Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 17 Oct 1918, p. 12

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TIT~W~vTLLINMPMMT .- iT u rrT1 .TiflA V AT , OMk . cir17. 1019g m?~w ~VI1W £~ ~ f*iirtyvi11e Independent La&e Cosmty Independent - Waukegan Weekly Sun DOING A 6000 JOB liighway Commisstoner Tonigan IMatnew is dolng an Important pecel of rond Work wet of the city limits.1 He la wldenlflg the. rond on Washiing-i ton street west of Green Bay roadi ahnd it la ther. where there ha& been1 such a nsed of attention for years.i The. town line takes it up te thc Waukegan Locals F! cd Baic;'i* 1. r(Irtrie-'I.z- woaithiesh resident of arayslake, hai moved his famniîy t1 Waukegan andi wiii reside blit-m bfuture. He has purchaseti a fine home on Northt Sher- ldan mati. Robert Dady of Shieridgn Road, 1I; naw at a Milwaukee sanitarium wh(,t-r- ho- s biiig Ieateti fur sili-uta Ilîtt -bave laid 1dm up for same line ps-rt Frank Burke, for 36 years a resi dent on te ame arni on Miwaukee roati wesl of Waukegan le ta give up farming. Hie bas purcttased Commis- siner Swayer's honme on Norlt Coun- ty streel and pans soon la move la scugh at the Wetzel property-weg t of there It la ln Warren. But, Wau.i keale cort .,.i., it t., kwiened anI CIIICAGO LOOP-TO SIIAME SLACKERSI Negn-aponon s z Dewiuneuan Washington, Oct. 1.-Witli four properlyt graded. It takes =are 0'o- ý asrmiigblr h n mos ofthewort sreth. t l anofth campaign, oniy a littie more imrprovemnent which auhoiats and far- tiian $3,000,00,000 lias bt-en sub- mer& wiii greatly appreciate because scribed ta the- Fourtil Liberty loan. lit haa been s0 bad before that two the- treasury department announced riga couid not pa fer quit. a dis. îoday. Thil represents oniy haif of tance. tht- quota, andtif the iuan lie ta go over the top. soute $750,0t)0,000 mumt mustbe mproed n Rpineor enUp subicribed on eacil remnalning dûy- tramntltestation wauid hi- sent t fteb apln patrai île city day and nti.! W'auke-gau clty offiiais arP awalt tnt- wittî latent-st the tests iltat wilil Ut- matie of the îîew ttre hasv, 2000i feet of wticlîi was purchasi-t reci-tit tnt- o! the letîgtia ittrstl a tre aI -wlkkh te piîî-ttsurt- prohehty teas nal moret'than 60 p ouuiis.WiLi Lie ap iaratus just receited tir thotiré tde îtaîttueîîtiltil bt posîsiitble t lt 0 ta a pressure btf340 1ta 40'.) pjîitli If L fails ta stand theti- t it ILccii tli cri-dit tht- test miade 1ev lii, inde-- -Fîvi- hhusand brown neciet, iu s ky siiors front Great lakes wltiî il swing ta their shouiders and a tilt 11a Iheir i-su jaws, marched down pa lte city of Chicago loday ta jar i from the sianker ciasa anti show If itow ta put ovt-r the- Fourbt .Lçbrtt- loan. Theit- wire liiilads who tii5nageti ta rmise $1,000,009 for the 1i8Mneott-f wàages averaglng $(XI, sud tilty ati wonderlntg-aâ the figlitilot-men iin France are wouderlng-why the ia lia .s civilaus art- hem-slting ta srandl statinebil tbettînd tIhe nwuitn l IIbc, st- rokp throut4t bt.arlttg ouItta ,, weIl as tlii M-AS TY OOBMAI BASEBALL BETTER? Basebal lta over until atter thie war. When Sitla resumed there ,gri lie dozens of well-known faces missing from the. diamond. A for- mer big leaguet ventured the rit. mark that, ont. aide b! Detroit, t h e re wouldn't be a great deal Cobb didu't re- hurn te thie game. Cobb Son liked by a great m a ny baiiylay- ers. Dlut regardiese of wlîether tiiey like Cb ior don t like hlmt, --- there lsn*t a man in tihe Amorican League t oda y that doesnt owe somethlng to Ty Cobb's advent loto basebail marlced a new ara ln the, Lame. JCobb's basebail 4 J was OOw, base~ contiaually pull- Ing sometiiing ho mak: big00k e greater part of the tlime lie was TY getting a w a y COB WThetresult a lisd tbplay against Ce btb dorc. t,îîtî!îUirltly ivyng harder. piaylng better -basebali. to stop Cobb. fi madie bet-ler bailplayers of tht-m. An liler, pitcbor or catcher wbo caught Cobb napplng off a base got more satisfaction out I t tait te did ail tha- rt-st of hie putout4 of te gaine.The. minute Cobb s teppeil 9the plate every man wa« on his lot-s. JIFALTII AT STA. BACK TO NORMAL IS OFFICIAL 'WORD Great Lakcs le fi-ding mut-h bUtt ter, than', you. Normal hvaith conditions such tc befctre Che-epidie o f Spanisît gripil-1 matie ls brief sojouro Inoî,r iniidst now rue according ta tht- liî Lt-ague rt-port lssut-d for titi-w"',i >Observe j itlas rigiully us Ut-fort- tlt- iiitaruactionsa cirdiiug tigitting 1lite plauai DISORDDERLY IIOUSE RAIDED; LOCAL MAN TAKEN BY POLICE The foitowlng Item froîn the- Ra- t-r fieeor t-ndngI ctobur12 .ty it. . ettv-ttin i.Joui tn t-w ,-t-, tioS mtandter Mlnk, senior titidirai aRe-c-r. atiki-galî tan ieaped-ti lltugl a irgt- t-ougi T heru rt-port tu comparian sitti wiîitow Itrisil-i e.eaclr ta oetahi a[ t-htst as tnlio Ifrhh- itketin ipemi-rcht-n tht- polir.etif Rat-lit- ra'dtd a se ti-n minutes Sjitt pr-vie--:., o tht- arriv-ai of the-a-iodsri-l tts ia ly -ve heo-lît - et- ti llu theza mcasts coe t.i Atout 11 at-lot-k Saiumday ltlght overlia ~ ti-a-Liall îlesam pecî-ttng- ~ palicct- acrt--s raldédth ie bouse aI 941 e virpae. ttin wt-ri- admitît-dti Litht- st;Iht list Hrou siret--, anti plat-id undertar- eas gîven d uring tht- tw1î su-ek.g. rt-st Mmes. Nlabel Perino, wiîo came fii-aith Uy tht- To show how conditions;tart- batk from Milwaukee- a wet-k at-o: ais o rawho wil1 tot normai. the- Pi-et Rt-t-juent liait iuuly stti ht-tin) 2. ui-n p-r 00) îltitt- ; \Vatrrî-n uIt-s au.].Jahn Kiueg, ail col I n h n'2. e e 101)lIi!e oort-îi[)copie;tA-o ('runp. Waum'tgen. I- pubisht-dInlhîe siri lit tlasI wet-k.Tb.itis uotnt- 1W. -20 Vian aiditand Audru-w Olmei- tir for pieutif i ht- towfqt records puer es.i:-Iisti- mut-n tta iSpa'n1ard. The waman was et il tht- Staltion. ca pdc hi e-ii sd-rei L:.-ttt, Commandler NMinkid ,,h.,ied ibouepat itt ttng acitt t-nt- ii- tc-ta tht esttt tt- ac Iiti Litmal-s. Tht- t-eidi-nce showî-d tuaI - triuh-ttuc ier atrSt(ri-at Lakos. hiue- whea tht- offi-cers appeared Ci-umît - ari> t-,sliotiltinat rt-ittin itît-ir vtg - &ted thi-ough às-lndow ar! tite iianre. -others attemptetilta gel awsy. Tie li fe ts ami arount ut amr- stitI v'oman was finedl $25 sud cash-s anti ln the- huti af the )cttriv ancuti lcaste ant ill"guI the- same dos,". behooves tht- eiist-t men ti take wuIIe tht- allers were ansatsi $10 £vi-my peato gintctbn anti cosha. NORTI I3SrNISIOFFICIAL LIST OF Ri TO IIIL DENT LAKI 0GO. 1ITLB AND TRUST MO. Abstracto of Tille. Titi@ Guarantaet AT NAV. STATION MsOul --ml-LiO Oct. 12, 1918. - Announoement Made Struc- -e..1, Harde-r ant if,:t laM. ture WiILCost $50,000- b wî. $1 t-ttI)f Lt!? Start Work ai Once C.reat La'loes lis soon to have a new Chicaigo and Nortliwesett-n deoa. An- nounci-ment tiiat the- present depot would soon bc abandoned and titat a new structure wauld soon lie erected iîy civil Engineer J. S. Pole, agisistant serretary of track elevation for the- Nrntlawtstern raiiroad. 'i he new de-mint t was announrt-d. ili Ut- ioc-etd just gauîth of the- Fiîve Points moaO andi wiil bi- con- etrttct-d ln counectlon with the- ne%% $200,000 s uhiway Ut-t wêea Cnuip Par- magut andi <amp F)ewf>y. Work w.s- stitrte te a~l-lst w.-q-k un thte new suli- îviîy andî graunil aiea will bc irol(pil taori iy for lthe n'-w depit. e-trIjgta ljinan nouaunreed ly,.t terdaY lie- mw dt-pctwit t lt- a Itii utiglîly utî,d&rîtîu-ume ar intiwIillb. litit-l bttem -tluipîî->d ta Iý lake ctami-oftfIrafii,-litre. Thte ad il,- po liiwus ,-iiitlrutl d when (; tt-.t liit- ait a îpopulation tof 500Intt lvi-t:d )r i lotttes lihtia:u lult One Story Building. Tii.- utw tU-pot wlil i e a aole st tr affair. wood with tlt ucco i ,a.! wili l be 74 lte-t i land 30ii ltee-tt sud,- Titi-watting îoom wiii br- ttUî.-t Inng. antdl39) f.rt t wtdî- Pr.tlisionlt are- tttc-ud.-d for -'ix wItidowi; ror Lit-lt et ai irs Thisa 1aconsitiered itwre:t lthait amplfe foi- a popuîlationof ai l-, siz.- of Grueat Lakes. t-st raout-'.' lt be Utprot lded for mitn cand wamt-n A l ai-t-t- aggagiyi- mntwiltlbu- ivtt-i-t lu the- nortil tnd tih lii-ulIlittg. Tiht plans cal for pialforîîîs fr<tm th it- It-Points rmati saulh I l iatifi-t outh or tht-ni-w siilwtty or apprt\-1 iniately 12(00 fi-etla iibt-I. Th-se1 plaifornie ltoget-htr with %sle &adlngý ho te sulway witi .1w eltiled l'y roofs. Stairways it-ating ta it t -w su!t wey front tt. poposeti d.-pol wi!i lic for cicilian and biutjacket ust. Ani Iran ft-nce wilt divieitilite cliMan walk tram tht- tiuejat-kels walk. Tise witi enaltie tii,-ciuliian mpopula- tionltolausé tht- tiipot and subwa5 ucllhot ilai luaill tutring tht- Staîlan gronîtis. Wil Coat $55.000. ltlae4t-tintttt-d taItih,înew t&tpût wlll t-ast approximaely $55,6tttt. Tilt grounti ha- ureatiy be-n ,tati- t-d aif for the nutw subway anti a !Linge creut- wili atian L tii-Sts-rk an ac!uli contru tct ion. H. J. l'rlce anti wiftt- Ji. C. Zahn, lot 15, Hlunl Park on Pite Lt-ldke Wl) Stanley Pawtak antI wte ta Antain Saala. lot 16, black 21, %NWtthbulfl Springs, Wau'ieran, Wl>. $25îi. C'. A. N wcoàili, Ji--,lteiBrown IPur- table Con'.eytng Nlactéltini-rv Co., loit4 9. Il and part lt14, Norlti<litiaga Industrtai Subit.tud- $1,75ft. N. Y. Dttrand *- al. i) te 1. i. uti np, lots 4 and 5, block 3, Shor- A( r.-,sVii- iagp of Airt-a. WI)t$14r. IL. H. Etlwards antd s fr tj (liaN. and %larand9 tth-lN:Io lt-tt,.- Est PSi. ftt ilolt Mb'e-k t.Sui t h anti Ailauts Ntrlà NItttIiri WIattA- Oct. 14, 1918. Eitll '.'euîtlt and if- t- lto V, M. A- Esugre Poiuil. Wl, $1o tend Iti« ti 9 )1t1111t, \ i1- lot 17., Htirtptyis urt,- . '- t- ., W $2îtiiî- tlronlo ut 1. Il s t .tixîttLatkt Park, %VD. $10ob Il. il.ASr- amt ~ita t -tAuna (tmudrazi, htIti .l, M - b t.mOttnd Lakt- Paruk. WtDl, $1111 - Ida M. %%'driîîr atI ii itai t -i al. ta Ltssi Ktý-Al-r, s-t:U .W 24;! ft"tt, lot -1:î. st tiot rtt- --t- SUIt. Sec. It;, %Watk.-g.ttt Q -I t$I .1 i.CalLlhitît Ami ît if t %I:r% N. WAD $3301)-. St;ste Rose, t-.ia]_ , KL L iiirarît ar. lot 3.1. i,tk '2. Itd-t tiid C îti--gî- Adui WauLtugfrit. QC. $1. 0 t fReward. Theti- lte&.lrt-, t rttfite ii ft titfni work st. t-tî rIii-tf u it-ti anti proving aur ftiftli---tlt mure tificuit tasks.-Lucy Ltîr-iî. "rTrIumph - Waa Worth Earntng.d Tb* -triumph." Ithe bit-lit-t military honor known to lhe Romans, ceas nat liglti given. Tht- vt-tor nusl lhave -- attaInoti certain rt-nk, anud have mtt Ia u ii eut certain condîllonui of v-ar. Grunted is tht-le conditions, tht- dri-e evere '>s e * £olOu dessed with garîstti. nuti amuîltiai-, 1 30 0 ~U plaudint- cowds druv e-i-gi-inil-. wéac sealeti In a chitriet. mttti-ilu pur- rful Litti. br a od a ntidil -fl ndwilvy etp.' 1s a pe aed ntii ant i anccîtd eaitl ure-i ltAcs .lR bhe ht-d ln bis rtlift aunn Irye ter. W" the, Rmiult îi5wn --wmtt-rs assoc-iatin. u-- Wor ba ben rceietiof ite Cty Ataorne-y 0. S. too(,-1o i cf -ttgI Sa liii-5.000 me-nair Wrtofdagilereo ct. 9 ofthMr. vood was sa\Xaukt-gattlttiqittes. cvrilt-hie treeta'of te laop' anti Mrs. H. A. Boot ai Beimar. N. The on l<t- ol of (1ae tli tin i ttad a th t J. Ms. Booth biefore iter niarriage ip cutiii f is-trtce ltignlbaymrli was %riss Jennie Palme-r of Wsuke lHicks, Ill of initut-naza.; î iportt-tt iit-the- pockelbook ai gan - -ta bc considt-rabiv itoprovtod loda> - bt-art. A very bordi cillen i t-f litsatid The- marty Ihat* wst- taliav-e ht-t-a Mu-rs. Thtomas Cvngtonis chlckeu bhllidtiis ýweek ai tilt home of Mirs. yadOi-nFlreavnu atiLuaset-Mackîn itas een PostPOnei.PNEUMONIA yard Gin Mra vene ad Lcas 'CircuIt court teconvt-ted i îday antd ini broa.d tayligiît. Til t hief wuaa oltidwtt. kilieti by Mme Coi-- serai motions werc lateti op. Tht-rt- ~ ' - wililbt-no jury triais urîtil Nov(ýtbîsî-r Receipt"' Sent on1 Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Slraog Of Car ry aSct ied elevitlrne Ill., Where it WasL avene rceied cabegrm feinafler cnjoylng e 1» day ftriough a# Succes in Treati their son, Geraid Rtrang, thatl ie hatilits home ht-rt. Cases arrived safely Overseats -isGadsWr asrtr JramAn giCona lioptue ai, Chiaa ram Rocittord Coiit-gt- Ill., for an in- A relatilve af Mrs. Ar -wre lielieten hrepal, Ciforor--deiitie slay, the coliege being rioset kt-y draps ber a line f lIe. e lsat benlra bed nucrl liiion accoul of te infltuen-za eP!denie. andsetnde lier a pruser lie.H l ai t e uh u Officer Samon has recejyt-t an tn- ha.sht-en net-e with eut Saa, 2 eaot tsuitteresting ietter from ies eau Sergt. baistgpncumonla at Margaret Sam 2yaw gittFrank Saltmon who is training i camp tii-ne. Ht-rt-ILla:e her of '.%r. and Ntrs. Wm. Saam of Florli.e. lit- expresees a bllpe thatlieî~ Take six t tanlit-n ai: West Washington treet. passei away îma) 80'ton aOverseas. hoa ise; chop flue and at lier hiome Sunday aftemnoon i 2 'r.Jact avsbsrcitt fry pan aven lire. Addl o'cack Su lid b-t- ii cae lme. ilr thal ht-r son Harry bas anrivi-timnta as Yeu have onior The rendati 'tel fram thie Chicago ru a tt-y ovest-a. Ht- le connectet gar ho make- a Ihicit pait ig yacht whicit went asitore off witlî tite mater trot-k set- ugiiîy, îetîiug IL eîmm-, Waukegan anti wts pounded te piecî--î vice of tht- fling fieid artiltttry. minutes. by the waves severai wtîeke agi,'taF Mrs. Chas. Wliiamsaa of Sprlog Put iu 001100 bat- lar doeuitr Il w ad aslhir o tî- <un ftidLased throut-h ht-ret-oday olt caver lange and aptly ta dealr. L wa weghe.on he itYbel- way 10 Waukt-gan ho vis-iL ber bu, as cen lit- ibm. Lt-ave scaies Sunday afternnoan and was band who la wordng th-rt-.-Btartis-anti change ta another, foundt e weigh 2095 poutis. Thiàti.own- <(111)iPress. ernatl-y. A steamerc leetiwlli le sent ta an ammunitlon Firman Gourge Needham st111119 ter convetîlent for te factory ta b euuseti In makigltbulets. riouint-d la hi, home wtth tn it - Tht- precedint- rt-dpi -George strant- ot tht- Securtty Sav- tacitof iflenitza. Ht- wss ont- of the tht-Ni-w York board af1 ia bank, letfl Iis atternoon for vrst ta bt-came Ill of tht- dist hut wife of a civii war ct-te;i Camp Ta - lit-rt- hi- tntre an offi tht- attacit was an t-speciaiiv severe 1 m ta hi- af aidt ht-br coi t0f Eugent- Suant- of Norh Counly on,.board of healtilitai L street. Wankegan. -JusItthe- chanci- Tîret- of tht- six Redi Cromt- nurse% New York papi-i- as t V've bei-n watlng for a long lîmi- ' who have ht-tn rendeirnt sut-h spli-i moitis. sa&d lit as hi- depert-t for the- train. tild si-mvice In Waukt-gatî. ieft today, ______ Justce ermr Tusda t~îsîil-dtht- epldemic bavAnt- bt-tn gttn att- tst c c asecffie fammeme t-ais G--dem contrailun uch fielalethaltt thW e o f CIce(eaago g aia-t-d I.heir services wt-me n0t eetltd. 8uy t -Watthf cagotu- tiwom titi-ni A card blas ht-tn recelt-etiby rea- klielrIPT vit otaiin mik rom thnitive-, of John Goidschmldt statint- ie LAM 3 thmough nismt-pt-st-nhaalns. î tvrced aafeiy overseas. Ht- bad JudgeEdwads tday eardthe it- en stationeti at Camp Gardon as voete case of %MatIe Bewtr o! tilt-b mes, sergeant.- lae Park agt-abet- husbanld. Wi lilm R. Brewer,.whom she clîamged wt> cuety anti ttetrion. Tht- ciqurt arderedtih.t-vIdent-e written q M ani adicet,-d thaithe- dot-me eculd ble granteti. -mis Loreta Keilot- spent yesîer- Children's "ay In Chtcgc. Coat Pired Arnod, who lias bt-eu aboard the V. S. S. RhiodeIsladsii ce )Mamch la a i te home of lits parents, Mr.i-3 9 andti Mme. Chant-s Arnod, 203 Northt Weast-it, on a furiougli. Govemnor Lowtieu was ta viil ilreat Laites station loday, and aiT h e s n ý oxeculive in Chilcaga, accompaaying brln toat-big dsation cut-eehi- was Includes Nui to wltnees tht- ig- shm battit-. Sallors frointGretat Laites station have shown on variait- occasions thet tht-y are efficent lire igthers so0 il ta probiable- thaltti-y wiil lit- ahli te rentier beltu Infightut- tLleforest.l j Pus oireasIn Minnesota. IOoh&Pu if tht- Influt-ozîtsituation in Wanl- ott $97 i kegaut binllnues ta Improve îILuiey Casto$9 b. poasibit- ta liow nuIses who htave bt-en serving t-rst-et go t-isewhert- le id i communities wl-reth'e dis- case la flot yel chcict-t. Tht- Camp Lot-an navy rifle range1 4 ah ZMon Chy las Organlizeti e football tesin anti la out for gemes wihh htil - t aclicol, Indepentient or limait collage u. ~~ Tht- alove liste teams. Tht- folowlng dates are amples of tht- dosîgninil Opien: Ot. 26: Nov. 2, 9, 16. 23 antiutst, 1. 30 anti Dec. 7Suà.t $9 . liwaukeAn emergencY stf tram the Gmtat Lakes net-ai trainint-g station arrivet ht-rt- Tuestisyta as- suatIn tlie fit-hI t-ainsI tht- Influenoza acort-e. Four hîtodreti anti fifty-hree ,ev cases anti et-en tiiate were, TeCtfRacine bas lit-en orderi eà d ipos lhat conditions atl et i unique trade conditions hav «We.Wooeada eynin notce aa'assortments. Every color, fab iie ai( aesved on the- ctY offIiais by direc-i lOno f Ccit. Mofft of tite-Gmeta --7 ïku sttOn that healîli contitions! $-135 t ana(Iian Blutei Cloth & Plush 1I. ur Trimmed Coats to $2950 at 1850 Coats to $35 at -2-0 Oota to $45 -Now Selling at w7% Coats to $5950 No* SeUling at eti, boa fide valutes will t-rt-te a sensaton aitont- ca t loyers cf Wnukegan and viclnily. ln these assormteutts are the finest ex- ng anti tallorînt- arIe. Ht-mo are coals o! Sîlvertones. T weeti, e.tlours, Broadcloths. Scotch Mixtures, Plushes, and fum tmimmed coats .75 at Buits to$30Oat Suits to$45 at Suits to $52.50Oat ive ctreated these extraordinary Opportunties-typcal Alex Hein Co. styles, ai ways the- latest, eoiiiiii-isuî Ille id size is ineluded. MuskratCoat 97.50 --$195-Muskrat Seal Trhmmed-Coat 127.50 Women's Coats s Gi eatest Selling 0f Coats and Suits imerous Desirable Garments Remarked to Seil at Cost to Us In This Sensational Sale -special purchases, delayed shipments & our regular lines afford most startling economies on newest apparel

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