Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 6

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LIBERTYYILLE ]ND TT8II~4Y, O~.~j~R/u ___ _____________________________ At the county canfrtace of tii. Cuuny Wat Nelws -lt te be one fte hals ann M 'P ND u menthle. Figuees on file ln the office ef the food admînistratflr show that M RUSED TO CU N -aproxirn tely jlkUqI polnds oetu >IIUITUEITposqe.,rilWaukegan up ta September FUIIN I M ITIIY lý i. Clarî e"îriimates that an ad- ditioral 20.0l) 1, i ll iiLe need Adminisrator Crigte latter hait of the month. Adminstraof C a r xinaîel 2-.000 peunds vas sld os Out Estimate of the îtioreamiiî.g î"-.durins ugit Amount Used Here : 'r' ar.îsIl< ddrring June and ju- AR PRICE TO Go UF' predieted that considerable stiga yl le paiitýia'ied for Canninig purpoeq RaISe Oct. 1; Price Butter, ,,etri th. tatoos, ee ad a Price ta Raite.. Chees. anMBa- 1ti ark maltes the statemplnt t «om Squares Boosted Ilue s.îe otfnugar la due for a rt, tukega's con Ihlefýr-i of October. He autherizes .kgnscnumptlen of l'r lA 1r'. l charge le per pound prof. * ~ ~ - f-5pflsa o acn i' lw' -ey art n - tuhe t tqt used fer ordinary pur- *91 vO exceed 100,000 pounds,,in *cglmiono f .Jahn S. Clark. tond aS- ew 'shole'.Cilprce. This viii bcbig the prîce te lic, 1 1-2e bigher titan t preseçit.1 ~idâiutor. 'l¶ls means titat Wa.uçe. Change Food Prices. M bansevives. at thte ee ni of 4h Tht price of barlty sud ryt fleur Ï sesson titis vear wiii have .- tsw"red sômevitat, tht uev PrIce W"e over fifiy tons et duirar !or eau br, ¶OE 1,5c fer ive peund bage. This l4 "ed fruit, jellies. jarus. preservesb. tc __________ 'UfAt tiret glance itis we'nid spem Mîe a rerîlction et 3c per bag. no esom'mons ameunt of suzar but Tht prict ef bacon squares as ln- broegt dovn te a per carIi *f~t rep- reased 3c Ver peund, te new price reMtas but four poundp rPr neronu. betflg1 41c, Igmigon a b.I'ts(I cf2 si ' "-iit Thet once et brick cheese vas ton vhItci t srezardeS a.,Correras- ocalStf 2c per peund, anS nov viii SOi Ths l ta beow licabvra.ceit tht consumer 47c. cat aliovance mbhIchu J eunpmis B,13itter lu bulk la te cost 67c Per Ioe'prrson for eanninz purpses. The r1roud anS le bigLer ln'Carteans. This. ~~~~ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ î -ecnfnt ecae hliT per peund igiter Ihan last veele. tIW are a large nîrmber- vrr 'T5i price et ptatoes vas raisrdtd o Wbo bave Sont ne cannirg this y,r 5ýi per peck, an Increase et 4c. ijd there are itu'trldawho ha.- lnt ________ #o». il on an extensive sente. 'rbe Libertyville Independent bal ~The prgsent one mnerthproiai -abigget cîrculali. u Lae counny. ANOTRERW AUKEEiAN MAN fiELS ESSiE AS FROM TUtE DEAD Manager of Public Service Co. Unable to Hear from Folks Long, Gets Word IAirt41 I an@- "7% YBS.--LU Al I If veeà ]y il ln E trom tht areq meri ceci Mn mes Inq F; suf _____________________ ent ____ ___ ___ W,__ he Thoodore D.IMurst. Presdeat. W. B. Smith, Vice President. SI F. W. Churchil, Secrslary and Manager lnq Meî TELEPHONE 81 ca, SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO.Lea <ABSRACSOF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Wa Capital $ 125,000.00 n fAUKEGAN - ILLINOIS 1 have a rendezvous Witl 1I have a rendezvous with death At sorne disputed barricades When Spriug cornes baok with rusdling shade And apple.blousoms fi the air- 1 have a rendezvous with death WhÇýen Spring brings back blue days and fair. It -mayho ho sball take mybhand Andj.ead me into hie dark land, And close my cyea and quench my breath. It may be 1 shall pass him, stil- Word "m It U ila sgo0long la coUWIç." Mad5r. Dtach an he sniied bro&diy ,ust afier opsiiag te long lookted. for telegram. The ca-individuai tact tbat twa Wauksgan men bavei wilbin the anie wWk, heard froni relatves two yeama' silence (Mr. HIIAI's moth- or la la Holidi. indirates that coin- munication betwesn bere and there- ta perhaps getling a littho mare passible than before. IWIFE OF WAUKEIiAN Y SEàRETARY DES Wauketgari, Sept. 27 In tht déatt Thursday night si f Efforts in the Past Failed- 10:45 o'clock, etflirs. Edith Brevri- aller Gobrecht, vif.' et Edwin R. Go-t RdCosAided i Get- brscht, aecretary ut the Waukegan F tigY. NI. C. X, Waukegan loes ontet iso tigthe News noblest vomen. crie whoao suddtn I demnlet brlngs general saduss te tht fAlex Hein vas made happy last eily. Mrs. Gobrecht'succumibed te a a Pk wben lie received word direct. three days' ilînesj. et pocumenia. fol- in fiou bis mothe.- Ibat she vas ae ioving an apparentli et tck f SpanishIt nfluenza. le Europe atter* havinx ne yard Shes a lnovn and loved fer bier a bier In lwO years and Ibus fig. splendid Christiani character and true g site migbt have succumpdti womanlY vorta by practically every a, Privations r'eaidents et Eutrope person In the entire conimuiity, an. k encuntrin, le asnt ay mreduring the last yaar bas devottd a t ell t rn w a e as 'îaThm re large part of er in aet ole providing ed ba va Tea H. flleck Mbis omfort to lens of rhousaiids of bine- ning viten he also recelerd a dl. Jackets vbe visited the Y. là. C. A. Ir ýmessage frem bis paýents vbom during tht Saturday and Sienday had rl'. Ir, p-j'rom la 1Snionts uppers and entertaiumeats. lHtr ep rtceived ti bsfriends vert legion. Mrs. Gobrecht R thsmessage ti was thte riginator ef-the supper ani t, rning signeS 'by W. R. Casîle. di- eniertarnont Idea a i t-e "Y" and tor efthîe Anericîn lRed Crossq: was active as chairuianu. No avehcclve te liln During tic six :,ears aile resided lu t 'We hve hcoivd thfollwiJgWaukegan praclicaiiy no activity vas iL '68age for you In answer ta youri complete in tht Pre.,byterian chtmrch jiry of June 6, 1918: w itheutliber. Site WSs associat su. ather, reother, sister and family. perintenuliet orhe prinaary de art-t ingo héalth.. ment of tht Sunday seiaoel. go.dShp hald been a arreniher oethîe JOHN BLE^,H church practicaîl:. ail lier lie. MIrs. Karlsruhe, Baden. Gohrerht vas *an activ inember et thte Nlssionary sc tr: adhe so- For eighteen metelraec i Union, aud looks ail aciie inter- Io s manager of tht uli p-etlirn the erder 0ef'ti-- East-.rtlStar.3 Pubic erv j ire. Gobrecht ha toro StimEvans- Ce. in this district. bad hoard Ville. luSt., Marcli 9. l,ý0, heIng ?!f bing trom bis fol'is. As hiot par I yearmC old. Thret :.tars laier sUE' a are over 70 leas s nd. natnrally %ent with bier par(-nts. lto C"fuernati lworritd anS feared tbey tee Ladl O.,Ualîcre lie remuatind until 190.î acubcdlethtpriatonspeeleI awae ilie there ..he anad Mr . fl iccmbd t te pivtios eOflebrecht became acqnainted. They Germany are fscing. Tihirs tht boîh grew np In the wer'i of the essago slating lbey are ail rlght Presbytrian cburcb ai tCincinnati. lu Me lkeDels romthedea t hli. ý192siatgradnated trom thtejiver. ne~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~Ct lof sfei h edt bn.cî tCincinnati, 0O A year later 'Mr. teir home Io luit outside of the big and Mrs. Gebrechi w ere marrieS. îaIth reecrt at ilademn. Bosuthern 'iýt s fev days betore Mcc. Go- rmany and il vas th1pe that the brecet's deat ' hshe aud lber hushý;nnd lankegan man Was born. planned fer tht celebratien of lteir "1'd leke te gelttonot et there 111h anitvtrsary on Oct. 7. Mrm. Gohrecht vas' a great itelpa id bring them te ibis country but te lier busband diring tht yeare Le tceursertliare'R ne chance. Hoeve vas eecretary et tht union Sepet rail- am arn foshappy te fînaîîy get oead departiratot Y. NI. C. A. at Cin- cinnati, vben hie bulIt tht railcoad Y ai Pltshurgb, Pa., anS later as acýcre- lary ai Redding. Wben Mr. Gho- ~ brecht vent la Panama as secretary bis avife returned te Cincinnati for a year. Later tbey vent te Iteone, la.,sud In 1912 came tos.Wau*<egan, v-bere i.bey bave since resided. h deathMrs. Gobrechi leaveshLeales lber l  L Lusband, titret cbildren. 'Mary Eliza- aiAOrmbeth, aged 14, Edwin, 12, sud-Esnther, Li19, aise tva sisters, Clara, wvis cftht Rev. H. G. Dusenberry. Henry, [Ils.. wbe vas vith ber Suring ber lastIl. fness and Ruth, vif t et Porter Thorn- toOenten, . y -ALAN SEEGER (iwin dos Jli,5. 1916) TJHIS American did flot f ail that rendez- vous-and death did flot pass him bye When he <ied the -world lost a true poet. lis death brings out ini sharp relief how mucb one soldier1who is lost to -usýone man kiled.-may mean to the world. So let us keep our rendezvous at home -our rendez. vous with life. Let us look into our lives, our bouseholds, and see that they are mobilized for war. Let us save our money to save these men who daily have rendezvous with death. Let us keep our rendezvous with life and help them to win.,through and to corne back to sunshine and happines and home with victory on their banners. Buy Bonds to Your Utmost! 77,. Spce. Contributed to Winning the War by keVilla Trust & SavingsBn TOWN SHIP S. S. ELECTION. The Waukogan toveabip S3unday soel convention vas 4ielS ln tLe Waukegan Christian churcit SuatdaY afterrioon, a vomI smaIl attendancp b)eing ont, due to tic epldeaic vii bas svapt thetotwn. Officera elecied- follova: President-L. M. 81'siraaad. Vice president-S. A. Sand. secretary- treasurer-MiBsaEllidge. Chairman temperanc--MrB. Chas. Raugiti. Home Visitation - Miss Grace Pearce. Teachers trainlng-Rtv. Ruther- ford. Mislenary Stpartmsrt-MIrs. H. Harringten. Eiemenlary dtpartmtnt-Mrs. W. R. Wright. Secondary departmni-AItx Mur- Aduli deparment-E. R. Go-. brecebt. Somebody fell for a good joke and ve are going ta tell on iheni. A tev Waukegan men cèvldcntly became tired of eating tht fleur substitutes and vert casting about for seie way te gel a batcet ofiteai fleur vith- eut te regular subtititt order. Then aloug came te'Joker and be telS them ihat avay eut ln Aniloeh vas a milii bal vould grind tbem strailia wheat fleur and aIl titey baS te do vas-ltaitne a lbaSout ibere. Se tht hunctt gel ont a couple et autos sud veut Imb the, country and1 boughl up seme viteat thon Luntd np1 tLe gai; te bring It ont te tLe Antiecit1 Miliing Ce. Tht preprietor eofte mii] met tbem very pieasantiv, beard theIr alors' sud thon caîmly sald:J "Netbing doing." Wt vor'& under goy. ernwnt nrders and griiid oniy for thnse whi'raisn Itheviteat. Tht dis- appointeS Lunch who Lad already un- taieS ihteir whest, proceaded te load lb rip cure mort and retunrad from wheîace ibes' came. Asie CbOdleY Tbayor, janîter at the court boUde If Le, bas any viteat for sale anS If he. can nsime neyeraI othors vito aise bave a fev busheis to Mariet-An- tioch News. Tihe Independent'q cIrculatIofi con- alots of READERS-flot of contes tant&. TÀIR COEBOYS SAY Letters'from Two Waukegan Young Mon Show Eager- ness to be at Front OTHER LETTERS RECEIVED One Local Young Man on War- shlp Convoying Troopships "Quiet," Writes MoCann Thomas McCann bas just received wu ar letters front France, oneB roni bis brother, James,. uhn la ln 1e gevernment posioffice at Paulîse. rance; ane frein Tony Root wbo là an board thé. U. S. S. Preston, help. Ig te convey troap shIpa te France. Rnd two front other Wauleegan young men who expressed thae belieft lit isey'would Le ai the front hetore the tters rear.ied Wau'eegan. With many personal allusions elimi- caied the foiowing, extradas were ta- oen front the four letters: FROM BIENNIE fMcMAMON Francs, Sept. 2, 191R. flend Tom- I received your letter ot the 9th and want te thank Yeu for the pic- tures. Wben 1 vrote you ibat hast etter 1 didn't thinle 1 vas wrttiug te everyene ln Wauicegan. Wbcn 1 Lav ihat paper 1 sure had a good laugh. iiihty sure bold you ail about the var. Ho had a littie war of nev. He vent up te sec Hindeoblerg's Circias, and by the lime yen get thia letter lIlI Le up where lhey hand eut the bot atut!. The world wili tell you 1 sure viii Le giad te gel out 1 efthIbi town. 1 never go any pacp .xce-pt over te the 1«V' and write a letter te mother or yen. 1 guess when 1 write te Yen it le mast as 900(1 as writing le the Sunl. Weii Tom, I amrn Jist as happy as ever. 1 get te e.'e Mlrlr.;"Iîd the boys ofien. They vili stay in this tovi l imtil the var tg evr. Thet.l't time i sav Fleming bhe bld me he vas going np te the front sean. Mei thates a good place te b" ln tUnes of war. 1 vouid rather Le at the front than Le a alacker. 1 am glad Wauke- gan lhasur. any ofet hem. Se MeGrain and Litz are married. And the war still gees on. 1 suppose they viii have a litle var eftiheir own. 1 sure vas glad te hear that Jake mado lzoed. Give may regards te tht boys andi tell them I arn as happy as tht day Is long. 1 may set yen after the var -Il hope se, anyway. Beni. R. MeMahen, U. S. Naval Railway, BatttrY 1, A.fiF. PROM GUSTAF POPP -France, Sept. C, 1919. 1 vant to thane yau for tht clip- ping trom tht Sun. Bcnny, Bill and George sure muai bave bael enougb of thai cognac, lte val theY fepe of Ilt i their letters. Weil, 1 think itla ipreity good stuff ai llt. I received word frein home thal mny lId brother had loieted the army and that he vas ai Jefferson Bar-~ racles. Wel, thal's ibrete ofUs l11 the army 11ev. I baven't eeen my brother vho la ovor on Ibis side amnd haven't heard frein hlm in ovsr e monîh. h suppose Le Je aetlte franI because they have bean sandlng thf lnfantry up there pretlY fast anS h( came over the same time that 1 diS 1 heard froin Dutch Recktenwaid au' 1 Son't tbilk ho ta ai tht front yet 1 heaa'd froin Ricit BmUnim Once. I sure voUld Me toterua i miebli Miko. and Col. Malstrom anS the res efthlem, ltai is, betore I go te tht front, viticit I thini vilh be hy th, timt ycu reccive ibis heatter, and ther Von Hlnderht!'g's Cirons better. tai, caver becanse the f igbting fiftY-ss5 enlt are Lad boys. Yeur friand, "Funny" Pepp. PROM TONY ROOT. France. Aug. 3l, 1918. flear Tom- Just received yeur most velceru letter from thet 015 home te'Na an h vas more than glaS te gel al iL good neya. Tour pictures receive and about balf ef the Waukegan Su' -I tbank îoai very mucb fer tht taM, I Lave net much to tell yen as 1 91 geing bo be homo about ive mOntr froin nOw. We're alili aI var' vit Gtrmafly ever bere, but you can ju put it in yonr lai, Tom, ltai tht T S. troeps are sure doing their h ever bors. Tbey bave lte old FatJ eriand on the rmn lust nov, and ti Germans sure viii rernember the 151 cf July. We're* bard ai vomIe hi anytbing gees as long as vo itrir thetiroops in.. I yl ho giad vhen gel bacle so I canre8si Up a littl We're at ses maetof the Urne, I a a reai ss.iîor nov aSd hIthe Un Wau T-. T 1 L IPARI hoewvr le ovllr 1 viii b. abouit ans rea older Iban I amn nov. Tour friend. T. H. Root. 'U. 8. S. Preston. FR01, JAMES M. MoCANN Paullac. France, Sept. 1, 1918. Dear Brothel'- Juat a few Unets todliy to let yen nov tbat.things are fine wtth me ver bers and amn havlng a fairly good Urne considerlag tbings. There sa fot pxoch caxcitement going on hero--neitber de 've have It 'very bard as we are a long way frem where there ls any action-Just as quiet as at Great Lattes, a& fair as baât gees, but we have plenty of good things toeset and a good show every weoek. Laut Friday night they %ad boxing bers. There teno bail game this P. M. as the teani lm piav- ng away from home. Tour loving brother. Jais. M. 31cCann, t.Y. FOUR BARBERSIIOPS STAY OPEN; OUST EII FROM UNION; FINED Sunday Opening Causes Foui Waukegan Shops to Lose Union Cards and Fined SITUATION__ACUTE HERE President Fred Hebert of thE Union Issues Statemnent In Regard te Conditiong The barh, rs of Wsukegan are dJ vlded againsi lherrnseives' ThW$sittuation devellbped Sunda whcn four of the local «hopq deri ed ln shide hy the ruling of the fBa bers' Union, and remained open t. the d.,iy. 'ie be .ramle open ghoe wptn the secretary ofthîe union r mo'.ed union carda t rom 'eaci piav The four shopp whîil have wli drawn from tha union are: lar Mellaniels shep, Barriston sbo Chappie Tyrreli shop and the shop1 lcaled ln lihe Mellerlneit pool roc, ýon Wâshington street. Thie barber@' union took the mattI p ai a special meeting last night whlch fines of $25 were placéd i t proprieters of tht four sho;. at t $50 on the Jonrneymen barbers ei pioed ln each. hese fines wiii ha, to be pald, aceording te thteoffie of the union. before these barbe wiii b,- admîtti d 10 the organizaliq agalin. i rri th4 oid ondeir.Landin g C shops which remaintd epen on.j day v.erp supposed t teiay. ciesed, Monday, thereby giving the harbe a day of rest. Siome of the fouri rceding shops net enly remaincd op Sunday Lut opened again on Mondi This la lnn une vtb lias statme made by the proprietor of anseoft places a few days ago that no CI, Ing heur--reguatiO-ns 'kould -be- berved. >- Fred IHeLert. oc"sdent ef tht il dbers' local,,today made the folle, hstatenient: k "For years an effort ha& been mu. kta abolish Sanday elavery ln Wau; gan. Itvau some tUme before su sta agreement was reached by1 ybarbers and it vas nat until our1 r- ion vas formed that ihis îaa o il bie. Wben the barbera joined *y union they agreed toaaLie by1 A majority. Whon a mapority of! alocal barbera voted te bave a II veaus' trial to see whetbsr or1 le the plan af Rends>.opentng W6 iebe a succesa tLe other barbers rai strenuotls objetion. At thet of the six wesims' triai the iat again vas put to a vote and this tl tbe majerity favored a returil te lgplan. Tbe malority ruled In t irst case-wby sbeuld il not riug the second? By ,retusing to ai leby the ruies ofthe Wauliegan ic iethe barbera vbe have vithdrawn i 'n bave forfeited ait their righis un te ihle International union." Anna Wiiawon ,16, of West ni mond, lai., vas found delinquelit ter a hearIng ln juventle court toe and was erdered te the scbool girls at Geneva. The girl bad Il taken ,tram, West, l{ammolid te, le nosha, Wis., hy a yeuing mail. F ad thnre aile made lier vay ta the n2 e fitatioanad by dlagulqint berself d a sailor, vas amnggled Inside. i.1cerding te Assistant States Attor j.Weich site reaaned tisere a few d lm 1 bfore bier presence vas dotei hg i nd abc vas turne dever ta the Tt 1hrii .. t a serted that a For your potatoes, oats and other small grain, use the F0 RMALDEHYDE SOLUTION - 65 Cents'a Plat The best and cheapest Antl-Smut ontlie mar- DIWCE-CLEVELAND DRUQ CO. The Rexa!1 Store' Cor. Madisaa and Genema..Sts. The Store Thot Saves You Money b 4 W. C. T. U. beld ls the W*#kgaa temple fflday. tie cOfutY UissPtes votod that it was the senne cf the meeting that the WaLUIegan temple b. fitted out witb cote and make then available ta lthe relatives Of W. C. T. U. members wbo are ln the serv- ice. It la 110w up tu the Wankegan Un- Ion1 to soi as the local union Owns the building. ,Twenty delegates attended the morning session, 50 the afternoon. Au interesting prograin was rendered au printed. The waukegan draft bottrd asperts Lawrence R. Wolfe of Zian CitY whO was sent away by the board March 30 atud who was killed in action Auguat 10, was the first young man sent awaY Lv the board te be kIlled ln action. RAY N. SMITH Ubertyvili., 111. SSome Lighting Facts You Want to Ktlow About Right Now! Your dollar today buys less bread, legs meat, lesa clothea than ever before, but -your electric dollar buys MORE. And you can make it buy still more by using Edison .ri Mazda Lamps Dl For MAZDA Lamps give three times as much ight as carbon on lamps without increas- nd ing the amount of cur- ie rent used. esPublic Service Co ion of NorheraIlilinous thr onI [IRRGFL El MAPS IAKE COUNTY Pubiibe by the WAUKE' -*AN DMILY, SUN at the special low, price each1 ýl ý -OF- r ip c 0-Chàtim seftbaou% am six flot.% îulid Size: 3ft.,8in.by4ft.,2frL led end Merh te Libertyville the e" Independent ýcal der Farmers, Attention! $3.50

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