Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 24 Oct 1918, p. 7

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LUmMM1!y4VUe INU-,DIT.THU RSDÂY. OCT. X 1918 ~TheAAmbon LaLA I n ntertaîn.<Icoin-LIEUT. BOICEIS 'lb. tourth Liberty LoBa quota Wu OEOOL NEW@ iJJI3 b P~ A i m.d by daturday ight with a gbod The Kouley cbldren have returned te N R aE À oIl chool alter au, absence of thr.. veeke. EXTENT N N W J. I hhrwood spent the. pont wee. Emnma DeMe>.tr Wu perfect la .p.litngT UN OW >Cicfao. for the wook._____ Mtem.aNttt.Salth wu called teovanhoe àir. Smpson and hIe two daugbier.Son0 r.J .Tbasa . .kby itie li.. .t F. Smith. vtlted ochu.. l'hutmday.So ofMsJ.).Tbai f Mr@. WIII Walker waa quite Ilit 5<si Emile Dluyer wuaapie ne day West Water St. Added to jt wee. luIat wfl .i ,."u4e ofilu.6.American Heroes 'r. arid Mro. F, U Wald @peua..Irot ie-, nimnanad Cetela Young imda, la 't.tca&rcu, T. sdayatter<n WIRE FOLLOWS LETTER Ur. sud Mri Tîrýj- uat ..e. v4lir.d at!oh s o Lt re .u ail ickr. r orIT'SAÀCRO'W i$LESS ln Evefling Letter Came Say- guu za.btae Zaing tîîaa1aiing ail was 0. K. Then Prsate Louisn rfîdy ntitn uu AY NOW AS A REZ Cornes Telegram Ortland. Me ,returrîed thi. e, r,!ofthp 1_____ aok t cam, tobe i r.ýdiiwe fr aWe regret ta lnform you' that Ip overoea. Irmediatety. Dee taad aa S L f DPD M , iu.F ankBice wswu di ________acton, fis wourrde belng undeterm-. l da.y furlougb whlcb he @poat wlth ine at the present time. He was in. 0 wtt, bere. Chicago Hears Order Does flot jured onr the l5th.,, MaiunHaminbal atahernârùTh, above iasg came to J, D. ftyd fo tia m Inbd jaîr anarw Prevent Gameés but Does Tibals of Watr tStreet, Thursday aWnorn wben -aa old array wr>set Prevent Crowds c yen toc and told of Injuries ta bts _________ ste on, a lieutenant wbo has been ploded teartng away bis cuat" leeve dinîg sîýrvice 'oversaas for moule à injuing the arnry only iitlghtly. lïatlflg wind4, sîching tlirougli ronthes kr. sad Mr». Abert Kaçipie @pat bleak and vacant stand% and l biarti- The 3oung man la a br ofa *day wttb tllîbura frieads. er,,wIli be the oniy rooting at foot M I-s ary Bot-e, a el inowioem- TbeE. . Iebau anily oa nball and batrebailigoumes in ('hiago and PlOYe 0fPthe larweii factory. He ta lh.~~~~~~~~~ E.J era adyh.biamemb r r 0te l63rd Montana lt- 1 jo11P4 the. fin. Octaber weath.t at Illinis durng the influenza epidern fantry and tg 25 yeaF5 af age, being lr entamer honm e hre dorng ir, le, nader a request te be made tri- stricte. HP, weflt from -Callaspie, Mon- inan'a vacation. day by the statp heaih commission tana, wliere lits aid company was Il.cai alc fel Sulaysud nt l@ hat il ersnq rfran fornmustered finte service 'and dlspatched loya Fach r11Srrday nd nt ts hatail ersas efrin rom congr-- for riverai-as duty. id la inch a maaasr<am tr itae It gatIng at sport exhiition% until thei Tetegram Folows Letter. »Uaary to take twu or three stitches 5ltourfe 19 pased. The rhockiig news that carn. te [I.The commission, It was, lara, j r . Tîibais Thuaday eventng wa.q ýMIe Rmatl I qute111wit qunoylat nght wil Pt t tp t th sprtlike a boit f rom a clear sky b-cause Wei uell eqî.liwihqîs tnt.wtiuttipttespr i-a ntir athe evenlig lie hait recelv-ci of Mini;ols .'nyvas a "request," a ltuer frora ilis saon wbicli was dat- a accordance wtth the. goverament at frst. sonetliing luap the prfferMithc îe i7tli of September. Accord- go corcerniag Iight and boat, our "ganlens Sunday' "suggertlorî o!l the' rngly li- la a ulttle çonfuspd oser the wil &I clse ver evnng xcpt gvermen, ut f tereliqa tnýsituation becaee tlie I,-ter said NS wit il los evry e.-ang zcet gverment bu ifthee ti a ten hlat the lieutenant was al iglit. It tlnedays and Satnrrdays.,-dency tei dtsafy h py lerpqueSt, a lm notç-d that the teleg,-am says h- FMt. E. Bartlett ipent FrIday lanrspécial mandati wiîllie isqupid that "warr injured on the 15th.' and that Sa.wll bring violtors lto court for 11is4ltter was datod Sept. l7tli The Oïhtifr.n rs. John Mitchell, Bavera penate.î4 telegram doesnt mention the montli à bende7 ri dtur. a ad fte Ist oat p lle aet n and there Isa aposasbiity that lie lb.ver gtevd bher o th dath No ttrap wl ie adetoInter- was tnj,,ured on Oct. 1I5tli.but that hir ouly daughter, Kathryn whtch fers with actuai playtag of cent ts h la ilyProbable because eerm larsd Mondait.Sbh. naderwet ani but aiiiy pla> irs and officiais wililibe relating to injuries do niot come ratien for appeadicitio, çieumnouia era' tdtj gihe n Icfei i.rtlirougli go quickiy. Thursday was la Ënd caumed ber desti h Sb@waa Ides tir.contestants-. atesstl.ane ift liard ofhssIuibesa mnsualty brts<bt and lovable child This meanrr tiat the Nlarnont-C,rei esgetlig0ths ijre we ateri rir svparty t bit Lsk- fotbal gae a couid corne tlirough front overseas I 1 w txeri or oinpth tetheI,,,,, fotbllgari, i tugfield two days and lie sent ouItlihrough mve jaerie hun ecates '.ee iun abrout a score of higliScehol Ii a eain 1-. LkeVilla ceicrery Weduesday egean xiito r . ,gwl b nPlae ltter wlilclNiMr. Tiblialq re-f -âo. .elauanclthtoiciswîib cis d PerIer lntlie evening and dat-h 1-ae Ir tfpisye-ilat ait) ta r-mplY red Sept. l7tli. Lieut. i3oice said: "f VOLO ntaiidi-mSaturdayavndi that the Sundas- arnai] riglit. for which 1 amn véry 1 ,rinabs-.t ate as li htlankful. Arnfeeling fine. There l Ira. Frank H ironiruua waë a %cfenry ý,lyv wihot gares. I iuri-ly -omethinz doing ail tlie time or Satunrd ay. oI ris ire.Ln e lo a ilatt Have not I. sud Mrs. Ntck Molidor arid son, uî 'ê il' .lî- ad Tthhalnr familles for- mman. l'Ptu day et Long Lake. E T rEi N neriveit a ntangace uguhat.f 0d Oeary rit Waucondsaisent Sua bei-n Wairkeran sevsirat ypars. ovoning at th omp ot Ed Lusk. ÀUA EAMiIIIC Ti1bal-i formerly was emrhîyed ru. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ONI uîloraÀ irFugelIIIV) tc îtar-w-Ilfactory but d'iring'thre »on caited on tIre N tk Muilifr, .oasr unrla ie ad- d.n-h bàeaday atternoon. lAtiLt UIWU"IJ rnWakiga ndrfrdrri ei l I Luk drreadeit tri Luipess maltpra r1 Effort-i anre mile tv %Ir. TIbbl, lclenrj. . Eiday ,,* ,.,v tris- t "fitrther information con- r.~~~~ andi Un.Jh >-tig n isjiU oseflwalu Tells Meet- --njz tussoriti sqatis. but iiiii Ind W..inJoanî es-t linund ai 1, gPiaeJh .Jh- cthî-r iiitancr-s l ta fa-lllt Itwit.i bu l pnatmétMnastteingPiaeJhnEson orne tirne bifore ibis Ih accomplisit-r ot d1ir. and Mir@. Peter rWeîngarî. j son of Waukegan Pd. .and Mre. Francisr wene callero atI âcanda, khlday evenîag. 1 GIVES MESSAGE TO WIFE BUY YOUR STAMPS r. and fns. AI Cutbrie ot Waukegan, 'IaJh ono f~,ik ~dneurî.ruaiVul. aitMtla ,.ran, nintghtr rf (han sThavs, -r,. day. ceri ut- oavfo Utr A T IJUI OIWN POST ti Mluuir ur(rat t.akne, ~ravs-, sr aer to 0Juttu ý Ri-"n orday asudiSunday at lhie hume here. ý'1ld orf 'Chlnzo la ahi ii a m sýýa Jetant dqent bMurdav at ý; srtn - a OFFICE IS WARNINGi M90. Mnr. Gra v' tin ltai Mnrilossnaad it Bowr-r attenddithlerioatlots hilaitrtuosteit I :th uehoItfonnu irez E. P. Eedgwick Calls Atten-w M, Mi@@. Mary taugt ut Lîbertyvitie, 1Ibai tt vetInitn lie 1,1ThYd luifan- oa ves.tb iday alttrunra. Iry onue morrc!tIn rn a lainous baltle. tion t nOesgtb andtia FedUnuke u Liery.grounil or thi war, hio ard Col. Abi Many Purchasers su r. rliokro ibry a, !, taliked to1 n :cJolinson of ____F_ @poat Suaday wltu LAeaB urionnaDUWatnu'aean ar-J otr 'n--ýmiérr of thei Manv people liave tîen voing t0 Iy. regiinen: Th.-y weý*I',ting h,-a - ne12il.nhoring towns and lpurchaing th le Keller tarutly ot Waukegaa, calleit fast at thre iit liir stamps froru hanki or mer- et be home or.M fr0pi, Suaîn. M t. - -JtoOiitivCy chants, inntad of purchastag thenu tl hom u MEnçit Sndy. tr frtend.i a, bomne anv n-rou«ages thcy froint thir oaa posî mtght wa-lai bru-eud unît Pris-aIe Jolin. A iptter lias mat been receli-il hy SI R USSELL. -71 son was ocui!toPI ewiho rcspor.ieil. the Lake ('oînty War Ssa-izcool- S Ife gave uuie nanie of blu wrt -andittemlie from Dr. Shaller Ma t htuca, o' be Ladieo' Aid met wlttbMr@. E. J. agkî-d Mn o rt ýiw:nl i tn, Cuiiev '10 tate aecýrtary. whtcb i-ails as f51- aý lier htien regards andi te aasure IOWS t rie on Weilnesday. lier lie was lntritle best of healli. "Se far as the standing of offices ot weral amea troua Ibi locaily were It was on September 19, or shrirtly la coricerned. liowes-cr, il ahoutni he hi itafr examtaatioa Ibais week. before that Mn. Roauwald met the' borne la mind titat otîr record-i gi-e la ke uchool ha@ been ordered ctooed Waukegari mari. credIt te Ilie offce ln wlilch tire th nD atthougb the ltnient&ala dis. stamuP8 are actuaily purclaseit. re- n Mrmag ler.gardis of tle residence of tbe pur- p( vin Iteeves l t lttvery steb wltbD AFTWI L N T la th.,leoniy way wec ouit es-en ausai. The reslt b the re epte JAV JIV d M kpeapycount" 1nvaengLLtIf VILJlai iI If yorihave any prude la your own Laura Corris retuned tram iow.,sdo not fail 1e pirrcliase the ÏaelaThursday we s he dVdI~lE Â I stam P at your own postoffice: olli- water lait herONujO ir Iuum nR 4ÏH erwise your city rnay lie classeit la liés calied yhe Iii.lckaess rit ber tlie siacker coluran at the end of the btsr's, taamtty. year. n Koa e . weetu wîtb Waukegan Draft Boards Gets Wlietlier -ou are frIendly witir the upena asa ~administraIton *of tire towri or thre paadmob.r. from, Ad hit. UiUksUfl pastoffice, makes no diffeerne. Yeu Mori ".(. u famiy @Peut BundaY to Postpone Action certaînly do net want tri see your i Mv adtis WliI Bonnet atb- own town piaced ln the atacken col- o MI.The Waukegan draft board Iod 8y ornaeC. oaavneCo. W .Anna Pîanted rit Detroit, (ns recels-ad telegraphic orders from Ad- Lk a a aig oi pou uenta ew ay wlh erjutant General Dcksan o! îtttnals, ta E. P. SBDGWICK, s Losetafwdy lhbrpostiaône thre entratameat o! the Oc- Charman. i Or and sttrs. tabar draft cali untit futher notice. ln tara Cas-rt.$ppont a coupte of days 4due ta the pres-aig epîdemico ublonde la Zo>, Ci4,y. SpanishIr nfluenza. Tirat tins co-urse ZIDON IÉLLtIRATES ? probably would be taken was pre- er SAUGATUOCdicted la tbe Sun 1t'î-day nîglit. M.,K c.wtsui s Geenral Dickaaa baal teiegrae t M K V T P Ponds, Saturdas-. bPortegy andt Tiionsasciridren out nuttina Ssturday. - dos Edlc vaoimunteit ln marriage igu John Peter», Tueeitay a! ter. Octaber 15, at Libertys-ilie. aitdEg.WilttIim Scbreck ait un anitMr.t. -nutMm s.Kraiaer andt lIer Maman, s-slrii- n. Sage, Sun- Knox sud family airYs-etô i Lbetty. àt veek. Aurana and bI» tva <laaghters, ait Marîha, msorei tutaWauka. laturday allernoon. Batte Amamn home vili theni, andt EMm Sieritan vent ta Lake t, Wedne.itay nigit. b Warren tqwnublp high school ta lntaning him o! tire epldenilC att- nation sud ur'ging that lie move- ment ta tnaiig camps o! drattet men lie pastpoaed untîl danger o! Contagion was passait. sspecIally rituce tire Influenza appeans te lie no virulentlnta ici -raintng camps. Ap pareatl>' Geai-nul Dtckson muit have recels-et a favorable nepi>' for h. @@nt ouI Ielegrarns tris rnqrning. These tlegramns postpeung the an. tratament of troope came loo laIe te Bae thie mailinag out o! notices te 63 mea la tire Wsnkegaa district te ire reaitet entain'ton Camp McAthur, -Wace, oeera, oa Octaber 24. iPur tiraI reaaan tire Waokegan itrafi board requeste tire Sun te lmprass'an the. men wviravs-srecels-s t tise no- tices liraI tire>'viii recels-a funuier iastructioa visa lire>'are tb go and untll tire>'do recels-t. such natîcet the% are te coaiter tbeir finst la Btucttoa0 cancelleit. MZon Cil>' vent os-ar the top la tira Liberty Bond drive. On Satonda>' algilth«ea as inuch .'ceebrtlag as-a thtietact ait vhlstles vers blown 0i1 the ZIon FreNhi Foot plant,- thé Zion Handkercirfactor> ait tire Lace plant. -Bentantownishilpirai tb raise S80,- 700 as litequota, and out of!bits ansouat, ZMon CIIir aitho rais, $80,' 000. Mrs, R. N. Alken, vifs o! Col- onel Atksn. vas chosen as çharmau of lie LiberI>'Baond conssîttee for BeRton towneship and abs proveit ier- self an able manager for theiesca.s Valga, Wlalirrop Harbor hai tot ralse $10,500 andithile vas quickly dane, tirs mariai the Municipal En- ineering compaa>"s Plaat respanit- ig loyally. AItZMon City'. W. J. -1ull manager a! tirs Zon ban#, dit sanse gond work arnang tire Z ion people, lau dît aloO 0, W. Pas-le>', Jasper H. Pffl s"m vb- -- M--- DeeadW. B. Sckmalfuss, man-CA agr0flte Zian stoe. 1 11111 ULAIil TOLDIS SIDE A B R lI Al On ffiday morning. Bento wau Stll $ 64,000 Ens. Aikea and ber co-warkere dli saune bustlling. on SaturdaY aflernoon the. Jactie URRY TO'WAUKE* WOULD BURST; IT "0 66"WORI D99 band froma Camp Logan fu.atsiei muste on the streets of ZIon. Enslg I IN D ETMCTY SÀ Garrison ohtained a permit fi'.. Cep GAN INITS ESCA'9E D DI U I EC T SA R S bain Moffett for the bandi ta play saitR ES E tliey marciteti dawathe main street of Zion C'ity, hauting la front orf, ii.. ldMuLr Auto K jUs George E. Harold Mayfield, Waukegan Woman Who Took Ordersfo Zion stores wliere they were supplid Howe Near Highland Pk. SdirEn unesAc- H dkrhf ad tr o wîîh refreuhrnents. They also piayeitodeEcutesAc. Hnkrcif n te trn front of the Finst Stafe bank, bth- Badly Hurts WifedetnFrneLetae inCy Zîin Homec and tire Coo*i CBridy par- eti rneLnn ae nCt ter, Icere te wr aa sp.le lowihaereatiywreaa li l-lDRIVER SPEEDS AWAY Wr iebe eevtIuWuu-W A A E A E The reJ otcîag la Zion City on Sait rhabenocldinWu. urday niglit was generai, bath aidesM trst oninPrut ftegan btirI -taroild Masvflld, Son 0f Wtt AS HR partlicpallag ta tire celebratton as ý,a Mtrssli nPruto h lt anl r7.nCtno resutt o! has'tng gone aeo ieti lwDver athtehlaMtled,! 1 Cty0 sil for- _________OulawDrver___ t merly a ru-aident o! Wauanan ru-,SeTidt d aeilHr H ave Corne Here centiy pasecil lrougli a very excît Bu t Sdo Sar a Known, Got DAHRINGER A PRISONER 'i getupiril n a h itoptal triCati- t o a sKnwGt (',(,_ Giorge E. lIrai, an artiat ahi) fornia. No Money Ili an na amati fari n ntire coutils Yun IoI 2 o-r ThefItrat word witli regard to hii- - liai- road, iti-t scrutn of Iitglani aon u-ill voli2 er Htumer Itahringer af Wauki-gan ,- ';uPrk. as kilird Sùnnltvnl nglut andt Id, ause-rt as-tv hy lie .Wuukpgari Tefitn gctprgfo li c .airreportu-it as "rniss»ng tin aclicrn - nia ifte pro>rahts-fatatl, lninîru-it lv draft tboardlabout ai-cln wetis aga. r-sau parier r-irs aittentioniLa ththa act camu- toilay ahea Ilie yauag inicn i littes, speIiiag aircuIitc -i-i l- 'n le w.îaSuinnl4-1,l lt l h1-arnîy tl IT't . coornn. tb. soman ne futier, Il- W. Dairriger, rrecais-î-na Ilirs- re watkluîg atouug the <r taaxturet m tu iaiatfa-rn-t tri was tiit Oc nsii- I-ttuýr îrom Licut. Joseph IL ii. i-arn Bay rn.iw9Pliidt i ha i ataclnc uwtrig. tteoe bain, a clonse frlenit ardchum r ftl.- The car leaped i ontcf thei- u-a an affection of tis ii. liu ttci was of lar wies ;riuu o1.-a1altIo lornl oficr. a airlb l exîsi nisajhau isrnie iturn is-,elîlertyarum-h i charactr-i lirit ua uui-timo tira. George Goodman, sil Drnel that esi-ryritng possible is bei-i CU P î-nnît- gis ing tluni lnn;n itrrta1gît hc mugit base iî similin ntt.tirwhiu-h -square, reait ycsteritay monng Ilia dte 1illacido-eng le hene obo tts 1 1tomî n it a-ns- Afi-relie kiiiag lb a-ulcause bis Auni-tri burst unit the potice wene tooking for an au- l. titrepiriytng as r a ohi,- rns I il -e ira-ent adcilhumbntrlared girl, accuqent of swind- Lrert t'unnia sio roî ah-b-r Theu-car ai-rt on anwna bntsai tring on uniotld patnauni trIoutîle tg women by teltserlng thei-m i- ta Minsa Ruth l3eey, fiances' of Lieiîtîloîiy fuendter nditbu-r-tati-the h iai- lwe-vre a a-iainitteri tath(tic InitaIrisli lace afler se-liug tit-r the iahrincen tri whunnh haenclaseuil , -- 1er-t o! a scancl lv olie ait pri- vcers-ice uiand-sni tria abs it:i ni la 5i ni-ptstuf! ,A litît,Inter tarigirls tu-n wrlîten tri the Waukegan >ou- 'ate auîtomobile oriat-..along e tr oaaarr r -sata sa - an r irto etn ahtw Woman iîy Lieut. Dabninger h-fru-lie nonbh gshore. frawI i- a ctn .ýa r ata. O er o! ticra wa ath ticaa embunkeit on his dangerous mt-.-îcrnn Murted Fanty Feet. dils. The Plan vias ta rîneratu- onn It eq ntiet tre p are s aidie. 'ble ttIen recels-ad by the t ailler nr Thei-accident happ--ini t7'iiii tiea Itrlme u itttn e nyd e polatsteation theis tIi I. airrnce !rulow: loa-. 11 yena It, arilit e re dit not came before blenecouunfereit gave thiuncames as Mary Fitzstrn. lIt Area Sqnadunîî,r -P an tlie bouse rif ioebcstar exactiy lire kînit o! an scrutent whlctî rmn, 2f) yea rîto, andt Gertrude Mr- Arnerican E. F ahi-ne they itennt4et tri ci Th, sept. 59 -nar rck tIti-m wiib unuch fonrce tires-v as pratîctet for htm. Court. 21 earq old. bathr cf 48 East MnIr H. W. Dalirriger, wpehrler] 40 fflut. Il Apema tiraI a fine occrelutatire thtîrom aNi-w Yon's sa it nefîrsed ta, 424 Genpsea st., TIc couple nernainrîl utthe rouit- losupital la question and Mayfletil in - tetl for a-bm tliey wonked. Wiaukegaa, Ill. stide untit au autonobIlttParty luilu eniteas-orIng 10 carry ont the patienta, Aacondtng ta Information to tire My itear N. Daliinger- tlifm ait noltiil thre bt-astier hunt Yuîîr son ait I have bei-n togeubar Itowe wan- deud inn li Mn-,. Inirui- à pnaineitlis aide ta sirclia wuv rilur -Sern, aIe arnket a greater part of sîrnoat conînuausîy stie ta.,uNo- tainet fractures n f bot" li.g- undItnta-it bunst ad lie'himseif was ibnown l-la etire w iteda ln Water treet. o c-mua-r aiten ai- apre sent to grour-i ternai injuries. Shi was nirs ril btrit a va-ny precarlous conitionn. Ac Acroriig ta the Suals informant -hOnlt aIAustin. Dliring ttius tlinn he iihianil Psriri hsiitat. cording 10 wrnd recels-et fr-rn hlm ihe tank sevepral'or-ters tn fIat part ait partictiul-ay glace Juîy, winen a-e Thr,- autoidriver ,wir onl ie r nriw,liweîtrgia aatriI!-an Frvaau thgep- wene ý,_.'onedin taTours, wlias-e tue-lotId tire Ilpssers lie liait seoneri îlerogaa ü,eain1Oflon orvrosthns se corne close fr-tends, ait I cannot lie-sp-eing car ansait îitlb -aitlrno. ait the botte!rîlaire là aow gu-tirg o catty ianiterciriefs, towei, etc.. eli a teli-l you bow fine a fa-nnww lihIta. Hi- coutldnot itascMlule a- s-i-y sattactory. -Price. Sire explained tiraIt te way comr-aii-ie lias basa, a getiirit ept tiraI ilwas a lange Oaa. licelpiapni ahv anuho fasolte witir es-ryane a! us. thoualif tIens were men aitdarmen VINE 'kfIa a i,, ahie untriha,,o iaad wor If Is, then-fore. wihra greati l tl. V NIA? iK Uti a iaitbas a trael .an wbe o! Brrow Iliat 1 wr-île tri yoan rs- Get Ctew ta Car. V aia Raiz U RN10t gel nid o! after has-lag laid un- bhIng lut goodi news of lus, particum Thte Lake Frire-il police round out 1uuweuw. -UWU 1a ite for ln railway offices la Ciii. Iart. seo because ryny ews la nu -r- s-rn one automoile parîy annts-Ing T n~ t cago for sas, lime. cmet frorn Waukega a tira large blu IE Tire stnange part o! fitlIsaI li te bas-e wrtten ta tIss lic -t-s-au,! Marmori car iraitstrippaitSt a garage ~j't p~yin oa î a s o a e forwardei ta lien a ltler wirich hi- near tire Y. %I. C. A. ta Waukegaa H1 IIU osîl o anseino! s any ldeu toft for lien, sait 1 arnmaiing tis t10ar tira i ait a damaget fenden THE mas 'AS.FK IT gave assurance Iliat sIbe wt.nd dels-. îu, ititIliriptng that before yen r-r-- wich appeanei tat cause 1he. occu- retse iflt1-ilali hcabale tri ca'.i t--t pants creat star-m.' satidthîeTribune -er the articles ardereit lust weelt t,ýrnew. toay.Saluritay. I-oweevr, &ho never ap- Liet ahnn~r ai rIs~ he The-iace w-I knwn Two Workmen on Concrete peared i atrtira gonds or neyer madie Litent. ('owant, were sent ou a ir- - Highilandt Park. Thir unson, Eitward Road Job Detected Trying Tan>cocuion eforge la tir sne. Tireucacluecannaieretnectriomet sIt o Sf ep rimn7. ance lirgte mn IttuýRa liow a îeNrliinî gn I to Take Booze Hoe pcauntenet trouble la Chicago 4 t!el Sinio1 in ce ::Io avbag n tireiin- aina li ep aae bsionn er deflte-ton ,tiree wa& possible teti noiafnr:7nn rasbear nituj- Ti- Ha-p gaage Itsmontngwhal made Il impossible for ber to ibl- as ta Iheir ahereaboute. ani cou swas unable btbtrowauny tiglit on lista wo men wenc trylng tri smuggle carry ort lien acireme la Wankegan. aiay bie sure es-ry effort lnnhuit' di. tatemeal. The young mnowio is iwisky Irito dry terrltory Fritay AnmbroWa-gnpeuefe rectionî tînabai-n made. The- report on ituty aI rugîtut rai- nehome tri nigi uAiraacl cugi y01- n irI raofbaime b efo lee>'ga tan doe ti lailuarenstit thy seep ait norerapît o!fa.lient fi-di-rci-rGeorge Striait o! Zion Clty.a Tirh îagivbile atsr o e- e ire "misng ln actign.-anni il. <t s was leftInlatireoffice. mn era walkaiin hoîtelZion aol tainait ta Chicago, tiey atar watild un-t It. They are misn-iac uit'- ai] I lo'ctock sait par-h wus csnylng a 1 lava beeri "slung." tope thnir the war-at liat nîen t l YOUTH ATTACKS TEACHER orie-gation jug or jar n rier lis uri. liai îles- has e ii---tk o urrnsoniufThe Policeman thought lthe men look- Ia writiag itis I ai-h 1a express - r-ni spiclous solie chah-argith11m .NOTICIL a>, deehpeuut saytoInv .ns Weil it î it W'aukcgun, Oct. 1-7. ' Wbai have you cotlntatire Juga?" To James T. Parrtsh, andit att othera' ofthe- mai>- thur frru-noof mn u-nul. tIon ruit.u. ici-iedlrI,, chnîrnr ilhle siei. )airnger bere.Puntîl sut lun rfnur- sith lusiug W'heock, 'Vini-gan!" a-as tiere npîy. whom Il ais>'crnr: hi-r ni-as I hope you %us11Il rd inni aa sehooittclîrr.n. au lte golflin-s, Tire officar ausnat satisfieit, low- Sîr:- us a-a do. a tr-mpir.ary i- -î iuîu-:rnncr aa anaign-ni tifuri-Police Muigia i-ver, sgohlia skei thle mu-n toacrai- Yuaeaem.'ntîis bt ae ait continua to alo, n mn'tuaIt tite 55'.lh r Timînir lhtiqr !t-rouuî pany im tri tire police statior. Agisior'@ Lien on lire tollowtag deerih.d bc mI a pnIsoner tarît . .ntnnt .n - an sd was rrîe d ta irinals Ko! $i*i700 On examlnlng flic contents o!fthe propenty now la My posseligton: ent as la poani1-ill ttîiuu- ha- signet lirs- is fater. HIi ca e vai inca. SIri-ut qound thefy coatal'ried. witl he able a 0cminît n nr.înwae is-b couitinîildton ni ai-ik. whlskay tnstead o! vînegar. 'u'uîy Onelias-mare abaut Ilyears oh., «ou through the lai Ro---s. State's Atora. y W'etch uLnuiotnnea acre smnggllag two gallons a! wis- weIgbl 1100 Ilis.. b>' reason ri theb Agzain hlin a w e, nnîll tit leanbis plunofti srlng anutititonr-ncrîîînn ky ltn dry ierrlfony. Bathi men tolîrîwtnig liifor ieeptag, teeittag, yard- good neanr o! hiii uî ,s n n dit. ntY tcout :ilig îmu-ttt uti o - Ir- n staitr uat tiry e>a-r- orking 0on lng andteaing for @aId ha, mare trons he meanlime tir-artil. i niitnhîzlag a-tari-il itqu-ni t l is Po-isile sso the ai-w coaraeeroui t bIait Ii elng Januar>' 1, 191E la Ocholur 1, 1918, .111 you, I amn, thut li-., iîientity ai lliinveloir-uiîtt ewperZirin Cit>' ani Wauke- Van>'int>' unyy(r,. ga tetr. gari. The>' acre living rieur Beach, 10 0 - JOSEPHrI llu' \tUNII M, The boy-i (aller asserts; that titi just tari miles soutir o! ZIor. And public notice Ile herey i vna hat IsIt. liiit. A. 8. lad vas kidapuitet about four Onlis-c Theren stateit thut tire>'iait on lbe 91h day o! Nos-ember A. D, 1918 Foliowiug la an sexîtrt(iuI in i eul monîta ago, wa-iplacet!imiter a hyp vaiket aIl] the va>' frirKeriasira. aIMat Pestera lilacksaith @bop la the uarnham's hi-trrta0Miss Besle>': nuiic apetî unit takea ta a haitne tinsaitas Kanosira la tiranearest vu-t "Dnlrey birov n i, i tî rruuclok Lakat'onrnst as-Ire lie a"s krpt for ferrlfony, iheîr statameat vas nori .llage of Libertyvîtte. Lake Coant>', thi- iglit o! the tIi th -a . wposi sus-arat day . lnally escapiag b>' leaP dubitrui ne. ltilnots, aithe hourolt 0 o'ctock ln tii. t 1ta fly ai 6 o'cîock tIi-- rorairig o! lac fron ri second floor atnalow art City' Attorney' Forbs-gave ithe po, toreacioof itsit day 1 i wlI ofer @&Id tiei-41t1. Hl eft imue 1î 1.1 iua shtp akrng htis a> home on foot, Tira lce ontens a -seize the whisky sadit lbeby mare for salteh bigbeqt and beéï fowa by Lieut. M'ilti it Itvant, a turr suis-sttîat thp icy's mind Sp- la e nt mat certain vîlier- or-urhm bitter for cash ta enfonce matit lien of skilîfîri and experiecc-i pitot, Tir e Pians tri lhas-e Icen affectaiyth' ie action hi lieh takea or net.$100 oehrwtalcaisftls sky ws dear nbentînulmuut elght expeniance. île ays the boy iras not d'cock a thonitenstortni. as riv At been ale irtaitentify the liouAce lu Th*OWMPWldest'ucirculation con proceîlug as by law proviited. a>' minute wva xperi en tia10r--Lake For-est virere lievas haIt prisal~otsofREAOERS-noat 01co"s.s Literty-lle, Ill., October 21, 1918. Lunn, ait taler, after mtih." bait ben ar. -JOEIN t)BOER. ut ailtirhe moraing e. Wi r mi-dto10 Mtss Wheeîock sassee as Oct. 24 Nov, 1-8 bar b>' belepaione of tinir lias-ite Ina hi-r vay acrossa afieid an lier vay____________________________________ lnitedt agse llierfiletld triasaiod taîhe Blanchardt aciroat vere sire ch atorm l'-ery po su,,btu- effort vas teacles ahen vounaBebefa, viro h. mada ta tetermine waba hutiap.large for la age, nan atter heran penei ta1 tram but ail lu r-o purposel- maite an ailark.Sheoescpeandi batIng hlm aiih a buadîs o! books >OCTOR BIDS FOR secridI e ad Bell fle System BLOOD TO SAVE MOTIIER SMELS "FLU PATENTSTIIROUGI! TEARS rL" ATENS AT LOSS 0f TWO Keep a Clear Line I! yohad itre ta sl]dI at ou iraI Mrs. RoetSn Ofsoe n wo u kyn w obrt any Hears of Tire, ouardo! muebln ii Son's Death in France- Nnormal tives the telephone com- gvea apeu-son wiro ta dc Ing frans ln- Other Influenza Victim pany would flot feel called upon i RUenaanDeumonia-'lthe iio'-acard- ln glu Dr. Victor D. Leupiia.sse, of Badnes came- fron easI arid suggest that its subscribers forego the use Chicago. Have you immuns buood? vest Sunta>' labo tire North Sirore of their service in any degree whatever. ou have If you rft*tlîy have recas- home ont o! vîlcr Robent Sant>' rer!~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~v frm"u"A !yui e rLake Fqrsst's coniraclor nditbulten, Bttls r cn Breéfrom"Il.11 d IfYOUIl Bll, r. ut tiesearedays whSe intelligent cn Lespinasse wilI irry-and blinas quearts bas sent four sons tri the van. wiII sav. a lire. A Washington fetegrsm Informait omy nîust be practiced by ail. "I vanî î."ir,1h e iareî, '1a îeîp Saad> tirai PrItstWilliam Sant>', me Cure persoa, vio, vîthtoutlit. 1241h machins con haitalion, va. An unnecessrytelephone call isas truly -onît die from n lflueniza. TisIm- ktlled la acftion Se-pt. 26. Mune binait contaîns anti-usaile&-- A secandrIttspaf ch from Ciamp a waste as the unnecessary consumptiofi lbslanceascîuît heîp ta os-ercanse Ps-amant, Cal., toIdthtie fatren lirai the Influnza germa. The use of lua- Pris-ais Reuben R. Sard,training of a pound of coal or a pound of food.1 »une IOlno~l cornbatttng it(seass là' wIth an Infanîn>' regirnent, was deat Calls ofa__purely social character should lo aew-lt le cornronly Osei lna ~Of Iliueniza. lumber a f ase, -~ fift.»su.a. Tlias-e alvays stand. for onconi- be made brief. This dsf loti.çnt mean thatf

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