Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 8

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4 i , .. s' *50s j s ýý1 111- 1 . - - O ITH -BOARD NOTIC W-ý' , lotie,..' ý1:, 1 ,- -,,en that on accoant of the O0o1ba--. Il sehools, L;ovag]picture M&d eh=rcetwill bc' I duntil further notloe. Wsblc a.terigsare prohi bited and parents are to keep their ùlidrei. ail thu s.- et ts and on their ~The !ollowiug rules ado 1t 'd by tho Str.tq Board of qbgtb wlll be strxctly cnforcd and ail reîo.'s called for W ]u1e No. 2 must bc made immreditely to CHAS. P. SMALF, JR., Telephone 171 J By order of Board ci lHerdlth, Village cîiL.oxdi L-1e County, Mi. Ch"s. 1'. Sinucle, Jr. RZOY F. W rigYht, (lias. P.. Ga1Ioway, M. D. INFLUENZA Rudes and- Regulation3, of the IlIinQIS Department of Public Health for the Control of -Influenza In force September 2S, :918 ln order la preservc and iîmpro'.e 11he public lirailli the Depariment ai Healili reby nakes and. promulgalcathfli flloa îing rules aïid tegulations for te contrai. mppression and eradication of influenza. RULE i. INFLUENZA DANGEROLS 10 PUBILIC HEALTH. 'Me Departmeni ai Public Heaith herebdy dedlans infieuza la be a conlagious, afecious and communicable dîsease and dangerous t0 the public healîh. RUJ£E2. INFLLENZA TOBE REPORTED-BY AND TO WHO.M. IEvery physician, nurse and- ofher attendant, druggisf., principal, direcling d5cer of auy hospital, schoesl jail or iîmililr institution, parent. householder or OUMer sn haying knrow'cd 'e or a knowit or siîspcbed case afinijfluenza shahl, W»intwety-iftour . isi su h kL ,.wlcd.4C M suc:î knawn or suspecled case coîi- to iD is notice, report tie .sanie i.. wrii:n. or by teiephane la the local healîli on -UUAl su'.h repo~rt,. a- '. made by izleçihone shaîl be flllwed with a illtten report. Upon receipi of sucli repa.rt the local hîcalîhi auihoriîv shall immediately forward »py of sainie tathe Staîti "prto"ilic 1. alth, -SpringfieldIlliînois. Sucb repart shallsmale the narie. sddrt, s. agi, occupaition, name and address Iempl.oer o! sucit dis'.." d t".erýn. the 'cae o 0uSe ai the diseapie. aclîol Mouded, if an%!, precaitror takeri 1ln'pc\ Cnt the spread of the infetlion, and the WM and addr ess of iifthepi'SVs lî.cr he report. RULE 4. ISOLA T'N Ol'01L_ F.ND OTHER NECESSARY FRECAU- Any persan la'.'ung înthue.'iza týha]l be confined la a large, wîll venfîlaied roomt Sprôper temperaturor, a' reîîîî, itnio occupants oi the premises as is prac- icible aud necessary ta îMs. id corîsasi -Tite pedoaiîsolatiosn'.intid corinhe during the course oifte disease and m!" te patient no longer harh.'rs the causatve organîsm n the respiraiary tract. Noue allier than tlhe necessirv îîedical and nursing attendants shall enter flie bkroom ,or cone in contact A ahiithe patient. The atendant should wtar a face Msk olguaze or allier appr'. ,cd de.g-i 'sheu lu atendauce on the patient. AU diacharges front the rs pîra. ry ftract, maulli, titroat and nase ai the paient W1 be recived iu cloa.hes which shaI? be burued imniedialety ater using, or iu Îsela containing an appraved dosîrtlecting solution. placaudingpremises au whîch a case ai influenza exists wîll ual lie required, .. inlos caeswhere the requiremeuts ai these cules are nai being prop- ý- RULE5. REMOVALS. îýNomof influenza sha:l be reina. d lram the premises ou which Iound unles ~g t ta cch removal lie frst obtaîntd frant the local heaih authorities or front $Mla Deparbuent of Public H esoîl. t*ULE6. TERMINAL DISINFECTION. Vp Ups ernfiluaton of the case, te premises occupied by tht patieut shall lie ~ a Ibotougi densing, arng and sunning. RUL * .7, SPITTING IN PUBLIC PLACES. IIIIIIIIM0as te iniectve organsm o! influenza is barbored iunflie respiralory am and îliroal, dîscharges front sane shai not lie cast in public ~~r te outbreak or threaiened outbreak 0f1flie disease. Al such discliarges ibrcived in liandkerchiefs or clotits whch sliould b urncd or dsiufecced Vigor immersion n auy apptoved disinieciant aller using. IJLE9. PENALTIES. H" llotlaeo4ffces '%,ho lai, neglecl or refusetla enfonce tese rujes, and al ~occor ta imp. onmenî ite county ail, ut tID exceed six montits, or XK7HR'FLASau emerccncy et", te ruIes ior thie conirol of influenza shall Wb p~roaadulet oi a&aiet Septeber 28, A. D., 1918. By order oi DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC HEALTH, C. St. Clair Drake Director. MY SUITS FILED CAR SUPRO DAUTO-SUE MW BesAlbielltoday fled suit MMth tI.Northi Shore Electit for f or danagas lubeail! of Heur besting of Laka Bluff. He charges ot-sa electrior car sruck the Buat- autM alter it stalied on twetrscxg. t lb vas damaged 14000 vozth; nt the accident bappened only-Wed- s"r lest and bip wife and ber ci- stiM are suliertng from Mtures, Mges for whlch viRtebu ed on i, nature of their tecovery. TO-TEAM MIXUP BRINGS SUIT Dscaume a chauffeur for Conlina pWttiIge of Lakte Forest nome lime a beeked hie auto lato a tean of 0 HRUsay Lumbar company ai 1Lake "M sud te tea.a uavay sud Clsed lato tha auto o! Pauline 1pS% r. II PertY iu cfrmenti court Ibrougli tY..piver bas, led cuit for 310,000. le cl"'al swa vabdiy hurt lu the trop. JOHN A. kIWIS SUED ]Kra ing sund Diven bave fled Suenis. agaut John A Levisansd IChretian rathoUeo churcl in luion 4p'.-110 isttio te .legai beafi of e- ebvmcb and go does VOIva&-.aud hlva lis. aeslon) for $6000 and **I. Io- 11lebased an twa aven- ~ oe..~fayot of Margaret sud Ient iorn.foiowers oi leéwis- 9 .'-re -afor 11600 and $1000., M iiit r .iy btiug up for ecoiliar tki mJ'. aaion o5$ t0 wbetlerý *la or ) 'lal ' te lePgal bead oi ~ ~' ,Lewle olalmtng Dowle, bd. Ljins heSnccesor. SENT TO FJ.ORID A ~nkchore rosilent, v ls tning marlifuse l"r(', x.' , tisse ID timn'have c~of s.on .IM OPPOrtnitYtv bg. t prr',.'n,t ~~mu. la oui o!fu- alr wàn -@obas row v av-rWa. Vun. Zio CitY, KefoSha and Radia.. as WellaU othet tovue South o! Great Lek.,. On July 4, under the direction of Lieut.Hammond, Diommnm aud E. W. Croit, Zion naepaparman msade s flght of nearly two hourisud bat- tled Maats a fltty mile wînd. Now Eneigu Damas bas gone. Hal hlefl!t for Pensacols, Fla, wh-e1 ha WUl fly bombing machinas for a ev veeks and vil than sali for ISun dirk, France. Ou stnivtng lu Franc.-, Et. Dumas WIifly Caçroul sud tisudlay Palga machInes. ma- chines are the b'ggest banoblng ma- chines lu the vorld, eqnipped wîtfi ivo 400 horne. powar Lberty niotare. Thay bat'. a vîng spread ai 130 fi. aud have great lifting as weîl as qro- pelling pover. Enelgu Damas vii nfy wi'hthe royal British i ar fore., but ungar the Amaricsu tlsg. HlateSald to a hs" d vised su aeisI homb efght wli4ch malien It possible ta bit an abj>ect tram any baiglit. Royal flyers wl r'- lfltteetcd Il u Dmas' devfcc- anudin bis chli as an aviator sud Il la mai they have beau trylpg a sectre hi,- services for cnime Ima. DEATil TAKES Y. M. C. A. WORKER W. I'ltr-nasîs lio resîd. d lu lb. Taylo)r Illuce s -, li i-on etreat, ued ai t <th .e ."-1 . lsttstWedetedal- 4l a ti-lr i lîs-. Il,. -,ntractfd te Sli-1 iill'ii si -.1.1 l o sot Ssturday his noiltic.sî,1 - i.. r'.t) waiant isikili Hi.. t.. 0w -(;r sIi .. tIflompial e'ssplhs..i los..f..os ,. l a set lu SI) .hisg l'lm &iI 0,Il ý 'a .. it secam- Il ish-si .çseakofsl iiVeýI li.lI l'Y aIl. Hef le i W o ii and t ios chl d reu. The Indepea'dent pute U.bettyvîlie rt. ~'Iusg.w- >frea -anh The Area pareonage ia Undsrgoiug repaire sud lrnprovemenle. Tuie surgical deparimrnt 0f the Bed Croc-s met aitte work tourne Tuesday t- do sorne epPelal work. ~1 he tlarturtaue will moeel witb Mr@. Cota Hull, Wedueedsy nlgbt. Oct. tith. Everyoua came. Horace W elle of Chcago, vlslied Satut. day sud Suuday at tie Dean home. -Miss Edlth Roilman celled on frIende bore Saturday prior tu ber depatture lot North Dakota ta vliher fater sud brothars. A number oi tbe Royal Neighbbre [romi boe atiended the metingat UAberiyvilll Weduepday eveuing. lire. Oea. Laue le euiertainiug ber eter of Ci'tcago, ibis week. lm@ Helen Hiatdfug of Chîcago, @pent the week-end wlth ber pare te hore. J. H. Rouue. sud farnuly have moved bark ta 'ihait bouse. vhlchbai boee reindeled ibis sumnier. 1 tank Baugarbuer and Et. GoUbut Altrnan, Wba are worklng lu the tii. faebory at Wsuconda @pent Snnday boe.. Mir- sud litsD. Rnssell sud cildran @peut Sunday ai the licBride home. iseo Dorothy Harding, Who ha» been seeionely iii witb Spanish. Influents le elowly Improving. iLîh favorable weather conditione ibere will be a bar. rslelng on thle 41ohn Wirt;z arn opposite the Ivauhoe church the latier partîai ibis week. Thiis le tbe tird large, modern, cominliou, eback and daity barn ta be buili thieéecason lu tbe vieiulty ai Ares; uatwiîhetanding the unueuslly bîgb ptieee oLlIabor sud materlal. The Ares btsîc ai the lRed Crase will inaeet every Tuie day sud FrIday star. 1100u untif furth.-r notice. There le s large quota of @utial dresefg'to b. miade up belote the tlfteuth ai Navembet aud every member that can poaseibly at- tend le arged ta do so ta help wlt ii work. Gjeorge S. Brairierd, Alfrad Neatb, A. L. Ritta, L. S. Huehsch snd Frank Dalton ail ai Fremonit bwnebip and the vielnlty ai Ares bave purchased a new Case îtcsbfling machine sud wlll boe. aitar do their grsin threehiug. Athougli these nmen, vitti ona exception bave carn. plebed tbeir thresbiug fut thie year. Tbey think best ta séen re tib machine uow wbila Itrnsy ha kad. «.ttprooeut tte prospecte sre thal neiseoir property oi tiI klnd. If obtaluable ai ail, vilI be very mach hlgbher. LAKE COUNTY - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Improved Farina 10 te 1,000 Acres Favorable Terms 0f Paymnent These Farina Withiu 50 Miles 0f Chicago Greatest Produce Market lu The Worid PROPERTY IN TOWN 0F AREA (subub .of( csgeol FOR. SALE Mýden Houses Vacant Lots Factory Sites Acre-Tracts For Subdivision SmnailTracts For Truck Gardeners Poultry and Smnall Fruit AREA HAS Water Works Sewer Systein Gas, Electricity Electric Railroad Soc Railroad Belt Line Connections Beautiful Lake Constituting Popular Summer Resort Ares Io In The Market For A Number of Industries. _666666.é irae W hdêwo Pss.d a.ay four UmssClara Iodpr and siens, Mies Ira Icare ame, 00.7,9 WPr@$WM usts Ot MièssFlormmEso der H.elaiesping la the tiold, cold «round, ~(o f Chicago, Sonday. The darkjue fss above hlm; lC lfhl(and 1Mr. and Uts. Chas. Rudolpb of Non" knew hlm but to love hlm; s-upgmmSs.i r. aU Mis on ersgesteof Mr.eandg, H. wda bgood uad sse four et Mrs. Fred Meyer, Mdonday. God took yon home, He knew the b.<. X.- Nae ada Horsoberger, From ioving Parents. Dorothe lUcWillisms and_____________ Christ Beot of Chicago., Suadav. À O M OU Mises Woodck @peut Sundsy Yithb egert Mereeue ome sudmIS .~ CiSF R relatives il he ity Fier a. Sneyer Heslurefthome frm SOO Dr. Baker aud fan.ily weT6 calling on fot Champalgu ta enter the 8 . T.daC.'TO H TCOYOTES, frien de Saturda' y afteruoou. at the Universtyof Ilinois. egjy s UM KI Mrt. and Mr@. L. Mather wore ealling Mr. aud Mrs. iBleme and famiiz Who IS RILLEu IY ELF on relatives la El' towusb h os iell ie.EoesHt aemvdt part 01 the week. Mihe l waukleduMe. le.fthve ovdo Mrtn sudMro' 0usd visited their pet Yunlwaulee.of14s.El - 1ase Myra Guler of Cl.icago, ipn o gs rte fMs l ter over Sonday ai the week's vacation at ber fsther's, dGeorge mer Hulse, of Waukegan Uts. S. E. Knodler le entertaiuing MeetrDeah onRanc aieter from tiliver Clty, New Mleîo. Mr@. Almon Powets of Irving1 Park,. MesDaho ao Er@. L. 0. Krueger bad a severe attack astegeto ezWlmnBtu-SO CR HE TRU EA of solatte rheumatiem, but le ou the wate et fleWirnStr-HO CR HE TRUHA Ra.Mr@. Tbeo. Edstrand of Chicago, wai î wasa tîagC death wliich E. . Ut. sud Mrs. W. Stancliff@peut 8unday the gueet of Mire Oso. Ooodman, Friday. l)af ber, brother of Mrs. Rimer HUlse. a% Arlugton llelghte. Er. aud lir@. Christ Meobcer entertain. of Genesee atreet. Waukegan. met Marshal iutobings of Grant Park, ed a number of relatives aud friends recently when be was on hise'ranch aud hl@ wife visited with the Jos. an und aInbnroth bitlg01t]BgPeyWomg.Teopf A. C. Richards familles, Suuday. tdnudayolu onar et becbr -nlg 1- a -B-gPiny.W-mlg. eto o 1- AU&ND ] ]die Edua Brougbtou lef t laut Eonday for Akron, Oblo, wbere @ho ban eecursd a position wih tie Goodricb Rubber Co , woralng on observatiou balinons fur tbe goveruient. Mr. aud Mrt. John Spencer ai Chicago. Suudayed with Waucauda friende. Mise8 Cecelia tieay wa. a Chlcagut visitor Saturday. Mile@ (raee Weil@ of Chicago, spent Saturlay sud Sunday St ber ihomeabhire. lire. Henry Schaffèr left for Chcago, Snuday ton begin work biouday for Reid & linrdock, wholessle gracets. Il t. Sauar ai Grsne, @peut Sait. day wltb Wauconds relatives.. MiicL Frances Sin,îatrt was a Chicago vltitor Tuesday. litsnd lire. Pluti.. Houghtou enter- talned Chicago relative@ Saturday and Sunday. Ilis(irace Murphy aud lMr.Ford epent Sundsy at the borne of Mr. and MIre. D. H. liurphy. Mise Ilildred Glyneli retnrned to ChIcago Saturday aller a week's vîsît ait the home ai ber au,lire, R. C. Kent. lit aud lire. H J. Scbafier sud non of McHeuty, called ou Waucouda relative» Sain rday. lire. Wm. Bsseiey teturued bomne Fr1. day eviug fronitLiveuport, Iowa, wheraeh. attended tho. Myetlc Workers convention ai adelagate front Waucouda lodge. fibe reporte s large sitendance &,id a flue tuae Fred Stoeseer aud James Fuller, wbo are employed lu au arnmuniiou plant lu W ,ankegan @pout Suuday wltb friande la ont village. Miles Ev. Hartis oi tbe Leader office retarned tri work Mouday motnlng ailter a weeu'e vacation. lire. S. Caiey @peut the tiret of the week witb Chicago frlendi. Hlenry Usîrnan, Jr., retuned home MÉonday eveing after a week'a viel wlîb Wankegau aud Libert.vvllle roa. tive.. 1 Mesdames licCormick, firoker, Clark, Pntnam, Hughes, Price aud Mies Myrtle Kuebker atteuded the. Easteru Star convention ln Chicago durlng the week. D. R. udson ia sitendlng St.» Marys collette ai St. Marys, Kanas. Ira Cook and Mies Mets Kuntzmsu wers tunltedluliamarniage Saturday, Sept. 21. The coreuuony look place ai Bilai and vas a completes surprise to tbsir fieude. The bride le the daughter of Mir. sud Ern. Wm. Kuntamàn, Who resîde on the Robt JIohnson farm Wet of the village. 8bhle a fine young lady, hlghly reepected by irieudesud acquaint. suce. The groom la the yodngeet con of Er. aud lire. Wlbur Cook of ibis vi.lage. He le sgradusteot the Palatine Blgb ichool andabrigblaudinduetrions yorng man sud bas the respect oi every. body lut the commrnuty. DEERFHLD. Ut1 sud lUtc.W. A. Whltiug of Irving Park, were the gueete j>! Ur. and lits. Oscar Beechamn, Sbiuday. Er. aud lire. John Luedar sud daugb. ter ai Chicago, ara vislitig 1Ev. sud tirs. Lueder. Mlie trotte licadie of Chicago, w-es the Buuday gupit oiflMts. Frsnk Petereon. John ('ablîl oai luwaukee, wao the aushai ofB. H. K rem, Sunday. Mies itawsua fmale of Libertyville, vas& the week-@end guesi ofai@@Ise atrice Carr.,] Mrdlire.dTharrien ai Highland lark, aceethe Sunday guet tMr.iad,su Mre. Ed Sellg. lits. Auna Shiermian qseut several days vlelttlig lier sou, Carence Shberman. Of Cllcagi.. At the filieting ai the Christian Eu- deavats -i thée Preshytatisu cburcb Thuroday ev.-rilug at iii. borne iof Mise Atriella 'ette,.,in, the 1fallaWiflg aiicets versel..Md illes Allella t'atersou' reldteut; iesit4Dothuy tieleet, vice preside0ut; Misti Sumie liaoton. s-rtary; Mties ll..attice Csr ntetrtul' ' lten girl friantds a, Fîve Hlîîudro.d, Tlhursday even- lng. si,.anniouàd luit engagement tW Ilatry o(tîrîdut i a,Ibî.rbyvlle. Thp gramunear osebool le clooed %hlé veek liti aceaitnut of1SsbUilîl nuinsa. Maore, .Ilialn sd IRobert 1Pettis' are drillii al ncluh weil lalu IdiaOit bis Miss Lors Pe ersou wai the guesi of Iss VivIan Bail ofGleuview, Thursday ,and Friday. Uts. Wm. Kret sud daugitte, Le&a and Doris, retutued borne Tbureday baving vmited relatIveslu Jty~koon, ielb., for iwo veeke. Mr. sud Mus. J. Nalan of Chicago, were the week-end guaste oi Mika DUIFf. Misses Margaret and 6 race Catalan oi Chicago, epont tbe week-end ai iheir latter'. home, John Catalan. LAMEW IH Robert Kaoten vittited ai bis bomne tii week-end. Mi er ltitude Hlm e@peut a iaw dayei lu Cfllcago lait waak. Geo. Meyer bad the . mlelortune ai baviug bis ljuggy demoliebedlest Sat.r day avenlng hy being rmn s car owned by F. Haîvroren of hiarrlngtau. fi (ienung and MIss Laura Millet are ou thea ck lisi. miese wal @peut the week-end lu Chicago. Mise i3raixe Braindlug bua hein absent fram ecooal fat coine lime duo toans abecees in ahea ed. 1ev. sud lire. Iizer @pent Mouday lu Chicagao. The Benuet echoal opened Wadneedsy, M'ect. 2, vitb Mies Gertnude Hiru s eacher.1 H. 6. Hilîman ehipped oui anotterl iaad o! castila lrar île yards ibis wek. lit sud lire. J. Schneider eniertained relatives frorn Chicago ovruthe week-eid. lit. and Mts. A. Dovuion havel5ei b their summer cottage bere fart Iis Beason. Evangolical Churcli Notes. Sunday sihool 9:00, (benman servIces 10:00 a. mi. EmreoIng service, Engligt 8:00 P. nM. bunday achooi teachere meeting, Fr. day st 7:00 p. ni. Choir rebearsalFriday 8:00 p. Mi. In .kemoiam lin loving memory oi aur darliug John Bf s bead wan hlavu off, 'hy s bigh Pawered rifle wblch h. waa reacblng for at 4 ocla-ck lu thé momnngIngl- tendlug ta go out sud shoot coyotee which werea ttacking his stock. Mrn. and lire. nie have mast Te.. turned trom Keota, la, thel r old home. the. brother's body ballig beeu brought there for hurla. Daiher wau 37 years 914, single, and Mre. Huise'c youngeât brother. He had owned the ranch for comb tUme. Hie was there wlth hie ma.n lant week and they had ben hootins coyotes durlng the eventng. Prepar. lug to go siter them agatu lu the night If tbey appeared, ha lait hic rifle near the foot of bis bed whefl be retlred at mldInlght. At 4 o'clock le heard their yelps anid reachlug for his rifle In the dar*inepm, he planned ehooting at them. As lie drew the gun up, the trlgger caugbt and the charge struck hlm lu the head. He died almostilnetantly. The ranch les 90 miles trom a rail. road sud it iook a long tîrne to get bis body to Cheyene where hie brother ýwae communlcated wlth. The Llbertyville ladependent bai tie blggext circuiatcî u n IA»counsty. RAY N. SMITH Ubertyvijie, lit. - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - :g g IThese Prices Will Interest Yen and Save You Money I LINRS CASHby Trading aND AR B FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Calla Hams, pet lb ..... ..................... 25c Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, per lb..... ...... 45c Best cuts Round Steak, per lb................. 30c Hamburger Steak, per lb ..................... 25c Frankfurters, pet lb........................ a 22c Veal Steak, peu lb ......................... 30C 'Veal Chopa. per lb, .. ...................... 30c Corn Beef, per lb, ....................... 22c 3 Iba. Manor House Cofie........... ....... 95c Diamond Sait, per sack....................... 5c IPancake Flour ....................... .. ... 13C Argo Starch, ý packag es ..................... 25c Tomatoes, 4 caris........................ ... 25c 4 bars American Family, Galvanic or lvory Soap.- 25C Kitchen Cleanser, 4 cans for .................. 25C IPet Cream, large can . . ...................... 14C iArnirour' Qats, large package........... ....... 28c Salmon, can ............................... 20C Campbell's assorted Soupe, per can ............I1Ok Sweet Potatoca, 6,lb. for.................... 25c Potatoca, rih, pe bushel .................. $ .6 5 5 Ibn. Good Luck Oleomargettne............. $1 .70 Toilet Paper, 6 rofle for..................... 25C W. will deliver in Ubertyville on Momdays, Wedn.eslays &ud saburdsYs. Phone yejar ordsr in the. uorcng. Peacesfe r Canning. WÎiI Pay 46 Cents a Dozen for Eggu GEO. M. LANE, Nop. PHONIE, 89 AREAb, IlINOIS * ::s --------- -----------b ----ss I.', THEREare two (2) kinds of insurance. 1Both are good tii 'death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are 0. K. tiil you have to mnake demand for money. One retires, the other goes -on and gives service. Both lrinds keep you from worrying for -a sea- son, but the one good- kind is the kind to buy. Your Life Insurance shouid not be neglected, and, when oelecting'same, do not get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ias good as the, best and better than many JOHN -HODGE,. District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS I i I Bower top pi' MORE Many Belli Dr. .d this Influai,, le hope being euh lar "dil$ ai HC This ai quau baen ç aU its RE' The queste deenlce day of 1o11 ir al ami ened i 'Ciety the ci thorizi ('ounti sud a Northi over i The ly aqq auplia th. R' nurei cago nev ly. Mi lu clii tagteel L for ut ency uiqed encan eb014

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