Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 7 Nov 1918, p. 8

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7. 1918. Mrea and Vi1cinit< L.- OITIMATE PROFIT IN exî,t. Att-r the war and th dIschârgtng ARMS ANI) FARM PRODUCIS ,SIr ýo enu il, iditon wli radu&Ily Improve. aîa it(]i> this 1Jelor luprovenent fsets lever ln the bgtory of te @coi'Otrfll3li, ail fvaine wîîîincee,ée. Inthe ýWIdfarm prodiurtptif every decritin ýt .ro wt ees te mand aucli favorable piîes ahea& the heip riviiv~À~v a fsrrn and pay for It ~Pumt time. By Do logicical euation 1w ,. pio o u fim pboducté décline ~oed-epon tacts eau une permsade hua' .or înd eîIUvý ad iaue.. ý»W1f thei théseepriem wi le- la ered for. ýýfovers.i jearos. ln ta(t. tuile îuîtîtriai i for tétai; matter the entitre cilil.d'o AREA BOY IN FRENCH HOSPITAL ,>orld te far more lîi.'iy tu bc ratiouued : o 'Vii ~ snu i.adM tlan to ho favored ahIsla surphis ut aiv ý E[iý % Yi tLé aoAre&, le ln a base >kInd et food. We @shuud gise this lIoo; hol-u. ai1-rwce, a vielIm of @bell WprobIeln our closest attentiton The sho 6 ,- îdi.gta lnîormatjon reeived eltuatton J@ Indeod erit me This~e wnoa i il- el, ýWaJ tolooak beyoud lhe ni- reserît %% L ncar the front lin@ treutebes a pasing evento are ai.t I )tu înie thliti erg, - cii exploded near hlm and ai- ,t1w termination of the war ir tiiGermallý tboiil he w"s Dotwounded lie wam wvti aione cause econole ir 11tterl'tlu renitr,d unejnsalous by the @bel]. At asmume former, stable conditions.. Tils t,, titiie thât the letter was written lie <anoot b. the case, The Putire couuîtrie..1 ind leev lu the hospital for five days jf . or d are more or li e flvt1 ain i was tien in a criolcal condition. Ibisfouryear wa. I GI rqutr a Wilcox vas recently cited for brav- longer time to réadjuet commercial andj er unuaLr tire and awarded the Croix de Volitlcal affaîrs than it did Slu in-flic G;uerre HHe has been la Franeé for sonme *tbem; lu view ot the Marty changes that tinse anid tiisle hie lrst bt of mîstortuue' Mre exçipted toetae place. ur example: Furth> r particulars are auxluusly avvaIt. ititg oullmated that If tlie %, r wace tu o d aud it lé hoped tiiet hie aliments us 111 close now, it would requtre a 3ear suct prove serions. trne to dèmoblîte, return and refiase_________ b.American army; lu éay nthlng outRE tbé tIme reaired fu rebdjust internal!RE ,Md International cuniniiere. Dea3 s1lu The krea Red Cross wiii have an a, ,difchargiDg ihse'arîity and egulatlîirdau îîmeeting Tuegdav, Novprohser 1-2. commerc e May (lie, per s-i anja iiii rare sf111 many-urieial drevings laion nu serions, diliaultv. liut an, a- weli as other work lu be iniéhel and in yluproN îdlug fuoI for ti.' .uerviug everyone tthat po..slbl veau sliuuid guiople of thc w.srld m. i le btteuijeà ty j ee id. Couic and brlng your dinuer. as i diasfrou.' coubequ.'uces. "here- Mr@. Ellworth WlIccsx while resuriugij tore, he wvh im lu a positontu produccibiS L' Chcago las vieek 1>t a pur"e con- &(>od produeté cconuical.y, ls e -rain u tiuîng a conlderable erim of moues'. o[ enu6uai profite. Tneinaea wth a tise&.layon@ reiding lu Area. I vanhym, atresof land. doing Li, oe n usork. uri Lethtu, Dlamnond Lak.- or the surroUn. Iii. one stb a lbrg. laruan ad bas îcg'lug country wbo bas receverd a CIelt- aucieDt, delvnduîie u.ip lç .i retblize aas pa:cl Ilabel fruni aàsi uler lu over- creater 1'uitite (bau o, auyv other legiti-sés erviýe nMay get a box or carton as * mate lineo ut teuss, and anbuco dug. jveilIas vrappiug paper, tring n cannai be àcvuéed ut1îrk.i eer1ig. !directions for malling package hy caliing1 Tbm e aer lote beeu a wo, fav orabîle l at tihe Red C'rues routas lu Area on time for a pecev o 1 ýualI n-atis, t s useyad Frlday alternoon. Nu leSter for éxampie, to acquire a fatanurcai Ofbe rnaild later than Nov , 15. * ev.Good,lproduetire, sejiocasted huin arcbép. aadeso y flliug thse -*mi o.fa the aal-y rus the rauks oI tbe sWd. To euci au exfUnt i. this thé case * lat mas>' of our betItarins are tbrovu ,se thé aarkèt becausé the avuers are imabie to cultevafe aud rare for thei ?his @%&te ot affaires yul Dt alvaye IL AKE COUNTY JEAL ESTATE OMR SALE ipr.>v.d Fans 0te 1,000 Acres 5'aversbIe Ternis mi Pament ¶kome.Farnas '111" w50Miles Of Chicaco ÇarotesîProduce Market la The Wonld WPROPERTY IN TOWN ý# e . OF AIEA (Uébucb of Calcago) FOR SALE 'Modern Houses ýVacattLots Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision cGnill Tracts orTruck Gardeners and SmaII Fruit A HAS ottWorks ,,wet Systeni Electricity ectric Railroad Railroad t Line Connections eauitsMLake ituting pùlar Summer Resort lisIn biarket, For Ë>n1ie of Industries. BA-ILLINOLS& NOTICE. i amn iustrncted to Informu thé public that ail trespa*se rs ou Lake Eara, the former Sheldon Sebool lîropeuf y. and ail other property nov owueil by St. Mary'@ tsemIuary vîllI hé prowecuted. Ceorge Mcl)onaid, Superinteudent. IVANHOE b L W.- lai~s *hmU àmm Pan isdb bis muaisU.0w. iolasrs vus Ghinvisv vlis onas. Frsd Kzufflr, jr- vas talon to the MdèAliister roupttal hndal et 2 p. m. sud opératid oà at lire for appendiiti. At faet report hs vai dolng se éil ai on- cc nid expet. WbaD yon recelive a labil tram thé boyr -over therei" show ih 10 Vour local poetmaste@r and gét y;ur box vlth iustrtsto. Local Bed Cross auxiiiary wiii inspeé iand pack boxshoor. mail. elog. No boxes vii b. talon alter 5Norember 20. e trace Church Services. Prairis Viow Sunday echool et thé nouai bour, 10 oc lock. Sers'tcéb following Dedicatilosof service fiag ôrst Sunday Llu fflcmber. L.YAMNDLAME ise Evelinet1owner @peut Sonda>' at home. G.uesis at thé J. W. Hutehinge home Suuday wére: Mfr. and iMre. Barry Wells and aMWé Frank McConrulil of Milwaukee. t Mr. and Mirs. Geo. Gehrke and childrén @speut Snuda7 as thé home of thé latter'& smothér, aire. Sophia Towner. Mr. and Mns. George Mitchell, Melvin KuhI, Jerry Towner and Earl Kan@. Jr., mutored to (Citago lait Tuéeda>'. itrs. 3 W. Cooper spent Tuéeda> at m tise homle of ber danghfer, Mrs. James Towuer. Mirs. Marshall Huiebinge li; lu Cicago takziug vare of ber at.t IPrivate Marshall Hutehînge abasn transterred front the Chicago Son thisde Hîlgi échool to Atlentic, Ga. "On'ie 0il îe boys fruni around bere i have been exauiued tise jeét wcek. 9lRidgelcy iRay ut Arca. lé ulsltlug lise 1graiîdparents, tir.and tirs. George tRay. 1Hlallowe'en îîassed v.tth but a lew. prauke. c Dunald l'uulton vlsitedlitussel Tu w ner ue niigbt lest weck. Mirs. Sophia Tusener and soue, James and Jerry, speut Monday ut George (,éhrke'R. tirs. Wm. Stocrp epent Sunday ait the hume ut hermutler, Mri. SophiaTo wner Wm. Stoerp baspureised a new e.a. of horépi. _WAUCONDA Miss Grace Murphy wae borne over 8unday. George Strokér vas a Chicago busIness taller Monday moruing. Eari Brongiton of Keiisa, vas borne PSatnrday and Suuday. 1 P. %Ç. Meyer la ou thé sîck liât Ibis svéek. Um Nettie Murray spéDt Saturday and Sunda>' vifliber father. Miesm Mas Daté>' of Nortb Chicago, @peut Suuday witb Wauconda relatives. Frank Vickéry @peut t he weekendin tir. and aire. Aug eDeln sud faml>' Chicago vit hie tamil>..* George fe vili soon innée ia thé F..- L. Cern bouse reported ta hé duing niceirunov. OunMapie avenu. John Grass speut thé finit of tbe wéek Private Carl North and vIte are vIsîf. vitb a cousin in Wineftka. Ing Waucouda relatives sud frieude thie Mn. sud 1fr.. Oscar lSvan sud Meuere ' veét. Tobsey.and Allen ut Chicago, vere guésto tir.. ADunaHudson ile evfng hère thie at Ibe Heury' (iabbe home Sunda>'. veek, for ToIsa, Okua, vere the viii Mansd ure.,D. 1S. Dlpb moved into uai. ber borne wish ber daughter, tir.. une ai Irving Paynés baoem@ ai Are&, F. Y. M rray. She vas accompsuled b>. Fide>'. ber eau, B. D. Hudson, wba vili return Msés Edfth sud Aune Whts epent tu seboolI tu nSUB.City. Wedn.dan as Wilmée Idru. Floyd Godfrey and sonof Chicago, MMr. Ruth Ward ai Aras, vIsIted Mm am é petidiutg thé vesi at thé home ut George Bnainer.i, Mondai. 1Mr. sud tins. C. E. Jenke. Pred Gnsbbe vas a Chicaga visilor tMr, sud Mrs. Wagner ofChicago, seot Tuseda>' sud Frank Wirts, WsdDndei Setonda>' sud Suodai abttheir oummor George sud Ernl>. Bates of Wauconda. cottage bere. vérecellers at thé H. C. Payne bome, HowardL.Fislserreturnedtowhéaton lire.'Bort A. shuadér of c1îcagfo, *a» th. Wussiof ber sister, Mrs. Win. KOmp, Wsdossday. meuars. Ewald Winters Ralpb and Horonbirger vir, thé week-end guesta of lie,' Bosold of Idannheîm. Thé Butehiion And lieids amiliés moved to Irving Park. Tbursday. Mr. eadMérs. 1 0. Bader and Mus. Sarah Antes ver. lb. suets of lMr. and Mus. 9, j. Biagbam, Suuday. William Réhéu iof lIsncns a@ the IINGLUIDE Miss Lilisu '.Bôyl., vbo bas héon if ai ber home for thé pa.t thrde véeke ie convaiescout. Mis. Mary Norton @pent Sunday at thé home of ber parente. UmeLuren. IRommel epent Sunda>' Ui ber home. In Libertyviiie., At thé meeting of the.Patnio tic workere an Nov. 1, il vas vaotsd that pledge carde ver. la be sont ta thé ladies of WM* Umsm oan sd b>' noon lb.>'b" 9o0$... lr tsetop and savod theoraiiroad loi Wibioonde.Thé futurs management of the rgilroad viii hé la Wanconde bandst snd vltb proper management we ame sur. il viii provo a paying raad la the future. Thé court ordér claslng dovu the road on Nov. lot vas littedl mondiait«fieoon vbea adjustmont Ir" made on balance dueon0Dthe road asudE Mania, evice again reeumed on Tluse-1 day morning. The re-organization af thé raiiroad1 viii commence at once and as soan s the directors are eieced and take charge of thé imnagement of thé rond: botter service wvilI hé ineiatiéd and we hope Waucondsas railraad traubles are aveu for the futuri tlime. The follovlig mon bave been ouggeehd as directons: Havard L. Fishér, secre-1 tary of the DeSmet Quartz Tule Ca.; George D. Stoker, cashlér ot Waucanda Truet & Seving@ Bank; E. H . Meyer,1 fârmer sud owuér af West Fremont creamer>'; R. 13. Allison, fregbt sud1 Iraffle manager, J. Hý Pattersan Ca.; M. H . Detrick, Chicago manufacturer and1 récent purchaien ofthé Scheudarf tarin;1 John Opencer of Edison Park, ovuer afi the Mdllenry lour sud teed mili aud i Wnm. E. Brooks, one o! Wacnndas mont progreeoIve tarmere.1 LAIE ZURicH] Marsbel Norton vas home Wéduesday. Misé Clara Prehus returnel to Chicago Tuesday attera twou acéts vioIt vlthr ber, fathér. bOck Hliman spelîl thé week-end ai the borné ofIL11. randînit. Mn.and tirs, C'has 33éeaver motored f0 Chicago ast wekL., H. L. Prehm, Walter and Rose Prebm nsufored to Waukegati, Tusday on business. Hl. G. Hihîrnan éhIppîled ouf a car Ioad (A minliecr@ aud epringers frotnt tise stock yards. Wi. tEichmn. Jr., andfal,. wv ill Mr. and 1fr.Bouhon Thoma.suad famlly vloited 1Mr. sudurs.Eryon Colby at Lîbertyville Sunday alternooD. Jack Thomas and family moved back on the aid McCaun place wbch ho ovns. Mis Dorothy Marob bad a aallove'ea parti Friday svoulu. Coistia Young visited At the Amnoun place Bunday atternoon. Albert Schullng vent ta the Mlii at cMcilenry wbere he had la watt two or tbres dtais before hé could get l bisfiur. Murs, Scbre and daughtsr Dorotby 1are vistlg ln Waukegan. r A Halinwe'en parti vas givén at the ,Amaun home Tbursday nlgbl for the tSaugatuek Fsehbol ebldren. There vas A ithost ari1 îeh@had t crawl thronoeb a barrel i eforé getliu lto the bou. piaf veel. tL'i Ut .îtUd. Mo oiuWar patriot,ii- a..--.' l a'-. . rny ge were MMis eiNamara i uiof n Wé b>' calliug up the eeeréery Foi Lake o. pltayi-l sud a prizé gîven ta theagies tookup br wrk Mndayan rincpalDurIng thé monlh af Octaber thé toila v.. 1 thal swuilLunch vas s.rved fater ln 100kool tS he akonday a pricmmncipal ng articles vere tmmcd lia by aur'thé svéniisg Thé>'ailb.d a gaodtinte. ai chol. 5e ame vel rconménédpaîriatie knfttere: Seven pair socko, 5 _____________ havIng' tanght the' eighth gradé in esro3hlmtan3pirwlt. Biurlngton for Stée yeane prlor to doing setr,3hiesadI arvitée thé paet yeer. @esétere, 10 bélusete and 10 paire oft W e fined"! William 0 ,hnb recéivéd a ltter Friday serhliete for Novémber. Hérneéîber yan from bis eau, Clarence, who le Iu the are belplng yourown tavnsîpby lsndiug engineering corps, esylua hé vould loave Sour sujport ta the Patriotic wadrkérd. foroleroeq te imt f te wek.PUBÎLIC NOTICE tir. sud Mr-. B. H Keis, a -c ý.-; pnised Frî(las' lie-t osnu Iarl, a :o TIhie cbiiudireiîrs if tsrlidIstrict lé etstioned af $Cap rr .I NoS. 31), iii G.rant tiwntliip, Laie s-unty, rét.urued Tucsdae3 I rl rt f i, srutîIlinuois, wyul, uSaturîlay. Ne-iser last oi thé ais . Iluth, I ile, tet ii îur uf tvîî 'rîte __________________o ià. ot-r tir cal' - andt, t f.-hîgli- est hiddr, tir 'esl, tfis('il brck s 1 ualais trata' tes1 alout 11; L AKE F îWESI IAS t ui ir.luku-viHalri- :1noe FIRSI (iOLD STÀýý ' oW EldLk(oi11ýrf jj IN SERVICE fL i ---À _____ ROUND LAU~ oc(upy the lover fittit. tire H. iep@. Corporal Joseph Steele Victim'tirs. i. ituiir'ti. reidne n W . nel il ocpy1pareuts, Mri. aîd tirs sîtri. îio'g, résienper fatd. Akl w cp f Pneumonia Soon After His ouer rurîay. is es,Rasé Etchuicîtreturîîcd tu lier Arrivai Overseas Ms oaLtiý ii soi lunChicago lest wv. c.sI utlu h inlliguand lec l ie %Lin. blés. aud tirs. livàr euterlaiued thé Cirpoîral Jitéeph 8itî'le. dort f if t Ililalai furmees brother uver Sundayand Anna S-e.-am asrela nd utJgreis tou Issils tdLîlulîtesî Wi Roubert Kasten ewtîlouvpd litîubouas céetate li Siiivlflsi townishiiîî . %iîti rliiýle. e-ited at bis home hl ir er tisé ceci- and ljuuid iits euwltli usLbe îii6uPeusiYii b'Fw eud ~ ~ ~ u e3,i îs, 7,î.l ,ah-lic c jff for' iles Plîilîli Iunid j.-ilta ,-v tIr. and aire. Dou-nlonmotored on _Cap (Gardon, iie il, île ecs flire N'diu3 t Liberty %lle. fuain Chicago, Sundasy and sîseit thé day but a boir.t humas shin le waci -tf ver-'1 'rank fiagry and iiîiîp Waktir %sci.- at sheir cottage. spas. lsuding li Fraîse Atîgîtît 11. ne ilîlasvuat ails-ns É4iirli cenry, Motîlay MieKtheriné Bréver wae a guetat dlcd o! pteumnfia, Sopternir 21,i9lg eenlug. thé Hlm haome uday. He wae a student In tic.fIeetrld- 1r.W iow@setSr-iyu Joe Rhode@enéjoycd binseit at thé Shields township higîtlîi ii. et Higli. Sîrir-g Gnose. lhane ut Wm. Wéwetzer, Suuday. land Park., wîîeî, on a'u othlie i.>Atrre lazcrto' aîî*rn Water Jahnson @peut thé week-end at bealth ot bls father, lwic oblilgcd tu @pont Suudey i ré. the houle of B. Lountîs. discoutDOnéhil@ étudi- ansd asslét wi-h ' Ilréq. lîsneiscu ansd P. Mui'ers and SI rs. Wnt. Bicinase and Pearl bave thé tarai von aut boulîe.He vas a gih- f8rilY épilit ViDesday ut ('amistirant been viltlisg ltb tMr. and #Mus <'beé lai, seiîol.béarted yuung man iand bal vier.- Floîyd l"e-hu is sîafhu)nl. Dean, Who necénti>' noved ta Jefferson au open baud f0 amsisi anyona ln ueéd. NoSre Lu-y atndMaille ltoiug o! Pari. SurvivIng ta mourn bis déath are: tiseChicgre a-uilY ihtoi aet Lillan, tihé infant daughts-r iof 'r. and tather, mothén and five brathers. lRobertbe@ tirs. W. Pnem, hbieén séniuudy litaud Boy lu France; liettiese, ai Wau. trs Hiroîjîmué e"ut Wedncsodaylin sith sronéflitte 'nécénti>' kegau, aud.Harry aud Stewart. <of Lake kgu Mr@ ne tcGras aud eau spont a fév Forest; hésidés a hast of other nlatlves daye lu tovun lait vsek. and friende. Hé vas tué llrstftroni Laie Notice la ail Mystic Workers. Aug. Fraelic'b ibipped tva loade ai Forast taescrifice hie lité ai thé aitar of At a convention bell lu Septéînisr at bogeto hicgolet eek LIert InFrace.Deven pont, lova, sudhy ualînons hoTh cag a i tlyveP. L..A. mneeraicevote of delegatpe ail uev meintue yl Thé ngularmanti>' P T. . meeing P potietéil viso enter var servIce, but vas beîd Frida>' at echoof. Wsukegan wva vlaited b>' thé irit ail -mt pay a paf iotle fond ,,t,îweuty Franc liane>' shîpped In a iaad of suov of the year this aiternoon. 0111>' cents eacb mntni for duratîa'n ai van, caf île tbis vesk. a fév flakes feU but tbo>' vere a bint Ibéginuiug Oct. 1sf an sland aspeuded. Qolbe a nember from hère attendéd thé afi wbat lé to follow. i Se-cretanî Na. 906 L. Knigge sae last Wdusday. Mus. b. Lobinan ain ilst the 'home ai ber daughter, Mir.. Aug. Fnoelich. Vistor. atthie Froelicb home Studay vere: Idn. sud tins, Ernest Lohinen, Mr. sud tire. Henry Lobn an sd Mn. ronds>'. r nus>' eemog, alter C@pouding the wk and aireWm. Lol-man. Md ndsud tre. W. Wagner.ntoved ta hère vonilug tn the Iutereet of aur Sunda>' aifernoon at thé village ball a LIisetyville for thé vfiniér ou Mkb»d. ralnaad. le>'dlscts.s laso.for A tard vas received front Charlsi Mr. and B. E.Malmna ré Cbliao a," iuWrok.atain h Charisetin Satîda', aylg h be vielon Tinéd>..speakers veré: Prof. B. A. tinuson of arrlvedl safelv lu France». Thîs thsée.K LCern fef t Tuede>'marning for the Wauigau business collège, tir firéet fIat lad bhernheurt! lu fiée wefstédar Rapide, lowa.,visera b. vili arain Reathorué, tir. Wilmot, vWho havé snd hi@ pareuts v.erg get tlug raliber enter tiservitce of thé Eetrie CO. and cag ia h osadgrssdlé- Thrnted. Zp 'ius tubegoDé aluut, ath.. E. Bîzenr. $87,000 leqthé quota for Lake Thé eguer Ns'eîîîe nclng utilie bH Dix onvieas a busiueeé tceller'lu couni>'y. The fllowiug are thé chain- Ladies oeléietees ry i.-v llite héid et jCe>tal Lake,londey. men tfthe senioqi division: W. Prebnt, thé îîeréoîîge ihursija, Noveruiser 14, j ieéd Stuéeser. sWlho le empioysd lu men; tire.W Herrén, vonten; Bey. E. beginalugg at 10 urlot. Ail ladies WI'Fankegeu at thé Brase Wonks, éfieut Biner, boys and girls,. lnteeted ans urge-d to lue lretient as Snndaày vît 1 aneonda frlende.- - tiiere léq a gréai deai (il auri, bu édune Attsorney Preudergus of Wbeatun, D F . L-k-om - m Jseàas abusiness caullïr lu Wauconda u.. .-- FREM-J ENTR rindes' .Mn. &ail tiré '%Vn. Camr nud daugitpn, Buru, tu Mn. sud tirs ltaâ iiid tMeyuer tire. Schendorf culdî-ildnea utifHighi- Gadyla ut cry@tal Lake, ansi tr. arîdI un suudy o.2,aduhw ad l'arte, vle)led relatives bers Salonr- Mré lieul Prîcé ut Elgin, were tlîe gucses Mr.and rdas . ra agirisiwie îi (l&>. of theîr ruinlu,Geirge Péffi, SundaY. tiyafr ud tre. akegari .ett 10% . F Gelsmmatita thuiies qtrip &0 fblay tUunckle of Chcago, vas the W.ek. dare y nc éuandai aukliean o Htt.A rý%relnd"..y.end guesi of Lloyd Guîickie., ftiaa nrs yc u auglîtér, ies lie red D Loacli, vha lite» eabolit funr MllssésMabél sud Elda Horenherger thé Cty. lile» nonth ut town, cte nean lavfug vére tbe guesoof Mils Marle Roder of Jub. Tekeimpe aîud teil> id tise Ie "cr'yscrins fine lait Fnida>' aftennoon. Ctiîcag,0e e lcwee.k-end. Mitooo Ht(inwus intord k) Atàui,.iriAetraset-li , mskeii tood liernthée tIrs SeralisAdarn@ iA epen<trtg éveril tisé.ibruiu riooes - uk' aii rui esiglit lire i au unkiiuwn inanuér ,days cith ber sou. Geourge Adaloiu i"nlda~~ tntl as dic'ieéred o>.a nsiaisci it d.5ll e viLu>kPenk t, vis l f11qIile11 alcei amîltirs Jecail Timîéain fnutefure IL bud ined stimucis béad. 1 Misé Margaret Veddér retnuéid bolne r.eent U ucecicsIsc îss Pe nnuinde telcîbone ISaturda>', aiseng spéuîtisée week vWit saui.d r~hcls.sgc. Ws , ai luîî'1yai 'i t 1 tir~dili'nPn ttin.,g Out t frisude lu Chitcagu. bYte(ýnh(ltu'ileremter Irt. a I-r, dnig scs Mise targaerét Wbylle aifHall Day, isytIchef u-latr.uaun fi. jute - f 1 va".théee utéi fsosie Eaitou, Thureday MV i. î,eî-irisi lu re lii" .1 1-tWaucanda Railroad sud rîdçlllhéie îove atl-the-.éehoai rilt tgn nj«%rý Iet.1-d- lier raltnuedlalst houée Fila>' night under thé auspices 01 rîlit adig.liuî.i clle',r. ', '. î. îîîiI u l,"iiaéthé P. T, A 1 ~ii ii îeiîssi ls..îAwvec ea. tre Anis sheimartfi; vliinng ber sou, PRAJE VIEW tii, , ii i uratée etiu if Autitn Sisenînan af Cicero, ibis véek. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i ~ s .i- i,,-11 iuiiph fred I%13z ut Algotia, lava, vieIted his tIr am tis. I.Lie st uss. " ir>'uî,i i. .t. tFle lue 4day utu-i, Vuat. Htînsud oblier relatives thé tl t i lluif I nl- 1i Ltif b altîe palet seek , rue [iFI e ity cch,,is io-,', lit' . si.îér s alI-l oni Théeuuitlers lected la théelied Croe@ i d~ eusI.. îîgi lieS I, - -. .5 i ... visie iicliiuîeuy ut auxifiery 'rneeiiav are: tins, R. Supplle, e, .X..I uî uîig. il vicîtiti thaîrnien; tire 1iGolding, vice chair- ýfU1Ire'lsîitii i 'i -'. mcile stustteri. gusD; Mes F Bempsted, troalsrer; airs. i ' e c c ut nfJ. A tiecbu'1t, Jr.. seretary. e-ne ine c-ii iutitty ais, Biliis tf NévYork, epeut thé' lis-lise- iAi ii,.. ,il ; ij'I l I t cec i vth ber cousin. re. Atn.. P;IueîIliefc , tflisst.- ., A, f ie .fi luiih Sheruuuen Whtn ,icanî-,any cornes il -re ii no tiiime 10 \~-ochances to itai-l.--o mîther F.t's t -t th're is aS- w.ys a c;i.n of CALUMET BAKINO POWDER on hand. Cakes, r3 doughnuts, mti' 'ns anud algood thr's 10Ioeat must bedcs.d up in their best taste and looks. Then, too, her reputa- tion as a cook rtîst he upheld - and f',e "stakes" it on Calumnet evciytimne. Shekiiows it will ot disappoint F-er. Order a can arid have- th,' *,crnpay" kind .f b.-iuî,,3 cvery day. Calumet contains orly such ingredients as have bien appros'ed officialý by tise U. S. Food Autt.Grities. Téns stves e Yomboy h. T.ets e hYomtue iL. T Ae!R£%a are two (2) kmnds of insurance. A '2ih aregood tiil death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both' kinds are O. K. tilb you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but thé one good kind is the kind to buy. Your Life Insurance shoubd flot be neglected, and, when selecting samo, do not get the wrong kind. THE OLD MICHIGIAN MUTUAL LIFE, INSURANCE COM.PANY Is as good as the best and betlter than nany JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREAILLINOIS .--- -----' tuthe tovnshlp. Al vlsbing ta hécame guest of bis cousin, IL. Borenhérgér, mmeertr adsdmmeoi Monda>'. mmesrtr adadmmeà W~ Suppie isft lest veet for Nonfoike, le@ 0f $1.o0 peu year. It le qulte ImO Va. to@pod te wnte wlh he @onperatIve ihat the ladiesaifthé lowD5hlp Va.u, .o land éint oer vif bis oD, iDd their wholesuppart to thîsorgania- nuk, vboplace. g oeruiD vrMlon If thé>' wish ta continue thé Rond aMrth. pllae. veebokwsth ue ork Ibat bas Lîen dans la out-ittting tis àElnKncebakvs h ust"ur home boys'in luthé fuîture as vs of lire. Greenad of Highland Park, the bv oeI h at h ren iaat véek. bv oel h at h rsn ailes Auna Kiemp vas the guéet of ber monts viii ses a nuiher oai "aur boys' brother, Frank Klemp af Chicaga, thée calied to the colore and il thééé boye are MMMMMMMMMMM% F 1

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