Insure Vour BusiessM1 à£dainst Prussiai' Plracy ~Buy ci &,Libertylo Policy You have, fire insuranoe - 1Iýa and accident insurance -indemnity insurance -to safe- guard your business.. But there are other policies you must have for your own protection-policies of insurance again&t the Kaiser, whose power. is the great- est peril and the greatest force of destruc- lion inth world tody Liberty Bonds are the Best Policy Every Liberty Bond you, buy is a policy of ini- suranoe against the destruction of yourfr- dom, your haýppiness,your home, andy'Ur liveliho od. You cannot have too much of that ind of insurance. France and Belgium and Serbia and Poland show what Prusian militarism would do to the United States if we should fait to crush it. Lend to Your Utmost for Vlctory Money is the vital factor in the w*inning of this war. You must lend more than before. The-fourth Loan is larger; the obligation on each of us is greater. Lend toYour Utmost! Buy Liberty Bonds! This____________ d toWi-nnIn the Je B. MORSE & eWar by Co*, Does Such an~ American Exist? Can there be any Ameri- can who, is nipt doing al he, can to help win the war? Who pretends to believe that we could have kept outP Who whines or growls about the littie sacrifice he is asked to make? Who gets panicstricken and' thinks that it would be better to compromise with the Hun and listens to the serpent whisperings of German propaganda? If such an American exists let him realize what Germany has done to Russia, which gave in and negotiated a cowardly peace. There is only one thing for us 'ail today and that is war to the bitter end-war until the Hun is utterly and completely destroyed. For those who cannot fight, LIBERTY BONDS are the best possible weapons against the Hun. Buy Liboety Boda Todoy Anj' Bank Wil H.Ip You 71. sSpa«. Con tnibud DECKER'S DRUG STORE to Winna the War by S. J. DEINLEIN LAa King la M I t»m onoeumoeI& IOUOWIDS 1 F. m. Haulltlint- the clty lMonday. tir. and Mr&s.P- . ser. Chcago vIsItoais Lire. Mille sud child( whsre MrNil Lins. Hammer ot gueeseofiMr. end bi lait vesk. Gryelaka vherd bMr. enudenolno tacioni. Mr@. Wili Waiker'a @pont a e dJaya W, W.eare glad ta rePOr itnprovlng tram ber r Dr. Osebe ot Antiocs of Bliver Lake, vers eloual busess lait T MisesLaura CarPO §pent tbe paut vo Sberwood. clarencesMiller ente or @mail echolmatl lu banor ofaieI.evosb tir.. Frank Nade cbildren of KeDooba. the Nadi borne. At a meting 0aithb Lake Villa Trust Ib -anda v nf. IIà.s..semu..i11511 irl sbould refute the accusatlos 0 Chilsopher, la b RUSSELL bis sianderers. Toisa. VIL_______Flndley at bis trial denled ha hall The charge was incoràpatabfltp a home bers with bTIer are a nnisber lu the comumuLý y ever had ll îlcit relations wItth the temperament; andl his seeoed wN ý panlsh Iluenza. on thi.elcIk lât., Snyder girl but had only kissed her. Kate Martin. securtng a divorce fl saeted business lun iMr.and Ire. J. R. Cornes and lai,1'y le deciared they were engaged to be hlmt for crueity. Âccordlg ta co @u hlvrn petit part of laut week with Mr.:id' married. Snyder's testtmony ahe au tW - 1Ç Avery an tiden r@. Omborne at Oxford, Wle, tbey e - He lm a miniFter of the Cburch of him vdthaut protçat lu ber lb« a aturday. turned Mnuday atternoon, hringiog Or- God, athera lse known as "The Pen- but as she was under 16 years et lien have gone to man Koîn@ itnd son wth thew. teCOSt Of the A99r'mbled of the Word.' the art was statutory rape. MisI has work. Ale and billdrcd Siven epent the week According la his own testimony at Chicago, wus the endl et home. the trial he lm 40 years old and bas Want. For $00,e le a MOs Mire. James Atwell :Nleoee No& and Margaret tieDougeil been twice married and twice dîvar- OKPENDENT $@Cd 16JMa uvu or Omaha, Neb., mpent part of tbe week ced, he dlvorcing his firat wlfe, Etta wselly. le bave rnoved ta witb Laura Corno. Ilies Nora left Sat- Gaie works ll te nrdaî luoruli gto attend the ti of C_ Margeret wili ste>' eith tire. Corne éthis n ier tram Chicago wluter. I '11h ber lasl week. Nima Seblmbrea-cpnt home Thureda>' ut nr Mre. Waiker as last week sick. Tîzere lu nuoezîzool thie recent suvre Illnese. week. h, and Dr. Btecker Arvîr Hleres ie .-iiig Liberty' Bonds ln town on protes.- eea ftey e aereived Tbursday. Shir Quetione r e enter ot Chicago, Mn. and tirs Laulee -e moved Lu Mir. and ire. Witt, ut Eveneton, c&u:ed '< teitained a number ou Mrn. Con eo Monda>'tt ; w8aturday aCIIILD O sihl blrthday.T es sisten and twa DI S CHLi T let ek tSTEP IN AND SAVE lstockbhoiders or ths 1ýSaving Banklt e IM F 0M P IO r.E . WI. aldsd HNiR NP IO Rudalph Wsndlaad weneiec-tcd directors. Rev. andl Mis. Solder wure et Wauke. gan and Gret Lake at Wedueoday ta se. an uncle of Mis. Snyderm, Who vas tbene rtrm îssuni ta sec ttc smon, Who vas very filI wth pneurnonta et the Training StatIon and w ho dted early Fiday marnnng. The Ladies' aid aotiety i wlth Mnm Patter tbIs wsek Wedueedey. idre. BaritilAvas unrming at Foi Lake a tew dey@ lat weck. Mir, aud Mms E. Thayer cnitertalned relatives ftonm Evaneson tronte Satuiday iiiNouday.,: Mir. and Mms Jas. Léonaerd enterteîned thah ddaugbisr, KathertdW tend huabanil of Chicago, ovr iBundez'. Mis Danlels vent ta Lake Forest Tuesday-to éese Raold, wbho Ite lck wîth Spaulsh . lluensa. 1ev. linyder and Frank Hamîlu are ruent victîie of the grip. Lire. Toma Buruest wa t an Antloch vIitari Nanday. Mr. aud LMrm H. B. Tovver have mld their larm of twsnty acrres eai aof tawn tu Jue Boîtoaand willii mue ta IdMs. achueets where thez' have- relatives, the latter part ut thîs moath. Mmre. E.L. Wald spenbtht iret ai the week lu Burllugton. I MIL.LBURN I Fred Spring le et'Il ver> mck. samelc Stpadmaen ut T-tue, formerly of Mtiliurn, dien Sattirday et ths home of bis brother, F n-I. ut 4<mmcc. emers.E A.&lMartli, OltaoSoneneeue Stransatted 1iî,-u nLI aukegen the naewek M I e s ' e r l t e v i - I un d a r n g o p e n S a j fe w weeuks wIIIit t r parents, let Sundez' lu teacb SeIiu.'I 5-& ut Chicago. Watrre(it -s i-Ju(l Chicago, 0sPeut the! week-end aitii nu- perents.- Rer. tend Min-. %. IW. Sefford ertertain- sdeOtnpaut tri- r tt. l'euS, tMnp., this vr'ek. tir. and %Ir,, E E.tiennean ut Liherty j ville. are ni ove uir the arrivai ut a daugbter, bru '-,-tember 28. tirs. E, A %lartiu sues abucýInept vàitur Ita cuîncwo tht. aeek. tire. C. E. Dsi-aen le spndiug tî week la LiLert> ville. 'Çhe sehuol- ,t Cisie latnty are losed aon accout i "f-, i-cie kueas, The weddiîsiroutJames Mortimeur Canannatnd tilýmCre Allen oI ltlhmond. II., look tuai-e h idnesday, Sept. 25, et the parsone<z'- e. A. W. SalOond oficated. W-e x tend congratulation@. Mn. and lins %%. Mrselîsof Grayslake, were Milibuiara allure the past week. Mr. Sheridan hbes bonght a new Ford. Beinry ai- Ci-urge Thomas ans qulle sick wîth Spant'si Influenze. Mn. Parti-g>tlied bIs silo Monde>'. tir. Anaun i aml>' sentto Fremont Bunday, Emaee i- r was perfect lu speling aud anlthithile week. The frsI utueti. ut eehoulclosed Frlday wIth an aerarg, attendante of twenti- live. Those aetthur îbent or taidy tanrlIhe mansh are as tîllow-3: tarilea Amanu, Nellie Purtegy, Methe Deiloyen, Emma Detieyer, Grtrude tend Mary Poitegy, Shirley Thumas, Catheripe Partegz', Laraz' ibiciLe-Victor and Caette Deyer. Those recels in1r ten on mors hundrede lu anîthuntic are: Methe, Emma tend Emile DeM-y er. Those ni-velv ig tua or mare hundrede In spelling are as Igliows: NellîePForteg>', Nartha DetiuYer, Emmua DeNeJer, Ger- trude Porti-gy, Ci-ile Amanu, Mari Portegy, Sirley Thomas sud Flornet Each ot the aliove wilil îecelve Parry plune tu put ia bis album. The echuol viildnen saw eund heard au seroplene as it salled over the echoul yard itiug îuwand Chicago Mande>' alternoon Th e idependnt leadeaman Rev. Findley in Bill Be fore Su- 1 preme Court, Asks Girl He Wronged to Give Aid SENSATIONAL LETTER IN Springfield, IP., Sept. 20 -(Speciat ta Deity Sun.)-0f a si-ny scnqatIau'it ebaraoter js a lette-r ,rilten by Rev. Elmer PiNndiey. whieh le incorporatf-d In the reclnrds filed in the supreme court taday lu the Illos supreme court. HIs azpmeal le front the judgnt of! th. Laite county circuit court suhere ha was convlcted an the charge ofj statutori rape on the persan of Clara tinyder. aged 13 years, and senteuc-i ed ta fîve years l intee elate peuiten- tlary et Jallet. Rer. Mr. Flndley lun Lb. letter whlch la wrltten to the Snyder girl shows tbat be le ver>' familer' wlb tbe Bible, tas bu makes numeraus quoatlions from the baly scriptureq regarding love and taise accusqationý eiving chapters and verses. love )uf C('tara'Snyder and himseif i. holy in the sbigha f Ood and tbat the! A S-ISTANT Sccretary of Agriculture Carl A Vrooman says that a billion dollars worth of stable auei wasted annually un the United States. In the face of the urgent need for bigger cirops, such waste as this is a national tragedy. That inanure properly usd -.ill put us beyond fear.of ai crop shortage e- - ()ne that might be made by bad weather. Aud wbt- îi. ý.er, te bigger crop could beproduoed wilhaut the edditio i t anuther acre, anotber man. or anatter - horse power, if eve. tarzncr wouid decide ta waste no gtable mateure this yeer but buy and use a . Low Corn King Manure Srado Three sizes-smali, meditim, and large. jýl1 farrow boxes. Ail steel f ramnes with working parts of the spreadet socurey attached to the franjq. Turns short. Drive from both rear wheeis. Reiurn aprozdriven b>' worm gear which masures aven spreading up bill aud dowu. Pull cornes straight on steel frame. Sol id two-indh rear aie warking in roUler bearinga carmes aivecti- 'Ive per cent of the load. AI-steel eater canot warp. arinit, or rot Bujît up ta IternationalHarvestotanderdiof quaty iu every respect. Bu>' a Coin X g preader and useIt The ineremied yIsI4 from a f ew acres Zi ay for yodiiprea. Cone inadïplaf your order now. BROWN & SMITH ROUND LAKE . . . - LLINM en~ 1'MM Whlch Are You Backlp In This Fght*> The noisome Prussiai u'-rnor the glorious Amntcan cagleî? Bay, Liberty Bonds the wa,,ý- -ur boys fighl-to tbf Tory Bay today-at any bank-caah or instailmente TtWI.$Pace Contrbuted tôs4elflnflg the WàB by Eirst State- Bank ofl- Round. Lai sperts r Who rch 30 uguat away Lion. TY1 knt i- it . l àMoney 1