dilon bought tise john Eust Jr pace in Lvu~s suis on north isDeerfeld ave for $3300. la Wauoondî tp.-JoM JifBrown IotWbt thse Franir C. Dunsing tîrrm diIft18 crstalnsecs 23-26 for 10500, aM gave bacis trust deed for 810,- 1a Grant and Waucoda- Frank 1>oevicbougbt thse Fred Mîdsen tarin ci 342 acres i secs 34.3a Grant Mdi »ec 3 Waucando for'indicated con- aiientlon of $15.000, sublect te a .--,MACODt ncumbrance.. 'la Prairie Vlew-Wm. H. Meyer beu.git an acre, ln ne 1-4 sec 21 ver. MMs from Laura 11 SOnague for nom- - iai cOnideratlots. laÂAntlaciran'c R. King isouglt *4&asIun w14 sec il en Deer L«tis ren Marts R. Jenine for SOMaIBUconsldoration la1 Gaànt-Ada F. Tominson pur- Cbaaed 36 fi lot being a part of lot 12 lb Anderberrasbdivision ln sec 3 Ou F« baisefor $2000. A Gueluse> breedana' meetla< vwas huiS etbibertyviiie, Sept. 23, for tise Purpose of forming mn organuiatieis. D. W. Williams of Lakse Forent vas eleciad presîdent, W. E. Watitns of Lihertyvilie, secrelar>' aniS treasurer, ,kai Win. Dillon of Round Lakes anS P&WI Bta of bake Pgrestvers siesteS 'Su members of the exectîve corinit- Te lint> people attendeS. .W. Williames. E. bU Vineyard 0f -M*aurtld iandi John Grsiav wof haSe Villa vare ippolnted as a commuttes ai tis a.ontitution aniS hi-lava. Tisé date of tise naît meeting la ta lie aumtd la>'the secs-aan>. Chas. b.Hll of Rosandile, Wi-s.. gave a brief blstory of tise Guerisse>' novand toldof nosmaetftise posai- hIbtiesita La ecured tissougl os-- goahsatonad somae of thea resulte accomaplisec by tise 'Wicon breeders tilguisorgantaed effort. Eltitaen of tise Guerna.>' iseedars O f IaeSecunt>' have signifiaiS thtir intention of supoontlug this Orgaisla- ien.I Uuino Miset ofParle. Nyen vW"Ste une plantes- ofpare $WlMlag cracks i lu ila. mlx vitlt îqoqjg jctead et vatan, te it r ha hesiiel 115. psaty. Optimistid Theughi. The grealesi icisoiri ia net agi th& âlkut for Armnistice Czar Perdinanda emissaries hava £ppeaîed te. Ganeala Franchet dllopm'y. 'commiander of tise ailied,îrmies listise Balkans, for an armis.I tics. vialcbIvan srefused. UUTAflsEE8A»11)CHA1ei'TO USTOMEE8. F0eilOvlng are fair prices for tooda lis taire county for tise carrent vi. aI Oàà, eterblinel by tise food a96niftratltn. 12'aines cf al dealers -lnai .prices outailS of tbis rage isould be reportei te G..C.-<Jnldley. -admnstrator for baise c ounty, or te townasip admlnlitrators uuviii taise tise proper action: (Wrepared by tise Wauisean food adminIstrationt. Efetive el bedl& nlnZ Octo lber 4, 1918. lutait pgious customur iamMoui li fer tise st»Plea aamed shiin exceel the followlag. Tis e cnit tisa rdtallfe m t scarticle aisela giva,. CeeS te ntaller Fric. te Consumer Oraauiated Sugar (In buik) ........PFer 100- lbs.-$10 9 1-2 to Il Uqhary Wrapred Bread'...........Per lb. loai-831 10e .Whsite FLer....................PFer 1-8 barrel 8.510 $1.55-1.61 White Flisir (in bulk) ............. 4 iis.-24.c 28e Bye Fleur (in baga).............. 6îbs.-33e 39e Bye Fleur......................aer 1-S barrei-$1.40-170 $1.601.86 Wlseie Whist Fleur ..............1b. bsg-32 1-2e 37e ersas Fleur ..................... 5.1b. liE-32c 37e BFl5Y Mlur ....................PFer 5-lb. bag 30e35 Bye Fleu, - .....................PFer 5-lb. bag-30e .15 Rico Fleur ...................... Per lb.-1-2c 12-150 (IJndar tise President's proclamation retllers must ssii anS consum- era muet buy wilseacis tour pounds of white four a pound of some-sub- stitute. Consumera have cisoice of cornmeai, corn ilosir. bariey flour, ice loun, oat flour. buckwhieat flour andS potato flour. Rye flour. grsisam flour. visole wisaat flour andS cake Éleur n=Ay hie old wittisout substitutes. Cem Meal (whte bulk)........... Par 100 lh.--U.75. 78 Cern Mail yellew bulk)....... .. Per 100 1ba-46.7f la IlaMà <ulsle) ..................Par lb.--84e I88e âe(b<oit grades>.... .......... Par lb.-48c 54e BUacon (mediuengrades>.......... Per lb.--edc 440 tâce fl ases wlsle) ...........Par lb.37 die Lard(boast gralectarten)>........Pa Fr lb.-31o 37c ift (huiS),. .. . ..........PFer ib.-30c 36c CtheU*fiN icr«eaucete eriler) ald Par lb-.SIe400 Chème (full pream, eut te erder, new> Par -lb.26g 360 Clissai(fuit. arum, brick).>........Pser ib.-40c 49c Prunea (00 th 80) ................Paer lb.-4c 180 Prunes <60 te 70> ................aer lb.-13C lac Prunes <90 te 10) ............... Par lb.-11c 160 Nolmin.... .............. Par 100 1bo.-117.25 a 12e Bie n.y)................Per 100 ~ 1c li. Rie blue rcee>................aer 100 lb.-19.00 lac lb. @«»ne <navy, hand plokal) .........aer 100 lbs.-8i3 ilac Milk <lhghht ~de) ............. lac 11115 <modlussigrades)............170 u MAIlS (evspmetd, net efaeteased) .. . il 1-2a 15e Butte@ creimery, extra, buiS) ...62c 66e (On* ce.qt Mîiier ln cartons tis aititubs) Suttirine standard arases, cartons). Per lb. Pic 46c mittrlne (standard grades, prelis .. . Par lb-3lc I6C Sutterlne (nsedlum> reli@sand bulk. .Per lb-0e 8Me Ruge <tAtly fresis. sasdled) ....ozen-52e 55 Petatees ............... ........aer 1001 Ibo.-$2.bO-p'i. of 15 tbe. 50c AUCTION. 50 'busisels of bariey, 550 busheis of Gais. 25 tons of lame hay in stick, 1 The ufdrsigned willi sii ati publie atraw stick andS 7 acres corn in tise auction on tise Losman tarn, 'one- shocis. llany other articles too nu- isall mlle wesi of Warreuiou Station, merous to mention. Termas of Sale- On THURSDAY, OiCT. 10.,tise follow. on sumo of $10 andS under cash, on ing iropsriy. towit: 10 liead cf sumo Sover $10 six monthls' Ure viii horses, 38 lisai 0f cattlie-Bay mare, Le given on beulcable notes bearlng 8 yeîrs old, veighi 1300; bay gelding, interest at tisa rote of 6 par cent par 10 years oid, veiglit 1200; Isîr mare. snnumn. No PrOpertY to b. removed 16 years old,-eight 1300; black geld- until settled for. Sale begins ai one lng, 8 years Cid, veigisi 1100; hibloacck sarp gelding, 4 years oliS, weight 130o; LC83,IAN BROS, Propa. gray f111Y,3, years nid, weight 900: Frd rba Auctioneer. gray geidiug, 2 years oid; black fllly, H. "Iiioed. Clark. 1 ycar o15; brood mare, 12 ysars o15: WOet3;DOct7*8 1 i.u.Alng colt. 4 two-Year.ols iselfers. 2 ieiter calves, 226 cisoice dairy cows, ~ ryn es 1 Hostein bull, 2 years old, I1 Ho1- As a safaty menusre logo nnt aNor là glein bull, 1 year old, 4 yearling heif. westorn miliiare giveia a vigoroumi ers. and ) hogs. Farmiug Implemants, spraying under sevean jets 0of tCr etc.*l fosr-inch farin wagon,1 steel before goiug to tise saw. Tihe renson viseel wagon, 1 two-îneis wagon vush for tiis procesa la tht bits of rock ni- box. andS sprlngs, 1 milk wagon, 1 gravel musy become. nttnched intohie barS oetlise log witîe il la beiug trans- Silo wagon, 2 isay racks, 1 gravel box, portoti totise miii, an ISf tise swiftiY re- 1 set bob leighs, 1 manure apreader. volrtag saw sirikies oe of iheme' oL- r1 'Champion grain bînder. 'l Deerig trsitions trouble las lkely to follow., corn biuder. 1 Mo&ormick mover, 1 Tise abrupt checking of a cIrcuis91w fleering mower. 1 ide deliiery raite, MaY Cause It to 11Y lu In score Of pleces 1 potato igger, 1 isay te<dsr, 1 hay tibnt are hurleS lu every.direction litre loaSer, 1 grain drill, 1 set drage, 2 sà burst of shrapnel. corn pianiers, 2 walking plows, 2 pul- veri'cs, 1 sulkey plo)w, 1 soiS plow, 2 REPORT EJECTION 0F U. S S Buikey cutiv&tors, 2 walklng Cultiva- FORCIES lft @ATTLE TrODAY. Itors, 1 corns shelier, 2 teeS grinders, 1 grindslone, 1 fanning miii, 1 road lBy United Pram eurt, 2 top buggies, 4 sete, w-rc isar. London, Ct. 2, 4:36 P. M- Tise nais, 3 sets single harmeýs, a lot of batiseIn the Argon la flUitmàtiftg, 40 gnsjn sacko, 1 breaking cari, 1 set-o saoa mpre l,ail ftrneen. scales. 2 saws, 1 deisorner, milk catis Thse Amertcane are eald W he1"bsen l andS pails, 1 isard coal heater. 1 ohI ejacted f ront Exerment, f iv. mil"s a1119. Bàgl@Y aY, e slaw and corn::1 morth 0! $irenitf. sll'igst: ýA pNk'lom sletilan baS Itod tMr#. Eteifel thiat etie'ois ouit cr uboue *= tise gonginanlm nigisi asli aniS transtered il tou bi sf t. Plie> expiailaed tisai tise eraUion vas ver>' aucasfui and tbat le wisy the matis. rjela înzloualy, iseping tht 5e vii ,,~ Poirnateer Give ýàt b.asIet oe o e a l: ~.ue n aspftwipl of lu v as oalg on Augùai 16 ilsat M<Ahiser' Soool littisias teffel, on., stlqd ut hihome - - Wauiegan, anS ot ooume tie 00n. NOW PROBATION OFFI CER ais uelthe orne asopst u isn, r- Judge Persons Appoints Elfi-: oient Sohool, Exeoutive to *Devôte Tine to-Werk Cotant> Judge P. h Parions todey announced tise appoîntinent of ine Mary Poimiteer as prisaion,- fficer of tise aOunty court of IAalCe'outy. Wise Polinateer bas been offlalatng là ttisi: cavlty for tise lait four anS on-lt ysas but 'han beei devot-I Ing oni>' part oflier turne te tise'worik. Undar tise nev arrangement the viii gire tise erS bier upivMdie itn- lion. Te de thissMISS Pltuteer has resaind s princilpal of tis agiAis. ter mcool, a position se bas haiS wîtis credit for a humbar ef yeans. It bai beeauSisowa for soins turne tht Juige Persona plannasi te ap- Point Mi Polmateer te tise position Of PrOballen off irs but vitisield tise 'sluoultcement unui tise board of ed- ucatiop could ici ou Miss Poimateer'i restgnition. Ih vas thaught tisai pos- sibl.Y tise board migist requast ta Um Polmatear romain ai principal outil heu- suceessor couliSlie appoint- aiS. Tise resiguatian vas presented ai lise meeting Tuesday nigist. Undar tise cireurmtauces tise board consenteS to releasa Misa Poimateer ibis week. Judge Parionsaunounced tise ap- pointnis s 50015as lie learned tise action of tise board. Miss Polmateer vili enter upon lier dities as probation ofq<Icer iimmediataiy. Thse-board ef supervisora receutly established tise position of ful1 turne proisation Offîcer at a salir>' of $1500 a yesr. Doriug lthe four andiSoné.-hiai years tisat Miss Polmateer bas becu act- ing las paltt.Ume probation ( <Micer Plie bas proved beyoud tihe question of doui her ahlity to f111 tise posi- tion. "Han vork blas been 0f i mast sa', lsfactory nature." Judgs Personsas- serted lu annouseing tise appoint- ment. 'lias Polmiateer possesses al tise qualitias visicis go ta mute op a successful probation otticer andiS t lu wlth keen satisfaction tisai 1 maire thse appoiutrnent wviicis viienabie lier te derote ail lier lime ta tise tluring tise set-eral yeare aise las acteS as principal Mliss Poimateer b an proveS iserseif teolbe higislveffi- cient anS tise local school systen loues a vîloabie executive--in -41, ras. ignation. DOW TO ,'AYOID INFLUENIA By Dr. John ýDlii Robertson, Healts comnuissioeranof Cisicago. 110W TO PREVENT INFLUEN' ZA: Don't cougis aniS aneeze lu crovda. Use goun isisdkemchlaf. Avoldilily veutilliied crovded places. Don'i ovrat. Get pienty of axer- tise. 110W TO CVRE SPANISH IN- FLUENZA: Go to baS. Cali a pisy sician Folov bis ins9tructiOns ta the lai period. HERE ARE THE SYMPTOMS: l'au soddeni>' vitholut appaen '-use, feel prarated. Youm heli aniS baci ache A aglit fever en- velopa Yeu. Worryin'. Mais boss saygas oiksaginally vos-rie de mue bout Se tisingi visut Soi' aabuh hipisn-Ais reeku da's rgt-Ais Lii vos-ryl de longea' caime h don' nebuh mnie mais ogs -lempis aComme> dal AWUeL Tise-TUiting faNiiy of 1IBtis*teet, North Chbicago. have -beau liii bad tise lait fev da»a. Ers. K. W. 'Ora- ban! viso'was roming tisera siteSon 'ffliSay 1neing and Mns. ittsny aniS biby re iii witis Influenza. FriSa>' ttsaIr soun tolaa4 Tiffia lthraw a 'badeS shahi n tise fireploa. 77ë â1ý 1 1 l .ie$-Yun -to-l asDu% 'BotIt.explooddand tise bullet entared niaimoatsa u an tie frqethlie boys side. An X.ray was. taken veSwhIch lis relattres reeved aniStisa bullet vawonud lodge inli bure ladicates thet tise ujedicau* tisa muscles ef tise aide. Tise Soctor thorities are Seingtisbeir buat ta @&aetsought lt beit fol ta rumove M, as bie s it fpossible. h veould doi no bagin. Thse boy la pi.t tMW ilong aicely.lira. Tîffun>' aUl baby ara aimn reporteS better e~V This la Waukdaaass litW tCoMmIs. Mrt. Jane 1(anI. iged 80, passiSN 1K IK T sioned man in no>', Jacobs Schwatrr, awibtiis moinlng at 8'o'clock At tise ' 12018 avenue, North Ciicago, nassa hrewlth shewi Schwartz uhon deatis belng due tao liS île.lire Kent ho gradustad fromthe Waukegan higis was barn t~if relami. For'tise lest 16 I I acheol. gearisse hbaiLaisliving ibtis i .lneiJr-gonnitbas neceired tise14J L ~~ bronze mednl viiseh oon as firai prise ai tiesalte tain for judgiug Anton Frlscher Who Walked WAIJKEGAN LOCALS te'k. Hlm victorir oger boys freint wyh fi sl ail orer thse siate wis-conspicuous as-L peeWily visen lehaiS dbean on the tarin L@ af at nuuoru Tiseiseavlest frosnt sai lias strock uni>' i yeur. . t thi eomuntythl seneHenry liaimais hainseturned ta him When Anloo Fiociser 'waiked ibis~~~~~ wOsmnt bs'safl a<ut home it Waucondg atter vltisg biss ivay*' . front 'tisa Wauisegan - police oif Mouday ntgist. lu tise morning the brni hor1,-p', of Wgukegau. about fèur wecs ego ha tisougisi ho valisa, grss, etc., vers covered vitis UoYdISWhLsUn vo baan meilgiiai- vas- a free min, but lb aiSnet recir- *thici cating. *tick Of Influenza, isreportaiS te hi: oned vilstisahefact iliat a retenties, Word ecisahors tisai JîOboisLtter today. 1nespisis Iu tise persan of Assistet ai Schwvartz, eldeel sou of Sanai, Titetuerai of Mrs. George Lux i('blat Tyrreîl vouliS fallow bim. AR viii lia e lai ai St. Joaephs disons-h a rfeultof tise efforts of tise local Schwartz lias bcen mide' au qisigis Tiusunday morning ai 9 o'cloek. Mr. chef Plucher bas beu located il at tise training scisoal ai Pelham Bay, Lux anS uhe aight ehisidren. viso su«r- Roekford, and iS iilliromîght bac'î N. Y. Hes tnalurd tiret il municipal vive Mis. box, are Ill aitilisir home Io Wsukegau tonîglil by Dpsk Se.- ple, hiago D. erScwatz o en àssBayn>rad aniS Wasington -'geint Frank 1'yron. pler, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t -iiaowm anSivrs i 'hsInfluenza and viii not b,, iTiure le conaiderabîs or tise ludi. lieutenant in tis a am, la te Le home able ta attend tisa toierai. 1crpus0n5 lu recber'm escape. - sran on a furlougis aniS Ensigu Jacob Mir. anSdlins. Warren lillier aise,le baS beau arested an a charge Schwartz exîsecta to be here nazI Ssn0f Lake Bluff ara Ill itusinfluev0frvîgrncy and tegetiser vus 0115cr week. Williîam, nemi to ttise youngeat sai.- lra Milieu 1i- a daugisr iaroSprigouens vas Seing given a heaiisg sou lfitOSy orMadso 'isee isMrs. J. H. Waters. 1 lu police court. At tisat pirticular mo- aoni ea tse ofocrs'Madisong weho Mlra. H. 0. Thornpson la ou the aieS mmntlise amsistant chefrisppeised to enesteofcr'tann co l jt. 1i. e usine tise lelephone. John Haarbauer Jr., 1420 Wasising- Blanche anS Lorraine Deacon ai- 1ffe b odiSeSoui of tise vludow ton sireel la very 111 of piseumonqla, tendeS tise funeral of tisaî r uas o of tht-et-silon. A man vas -pailng In folioviug an attacir of SPmisisisfallu. Ilirailu Chltago. an automobile. Witliout wilinin t AntsurGobS l siis ilsinfueua. ick up hie cap Friseiser opened tise suchas. Mrae aio avstn re doar 0f tise station aniS sts-ted dovn lire. J. Suesby of Grand avenue thagrîD~losl îîîu rad ie middie or tise street atien tise lis elrnd ro DKaisvier ise Chicago. ato. wvrng bis armaeasslbecrais basretrne frnt eKab wereabe Miss Margaret Eusa Weich la on tise Moembfrs of the police force vise vas callaiS -by tise Illnee of han sk isti. vltnesss-d his etctlougist ha recoz- daughier. Mies§ Hazel Sneesby, vso lira. Vaentinuo anS famiiy are riait- ulsed lunlise autolst a friend visa ha entahn hr.lln nChicago. vould lielp lim ont ut hiie difficuli,- lia beu iaehug isee.She lad an C. L. Wllley fia aitie home of lira, aniS no ic vas net pursaed. attacir of influenza wvisicis il thinks H. O. TÈoMPson calisiS tiere b>- tise brisc'ler Sept on rsînnlng and ii vas contractai isile os a viait liaeeSeatisoffbha vite. mot retro. Wheu tise police diS look several veekscego. George Powell of Victoria sircet for hlm lie coll not bo fouS.' Chiet Misa Hell, auperIntendeut cf tise hahes spendiug a icu iSmys fur- Ta elleee oa pts eri hOspital. aieS vus tise Influenza for loughs vIlS bis mother bers. He e- re kord fnly lctdh elw a tew oas vis abie tb ha up tay. turneS la hi vork ai Camp Funstois ocfod isas Smiithi, anoiber nurse, wae- Is Kansais Wedunday. cd te go te baS. Tisera are sereral Mns. Emmett Tsop as aud son havp Sirengtis in Clsaorfulnusa A nurse8 atili laid ep vils tise saine ail- beau epending tise vas-SenS vîtI lise Waîdrouq le thse xtrengtiso 0f fti- ment DoYoes retorneS inta ieir home in foueas: nitogetiser pat caiculation lis lira, Wm. Green and tva chldren MiwauSkee.- power of ensdurance. Efforts to ba pet- lefi Fidsy nigisi for Coumbiaî, s. C., Rer. J. C. McCoy vas calîîng ou hie manueuly usefuli uusit be unlformly rwliare Mr, Green la employed a, a fricisda ters Sunday. H-e retumised Sa joyous-a sipirilt ail auushisie-gnieafni plumber ou govemumeni contriet bis vak n un lcCormick Heminar onaurontvas-y giadues, iseutitul because womc. Tise Greens have giren op Sunday evening. brigbt.-Carlrle. their berMè né inWaoültagsu sud-yul n-e -________________________________ ,;iSe ai Coluimbia Ishlefiuitely.- E. J. Simpkius, visa lires i tise Heu.- Ses houne just sauîh 0f Cary avenu e GEN ERAL HARNESS REPAI R- on Geesee Street, ha. suis-lai hie Place te John Fulton mudidnl movingINO ND S J P U E te Cincinnati. Mm. Fulton neceniiy I G A D S P L E ]est bis houas ai Beach ls a fine and K. C. HIL&WIG, thirty yeara ith thse late Fred ainces tissu heand bie family have hes living ln tise Pollock home il Palmer Harnais Sbop, wisheas to annourice that ho in now Millburn. , ready to do ail kirids of harnesg repairlng. Sushlay tise Milwaukiee Pigeon FI tC Wu' R htP ce -Fascisme' association bulieis annueal Is Cls WokRg tP ie show on tihe lavisoet Fred Bck. isnOU Màin St., (Raar) Cor. McKinley Av#. -ail 12.10 biriS w'eresehovu aniS Wau- Souths Bide Waukopa, lii. -kegan, visici tookr Part la tise allais-, as osual, brqugist 'home saime of tisae boisons. John Guhib niavostiret prise - rniy for -béat bird un tiese hev vus F- a blus vinged turbet. Chiarlea Wai-.....---- lace shoved visite Kiaga of aquab beeding vîmisty aniS voistiret pris- On oliS cocir bird and tirai prise lisn _______________________________ it youug hens. d Tise Waulcegan draft board foda> ri- celved Instruction ta Induet Ver- H ighest M4iarket Prices Paid non H. John8 of Waucondî mbint je - tank corps ai once. Thse youut ma haiS vniiten tise Separtunent maklng - fo r - a speceli equesi tisailie be permait- 5ted to enter this brandis of tis e mry- ic te. He viii lenre at osce for tise *Pe li > InEq tank corps training camp ailiagli, N. 0. Wonk vas started ibis morsing on tise putiing et coacrete on tise sauts P i uu ,w -section of Shearidan rond. Tisevomis vas isaited by an accident tisaitlooki Place atter ose iuusdred fart of rosiSr c " nde vas in, One of tise big truckrs lippe4 0 SuhG nee t ovar tisa adge of a estivent and wx'16Sotiins t kapi fuin riling o. ti e bothmoi>' O -"a Pont. Tisa drirvepiSvsnis Jhne19 Waukegan, M., feut his'truck goiug aven. h tlooki Bav- oral boums to gaitishe iruc)ibacir Saw tise romiS. t'"OE-'1-. M M atlilthia tRoftai of tucta ire. 19t atîli fimllisnisopsu tisaitishe arma D e after ail bceantimal>'- seOse as a ne. Y u a i t r L eak Sst et eing practicali>' smashaiS bW FI Piea e by ýn ieroPlaýe propellerar i~~U-ue . n . Sais Antoshlo,'Pei.i ai eatad -la tise Raditors v.53 s , ýW.E.Y51m SUD la ejgning. Ur. tOfl taesta se reclv,-ri~ Y our W ork to Us!Q silm# ,etise Àrneil_, ia. caftainUa fer Sant *munrtisai Stoffel bag n<t yat tiselUse ~ W U 8~ or ona arnianSdhlbisbandes but lise funi21So MShrd" rd(ea .erS. .ri

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