Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Nov 1918, p. 11

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LIBRTVULE INDEPENDENT, 'Su Lspky, NOVEMBER 7, 1918. PG HE NE OC SMN OF Fyj _ SR NORMAL BLOODINAEX * A bieCouney hdepen dent -Wu* nWeehly SunY UC N XCW i :ýWbat'shj? Thst-manF-reun&of X4onry,carried 15REO 3IDIDRY' " a ý,twpreincta In Lake Ooity-4I.ot? -And IhSappa Tepiîe. fcnetn e .te votera . ..roe.supportf9 fLae aymdeth flowr. anun$" ' nvr"The privilegp of convertInir 4 per 9l LakoOouny re'~es g~carsfort. ad~ruent tbthenode tcretofliberty Loan aqordingly the practcally v# oit t nuw WAS BURIED IN A DUGOUT cn ad fteFrtLbryLo "ILtoi ome Shos flkswàq'-Uwudiia'tàlt.prpr-conver-ted and 4 per cent bonds of woeWro~Took Partinthe Saos h econd Liberty Loan Into 4 i 2 T- eslY takon cars of and when thé. voter i mmlu a Éi akeadnth amsvrcntbniexie n o.9 aseth oss ldy'Charge at Chateau Thierry ;1918, and can nlot under existing law T H E1 LD ail In Ils power te call the attention B E EBR ~IT - The ueing ln that SeDtor Le*Wl would. h*o atood crp. Paul J. King, Co. F., fth. lJ. -et the bondholdere to the existence of lu the above drawing frein the humai blond n heaith (Fig. A) and in dW. a botter chance of being ri-elOCtéI4 if Prssdei»t ~ *bid 9,Engieneera, rho enlitdlu ytble v4luahe privilege and the date sale(Fig. B) e mhow the blond changes, sis seen through a Microscope, Wiisw ..~ rmm~ of ~n 1917,sud ret b t'rnce lat »ec«c:lits expiration. lt le sâfe te asis Person je tbin-bioodedane in anemua (i.B.Drn b ogras wbo frindy t Leisbofnth fmoi apea cae er raqd we ourne ud a May:th ia hbnpon the expiration o!, the mnham eu, t ie y t e wiesuppoorset. anlest.- cmebattie ot the Marne et Chateait Thla,-' onversion Wirvilege uuat tact n oo relosdnpi b oeofc r atrgeug111 out. , tlt esou sewbe hsppotla lsrrte. eeral reflect liseif untavorably In the mar. go<i air or prupar xercise. Therefore lhe foiiowing epring or nommer the hai - Je~~~~~Attea incho ):d ste nue y'n ÇBrDLM e ite fUlofvre prctweqk, nervons, look pale, or the ekin breaks ont in pimpies, eruptouc -4nwtav otera isaAAJAVAP h..upladi rry for hp raà r.-'. verliig,hb fate- fmaiutained eubstanbially- on a parîty "clammy.0 Women Often are so Pale they iook afimoet green--oUtn 0111114 doné-o * Ouesae that they o»t.ily.endorme -Governor- Low. Ily rere flot arare 10frhfittbrlllIu; 1W Dltwith the converted 4 1-2 per cent "green sicknees." At sncb limes there je a large decrease in the red or rbiw measresgee h.14s ...éSad...1explenes nti tby rceied he i~IS1dftIbonds by the existence of the privil. blood corpuecles and the blond celle instead of heing round and healthy lAke cm dns m rs-odroada, ..._lavas, uuavs eeene s tl tte r: el'e the pe of conversion. The treanury now frreguiar shapea, as lu Fig. B. convntin ec. desnt i 10k iflb.govmuorla he olîwîng iutereeting luske covninecdom tloka fth iear ati rax'ce, Oct. 9. 1918. IJONS ti eeueeu he United Wbat'e tubedouenlucbcases? Pot iron in your blond, and lb celle bo. mai of the heur?. Douait t show that his big ideas onl Dear Folks at, HOMe: tates, benkers, bruItera andi others come round and red; tbey logestile irregular shape aud you gain ini via, ie- iimPortItnt. matters as petaining tos.tate affaira would b. If you happen ta> se" nuy name In IN IIIIJTADV bu d horehat t cn tio brlig t and vitaliby. Dy eprimentg aud actuai test, 1 have ond Ihat 1hebest on.- the cfIIflRI factsdhetoreobby for It On f the bination of iran WU biherbai extracete lunh Içand in an irn toue, afl -equally as valuable at WaaiUngton? Thebheart.yapproval lbffa -?le!gw-rry gfoie.bondbolders. Tronfic," and soid by nMost druggisetabalabeseof une buadred for gi7 cmi ot Gevernor Lewden's reforma la the sdate shows bow un- Ibnbtc -- 1am- n"Pbeaze e '.Yq udm ta iata opleceee, cgsa ieetue treraniu aniinous the votera of the state believe tla .Prom 1noW Marne at Chatea-, 'rierry. i have Shfi)ae u o e i neb rigti notcmu obelon day le hati dons, after taking « rontic » yom. cheeko WIThave colo, m on Gvernr Loden uat.ho rckoad wih aspresde-besou en hefront .iioMrch and Class One and ToId Where the attention of bôndhoiders." will .0 strong and vigoroua, and m5ready for the fray." t, o u e oia tîmer. ras luus b rckne thes esdin g drfa ve rv Bnko barcl' tat o anMuat111 wa ntebgdieMrh21 when They MstServe "e..r E.eve*ak lihsag. .surprised how full of vim, vigo, sud vitlmy you nIl liia (.sha weu til ibur te Owrmana tried ba uik'- Amiene._________________________________________ Wel, weil, it looks as il th. peole of inois weo ri iththie exCoption of beavy arbîîîery At ta meeting of the huard of in. CONORgSS VOTE. afety Matches Causaet oflses.i. SUhfoo nlaTown ad Cousi>.' iligte ç Prouideat Wozt pt un usQt of fnýr, nbleb xc rer.e ottantly excstructiun for local board 'No 1, Lak<e Officiel report on Tenth district "Pour wriiters lu rur,-solae ii.SuriIse. ou the Mounuains or at wu frtbtmebubardlyt a addit ltrmomeiuaintsr . 2, et bbe city hall, Highland Park. ing aur FePi-seltatlve -lu congi-esa scribe Cases o! sOseuna u-blh tbey ivereevtwobytatninsu asrgrd iht ohar pulcawthe rdl ent a haesutb in1al arrangenwente wre.made fori-frounnt n: înable to explain lu the otheruvise rewarde the eariy riseer nth itab'll- «rý snautor 'jven if the peieti ue.Utailn aidsu iti theb.Mailes stopped bthe diîu n ntutinc i blpJ inea D.1.1E arl b eeiptien unti lcaylepodi,sod Igne onrut ti an mli> -t"à, "co~ ite Ilhn15poliosJ, »Mal, aôuad 4ter-Ounp -mt'igî>ri.,udrafbed mnuasd the following pro- R. Chindbient(lR). 31,838. Chiud-Rsh'exreuen loapoo-lubctWorty iesmfyfuU 49e eit' ligspl" mamâ «m eraraw flroe5 Wi-arnIautîueui: bum'a pluraity, 15,118. li; o! the skiarorm the use ot n ter- eveythinu ntidy 'and umuet stip tmm i ofenater Lewis. Not oiily vas Lewis d.fsat.d la 4th our artillo-ry opeued Up nith _gram__________ tain hi-sud of eatety matches. lu Most ssii cans sud dotze lithepsî Wu heay brrge bot 1 rcl - .1.,Highland Park, Tuemda% r'ghb t Nt eeetio! bhe patients te burn 555 on bbthe hosubisfled nibli bbe sieepgcgntg J.felbt tasemaiIevoe. o l iaerepudiated Defed hedbig citeb hgbe corrcsponding ta the trousers whrnn o are getulns hhiopgu110e. Illinoi, but i also mtans te voter of tàedatesud at 11:30 D. nt., bbc GPrman au-til- De-ildSila uh'Ifp.b itbOUg lobstere generaliy drtak 'PcesI hi hYeridtesaefrtebsns ftedy* à -the president's moral igtto put.bis car ite local affainraIiy opened i p ardîthey atarbrd tMayaor Mine. nater, the>' nu tae.a sip if you giva ~teb u1bcb1e4 ai-e l.ape oth b icueqe atnday. I in the way ho did aiter Bepublicans hadbeen baafr.lg biniscrustic heriver. (The Mai-n.eriver Lakte Foi-et.Weducsday niglit a et he bchnuce.-Boston Transcrlpt 1 Match boxes." l uhn g bua t pctruqe u i. :80 erneaty ailibrouh thetmyia moata. Mm Wilsn rasNo Manas Land-) 'The bomhard- Young Men'a club, by Capit; rauuie.- ntrci. - so ape the G. tho. P 0fthe U74at oth . O.t. Woî «1"mutra eri Li t cgreabeet Waucouda, Frlday ulgbt, St hall, 51.en .wL.L. urul ti. ar. lbhras beirible, by Capt. Hase. t- 'te iiOu'sicasea. but lb couldu't score us. The boys-Brlgo,'fua ugtl aI .~- fougbb like mai detrils. There ratin't Canfie.- Il urey l hitlg hme ardwhe Waukgaipeolemany a! us but ne killeti and cap- Liberbyvilît-. Thureday n,:ght b>' read on the sanie day of télé deathâ of two Waukffaa ma o n yivrandflcept-a constant Sti-eam Round Lakte, Wednesday night, b>' -in the service, oie fromac"on ia batd.e, lb. other a vil of 0 prisouers going bu bbe rear. To Capt. Hase. of hnfluenza just as ho wau nerlng lthe b&t.tniêiDd-.Wau. - ard maruiug ne burued the, ide sud Alert carde will bc' sent out by I-o. kegair~r'cendne van K. S. tiiove tbem ray bockt. We rere cal board'No. 1, urderiug ail draftnd j. kq=peolecononwit Mr Ïd-,nabout exhauateti anti oui- np.rres ere men In clans or.,>tinb'- pregent at and Mr. and MIft. J, A. Bover over the passlag of thoir at bbc suappfing point. The bambard-ti-heir neareet or mu<î comrenleuî weu. They are added te the nation'. honor rofl-tbey ment ras so bati that ne lookIt1l ead- 4quaiters a pf r the aovesced. *fought for liberty and pai dthe pribe. They ne deubt vere ter. ne"bucl ae d m enIconethtaattend gladte do their bit aid the blow failsot sevore on, those Hurt In Dug th dclese eeigsan begin ometaatndn a loft behind. It la always se. But,a sthe familZ circlesanoie elo u once, and nil b.' gi-tdIv buthelr ad.- discuas the meniti and the brave doods of these yung men, andug about fivan oe-hateet ysipeetoemnwIIb On account of Dr. fo0ley 1 the mmbsudofabouts byede sud tune-haitotriteed deecuaeudo oThcistucio ~- te mmbea o itmua ceced lIa tby bve oitibue A belli explodet iat Our test anti compauatively short as they WIlT per- to the overtbrow of autecracy aid the doyaFRal Of the' caved tiln l. About flve minutes lot- lisps b. caliedte b camp wîthin a very service, 1, wifl seUl at PubIIç ,' w omit demon the vorld bas ever seen- And thua they have Pi- another expoded lu bbc sanie hi-t short time, but thlq wnul be a routier- u dons a big bit after &IL sud ne bati sbsolutely no protection. fut! opportunity tor bhc deterredcdans our farin, Mie sr Il bIen us clear out o! the dugolut. Menction Men n b hgin tbei- trainlngA knocketi us unconsciaus. White ne ah once snd oblain this militai-y train-. ~ C nd ie isy there unconaclous, a gas shah ex nofocadl i egrtyt -A è a d -4 m ls notho-w~s w as HESE ARE ICTpludeid n e luialetia g-et tical tiavantage to do su. Tii. lu-- orgs eor-wewkeu adIgtLke and 3milessouthwst Wd oui- maskseon. A pièce of bbc shell ilib oprtvl hr st T ~ ~ I!LEGTION *~ery sick troni the gas and the ahu'. lu a very short binie-bobu s 8-wîi,,..dl beiam . I go T wou't see the, front for a loug ~ru~flopiIfiyfrbcd-. ___________________time. My roui iqle early lieaied feni-ed cassification n ta u eglu - t** hOr. and 1 amn feeling lota btter. tbeir training at once anti obtaluin! - Foir Uîited States 'Seu'u-d sua dont wriiy for the wrral le uer. thie militai-y rining and inst-ucton We ail xpectthbic ril be over h WTbegnbycmtn l. M EJIIJ McORMCK ue hohnu u gen y 10:30 O'clock Sharp Tor C(oîxgressrnaiî at Lai-ge Oui- regimeut ban ber-n hanreti sud RICHARD YATES decorahedticio non. Su i do m eut ~ CEEE W-ILLIAM E. MASON b <F»1UUJ 1 atELE I cant say ta mucb for tb. Red For Congressman Tenth District 'Cross. Tbey cei-balnly si-e wnuderful IWI NMAK IED 1 CARL R, CIIINDBLOM If you con bcip them env do IL For 10.H ad L ve St c For 'State Treasurer they are tioiug a gi-est tlulng fer the SH eLLdI SJNeik FRED E. STERING "Boys In France." The. S4vatlou TL 1 IR For Stuperinteildent Public Instriuctior 5i-Sy, ton, la a fine bhiug. The dàc -0_EA____GAE___- 45HEDOFXOM FRNI .BARtors aud nurses sure do reat a feu. it Steele, bwîce married at Greà STEIN CATTLE, 4 xEGISTiER- -3'ý FRN"VSG.IAI on fine. The.' hupital la lu qite a LaItes. le sîlîl single- BD.A.ND 3 READY TO JEGQJ5 1 80W W'ITH 9 PIGO,3WEK - For Couuty Clerk large tbru sud 1 amnahi, te get a That sounds paiadoalcal but it's ~TE OLD. LEWT A. HENDEE pose anti go arounti a bit. Ttlaleb truc, nevembiieles. TR For Couny Judgebeaubiful pIMe -aud sane parts are Abu30e-kauLe ha-e < COWS, 6 NEW MILIERS WITH 5 139OOD SOWS Fo onyJdequlle historie ln connection nith Na. Aotea, eban niiedu grls ut CALVES, 8 SPRýNM~RJS AND 2 HAT840 OID PERRYL PRSNSpoleon sud Cassai- (su tbey say). ftintunaie, on.' a' i b.'Huetesa House, BAL.ANCE NQW LKING. For county Treasurer The reather ltr'ftnierim during bbthe j li ohe i CanpMmul Toes 1 and th AD e in Cap Patl2joue, t- 8 PIG 8 WEIS<L ROY W. BRACHER day anîd cool at nîglut. 1 muet close ontlors etf0G-aft LaIes.27HA H -ZR1 U BLOE BANT For Superîntendent Sechoolb non. May Goti biesa 'Yeu al and May Non cormes -diîiu StPpie ut PIY- - OLDS; 17 Y.8UQ.iPL LOE OR O rar neyer corne ho oui Ownu iti-y. mouti, Wis., wibh the stabement thatal 3 PULL BLOODED BLL;ONE 1 T. A. SIMPSON DONT WOI1IIY. e.Il not maited. Site dldn'b me. X ONTH OLuD; ONE 8 MONTHS GITRD For Sheriff Your lovîng non aud brmother. Lo hrhromtst a oe 0T EL E . RE PII l'nrche oth sdhp' OLDA" NDEr3 YX&R.SO OLD; 4 NBTON 0F ALPALPA ANI> ELMER J. GREEI ___________but.bre rauts ib oderrtuod eh'. le41 EGS RDBO P P'LVE HA 19 UN f j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ stili I dltb Steele sund probably tbbC.i EITRDSNO PRN LVEHYD AN j,.'gatandthei nt vrolere reasso- N J f ot ocln tl tm AIX KING, PQNTIAC, 6T O900BUBHILS BAL . LVLL LRK cîtdlauc oaleteie. The 'PFWA4 RON THI E RM M 0FHENRY90BUH!.ROT - Wauegaln the. laerk iiiseveal W D3~.STEVENS AND SNLACONA, 9 UHL OT UITIÇ F AE saereai yeaseag. Tt ras Me-l'Ille ;IS NY. SON, LARGE QUANTITY S LGI.1

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