LIBEdTyvnULE IN 8N ~RDY (7~ 1,19M8 -- -- -- -- - f-9 86 89 98M o s MreawcdVicinit~~ ECESSINY FOR9CONTINUED territory and great îî.puiatlou viii te AND GREATER CONSERVA- neu-sayto ( epatuil . leituadctiotet- TION OF FOODSTUFFS ncuî's.itaiî: the maitiiiiingIn Europe 1 ~for a iiiinther of years, a greater arrmy h. ree.ft, pesce 5tait shaui fot le.1 thj%i. areciired ta dueul tthe Kaiser. eouregement ta the thoairtt taut the Takirig a hmore o.îtirnimtle vlew ail te future ani ussunîiiuz miit pence terme midale ending of tE,- vur i.-heur utar( ad.We av ben to ,ftn wn re ituit-kI> l e î-.utj4 orily adjuoed md.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a d.hv inta ,t-îa'.idr uîail tire d pe,îtiatiatus iatcrestcd. li decslred l'y theliitrizii-'oai ur accotmnadate- î'ii.'vsta the new ldtble, belilgereiit ais oear>'; sa conditions wiîlioii iroublle or luliticai x s tiaut littie credt-ne as given ta discord, tire.- tiji %% 111 catt hundrede ai 0 avertures put !arth aut hfis urne, miinsaîîiiiilînsuEroeta litinga a vllînguses ta make ainjud @viilosf r, extri-u tufor rperai et th»e horrible, buinan aud materilllluf,,etvil o eea ei rocîttes infilel upgasthe EnF pe d nu uï iuylperîcli ior the vaut ai thc tilesi, for whic hte onue tnatian le ver>'u '~mou imestes a1 11e. -- - Tii,-a-i-St enterprisea o.i Europe thatl we roponsible..1 Garmany lswlîipped Dow. ier mlltary isêdarm know It. The nations oi the venIdiknov it. Bbcle whipped, but nat eê Into mbmlslou. Her vnstarmiies .ie retral n ugreat hast@ but ln * wmarkaby good order. It le as il tMis retreat vers accurateiy carrled aut eSordlng ta a carefniiy prepared plan. B er pion for an armistie wa,- undaui'ted- ct1y for no other purlose thun ta gain lime lu vhiicb ta fct an nnmolested If Germauv ea unE, ir r rîies w ithlu ti. tiiith- oî- a u il Imundaries. îîuthîeg iii;rî là to. 't th epart id lî,ro%ýiiî .îîl r'-.i continuati i E f a. fo i -j.. couceded i iat C. nu o *, 'at miliitar" tor,.'.!7, '-ii ed, nDotuvt.ta i : ' ~sl don tiua ,1ts IV. 1 a1 people. .U.u> iti.. îîs hai t î, r arrived wuiuuî tii, UL i"i Àt î,.-l. i tng powertps ai ýiiiiy îdo uurrenir-1 thrnw daim lthe -rds. what i- Whetti iuy; aof'autria, o' Hli UarXoaifBlgaria;tf Turkpy; aofilussiia, *lciamori',g for a uicmîî,ra'y an 1i n'aie mstomeul ta thal form af gar erij u-;r t. @o1ýething like (1,0.00di.00JOti>p pe, ternqeýd lobas as Ewere, ugverrucd, 1 voDgovername, detitute aimast be'ould1 eompreomiumn. T'ak af the*iemurpu. kloladpes mfii atis thut vilii me. bavet thpir fa11iovità ansid thefir r,votso Tbiek of e r ,sîfi.Freiuchrevaiu. Hunalttie aver on.. huured vyears augo. It la sae t a assumne that aI tîmpa)rar>', 2 sêlilten>'foi-mn oigoveraimenLoaIthfisvaut ÎLAKE COUNTY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Implioved Fartns 1010o 1,000 Acres Favorable Ternis 0f Payment TIh... Fanus Within 50 Miles 0f Chicago Produce Market lan Tii.World ePR0PERTY IN TOWN OF AREA ~FOR SL ~Modemn Houses SVacant Lots uFactory Sites SAcre Tracts SFor Subdivision "ýSmnail Tracts For Truck Gardeners ýoultry and SmaII Fruit AREA HAS 'Sewer System Gaz, Electricity fAEectric Railroad .ý,4oo Railroad Béit Line-Connections 13autiful Lake nsttuting Popular Summer Resort Area li.In Market For Number of Industries. PL HARDINIG, ILLINOS. saturde>'.% mise flesel BOUl and Miss4 Edlth Davis. ai Highland'Parir vers the gueta of the Misses Shaddle aver the veek-end. Thise bonilna It vas leared that; tva more of the Ray chIldren had cantr.cted Influenma there naw belng four Invalida lu the aml>. ftynPIaI famlly have movod ta !the lty and-thi-r forme-r esdéeS-ncetLake ;t-ret lira. Q'h7Erew I e a business meeting ai the Area Bcd Cross uitt hî work rooým on Fr-d-a.Boôxes fortheboýys ovorseëab viii be packsd._______ lïchiool! lu Areanr-ue adv aitfer@ an lfored vacation of three eeko. H;réit-r@hooi- viii h. ceZlied-at 8:45i rathr thr~9~i~kas uul IVANHO NIrs. J. L Shepherd spent Saturday la Waukegan. Vere Smith and a iriend fram Wauke. gan cailed on relatives hors recenti>'. t Re. Wanei,, of Lake. turne ijtut te ablutte neeesilties for vst-uthtecSmith and E. Redke nome@ tiie existence uai tus vuaspopulatonSuuday. utteni>' destnoyed. Tte mapaver and the genias ucceseer>' tarebuilti and aporate tlieecltndntrlesiogane. ilomestic animaIs ioi al kinda have been laughter. ed ta support great armie; so inuclà So that ruay lacalitles viii have ta le î,rovIded wth stock for breedlng pur. poses. Agricultunai Implenents art, tecild and are flot obtaluable on]i-vrua tlîey urs shlpped fnom the Unîteti States. The long relgn of destruction aîîl desolation lu Europe tassa Imjioverished aul i îuapIctated lier countries titat u pi. .r LHo,-,ancelvable ilusesaf Conditions r îr u lae li tinte toavier t the a, t .,î r-rii.~oiuiitlau tlat eau I l! !, ui' I ci ii ii i ai ifieriiîg lu t - dStot- i ,i1a..ojii .1 'I. ar * i l,-gr i,4iiîîi lil, ît 1- i -, . Mr and Mlre. Wili Hectetevellen bavs ieen havlug a siege of the inluen=t pet veet.- Mis Elizabeth Kuebkerb,-gan teacblng awaiîu ut Northr Chcago, Monda>' ait -r ive veekei vacation an acciiut ai the inf luaenza. tir. and lire. Bert Chambertin calleul on Mrs. L. F. itta ut the Gieneral liiiptal Saturda>'. Sire le reparteul ta be gettiiig al,;uuz nricci>'. cVîll iîirtcuunand i. tS. tiuiplimîtarcî ta CfiiiiuuiiFriduu- sud liraiig'it ont the nà-ws gia.' it fur tiie hall. A namhi.r ai tii * ,)iiîen imet Satuiay eccfng and. t,, gitri the vi rk oI instal litg t hein ~XIIii ct te>'iiuîn.the hall vili ire 1roperi gltedia i-it.& j . 1). s. 1),7171-7,11 tc, gooîiln hiiuustar,- tire istaf lat week. fie dispos-dci o the dry gouu andl cho-s tii a Cllcagu ai iy andl the wrocenies ta Marrie ai .1cia. [le hec securcul a position vftlî Berley Osri of Little Rock, vlsitod et the homne of hi@ maths?, lira. Aile. Gsary, the lest ai the week. K. V. Werden lbit laut Tbursday for Calfarnia, vbero vo viliiviit relatives during the vinter. Mr.-ud Uri. Paul Bronebieon moved Mondey from Mapie avenue to tbho Rougbloncottege. A dapoeter vas born to Mr. end Mra. Walter Banks ar Chicago, on Tedy October 15. Albert Baaoiey, Sr., wae a Chicago business -ritor the let af the weok. Rey. and lira. R. C. Hallock and Mra. Lucy Clougit returned ta tlelr home lu Black Earth, Wla, ualter vlltlng friende tn Waucanda. lits. lcCabe aif1Little Rock, elsited Waucanda friends the lgot of the week. The lgh sehool and the trarnmar âchctol opened again Monda> ailter an enforced vacation of two weeks on ÙSount o! 4h. influenza, however vo have heen fartunate thud far ln having oui>' four or fOve cases la town abd neerly aIl are recavered at présent vritlng. Charle>' Fleher of Nitre, West Virgînla, returnod ta Wauconda, Saturda>' even- lng, aSter an absence ai several years - Mir. anidlira. Eari Converse have moved ta ths Stokrr anid Putuam ilarnm Buutheast oai lova Mises Ruth Bronechean and Ruth Hapke @pont Suda>' ut tlîelr home. here. P. W. Meyer @pent Sutîday at bi@ horne here. Mi@e Amy Hasch-y is spi-uding the wtek in Union", wîth Mr. and àMrm. Jasý Baseley. llesers. J. P. B]àîî, , Auc. Kuebker Il. E. Prie and E. Il. l)i0onuî were out souici Lle for the rai I ou I l lat Manda>'. wlirn a boit f4 oluti E tii,- steering gear of the auto ini whjclî tlîy were rlding c iusiiig the mnachîîîg ta turu turtle. E. Bi. l)ahuis' ankle was 1)roken belug the n ooi' ne lu the jîarty ta sumbala an tt l-. ae a svî-cks aili i'arc Mr.> uifr i re and ul)ýs tta rinove ta Arcs ti jur>.- rinagcd as ste lis capablue aifuîanaging in tre fleur future.lir. and tIrs. M. J îî~ wcre calieul tii' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Ii..------ ~ ' aChicaga,.Saturday oairaccaunît ai ttec Wh ille tii,.pe-ip!P arttec ilîited States PpRALgR /TRW deathuo i trs. i)orleuc brhuuer-iu-aw. riiiay led reasoiabi set-are against even __1Willlain Mruueu . Dir Ihumu t ' i on e sliltiuîonvcieices un aciauiit aifte The (iiima fannl>' are able t, iLe aut in 1thie.iiiurvI umn it ýuk ppri Ca r. tl,,'Y have uscenideultour igt lunti. aller their seigeaififluenza. ' -] g ti e 'hi t-1o 'coc-uk, ulupearut euh- ii clufization and bumanit>' ta Georgte Richardls ai leuviev, @petthue tu îecîi fllsad celàcd a taxi euh, driver, winhtold their aid wbcîi tere I@ so muet paet veek with tusm parents. 1giviug iiirmuutiun. tus thereiver tiu g. t suffering that rau Lue aventeu b>'the tMrs. Davis vuas callod ulhme t>' tchlhai one as quickly as pa-usub!e. Wii.n io)stcring ai a el-saerlficing spirit. Thus deuth oI ber neptaw. tr>ruuru hi 'ctitailm rv- ttere abonni efa elxaincu ur tr. and tirs. L. tiaetber speut Sanda, pndtt urii 0i 1r inc ua niettade ai food conservation. luaflat, and Manda>' In to tii' ic lthcr motter. dieul ou thcy va>. denat bcîîg duc ta oun account ai aur expericuce andl ttetirs. Mline. 1teart lallure. splendid record vs bsn,. made ila t î'l here viii tbe fiaservices eat the churet ins. we stauld accouuiish cien greater uext Sunde>'. Wqtch for tue aunounce- G&LMR ttilnga lun ttecause ai tumanit>'. There- meut ai ttc dedication ai theserrice liag. ----------1- fore, let us praducs mor1,celoiod; conserve MairelIa Keller ia tala ne sa:i taize Ve tope tut*" nfl i ,lthe ladies in hou, y vi atteudutîce eit tasiiliuu-r lRed Cross mare fond; pnactbce ever>' couceinble, ai the igt oituaIuoia > iligmeigNrmc-1 hoaiaie mmaieanin a eon s- elties Mlre. 1K. D. Cook anuldaugliter,Mi-m It duesfiat' Impair teircaîtua or îae Tte C. Bau@ fatn-f->'lm aile ta nîîaLeteaIfeci> la Strdv g.-uerai veifare af aur land. %lIc @hall Latce mather ui Jtires til-i-lren beiug l irs. uja et tretuit Tu1-a'Snturtiss luit oui>' tetten. strouger, mare capable tbed ut ttc same timui. Gtiimua Stahi Etma Coreie lu t rt> acrend Ii@@ for snch work, but Jitle aut unujuelifilet tas beau belping iîg ti 'a-cfui- theni. Emaraietuheiy e>L duby ta continus ht. A graudooti arrimcd unt the 1K Mitchell big takeîî Ut) at-ourse 01 etmady. laui in tînue fuir tea.tinM iine. ary Laiuffeubcrg.-n, -to ibasematie NOTICE. e«râ tu ey Mr. .andId tr,.. A. Kiest gave brbuewl e ueI m hli)( NOTICE. lina a îîsnrt>- welcuune Oct. 263. We Amie, for flue pnst tii-ce yenrs vwili suiun 1 ar n intructeul ta Iniorm tire publie renremtcsilea i.Ket euru ta lier boarne In Palatiner. We arc' tlaat &aIl( respussera an Lake lura, Uitheu-marete ie on Monda>e' moraceg. oir>'tuavi,.lier leave lne. former Sheldun Schiuai îrrapart.y, sud ail wheu__ecanetu__________. - - - -. atiier property naw ovneul tv St.àliarys u&AK:jURI;I i__________f fleminar>' yul ho prasecutei. kf.- LAKE ..... J-_ Geoorge Mlconalti, Superinteudent. ýMtrs. l1m. ilickue vas e Palatîn ]dilasFreuces Liedetudt viseted ldur- enlier iaet resda'. _%t lng te wcck-eiid alt ber sister, Mils à,Otto Frank tas beau tuklng Fred Isuabel Bime'ir.toaut at ilaind Park. AREA BIiEVITIES Blauso place la the banber ahop durIng The lied irise auxiiur>' opsuedti cî tirs. WiiiliR andl son, Vantee aon tte lattera iline8e. - ioomoi5for sark pa these-tuaI bouselest theoic loit. tirs. Badge Ile utnlg for &Win. Hertman nd r. an 1re. î-FrTuesta>'. N..t Tuestia>' viiioceun their tem. Bleu, wha have beaunIli iwth InfluenzaelectIon aiof fflera. The postoflice vbfirashalissau ocitcd Farcgrealvi,iproved at prnan.irs. Anuaét Winters enlertaineti trs. lu the Knigge building ior e aumber of BH. Bnandlug'spen-t Tnedi-yT.7ha Kioprode ai Chicago, Bande>'. Yeeire bal teen moved ta the PaYne on husunues. Baverai af aur yonng people attenaiet a building on Park avenue. Bp. 0. Hlimenshippeti ont a btuaiofbbthday part>' given ta Eddie Thelasen, 0i. B. Kuigge of Chicago, @peut Bande>' stock tram the stock-j tiant -etk. at Bighland Park :5alurta>' evenfing. et ttc home ai hie par.te bei-e. -OP' Miss A'naFran eni alleng r a idr. andl tin. M. Bafimen ennaunce Miâo ieEliza ticliide le nîitîng ut ttc wsek's lneas. l eoeig the arrivaI ituau,tbora Octaber 23. hampe ai her sister, Mr@e.1). E. Ruel aet-Services are agaîn belug helt t tc Frank Jacob@, aif(Grcat Lake@, ha Ci rus.Evengelicel cunm.ù- Liuai b. - t ho een tnunsfered la Phladeiphia. tire. L. B. Ltebiclul andl daugirter, ,Shoopudlouday, October 28~, William Seblie, ofiChicago, spent Fnl- iz-eIeu f a uakegitu. sp-unt suudayuiuv ait. ?riin lstififorw e a d>'callng ounhie aHififende. i tg relatives anud irietide. Helen cpaves 5,U'nt of thciu- z-.ldmlins1Mr. K . Noaun vas the gucat ai ber Fvlday for %%srhigtli, HCta taire là ti re. H. iirandlng neceivet a brother, tilts Huit>. UP gaveruiint varli.itefroin their son, Euunet lu France Drn. Cutler and l vfs sutertainet a nom- fiauc,, Wlls 01 Chicago, vuidtu-ulbislstnt et. Besanys ibe>' &yerigit etai; ftheir Lake iareet tinda, Suturda>' daughter, Rthî Weilb Wsruj un Sanda>'. ttc front noir aud are heaed for Bertin. evcnilng. tire. Emma houmesretarucdti ran, -Mr@. P, Scheefer, formerl>- Misiabel Miss Riat Eresâ entertained the tait. Wlac-onanluater an exterîded Isnit vltt fiiniaoftiuiavillage, dlsd a1 pueumauls timag lui),,Tucsd -a>u vopiug. ber deughtr, tirefi. Snydcr. iollawIng I unaWenn ,Out. 23, tir. andi tre. E. S. Adama. aif(Grays.. Etilli biehns n-as quise peluiTrîil in 1 n lu ia gonucnIal.ednedue'. @laite, vsiteti, Thureda>' and Frite>', with Inred liiuan auto accident aoa Ml nanke bield ul aic ahofrtel. TtcsLakeZrchl -esbismaîfur,tMrs. Bai-ah Adam@. avt-nuecb Moa>'eveang. Heuw" eI tîne ' a ite o an aI Lhe ay.e Zurih Luue ilauummel han juet returned firn lrugbt ta Area, Tunes a rifng ani i cme tî- t2a'lcte e.Kt Camp Dx, New- Jersey', vhen ha vas le leiig careti fur lu>'fie vile nt th ueî,a .diectengeuf firn tire service. He viii J0114 .S:Ijuitzle eble tualte aut againviilusarnM.aniiahlp Kuigue hiume. aiter aei tteetof iiiiîu'ui. irhm'PensM.adM@,hli .NGrtia fitzu-utàhaln spurtiiau'd ile Mri-and lMra. Chas. D11,- anatitne, R-irmme1, f-or meriai este. A.. Fs u.îcniuietlpuuif iito ti ut larhme mol ttc latter'.'i Thuo)du, Kuaatt, inither antisiaten,ý Fr.uktiltebell (iiiPrairie. Vie-, punr- l'i-rettafianin>s. a l Otto Kraaiukat d utvie vîctet, Son. clhasletithei , 1 Trîluait uu e 'un fawle i.mudtr A icihnneerlti a,,lt Hownenre OrVve, gueesaof EJ Mt-ettr. %Miii eu E lmtllLg a I 1 1Knaak and I nilli-. on the piace aur-t,-ud t the butie ofiJ. Schnbeider....Ot uncI ptyofera att flue î.:ut-e 'ul ~r, J Lu3- moud ,îti-tatiued tbernaiithenr taKsacfe et'afura ,ir 'iua i,(l a rlu-tîtiil Great l.siumc , itprove5uuny. reatLiates, lceresthis -et Ianr Ca- 5,-cc ,-trfrtaîtcd ut lite Shuultle hou,, .. fs-1tiillatnd sas a guet et ttclmbaNw o jir, ;lnu phiEtaud u-l Dtisi ' re 1iii itii -u '. i,--r, re [li-nbas is ou ia.tire InIluetizià. e6 %% ailia, V e1 (liEsyack I'.ýu. it hn ounote Ttc revrennti liamuel Fritaut preacb. SI%lfi.u uai tuui- ix i.'uknlîie î.r l),n ~ . , ,îîikc isl»farevwelisermon, Bunda>' monning, anll, ireNisnuî i It. Eu,. ' ii'i. tEu lier auhte ut as1894pastuir iofiase lIgiirCanregatlanai thu.Libet> slu..Hai s",î,,l. ateiiluu, daaghtn, tns.clurchu, tlxtyFuurthotnset anti Harvard Mii-,. 'S . _'l'u il, aî ui lu thii,-lilu, . 'li1 i' slr-îî ii u.ctaia jas euue.fiHe s acceptedthettcpastanate tuts114 sN,- ion u mi- tta 0BHunLi gi-cne Congregationai church 14hiaas i, uu'sas ag ,a mi nia'_ 1,, :~u ;i1 îtnet CIca-lantd ., ) uinsitutianal churct, viictoun iiM 'uua> ", î a,,,iui' tiiie iî11i, I 1ii wvti e *100t,Oilt)builbdng 'shiciviii ho i . nipru- rit s i,-i inug afîlah lier enicumes tiMr. andIdra. Friteut 'fi-- Rultrifiscl bick,-t3i.huruiuîrtai-.. 1 - Il tidaurgiten. Hea liMr>',ot b>' Ai.ii' ele, irà ,. oroi,% n,. bai R 0:et m uyo wth tire. tic îiiac-e -1ii'suri p fi Ule predM. Manda>'Mo@.ulnu, Mmiii.e ýo oetcj.w .Atihlike. The feople laDeDerfleld viii né doubt b.e urprlaed tuo bain afthe death of Mien Winnlfred Warder, s doar frienfi of Mima Sadie Gailolray, and wbo spent sevorai montha at the Galloay horne lest f ail Miea Ward. or voluntoered for overseas duty lu hospital service. She died ofipneu. maiaDetober Mt. intb e Amorican Base hospitai at Bordeaux, France, aaon atter lier arrivai. Nov af ber death was reolved ln a privais tele- gran recoived on thesane day as the receipt of a notification announ- lng bier sate arrivail l France. Bbc bocamne Iliaboar d ship. Misa Warder was the daugbter of Walter Warder. maister iln chancerY at Cairo,.flL Bbc vas one of the organîzeru' of tbe Wam- an'. Committeeofo the Councillaf Na- tional Detense. Lieut. Comiùander Ogden T. Mc- Ciurg, chie! af staffoaithe 1iNnth. Tenth and Eieventh Naval DIstrIctý;, bas been detached fram duty et Great Laites and wiii lenve for further duly elsewbere ln a 1"ewda.. ,It vns ai,- nounced ye.qterdaY. Ordorm were re- celved ln Auguet traim the Bureau of -Navigation jorIdering MecClirg de- ached at that tIimn, but at the request of Capt. Mofett. theme arders vere ADJUDicATtON NOTICE. 1 Pubik S iiici -:. ' ' ucituai th,-sutî. Ciurtuui takC ij,,i ais 2' mi i tii t' 1i 1 facuidehi ai theiiî i.,.u i h îS,* tur sail Ç,u,îîîî thîi,-'. È î ncxi, iCti s iîc -1 ' hua claie, ag-ali.a aii 'i, ii ' ' ADJUDICATION Nr i cE. ,-'i,--î i,. InIrut t Il t r, ut 1 tic ' itii aith' i'îuî 11-', . 'iii Vu'aiî., a iu il aid CoutituI, nutue Tir-t t'iuhMýolY îofJalitlare ic.t. t1ti; usubel anud uuuî .11'al , 1 u tba, uc iatu' aaaiut-saf ,-.itclar-, ui'til ai, i reiic.tu lt i . t. -t's'i t tau u, a sa!, CouarEturaiualau'. i.ANClH E A S 'i % .aitiurtratti a 1 w aa u Ii . tiitlt,-u ". Ni 7i LVELL Il. MORRIS. Aite,'.. ADJUDICATION NOTICE., Publie ce .18 -rebtS u7tieiitI tic ub .ulici-Admiffltritnu, ai thcestauu-aiof ,aui - L. 8iaer. d. aet iii artenî1Lài:ce Coanty turt Of u.ale C,,utilrit a ts-cux tiers-et ta b ien aet thCurt Houa , 1,Weukegrn. 2 la salIit Couety. suuthe i-tftfu t j.",,er Cei. 199. wiieCcuindshet- au1 perran . uaie cluams wuaium ideul Karect îlT. antd reuestet tii-cas-uit tiie Caine tu raid Courtlaur' adj uiutian.I FR<A SUrS il. t ilAixi-rca Wâuàèc.. Il . .Wbd ' 2 .ntNo,7i LYLLL Ml. MORRIS. Altomey ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Publie Notice I.lachrcty oevex titat th ic ui' uicullers dauinlirat ralflie Estate af Jîsuua t.athralu. uecescd cii w tuttthe I huty court 0 i Lake Cauntu. et t-,,tluu-reuu tui,cb tuuhlcu at tic Coiurt Houas L-W Wukeear.u i'Z scid Cuanty aur]the travmaiuday .,t Jsnulry neu-z. 1iti. sIen uaichre al i irxun,, nauiu reque d tii prexent the sarne ta said Coau 1.r adjludication. EDunARDt1). HUBBIAI. Adxuh,itrto., Waukegaa. Octutier 24. 1918 . 3 o.71 - - - - - --- - - - - - -b-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Phone Libertyvili 89 ani Order Your Meats and Groceries. We Save You Money FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Best Pot Roast l3eef, per lb ........... 23c Best cuts Round Steak, per lb ........ 30c Shott Steaks, tender, per lb----------........ 28C Fresh Sparerîbs, pet lb ............22c Best Kettle Rendered Lard ............ .. ... 33c Lard COMPound----------------------------- 27C Calta Hams, ýugar cured, per lb----------------- 26c Breakfast Bacon strips, per lb .... .......48c Lamb Stew, per lb ..........................- 28c Leg of Lamb, per lb ......................... 32c '"Pillsbury's BestC Flour, 24-Ib. sack .......51.5-5 5 lbs. Ail Good Oleo........................ 1.78 3 lbs. Manor House Coffee ..........95C Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans for 28c, andc1I package. Weshing Powder FREE Armour' Qats, large package..... ............. 28c Toilet Paper, 6 rolîs for....................... 25c Prunes, large, 2 Ib8. for....................... 25c Fancy large Apricots, per lb ............ 8c Corn Flakes, 2 package....................... 25c WiIl Pay 50 Cents a Dozen for Eggs W. wii deliver in Libertyvilie on Monelsys, Wednesdayso and Saturdaye. Phone your order in the. mornrng Peachesa for Canning. We Wili B3uy Ai Your Poultry --.GEO. M. LANE, Prop. PHONE, 89 > AREA, ILLINOIS 1 d T HRE are two (2) kinds of insurance. Both are good tili death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is' a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right, then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are O. K. tili you ,have to make demand for money. Qne retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind is the kind to buy. Your Lif e Insurance should flot be neèglected, and, when selécting same, do not get the wrong kind. -THE OL.DMICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY les as good as the best and better than many JOHN HODGE,. District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS imi tha 'ladk fori em, ,MAUDE STEVENS COMPANY UNION HAL. LONG GROVEË,ILL at 7-30 o'clock P. M. The Maude Stevens Company has filled many huadreds of engagements, incliîding third and fourth appearances in the same towna. The progrâms-of tis attraction comprise both indi- vidual and company numbers, and are of unus- ual variety, originality andi artistic finish. Adm ission .................................................. 50cet ( colChidren ........ * ...... ................... 25 Cmnts Dance Following Entertainiment, 50 Cents a Couple War Tax Included inAAi Admission Prie*& --------------------------------------------