Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1918, p. 9

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-T YVIlLLE -IND,ýEPENDENT LAKÉotw MF~T N E1N Lake COUUWJ's ig WeeklY WAUKEGIAN WEEKLY SUN VOLUJME XXVI-NO. 40 ,IBEMTyVILLE INDEPENDENT$TtL'RSIAY, OCT. 3,1918 i~~.ou r~ !J2~A.5 SJ>VA.LW.. - i k«.Auto, le A'Badi 110 To QD--la Bork lu~ Earl Aiden of Waukegan Has a Close Caîl ta, Death an the III Lake Villa Road JMOTOR TRUCK IS WRECKED Lost Contrai of Machine When To (i-fol Wheels Slipped from the Pavemnent inta Sof Mud Ia ol io s! 1cta8:0olok ebn the autoi truc ii wasdriinglaft the noad,1 pluiigE-d oe-u a 15-foot ar5hhuLknileft, tai-e thnough a tence and turtied on Ils Bowen Country Club ta Open aide. The- acidenut lappeued on the ta Patients; Anther Has- .iîe Villa concrete road, pital in Narthi Chicaga '.Iri. Alden bail been la Fox ,ake sud e-as brlnging an electi ipana MORE NURSES COMING back 10 Waukegan with hlm. The i __ lieadllgbte on bis truck were burningl N ewfêa UýD.rallier dîmi> sud lie miîjudged the Many OcewrDr. eidtb of the concerte ioad. As a e ie Belaows Says Fewer Cases luitthIe e-liels on thte rîgbt ide ot Are Reported the car aliptieS ovni- the êdge of Lb'- pavement mbt the %,)ft muS, catis- FEWER CASES REPORTED. , Iug the driver ta irise ont roi Dr. ~ ~ ~ r W.! elw.etu cmi- It ail happantd so qjirkIl>'that ointr ef haSlth 0of*Waukegan amesert Ithare e-se no lime for anYtbing, nfr od this afterttoon that fewer cage& of Alden salit, lu epeaking of Ithe af- nfluenza are being reportes sMd he f air,In 'dmîl h,-fre 1I I iPe- I ad lalOPeful that the ePidem'c slowly- 'a eftt he odtet1cý-rppug being chccked. Physiciens, he *saS, l odtet'c a lig etilî are kcpt bue>' making celle but due-n thc embattkmenii The machine bu the maperit>' et instances these tr-reîtough a harbeS eire fence and calle 'are to care for oUS cases. caeto an abrupt stop e-ben Il roll HOPTLQUAR.tNTINED. e ro ils uSde. AIlta pV nt HOSPITAI.ed lit tram rollig compitel>' var ThUa merulng HUtIth bommissiOner %vas the ptano. The e-rkage e-as, Bellow@ ordered the McAUl ler hoapit. plieSriver meie-lieu I manageS vo et quarantined to vistors. Signa h ave been placed ou the doora excluding pick niyself uil anS nad tekeii an lu. sil vster&. senIor>' to se.- huebadi>' I lid been hurt. ie-a,; bleeding frram s num ber REQU EST SCI400LS CLOSE. or culs anS baSl sacyrnal painful The Slun ha. recelved man>' ce- brulses but found liaS suffered ne queste that it b. urged Ihat the 00- 1 braken houes.' denie necestitalles te cioing et- ail; the echools u inte cît>'. Asi neerI>'as Mn. Alden roulS jridge ite trufk was wrecked ase a nasulr Sînîulta«neousa i>'eih the report ta-1 o!ite crash bur il was so dan litha Se>' eto several additions lu Uic desîhi lie cold not be sure. Hie made hit tol tram Spanish influe-nza,.caete ysbar,, ta the .i-adaSs iS900dat the aunounicemeut tliat te-o addition- al emengency hosptais art-,ru lie op-,hck would have it an automobui eueS immedialely. The Red Cross so-1 rame along sud Vicked hi lm D cloty balS a meeting Tuesda>' nîglîti briuiging hlm ta Weukegan. He le!t 8 e-hlclîW.B Smith, chairman aIfn o the >c ne o! the ererk titis moru. the civil.lirefcommitlee We-seau-i thorized to laie over the Buwe-n ing to %ce c bi badI>' the car sud the Country' Club ou North Sheridan rd, piano baS been d&amagflS. and s vacant building on 111th streviý, R M IUI~N W Norlb Chicago, e-hIi le 10 ha maSeagss cf u i over into an emergency houpital. 1P O4 TO E The Boe-en Count>' Club. thanougri- 1>' equipped wtiî baesud cooilug, 1u appliances. bas beau turned over laý (AXES 111E MINUTES the ReS Cross societ>' for use Surlng the epîdemir. Baverai Red Cross1 nurses are e.pected here frou Ciii- M O ED À R ÀL ne- emergency bospteli mmediate- 1>. Mna. W. G. Etru.g il; ta ha pîaced n charge of the ue-et iptal. L.(.g) A. R. Haynes Dies 1ev. Ganter tot Christ churcli just as He Is Tald Daniels 1gedtri Iran the soclet>' 50 cote forre lunthe .Norîli Chicago ameçg Bjsted His Rank ena>' liospîlal. These cote have beeIn---- used et Druce Lake for tae aunual encempments rit the Christ churcb Jua at the moment e-len the ro ebol. IliTh latter hospitel e-llt ibe maure or ib lite a about ta culmit- placeS la commission as emon as it ain a b yief engagement preceding caui be equlpped. m!arriage at an earl>' data and aImer, -ttavr' arw.. - 1 s.-ht-,n confirmantion 01 Man>' Deatha Occur. 11 A number'o! nee- Seathe bave or-1 urreS in Waukegau anS, North Chil- cago since Tuesda>'. Thex-e are a nura- bar of thers sufferlg ut pneumonia e-base condition le serîiÙs. Folloe-lng la tbe Itest Seatb lust: CHARLES, SUHLINd. JR.- Four- lean >'ar olS son o!f ..anSdHi-s. Chatlas Suhling, SIeS this morning aet 1:30 o'clock thils home, 1014 B3el vi- Seraet,fleatli e-s Sue tri pneumonIe. folloeing linfluenza. FREDKRICK SUHLING-Nine year nid sou f riM. euS Mrs, Charles Sub- lung, dieS et 3:30 . m. Ioda>' aI bis home, 1014 Belvîdene st Dealli ne- sutted fi-cm pnaumonia, frllowîng in- fluenza. C. J. ORITTENDEN-Âged 25 yaars, passeS ae-ay Tuesda>' nîgit fnt 1- o'clack t is 1fipie, 228 Falrvlee- Place, Ha Sbad of pneumonia e-bld devlopad friomt Influeniza. BoLli hie vite and uhldren ara quila crîtîceit>' 111iori nufluenza. tiRS. ELLA WLLEY-kgpd , passeS away Tuesda>' niglt et 6:15~ o'clack et ber home. 1615 South Park avenue. North Chcago. Death e-as, bis promaotih10 a lIeuteiisilcy reach aS Great Laies, Lieut. (j. g) Andre' Pace Haynae s ieSMonda>' nomn. Lieut. Usynae-ha e-ias attachaS I thë Dept. af Courts anS Scands. e-s amring the earlY Victime Of influen,, Hia case Sevetoped into pueumnoni: Ha le the tiret COMISISItlasied affîcer i the station o Sic ln consequencea bhewava of influenza. While he ayta>ilua Sying canaille a latter e-as neceived tram Secrelai Wanîae announcîig bis COMMlisl< as lieutenant, effective jul>' 1. ha beauersulniied anS lnstructbng ai tborilles ta giva hlm thae ath cf c tira accrirdîingl>. Notice ta appear1 Sua lIme e-as hi-otghtý ta hlm e-ti tha lad t ive minutas of bis lits, bi ta the enS bis Ibouglitseeaof bi se-C.ert rather Ilian Of militai h'mori. HIe I-jet yrds -et-e: ".Give F10551' that ,rnig. k *Fioâsie*' w,:., lis pet nome for bethrritled, Miss Flrenci(e Tichauri Anîston. Ais..,-ho aI Ibat ver>' in mént e-as ipeedlug northe-ard lutI hope of seei*ZhBr lutended lIuebli befora Sealli. Rtaymond Fluer, son of G. F. Fine anS recognîzed as une of the ha eiimqrs lu Waukegan, vras «One Iliose e-ho valunteered at Peesacola Idive for the briS> of the Hligliland P boy e-lo racanîl>'met Soalli ean bydraplana met an accident. Fln1, cauD ses fli a chiné but nôtthIec cupanta - This qaagave tile boicas -POUR PAGE $1.50 PER YEAX IN AIDVAMM v PART -TWO Wohord FATAL TO ulflo SP~CIh[. Lieut ~ SPECI.L K 0FW.ISCE'S Pl oe y IINDENBU RG LUNE BREAKS.Ii RU N O W N IB A M BU LA N CE D UESI DY U it d Pr s )mi Nice Thommen, 1243 Brookoide ave.U WeIl Known Waukegan Wom- I Waukeganumetà tragie deatb Wed- With the British Forces ln France, an Died Tuesday Evening nesday evenlng about 6 o'clock On 10:30 A. M-The supportîng sysem Following Acute Illness Washington street just west of the of*i£11 e the H4indenburg lin. has been brok. E EdU I U P Iostoffîce when In rding bis bicycle.,Id UI N~ U ~ m wa uli down by the Conrad-WeU.el lii ) e eoUh.bencpue > WELL KNOWN IN COUNTY IUU h . Q aminulancp and dled at 5:30 today lut EtheàBrzIi h a@ AustrapU ed bavya MeAliter hosptal. BiihadAsrlaswohv - ase taken Brancourt, eight miles Was Formerly Hattie Mutaw of The front and rear wheels or the linOrth ef St« Quentin. Gurnee-Had Been Aiing I I lB D beavy mater vehicle passed ovi.r i h t The French have puched tattward frPs ieYas* * * * Thonisena body and Tt was fêit f rom above et. Quentin. Utter detruction fo PstFveYer li"trta e was tî'rribly Injur 1. of the enemy défenses aceme te b: 1UIIUII cdadbschns 0eovr eeinahtOpnwfrea bn adc Friends of Mrs. George W. Belle ëd ad bs bncè tarecocr erein lgh Ope wafar ha ben m were eboclced Tueaday evenluz ta bear! AlIght. o a akgnby (u.(iuposle The ambulance was belng drJven 4waWU gUtbLit.liposle that she badt paseaaWy t lber homeMotahec filC esD - tenant now, if you please instead eto LETFf4TN T on Noth County street, Waukegafl. coedonteSuhSe east by Carl Çiek., who lied-gone out ensign as ho wae until recently) V0OLNST. QUEN NO T N.BébillIl WaS tileoththe S.omell tu the C'harles WFtzel home On provedi himeelf a haro and command« AND EAST gFSQETN hl twtu htMe Waahington inrept ta gel gasolîne ing officer of unutual note is told in bad been slck for the lust Ove >ears. Tu_________h tirepatory ta a trip tao ibertyville the bail>' News today by A. R. Dock- (By tUnited Press) hee lid been gettlng along go nielY: with a patient coming fram Kenosha er, apecial wrlter for the Chicago pa. Paria, Oct. 2- 4-40 P. M.-Vi4leni latcl>' that ber frlnds could nlot UELSITRcS FO rod n fltii-Notlweten ai-per, The officer n question is Lieut. lhlgl cnlun orhsdauhlb-e ve bad sustained a ouddefl re N ELS TRS .FO eomlng i ntiN lkv.;enri.R hard Conoîîy, son of Robert Conol. fgtnQuaentngn o t ndsouat Isper whilclnded lu ber death. il1-1u raîr Thywr er ,t thie 6: 10 1>' and the young. m9n. who,m Of SpotQei , baftierontI: i elpaboevr.tha nwe0fCase Where, with ail Sick, -Sis., Wahntn menthe aowaa clted bySec>' Dan- t Lahù e nee inB u. at a good clip, tc gong soundlng and TlIs for braver>'lnrcscuiug men who French troopa have paseed aboya<vlefbrulc.Ms aaM ter Declined tai Extend Aid tawe aock 10ayMreBletbat roeba EUc seemîngi>' <-le-r streg-t beîng aîîead a ainoebar nseom o the canai tunnel and are progressing t a st Siday rn.Belng provse wasfr n ,î., or Is l what the News said today: eastward. An attaek Ua developieg a obllged ta go to hed and fron tIbert Witit the Americafi Navy n Frencb mile and a hait notheast ofet S. C - on ber condition grew worae rapidly. 0fa th pthtc ndueive Thmenhd -idn bis bicycle frorr. Waters, Aug. 27-lt was lefito a Wau- ti n.Ttlal now belleved that the shock able cases of slckness tbat hava tc 'bionie and e-asenol to tbe Wau kegan, 1111, ma. to savelteîo r edoedofIs îîw dthlwatroe kegan lîbrar>' where b hs ee trner West Bridge for ihe Amofatal 10Mre. S dala eh for oe velopad durlng the present spidemie Jenitor for manv years. Accordlug d cari merchant marine. Afir web= ENEMY RETIREMENT ON A tîme itad been gettlng along se ver>' Ihat e-hlcb Superviser Bairsterw rau re-aritd the ebîf Capt. Bitli- order-1 LARGE $CALE 1S LOOKED FOR. eatisfactorlly and e-ho bad lookad font loto Tucaday nigbt waz thae-ot. la Fick, hg, eaw Thomsen and clangpded ctihi executîve oficer of te Amen- ward ta the future wltb sa mucb ex. substance, bere in e-bat hefpa' the zbe bell thi, barOer, when, tao bu ci- det-troye, S - Lieu (. onolly (By tnlted Preggs pectation. Heart trouble e-as tba Austian priest found in a four-romn amau.-itent, Plat as it rpacbed lica onakgn 11,1 o i Il dthe bornen 1:u0P. offDer.tb et. near thliero bIS Strept. Tbomseti pulled directly Wt tBridge e-i a aealvngî-ciew of Lhoden 1:20 .oM., Ot. -sth caus oftbe dbitb arroa infron ethimappa Iliii- etie. LIeut. Coroiv and hie the capture of St. Quentin an encmy Mrs. Selle wa onea of tbe weeU hirh acrsalufrot r lmaparntlit- n men Mere ta tefr the shiîj take thg retirement on a tain>' large *cae is known vomen of Waukegan and War1 îebîrn uesbd tending tu turn up tica street Tbe Iuneg fom the luge andl the bI lrntownshbip. She e-as the daugbtei) beay abulncestrck im nd an eung contemplsted, according te bat- of M r. and Mrs. Lucient Mutae- of MOther and chlld ln one bed. bevyamulnc eruk lu ad anWVJesýt Bridge go port. Ai l tts -Bs tUe front dispatchea received hure this Gurnee, former well-kuoe-n residiente One baba le crib. rover hlm. Soth wbeele pattsed over provide4 she dlà nct sink. Tbe s aorln-Jlay uhrte ît0 ta lc.adbrblt curd Toctidu naohrbd bis body. The ambulance e-as stop- vage crew e- ai wmade Up of voltnteaje. 1a ron Otr uhrte it o hrtlae. ady eabrlsth urd>'cilrnlnaoh* an3b nue a ea ubd Let Cnly ia ae a o hta nterestlng devclopment la in Warren tow-nship 64 year . *>ptUsr l, tîrdin A d teijrdmnws uh traîl the destroyers ]îfeboat asterfi; about te heppen. Tbi-triae ers &o Slle Throay And the arrange part of It e-a s t , te the hoapîtal e-bere dearb occurred. bis next e-as ta man the band teer, - le and as they li . elnla thardsît h at htta mu Thonîsen waR nldlng tbe bUre in ing gear. Wlit four nien on tbe CAMBRAI US BELl EVED relceandasluWae acntaeinu e h air ds b h act Up to the do ibelafr dIthe rcs aouthri- l. so-aee ta- e-beabletbe lBidge wss inothe bat TO HAVE BEEN TAKEN. few couples were hetter known. Be- Balrstow-s order. tbere -Waaat h teM1 utrai ul as theS.l up t0ter and uno' baving much lîeade-ay sfiNaides '.%r. Selle.,e-ho le assistant dis- member of the famil>' Who edoald Cern. hlmI atrel>'pulad10Ib leI 0 îd lo n-pond very well ta tbe rui. <B> United Pres) trirl manager of the American Steelr benttben tkntatehsia pagsa hlm and neyer for a minute der. London, October 2.-Cambrai wa & Wlra Company,. tra. Blla leavea bhuh e would try to turn l u u ppoindIemecin rctclyocpcdti oe itbrocchildren: trs. Ray' Lewis, Misae-tbey ail sbuddared at the mni Ou ugapoiougtemecbt rcicly cuie hs lonng. t liazel and Lucien. She was a ulster of tha word hospita. abead of u., and as 1 saw lm turnleg elîlp eerly in tii. afternofi and our w 1setetatcd in battUe front dis 1petches of Robert Mulse- of Waukegan and But, tbey bait nobody ta cars ter 1 uaturally kept pullng father ta the expedîtion commander aeked Lieut. received this afternoon. The cît>' le Mre. Coi- Haggart of Joliet, Mre. te-n itro b ohrl nortb but lié aise kppt goiug and we Conolly If be needed an> belp. A nwblee ehv oin Albert Paddock of Round Lake and qestion lvd oe ntairbuthç out l fewed"ýadFik men could be used mo 'iree voltin-no beevdthaeaie. Mre. James Sneesby o une di e : adPc.teera were called for.-Pnrlfrn b o ue Tlrsday- net aven cousent ta cane for the5 e-a a~out41 ear od Eeryunewan-d10 o. e-nte jafiernoon eith hurl in Pine Vlee- alck ones during tbe nlgbt. Tt e-as sudo hfaves big wlfe and three chîl- ta go myself an iv i requesi e-ae PEACE TERMS TO BULGARIA.esnier..Testvc.ei-epl nyetrle-retIsÀd~5dd Idren, i. o Ir>of 12, le-o girle of 10 a dgratittadafler te raptain bad talked ndmmn e L-ii ool.(y iie rs)vate ln accordance wllb M"i. Sella ex- and slsated the e-pmae that s* - .He itad ljved in Waukegan 19 5ears. acbdou-:ane adwenor g Washington, Oct. 2-Sirbis snd Anrsothlemonngeti. Ulrs ecomlng from, e-a. Hf, -as born ln wae adrollly brougtîg close ta tbejîlug- Greece toda>' announce their peace And1Ssen th d Coe n.rse t t vom Denmsrk aud was a brother of Chrîs glabi>' rolling straîtter e-e jumpad fordmadoBugr.Thyre .i iri Thomben. He leavea a brother lu Tan- the rail. Lieut. Conolly topped bis i lu I ta batbe and eas for the aleci pq nesse audune l long enougîit h, reet us.q 1-Rep aratiLoI nidatlifor aitTi' hdanl ToeseP n d bisn fnal>. wn iig Let me introduîqc you to the eal- occupied territory. paafo I IlI>L emd la hbod arreatthe hstu@W Tho8enandhisfamly erelivng aagerw. crew. ws LTit eii sa2-badonLntoutil.laCofoo6îl>'YERFUL-Abandtaeumeuti etth ho ailg qlu the brothers home in Januiar>' last of Waukegan .a î>piial young naval domination of the Bahlkans. 'u>~r heprlest and '.%r. Balnatow, after re- bonth iuse burned down. ofticer, cool undei the most rtyîn ...uruee15 eelvng utP J IIj~~~tîrning taon0e groom from methër crcumstances. Ai limes whlen 1 found one boy miiailpi. Tha>' sercli e-ould bave liked ta train the afler sulgarian terrîter>' shall net b. satenr-- ed about and finaîl>' discovered '111 iNJRE MRIN HMEgun on meddlers and gond natured mlnated. L. P. Eraklup. fuel admînistraton of hldlng under the 'bed. The>' dragg. INJRE MRIN HMEtroubla makers he neyer uttened a- Lake count>', la Irecomlag thoroughy i'hm out and put bia hack te b.d. et- FROM FRANCE. word of complairit. Perbapa haoe-as 13AD WEATI-ER SLOWS UP0 ThefîetLae oun>'bo ljuedton Intense on perfornilng bis tank of ANGLO.SELGUAN ABVANCE. disguse-I over the failura of the plainlng ha didn't have te sai.. ff- ThefistLaecoutybo Ijuedbrlnglng the We-t Bridge eafely ta beadle of the nitlt' fuel angmînistra.holieddn't vant ta. t a1 come bc 0Lls o-.BY United Pres) tion to gîve Waukegan relief lnlis- ccunt>' and recuPerate at Great At my fist opporiunity 1 set out tai London, Oct. 2, 4:36 P. M.-Bad bard cool criais. Ha does net besitato(e OR IK L" Lakes station will be Noel White, ion explore the West Bridge.- Wae-en wuather sud vigorous arurY attacka to la>'aitheli door oft these officll 4~U 'nf cn.en Mre. Ed White of Fox -tdo h opdc nta~ ar e slowing up the Anglo.Uslgisli ad, a great man>' ofthebaInfluezdate- g1 Lake. Whit e-as oua of the Lake the aflai- gun piatformfromwbich vance lu Flandere, accerding te ad- that bave oceurred bere. A PIONLbR 0f, L. - co eunt>'boy e-ho e-asilnjured e-bila be could we e rc uge and direct the vice rectived hors thia afterneon. "Pope am t my office deS>' i fightln8- wlth the marines ai Chateau men at the baud stpering gear ln front A furthsr advsuce of five or teo nd -t er utere'ab eC .fE NW il Thlarny and e-ord of hIeIjre cm fhm. The loopseeed luke a raI- miles la liel>'te cause the Germoand thto aeILssl rthe un tez er me h obsfte oeeelsao etivel> sofa Island. Beore tha bridge tto evacuat;pothbleefgrian cetet. i abie-de om eesao. wls the weeuderlu flush e-t vater. t vcuietesiin o . Brecbard coal," Mn, Ekominet.l. w j t nov developi that White e-ai Here vavas blioe aboard vItb a thug. ea nt liaci tt-om France to Portsmouthi. deroua rush and oir. It vas a e-on- SUMPLICITY MARKS FUNÉR- "Many of theni are foreigners and On Saturde>' Sap. 28 occdlieul the a, Va., weea le remained for a short dan that the deck plates could stand AL 0F ARCHUBUSHOP IRELAND are una.ble ta undenîtand e-b>' It la death of George P. Kellog at t» Ltha$tan the>' catnot bu>' coal. It Is a Most home of bis son David tui Seattia. lime and then came on ta Chicago Auclimes h ,s rdemd B ted -Pt-SD) déplorable condition." Waah. Mn. Kellogg e-sa one ef the- webe ha bas been for a tee- da>'s. Ar, lurcli as lbough site vas tartad foil et. Paul-Utmoet sumplicit>' marled "Cmulg"13t aiestlr oWaka hie cordiug t ora bi s i.father on Wed-theafinal ptonge. Ve looked t ecdithe tunermi hore lods>' et ArchbIShOP "Cr.amlgakIne thregLnard t a the carll se tis 0f Wd akegn lite 01 nsasSe>. la la t0 ha senlta Great othen lu alarm and 1 fait as thougli John rland - The coffîn was msrkcd b i.EeieeIbrgr atoe-h phtbs'ohô a. ee n-Laies immedlaely ebre le ieîlI ne. 'e liaS ma.-e s mistake lu leavlng the cul> b>' the pontifical mourning col- forts of beeda of thie tate fuel ad- bot-n lit Thomaton. Me, 1836, cM oncuperate. There ara alreaedy four or relative seclIrity of the poop. ore, purple aud white. ministratlon to dergy of came te Waukegan e-ltb bie fetbe>' un tuetarins at ra ae -h oi I -sitluation ibat remlnded ona The sermon was prssched b>' Arch- an>' order liavug been issueS te the Dr. David Kellogg ln 1846. tir. KOI,0 oni ivemaries t Grat akesWho t ricb>'o ha nidn i us.bithop Kane ef Dubuqus. Rlsdcsntt unoe n ogmridPob a ad part lu the amoîrs battie and wera ln. frs byof'5 tat I sncde l Ien .îIns Thousensude ftpersons crowded Rlsdcsfo atn ve n'lg nrldPo Boenttc iffla tu-, jureS, belng senit bock ta the tales Hae-kins look up 1thea be. of th. about the cathedrai. qoleme high me cal b lteol Iodealng Son 0f. entonaens lp. noe- dytCM 1. o-later ta recuperale. Hispanola. mmes wai &&id b>' Biehop OGorman otf en-ieteca e an hp S h> resrle > lccI ln h *-- Sioux Falls. ped ava>' from the local dock.,lunSien: Fred P. Davild E.. snd 8ufm*,-& lu hecane are nv haWWite i'.~ wsv-carload Iota. If Waukegan. doas get ail of Seattle, Waal tira- . & . M 4e le WTT rneve e-s sine-tb gobis rgî.I1NULtESIUL W2000 MORE GERMAN an>' bard coal ]har it vill have ta ken anS Joséphine L. Kelloegof. Wl.. IIIta ene bi sevic wih bs rgi.PRISONERS TAKEN corne ln b>'ml rnt a long distance îhrop Harbori I XYmto e wldsai- over. ItUlT fr.Unitesd Pree1anS the cost cf freiglit e-ITbe added The 015 Kellogg borne in tbhat ton nar avn OU T IN RÀNRLondon, Oct. 2, 4:3511B. M-BO ta the already lslgh price. The sltur, ocupied b>' Col. and Mmr. AYMA, M Accordlng ta word ecelved b>' ral- ti wcen thio Vestie snd the «Alsne whîre tion is not équtable b>' an>' menner Mis Kellogg, et the nortit. lUM& ot atives et Fox Laie, Ernest Hooi's ISII ifili-S AUAI1 the French arc puihing northward lu of meanne and I do net thinI t balZIon City,. at e-bat la roferled te 55 0- snRuel eyac tCm the ". circling movement sgainst.the Weukagaq hem received s square deal "eîog5bill." te frant. Pneuftontala sald to'-ho the Frank J.Urie-ell, 21. of Inglealde. St. Gobain massmng 200 Meso" ierion t an>' stage of the game." the local Cr oisol rpltrO id causa and his father bas bean caltaSe- ai aerlouîly iiiiired lu Frane on ploeswr oe oadaat-fe diita«Iad aiE onoporgo tahý ead.Auguat 6, accord îng ta messages ne- pieeswr hntd>,d5se.fe dlttao aS roadhouse ln Northfiold tourim«e to i5beaîe.ceived b>' hIs folis but according to es eay Mn. Ensiesasys lieliai no means et rive ___ -lattera that have caefram hlm -of knoe-iug wehler or ualtIthe @tâte mefr rIa L oe-hu a sha UI- se.lie. a ow again la lu thehUe DAMASCUS CApTUREO ulamnsrto ilgv o-mne o ra 1nh peu fighting. D RTS OCSbfr ntdSae of ~s uui Doe-eile a brother of Mrs. Hart-y kagan the ailotmtaut or coti t lnean- beor t. teteeaCo hI J ,t eought te ho ns cheerful ae e-a Lux et Gray.4lake and weal knove lu London, Oct. 2 -Damasclis. captal titled ta have, but he bas e fee- treuil) llaaob M.ondiy. Ha laobarg« Il., .eu, If ouI>' hecauso to ho happy' iw.estern Lak.e count>'. Ha nesponded 0f Syrie. e-as ae.upbed b>' Gen. AI- carda e-hlclilie bas net (played andS elllng Tiquer ta soldlars. lý%0 tire Ou't hI ratadI Sept 19 cf lest tny forcie yetaday accarding te cbarged hoe sotS Baei lhui«1111601 , salves la a mont effective contibutleiya.H 4 -aaStie u.a iiionttemnt >' . DrIUb hma>' place a différent complez- Si.blpt tce' 0 . - o athe happluasa et others-Sir John IDdren ati nilesîde, twoe-chlîdren b>' fe-a tont on the situation.da. np Lulibocr. bis tinat vite, anéb b> the second.

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