.ï,TBEIITYVILIE TIDPE~NDE. o TTIl -4- I'r m - ---, -.-~-.. '-, t. n.,,, -_______________________ Page seve BA1RSTOW APPLIES FOR SERVICE- IN Mo- TRTRANS. CORPS Chas. Bairstow, Weil Known Waukeganite Files Appli- cation for War Duties CHARLES PENCE ALSO And Report Has it that E. V. Orvis and Hervey-Coulson are "Thinking" Now The buigi gu iîg 'em. Ttuat lu, the- oldîr fi-low;s. I lueame klîowraftorat- iluat eluarIl E. talrites-. rther ot Supervisoir George tlalrstow and son of 'Ntr.. Fred 13ltrstiuw, of (ory .uien. tas1 tit ad lupl h ai i tutu fere "ruteautdutile.uil ln lbe nuotturtruanspoi.rtation Curi'- rnakuîtg a I)illcaton for a commis- sien asl-tii' liant. At lii-suinwt'- lit- Il lui--aine kîtewît fil l a 'l îr-l'emPece. lotucalt t racler i ulp'i fîttu- i a tu filt-e plittuî ut tfic- ' -"u Iu tu- l ",i- ît.ti i'uý-rtnç Co<rI-I.s L, fut i ý ,lit îin ui)tutfii- the . 1)lipptu it' ilt lit' ruttir ilat buit wlas nuita iî ý 'u l u lu i'-thle rigttl'iac-e ta 1ii iuut l1. u il. i aid Ild ,,-ut n Atu, ii u- 'ali- IeLîrutlu ilu 1 ru lut-il ' .ît tuuiiiui <t u%'a, 9u b-uti. ttt l. I. t-u i0tt g 9 iuul tt ut ttul, ite ul, u te- ;,1.F. l ,u tt - )-i «.-' it -ur l' il ,flur tr 1tat1 '-tVtlta, niai', ,ilet u:6 -" ut'.. i ut.' -l t lu î ' -r-l" ' -e ' Iltt tt. I uu r .t iluutu ,t'u-1 11' 1tieu uill u tti' ut'l i ..u ",rt.ui y ithtit ttti t u,-u ti l-r >t-t.utuL ttt'0 ru-i le i-t , fiu:u'i. iu t ,r-t'tI tuft lie bji-eti lut a ul tl': uu ruu- u tut ti" lia". ;î ' - l !t uirauitu, un t- sî rk. fairiuur-uts- t i,. i cl an . tut twî, i- r uri ui ut in fle smie( lluut .'-iW -- iîu , tt1,;D!111 u.tAner: tutti.: tutu -i iilt ut e l- till Few Whtes n n dla. CO fiuluc. fi i 'Iv ltiiliui, S 3i4 ÇS1 < .iiîrj l 'it ,"'i-u - - t haitt cru'.airn- v tis but tiluttt <1 t ,lu %ate ,' t t ,liîts. RETURNED IIERO WliY TUEI3DISPAR-- IONOR CARDINAL Sat.'. AftormeY 'OPON APUCE 0XIPO SPA IDU Lt.Jo LRoe o ZonCiy, ITY IN <iAS RATES? ON ANNIVERSARYDrp I of o Foliowtng are ialr prices for focesIv n î NeCont fr il.deaflar@ 'Aviator, Back from Service U OC M ISO S L o ae sellngat pdeste adeofthtooradng eshuldbeeo: tarneso G. au rde n Franc Wher He4M SSO te"e"-l food amnsrtrfr1aecounty, orto township admlnishaMors DismiraenSextee Out of Su .1.wtll taire the proper action: t.ined Ijuries orthtShre Ouasoo. has 1 .30 J ared by the Waulceran food adutnltration. Effective week buh. Eighteen Cases that Were jnn col,~ 5 9 Rate, Rockford Company, Set for TrialRti rc noieJtutpyfra. saleaoedbolmI lle the foiloxrlng. The. vot Jet the retallu.r of each article at aCvr * NoW Gets a 950 Rate Coet ta Ret3îicer Price tfagsuer. NO REASON I S GIVEN Granulated Sular (In buik)......... Pur 100 lbis $10 9 1-2 ta Il UP EFRE OM ISSONI akery Wrapred Bread............ Per lb. loaf-8%i. Requ et for $1 C.20 Rate SPO-Na e ad B e on î u Whte Flou .......................ter 8 barre! $1 15 -.50 81.5.5-.se baby iCasetse Ganed ro O eem toAnothne Whte Flour (n bull.)............. 4 Ibs.24e 280 R q e t f r $ 0Rte R or o-rdF r o e r t a n Y e r RI l lou r ( n baga). . . . . . . . . 5 îI .3 c 9 0 4al il o eGrne orMr ha er Rye Fleur .................Pert S b )Irr. I f 106 to RockfordWhoie Wheat Fiais'. .............. 6-lb. bag-32 1-2c37 C<u onsiderable -'Gahmurpri........ ...... o1bcca.2.s7 Or0f os o ',tkea Pofl ioled lu counlý cout today whu'n BQrleyaFlou ........................P5-b. bag-c32 bercause of t:ie local stuacitn isti" tiout' Iftorln e 8liquoU aes Bry ly îur .. ........ ........... .Fer 5-1b. bag-20-35C effort ot i 1, P. Reckford (Sas compan, whproesed 1f0fee 10 liquonr i foi fAy. Flou- .......**................. Per 5-. bau 11c150 te get the state l'ublie Litîlties ern tol a y,'and askecd the 6ourt tut. cnterl ar.......... e b,1- mi~son e grnt ~ inreae inrat ordra.ers(Ioder the President's proclamation retail'urumuiitsî and conaum- rat difoîîioinv cse il uiers must buy wiî:h each four pourads of whîite flour a pound of sorte tub- The (oriiýLti nowis rargig a n a' proecuttons. biail luiec placeil e stitute. Consumers have cirolce ot c ornmeal, corn fleur. bariey tlour, rie@ Tii <-ttiutu nitsis hartnga u'- ~ or adletur. oat fleur, buckwheaît four and potato flour. Rýe ftour. gruhamn ulim of 9Il.,-i er t heoi-and rt CN rilfrThe eope V iour, whoie wheit ftour and calte tour may. be olad wtthout subatitutes. f"- nît ri, a- 4Iiîic-a flat increase ltT e P o l 8 C r e'( ht uk)....... er10 ils 1-5l * 5 iot. îalin Ilr ai il2'Th Baltimore, oct. 2.(iiiiiiilu Andro PlitIn. o Mci(ltbu.......Pr00s-8.5f ceintstutail. theai noe $l r lv a ' i, i lebae ht od<t ui l tun I MuI' ii. Teuv \iartiniCrMeiy*OWbl).....Pr10ib-5 e miîun er-u en rti.tiie 4 tni-t ur t' t ul. utSi ilary*s Su'lui4an ' t . ' al if Njkp Dugan.H ns ( h l) .... ... e l s fzaiuul'<<t '<lui- uoilant aiSe waiI l' ttaliil'-il forrrirepriestiuudIl- <att Atterbiirv.Mne(hi)..........e b-4 8 ait uni refi liraie.L, iIl rs fteL ,og ern.Bacon (beut grads........Per lb.- 48c $te ilarry j, taFench1,1Bacon îmedium grades)......Per lb-4tc 44e n"er uf th',uulliiies comissi--ioni. ariu '- ii 'ut lunersuaIea fituui ul Ii.fq'AiîKeejul Bacon Squames<whole) .............Per lb.-3, l tît, uut as'tuu ir,,'- u-lu'u l i : iNoiu'-______________________ louhn Nariwitz. Lard (beat grades..carion) ..........Fr lb-lc 17e jut-t uigîi tir,,Pucin atitut luufu uMudrut Lard (bul.) ....... ...... ......... Per lb -30e z't t ilTtN]RDtBltIia E inil app-lIaui. ('heese (tfuil crcam cut tao oder) ....1Per ]lb. Suc 42e ft-t fuuo ii I l <uIu i t'r a d il e ,,,I fuirTANDARDuu ButGuruu ONIo.ltlowuard and EIitntia o,tlluittttCheesa (fuit eream, brkki..........Per lb.--40e 9 I1Tht- aît'r t- î-'nitsuutîuîuî' DieIrR, i~r l'hll XVnklî'r. Th, alter ulitu.h tlidi. b-i Il. U~'KartIng. Prunée(50 to 60) ....... ........ ..Per Il.-14c lac Wailttr'. t 'Ituuult. aiuu tuttfIli'i R L NDE .IT juhn Riner.Prunes (60 ta 70)>..................Perlb- 13c d I*tiint-r u(>ni. t-' itu-t asit elSophia Walitn. Puns(90 te 100%__.............. e b-l i Iftlo iI-IPI e<trge PatsdeClupi tand"rnkPi.Per 10 lb-lic ,.2 auutl i-gafi l., 1-t itt l , uu '(larf zd bggag r u' uuiulu-uîîu ominy...............er 100 hbg.-$17. 1 th nu: i# iii' uter, rit tbu-twtu-uthfi-. audjetiti-- . , Il3 outn ttand 'n j iS (bals >.................." 0 b.$15 6 b t u-Itt-t utu' ut' it .tî e ra lres t ae f-t.ý!intl trcsaantte Itiatowi-. Re.(bise w.......... ..Per 100 hbB.-$9.00 ltae l0 cuua'tln'- ia 9 .uuk.l.n ii- b'î-t 5ebr 1 1tu lu'- exa ain t le l.-rd R ieuttittint u tt l.nîiasul t t' t uo changge wrate.cwmil-ifiru-t- ex-roîrietora tuf tie Xlnu'uîa hîuiei ai eins (novy, hî.d *ied>..........r fOl.$11e 1141 Iiusndan IiýcessIýgggpra,.wili01Ii- ai-Fx l.Ake, and agains ilon and 1itutBeans (lia)---------------------per lpro lbs.-iI5 194 )ras tuliiitV l - ,ru ýetu l a rguti l uttanue eft 50Iu n otd ) t, - ututi it. '.îîe-î lei'seS of tilupn(.ti ti îututl ik (lh rds .......10 tuu u' lu'uuu- t:' ulttu'. otttil-. utiglîttueri( ' fr It i iiii, u uuî u it Fox L.ake. were' Ile ' otîy tncu toi hgiu rda). . . . . . .i uuuo lu a'-it fur ui tiî r p i er Itil uti- n, Of baggage auuu'ileci nfi nîa iocet tti.- iII.(medium gradea) .............17o - t.tu-i.lu 2'i'ii -i tuuî-util itt t ot ercomecia tut " ai uas1,u-s o iigcoernînie ie ttitire-s, MiII.(evaparated, flot sw.tened) ..- il 1-2c là* J OSEPH I.aROSE tulu,îtu-li i tttiet tOntji. l,thu- pintsrtvt of-the0 f li il~ u ________________________________gré,iu-ut Vlo 't uu u- - ttu tii uttshr ftelntf-t 1s lu t il the 8 cr. e hae bt..rag(neeentaMibllr) .catos60e atue '-tuutt -lu jtui gtiru .tuu.t $1 i.- a f.ir t ien. Halt-ey carriagf"-. iut îs u itut t <u f or li caesasNear hu'u-t uruc rat(, n :Il- cas lit i,, R ckfor git wll lirame 00e a1rtoiatal-eUttetinueefr(sonendrnidtgBuateae (artons g)@egPerrtlb. 3er 40e5 Theii ile stuy it iu '-tr,-tl'lîtyruui1i suort ( ; <eut, il , ch-fargue,- illualr-.will lue rdu-i-ký, ut tefitry thenitI'rî-were cuiss(,, inti.usButteituiu 'uttineurh u(rmediumr)lt're -i tt'.lil h.tt't atind ffrt<-e sastîad.SttrPe(srnar gad.,rei) .- erlb îe w1iî,ttur u i.f-,riîuîî,î irruttlote tutuh mtt,re î,out, ttirlîfe'su-,,uyIu t-- ma ih iilindrelutoadollars tuait leun Suterî(etdiunireh ai d bul.. e lb.30e5e heurî tti l-ui-s -tt X-i..tl-Il 1,4 tu,8' tupeiit ti <etectts'e hire. 1 a <tlty fel. cnd.î --- D zt-4 9 i, putlittut lur'ulu u, ti-i-, 'tirtuttI- It.l unIsfuîre-utct-u\utre ITht' stuties;tu .î 'v ite-yullnot exlpiuuîu Eggs, cold starale--------------------DOZan-boe 55e îtut.i ticr-ut-îîu .-x-u î..~-. -tui,.-.tIt" -~ tali, lî-tueilh oiti'..t'ofiDe-i hi..reasan Itor disui sing them .ftuî'jPlotatOce .................. ........ Per 100 ls 822.pI. of 15 lii. Mk' lt i-.u ll uu .urîîuuawlb t rfung t_______________itt. Nil(:j, i a.,luas lurrn uj t ur5 fhey lait lueo placed o t-al l tutuah - ,-uutuu-u.îu.t- ANA11I~iS SRENGI-I i ltit -.iltir-tfront erati ;u tY 'I several ifklti- rasestle d'fnunl -nt ..X IIANIrS. TJOt4 S UPPY Iîi ,rtutruu-,t--s-p li u - - u' - aiThomen. aukezran anudNortht ('itcago Ilein S. Ciar*i, ctty snpurtntendent la lakr any steps in ibis direction NeyerQuit Satsfle. ~ g~ ~ ..r-I tu- 1 alut uiof t' ni'rl"ais of 'cttols . lui aking an iaxnest cf- without the Officiai sanction of Dr. h l'.--utuut,- 6 uit uSa ti-îui ' wlutI - N v3 a yb ;' n s liat e long '>tifi' v t i ti tIlie'tfort tutgel iDr. S. S, Vnner, stalle 'W~inner, ttittig ~ ~ ri a ttl- c"ixr.îilu herti ae (tinand.,u' 'l feti fias TUre. loard of lucalti man who lias hall Ji s expected tîtat Unda Jose, the fi %ttittti i-t-.-.tlt i,-r-i îtus., 5itfl'A p flJgf s ucua protest ltuthii-,lututfn Ille TINme lotît tranqut'-uttii(,- lounrtuh set,<large af the epidemie situastion here Itatian girl seîîtenced t prison in s~i'lî,.i -he<utitulItu ut îtuut.120000 cîly aîîd tir- geuu-rttu,r tuf tlt State On YMuttî tt.--î,uu--('Sliltiinmer t remnote the quarantine su far as Cihicago and being held inthe 1ake a-.ktng that tht-bilt te ru-moNeci. Nighlts Dreanj'). - t chools are concerned.The-it 'ount. fat] ill .., ei ,,a .=.= .un boa47 a.declined Mie quarantine ln Missouri la litted. Co0Jysu I-o CLOSES THIS WEEK, Everything Must Go, Nothing Reserved, SATURDAY TUE LAST DAY -winds Up the greatest opportunity yo u ever had. There wiII be no arguing or asking for discounts on your part. When you s'ee the piano or player piano you like and learn the price you can buy it for, you will simply say, yes, send it out. Talking 'Machines, lins, Guitars and al Vio- Band Instruments. Prices are cut in two.- Most any Talk- ing Machine matie you will find here. As Low as $5 (Five Dollars) $50 m FIFTY DOLLARS - $50 As low as $50 buys you a nice used upright piano that we could easily get $200 for providinig we had the time to go -out and look up the customer and you would, take it for $200 just for' the asking if we only kjnew where you lived. No end of these bargains« are to be found in our store at this time. Open Evenings ruV -GENEsEr. -ST. Pianos -A (Optician,ç WAUI(LGAN4. ILL. Jewery Prices and Ternis will ot be put in print. Each trans- action will be strictly confi- dential and you will cail for either Mr. F. R. Davis or Mr. H. L. Howe for prices and ternis or any informa- tion 'you wish to learn this would havé to be canried out secretly otherwise- the chance for other dealers in the future to get a price for' any of these instruments with profits attached would be ruined. -i -~ i .400 records will be sold at your own price. These records will flot be Q'Played for reason that yiou are purchasing them for one-haif of what they act- ually cost. Open evenings until 10 o'clock. --Hlo dem.n dat.:ed ba« tor Wuffered aboit aIl b removed to tiu -t It Fi ut- .is rr-- L'il en