-PAGIM TWOl ~1 * :~ yyr Hail, AUl-M ey E. P. SUiXIWIC Lake Oounty GhairuDan ml. War Wock Fund HFait to thevictorious soliaitors for the United War Work fund-the women apd mcen who have doue the hard and disagreeable work of t4ie caîn- ,paign. To the women who have gone many times to holses which sheltered poor, narrow minded be- ings who would pot evýen opeu the door or egiveflie patriotic worker the opportuflity -of presèftil3g the country's need- To the' mt-nwho bave had to endure bluster- ing refusai of cooperation from m-idgct-souled misera, or from men like the eX-Gernian soldier of North Chicago who waxed enthusi4stic ilil ccl- e8ration of the escape of bis frIlads-from annihi- lation, who hba made a fortune 'ln this country in which heclias even been a festering sore, but who refused to àid this patriotie cause. Hait to the school directors ghd teachers who have eanvassed the country*districts and to the girls and boys throughout tLe county who are sas'- ing and giving that .our boys inay be protected, eomforted, and amsed! Let credit be given the churches and churcli soceties working with uneeélfish devotion for this aid to humanity! To the glorlous majority of good, consciexi- tions, patriotie Ameripan citizens, men and .womn- en of our eounty and county seat, be our thank4 and congratulations extenàdedi OFFICIAL LIST0F REAL E$Tàlr£TIIANSFERS M 14Be.24, von , %I..W ,$0 Aftusi Radoff and vite ta <0. A. %Mon, lot on north aide Austin ave. M 0fi. W. of Milwaukee Ave., LiUer- tyffle, Wl). $10. D. P. Cav)ey and vife to Herman lamanf, lot 6, bloci 3. Cloverdale Subt. Waukegan, Wl). $10. JbII Werth and vif e ta Augut galevsy and vife, lot 64, Wasbing- ton, Pak. Wgukegan. Wl). $9375. A. F. Beaubien and vife ta J. A. Priée..ots 23 snd 24, block 3, Orie Suit.. Waukdgiii, 1WM, $1. Aunie le sk to John Nader and Wite 2 lots on uaide of N. & S., road, Lake Villa. Deedà, $2. W. C. Poaster and vlfe tao0. V. Blanka, lot 42 & N., 8 1-3ft. lot 41. bloek 4, Winthrop Harbor, QCD, $25. H. P. Preasing ta M. P. Biddliecam, N 1.2 iota 2 suad 12. Waukegan Iu- v.lennt 9ub., lm. $1 Theeomflnty anwork commit- tee Ls Plsnsldg a course of lectures to be given ln ail élities noir ermny and navy camrpa. The lectures vili be"n social prqlems and ylbe for vomen a.nd girls. The <ommitte bois planued ta gi#e te rsi ansai dme Central scitool on December Oth and aSM the vamen snd aider girls ot the town vili bd invited. nie states 1h51 eves->'business man la te &iY donated sodmethiaz ta the vorthy cause. Northt Chicago tes that site VIII have a good record vhen al collected from the fatorisa. the business men. the achols aud' the vamen la sdded together. William Loaman. 54, ded Tuein day ta Chicago tolloviiig a brie! iiM osess is pssuing being vory suddea and uneipectod even titongth had beon alck a short Urne. Ile bâd an oeeaiàm-this tiltbuit pefed to gel M fine. Bie leaves a vite aud elgbi childrsu. the yaungest bsing elght. Mr. Loffeman vas a smof O Jobu LOoman of(terneseand brother 0a MMinais Bos,. 217 Popar street; lhe vas a haIf brother of Hermai Lesaum. Althougli a reident of Chicago for »0 years, Mir.. Lossman fornxerly Itved ln Lake county and had usany friande here dîrng thE Yom-5ho llved ta the cit,. Spriugteld, Ill., Nov. 20.-Huntini ton James of Ka&nkke. by succes,. sion, became grand 5itrifrcit or thg lilis grand encaxupuent . . O.0 P., aetlite annusl convention of tit order here today. lie succeedi Wal ter J. North of Chicago, vito vs elected grand representative. A,"* Sboy Estr atritnsd ai yfre - hberna. Mml di et kiadeeg e*;Odk>.§Ç*- aed Mm uhat tis q~Sge unamabis novwli.m a 'u- rug NiÙSISABI AUl Young vomen of Waukegau are particularly urged to attend tite >l. day evening lecture ai thte Patriotie League roome. Dr. Annie Sage wlll speaL Dr. Rochelle Yarros yul aidress a mass meeting -for vomen sud girls Saturday aflernoon ai 3 o'clock. Dr. Tairon la veil knovn to Waukegan vomen by ressnoo the sertes of lectures ase prevlously gave under te auspices of the Leagus. Belov la te sebedule for otberi meetings: Thureday, Noev. 21. Marshall Ventllated Mattress Ca.. 12 *Don. 'Dr. Anuie Sage. . Hattie Barvell Goad Pellavghip club, 7 p. m. Dr. Annie Sage. Prîday, Nov. 22. IL 'eAlister sehool, Parent-Teachers' Association. 2:10 p. mi. Dr. ADule Sage. Salurday, Nov. 23. Mass meeting for vornen snd girls. Methodiat eburcit. 3 p. rm. Dr. Ra- elielle Tarros. Additional meetn»B bave beem plauued lu uiany eurroundlng tovus. la Nortb Chica.go four tact arisare amltlng, vbile tiaree lectures yull be Igivlag ai lte Hardvare Faoundry fac. itory Detember 2, 4, 6. The Central 1scitool of Northt Chicago, viii bave ra taik ta mothers and daugl4ters ou Dec. 0. On December i3 there lilà tbe an address et the Libertyvîlie ihigi cbpoalt- vhich the vomcn of fthe nelguitoXylaig taU fines are os- p.clally lnvited. ik Tiere viii be a merles of Ibres lec- etures at the Highland Park Y. M. C. aA.. tvoai tthe Deerfteid.Sitielda hilh àschool, and one &t the Paient-Teac>i. s, rs, association o! 1h18 bigh sçhol d fghvbqad vii 'bave a commi ti lecture for woiuen and girls on Der. JtIir while Gurnec viii have oans.on Deop ielth. Tbe Pareut-'eacb. *w MsoclatothelbCentral scitool ~alssvili be addressed by Is vmmphysicisu on December Il. IL'OniDecember 13. 3 p. m., a talk vlU b. given ta the vornen snd girls of itAntlach at lis high acitool. lissas IH. Addlngton, vito titougi 01a dollar-a-Year MAn for the goveru-, t;ment. reteinslitbs oEce as mayor o! in taes Forest, telépboned e lonig dis. f tance rornainder f rom WashlugtofL LnTuesday wviicibrought thelt illage id dag dav u aial!staff-a tributs toi Ke the memary of Mrs. Reuben H. D4 flelley. Red Cross vanker and viié 4-!o the piablisher ofte Chicago clty. 'directory. e Under the ns-w sjgbt message rates 0hy vire announced f rom Wastlti be Tueeday, tbe minimum coSt On alght ai Mssage telegluse yl b. 30 çeutm au for 10) varda &Bd one cent for *ach addtlonal vord for lb. -sitortest dis. tances and 50 ents vlth vo enut@ 6. ,or saab additionsi yard for the long- r- est distance. Witere tite. day rate, la 1 ome dolla?. the nov nlght rate viii Le hsib&f ihaatmn. Rates on odlta .telegrameis. thitsent a ilti Won ulgitt letters, are Dat affeeted hy1 tise uon In over doe wiIW1 ýidenWbae crf l-àttWW»hav .&*,t amene1.bE è in iithe apparel scetions are the. oltenngs pârticularlynjI1-oruby in kepping 'with ouaTatin-and pr 1r4ono It la itell for the. discrfteulatia uhoper t '~lit tege eaa bô* ah oWnot where a gmet many Wlntèr iants miy b. àupplied'at Prices improbable of duplication iu gwys to corne. Stunninig Coats Fashion'ble Gowns $29.75 at $1-6.75 Main Floor 1Dresa Percales 36-incli percales lu light or dark grounds, ucat pat- terns, regtlgr 32e value spe- cial for the Victory1. Sale yard ............ 21 Outing Flannel Plain white outing flannel 27 inehes wide, regutar 271/2e value, fine quality. Special for the Vietory Sale per yard.2 c a t ........ ...................._ 2 Dresa Ginghama Fancy dresa giughams in a good setection of pretty stripes and checks. 'Regu- lar 35e values special for the «Victory Sal9., 25C yard ..... ._ .... Christmas Handkerchiefs With fauey enbroidercd corners in colora, 50e values ecd ..............i5 Ladies' Hose Ladies liste hose lu att shades, regular 75e values, speeially priced for Saturday, pair ..........5 Table Damask 72 inchiail linen table da- rnask, regular '$2.25 value, apecialty priced for' 0-M Saturday, per yard Ladies' Vesta Ladies' long siceve under- shirts, liglit weight, large sizes, 50e values, spccçially prcd for Saturday25 Longcloth Fine quality longelothinl JO yard boîta, regular $3.50 value Saturday on1ý2dý 7 -per boit . .......... - muuin Extra hbavy unibleached -mustin, regular 27y.>e value, specially priced for Satur- day only,, per .2 1 Bi1k -Xesuulihe 36 inh aisik.mesaline hi all colora. Regular $1.75 value specially priced for1 "the Victory Sale I~ 29075 ~NWI~4. Woînen 's fashionable drecsses made of fine quality Jerseys, Silks and -Serges iin aIl the leading shades for winter Nvear have been assemhled in this group to fil the requirements of tlîose who wvant sinart bult îpractica1 garmnts -the styles are ail the very latest anîd tiiese are sizes foir every figure. Every garmeflt, ii this assemblage speeially a-16975 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early The early Chriatrna shoppers find the boit selec- tiona of merchandise, they recelve more personal atten- tion and to themi dhrlsmab"hoping la a plesure. Our go4rxùent bas aaed tbat é ery hop eiry and it -*àI bê th Mor iglieteat te shop mornhp Girls' oGirls' Goals --Girls' conta lun s good ranée of style. and mater ila aIl colora and sizes, speclal for titis sale 7.75 Girls' Serge Dreâses - Girls' dresses made of fiue quality Borge ln mauy pretty styles are offered lu ibis $Bseta 5.75 Apparel Chi Iidrena Dresses - Chlld- ren'a dresses rude. of pretty ginghamns hi a good range, of styles and coi- ors, specialfor this sale at .19, $6 Shos at 3.65 Ladie s' fine leatlwr boots with 9-ineh tops, spool and military lieds ini black ouly, ail sizes, regu- lar $6 values, speéiajty priced for the Vie-s tory Sale per pair- 6 1. 75 S14?ppers 1. 19 WomeW'stoisUppfirs vith baud turned sles, ail colora, tfur and ribbo%. trlusaed, 4a4,es froux 3 ta fie gjr-tl.75 -vaues saqlally prcedfo rilhe Vlctory .. Sae per pair ...........04 Children's drawy-C crs in, white only, regular Scvalues specially pricedforp %Sturdayon-,> ~ . lyt ar... , For Thanksgiv ing Georgette and Crepe .deChine Blouses, C.e orgette sud crepe de chine blous- em lu a large seiec- itou of captlvaiing styles snd inaail the wanted colors, mrne embroiderecl corne beaded, nomne brid- ed-all beauliful.j Specially priced for ibis salie at 3.9,8 ' * 2.25 Shaesatl1.65 Little gents caif skin shoea, blucher eut, solid leather soles and heels, a strong shoca for school wear-sizes 9 to 131/2. liegular $2.25 values, spe- cially priced for the Vieç- * j. tory Sale per. 2.00OShes atl Chiidt-ezi'spatentsuanId hl Xd leather tshoots with .hagd turiied soles tootform and me Um(foea simes 3ta 8, reguler $200 vaLffl Y ~~speciailylirced tor te«.1 veînîiy Sale pfti .........5 pie, Tins Aluminux p i e ., plates wvilea limit- *.dquantity last,-- *1. Sincli size, for Sat- urday cnly 12é 1 Basement Toilet Paper Large rolis erepe toilet paper regular 10e values , special for Victory 29C Cups and Saucers White china cîîps sud, saucera, ovide shape, special for the Victorv Sale white a lirnited quantity 11 last 6for ......... Double Roasters Sheetiron double roasteri. 10x15 inclisize specially priced for Victory «Wc Sale only .............. - i Baby Sets Baby aluminum sets eon-t sistiug of eîîp anfd sauîcer and ý plate, sperially prieed foIr' Saturday îpi 25c set ........ ............... Brooms Brooms A gondl 5 strand ',ew cd hotîse hi-nom, onîe that wîN.ll : give service .5 special at ..... ..... _ (Only ans ro a customer~ Toya Toys Children'i wooden auto-' mobile, regular 25e values-' specially prie cd fori-5 Saturday only . .......... A heautifut 50 pe dinner set, narrow blue and gold1 border, speeially priced fotA Saturdav per set...................... rnives and Forksa Guarantecd nickled silver' knives aud forks, per set ofý 6 kuives and 6 forks,-0 SOPSpoons Nickel silver soup spoons, to match the advcrtIs d. kuives and forks, .1 ptr set of 6:......... Servlng Trays- Japaziese painted servrngl trays in round or square, shape.,9 *mhlisze specilly prieed a- 2 Sad Ironn Thc Dover sad irons in, sets of three with std Specially priced_ for Ij Victory Sale, p-r -e l, m 1 *N -ý 0- ýi, f* L'3-. 71,