Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 12

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THURDY ut lfnsa whic'h defeloped intoin, a rou à 91Se pneumonia me. Occasionally she had rallying western Lake county. MeetisaJrp GROVER WINTER5-Well known spells but her strength hadl been scheduled for tonight et- Graysîlake Young man succumnbed to pneumonla Sapped and for nome days it had been1 and Anioch. following influenza, his death occur- 'felt she-. did not have munch chance. Sixty.Seven enflore Dit. P RTE O N ring at McAilster hospital SAturday ' Miens Mutp- was 29 years of age, The number of men returned te -evening at 5, o'clock, Hfis sickness and was bol- and reared ln Wauke. duty at G.reat Lakes Saturday fa sur.1 I T E I tdated frort the previous Sgturday gan. Fur some Lime part hadl had paided thant of new Influenta cases.1 1When he liegan to feel badly but u) worked in the office of the envelope There were 518 salienlorsnt back to One Family Found Dead Fly in 1 FUR A APPLA to Monday hie was not unable to -be up comnpany where alhe was one of the work ln 24 hours and only 123 'new- about the house. Up to then he was popular employes. Hers is the cases, according to a statement by Bottles of Mil k Three Times -helping take care of his wife wlio death out of the office force of tihat Capt. Moffett. There weire Ô7 deaths Within One Week Sprigfied, Ot. .-Th SuPemo2 MOE EM R. OSPITALS1 small ch idren. She came here 1!had the Influenza .as Well 'as ' the company sincè the prenent epidemie. Ln 24 hours and 54cases transferred cor.tyIneld a ct. 2.-TerSure nd2M REE ER ars ago fromt northern Michigan. baby,Thien on Tuesday he cam- Mis&s Mutaw was for years one of fromn infirmaries to the hospit4l. The Several complaints have been lodg curt tday s ite writ Of erPhili plMr. Mich1ael is in charge of the de- down with It himself, was tamentothe acgnzdcnrtoigesottascksnw19;tettasne. ed with the Sun of late wvith regard Go berg convicted ln the Lake coun 10niudnmPg n livery service for Swift & Co., Wau- thspital and for two days prior Waukegan and for years wascnrl the statt of the epidemic 8998. t nlalns fbtte sda ty court of aselling tiquer in Wauke-1 s- ultIng from !n. kegan. t i asnhdbe eylw osliti h apitcor en Capt. Moffett's statement conclud- -uIal,,,o otiy sda gpwand golation of hef locfnal pion duet neuoire r.Mihe av en His famly surely hadl their share one of the very ardentworkers in the eff: "The auhr tie tti tto kcnanr.Smlrcmlit prove theilod d f$2Gr t p1 uRAYMOND QU'lCK--Aged 21. sin. married 13f years and have three of trouble, for, their four year aldi son church and choir. She aso was an wish to express their sincere appreel- vere made a short timie ago with re- Isaac Goldberg as suret). ge asd away Tuesday night at il children, '.%arte, Anna NMay and ut-had but recently recovered from active memaber of the 0...F, 8. ation of the assgistance which has been gard to water %bttles. a city c theJane cAliter hspincille, 12, 10 and -3 years old; she alsol Pneumonia Mrs. Winters still la very. She,is survived by her parente and givn them during the Influenzacrssodncewhhprresfraes RECALS NOORIOU CAS. deth beng de topneumniafol.leaves her mother, four isters and weak and the baby qa l s till Ill, one brother, Harold, ln service at by various organizations of Chicago, adcnito o alr oke The a ov te ndessg ls of He was thinsoueetwo.brothers.Winters was 26 years old and sev- Great Lakes. Waukegan, nýnd all the north shore o stfo eepapssi cPsinkoth peaGldlerg'ioso Highlasdporg orluenza.dowed and Mrs. Michaelwsbrcep.1 84,eral years ago worked in the Sun's Funeral Tuesday .at 2:30 from the cities. our thanks go out especially btlsue o hs upssi case. This olberfameo asGton ersuppler thre children. He .residwi in Alpina, IMich- mechanical departmnent. .He then house arid :.o'clock from the chbdt th ie tralped nurses whl have comte clean and sterile condition. le wherein Phillip Goldberg of Highland' rteNrhSd goey poie MR.S. CLINTON SHOUP- Mother vent to work for the express com. SERIOUS AT HOSPITAL. largely from Chicago hospitals to aid That m11% bottles are not washed Park waite.convicted on the charge.of"h' cAite hspta.Of Chief of Police Roy Shouip, North pany then to the wire works and With 15 pneumonia caelleat the, us in caring for our hospital patients. adseiie rpryi niae selling liquor in -)rohibition territory,1thNTON M.ILER --Aged 3a . resid- C-hicago, died a(t_')o'clock to:lay hfr:m.lately had worked for the Waukegan Jn clse optlal'nmr oeta 10nre aecm oaccostroig t opany 1,; the at.ha the cas- having been tried I ei TN-ILE-Ae 1 eMAl habout ten] days.e She hepan10morsaes erese teE Lake county court. By the action a ing at 609 Alarin st., passýed away pneumonia; e bottdayer husbnddairy, or less critical condition the situation hll a butmotreshiely that te the crineir tanh bthé inatnuma 'SprtngftIe lthe ilsupreme couilt -thistmaining at 9 o'clock at tie Jann w-as about 60 years old. Hasmrreefv easagho tt.aistttinisrgaddassr-Hnges suthe ppct e athorib hei1Aitr optloPp mnadidafwyar1g.Teyhv i.Florence Anderson and they -have' lous.Those cases¯al are ' the out- situation can be'handled satisfactori h! er Of instances, hiavg ibe.n found to thap el caed t itaen upendcourt which developed fromt influenzxa. lHe ed in North Ch1cago many years. Mrs. Ivda 2 ikry street.liIe w'as golirth of Influenza. ly wth the aId of thos led e' eetc ydry cas ete mine whetherany erroi- ias 1was removed to the hosPital Sept, -. Shoup was the mother of Roy, Deanetesno rdWnes 06H.k isMrh .Hlsprned I NFORSC.c'tpo hsteml sntpo commIttdin thyertria lhereoraitnot. sJOSEPH CH HiNTA-Aged 28, r hd rs.JhnKh-,adOry street and leaves two brothers' ent of the hospital, has been 1l1 of the A Waukegan physician, commnting tected frem otie. conaint. o Proévidng ae fn daroris found as iding at 728eTuenth stfreet, as isd Mrs. JrryMcinny.Don and Fred.lHe was a member of dies o eeal days but was able on the epidemic here today said: thfndgoffunmikbtlsl is vidnt he end s rtheaay at Tuesn dy aternooen atis R. ENE MTNKaed the Woodme(n of North et up sunday. Eight nurses at the "People don't known what's going i bcWent e ta the county court hne eahbi gu opnnoi11, and residing at 1436 South Sheri. e'lusya 'clc rmti optahtl aeilof<h ie Peopnlaegan' no- th d oinoq cmoiccreselc for a new trial and Ir the supreme; foliowing influenhza. ie. - dan road, pasýsed away thismornig ae eidne.OeOnth assdeIopdSudy.t a e d ron urstes are fnd. faLy eor"th oE fyW cortwho ldteriedwsn. err anw One of the jmost pitifltcases is at 7:45, O'clock at the Jn cAltr O OGLK-roiet ot Tehas fte opta ae etig oran ie esn i ose na >tle.fmirntre caso e tral il le enVIed NED. fondinttg d alb ed th 4,twosu- hsiadahbigdet nu hcg.Plpresident of the Polish out "S. 0. S." calte for special trained lying about the floorsi, helpless and within a week. Ojheýr famiilies ialb It vas n May,L1917,that Judgeln bohrP alsaal19 mna following -Influenza. Mrs. Repuhicanldid.ismrin'nrssPsmayomadlaveen.ik %te ca ael oe.O1 aetehanicmlin:co P e r s o s f i e d G o l d b e r g $ 5 0 a n d c o s t s h oul ta t 1 : hi a . o i r. B r o t h e r S m i t h n i e k a s r e m o v e d l o t h e h a . e i n a b di t h a s e . H e w a s m Ja M aio ryt h e m a t h h ta e b u t it h o e h o e . e n b r c y on t i t h s ei i o n t do l t t a t i f ismrh %0)on e fthe 5counimt, totalngys2,-Frederick, aged 9, succumbed.31en.pital Sept. -29. Her condition waser aot3 yasod n a ee ikhaemttho succss.the ial t- foaiieSeinthenreant sitatonth l 0 0f a n d. H e se n e n ce d ih éir a t d l0 a . w h i e th e m othl e r, M rs . C h a rle s S u h . l a l fro m th e fra . b ta b o u t e r l n b i e s avwee k . u n to n n Ch i c a o i s u c h e . T h e a t . a l U R e S t Low h o oi sO itu a O Lt erio . tln P te d t o t e r th e mf i l k e f o af ne appe iea n nd terveoeti ,S anndno imehus, e sVICTOR t 8)ARBOUs., -- obe MRS. JOHN LUX, North Chicago'nurses are reqired there. "It la the songreglating aofpel oflae nbtt.sthttee -hr never aid hinsad ae rwn ondition L;s o rioutt! tshe has j annresding t 80 8th t. swoman, aged 35, died this afternoon hr.s 1iHa ataini K-weeth1ra ane rmtIver-qpaeson belies ihm ther for to jail. h~ot lbeen apprised of the death o fbher'opneumOnIa, olwig 101 a 'loka MAite op tal oha.Threla ds of la ateospitln up inlenza the.irat danyrbeHefthatimpurrteasocanfnt)r ia, (ferto thatheIacGoldberg ase.hin to on.Itis0,r .ha teshoknt the .lane McAlister hospital this pneumoi a tingi ater an attackteeagreta hycul pr h c' ht~.1ishdeog oh otr e thefaterIsac olderg e e, wuldbe oomuc. Firvewmornnv t830ocok .ew eof Influenza. She- was itakien to theno"'nurses--that in fact they had public gatherings of ail l inds be proaa eea o ote f'ml e th atesadAttorey ames, . Welch Plaedtila pni.H11'7wife and imvd to the hospital Sp.S . ota.Iudy vnn. Beie hog2oscligo.Wuea frhbte.I eernetntefmoisoewma opaie."utteeA ust ater h was inducted tofficechild 'lie srioulsly ill of the disease SAM H. BAADBURY--Infant son her h ubnd, Mrs. Lux leaesieg1 h assistancas the epideic n Ko- hendfin di fitee wodt i-as a the unc er tainy11abo ut theof It h er wheeby te state as t "ese nu" ln the dule huse. of Léo Il. and Esther Moerg Brad chlrebabn- sr. u eae l h a swre hni Wuea.1ittatpbiofnrn sol e taton. en ever knows w "u hn a lAtr S o the rosecuin of ison aPhit- NEW DEATHS REPORTED. bury, died of pnemonIa al the home PUTcUPlArHARD FIGHT. OR FEE h N ARkE L. sstopped--thle counity'es saus s sgon t beoudand on te hte R pormatibe aa ready on file in the Cold homes in Wukegan are eing of is granparents, 619 West Wash. aPUk e weHR e sIhocked RFour emes fAtE Waukeganbemg mae orseby- ermtting tese n ato.On o er mi liteems fiof c o u n t y c o u r t w h e n W e lc h a s s u m e d o f - e ld r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a n u m b e r o f t h ic n g o n s t rE c t a o u t 5 o 'c l o c k M o n d a % ý W a u e g a n P e o p le h te h a t M i i r d e ma r t m e t a r e 1 1 f n fuk e g n z a b ef una e w r a l s . p r m i n t h e r s p l a c e m e t a t s e p s o ud ah e o t , a e nR oe n Thce. deaths ere. Many homstfromawhich vening, aged 11 years, 2months. The Sunday morning to eni ar h-fi e da tent iscrfiplecn-a obcful eae se the are ae e ethat ml scaeo i o e The ~7mGuntd oledin th caffeaitpatients are taçen t the hiopital are 1httle fellow's twIn brother, Leo S., Bess. Mutaw, only daughter of r. andth erabl es ltaTrpedareobutoraivesbofethe decaentswfeeloasntary manner.1d ;ht(no t twtast750. Golder aktgatforfiale od.n ap.Pylin etth aisesoquite low with pneumohiia but and Mrs. Robert Mutaw, Hickory et..Pierby as a r - u t. Wi reth orelttthesrduof ttedand who them-we ik srgre a ee to te atorey eneal hatfortha wamthis osiivey ncesary In s believed out of danger. The mother ad succumbed to the ard ffht 1 e ntedprtmentmt sevenfon elvs in mty anyatesdaved enwteak r itfr hs l finlez h go a a lcolne twto ts sn. Mr. homes for the successful treament o1tl1i ofnemohr-omaednhaa s t c oneti hi uy n edes ohteceta n epsdt tegr.l inmpeivth parathesuppl sho in Welch t the time emnhatically e- fth disease-thesamealition.uneandh d helebi enputn pIthse earet s.evnorgelbeeabsolu:ely pur. The health ar ma n i e G o d b e g ' c l em s u t t h a l e l !t h e t h l s i c y s e d y i - c h i l d f r o m t h e o u s e W e d n e s d a y a f . a d fo l o w d a n a t t a c k o f i n f l u n z a . a n d s o u t h i d'l oa tS c ut z h avor e t h o r i t i e s s h o u r e o o.iTh ehe a tien _produced mst.sestinae cuhdes fc following: tronMiss Mutaw passedwayabt a Nedhamand.omten maxues of Lthe kinthat aveAeverS WILDER - Nophew of CHI lRAIU -1 ared. o'clock Sunday morning. Hier passing been 1ll for the tast few days. The Armement of the Monitor. ter."tn occured in Lake county. CHARLEne - d t L1e CHRi SHA iRd iU 3, marthmarked a two weeks' Illness, start- two latest cases to develop on the The armement of the Monitor, which ic They gave o und fr crtinan - Mrs.LNorman J. Robertsedua.i d ed a 1 ok iavd ti305 South Ingwith a slight cold which lateir de- department are Julius Schooanke and defeated the Merrimac, consisted of Otiitinhogt a ti-elcd heolitica rin oLak eoytfGetLke enldyfo ipe-e nIfue neuiiiflo. ve] ndfuto Influenza and then came Dan Gallsgher. two eleven-InchCgun, throwing 190- SafeIty bilt uponunacecnt dh eand tesremova rom oft fie ,wo •1 as fagad, whitele heanRin.unz. SIHWf fa fPneumonia. For a week shte had been The diseas will not prevent liber. Poud$oth eisfiqowdsrpton henw tates h attorney ust after le 2trranMskof g, anich)., wher- R.LGSIHWf o he hrad be tesworn in. heattoney Iy ge aet iebwswe!kwnpetty officer living at 219 North West -G- t e r al st rt ed t o d o f t h s a n fly b rhis a re nt s li tse , h e ra s w e rl n O tre e t d ie d ate t is a fte rn o o n o f p n e u -L th ae d o artn e o W lch fr e sin - W a u k eglI a n h s o th e g r f o r m ellh e no nla , fo llo w in g in flu e n z a . L wase. he savd fom orte ma frmasof willi4ahsfonea grnugtrPASSES AWAY IN 16HICAGO.L that the charges brought by Goldberg Wukgnite. .%Irs. Wilder was bort M.ony nih at 530fathiaome, Nd a ga in s t W e lc h w e re fin a lly d ro p p e d in W a u k e g a n b e in g M rs .R o e r ts, p M n e u m n i g a tf l o i g p n sNif u a n d n o t h in g f u r h e r a s v e r b e e d e r s I s t e r . M r s . W ild e r l a s t w o a t . n e u n a e i n o u b l e . H wa s 3nl u .R e a r d o f t h e m a t t e r . P i s n s l n s e r v i c e in t h e a r m y in e a r s l n d h a pr a tie d e a b o u 1 21 : Welchi expla.ation at the tima FrayUoun h ider ad been rm lyears. H wasbilt en otela1'o2t'sGrat0tSor0fr ore fIht le borrowedna n ote the R M Tm UW"We -_ýFrank-Ralng -gf -Waumkean andLaeC tny G at tSorfr m nGr n i t at -e tiniedeclaring that bh allraithe aa tain ,WadRworth and bIr agfMs.lenA Se s to R n - D ay 3% pnr r g a hadl given Welch that amouht eof difethis nonat the Chialles Arnold J TcnNruby, Cauk agandMrs. MAry S n m o n e y f o r a c e r t a i n c o n s i d er a t i o n . h o m o , d i s o n s t r e e t . S h w a s - l G e i s C i a o n W ad s w oM r t h T po sse son of the note and ee t h aor ndi r m pneum oniea. r hP r rk s Chica W illiamh aukegan e avIng admitte d heié receiv ed the - me here only three w,,c s ago f i C brnes i aug ,o n the sab i teva ofè thaeef -0. Fal . S i t money, the question i, did Goldberg Hermon, N. Y., where her remains adisn Wstretie nine hose.f . ever get pi akhs$5? will be hipped for urial. OlT heeS elhDlat bOtuse. lt as a case where If the note MRS. BESSIE GRAHAM-Aged 22 Waukega, Sept. 27J was produced, then Goldberg would ife of Kent W. Graham of the avia- MISS BESS MUTAW, who passd - 4 n f T e e ln t C s o U prove himsfelf a jerJurer to the a, tion department at Great Lakes, died away Saturday night at the home of torney g'enera, and a case werý this morning at 5 o'clock at, her home,. her parents, M.r. and Mrs. Robert Mu- Welch, If he did not pay It back to 37 18th st., North Chicago, following tawo 2 ikr tet nuo Goldberg would thus admit lhe had a week's illness of influenza. Besides a ad develHicoed frm a netamkof - nt "borrowed" t. -ber husband she leaves a four monthe Spanish Influenza and the victilp, one =Iaon to appealt the case sh-ows old baby: Parents of the young womn- of. Wau'iegan's.nmpst, charming and sl thlat Goldbefrgs apparently have tnot an reside !n Nebraska. They were no. most popular Young «omen,-hadl wag- bi "laid dow n" and ac ordingly he tified by ire of er s riotis c ndi. ed a losing ftg t am st r omn th,, lu w o n d e r li , w ill t e o ld G o l b rg c a n . io n a n d a rriv e d h eire a t n o o n to d y firs t. · ti m d l l e involved in the a p pa befo re t l arn of er de th.- G EO . F. W U ST E N F E L D , aged 42, W it. hesupreme court? JAMES EDWARD HAYNES- Ten passed away Suinday mongatb and o ne(-alf m onths. old child o! J s. 12:30 o'clock t hi home, 2 4 South W ib Hayeswhosucum ed tfhnz Jacle3on stree-t. Death vwas due to the WOMEN OF Sla t ~morning at 5 o'clock alo of Influen ,ns ifunal-Wset z aOu e r l F i d y a t e n oba w a d b e e n Il l i n b e d o n l y s In c e l stA A T V T No'c ock t the Larsen undert--'-g Wedneiday. He as barn in Wak- tro parl r. Father and hild will be b r gan and a lived here practically aill bo led together. Howard Hlaynes, a bro- his life. Besides -bis widow, he leaves x Springfield, Oct. 2.-Attorney Geýn- ther of James, liq critically 111 and Is one child, Georga, aged one year. buy e ra l FL J . B r u n d a g e h ai s fo rw a rd e d n t e x pe c te d t liv e . W a lte r, a n th e r A N Oe xPZ Z R , a e 2 , d e i l e to Secretary of State i L. .,Emmer- brother, la slowly .recovering fromt anSuNdaTOrNIng IZIat 9 oclockat te sh o an opinot vonewhihthe hlds c>attack of Influenza r.Ev eol home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Ten. 5010500 -59 tht omncannt oe n hetre iasister, alisl 1Qf the disease, aà uta, 701 Market street, with whom he so0e5$0n propositions to be submitted to the 1,s Mrs. G'eorge Haynes, the tmother. hdbenlvn0frtelatfy 'voters of Illinois at a enlvn o h etfv the November All reside at 727 Grand tavenue. But motscM.Siziiws0oni elpetjon. The propositions are the one or two mnembers of the family vIl! Italy but came to Chicago many years $60.000,000 hiard roads bond issue, th, he able te attend the funerai. ago. Five months ago be enlisted In9 derived fromthe consteuion, ad hec rmsans nlena aig n t116Seia raNrh au st12 .0Y e i r ep sl te i ion l w o mT e n pin y ov o t e cl u d e s t h epfoll o wtng : h o s p i t ra ti s m o r n g a i 8 : 3 0c o --- asHeDicate i. RGoreht of the Waukegan Y. M. tihbi ssert Wukgn.a "See here, M-sshPouders,"ssaid Mr.eC.A.MFRANKaPitaE, agdl25sresnding a ye

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