Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 31 Oct 1918, p. 9

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r4Ty!NDP~lIENTLake CosintY/s Big Weekly ,WAUKEGAN WEEKLY -SUN __ YOLIJME XXVI-NO. 44 -PlIT Twù., LIBERYVELEINDEPENDENT0TIIURSDAY, OCT. 31, 1918 POUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ÂDVÀÂR0. F -- ýThe publicit>' manager of te la<eý County tranet of the Womeanï Cour.- Indications are that Waoitegan and cil of National Detensge. tas issuedt Laite County*s meager esUgar asow-, sn appeal for ever>' voter lu Lake, ance vii lie eut tili morn for thce countl>ta east a vote for te short montor Noveunter. in fact menm-f -ballot vblct yull enable tteccoutitY bers of the Waukeg&n toad ailminis- 10 bave an adlequate Detention Honle. tration asserted at the regular week- An cîpeciat pica. la belng miade ta' ]y meeting WýeduesdaY night that it àei vomen ta vote on tbus propositiont appears very probable that &undreds this beîng one of tvo Propositions on 0of peope vili bteautable ta get their ýwhIcli ttecran vote at the electioti aiotment of ivo pounds per person nmt Tuesday. 1Per mont. In act there vere The aima or the dpention bonle. ta- man>' stores wlich ran short o! stîgar gether vththtt man>' destrabiloe tes during tht montof Ocber and ures and the absolute accessit>' a1!sere -unable f0 ruppi>' their custom- establishtiggusch an Institution it oers. A fev vers able to Ret b) te- LAIte coutty are eet forth lu thîe fol- cause ttc>' lsd a little reserve sup- *ovtng offiiai plea:. pi>' on tand. Indications are, ILlai The Detantion Mime. j said, that ttc aliolmeai for Noveur- *Women cati vote oniy for the De-; ber viii te eut ttill more and there $Mat0on Nome and for tie trustees af w'li te no reserve supplies ta fat ~ie #&te univeraity. A vote for t»a bac> on. 1111e ballot for the establishenit o! Numerous complaints have been ib Count>' Detetiobi Home, vîli Open made to the food administration Liat gt tise order of thecocunt>' court. ln ipeoplie vers înatle to get thicr à nleceaitt>'. Al ttc institutions tiow mnthi>' a'itmetis but the adminis- ,pen for the care of negi-etd,. for- ratton has teen unabie le reader re- e aeiL or delinq iet childreD, are lef. wded ahutot beyond capacita'. Ttc Failure on ttc part of a number of eut ennot depend lu ttc future or groccrs 10 turti lu their canling sti- *btaing admnittance te ait>'exIat- gar certiOicates aiea la reducing the MU institution for c'ildrcr lu emer- alotment of sugar vich tîuey are gMey cases. B>' votiltg for 11e De- able tô get. Scores of these lips silnHome yOu vill gîve the coun- are betng turned ln nov but thc lag. cour a place ln vwhich fo place a glng grocers are Informed that I ta hUId o the coanty In a gond homne. Loo iste for thenita get unan sow- h1b ealthy eurroutdiligs, good anc of sugar for tteni. O 1O1 lacilitiqes and proper disei. A aumber ai' Waukegan stores baveJ iuedurlg Lietme the court lo lu- limited theîr saies o! sugar to anc ýetig h.cuses of a cbîld hav- Pound per person a mut n hebeti brougit before the court. store bas lmited the amaunt to ne- = ;Ibsya: te causes may aa lie hait paund la casesa vlire nev cas- pêmovd or hang d dthe clld lie tomlersaappi'. WIXM@ud t10 lin improv0d nataral homne Severai changes vere made la food tàoaltiihe necessity or gendng It to prices at the Wednesday ntgt mee,- a institution. Ing of ttc food admnstration. Tii. statute provdes that a tai The price of cornmeai vas Iavered aybe leved not tu exceed one miii ane-hlaf cent a pound. The prîce o! kithie dollar, bacon vas lncreaaed Ilre. cents per Pound, maklng lie maximpzp price wul itte, Racine, 21; Jennie 01-1 ta me, 21. orbert 'M. SBteldo, ron Koutain, ., S6.,myrtie OIsonsanie. 20. àTOhn MoKenzie. Cilcago. 50; El- 4t . ..yff e, Higbautd Park, 46. ?ery Nichois. Loi Angeles, Cal., j- Narloriebiiller. Milwaukee, 23.1 ,Ïoîn m. Jones. -Milwaukee, 46; Me- Keekeudort, samne, 33. Cult G. @cbvabe, ChIcajo,. 25; lMa- ýl ]>. ItlS-msnie, 24. !b Ea$n% , o"ile0~3. 57 iqats for best grades and 51-4ents for Ndim grades. Tic price of iereaun cheese vas lncreaaed tvo cents per pound, lhe nev prices lsta 44 cents:« «Thc tvo'larger -mises 0f prunes ver. stricken tram the food achedule liecause groccrs are unable to obt4in them, the goverament bav- lùig tacen over the avalialile suppi>'. A oltding acale vas provled foir freah eus. rsnging front 57 iW63 cents pet dozeu. Tife nid price vas EO cents. The prlce of potatces vas iowfted te Su aets Der -peck et 113 DoU WWa. t b el blS A » » - w ýQL t <v cmet. Cosasin Sizes for Women Missesand Juniors ,Ci uLEXflEN IO~ Làke Cotat>' Greatest Store for Women'eReady-to- Wear-206-212 Genedee Street ai 'Cil in fox, lynx, re- coon, blue Wolf, etc. ~1-4~1m - - - M" Including Showroom and Salesman's Samples and Our Own- Unes A Giantic Evn audy and Next Week Our Dôoinance of teCoat Market Drats ç to LLs Marked Concessions from the- Biggest ,Manuf Irers Such as Wooltex,, Korrach, Sunsàhine, Etc,. CoatsÙpto$25Verýy, Special at'-Oly-, Velours, Pile Fabrics u22 Broadïclpth and-Mix. CoatsUptoM Many Fur Trir j u. ~ IN* ~nothng abut ti. pooeed rate ~ ~ ngu, m~u ANTIOC84 BOY NU RT, RECO.V1RS1 'The-, teaersm' enalantetions -~lb F LSteta wiii bc made agaluat ralsing NOm_ IVR 81l_ dora Webb of Antioch, was injured have been postponed until Dec. Sth Litthe tlte d theatsas I promaeWAY aymond hle inactserice ln . andwee 10hav enhi o o.S 'T LIE f ORM 116 Sa x- RATE RU E; - t h aWÀ . APLAN'APPROVED Fance. T thijur as not serilous ndh.CRD0 b i g a n a c c id e n t to th h a n d .C A O F H N S ALLID W R-DRIVE FILtA P TITIN Coniri;on th** qUýt ei WUEAW IW I PRICE4 Wau1ce-gssiOct. 30Through some Jnisuidertandinig the raeit hn The lgh ase ! ivinga tomak 30 R CET INREAE ASED MLK-afternoon la bt te accident until October 28th. In the for the înany ways they beiped M. Enthusiastic Meetinig Is HeId the coat of teihonngts tWake 3 RCN ICES nKD 'IK effect that theC <aptal Iauea comn-meanimne tliey had received Jettera during the sickneqs and deastbof0f OU fat'Surnee Tuiesay Night -and North Chicago hlgher. sa1 e eticem nrae ur,1 otwa¶* îtnadteI .HgwyCotin f rom Webb, dat'd Sept. 13tt. lile beoed 'ilster and motter, lMra. VIsa- Inteeet18 tiOn Lke boi f~ a îsa a~c~ethat the Chicago Telephone comuiany Pint, 8 cetsw*e7. s aegve fiiiaprvl< alidtewas fine, hall been ln the boa- belli.Niffler. %'e algo wish to, thait fnu tI hw ileabi e ltroymeUthalas aked for ln Waukegan and LaIte the. proposai to construct a perma- iitw wekbtwsotagittiIc adtoewhsntN- an offliciali notice today >' teccunty, in tact. according to the pé-GE. -nent bighway between (Chicago and piaitertho ee u t wae is otd in the sgrs. adtoewosn 1w TO ORGANIZE 'COUNTY <hcg eehn opfy t hettion filed with the Satea Utilities One.hai4 pint, 17 conte, was 15. Miwue. Ap»a given prev- eariy aprIng._lits father died very The Brothers, Sister -Waukegan press givi the Informa- Commission. itlas asked a 30 per One-haif whip cremm 30c, waa 25. ouay made Il possible to take uP uddeny the Ifirt part of Augut. and Daugliter. D&W lake County membere of the Al-lU ion teform ialIation bsbon cent raine in ail of Cook, Du Page, 25c. the work of conatrîîcting the road- 1M1Wa riv sesaulmtiat leLoumr o. mdgarqus o erîao rundy, Kane, Kendall, Lalu', McHen. ButternWilk, 10 conte, uflchanged. way between Waukegan and the as Tesaynila. v- min r etfrptoe rte in t an-7sd Wil co_1UntIes. 'Phe above .11k pricet w, r a ait.Wisconsin statlefinebut It vsfo né ue" ngt.T with 5rtkei adNot Ciag.Chicago la excepted. nouifled for Waukegan, effective t nt owai t ~approva lias ben giv- M N FITNES FOR W A OR Afa mrlen of amilar meetings ea n and oth hicu aotrelen unyndnnre d pwmro, oetr a.en 10 construct the road from W au- IUYA~ ire te, be beld ln ail parts de the înquiry show&sé e' ~present eratîng expenseà tanate thieapplica- IIl ia the itbest prier for 1< kegan to the Cook cotonty lUne.if here's no questigIM,$t. joaty tu auefort te am-ase the pd rates ln Wankegan, are: tion neceasary. He add ed: md cream ln Waukegan's v btr. il i possible to proceed with th-' women's right to enterve p>s to the necessity of Isubseribîi uinessngepry is 80a "Exlsîing rste.3 bave been ln force The raine, according to Mr. výum orimmediateiy as there la con- act.,vitie5--ta ke the pha:> the county quota of 887.M0 lut sut- iinh 12 or 15 yeara. white cent of mater- mond of the Noftli Rtore !ti'isa derab >y over $400000 àanvlable for thelen nowat the frint. 5 ïcilbing Iis àuOta the countY viii R dn cemnasprt l*to lais bave rîsen 100 to 300 cent. due to two tbings, nantely: tie wo k. m deed they would oseent iD bam haàve to vork independent of Lakte mnl.Wages avebe nrae 5pr FrtBcuetefr ,hv Poet u lglnd Pr vih Tvo part y reldpne unes, $200 a en i hvebin nC nom55perorstBtauheis frmr ____ Foet n HgladPrkthc en nthre rears. raised th(-Ir price front $2.5 p, ,-trial fields which they ame nov have been attached to the Chicago r - ". We are ln tbe sanie position aa quart can to, $279 for Navembi =1 nionratt fiec i@,$.0aetrig u oti1N ver pesnt t ue d ouraty rsiecetihe.' gas companty. We xeed more! Second-Because of the ET R Aburdns the women immtbe siltsmeeting. à. A. }tathorne Of In another colunin appearg the offt- oity1prate . Ciag fln t eiTp prb l. j strone-t 11111130qZZ m blt have f r a Waukegan vas on band to organise cial notices regarding the application Ti ae 1 acg ii o e Tt rc id yWuuan Srpeai. it)R'I FANC o ti. oeien u uus. .j.~ for a rate Increase ID Waîîikegan. The affectied. ers ln October was $2.6.5; in S. iet-= borneN RACEda= ret e temovseetan ornioee L brt otJe.nd p it tcsttme Ail charges invoived are flat rate 'ber it wam $2,46. Oa bretewnb -or unliaaittdservice. rracîlae thepeaelgto nttecchangn.gtup, with the. R.aCeCoison brother R. C.. Aomlxotrnie and maof Boys lira. B. A. Munson of Wauke- that aIl partiee, nterested ln the pro- --ani ted phshere acare !So tpms aical lf the ciby, I. os,'Attorney Harvey Coulmon of Wauoe- Abwld er a nie achn d nr ail fbeettlef ne feetae s teemdniragca lntheiItobtaJin.r Inforril;ation uchasD San vas presont onbhl fteeelg o banIfraina iited. gan and Dr. Il.H. Couison of (raye- PWece'a Favorite Pt'roiiZ - women. Nirs. Laie of Gurtice. as te the time and place of heaxlng b>' roeyas f ae Mr. Brummond said: "We arc wéorscie, vas hurt in -France smrnetime Ana;=to onie plaedta hage f it WOIe'a omuniatngwit Ie ~Otri Te g f ~ ~<J Pie ga. but'lte la nov on the rond 10 muai have ita cause in the. ffovomqitnthae oftewmneemuianglhte re roi te Ltilities commission wotubd (han we were before. Wp-r i-r-îak-1 moeap hr.Mr$. Arthuir Haig the Public Utiitiles Commission at Wnl akgnta:igmr oe tte1-ln ai rerovery. nature. There la no dout éÀ va rset avn aknMa SLw pringfield. duns-an condWtioeoan Ihat: ' inl wa renle'apaea chairm aknsu f h rte u akeno Pii- Single business lines viii os $320than now. for, you seec. l. Limeers ! bodngt a letter received by lis .W InY IaIi.m a lo. i<ry îr. ere phones bave been rctanged berle for pr nhinstcad o!. $4. hgvmrle moUn2 e>'aIte a3-can thast ,*.. dnefhewa hrtspied ormndanofe ell le l caryGe rlotIteoare twulpi cretme lwstotn a rtc Single residences. $3.90 instead of, we get 32 cents more per rai, i tee h iueatbusi.h a ur piib o eiieuro. mahaion..obe meua vs ovrnnet oo oerth c $tra.o way of 8 cents vbich must ak, raie vbhen a sheil broke and a fragment qu Moft Twopatyréidnc, 1.6 Istad o te aditina bi, cst testruckt hlm just abovethie teart. Ie -, MaiPtiuoànUmke. women baçW Mrffl ith t3i ch enlhuiasm. th rilrlas enofthe exDreaa Topryraîee,$6 nîedo h dîios , rote the letter huisoelf teiiing of the fa, hM Wty Threviib asmia bohc omale ndrisdthorae lm- 0f $2. breakage, te lons ln hariffl',g, etr.we bi mee i liett sion city. sa- mediatcly ln those utilities. that the Four part>' resîdence $1.9a instead We al wish the prire, coîbd ha% c re- acident onCt. 12 and thuatte tactanhra ueSe lie waa ablf w u0dwriteteIttshiw yfelmale weakn. ,It imaku wnk ",Lh Attor'ney ('iaicnce Diver and nx hngBvud oatr f85. tm anat1 cnsbto ~ ,thate i;gettîng on ail Ih.womnnoxg. over the lpon n segahh ear ylng 24 cents more per n>tcteliritt éharies Cawthnrie viliite the speak- tthe' t'lephone and teieagraph Psfth mires vould lbe 10 raianeterates on And, figuring by thç ypsr, ttc farmer, th al Impoiible.' iu.olIsni eme !tc Dr. Pierce'.Favorite Prescription hsu been for nealy 5Q yeas t*9 chane wll o orfolows 1fnd infantey imider Col. fioreaman mnost favorably known herbai tone for womnen. A*k your neigbbls go organîzation teld a meeting Tues ib ttcvipoesdfi e Singfe$businessadhonit. $624aîn ta Dr. iercatInvalid.'Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. for large trial peekag,. ja>' atternoon althUicChaniber of graph compan!ea have been utîder stiagole$48 I îde iii phones, Vgln-nît i,-. ________- ml! the tablets in 60-cent ÏpAckages. Comecevtr bcyteid eprt ontroî ofthetcgovernment for saune ~ni eiac hns 4.0i-rr.Men and vomen are many limes temptied tu skait f aîilvis whctmpe hpel htveatattt v rlenrtsime past. up te tte present time no stead of $36. I The companys applî.î n tifor Russell Brown. a velu known XVa- questions on deticale niattis. Snob questions o oi a re = ,.th wviîl xoaed ruuthatte hokJ e u omisepia n'knt aîe Tva party- residence phonei, 131.20 bigherrates lu Chicago 1:3' on- eg yug mnjndMie i d emieda -r.ies n i hufoltyhge ",tietlb. hOai. t enn'ealii weil oBrovnzof Khnouhautethpcdltn-Cfornaa @tep luL bees'alleu te, raIsp and .meramn Th. Tcmeeting vas presldcd over the rates. However, if nov appearq I nstead of $24. gdee. ronof la snd njnd, ar nle, nto U gtot yhyW»te uIieated o îndan ev d n t tair.c ' h a e bE Iak n g P o u r p a rty cesid en ce p h o n es, $23 40 T h e sai e ra tio f i c e se w u d P o in t, I d , l s>St ' d re a C t y" id fo r mo81.50th.l te t;s oentl c de~Ôf ttuluy har-plana along that Une and nov arc insfead of!$8. i spiuy 10 ail count>' tor'.. 's n Lajie married. Ttey have returned tm i bo o Ind m ~osa150.Foi Ia limlbedUie - - %wlîieteheylgib redyt l> Ie bfoett Ttltien Practicaiiy the sanie charges voutd county <th vfpievalnWauea.brs >.Pere i ublhr nvld'Hli Belalo, N. N ton. round ln another coiumn. commission. f Wauitegan cit> ofinciais had beurd e EARNEST PLEA 18 MADE. 1 ..A MU NDREOS WON"T GET SUGAR I1 Hee ae - _____ _ai__ a

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