Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Nov 1918, p. 2

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LIBEBTYVILLE INICPENDENT, THV EDÂY, NOV. 7, 1918. ___ ____________ i j [AS. D. PROCTOR Wyka ilhlade of MSURANCIE ni». Lite, Accdet anti Healli, Plaie Giase, tu- tomoblie anti, Woklng- sus.campeusattou. S«. Him Before Placing Your Insurance Pee. 164R - bertyville, M-I Osai Dae'mesDrug Store WELL DRILLING vu mpay geu te viée te ma. WMMERMAN E& DOLAN VION CITY rme173-W If.aBMIRSTOW .MANUFATURiqON' Mrble and Granite Monuments 4gm.tery Work of Everý Descriptioni ;-16 Geme st DL 1. L .TAYLOR O Mm a hFIreNaiesal Bu*Suildine nuam-to8a 3 d tp8 P.m ,MdmS n Broal~, oppoate Pare Uhewrtuie, ilinols. DL GOLDING DEflTfl? son 8 to12S .M.-l to5 P. M. over Filet National Bank -~ephone 19-J. £@». Phone 157-J. LibertyUle. Iliois D H. s. s flELAIE GOUPT NATION" AIMAN. 4zg-e o 12I. m.aBdlto àP. . LibertyvuUnn Usel (1W N. STEPIIENS, M. D. PHYfsici" »md SURGEON Er% EUr, NOe@%Thnmth Nice. xamnlned for Glsai Il : ie O se Cc.Ce, Tel. 111 lbertnle Dm O. F. DtTITERFIELD. VE!EJÂARTSURGEON. &INISANT STATU vwT5zAUKA5j. c DRt. A. 0. CAMPBELL a Vetarmsy Dentist1 Laid Uvery Stable Uibeuiyvlle, Il. t Utakeg.a. Lake Foesrt. Antlech. Kenomba Ouru.. W adswortli. Rusell sud titer edjaceuf towne ElBAfAN W. COLBY ape a4 Houie, Cook Ave. Phôdbei4 4,MilTYVILL-E, - ILLINOIS LYEIL1-L MQRRI ATTORIY-AT-LÀW LIbOrtyviflh - Illnos Luce Building. 'ML Chosée u. offce Poni là PAUL MAC GUPPI. Libertyilie, finole MARTIN C. DECKH M07 Washingon oreet Eoffice Phone 848 L QI S a. Phase 1860-R 00 ~Itwy ~ & FmH.C0.1 "OVEIt" iltj.D. C., Nov. 1-Tbe Ubrty lood vam overubscrih. pore tisas 66 milioasdollars. W ano miounfcat totiay by the Show silbeiptiang f 46,- $IOO0O DAMOiJS DEMANDED Of RAI ROADS FOR DEATII Wsconsin Central and the Soo Line Roads are Made De- fendants in Action Today Wfl3OW FILES THE SUIT! Additional $2800 Damages is Asked for Destruction of Truck Being Driven Damages1 aggregttlitg $12.800 are aeked of thle Wisconsin -Centrai andi Sac Uino railroatids iamage malta fled in circuit court at ,.Wu'egan ta- day by Hedvig Rittersporn, atiminit- tratrtx of the estate of Alexander Rit- terpmitr, deccaîcti. Mrm. RlttermPorn le the Titiow. Ten thoîlsanti doltars damages are ashoti for the tieatb af Rittersporn anti $2800 for tidagos donce ta bis Ituto, truck when it vas etrucit by a train at the ralîroati crosstng at Prairie Vtev an Juno 2, 1918. It is cliargati ln the bitl that Rit- terspars mview of the ratlro<td txack vas obscurod anti that ho vams ot able ta sce the approacbtng train un- tii It vas too att ta avoti beirig strucif. i >loî sparu vas haulung a truct-1 oati of funituro from Chicago tao Milwaukee vhen the accident haption- ai. -Tbe craesing in question la rigbt soar the business conter ti Prairie Vlev anti the accident vas witnaeo by a number 0f peopla. The truck vas hurtoti cme distanceanasti as retinceti ta klsding vot. Ritter- sporsi xas kiibad atmamt inmtantiy. PERSISTENCY 0F SAILR TO F16HlT BRINS HlM TRI? Real Estato Transf ors OERMA S, TUD TO C. W. Peutls andti vie ta Robert Pet- tus, gouth.49 1-2Ilcaet, lat 17, Ovser'm U S I E Flrt Adtit.l Deerfieli. Wtt, 110. C. S. Hansen ant ife ta Jobs Grif. SIO T fih, lot 60, Rose Termace Sub., Lakte H U Forest, Wtt, $10. E. TI Lehmtann, et ai., ta J. M. aor Herbert Brunhoîz Pictures Vi- ton anti vife, 10 acres la notheast vilho 1-nsAeFrd corner, Soc. 2, Avan Tvp., QCD., $1 vdy o un r Fre Oct. 31 1918. to Fight in Trees Albina Wàchta ta Peter Loi anti vife, lots 21, 22, 22, Blockt 9, Wisi lhrop Hlarbor, WD. $12(0. XKarol Cypcar anti vife tu Thomas Cypear ant i vie, lots 8 and 9, blockt 49, Washburs Park. North Chicago. WD. $1'000. J. L. Swayer and wife ta Frank Blurke, N. 60 foot, west 136 toot. lat '?. Douglas Second Div., Waukegsn. w-f, $6,000. John Griffith andi wife ta R. R. Bradtey, lot 28 and part South t-2. lot 57, Rose Ter)raae ub., Lake For- est and a lot In NW 1-4, Sac. 28. Shiteld's Twp., Dets", $30. Barnoy Schubert ta Andrew Sund,. lot 42, blockt 56, Northt Chicago, QC. $1. Jobn Grtit and wife to GOtttiO Schaffer, lot 87, Washington Circie. Lakte Forest, WD. $10. I. M K Great Lakes Lad Wrote Capt.- Mot fett Second Time When First Was Vain ;END HlM HERE, SAYS CAPI. 1Enlisted in Navy So 1 Could Go and Fight, Said iackie -Go, Says Moffet Hero's a case -shlch shows boy ln. Mstent sone of the Young men Who have enilmlti In thie navy are to gel In the service abroati and heip Put tho Lan out of business. Recenti! a Young maisvho ima teen at Great L.aiom stationi for the past yeîr vroto a persaflal ictor te E'apt. Noffettin wbicb ho matie a re- que-st tuaI ho ho ortieroti ovorseas for duty. HieexplaIseti that bch ati been at the station a Yoar anti atitet atdoti that ho badl enliatot In sthe navy for the pitrlose of "getting ista te fightI" anti "nat ta ho kept ai Great Laket station." Capt. Motftt. Is the pressure of businssfailoti to answor the btter lu any vay. The Yaung Ballor, hovever, 'who vas so determlnod ta flghl the Hunt; asti vas %not in ho slIonreed. Aftor a cauple of tiaya waltlng anti after fiud- Ing taI ti dti atgel an answer te lits lter ho vrote another ittor lu whlch ho cahotd attention to the fact that ho hati vrltten the pravinon let- tor anti hat not hearti tram the cap- tain. He explaineti that hoe vantai ven" much ta go overseas to akit part tI the hig flghl. The captais vas Bc impre«Bd by the yoilng masVs; persistenea that ho lmmetiiately mont a ntessenger 10 is regiment anti ar- derat i hm.ta appoar te heatiquartora. He vanledti tasee vhat kisti of a young mas it vas vbe vas eno per- sistant in getting mbt the fight anti vha tid sot purique Vie rogniar chan- sels but vraIe rUght to the comsman- diant htmsetf. Il lm neetileme ta eay that aftr a short tari vitis Capt. Maffett the Young masgainai big point antd, a day ister ho vas anrouts eet os ar. tiers t ho sent ovaram&. le vant- adti t ight snd Capt . NoV aItloo10k. lng for figbters. .DEMPSEY AU At SIATON SUN Special permission han beau ira- caivadte t enliaI Jack Dempsey, cou- Querer af Fred Imuton. ln the uavy,' accarding ta ansouscamest boe .ta- day, andthie big fclov miay eliblt hipt champianahip puchc batore Kng George at London sait monthu as a Inember ai the Great Làkes team. Dempsey Is undersbcati ta b. diet. Isfleti Vh hb bisipbfldiug Job, anti lm anxla'is ta become a ragutar gob. :Thé a !depentient te a&al IKARRUAGE ICffNSES. Archie Plagman, Great. laies, 22;r totoen M. %tWiOs, Joliet. 231 I Harry Schraedter, NiiTankee. 21; ,gnes Grimm, same. 18. Heniry H. Spiker. Etgmn, 36; Lauise r Buchtlng, Milvaukee, 22.8 Daniel -Tt Thampsos, Mtfilauke-O,. 1; Margaret Schneider. samo. 18. s John Heuhy, Chicago, 42; Marie t Bic, sama, 36.t Eart C. Allen, Chicago, 22; Sylvia1 bbyer, me. 19.1 John Mozuch. Milwaukeea, 21; Clarmt Meier. marne, 20.t Frankt M. Golden, Hîghvaati.81; 1 tillas V. Gibbons. Wankegan, 24. Geo. Carlson, Chicago, 37; Maryi Wetianbarg. aua. 81.1 Frankt M. Cannon, Gireat Lakos, 2;1; Ratherine McGovern, Vait, la., 21. 9 John P. Cotontier. 'Milwauktee, .in: Pearl Loraso, saise, 22. Alfredi Aniueller, Milwaukee, 27; Blanche Bejsavoc. same, 18. Albert Tachahl, South Mtvaie<e, 24;- Ania Nîtisohi, eme, 19. Emil Schmidt, Chicago, 29; Augus- ta Perschon, sarne, 28. Victor C. Rumb-erg, Konosha, 27; Ilultia M. Andeorson, same, 24. jas. U Brooks, ,Chicago, 22; Edsia Itartin, same, 23. Tbeo D. Brown, Mitwaukee, 33'j Emma Boiter, samo, 37. Etiwin Placit. 'titwaukee,21; Prie- dai Ienko, marne, 19. Goo. L. Hasoîbauer, Great Lakr-s, 36; Nither E. Eîbtot. Pa*ucSh, ]Ky., 22. Roht. C. Mcfluffee, Savasiah, Ga., 32; Alice P. Thenbold. Kenosha. 30. Ogilvo A. Hoyt, Racine. 40; Louise Nelson, samne, 46. Hlenry G. Rincithoc, Camp Uplon, N. Y.. 21; Unlan Bnssoy, Mitwauktee, 25. Elmer J. Menite, 'Milwauktee, 22: Sylvia Fischer, same. 11). Peter J. Jasltkovmi, Great Laites. 21; Sophie Grohos«li. Mtlwauktee, 19. RELNEWAL 0f L PRO»UC3R-BUYER F1HT IS FORECAST Reteioalont ostilities betveen th, .ik Producrs' Association oif North- arn Ilinois anti the bg buyars vho suppîy Chicago vas forashadowad Priday ln the announcemant that the MIik Praducera' Ca.operative market- ing company vili halt istefiret meet- Ing Dcc. Il at tise Y. M. C. A. builti. ing, ln LA.. Bate treet, Chicago. Tisa compsay vasorganutti flc menthe ago, at the baight ot the fight btwe. thea producare asti bey ors, the ansouitcd purpme bains "ta buitti our ovn plnts andi cn- tiensg faclories andtIignare the bug buyr by dealing direCt vit the traia.» Haetofara thea prodacois bava beas tepostient upon théa beyass, bacausi the latter controalea thsae cettiesing factanis anti thaevie 50Do »Yflm lte protincers te bantile tlteir erfaeî mippiy ai mtk. Tisa Coepeflvî marketing compaaty tlu calated ia Mqed Bellow@ anti tasUr bave » turnedtielaUtah ater having hbu charge of.iDr. Fley's tarin watt o (lumsen for tmenatima. Rema athi family daparteti last vaek. Dr. ni"s lm Beltaw'a hall-brather. Ha formari wam an alderman ln Wankeaan uatei tthe aid toi-m. Mi%. ]fthy lm taklxx e t@pa te sit of ai l thefarim equfi ment at Autian. The faim là-eoea0c the fncant In Warren anti wlth fis hest' possible aquipments. Bacatte Dr. Fabey la away, hping a captais tr the of cldpaten itise armi Mrm. Poley has caielutotfi ist mt( dlean ont the stockt. REGULAR HELL FOR THEM WaukeganBoy Tells How Ger- man, in French Unitorm, Sent Signais How a Germas. tiresmet I n a French usiitorm agnea* mb tho Anioricai Hiues, anti, Iylng tiovu covereti a fine wira vhich loti ta the Germas linos ,ack ta hie forces-anti thon Tam dis- covereti; how ho maw German goldiers chatuedtit machine guns ln treesSaS 'tey wouldn't desert. their Posta- hese ara but twa 0f the innfy Intenle- iy tntoramting tacto detaîlieti lna let- er vrttten home by Herbort Brung- tala. He wrate it undar date ef ()et, 5, ta bismomther, %Ira. H. Brun- bais. '136 Cheetunt street. Brunhala was lni the Onrt draft wbich lett WaukegazL His letter, ane of the vory bemi Yet receiveti tram the battie 1156e, fol- aves 1 had no writlng paper for quite awhil, and when vo drove the Jer- ries back over the Milte1I mn scrOlls tome of thoir writing paper anti ptcked ilt ip. This is tomle Of It. We sure got tbem on the run anid expect te koepthem Agoing. 0f ait thestuaff they ieft behinti Yeucant imagine. They tiidn't trne te take It with tbom vhen the Americasgot sfter 'cmn. They mure hati an ides they vere gaing ta etaY vherc tbey wera the waY they bad thinge fxeti. The yankm put on a 24-bour bar- rage 'wtth their big cannons sud th,* prisonore ve toak said ti t as one 01 tbe greatest cannon raar tbat vas ever put over. They askpti If we had automatic canno::. it soundeti mîti like a thausand machine gunt turned loosc at Once. I gnose theY thought mure they were ln bell an earth. They hati dugouts by the hundrede from 80 to & 100 foot deep ln the ground and big enough ta botti a rogiment of mon. But vo got thora out and vould of got them ont il bad heen there a thousand feet. fol vhen we tffls onc of those band grenades down the hale and telt thexc ta dl'.lde that up among thoinselves it don't take long ta bring them ui ta dayttght-afld tooiî they left be hinti? They tett esougb tools ta sup pi ' aIl the tradeBmen !n Wasltegtr and Te captured a rew of thelr largf battprY. il sure la interestiflg tc croqs No-Mtan's Lan'd and lot 0Ove' pveýrythlng thev left hehind. The3 sure have goo'd equiprfeflt. Weil. the airships wo have surf play their part. lt't3 got 10 be caors mon ta tee air hattles-it's nothing t( s"c them hring down a Germas tw< and threp. a dav. Profaitlt.'rnbiri up 0on tbetr waY dawn. It vouit malteane. of the greatest movtng Pic ture films vou vauld eveuÉ care tu see. We got oame of bis machin, gong and put themu on a post arn every time he cornes Over our wa, wlth bis airplane vo purmp bie qv ammunitiotl at hlm. Hae1usd i ao diers in tracs with machine gun On'? Ing snd whct wc corne up te mat they had hlm chainedte toI An they viipump iead at Yeu tilt yo get the drop an bim andi thon ho' 0boiter *Kamemdt." 1 eav one Of thel with bis rnOuth open aud ho looko ejust as If ho vas gaing to Bay "Han erad." but ho vas just a tte ta late vhen Home ose lot hlm have i We vero campeti at the outer edm af a woodt for a fe-v daYs vhen ai Jerry turned sote ins0 hbis belie c and he sure bhatus guessil Ilt i - Way. ta 4ti'uck." ,Camae ta Bid there vera tva Germaens .dressati French uniforme; ona af the bol eav hMnsnd vhen ha diti thîs, Jio laid davu ln a Vood ad vhe5 tI lad aslced inlm hat ha vas dig 1 ni auldnýL asaver or vouldi't eV, §fgat u t til ha pricked I LIM With t] kgendi af hls bayoltet it dids't ta' rlong for hlm ta caine ta attention ai *thon ho vouldn't Beals, mo thea11 Flet hlm have lt-anc Of thoe Pli' Stltat reand fl)eMt men tell noa ta"t Corna tae Sud ont h ha eà a vre val ing froin vhara va 'ere te the G Smas artllery and gave theain th*a en 14 Zanga o! vheve va vera anti hl 0, th«Y vere blttlng. Wétill hade4 e# se hot for tun that 1va bal te Mol 17 lewis p. Masos or W&mkea5fl. er abrateatislmtwautleth asstill'ari' ,g a United Mtes eammimmiOser, I p. dq by appeg'I5E isfora Fadai Of italga tandis anti ahg raaPlOfIs ae for a furthar torils f f= r7«"-m.1 ae Masos va. firet appoînteti by ftam ln Faderai Judge Pater OffeectlP a y. ba s ervod contlnuousty mince i ae Uime. fHe lsa ason Ofcf CaglC555 at-L«rge William E. maman. ro Jai vbom Tou ai Agetor'l Pporti foilovîsi lng anti Januany AntiPl ou the 0 at Mat1 village Illinois, foneuaa bay mai bldder if 0100-04) proceet Lidert NOTIC1 as T Pgrlbataiotar ni may concein: PUBLIC AUCTIO14 Auset irnIand Frank Ghibeci. Auch.4 Baviog decided ta qutlarmlng, 1 vil oeil, at public auction, ou the premifise knovn au tba Bpnnner farm. sîtuateti on the voutbveet hanhe of Lake Zurich, 4% miles uorth of Barringan anti 4% milest mauthemet of Waucanda, àsalecommano. Ing aM 9 o'clock a. m. barp on MONDAY, NOVEMDER 11, 1918 32 HeAl of Ctte-20 cove, nov milh- are vith caiven hy side anti close apringers; 9 helters, 4 monbthot 2 7ars olti; 5-year-olti stock boll, yearllpg stock bull andi 1 steer. Baveanad ai boraà". 20 heatia 125 chîchans, 40 oft tem pure-brati Lkg. horse; 40 ducks; young Bhopherd dog. 5-passenger Overlanti auto, .04101 881 1600 obocks of goat. i.@"a cors; 10001 buabelaoasti, 425 hales goodti lmathy hay, 50 balsa millet, 40 tou@s elfl. h'srmlng maebinory ant i mplementa, cousioltigoo evsrything needeti on a comptiely equippet farim. Terms: 6 manthi' tMme; 6 par cent ln- tereit. Pleuty tanet atDoon. Hrasty C. INEYEcR, Prop. B. H. Ochoppe, Clark. Batu Charlee lic auc faima,c nue, ne loEU blaeh mare, lion, 7 evis. 141 CATI 4 @prir mac. tio p- id c, l, ly bi. Du Iti '00 IL r'e rry Lhe te' %k- lad le. e ad rai l.w AUCTION SALE rda!, Nov. 16, at9 a. m. sharp a@ Kerschke & Sono yul aoeil, si pubs- uctlas, on the Henrletta Scbnell ou River noati snd Milwaukee &a- mar Alliean bridge: s@E&-8orrel mare, 6 yr , wt. 1450; gelting, 9 jrn., vt. 15419; black 7 yrs., wvt. 1400; P=l-oons -i 7yrm. wt. 1500; blac bora., ,yr. ý00; black tiriving bora., 7 yrm. olti. rTLE-19 hest: 2 cavavltb calve;ý ugers; balance milkes 3 bullm1 1 yr. anti 6 mos. .1d7; vs-Broati 1Ww wltb 5 pige; brooti wtb6 6 lgs; braod sow witb 10ý I M ionte, 125 lbo. eaeb; 24 chichene, 12 ducha, 17 turk.9ya and ô ge»». 150 buabem of wbcat, 200 huehaI. of ott, 6 tous uplanti hay lu barn; 10 tagi laiee set potato.., 10 bagi marly meet potatoos, 80 o cebillcoin la the coru baitie.ter, Peera mowar. Molina eulky plov, Uatley New Way corn plant- or, nov Casucday mulky pIow, e204il pultiratore. 2 band eultivators, mn<ov iplav, 12 dime uiverlue, 8-cetion bar- rmv. walking cultIvator. Tipi soueedr, Deering hsy raire, landi ratier, Champion potata planter, corn eheller, feoti cutter. band plôv. carrot liter, 600-1b. plat- form ose, road caît, 8 lu. truck wagon, new; 4-lu. truck wagon, 2.In. wagon. 2.Iu. gardester wagon. vîIh bax; fllgbt fi-spring wagon, neobbsilgh, 2 henry ll-spring wagons, 2-yard stone box; 2 bay rack@. 2 mets double harneau. uebrly sew; 2 exipress hamea, drInIng harsee, 2 @ets double ly noe, nov; 40 grain boa, hey fork andi carrier. 180 tes bay rap.', lOd fIt. cannvas, il mllh cana. coak Mture vitb reervoIr, smal hater, extension table, 2 kitchen tables. aswing machine, bureau, dresser andi other householti turniture. Pienty to est anud drink ait faon. CHAs. KERreiKs & BOS, Propi. Jouh J. Wiak, AuotloneSr. NOTIC-0- APLICAION-T CHANGE RATES To PAîTICOs ýY TUEN CHicGoOTELECPUORE COa eAsY: The Chicago Telephone Company bore- by gin.. notice ta the public %bat I; bae bled with the State ofai lnute Publie Utiltieem Commission temporary nebed- uiee wblch wîli change the ratte. for local telephone exchange service ln lie Uheriy- ville zechange Arma, lu Lake Couniy, Illinois, and thatthe i.mlti change of nioa eeng1omervcel ueried te Nor C H FAPEIRATS N 4 To pàaose or'T13E CCAGO TELE.PHOXE The CbicamoTelaphone CamPaBY berO- by giqr« notc to thé public that St 1188 aled Wltb th@ Bate aorIllnois, Publie UtliîtIse Commisson tenporry echedilîêa wblah vili ehmoge the rate@ for local taephone sichange rvtSellu h. Prairie ViewRExchae Aima uLake coufl, Illisoli, end tha8t le mid change utfrate. levoivet au Increame for 6aI l cam of local exchage erice offered to the Put.. nec andi covereti by ite rate seceditie as now fieti andln effect. Ail parties lutereetei ln tbIe proceeding May obtain Information am tO the Urne andi piste afbeartitgupon %filismatteT, by addreïding -the Sertary of the Public Uttition Cammmion st sprîigfed, 111. CHICAGO TELRPHONE COM PANY A. a. Rosa, (joueraI Commeriai Superintendent. -Publie Notice la bereblr ginen that the Oub soriber Adrslnlsator of the Esîste. et Martin Cuir deceased. wilt attend - the 1 Cowti Court ut Laie Ceunty at a tenu flureot te b. niseden at lie' Court HoUme lu WaukegaU. lu sald Ceuntie n lie taret Mondai of Jauuaiy »ES., 1919. wben lad riere al versons baudS cl"aisahanet »Id Esatt are uotWtidaSd r.- snsildd W urefts e im ietu saltiCourt for ajdcto.ANDRO piJOIN. Admlltrator. Waukegau Ili.. October 28. 1918. Oct. 91 Nov. 7-14 ADJUDICATION NOTICE. public Notice la bereb, ien that the Bub- mriber Aduslnltratill cf theEstaie of Ly'man 0. DeDnmon, deese.d will aIeend tih. Ceunir Cours of Lakeonn. as a sern tiereof in be, holden as the Cocurt Hm uIDW&USf in laid County. on Ile le t mondai cf Ja5uaiY nezt.l. n1. WbsuaMd wbere ail Dormons bavnnieldaime aginet laid esesare notifid sud requemted 40 Premecuthe lme fW laid Court for adjudication. _.LXCZA. ITCHIELL AubiustratrlK. Waukevan, Ii.i,&-er 28-1918. Oct. 31 Nov 7-14 LYL .MRRIS, Attorney. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. public uptiel bereby gian tilathti. SB- acriber Admlntratila0f ý, Mtiaeafe F rank L. Illuseer. doceaead- wil attend fui ,'On.-S1 coudfrof k lnnf. as a taesu thSien CHANGE RATES iu lad Counis, on the iret Mondai ot Januar? To PATsRON oFTIE z OicAuciTeLjcuuasenext l, 91. r n ad ber. ail versons bnu COMP'ANY: clalunsaal aid Esate are notiuird and The Chicago Tlephone Company bars- requaSted go proeutthfle samne hi laid Court te, by «Ives notice ta the publietltat lu bas adudication. led Wifb thsa btate of Illinois Publie FRANCES Si. OLU881R Adulnstratili. Utlitia. Cammiin, temporary sebeti Woukeîgan. 111. October28. 1911t. ale@ vbich vîlI change the rate. for local Oct. 31 Nov,. 14 telepbance ecbsnjqe service lu lie Ares Echange Ares, lu LaheConnty, lîlinois. LYBLL M. MORRIS. AttM5uey anti that tbe raid change ai ralsi in-, ADJUDICATION NOTICE. valve. an lucreaffe for ail clase» oi local Public Notice 1e heretun iteen liai flue Sut,- elicbasne iervice ofleredti tathe publicecrtbe,-t.Admtnltrator ef lie Etateet oi obua sud conereti by iea rate icheut0 e aD Ov Lathrop. deces.d. ai attend ftue Count? led ant inl effoci. Court of bail Coungy. cf a terni fleeof te lie Ail parties InterestetlInluthîs procoeet. uolien ai lie court Bouse in wauieian. ln log ffsay obtain Information sai f0 ime laid enouityon lia first Muedair .)f .lluury ant i.lae1ofhearlnoe upon libis malter ne: t. t9ti. wben cnd aber. &Il cersons havînif by adtdrenaliug the eretary oi the Publiec daimu s gaînt laid Estate are notfhid edn Utlitiem commission ai Springfieldi, 111. requemeste preseui lie sarnieto Isaid court Dois. lur adjudication > CHICAOTELEPIIONE COMPANY KovaAl> OD. IlUltAKItD Admisilitrator. A . 1B>5E, Wauiegati, Octuber 01. i (Oeuerai Commoe-vl iSuperintendont- oct. 81 Nor 7 14 "Buy at Home and Support Your Local Dealer" When you buy at home, you are Bot only serving the best interests of your local community, but you are-conveniencing yourself. Con- sidering the urlcertainty of deliveries f rom the larger shopping cen- ters caused by freight congestion, Morins and labor shortage, it is iogically more convenient and economical for you to trade at home whenever possible. With the "express service at less than express rates" of The North Shore Parcel Dispatch apeedy and sure delivery is certain in a shorter time than if you went away from town to trade. You seldom need to leave town to ehop. If your local dernier cannot supply your need from his stock Le cari get it for you quickly. He cari 'phone hie jobber or wholeWaer and request that the items be sent ta town by the North Shore Parcel Dis- patch. If your dener orders early in the day, Le i. assured of - Delivery Within 24 Hours" The North Shore is the fast, sure way lu ta the "'al-year-round"' road. During the severe storme of lunt winter, it was the only road ta operate contiIfuay withotit a let-up. Fer fnsiLar iufo-tsu.1 M, r N'te the muarusiDlsita *efia tihe NORTH SHORE LINE Milwaukee Pise,. Greed 908 Cbiesg. Pisse. Ce raml il --------------- ý 1 ------------- 1 1 1 , e' Lien on the foliowing deqcribod il Dow In My paeeeieon: bay mare about 6 yeare oId, i1100 Ibo., by reamon of-the g bil for boopiug, teedlng, jard- caring for selt bal mare frorn ry 1, 191& tb Octaber 1, 1918, lI. pubie notice le hereby Ien that t day of November A. D. 1918 Pester'. blacksmish @hop lu the of Llbertyvîllî. Lake CIlty qas the baur ut 10 a'elock ln the o ot eaid day 1 vîli oaBer eaid are for sate to the bîgbeet and beat for caeh ta enforce saIt lien of )togeiher witb al contea 01shie ing as b, law provideti. rtyvillo, fiI., October 21, 1918. JOHN DEBOEIt. Oct. 24 Nov. 1-8 LiberoviDe pb«e. iawwvgle 74 . 1

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