~uj~lJ~iU 19 a wige stap for her at a Urne that AM4' u if s W s the Liberty boan Is on bere. It tsa Toguod "ferlIer' and designed et a P.:, h i he b' 'ppr inblock aur big ANSWE1VLK c ' tttcmt t to support the KASE'SPEACE PLAN tai"I Mot9hers and Wrves of Men at hirge! 'i7 havdts ip wbere they lie- 'the Front See Trick in Ger- long Il wili lic t me enougli ta taik man Peace Plans bta "tw ________ t'îîmu-~î' rSwyer-"l thIi ýCALL IT ONLY CAMOUFLAGE l pwace termi need sertit- Ceneral Feeling Move Is De- abld YtViheIl'resdeft's afSWer' sgnet! to Throw Damper -1I o aoýrd-'Uncondftlal uen on Liberty Bonds der! 'i- aat's the oniy peace termns ý(an livar. When the kaiser demoba- Waukegan men and WaulicLlan w' 11t, rslis army,. maltes reparatian to zen. rhothers. isters. and fith* rs (if3ctvtiu. and France. and shows sIn- I% fIghtInr et the front, wero 11i111t- ccrity, thn we will be ready ta talk ItoMm ta their opinion that the Ger- ptace terrms.', <at= peace move as being launctird * ký>" i Wck-« fl the sboe , ront Berlin, 19 camnouflatge. With iegns to pîncli the kaiser la ready igmeticsiIy no exceptionfli Wtfl itttl rý for peace. He didn't sali pence éà%. the feelins here ta that peacr F long as lie was having things prett pbe he mgtin 1d !rmt., mut h is own way. We have no tel aet te preent ime wouid Inot i pence terms to take up with bhlm but osiy be treason to <ur dead but utîconditional surrender." woubi gJve Gersnnny exactly wt'at, Il. C. Iurnett, presdeot Waukegan gbe la looking for. penc.e broutuit N;ational Ibank-'lJTncoItional imt' * about 'with the kaiser stili on control n îîier T 1hat la the only terra on of ILI& own terrifory, pirmadk% oflwhii the kaiser can get peare.116 forelgasafli wiinth ' t:' li t C. ttStaley, presfident Peopes Germany fer four ~rof4' i ir 'zIf <Cermany willtdo the saune figbtIng. - tirg Bulgaria did she tan havre 1 Beiow the Sun bas tuotetI a nimj'Pc. ber of Waîutkennrien tand wornrrti w F ~isLtshaen er yelaive ta their opinion, on thte Ir- Ve hot op0feir posis f ea' f~ eittlaifl ~ tfit * In fart. shotup as many as ThfsWhat Hundredsof Per- sons Asked the Sun on Sun- day and the.y wouldn't Be- lieve lt Was Not So Telephoae cais vhicli rame ta lte OHÀ TLYFIN 15Sun joffice Sunday afternteei and even- S 1g llutrWt ed fercefuli>' the way lise USA P5UWWSWhpublic hecantes frantic over rumars M4ADE; FA H RÀ ' of an>' kiv~. ; R l C The umars gelcrcltilta SON DE D 2 D Y eernetbing liad laken place In Berlia aad accordingly thie teleplione belle lu tise Sun office were rittging ail Red Cross Worker Finds Wife afternooa and evenintu wItb quee. and Mother , n Bed Sick, tions popping ln something like Ibis: Others Dead for Days "la tbe van over?-"'ITas peace been deelared?'", l uuderstand Germany> ________ - bas Rurreadered unconditienaliy, le3 SHOWS BAD CONDITIONS ibat rlgt"' 'I understiînd tise bays _________have been ondered ta corne laclt Forceful Illustration as to How i orne?" Difficult it Is to Care for And same pensons caldn't belleve vby fil vas the report wasn't true Situation Here tliey bai heand su decîsivel>' frais -- varons parts o! the ceunty. Belli; Waukegs-n. Oct 2. vers rung, whlstles vere hlown, and Witen one of the men wluo Is vark- general tumùti exlsted lu some a! bbc ing on this epidemic probiem vwent norîli sbore cles %over the peace ru- ini a soitt i se home Satunday lpent titat came oùI frorn Berlin. uight lie made this gisastly discov- The Sua office. hovever. gave out ery - lfoinnaton ta al vba inqulred. He fouud Ilial the hîîsland and a vieitit as ahiolubel>' correct and cor- Cbild liad bt-ru detîti nre Tiursdayt responded vitit thal vbIris appearet titat tîir boies stîll lay lu thte home lunIlie marniug papers yesberday. unattendeti. dietea10 --'facb bliat the Tie fact is thte public 'gues up. wifê easd mothen vas dowu sirS, un- p>' oser blie lease thing whlch gives abtle ta bielpli erself and unabie j tbem grounds to get excited. How seed for assistance ta rare for the iauyjiiody could betit-se Iluat tise wv bodies o! ber fanait>. mId be termninaird and peace de- The victoms: rtared in 15 or 20 minutes and b#1 Adarm Seriski, aged 33. lieve lil sincerelv a- some of those Paul Seriski. aged one year. m'ho called the 'Sun office, le tsard 'I'br ssc-tutr lot nto tinte in gettintu to uuderstand. thue hodiesý froua tise bouse, ttue re- Th(- stratugt' part of il was ta a, a recuIt o! bhe ta-o day-q bavin-Z planation, decluring positively lnman tugb ent odiinnayvul o ut-setu u dpýjt arpucd.uoe wur ,e,, tt,t -- -Weil 1 Geninan>'. The>- are sery- t 111t, u Vhave sitôt up for te allies; If pase sli-'- '----r%"'U -- expreasinugtjffrel tt< 5 tiug!if , gîve ppeare ttfone ve have doue -an ierselt vas unable bo leave lier tereatl unes. i. vl a- euoIfxt. bcd btl tue bonnse vas lu sîtrlita tgv. COLNEL RLATVES "IGH .,ex. Batin h asrne- rible condition, due to the fr ia ON." - -- inde me o!fItue lrigluman vho tlnev the bodies 1usd giveli off an odor ttf, _irg. A. 'V. Smlh, w1fe O! Lteuu a brick at the Swede nnd tisen rau vte laabdlsetia beso orderedia Col. A. V. Smih. acruttuci ono' d t, iome and prayed fan peace-bthe laesdst iis.glgl of the 149tb artlliery !ilu ru-tu e- 1taiser's dea of tsar J e eule ue,-Ilîbors. have ne fath in wht Germnsutu'las, pêeace wben he neede ut sud titeres The waricer lu question toek lise laid and want ta bear more diri-ct notbung dine. 1lis a rick ta burt botdies totahle Larsenu uudeta4tng btieore reaching a definîte rinrIis! ýr Ite bond sale. rooma s wliet hr-y vere cared for as Bat, you ask me if I tlink tbry ('harles M. Gorlam-i'm giug le besbt theY couuhd afler liavng been o«bI te accept peace ternnuu- 105. alte sorne more liberty' bonds; I hati left 50 long uusttended. 1 chould îay nat. 1 dont ttiuk they'l taken ail 1 telt 1vould but nov, lu This Instauce merel>' goes te show qut nov, 1 doal bthiuk the>' sboud face o! the kaiser's step. 'un goiug te vlial a terrible condition exists iu fer 1 don'l believe 'lie American tui- anaver hlm b>' taklng some mare. tise it>'. The undciakalre5hlise been wvould be saisfied nov until te>' get Tomt Tyrrel-Ouly a bluff; ve unabie te cane fer the demande made entr thnougli ta Berlin; dont you ougit ta keep on until ve'se vallop. upon tisem; lu mauy cases funertîls imemben taI bas bc-en tbe cry - ed Ihern gooi. untîl wvese cieanac off bave iteen hl off ms-ny <aya lu &M d 1 hellcv tise>'vaulta see il s- tew o! their citlie as tliey bave soma cases, the onbalmiug o! bodies earried out la detaîl. I beleve taI doue. It is't on thse square. aise bas been deiayed much lenget »" @ e'relil vs should figlit it OuI Frank Tyron, police desk iserge*lt titan le desired, but, il le a case té te finihl, ai lenet until thie Hun.is.-'I viilh I hadl the authonit>' ta dId- whsre tlie uen can vork oui>' se fast M* Vbedbac teGermn sil.Thetale pencte termeivtbh the kaiseç, and can do just se much and ne more. no. Sfa'om ahnoad., ho#ievsr. is von- l'l give him hell-tbat's tise oni>' MMe W. B Smih, moblier o! Lt. kind o! pence ho deserves. lie dîda t JOHfN COUMNT f COLA. . Sttb1 dn'tw'.ntpacecry fer peace whien lie vas klling Ci. A V. lnipence o tew-gtu aceInnocent 'wamen, %chldren ad i It Wveguite igh Iloutte hemea-nelîber di he ask pence when À P M F L -IfU vee gaita flt kil oI a he bs ent hi% -airpimnes ta bambard asmua u5LUZ~ tisaI ~ 1luospîbats. P5-ece terimsThené's riTo 'enls.~ oaCnl.s ei 1un gou. h doult thie iaceril1>' o!fte S * 'tblng as tan as lte kaieer la Tde e ai'<ea forn aaay y&eai. OruAa tIbi"s lAbtme SVE cn. arlived la Waukegaa Suada>' niglit MvN8. . TiResterPesTeiVE. Mayor W. W. Pearce-'I can't seest-arn Sprngfield visere des-lbceu- 1ev. 8.W. Chuydestn. P crebytnuan oythse Germans cansistenti>' eau ed on Octolier 4. of beant dises-e a! 1 Buu' tatWeraced la d eur crne , as'< for peace terme visile the>' stili %ewiLhIte b" Abeen ouertng for SuudaytisI seae seul ne coseare oceupyiag coaquered territer>'. name lIme. Mn. CeuanI vas 59 %ears toneIsoos.Tise geverament btter lie- Preaient Wilson appears ta favorai.anealehutepoton! - alii to laz, un lise six billions if ve a ucoillaa srenFnonr an h e asan a tepoito o êmt dbuerbe te lierty bonds an nconitioai srrendr an 1 a chi1hwaehmaiaitCherod C PrPr- thli Sutihe ie lulimoent ibod..willing te les-vo the problemin bihs duets ilcfinlag Co. iiant lu Wasske- Ionew tblu e ti enan'c me ii on nd."gan. For sonne lime he ibai libeu the the " ofatebd s la orul a dl er-Ofl Ed*uard Connd-'ýThe onl>' kind af position o! guani sit the state bouse1 . Mul et lisse ane fornt Pepece terme ve vent ltelisar frorn aI Sprngfield. 1es-s wàreta alrasumertise tand etIhe kaiser and hie gang la uncondi. - MM etas- la te i aven.We bave ianal sunrentien. We viii net ite .-V U >'eth kaelier; wane hve e ot Oalîisenough tet be trickei loto an keeii gaing. Bo Iekcith kisr;vehae elarmistice. We muet continue ta give lira. Earl W. Spencer, Hlghlau -d 110 do that onrs-l o! us vii dis. Maie them vithat thIllke least o! ail- Par'c-"'The oui>' peace a Goli Star lit itroag-ve mut go on unlil vie- «old steel. That should lie aur an- mother can accept la a peace on tui l adrs. eli enery o mnnkii eer te useir eutraegaus peuce prop- German seau. Tbîsîle my aasver. muil aey.w tdE a nterduat. oitlln." Our sacrifice, itle struc, bas been pl1 e HvaE. Gasth mnt rEica- - Mns. A. E. Brown, prestîlent Waîsï, great, and other motitenswviii have PIons bieforvOuilcoatr most precar-ans Cul-By ail imeans, let us have te make tiese arne sacrifIce, but vs rater ee Geman drve ustpence but Il muet bc an American muet g0Oon." <Mrs. Speacer's yauaeg. i' rthr cea lema div jatpeace. est sen, Dumnanesque, died battliag nov on tise vent front tItan teaisr lira. Per L. Persans-I thiuk Ilthbie Gerans la thea air.) t<liiiVente proposaI If vs are gaIne is merel>' anoîher douge; i thIuk il NIris. B. KA. Muson-l dnn'I thluk - to Seader ' It seniousi>'. Id gay'ta le jul a plan fan thé Germaus ta gel1 German>' Is sincere lanlier eucrressed GeCrmanyt Wben vo getseady te auoîher breathing sPell like ollier.i desîre fon peace. It looks te me hu'e - tlkpenevi>' be welIs-ic 05 taI the>' have secursi. Then afler i a ruse lu arien te dampen bbc an. tociseau i aotul eln ce villi Ibe>'gel their lrcalliagabn Ibe>' vaut dor fer aur liberty llan. 1 ca't feel -sol GemaTexcsoeitia o pnwt termi emilen la. Tise>' are just planning ta thal she meaus vbaî site sa>'s jttgt Cermny exeptng n trmes1mla 'ake thte necessars ;teps ta grb rea.dy nov. Our goveruimet bas maie Ilb s te tes. given 1e Bulgaris-, sanuci>, ton anether bilg drive. I vauldn't lie- -clear vhat Il lis read>' ta disciis in tinconditienel surreaier. To bell viblu lee ctluc under oatit. malter o! polace that thene shauid lie tekle.Mis. W. 1. Lyon-I dan't tbink te no argmutalavavolibac Res. \T. C. Ruthlerford, Wtptlst gmn st htwudb c tburch- tis just camouflage, ta' allies shouti acnit'pI snythiug excepu. ceptable ta -uls. When German>' le 1 ng ucondtiîona' surrende-i dont neadl>'tbocompîs villi al aur presle; ail. :---ene reason tate haluý-'Inte msr ew b--s- tt-îow ve tau Furtisermore, I can Inttnisu uev timect prac.t ut- w. Wbal do ve Itet frtttt1s, 'il '-e butscar colntr> Is the anc to ber - but, first ve'il lie ureellie , , ermndiiy-lSite boue ail she lbas ociltu'..-a tiscelon as l a -alshah lie .mpans il. I don'l think ve sboutd édi ciaie ' ti l o la er orces.I!t-- uo full consent o! the a! lessen aur efforts lu the les-t; I be- lrg ~î hi-eaurail' ier ore-s. lied tu-iuu'cies. i1Ilinli ve aughl.te leve Gernian>' hould evacuabe ever>' incaor- errtor> su 1a. st.l- -ri , Theo:iorelD.tMurst, Presidetat. W. B. Smith, Vice Pr'-strlenl. F. W. Citurcl-l, -Secreiary and Manager TEL.EPHONE 8 f SECUR1TY TITLE,& TRUST CO. AISTRACTS;OF TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED WAUKEGAI Ca ptal $125,000.00 ýN - - ILLINOIS Il pusýitetion ilttIlie it"eqfor mecy>' mnil stuc le ltîmbîri deepi>'. I bave ne chatrit>' for luer afler whal site bas doue- ngainet bimanit>'. Ciîartt s NMorrîsn-The>' ouglut tle md th tu'oler sans a!fte kaiser, Ibmn tatur stotut 2) o! tht- kasens '%ad- i!t or-. cutj sttanddtht-n up lu a nov; thpn toiclu off a ig canaon vitosp mniclI> i-erbeti nttht- lnp-and ituen wr eau tltk peace., Thel's su ~*-r:bePette for ts-sud for the hGerman PEOPLE aiea. beartilit vas so' to(I are you sur, yourr. ut mislakefl? Ohe man insistetl th-at Ca'pt Mof fett vas quoted bu' a saihor as liavin apîieured before t.tt the men tt rla' Lakes aud declaredth te 'ar was ou er and peace bad arrive(]. VOLUNTEER TRAIN- INGi CORPS JOINS RUESERVE MILITU Local Corps Was Mustered in. to Wider Service by Capt. Stacey Friday Night The Waukegau Valunteer Tralin corps nov belanga te the Illinois ri serves and are subject tae all an place ln the stale wbere tbeln servie may lie needed at an>' lime. Th'is col ditlon develeped Fniiay nigli wisc thse corps vas muslered mbIb te ri serves hy CapI. John W. SInce>'. Se, eaby-one men and lisnee officens ver prescut te he rnustered ln. The corps gave a drill vblcb w2 * reviteved b>- -cap - StaCiPy. HI&-h ms-de s- iittil tallt ln viticis be.praie thte local Camps-ny for lis efficIeneý saying Il vas onc of the best argal izations o! the kind lis bgas touai thie itate. Tise tset tisaI the local conps 1n0 beloags te the reaerve mîlilla give it an entirel>' ditteena standing1 the commuait>'. Up ta Ibis lie Il enembens o! thIrie niang cors COU] net -eeliecled outalde of tise City fi dut>'. Nov tbey are cauhJeet le ce s-ny -place ln Illinois le helliQue rMot etrikes,.'ele., !ufilllag tb. sarne dliq s-s the national guard dii formerY EUifT SMN AMER iEtIN4i AÀCROSI Blackhawk Division Makes Three Mile Gain ln the Inutai Drive Friday Waukegau peeple read vitit mu, Inli-rest titis -morning tbe news fro abroadti Iat the "Blackitavk" dîvisit lte men vlio vere lralne<i at Cax Cant not lon g age. Titese men, cal 1priping te Blackhavl< division. maÀ tan asivanc e a! tbree Miles lu tl -drive o! FrIda>' sai the latertatii part af ibl Is that the>' havebli acrese the waters ýGIy a few week eThe>- gaI riglit Into thte fr5>' mu sooner Iban former cantingeuba vhî liad been sient alinoai lu the Btarlrbawk difisien are the< Waiilcegun umen Whoe lrined s-t Gri tas veillait many obisers froa Ln Myron M -d. Gi orge Zeller. leo Smit. y liarry Gardon. Lienît. Milton Duna. iLieut. AIilMaccey. LAKE FOREST FATHERS' CORPS AIDS FIGHTEI o 'Thr- nt'wrestnortli shorte militer> Ilirre hundred aud twssnt>'seraud m rhinr, cn battalian, orgauized ln La' Forest b>' fatiters o! boys ln thatu il. Les ta F. Swif t us commander ae TIloluart C. ('liatfîchId.T5an eIo Ac ant. A fîuti a!orser $6000 bas lie raised ta relleve cîusîressei tarîll of figbtere. didaout Z5 years ago. P our' cbiidren survIve Mis. Pon- AL IIftI SUNJ)AY; sony as foiows: Mm. Jeker INJURElD AfiAI oeDClara Gile and Mrs. Lo)u Lindsey, FIRST ON REC R bth ObIcao. l.aI the casualty lit ais rinted In Funerai Wednesday morning froni the Chicago papers today appedra Bodies of our Armenians Who the çurch of Imiacuate Cneption. the narne of J. P. Madden of Spring Burial ln te famiiy lot ln St. Maryso rove, 11i. Madden la a nephew of Sucoumnbed to Influenza oemetey. Commissioner orvis of Wau'iegan and Buried Side by Side accordîng te a letter- received from bis aiter. Mr. Orvis gltate that she DIED WITHIN__FEW DAYS OLDTIME RESIDENT, bas reÊeivpd Word lier son was chat Friends and Relatives Made a PA A Y I VC I eond tinte le bas been laid up. It DRneqet hat al Burials Be8iSwas oui atAgutta i shot througb the ieg but apiiareatly Held at Samne Time August Schtewe. Weilikaown eid! returned to service. Mtadden wj quarupe fneri.thefirt ee'lime Waulegan resident pasîed away vryntuitcsodeaiara qarpefnrlth is veariy Ssturday evening at the hom tawv ro en hl iaroder, tavengiet. beid ln the history of Waulcegan. or- aflits dauglter, Mrs. Chiarles HearIer onhm node oenit cured bere 'Sunday niornIug al tenoaf tielvidere street. He suffered at ao'clock wlien the bodies of four Ar-; liglit strotte of paralysie ePariy in thel Indepencent reeder? BE Ou. meninsailvicima0f nflens au spring and liad been eonfbned ta lits mening, it ictiis f Inlueza ad -ed since the tiret week la April. 0w. pneuntonia, were laid away In Oak- ing to bis advanced age uttle liepes Wood uemeterv. were hl for hiii recovery. The names ç-f the victime- MIr. SebleVie was nearly 89 years of e NASHEN KAh;BARTAN. age having been born on May 26. 1830 S Ofi Z a ln Posen, Germany. Ne came to thip IL. IIERORIAN. country witli bis family neariy ftUV .SMT s BErIROS NACKAILIA'%. yenre aga, coming direct te Wauke- LYN MT d HOJI(' BHAKAJIAN. gan wberpe lias mnade hic home even Uiberty vile, lU. These deaîlis aloccured withln sdace. th as w o hreIys her-Years ega lie woriedwith the late _______ _____ Ibe aittvaor bre dai, liere-Samuel S. Gr-enleaf ln the oe bus- mains ltuving been kept aithtle Con- mness but relired tram active business rad and rtzel morgue. Relatives and about ite r s ago.Ne lai sur. Fct * r... .,n.î. h î,,im ep-,.e avived by Mné auhtr .l'r.Bth q 1 g a * dsir tht ae fneri epr'sed Cliristensen of Racine; Mrs. Emma r eietatoefnrliebchld for Weltî1 cf Chleýago, and Mrs. AnusnePJO dail of tbemn. 1-arter of Ibis rlly with whom lie yt Ç Accordingty arrangements rwerel maile litshomte. A;M i t mad t hve hpsevlrý, hld ur-ýThefuerl' ib e lufrom ilie b i mad b tav Iir ersirs hu Sn- home o! l uisttlter. tIrs. Anna I M o w Sday morning. The four eonfias werr ter, Tuesday norning aI 14) o'clock."I wtaken to the Oakwood crmeterV anti Buril at thie famliy lot in Oakwoad1 ar vere placed beside four grave-i; cenueter>'. ewhlctt lî:d t '-Iii-t' Idp 1)y ide iu 1 Your dollar today buys a nc lot. ýAn Armetutati rtereyrma-'ÀA OMAN T O EACII lese bread, legs meat, ýe from Chicago vas on baud and to100< -ohe ha ee dcharge of the quadruple s(rerx A R esa lte s tan ureer large number ofrfIends sud re: RBLOCK FOR FUTUREDdbeorebutys OuRE.eîi X._______ DRIVESpreTscrCtT And you can make it CRIAS. CUTHE NISY buy stili more by using CHAS. C MMINGSFormat Organi zation of Wom- NE R N ICTIM. en Under 1 General. 3 Cap- Edison i N UM NI9V tains, Dozen Lieut. Mazda Lamps DIED ON SATURDAY MRS. PERSON$ IS GENERAL ForerWel Kow MaiHih Ms.L.F. asn.Mrs M , For MAZDA Lampe Forer el Knwn an Hih Ka.L.ow sky n Mrs. .Jngive three limes as School Graduate and Man- Kmuch lighndas carJon -ual Trainina Teacher Emmons Capt. of Dists. mpe liht as crea- Waukeaaupeople vere surpriied to , Ili aial o(te'o .ý rnri 0 hefn n, rngthued.onto c .t hear SundaY liat Chartes Cim-!trNtoa on-lo )fnýti rn sd p rings, a former welt-lziown Wauk- M'ti -rn e ot compiti organic Rgau resfitent. hlaidietiSunday even wiîta titeir oet o-bteoueranvass ing at f o'clac'u at bis homne In Cht i Dfi ouet-o-; avs -cage, 132 N. Kariow ave. lie ba I be-n n posi0tion 50 taI tht->- coutti have au fc e vc C iiPk but a fAw days witit pneumonia. tîanîiled tItis epit-ilr situation lu the .Nîr. Ctuamingq vas a Wei knowu very capable way tlueY would lie able of Nort.rs Ililinois Waukgan an fr mny yars.9la handie anything like Il Ibat arL-tt.s W a kea n . . C m ngo r lii n gY a rî. bit l e fu tu re . tefteC .Ctmns iignwe A fact o! Interragt le thAt the Wom. *e- Beach, north of Waukegan, wbere a erCmiteo h o ers ýe sister aiso resudes. Lau isbenag Pzdnd le 11 'n Mr.bs f 'UMns as f1rerlyf gLu LOasflUL ii Mil. MadRPSý en and.urbiingeas 61 yers of aeIn turu have arganizcd rutotiter de- 0 re Dewey, a Wauegnyng aa. partment wliose purpose and objet, ,'e She vas a sister of the late Mrs. Ca iil i t-OnF -ai ruscfal __ Kuckr ofWeststrpt ad Grn caracters ln Waukegan ln the future &quaeke ! etsîet nyrad a ieuse-to-bouse canvascarrted ed For mauy years Mi. Camds oi.havnyeeacwa LAKE U NTYi n been a manuai training tes-cher ln Ms .L esn agnrlcar tn the John Marahaali igli uchool, Chi- Onan of this new department anti ilPblsdbyh in cao. Mevas a wbotg just learued that the eity bas been WA bibKeINdMLy . aw oer 20 Dondeand weorige divided Intotbree districts whIch are reg wer 20 e a is an i cconeu.glbounded by the deep ravine. In molia e as areta t i nceu-These district& each have a cap- in er m ot t as gtedas I ftht hic c ac s tain and the captain ln turn la s ap- at the SpeCial 10W p nicO weent sgoda f i er ointed lieutenants vho are under her each fo iighter ms-n. orders ln ber respective district. ail Mir. Cummingit vas a graduate of Teditctapan arasfl rts, the Waukregan bigli sebool, belag lanlove ditic3.50n aeasfi le the das with 1Mrs. R D). Wynn and alh sds: Mr.$e3i.F0Maon Y* other Weil known Waukegan people..Not ie-MsLwlF.am, -FaneraI tram the bouse Tuesday, captain, witb 24 lieutenanle. the rernains ta lie brouglit ta Wau'ie- Soutli side-lire. M. J. Kaawttk>'. gan at noan for laberment la the captaIn, wlli 13 lieutenants.Si:3 8 n 1 famlly lotWesOàkwood. Wes John Emmns, ie f t., 8i.bY 4 ft., 2 i. family lot la Oàkwaod. aplain, witb 10 lieutenants.________________ _____________c The lieutenanits in turo have nsm- FINDAN LUDESIz cd frern four to eiglit vomen ln tlr respective districts and the gent-raI b'D plan floe a ent aeee Libertyville a DENT DEAD IN DED e Oman In 18 blocks. This womaa wil HUART,_NUMNAar bc weevrte rerl gvn Independent ta tite geurral cemmittee te produce cli o put .aver a cauvags o! any kind. otMrs. John Ponsonby of Jackson rThus wbenever anybhfing arises ta tu, Street Dies After a Four te future, which requires a ouse-to-Fa m r, ttnin rn- Days Illness bouse canvass, the D 'efense League. _________ttention %de r anoter oganzatbn atuiglit lie Mrs. John Ponsonliy, a well.kutewn have occasilon ta use thie women caoi- flg resideat of Waul<egan. died Sunday vassers. viii merely natif>' Mrs. Per- Foyoroaoa.at ýenmFo orptteos kg morulng at ber berne, 111 S. Jackson sans sud \lrs. Persons wili consfldre n te aalgan cl i. at.er death vwas due t lieurt Inn- the praposltton it$h them sund thcn adoti al .an clu bue but relatives deciane heart' affec- spin a proper 0. K. Word witl lie pass use the ose tion vas the aftrr-effect of Influenza. ed te tlie captainj o! the dlffereut ut Vis. Pansealiy' VaassIng ava> vas districts wlio ln tut-t yl p9sil te iki- tragie, for, -while she bad been ail- their lieutenants, bthe ieuteýnant t-' FORMALDEHYDE iug several days, relatives diii net the privateq ln escli of tu"ý manv O UTO realize ber condition vas citical and blocks, aud lu ibis way li'e wurlvi-l S L TO Ilierefore, as usuel. ebe vas alone ail bie doue at ther same time and In a over Salai-day nightl sud it vas net mystemnatitu matrner, tîntil close ta noce Sunda tisaItishe Il Is feIt that If the plan bad tueeu. 65 Cents a Pint. a