Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 21 Nov 1918, p. 3

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~1, 1918 )JImdPark Sets Example fr- Othe Citles of CoMny ln HonoringHoo TRUSTEES ARE. SELECTED The city o Highandi Park Io tac. -Ina .p ln a huslncass-ltke manner. Uic' $m Mlton o rcigafttlng Mazu. = = eUi oswh aethel ilves Euth srvcedurngthe voriti var. ,Itïe plansas au uusttHighilandi f t la heng badaud b>' te maya' ,fl omnrnlsnors o! thit cty andi gaavdea for the Incrporation under ofu lu M inais of a company vhpgbff-uies.UIl iii, bu ta slect aMmuue a alteon vhlcb tea crect a litilng mumoral tothe men anti vemm-OfHghland Park vho gave tbir Uives for thir Country'. The plu letatabave aine truatees tale Uomplete Charge o!rta v ork anti al- geeti>' lie men bave beau slectedtet aui la liaI capucît>'au follova: WI,» MM aILR Rffnur, William M. Wlight, <trto Moseley, FrakLU Choun>'.D. _t. Kely, 1. 'V. Noron, IL V. Pice,I if.3. MeUreger Aduam anti Mrs. J.! I. il OM, , . I tla soeon lt ia ghlandtiPark In '$uMat str ta smater ln a va>' *hihWIimule Il vcry elabarate anti 701 a logal va>' of bandltng M Islm- DOatatm attur ,whIch already'tacn (mmato es eupr Dved- iue* aim oemp 1;st atuci cia.hal r bore m tey. Wau- 1;IlranIe t y »Mia rd bo are @uDM> laà Bts a sut d&tY, er r.>'.The> -Cdm é deii.tffatMW tae m# Uiceboys Whoa have gons froan t4g différent '.lblnà Psekathe g1> rst cil>' ta theruforu il laa revéilata tnotice Ihat thc proper course decidet upon thure ta tncolporate a company wvici aUf hadle Itul mattur ratier than' bhave il donc lutefinîte ullp.ssod mans- OUT WIIENCYCLOPS fATE IS CLARED rFred Whitney Says Germans r cnFind Out about U-boat tIà thasa 'I5me ThrocÀIh" RAI1b POKER UNAE 'This ju çstk~n 1is Involved in Da.,iage Case Againat Po- licemen in eouri- POLICE DEFEND RIGHT Tell Jury they Made Raid On- Iy after what they Consid- ered Conclusive Proof The case wcnt ta 1h. jury late Fri. day' afleoon afler Judge Edwarde had Instructed s verdict .f , gullty. arn, .l.y *I n.l. fTh.Jr, i- ... n.n runt if ws road lnq court tÇaI& mgrning. i was for $25 damaes. Thedfed TWO SEA MYTERESants dld utat k for s new triai.1 TWO SA MYSERIES Threo oitea' Catis, each brought by one af the boys who wcrc arrost] AWmhignn pecil aito Nve .- ad Impruood b>' the ZMon City Po. 14, tthe U ic h«go avoaing post,liace, are to ho tried. stan tat 'Lh Gèmanmuhssaine Tde question as ta vhetber or flot j D«tacblamdlal characi vit theLb.r. a Police oflicer bas the riait to 'raid sponatbillty o! sinklar Vie Uniteti wiîat he bellévea la bu a poker gamne IState cruiser $an Diego a short dia- aftbr he hears the rattle fthUc cbip4. tance out cf Nev York a fewv mnttuBsecs tise cardas tielt ta Uicvarlous 1ago. Thse Information la te bot the players anti hears them tiseusa tise Dav>' dopartment hm sas ta thse cause, amount o! Moule y Lie>'lpt or won, Il vas state b>' an officiai totiay. le involvet Iln Uic $2500 damage suit Whal hsipened ta ber ululer shlp, vhîcls tarleti ln circuit court Fri- tise Bremen, lu stUll a myster> as far day. IL vas tic case In visicli Pitltlp us lbe vorît ta concennet." lIopuIorumÙ, a Zon City boy, brings Nov that hotlitie have ceasit suAitagainstthUicchie! o! police of andthe Uc engorshlp bas heen rajolseiZios. City,. togel.u vitis the assis hy Mr. Crel, tise S'in. vith ;t hblute tant rc..c-f tnt a policemsan. Populîr- ofa clearing upt ticmytteî,. coftimunl- umi askh damages for aleget taise caird vitis Fred Brown MbitneY. imîrisooment. visasla one of lise Anerrans who In Th're case Ioa a't Important on,' mas,-l trotuceti the modern aubtmarlne Lii nuch i as Lree otiser young men, aI1 Euarope anti vb -a va unlil thse fait of taken lu a raid by the Zion police of- !tICtheliseaditeoeo!f00o! tit o great ficers, hrave filet similar mita againsti snmrine building corapatâtes Of tice tise -'ame officers. Popuorums worlt. suit IF a test case. The repl>' ta thal. 'The Bremen var Popalîirans testal'îed that bc soi *eceosriW v*oâuMirae té'be pulid6 Capt. Weikor. éik ck. Nov the eflàatiôlal andI nterest-. ing Meature ln -the pre-Pçlnt case agait Capt. WiaVeur 1 that threc of lhe boys, i2oyd Thompson. Arehiè Labelle ati Calvin a AbellIeare tae onus vho are 'nov claimtng that Capt. Walker gavre tbem liquor. ILt Mfnot a verY difficuit thing to put two andt to together. The three boys are flot, ýlors bu, they are just young boys who live in the vcinIty of Camp logan and] the last boys lni the vorld whoi a mnan Ilke Capt. Walker vould want to give liquor to tu came ho lhad it on band. Ilad the baemýaGe th-, charge against Capt. Wker bhetore lie caused their arrust, there rlght of be n some Importance attachedte t their riatement andi charge It against hlm, but the tact thiat it was anme days after he iapprehended them on the automobile tlieft.wben they came fore ard andi say that Capt. Walkeri "had been hinto teUem ln the papt" and given tia. vine'ant Ilquor does- n't* 1001 veuy foll. Il locoko- like a raw deal. Capt. Walker lum been in police work about tvonty yeurs. lie luaa deputy aheriff, appointed by sheri! Griffin an&ihua been one of the trust- eti deputies ln the. nerth,-rn part of Lake Cqunty for years. Friends of Waker are confident that hie would flot commit Ouch anl offùn-;ý and that the whole deal la imerely a Iramne-up In the endeavor to "egt hlm i n bad." The tact of the matter i-s that CarL. Wla*iîr bas madie more nioney dur- Ing the paut summer thanlie ever vras abie te net before and ho la giv- en credit for possesin .,ray- mat-j ter enough nflt te Put bis 1lead ItO a noose sucli as bce 4uld hve done had hie been giving out booz, in dry territory. Iec No Pttie capturea but sauld Amcnacan fmenu - threc'boler boys vere paying poker Iven Smtes Attorne> 'Çs-rn 18 net deprive thse capter nation o? tise joyj for fun, using chips, but Liat no, ver>' positive lna Mu PO-i'ion in the of tolina ofle ic loios deed ofo' mno>' was warered an the resuit- . mattor, declarng that. -î,elng thQ lier beroes?" li nat i ice broke tto, thse!boys have toit the &tory ihey bave, Wieu tise Bremen vanlitet ih room where tIi-y wero pinyiog and ise had non alternative but to i11e te StinhaAa diatc tethe fffct fat ,nUIAtieiÀ ta LueSUC PVUVU tinn 1 .I luSfnUatU Afin -'."'tv ,utan the owner q< the ITiemen statedth-c "OuI' lyot kaovavhere te Brens- en l." Wllhcut cammî',ntIng Û'O ii? tispatcis, the Sun communirateti vit)a Mr. Whtney and asketi for tise whereahouts o! théeFremen anti gnt ms isbereabouts but titi nol care to diseus th. suijcct utlhe Lb.dcnt o the var. 'Fb. Sun pritateti a stary' lu)tise et- ted that cul>' "Goti antF. B. Whit- ney knovm vilere the Brensen lm."~ From 1Mr. Whitney's laconlc tate- mnent todajritt voiltiappear thal te oafcis o ornu na»tion ulso kaow tbm vhereabauta a! Lb. Bremten. The Bramon andi thu Cyciapu are tic myterles o! théesams»anti Ut taté of ther crova Interest m-ny IIIGHEST 13'1ft ý famlles ln Grmany andtheUicUnIted KVAOS ~ ~statue. -r yo Appamatly mtil tu tetyo puace la signeti the nxety of the familleof the creva lafnet ta bu ce- lereti by any of the afles or b7 Ger- many if Germany huti .nythins te do vit the Mfae of the Unitedi state Thu If the Geamans know vEut became of the Cyclope antIif they wll cornu forth ant i tl viat they knov. thon, povhamc, tber Gcd or Mr. Whitney or nme nation vil! toll vhat happomudttathe cxcv of thc BremeIL" Bell 1 aSystein The New Telephone Directory Will Go to Press Immediatcly Changes in Present Listings Should Be Arranged For At Once Cail the Local Manager by Telephone Today CHICAGO TUEEONE COMPANYr lockiînehem up la a ce]] anti keep-1 ilig 4hon for a time befgre releaing1 them. iHe Ibai-' ted thia hi& rei,uta. Lion itas been tamageti as a result o! tise imprisonoient il a j ianti for tisa, reason thlWt's bis jailera shoulti pay hlm damages.' Thse three policemen asserteti thar the>' bai sean the boys go ta a room over tise Zion City' bonk on s number o! occasions ati bat kept o vateh on the place. The>' aa t tie>' ha(It looketi 'throurh a vindov anti sur llicm engagedtInlu paying. One oftCie policemen suit lie henni a bo>' ramark taoOne cf the othere: "I lbat S-boy much is tt you loge.", Tbey finally.slaget a raid anti visn tic>' founti thé door loclret oneofo the officers broké a vlndov viii bis club andi turnetithe loy lan te lbd. Thcy admittedt Lat tho>' "di uret the baya vithout a variant snnd mid the>' titi enon the utivIce o!ftecil! attorney., Ail testifiedt lat, tram the lime the boys 'veré arresteti until lie>' vore releaset tram a cell vas a Penioti cf flot mare than 45 miltes ta an hour. Attorneys for lie plaitif charge thal tba ollâcera wevo iable for maklng errants vitilout varrants. ARRESTED BOYS HIT BACK Waulegan, Nov. 19. State'saltorney' Welch dit not file thé Information araln>st Capt. Wal. kcr ioda>'. At noon h. al: 'I'm go- log to fnveetigate this malter futher bufone tling the mtter mbt County Court: 1 Admit IL la a ratler ulgulfi- cant situation. Deupte tise fact that lic no langer lu alleti vitis cther maction cf ZMon City. CaDI. A. A. Walker for man>' yearschie! o! police a!flMon, kus man>' frientis Liereant ieaImaln Wou- kegan, visa at Il critical timeofo bis life wviso n .bing chargeti vîtli dolng a cantemptble thlag la gtvlng liquor ta baya under ac, are rallying to bis defense ant intsist the>' are confident ln Uic belle! tJiat somebot>'lais frming" on hlmý. IL lu a ver>' atanificant thing thut the tiree baye vho are makiag the chargeai againat Capt. Waiker oas wbIch 'Sttae - Attorney' Wlc babset bis action iota>' vbon be filet an In- formation in Count>' court against W'aliter, are the ilirée Identîcal boys visom Capt. Waker recoul>' 1001ln. ta custoti> on the. charge of baving stolen Overacer Vollve'u aulomoblle. The thaft a!fte atuamohla bot rua aiong for nome day.smmnolved. The' Eton authorttica off«eutia ruvurtioa $50; cliiLishe thlevs vere not appre- heatiét. At lutmaD ut. Wmersatuffi8taCà the case ta ri dn the ouï". tuA a resull Manson Fitaguson, £4dvIa Labelle. Lloyd ?bompucu nd,,Arob,,e IABelle vexe urristut.AUl fourbors vore fInetijoxthe&imi puitb Ie thief o! Lthe automÏob.le Ja4 t I wus - ed tethem eSUW " dwy vocId be thus rive them a chance tii provi' their contention ln a foi-mal heartias t- a later daté. Capt. Walker tices not assume an>' feeling of fear, tieclaring that wh as the Lime comea he yull prove isaen- tire Innocence anti also Intlmatinq tiat ho yullise able tu show up an effort to "framne" hlm. B-ut he teeli' tiot the biunter matie ias selectiug the tbrce particular bosvihose ar- rcst ho bas brouglit about. To "the muan up a trcc," IL looka as lisough vhoevcr dit plan tep movement agalnst Gapt. Mt 1kcr mate a bat "lbull" visen, th>' selýce;et tis ree boys ln question. Wh~o ver>' plain!y voulti have the besl motive ln the vorl t b 'rame," uita stery incb as bue been told about Capt. *siker. .IThée un ta ver>' firmi>' o! the be- lie! that vison tise tise cames, Capt. Walkeî viii ie able to prove hie un- tire Innocense anti also prove tisai »Maebotiy vas tryiug ta put up s very mouale> job on hM. It le Intereuting funiher lb note thaI the young mens lu question, de- clurudth al Capt. Walker gave ltem the boose. Tise>' do otntailmale h SOL!> It ta thes. Nov thon the fuestionta, couit Capt. Walkcr, If lie bad a quantit>' o! booze onhad! tord ta give -it away vien ln t bese dry limes, he rouit sellIt i tsuc! umusual premiuns. CafL. Waller tan't a vealth>' man sud it ta isard Le priasme tisat ho waa givlag â1 aa aomeuthng that te vortis More thai moue>' those tays. Tihe viole thîng loota rallier.abat>' TA.KEÎS SAILORS MOR ARIDE; SEI3S TIIIRE SIIACKLED Evanstan Man, Generaus WItt .Car, Finds He is Carrying SEscaped Prisoners Fr. Sobel, a uklrt manufacturer, vas tilvlng hlm automobile through Evani ato ycslerday, vhen Ivo lu*iaet" te, standing close togethu.r, iffaIe hi= liaI the>' soult i 11e a ride. St- bel stoppeti andi the>' clîmbuti i.. little latur hé lbolet arounanan- tiSéd lie>' vre chained' touether vit hanticuifs. -You gel cut o? thei'c!" ho yeIio<, aM the>' gaI. Thén lie thauglit agalm ud ruportedt lta Unthev"ton Vp Bq& I. Ru cteti them near the FIax bot4 , bt vhen thé polie. gel thi t*.ei veegone. The Pair sm Barry 1. eupser anti 9UtilbH. donrab, *de gertes vio cacapedti rom SMuxlM CaWlbt of Circluvtle, 0,. wb,« be#a l?"aarsforrtng thcm' tao rest -là« 09otasy 1theisufaqUMr c wàm*m. 1dA sa.,.1"lfit'5 Waukegsn, stating that thc L W. W.' r~ uez T~ Jiatistarted, thc million dollar lire  s at the manu1facturera terminal hue I ADI CRÂZY"and aisoehs4l burned ciown anlm f menas Ica bouse at Fox Lake lic eCAPT. X A. WAÂLKER 1W. W. have ln store. t ~4Jj NWAC à ~Wright, Who laa father-ia law of Forme ZianChiefPolic De-the ]aie Webster J. Scott of Wauke I oprtngwt ed Cdat sSom ebody is Tryin -g a ' eg n . ibs rorntng tu test bis Fact ries ta Obtain P MI. ý ta "Frame on Hil" aanity. The luuiacy commission tbons for Soldiers found, hlm insane and lie was order- GAVEJACKES BOZENO! c- oiimitted %o the insane asylum, at! MLCH WORK TO BE ol Elgin. Evidence showed that WrlisUt for No More Men ta Be R,pw" -That's His Reply ta Charge meriy w-s empioyed uathe cCycîono tam Nn-senil o- that He Hianded Out Wine plant ln Wau-cogan. A few mon-thaý fo o-setà at Gafesneagi Loqannth~evicinity ut ta Essential WOrk According te a report 1jrom:Zion [tngqueca-ly. He waa teiling wierd f Âc sing o nton ns e rve oofo$i eCity, tbrec saitors Who -were impit-i tales about the operat0fo! Uicthe . rm Waintn evy'o cated lni the recent theft of Voltva*s W. W. and imagined that, moxbers' Chflrmafl of the tederal cm~ auto and whose apprehenglon later labor board of Lake oountn . m v as madeo pssible through the et.: of the organization vere soking Luaadnd h lno rmvn à tforts of Capt. Wakrv1ba tr "get" hlm as a resuitlie even îmag aadodtepa frmvu euer Camp Logan, tbese boys at a tend tbat tbey baîl tortured bitnb hi rom, non-essentiai employment- prIvate boàring at the ZinnPolice cause of his "revelationg." place them in r .,ential vork. court today retaltateti on Walker by ILtaJe nteresting te note that Wright condition bas ' i n brought abO ut.î declaring, he bati given them vwinm the result of th-, igning of thu e d rand hoome. 'The stste's attorney wa@ Once was a mn o! considerabie'amsiendle oequt present and lhuard thelr statements means-ta tact lie wsune of Lthea ~th t i e a1d netn uesaryt pmatie tflder oBth. lHe statuti attei6 vealthest men in the county. Hisat Li lo aay ' r a wadu that ha voulti file an Informa. ahrondatteln teV. muniltions on ; c ad n caW* tion 1. county court Monday agalaat fthrsveualeh.aninte i the former chle, of Zîonsa police de,. ctntty,0f Sand Lake. The son re- ppartment ceivoti ail hie father's wealth at hi But whlle '.tr. Coulson givesn# a Capt. Walker, when intervloeed death but aqtaandered iL vii a lav- clama o! 'vori he bas heau *sl= c un thc mattur laugheti as lie nid: - ta cork which la (onsidereti met Ïo «Tie ZMon police couldn't Ioe e he 1lais ha1nd until finally be becaujo prac-Imotnpr'asmreo o auto thieveq and 1 did; acordtngl 1tlcOlY Penniles. The Frnk T. Fo- ipotnt, rl'mapsme s o Win fthey1ro more ai me. Serve the sail, 1er-tarte between Fôurth and Sand - îig iru tnc,4R wI ors vine or booze? Do YOU i ake Ocau tepopryof nimportant part ln the - l'm a fool' With al] my experience te eldILk oay 1,. l1 police vork vould 1 jam my beRf eIder Wright.tinHeritas. LDeateongwth h. u tinti a nomse 111e that? Therp, sn't -of local manufacturîng planta a sailor or inItier Who ba% ever rot'owmtrpsinshe e6 got anythlng bu pope and grape iiuief IR.fTor men wbo, have beep ta ln my place ." ttt aITE BOARD TO bymatpoiiosehy~ "u hyr onzofl r I- rnmeut service alvo&aL .Mr. formation aantyu l oiny R L IV R E S wl c stettreIr rcourt. Montay&'I .explaIned the ,. RE VE RD S vi]cta eincmdryU ported te Walker, wlso, for rn',s> il 111ajas vi ho plaçed ln a "octien th eUJ, years bas been enraged lupot.e I AfAfIN[ WIK these planta with ailt te m~f "ot hinfl i ujsc 'îrequire. "u h- il-ta sp wýtThe reconstruction Ded~i Lcomnes osf it. I arn ready to face any vrigo wrpat W suth a fooltsh charge t t', jii t bu,k.Odr y e.Cadr r-cnerigoe pat e, tliat'a ait. Thea boys at Locana-h drsb en rwdrPo pece- plantsaaum, la roaardeê_ hear me out that nobotly eer Lot, bably WilI ArriVe Here With- th, gaverument as one o0fie, znytuaag IntoxîcatIng In my ta 1 nNx FwDy Iî11n uie ob lu because they'rc trytur to frime on and ti tla deaireti ta demOb"ll fnsh. 'lse ltrug r EFFICIENT RECORD HERE iImmense Ainerica rmy ta mf eeIonish" heSu________ vp.,,, ay tisatIlitWini flt louveh Hereta hatLit Sunr, ioncOtes-o! thousands of men vthont ppondent says o fthe matter ut'ir datet Splendid Work af Local Board met o! totisy* et Zion City, o. 6Scca i-A Draws Praise; WiII Aid in In thsecase of Waukeganauiàtaim Walker. late ebic? o! pollbe atiZDon1 9City, tavet a sertos chargr at tle Canstruction Wark county Mr. Coutenun bu becst0 l ZMon City police court titis morotur.1 ascertain hoy many "ipoltM Froan testtmony given In the pres- akgnNo.1.bekptpnfrsNi ence of City Attorrev Forby, NIlayor 1 akgn o.1.honkp pnfrslir rClendinýen, Titrodore Beckeer, cilE!f i The Waukegan draft board recelv- local manufacturera. kPolice andi otners. IL appears that ed offici telcgraphic ordue tram 3Mr. Coulaon maya Ihat thceaa gCuot. A. A. Walker, accordinig te, Adjutant Generai Dickuon today, In- tururs can holp te a greut nsl.alements matie on cath hb> Lloyd* tructing thons to dlocostin ue 'te they have it tn their paver teI Thompson. a mlir 17 yearsof age: 6'Amble Laflelle anti Calvin Laflelle plan of holding physicai examinstions valuable co.peration - gbas been giving out liquor ta boyq but to comuploe th. work of ciasaly-i 1,bWo trequent hie store. *ing. the 19 tu 36 and the 18-yoar-old U( I .flb EL a Wallcer lo ruaning a smanl store, registrants. In the case$ 0f tholad- tUE ott tise rate of tise military camp aIt 'I~Iuc~s Camp Logan ana it vas chargedth,. or reglutrants It la flot noceury ta bu h celle tbe boys loto a room at the fi out the quetionnaire@ bÙit a ne. ~ IIIW JIh hack O! the store andi givegthem port quest la made thst the» bu turned vine and other aicoholieIlquor to, Into the board. drink. Thb. sertinseaoa!the offenseI0Fr rin y f havIn gaupplie t iquor to boys Orter issuet i u Washsington indu- ýrigbt et tTncle Sam'u gate led te a cate that tbe Waukegan draft board horougb InvctlatIOn; and i cty At- W in]receive ortera ithin a day ur torney Forbyý felt bt h o le vs re. tvo te discontinue physical exansIn- Says Man New ContIned i B-curreti ln hlm dIstrict andth ie ma- rgdrnt. Ale u board cn AyumHs ~ t. tor vas repoitet JO State, Attorney; recorde yin be-preuerveti for future -tained Hlm, as Aérd James 0. Welch, vWho conductet an diaposition. Wbun this la douec i inqulry at ZMon 1h.s morning. vin Menu that the Waukegan dra«L ttWhat Boysv83Y. lvea M have compee liswarTELLS, OF CAPTURE Of a Tefoiloving teutimony ws ianti kMdtherO Am tev uilar or- by Aci taBele: i5ni=Uoiis Inthe couintr'y vhlch. if lata Atta1weyW"l te"I get cfgarta troa Capt. Walker. have eutalblished a, record for groator retatici by W.T a- una 20 yem so! age. Walkor gave Officielc7. = T me vblskey out af a glass andi gave The me;nbers o! the local hourd efft taobtal ià eus m Lloyd Thompson morne. Uoyd lu1,17are:-bianDe asy1M eut Ul. Eu ae years o!fac. lHe gave met Jqlsbr Dr. IP. C. Kniatit. chaiman, Wauke- uad !ilti" . s@UMlivO kqute a fuv tmos 1got soinsport tVmnthle e atý vine about tva o es ugo. 1 tooc William F. Wandel, Waukegan. rn h atrott k lthe hottie anti drank ont o!fIL nsy- Albert N. Tiffany, Antiocli. Fondray lna vèblc bu sa J- seIl.When 1 vas lunlhe alvayms alceti Marthe, Scblung, chjet cIerýL «erets ta bu rele»Mauia 3eme If I vanteti a drink. Me antid ilia ocammunit>' ban the loal- Uic efforts or -te* loal Lloyd voulti go mlb. theback raom. hourd lahoreti harder or produec ti e. taaun1wuàme M. Hea voultirelut te Lloyd lu anti thon ter resulte. Net one coiplint boa Taminy xc u"Ut or v onîtigo, lu viîb Uyd.been receivoti tram Wauhinga wliuith #ML"I have rucietsdn» te - Lloyd Thompuon testlfieti as fol- regard ta any overmlgbte matie he".. cation trous Tontiry u&M it ly ova: "I bave -been up thora soveral Registrations have bean conducteti MMrelyanother 0OfhWu de!l LnUies. lie gave me vine. H-e mat uffitently, Classifications anti Phyui-cnntmaiewyb asiret me If T vanteti moine. He salidcal examnaUtons have been cpaduct- entIa eWyh 1I 1looked eaid. lI trank it out of a cd tain>' anti vîthout favor anti al] Sattat bit case nslau glass or out o! a baIlle. He (Walker) draft calta have beau flileti ant iti- The mttesaatee Poureti It out 1 amn Only 17 years o! patcbed promptly. ac'."Natural>lte itexnbera a! the board hie firet meeting vilEt e* As Walker's store la vitsin a f ew could not do ail Uie dutail voîl andi hou iltvas taieu e 1 yards of the gales at Camp ho,,o. jthe>' are fndebted ta these cores a of luiewarrent. M. e t;h -e the sertouanose of tollur ontIliquor' patriottc citivens, men anti vamen, the SuM that the utlo$" lodte ta aigit Iinqaxiry by Statle'-. At- Who have given freoly anti cheerfai. lookitgfor yos's"r Euefus' torney Welch tits sornlur. Te give IlY o! thisor lime. Theme people are Dout lionor near the gaies of the' nav. ertitledte t a large meamure of credt t vitten thruutemlna letteut Pal station at Great Lakes vouid toi tise auccesu that bas heon acizv- MagistrO aeTair _M4 mean federal offense and as Cansp etýb>' the local board. ec lawI b Loian'le aise tinter th- Jiirt!idtlafl Present lnlcàtlobts are tisat theaIcavethe ëtly ldltey of Capt. Moffett avo toubi tise samnelocal boardi vhich itas heau devoting tm lav vonîti appîr Lir. The ter!.- 511lis tusse te var work nov vi i u tory lu dry and ti a"UaeleSa isrn risbitdire-t ttis efforts ln peace chanes About Chat tifa a m. alc men there for trainingeis fart tbat andi wiil assithLe gîcat recn-nol offie !theWae toiue lI'uor vas belucg-Ivfn away *t lte etrudtion work wvil muet bu donue.troduceti lM anu onix1 ver>' gâte of lte camp vas a very' 'Fl ic> -ii aslt Lh. local Industries grave Offense. tgebck on a poace hauts and ini- wlkh ho hud héât ot lt. The state'q attorney vrllI tale nar- heielto aplace thé returntng otiera. thc proacutor dIti sot cansle a, tion on tise malter cari>' ne'rt ven an>' perul tieUlln vtht M urîn t Iep'isnerl fI!lng tr'ocnst exeusd ht.asn.wfor lu county court arrin'it Cipt. W.& ne" wu FORMER WAU- xueibmmi o t Tise tbree sallors la qaetffi1".1 umnt a ulom t, thé boys Whi rcoi'ý' .lobVoilva's ,e-tmvwuuuawmwumsvstakten t th ie tee g ospel car. A rîrIof l7a 'vag o. ttIf lissa" tty proceudinas voe Afèreti for the a»i r'tte'în n ofî'a- ' aglnst hlm w» the Uic cU tisleves anti Watker vas te man -ho! 1 l~ >furniseithtie cue. ,Ac2r.z:d , v tew lbaf « «le mr boys utUtlasinsubstance, ns tls'y bail inRI been aqucaléton, lthe;. alse voumt - . . - iqucal on the one vWho qtîcaled onl Lse .Clyla ucee a S-O- ME t-,he kînd cakes. btscuis andi Aoughno:st isat jusl keep yau hanging round the paatry- al made wiîiî CALUMET BAKime -POWDER thu usf"s, puret, mn.t =onamiîci.' k. .d. Try t-iveuaay bake-day fuilures. n Tou Save when you u t You saves-eliin oeC I. , busfied theru to the police station, 1 information in county ,)urL, anu , 1

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