I le8ad Bioom@ 404. hira B1dt 10. ILU s incon- . lamp tment eafley, or, or ve, or niator, [eating r, Fan F othee idy louse board .d befors lion are hkey are etallafiea mpeuive- ceCo iNTY b.e M SUN cw priçe 0 A ft., 2 ài. vile dent Lent ion! es, oats IJ grain, We ) E Dr, Pintc heapest he mat- I DRUfi CO. Stre mese. Sic. s You Monei WEI MVfINùE I"T, TMIDRDÂY, NOVEMBËR _14, 1918 ~,s TilE EANOELtT, 110 WAUKE AN TELS 0F ~13RMAN STiNK BOME FOR CHIEF SIl' iNE Tà E TThM ' mornlng a "stink bomb" was lrsurel et WauksshA taking 0 T O IIE OTl placed ifn the vestibule of Chier Beck T RCT 0 E A th» mod bth§. T O IIST TH.40tea inCt. heprl liss Demnie Norton bus returned to H fl u chllgo l .- E EI ED TDrNE SiEL1M PEPL E AII waPPed in ktcardboari box and ElE K<'I S Ingleside wu. wl rspremsented In the II EIVI VI n.tvcbeletbtevsibl____ celobratiol Waukegan, Monday ngbt. td u,____n____ý4Pakge l N MY SCU f Bru.at Robert@ la vîrlîln atI ngleulde ing for no Ofli' ('OUI iavestbulne' ij h neia rn i on à thiso day turloogh. Ernest la now Mr. Burgess Keeps Date, WaIlkegan. Nov. il. one trne In front of- the F-ira office Mrs. Gean Du Biel Tells of Per. aftc'r têIéofice was cji i (Ira cIn aa n b 38 .SaI rpe adCuc espite et the tact ihat the news 'tbere weFe aopeo" *tl'~rlngt the Isonal Experiences; Horrors' E Iro one d urîng ha "h' an i dnot . Nov.e7, 10:30 P.th Ci"$ aegahonuth U. Scsd ing dawn.ppdArndChRelated rncdlri. ithqas ont tae nd IlwSe a onti.ngent7s1:o! P. -~aIQ< Peula and bus made tureetrpoversas. Ootsflmt he armistice belng sge!caime hu re !& an ullv a theu. lg Ar RatdInbw sionngenta of-' There *1 11Le a ba'ket soeaetnt! ndpersona. citdcae twýnttvewe Gev i ai cIobii . , . , 1.e i230l i1;oo- *BrnalIb . fr îogte <euut annthe building wa., ooînFÉ1.Tho chie! iviin h itcfnlwi1 lb ut u i. liddiefrse The A. S. Blurgess of Zion City, as] [Dg, Waukegafl celebrated the eveni Br i h ri eaogtheax! LLN . ALBERT, n TALIkS pndtebxadtrrI3d ivso th id ýefnlwjri the qota or te alied diadeor lin. ssmarcsuptviat of eutcan -n In aened fthengboxne. nccrd-tderslaru f macr watwindcanea Winintoh ti ed eda. district A pillw euiCheerl by l:cth -attention of Officer Stcied. Kl~I nua jl ilb.citclShip, and an evangili-it u athe Voiva lugly November il, 1218 will go down finit"urges CpanHne fteHnrdso epeCerR-"'1(hy Col. A . th ry o Wekeud Kilïllad Mr.(Jliwillmcht church and One' , of the rminent Itutuhistery a,; one of the big days Volunteer training corps. marks et Celebrated OratsrjajjjaGernian gaolboAh V.'Smithîor 'a off alto lor t hi@stuaid. prohekatserlà Ini tihe bOl-gnl t nesday Night n g' <îrîedd ak lotî ad 1.hii4rr 6 Mre. Edns Fieken <(A ListeForett, i.menof he ci~ ~on.made a date îaý t lathe annals of thîs abel"wreli vrs ona ofin______ t< (je a ~' nnl ielirt!e 1Rainbow vlsilng ltiaber ater MrsKîîrbeli Tliursday night wthHelen Stocker, In tact '>itlageer ll, euthat T Mes Wi. aeiso, iko le@lenil e a rety elphoe ir inZin Cty 1Fourth o! Juiy, will b.' almost crowd- whicb was dragged behind the %Var Iundreds of Wankegan pecipi.' t. stanly. The package must h.tve iqT114,osbltahew ber home as lsuîy recovered ta meet hlm at S.:.iloh boulevard and ed out of tirei place by the develop- 0cr Fosberg auto Ibi% morning. Op!thended tiNlthoituchs etnd neilledmat t .ieputdrat"cBba elth oer fetr Cht.Woibui ad ai utn,61Elab eeueet9:0 'Cýoetnat ents of, November Il. Furtiier- tiiecoffIn sat thre. teîîOws wîîo wer" i iatMtoia ri W c- foc the ocer was the most disgustiîî g th(,ief8mols citY o! Sedan). Chas Woiblng nd Car Haie,~î Eliha eveue at :10 o'loc~ mday night and heard tl'r'illing tallits liat man coutld have selecteul. The urthrbieta Lu.CoA. CaMP Grent, apent Sunday et ibvîrbome. salfte eventng. more anybody wbo sayq l"seven corne i itlifg naits Into the box. by ArtD.Albet anlMrs (len boLwit itsfouicontnta aa a Thymt n nte ilro lve"bscoi ao i w.Pe HE PUPILSI PARADE j ceSmith of Waulregan lm now colols %Tbs.younwtoit.a oflngleslde gae a tire temple o! the laie John Alx- mature peace vas exploded on the The pupils and teaciiers of Wall- iu islc eeifw9neldbr urofllaepcc the.mst tn rtdPedn oiIetguit atn. yfthc epo9 I rîoa l tiCla larewei party lait Saurday @vene oraacrDwe a orecasig th ubmonth, aiventh aî-it was keanand North Chicago lu'il-il mut Ithe ar, is peerpos eldbeln u cuse i ll .'landxeed t10 the guaii befr ii etitlt. Hnr a. eluo a o nirDol a ae rsigt tewr te ott odaregîrnent hibas b ReY Walsh and Erneot lRussell, ubo earth. wroeg; but now Il cornes on . ellth In a march 'about tonre t 1l'ck. tret îe pal'le wnar rIve ichîillb addI tej - eoep tNw i luses. for servicestâte week. Ths souda 1k au ordîlary day o! the lith meti. Roui lbhat? The îîgh achool band ledthem und starte ber. Nov. 11. oSrcpas !Ule tie a Iiae brigatie rglenal as b@« ThseUane eoto h aroi tory of rnad Babylon. the wtcbery No sonner bal word apread about cvery chlld carried a flax or had hold Mrs. Du Biel told of persoflal ex. sasv' Eddie Stanton's Seventh rg.md rgde eea n o» WOrkes: of sortt liguansd voman's luaie, thel Waukegail. that the Armistice hall cf one end o! a large flaq. The Figit reg, anda the Sîrd int.'rntry -brigade. perlences ah. hail wltb the Hunt ment boxera win tic Stockyardsq cuP - 'i~itell rmid b'nisa PosdiArlcrprt . 130)serpent le Eden, but It leaonot.heuind thal nmen, watmean. and wILs m,at lnspining as; the chldren. elYpooe h rltri Proeeeda Jolî card parti ..... iiO Noîhing happened except the crash. chiidren, many of them thiely clad, 'miling andhap t hiltatte le in c lrclated about l.itcte sr-andagoise he nesdatopy gvby h.igatstontrosekpCond Smihfat. _08 log of outldpillar. Justice, as band- many o! theme viii unlaed Ishoesaand '-anc as nier. praq Prl t n a',coommtted by tie ,ermans were net weekly bexlng show et Great Laltes. bshl îc heby eto &es$......... 36 ed out In Ziori City, lttkes account ot without bats came down town ta the crowds stand on the 'isard exaggr bara.swmnyo i.busvr tae iiorifrTcsuhldngae thi.exclsiwnve ri. xpeitng,................ il; 5o auapected motives as well 44 Indîs. bheip celebrate the occasion. cbeered tbem on. geae o h a nn fTebuswr tgdiinr o h tngv i xlsv rdp Pree ,ate.it...........r.....s wre uv50dberns ver.' Tii.town vas In a Perf'ct dln alltheni viti ber own eyes. In one case thb.filrat Unie ti it e. on. te n anme ve ka ago ftelwng Yarn and puetng....140 18tota lwud esaD. lesvreivdd hf sald abe sav a 'Belium metber poslpc-ge s tIlr in tBatonefroe aroad. a Pott carda. .............. u Hickison "fh bis gSmi>fBeflet lest Io raasacked. aid buildings tipped over rnornlng end on. huge church 1iii oligbe or pntand nv labcamp edbnd, dNi-aleg.Ma» intimaion__________ Candyi aid cigarettes get et 'the underlyj'i h orll f Iis !andInlea very short s[55ce o! tinte', wa In a machine i.c.,ch vasiustled venv olir aea ong. lmuIn, Camplerwcight chapin, bMa Amrg iesevsisell smt to boy a l'rancs 24 50> alluatlon, bon-ires were burning ail up and about lovo vitb lits clanging and whOn o tii.' oldis. camesaln. it'had lus wl wihtcapin n a kgnii teront il _ - 81 7 54 Mise Stocker Laye a Trep dow e Oeesee street. The biggest p clý o! v cory. pned Of!te cldir. heail al, tkb ar i"nA ma ra e lc n e a s d l 4177à 54 - Miss Stoker ouilaldlae woald be bon ire o! the înocning bmur va-s AND THEN-.6top and ¶hink ut Pmdoffte. hlb. b ead i aoe. FrAL andiy Tir Indpen.Here o! Ares an ophi-a Schîlt Balance on band Nov. . 11918..$84 54 Ihere. msklng a mental reservallon tiat mrntia et aitle alley oppço- tiiose boys vhobô a..e icîrci bing lia. u ie he ptî on .'bies bao t..Fr Ltefaiy h ndpn elof A e s ich. chl Tirleen boys have reclved' comp:ele vîlci vas fnt audible over thleP ite the Sun office.The. buge ir.' Pcace Tîey're nlot bere oday but en nio lthe b hartelie bod o!br _________dont___________ Lake_________________ outl..a ad ton comploes outfita are nov phone. Tben ah. deliberateista was keft burning tbere aIl tie morn- tileir work sbowed ilsel! Justte natlb bayh-e li e o dy O sorfsbef onbndrap tor the. evangelist, vho la Ing and because o! the 'cilly atmos- Same, occasi ons Mrs.riu Blel blrpid te (Oftficli Publication) elderly and bas a vite andi severalel lip-, a big crowd vas gaticrel dri-s lie wnunds o! Be7ium chili- iie'ort o! the condition cf chldren. about I it bl ti imc.WIIT Scewbsindee .i asbi k U laCu a aIu Bm M L B flT-be trap constuled of calllng np I To add excitement 1a the occasion. beITL S en culosehr l ety nd ars latIens.la rs adSaiosB n Hurrahl Hurrah for peace' lhe elef o! police. Tiendore Bec&cer, i several automobiles lied on large tin S. eId et ofha fie oicehrs r're more . Loceled et Lae..Villa. Stale ofI lliDolaon, iscmeeenofbaao A. H. Stawart @pet lie pait veet vin telil ber le go abeail sud keep pis, olil tenders. etc., andl viat ntPrec inetf sl S- 1 otlae ha* tee frq irey mer o on the 2nd idey of Nuvenise Ie s mae ores thomeoemubicent ants OS *lh iiciidenatLiyLake, Ili . andl tb. date andl bc vould indotherest and dregged îbern up andl do th., lia. &ate of Illinot@, pursuant t.> law. Ernat d ntea tret uooie iti li and each sang siranige tune ed Ihem'te s-'cli deeds of irutality RSURE Chicago. Apostie EnetHarvoo efesas Êrc.Atooievere files,. hMr. AberIt tc.1 o!fte wonierful EOR S tira. Geo. Edwardmùl Waukegan, apent ~' ~ e ieeagls. dc t o prsonabornes er. blove at 230this ivornîg ok bu a-v en cem1.iai b Loana and Dcountâ ........................................ 768 - osesal olype, h r@. .'AMartn.ete Nratta.ofthe.......................................I.................. ..85 f260 seeri at vtiUn E AMatî. Apostie Harvood hla lso a police, andilpandemonlumn iroke liante. 2.lpplng a overf...A.e.c.n.t.rc.................................................................... li re. W . B. S tew art returned fro n i a n l e a d P olicem an B n n A utom obiles dashed about lh e c ity T h ey 7 starîu 5&t exactly 2:2s . T h.ý w I n s a p e H . s Aid i ca il e ii , ,. i an oe . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . 78 5 0 GW Waukegan. baving @Pont a week wltii ver. detalled te lorite In the siadowsvitb their cul-outs lvide open and toc alire vorka vas th lb. fia i to h'ow. Am e ia s lit loethatewir ltfes5. Furig oîu a ....t.r................................................. 7,80 Irlande ihere. U etn ol lc. oc ooybi n k om. As tbe vIisties vere ilowing, didto ,,asmgh etherailsf; Ceaa ndlDue front Sante................................... ....... ,461 vhille themletna t tireceallieso oy hititiveiklyoiner'.....p 6us luCiagoC E l>matn sent s. t4[d Prornptly at 9:30 oclocIt Evanget- jFred Buck baditieniftleal noise- you have mrny fbougbt" as a resuît o! vtl v.have datne te Total Re@ourcea ............................ .............. 087204 W lu Chcagovieling riena. lI Burgs drov.' up le bis tli-zver. i naker o! ail. A bell o! considerable And as you lay ther:, and lhought rnlbHu10isne.Her- UmsaBele Watson apeeit tire. dae In le did t î nol ,out grae.iialy ta ise vas tirmiy beîd le place lu lie!i you mgit gel black t1) teeP didn't ed il th nt a bi*s ne ta He! ue Cpta tokPeill......................*E<Q( Cicg iepî et errgbremfetel igrl rvho vas valtlng so' tonneau o! big car and the platforni' you observe THAT: arniy and siailt] sat wVlrse egoverît. 3,lUndiviled Pt'n.itîs(net)..... ................... ...................... 199 O Bunda.Id ernureiy. No.,ire aw son'elhlng wa-. made by lwo-by-!oucs. This bell The vter wocks enginî-,r evident-metcuidoru'laite.M >poi: lir ailhis ONiruon au i:.. n n te ehadows. emelhîrd a ' as ruroz constantly as lie Iiuck ly chaugeil banda now and then oun, leT .C . heKlh' f AlBis he dpayal ri i..................... .... ......................54.505 SU Ahima ie El ertlîi'h .. a Ldee eraibu. trat nd ulrn.l ifs machine tie other ' mac ~dasied up andl down lie 1the5 vbistle rope. jColumb~usnd oti ', or7anl5,it:ot15 of T 1i .lbiiitif .................................. ......872ii Ibisvicilty et wtb Hh T wec.v. Dfetprehicoutil gel ii W(11 lr 'Oue vou!dn't have Ibougit 1 Tiere vas one whist],~, name un- 'asnia auebb î"o'i i..I ae.bsirn h a..VlaTaeaa aig ai.4 Fnldy eeniag u bd lrvel t Mnan. iPd Aposîle lfu-wood jimpeil out, jthat lie vorlil nows, coming aItîw- -1knosnw jicns whicîelanac bla odu 1h1caa'e ru'uer.îl sertia b.eîueattnau t ro uh.biluemadoidgeê lire. H B. Tow..r, vii. vii matle iain lan d ontic rînnte bthre asai thily inliardmma vulil esulîb gniithaI thetmme-nd neer 1. compîsîcib ntaliehei.boutr tifiie'el A.L. foer, an& futurs borne et Stouglitin. Massti unn o adtit ntemrig ol eL1t pihdI enhrn'n Mis I MLia. ii fîr.an Ieteronplaedhm uilr a-est. suci a big crovil being turned outl-, up unil il quit for g igo' alierI upo' eti'a Sll"Od INOSub.r, dau arai;NT.. O LctAKE. @M, ayo Nvmbr198 Ouîtd B Mi Chrcl j uch a jiffy. W'bece lliey ail]are And diii You notice , i-ddepbsavrdre..L.WdNtIPil. wih, iokds ebool, sfai ti svken..The evie,iîl wa~ ."l na tic !oront. was lbard Io fini eut. At hisle vîiti.glnîaa hm Voliva a.Inulnîýti.ctmnn building and rate lise:-ail came froni aliirection-. And tien th i 11hosý eawhvas Thiert'adieupivcOiety. euriidîéay givrn an ercleaqtlc.al hsarlng. atEr Young a ndt od, large and qvmslh 1.an more abrill? evening, Novcuaier 15.h.' vas sotifleil by flarvood tbat ha i fat, lame.and hiall. They vir- lndtien wlien on.' or two woulil Uira" Il-u M. ('sntfin, dorgler b.he .usled fotr he lb' crch ian il uowe tovo aed ail entlausiasîle. topý, upopph'd s tcw oliera to fi11 E. N. Ceane, sud Riby larmner of slcIipead of oÊlIes. lh. next fiep hb John Scbaild aiso came outiviiia n l. illto~',ce.- iarîc e ti..hom u lken betore Jwdee 'W. LA. big bell i l a n hlrbi l And Jusl w'ien Yetistarled ta rol tis Lii.,IV.dîe.iy, ov..~ lt.v.A lasbt. The' girl appeareil againal rngtteconstnflyiynlefront of bis over aed your Ilsisdropped. that va- W. iuilrd îlliiafil.hlm. 'The cas, vas taisai noier ad- store 1ter vorks w1tlsth, would lil tuap i W. ufd ofii. t( ugratulat. iemétnt. Ttishp @nid lait nIigt -jagaîn vti renewed vigor. Ihb-ho oulu!fine flîtrge-s 150 t- To (<', th.- c îin lix the Rector (anter apparenlly vasn't i ~y j finst street car Into ow î nw- the îiF. sared out bvura'dsÉ epelec RUSSELL jdy 'e' 1lurgeq-s salit il'iadt contemple ted mornn-cr, arrivine if55 hait a for lieEplseonial heil a.gaIn rgan I in ii:'long aysanilhe thougl it vudfotaia i o-ic .I t.affair st'ited as lil 100k ime te eebra-renlountd0aii lul oiin aywo, aI i WIrulifdrnth ndpape hgtorhietieckiMug p leig nabt1 sloga îefe ceersin uia.b. a rond Christian deed te lake beri hoe e!ect was Most leiatful-one eu-I on bis cloîbes Mss itvoadAv real alehm nbis carInover saliranythinit iiil tlike il. lfr e atidlmnîte aiLe uIhm Aintifua ur i..celi-r ili~ AF;e.;tant Supervl"or Burg,- '. or' station"?' usivila voni's voie(, D" IN E-E relpseInon ~ i ion, mas ined $5) and cois, d-.oi-c ier thc liephane at rt"ivIn tL-. Mc. 1. J. Murrie epenit sa1.w ie3@ et jC ire -'.utc'to--n.Tat es îhCrs S G r . J. a e s u d t o n b eli S rs . d b i tie o ç . T i c c a s e w v a s li e u tg o th I l i h H a vk i te d ta d liv e r e s p e e c h C rhat M e s L i e hte d Cr o s s t k 7a. J.JWaukge dPinbae i. li o te alleged clandestine meetini-s Ina thecmidet of lie clebration atI -4hL!,iedCos lz The urean d iwnngpu lieh iithe Vois'a evangelst w-sa ce 4:4 7. Wli alithe riags In ils one ed Forth to Coi iiiiunity Far- zl '- ed Nonsl Mat-Dougeil callilu ou Mcc. priil1 ave aranged witb a Youngbaianllssoeli-alIaîe yTda -- Cathnîn ilnuer Sudeyaftsaoo. grl. Burgessaai firqt d."nied bils gIotier. hi. ,iomled' '1,igton, People. ~' Mr. and M rs. L. N, OkînasudW and Î . l laIter ad.ittedl It and paid tlac and l'I gîve you a tahk.' A hstsln- Suddely above the un and chaos - Lace ornamotred a Wlvoiha estfine Hebas vie a d iuren. ed. his ovu daugiter. In lie rovil. of tie atreets f illid vitihundreis Tinraday. M. andl Mrso. tînls expect Next Suuday lie ciercbes vilii aouleil ebove hime: 'He belter ent o!f'rjolcing celebrants lhe great '0 tu move liera very sooe as he bas celebrate peace viti prayer ced go to lie voods-Ibhe aquiccela viii electnie cross vhilh tops the suare accureil e position et thbt satilons.. prals,. lllshop Charles P. Anertson gel bum." o!f'Chalsi jEpîscopal chureis. ahané Everybody la hiaroua over tie endinu et lb. Protestant Eptacopel cburcbh UNOREfIS AEAD BULLETINS. forth le lie dackness, ce InsPlnlng 0f tie an. Iiat iebiitneandiber pupiliabas nequesleil ail o! the' cegy ofbils Tise Sue vasa ng thefIrst t numessageofthe rinumpi of right- Cal is $80 a. ton iin ro Ilr made qut a showv vin an old île eau diocege tle rn e b day on, of asceive lb.' neya Iis morning. il .ousnesa. No more etfective synabol ion a drum, on lie leet! four boys carrIstbaagvg.Otciube wyl ldo la believeil -the very tinat newa came coutld h. Iragineil o! 1h. nnderlylng thse kaiser lua acoffin, lie et 01 the lîkevifie. I I vlib. spoutaileoira la lb. vire mliIover thier ipeclai prinelples vwilch aclualcil lb.Nation b y S Ll z lis w nti peplis iti Siaga and pester@ marchitd celebralon anad thankigivbng service ire, las ,pterleg tbe var; lie takiug up to Ruselandl bock 1talb.echant houae ail over lb. ely and state andl vorlil. Irnmedlaly cher getleg tire neya, o!flte challenge of autocratie MIlI- h.l bieed i abro eenah - agae; atng and aioo$lug. They alOfflaI lprmonncemeel doteset' bave lthelrimotl dbulletins telllng of lie trtalm egainet Ihuai iberty ced .tsdM l al td i aroree ahi assuci ta el It, evenush Kelly poni ta bc made-it lest bas te be, îîaî's big developmeals and hundreds of humait figits; than tie symbol of the J- coop. 'rhee la imow on the. ground, Mid the mud »id buggy vere.deors I viiithe ait. persaes, standiIn ute extreme old cross viereupon He vbo glaiily sac- adt ~ ot.I aiti vlaeter aJ NatIonal colora.. That governrntnplpis are cbaeg- front 3 o'cloclc until davigit causeit lficeil HI. lit, for those principlea iIzsbr oIebos I ntev aeteei S ed quickly vas shove Mondai vbeh thern 10 retrace thela .@teps homte. o! Nusean Rigiteousneii acdd SalSme place wheIre ho can dry and warin'hla hut. Wqrd liae been receva o! tb. ut deveoped tUal 1he men drafîci van!, reai tire bulletins, comiare- relations t10hils felIoU'men viticit death ai ber borne In Mantonville, tronm Racine, Milwaukee andl Rennaisa heneIve and up te te minute. Thes have been tie gilding star o! thé Mien., o! Miss Matha Stev'ens, et, er. sterled on tirir vay ta the big neya vas thet lb. araestice-had World'a pregresa, vas crucifii. To You are thinking about your ow'n c problemn th g f8 ers lt a u raining camp igonds, rnonuing, been signei ced ltat lb. kaiser vas mauîî vin gaeeiupon (t came sar thie u ha o oI h r a pl ao 82 îeran dearl vstel v er. lurneci bock andl seul baci bomie rePOrted Inlereed le c Rollandi camp. thought far deeper lhan the, prevail- m th m . u htwlaId y d i helew pari 0 ld gece çanty o icas iieî reacheil Chicago at noon. Tire word Passait qulckly andl evenulog joy o! the bour; e lbougitt Uhal oay oo place in town lwhoe you could 9M a &ré? effecta ot e fai auftered by tUs aged u 1 arly as 3 oclock theb.Sun office the Nd$ion's sacrifices ver. n Thtsy u by'felp bl nfo ti.om gmot . voman tbree veeksacge Ie wich IIUnlV lurl hos egnnnglng, lsur-e . vibt ot ille; thct hene .~ L ele ratuedber I .MisStevens 1ION10Y UI AU EIP Ing rmade asi tawvitllte exact devel- -for-lb traternalisrofna ttIonsas o! Are S gouig to 508p itheLI u e WuiKug sir tacsaril i». pmienls ver-eIndividuels, wyul b. a tcthter