FÂQE STX~ *~ ~' ALE, dXHINWGo. Northern Ill. Greateit Store For Wornen Including Extra Sizes-' Waists to- 8.75 ___ --------_ _ In -a Sale at- Y >~'~ ('eorgettc si 1 ll es and silk erepe de vijiies ini (1z- esof fetehlilîg Styles viii- beýliliedl in a str-ikiuit n an- ner in ail Colors. An occasion of extremp unuIUhsUs eoffering reg ular a., weil as extra ,izes ini the seasoIisneý (West rea. t ions Si1k Waists to 4.75 at .2.98 This assrtucut includes prétty new models in s.ilk crepe de ehineês, Ftrîppd iutiihiWis'iied knesaaunes and Ja1s3iks--ligli and dark color- tugsa Georgette Waists at 8.75 luI:ili, assemIbag, of elegant blouses witi, rhetr ,tasteful, dantv Iriturnngs ire iîfles ofut a bautv ln str.king but fa-zhtonable cotor- ings, EXTRA SEIL! Novem ber Clearance'Timmed Hatsto 9,50 t Typieal HIeini styles reflown- cd for individualfty and iuod- à ishniess gathered into one var- k led assortmcnt of leverest creations in: -beaver pluah -velvgets and -hatter's p!ush -trimméd becomingiy with juat the rigLI wings, flowers rbbons and smart touches of Ostricit talcies; ID a COMPiete color range. Smart Dresses In a S pecial Sale. Distinctive Styles, Inter- etingly Low Prices __ f 1m -233* and 75 A varied collection of ultra- l\ fasinable models, distinguish- ,,~ed bkv cxtreinely smnart lunes, ex-* Ç, e ellent Nvorkmaiship and super- îoî iîîsh-dvekpedin --wool jerseys î -W Ierges~ -velveteens -silks and -+-combinations -iut waîited sitades., and with it\ stasteftîl emîplo.yntcnt of Iwlaid or emrirdery.Rreen tdtive of flite -siteIt tis thie mo del 1ietîîred. Quite the néw- est *tliitigs" i eiever dresses wilIla be und ini this gatlîering. __ Values up to $45 Saturday and Next Week Great November Sale of Suît&- Values -Up to 52.50 Placed in Thrýe Lots and Priced at- lf.7 <750 Offering "styles of the moment'. ni fabries of great- est popilority-a elearanee sale of maxiy bargains. ALÈ E oé Norther17W. Foremost.Outfîtters to Women and Chi1drený Presentiigg in bewi1deriçig variety more than 75 "qpirit- ed modela" sharply underpriced in the year's- r Crownieng COAT Sale!1 Prices ini many instances are less -than last years on coats of similar qualities, select yours- tomorrow. Many of those coats were ;ecùred inl the mis ad cauitageous and un. Npected transaction we have nego- tiated i> -everz&l ývara. The yaiue' Inu eh .1il wont niat ta a. centuatc.i by Its ultra.stylishfless. Values to, $30 at- A cursory appraisal of the eight ,tunntng pictures wili influence women ln throngs to attend the gaie. Values to $40 at- -t7 Values to $65 at- 49075 _ _ _ _ _ the" crebt of the vogue Faahton's tav-rites in &U i ses. lnciuded ut #4#;76 cie mterials. a,>! ijmltDp i m HouseDress Fia nnelette L Apront IL GOWNS, '1.499 Specia Display and SA LE- ~ie~nt Furs Nôdestly Priced Dee*dedly unutual values in-..furs.,o eeqnisite chari ar e row-offered in: ý-sets and -MtJlSare speeiallY priced.- ùpward from $4.98. *.eAFS $10 ,upwar<1. - T $15.75 upwýard. -CASspecil $107.50, $12750;$16.50and nU).- Wmn'1. 75 Chfa moisette GLOVES L35 (orne InD'blsque, grey. white anà black In al sizes. Boys' Army Shirts Special at 100 Littbk hai aild flam - 1 1,.g laton 1 Saleof Childrens- Côats and Dresses %.Mý 1The COATS Sizes to 14 AIt 91liere areecoat tir i tildreil up tO 1 e:rgood styles and c ors ai a reai savtng. At $9.7G and $1450 YOU i cati chluîîse froni plusho corduroys, velours, zibelines and chinchilas. i Waah Dresses. $650 Wool $10.50 WOOL to $2, at- Dresses at- Dresses at- 1.49 4.98 8.75 Sises to 14 in pret. Ch 1ild r efl's*oui f iîldrcn s dreua morte an4 corduroy ot wooi serge ai ty neýw> stylos and dre ses lu fasiîion- corduroy luncie«î desirable colora. able maodela. nf.w styles. Children's ats 1.98 to 2.98 Ext ra Spec-mial'Items!!- .-Handsoxne new handbags iiu leather, ve1Vý silk velour and corded silks, $1.98 to0-$1 .0 -Athietie corsets speeial $2.. Front and back la. ed corsets in wvLtte and fiei at $3.56. -Trench and "Over Sca" capsfor ehjîdl(ren.an>' misses, in khaki and velveteen ivith beaver. plusi bands priced from 59e to $2.98. Excellent Christmas Gifts- ,Wo imeni's BathrobeSý of blaniket m'aterials specially priced at and 69 Coloruîigs aeiilî 1 hîî is large, andI misse.s. Thg e r.! . .v h- and ilian u IW WoensZO Wmn'r22 LMt Chri the j abrma Noves Urne d la soi Ment- mui Ailm dm c maim labros Wb t ml be W vood '0 bmi. bua ai 4aL £WB « damt aba PL il t Fuit 1 ý 1 .1,- m .d . --- ý 1