Total AMON4te Oh ls ,00 "îooW .114 Con- Made in Week Dy 'w Y- KBevwes, asitant secretari' Seculti Titie & Trust Ca. Business aiftthe recoderili e, for tii. yack endlng Octobér 26. 191k. Nuniber of contayanees, 114. Numbar of cbattei niaitgaes, 6. .Nunuber of trust desi sud mort- gage, 14. .Total number oaIinstruments ilei, 134. Total amaunut ofloins, 140866. DýusineLSb i. stihi quiet. vltli loans belov Oeaverts.1 li4. tuiavlng are tie more Impor- tant de"i. M S pecim en Balot November 5th, A. De-f1918 mois o~ty 0uk .ROAD IMPRtOVEMENT BALLOT Shah lau Ad 0of the.lGnéral Aanibly 0f1l lial. 9pnUthOd, AUnAct La relation ta tue constucUn by tii. Blate of Illlinals of a "tte fl'tem c1 durable bard-surfaced roaea pon pfflo hhgbvs aet the. Btte aidthe.provisions of mean. for the. paynent Of the. cW itiiereaby an isue of bond& 0f tii.State of llnos"wbich, lu substance, pro- vii.' er ogmg~tonby the tate, actng, tirua aits DeaLrtmdft qf Public Worb sud BaUlg. ub»ed tu the C. overnor'. approWal.'oC a State-wlde system of bU&Mroas sou ,ae dasorbai; for control and maintenance, snd for copdilôUa compensation for rosis aiready paved; gives ucb deprtineut ful 90v.? ta exécute Act; autiorises Stte té oSmutrt a dbta for snob purpose anditau ie $40,000,009.00 of sellai bouda. bearlng Iteet u u&U, at met 10 .100*14M; pprilprlates ssIisua touss*id dpart- nient; lettes a tai sufficlant to psy sai ltaremit snusly, as Il smiaiaccrue, snd ta psy off laid bond& vltbin 20 yssrs from Iamance, bot' protides that fWcb peymenta ni57 b. muade trai otiier sources of revenue and requit.. nioneys lu thé Motor Vebîcle Liv "Rosi Nni" tu b. usai for suci paynientsansd sucb direct tax ta bd omitted lu sur year lu vblcii suflicient moy jInm otiier sources of revenue bau beau appropriatai tu nià« sucii payzqeRts for suci year; protides for publcation imd for submilsslou ta the. pole; niakea the provisiona for paymt of sncb Mtere.t snd Sonda irrepealabie; sud pielge a fath of Mat* ta the --kiing oif gcii PaYmmta; gobinta fulforce sud affect? SNo PROPOSITION TO AMEND TH1E GENERAL BANKING LAW Progoei seand 'atof the. Geaa l gauMas awUv.b>'mendiai the.titiq tliqr.o sud Z MsIddIng t.a s11ali v uev s ctin ab. kuavu as section 153% sud 1w suenaing mectiou 2 . 4. 7 8. 10, Il sud 12 et mail isv. F'or lie Amendinta lb.theGeneralBanking liv. Agalut tic Ameudmeuis ta the Gaussai Bsnklug Uv. PJRO"'PON* TO CALL A CO1STrr¶JTIONAL CONVtNTriÔN Ye Shall s convention b. calii ta prepare a revislou, ateration or smendmeuts of the. Conttution of the state 0fof lipols? S pecimn ,Ballot November Sth, A. D. 1918 douar (sert -?wteaoto fte~tt uhr~ ~uiyatoitiesl and maintain a d"tnfron home-lcirae--nMent, deliqit Y -or tuant childrïn and toIle'"> and coffeet-a t&iý of not exeç0ding 7ne4inill on the dollr valation, to piy the cost of its estab'Iish-N t1 jenIt and mainteiLce. N Specimen Wôomi'as -Ballot Noveibèr 5'th, A. t).9, 1; 8 IFor ~sa~teMth Act to authorize count'y authoriiies to es- y I ,,abIii nudtin a.détentibfl home:for dependent, deinqcient jor trufit obÎ1*à4 amd to levy' and collect a tax of flot exceedrig 1'4' on Uon . o. varuation, to py the cot of its estais Representgtive lrom thltdis, trict is ùut tog o à Sixty MAiIionB1ond lune DENIES OTHER -REPUTS' is maemi: ',Tboodm eBlocht 0f tavu for aouM 0lcq~rUn liciit lierii. tïe fi'~ouse "on east lu-Lke Forcit: J Gtt tli. Oakley avenue. near Center ste., bingbt th. idi,' 1 ce for nominal cousideration. sl e MJiCay a"d, for ilMctedi touùý&' Walther tooi iito thlaeb.céalderatlon ai 87»0. Elli %%.ltherpWoerty At uortbeast lI Zion City.;. CIlUp8& .Leeck cerner North ave, sud Conter et. for and i vfS ialg1 .e1'<gUlu 1 nominal Calderation. bouge.-. 3011 ELIi8atb . orlu-. ciie,. , 1'a mu ~dicai 'i $2000, consisting aIoffour lots sit nortiiett IluNevOrt iin a ouh corner South Jackson et. sud Main. 4 acre% lu NW-4, sec. 1$ iTou Plori blas ave., tla Vêler È. i'redarfc&aonfor R, Daisa-for #1300. 93MO 0subJert ta enneabrah. uni ln ILake Villa: Lee B. Sevo ,40 e ,G-CmPbe.llboubit il bis 6,ugbt s lot lu NW 14; *se.4 ftram ritaifin propcerty 'on. lelaibisl' avethe. enti' P. Miler estite for nom- sud J*cksou at, for 0,000 subject ta miÜ considet'atlonà. ' eucomurance. LilieBai con bouubt lnbcIâlf ln- toetlu 60 seruaU'W 14 Sec. ç, Anna Sciulmnker took tîtie ta ii. î Lucy Kiddosl fat 8650. Paul Sciiunaker property os Wae.In- luWarren: Cbais Ofl*4 S ttier sud lngitou lPark for a nominal considena r t eic hirtra% 5 ce lion.lut 8W 14, sec. 26,'wit cf Wtrreutou. EhnimetfI Mli.baugbt the. John 9. ta Cha. J. I.Sebiciter. reierviugr Gison place ou south ride Browning life estaie. ave, for $1450. lu VerullV-; Allas lt'W!9boiglit Oiapo Titie & Trust Ca. 100k titi. the Shapter far'niai US Ucfualu Sec. ai trusteto about 32 acres ln81.", near liait 'Day tram ]rsnk S. 1-4 Sec. 10 on tMe Lk oe , noiirtii Ieru. for $10.634. DEMOCRA T.B WARE!f What Do You Think cf i<is? The followiuotatelent has been circukited in the inte-eàt Ôf J .FIréUnd, who did flot corne out, v.el in thefae prirnary, but whose. ngme O ois the ýballot as a Démocratie candidate D EAR FRI.END: 1 ask you for your support at the November 5th election and 1 appeal to you on the condition that we have a chance to send a man ot our own nationality to the Legisiature for the first time in the history 0f McHenry, Lake and Boone counties. We have always supported men of other nationalities before, why flot support a mlan once of our own nationality? Are we flot as much entitled, as otiier nationalities, f0 a public office? Why not? 1 invite you t0 investigate miy past record and assure you that it is equal f0 any of my opponents for this office and therefore our na- tionality nmust assert itselt in order f0 be represented in the offices of our governmient, as do other nationialities. Therefore 1 also ask you f0 hclp rne.with your influence among your neighbors and friends as Îinen of other nationalities have done for Men ot their nationality,, ,Thanking you in advance for whatever you do for mie and -there- tore for our nationality, 1 remiain,1 Yours truly, J, W, FREUND, McHeilry, II Ail Loyal-Americans at this time do mot Recognize Nationalities. I8 the Candi- dte who tries to stir up any AntI-Americanlsm in the coming Eleotion worthy of Support? Vote for the Regular Demnoorat jo Nominee. URERI LINTEN I 'No TAX îsw- o nîyÏ D 4~~ Internat, but Wini iso pvovtde-s lug 0t;umm aditionsi for maltt4,nadce sud oéoof~~j9~ (>Ej~ for iuipravlug the couuect rosis. GOVBNNOR LOWDEN URGES: 11Y & lLi4* .lisuperinteni. "Vote the od roads buds nov; eon t icihwys. tell tiiemnisd beglu coostrbetlon of the. WILL TIE AUTOUCMIE FEER reiCOs miateli af er the wvu." PAT TEE < bBT OF' TWÉ BON~D Ma 4,M5,2311 PEOPLE TO SIM BT$TUM OP IOADS? Thatla Ï tw b1 Ru wiait. Uv sud tii. E S»Mé Law andRthe Motor V*el*eLaw protide. The lr IN teoobrJ SSTEMA mer vopil act bave pased the. leffia.o isturenor výul It liste been sigIied I iui olhut i.40 le by Gotraor Loviec If tliii fnt mi rma lnentsbgiivss uher ie mile- ample a dollar orfit 0a na 00,00boud isue up for the appraval sud ntert vtiiot s ollr aitaro f the voter@, Se per -cent of the. total farms.he, oro i' tie'prOperty outaide apopulation af thie atste <viêéb , of iote vliiIe~ luordr t asure 5,6U,591 under the. lent cesse)vwiii sufficlent ftile tsse motor vehle i aw lite eltiier on the raids no coustructed vas aMnei nerdsng the feee froui orvwtlilua railluof Itvemilea. 100 tauISGpar cent and niaking ii.tTheno nl ii teha'erctia niant ofthteibandas a nilien on sai Thun nsud ve Illasa ti th ate h 'con- tees. twsadvlae ftesaebksi 1Ut qpiook at the. figures. Ini ilx nected but s% frent Port of the rural the rinW tbei f arslîceused vas W, population viiillbite euse Oai h- 262. Thé. totalcollection@s he Sec- w ays hateaube i'avele<d iiithe yeer réetsr- , gtîte trouà automobile sud round. h tt ihs huudM«IcoiUfées ver. 1,8.84 E9Nxperteaf ha Éaei hwydépart. an avsas. n li yearat 8 .67 ment bave figureti thst lunîo«tiou ta cuaée Wmmejt a r.oof K7r ~the 2.186=28- population af Vbicsgo. btel.*w ap àe n 19, ieresed1,520.071 people living Il u sier rit- tbiee "a.. v ,trus 10 tol36 ., towvuansd villages viliibe ireckly tua, fa ason cm10 ta 85 ]EL j?. erel>y theflooad roads. lu addition 100 çdit;$i on arsover 35 Hcars82,W00fariner»ansd hbelr familles viii .1 0 1 r ~Bteksla 50getorligcnt lite. aloug the. rosIs. Tiie sddei popui- eaU 15 9crcen.lation vithînasradus oai Ove miles lit %* ~i ssely estmait, the 1,09",17. msklng a total population of av' m4 Inal cllections fronis utorno- 4O321ta ilb evd came Maw ae ense tees escix jean E U LC NRe ta %lm$ the ansd Intereat requre -_ tf? 'fTbeimasdsarto be lus n.d JlL " io uini sitiebut the. construction I 11S U BEvu~ piI ls1 ottv . ie-ar«:;ience the. blc peaoo* Vlvidlng tiir àpit The. Republican County Central sud tie. Intereat of coamittee tas7auuounced that a Sotl'$bj»05,000, imb series of Republlcan rallies are ta b. h0 1 w avaetth. aterage asa heu throughout the cauutythis îumml f 83,288,000,hleh viii week. %Ipetings viii be iieid as fol- I« ftw IU*'5u0u 0f apprentt mvIowa pe"3c5i tlhierfoe ppret ut THURSDAY NIGHT-Half Day, t"Mag ragltueei lu 1917 vitiiot aujiaeFrei acud u er Ia«iqfl ' UNI d rmrerevenue tbauT k ioet auod n e vtIi b regatdaitu psy the boudsansd fàeld* sita"sest. IDAY NIOHT-Lake Zurich. ÀRowipg t CW foreolng tb true, Fox L-ake, Zion City sud Highland )Ist da àket vIiat viiiba thc probable Park. Ibo fa olu tqtlt B1FoL Pr the jears SATU'RDAY NI43HT - tîlchl, »M11.116 and M7, thlb. lcre..Crayla',and Lake Villa. mi* 4érWua more than 30 per cent hrlatbeaigalynWs- ams -4ii reviuu Yesr. W. do Dot Terl ob.sigalylWt. aatrcD a continnauce of sodha per, kegan next Mouday niglit. An effort coeost g.o inrease; but ve do beliçte I. 4eing made ta cuit Lke Coulty's tbtia-a e rvative estimtate vouhi b. Repubuican vote solid as the commît- 1Op« e snt emcii ear for the nelt SIX tee feels that suy deviation 'attile us U. à isvol iv uan 11000,000tume auld be serious. * ~I194suan old jieli about 8M,. _ _____ 2 !à Wdhn»uly. The. luce. unierea»fore la Public Energy. 2nst.Iptember ltIol over =0 10 "D a dut taiks ta juci," sai r arly. 12 partcent lu eiglit sud mclt Ehen. n 'stl-ll,,d wý1if 4îtin' Ioi% tbwu éiMbths, eveu Lu face o a vaxiîs own Lime. ÎH. wants tu stop wark 0""& Tpwu a, tIi. C.a as nobisas large on audience as possible." RepresentativP 9burtieff ha% Issilid the foilowiog statement: To X'oterý 0f Elghtii SeuatiiUl District. A circular Is belng usci, iig x&'y Dame with others as oppoaéd ta thc $60,000,000 bondiIssue ta eônitribét good ronds. My' came ln uoaci muwýa» couneetion vit1bout an it auiitty tram me vhatevcr. sud ouly pmt«ëS. la quote statemeuta vblch I i "'1â thé flouse of Represeuitilea s"ne ai years ago lu opposition ta the orig. 1mai Tic. 15w. 1 ami forthe $60.000,000 bonid liWàu. Tt viii construct 4800 miles of bord road at noa expeus, ta the tampayesa lu Illinois, sud viii b. pai4 ln ful, 4 the, automobile ovuers lu th ii.sme,. ani w iili e more Ibsu eâved ta tlte automobile owuers lu ecoaoniy l-tia use of their machines. It le th~e, roai practicai nethai af gettlng bar roads lu Ilinlois. i toted fo« tii.qB 000,000 bond Issue lu the flous. and amn for it at theepoila.. An automobile ovuer can 'l ford- ta vot, for tuis as iltiii.ffrM than save bis auitomnobi*le U0000-I the. wéar sud tear oa i bs ~àhp~ otiiers eau vote for Tt b*oeUqg'.t#m vili be no tsi levled op tilir pnlft> ty ta psy the boude, a"d, 1% W"4,;- lease ail the raid sud bridige utasay ta go ta the. other aide rp Tiie lucreaslug number Ofmeba usei ou the. higlivajis.k il-*. perative that snime kinU «- Ap roai b. iroclded te, protect tiig ais Same of niy cld tme fri0* .< uslng lauguage of mine lu tke »NUe niainst the. Tic, 1maw ta o Wv. riI impression that 1 am» againit baud issue. ln saume respe«ax iy chanied my uotious lu thceIlut 04Mll years, sud tu otiier refleOt t,ie thai of procuring bard rote, 41499 tram any that have beeP bqml" submttei. sud lun my Juignit la s11 nit. Vote lor the bond lieue. 1