Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 28 Nov 1918, p. 10

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rwo ENDET TRUIAY, TER FRD JS I A CIDE; SnoùTs SELF AT BIS5 HOME rtofl of J. Wlkes Ford, Who SUsed to Liv? in Richard ' Morrow House, a Suicide FAIIILY WAS WELL KNOWN ý,jàMe Famîiy of Children and they Were Prominent So- cially in Waukegan Tii. fllowing item trom a Chicago poer was reati witli qeen intprest *y Waulregan people who rcmember lib 3. Wilkes Ford famlly whicli fé?Werly ived inl the residence at hlMtdan Roast and Franklin treet, aft -occupled liy Richard Morrow: "ýWlter 0. I'ard, 4405 Drezel blv:l., t2icago, an offiiai of the Fard Root- tMa icoinxany. eliot andi kIlled blinacif a i i i 'fi g J i j DEMÂNO KAJW BE PUNISIIED SPECIAL COURT URQED FOR TrHE HOI'ENdLLERtN$ Berlin, Germany. Nov. 26-'We de- mandte Inimediata convening at s revolutionary tribunal for 4ba PUrpaSe et paing sentence. an the Hohensol. lerne, father anti eau, anti an Von Bethimann-Hollweg." aays the Redi Flag the argon of Dr. Karl Liebitueci in commetlng au dieclasures mate ln 3lfunich concerning the camplicity of Gertîany lu bringing about tihe van. returu anti give an account betare this tribunal." Thle Spartacue organ aliea demanda a rackonlng villi the socialist leaders -Ebert. Davidi, Malkenbuir anti .ali- ar-for participation lu propagandea calculatedt t absolve Gerînany tram reeponeibilty for causing the war. The organ of the Indepentient ,So- ciallis, Dia Freihait, aye: cau not lay liands ou William antilits son, but it le ta lia lopeti that tliey wili yat be brought ta juctice. Thair fortune, howaver, must ie <'anfiscat- Pti. Dr. Betitmann.Holweg. iagew anti Zimmerman (ail former German faralgn sacretaries), who were their toals, must otriiliho earroqed tianti brauglit Inta court." The canservative Taegleche Runti- aclisu assenas that the dislosurês nol r-nly ar e inopportune ln vlaw ot the nagotiations "for a revliln et the armistice conditions," but pr!mar:ll are intendadti ta timulate a revolu- tionat'y sentiment. Caunt Reventlow ln the 'Pages 2, . tung, eays (bat neither Beiliman-Iloli-ý wag for hie aeeociatea teireti a I&~1WVALK (Cantinue Fram Page ONE) ealary andi le thouglit they 'shaul tare equaliy. tinter the terms ot the maoti whlcli» was passeti the corporatian couinsPl ls instructedti t prepare an ordiluance pravitiing for a 16 per' ceInt Inerease in salarie% for Ibath the Iliremen aud policemen This or- dîns.nce wlll lie presenteti for Vas- sange nex t Maday niglit. Tliè vote on the two mtions stood as toi- Iawa: P1or the raise-Pearce, Swayer anti Orvis. Agalnst the rasce-Dletmeyer andi Durst. rhe policen pear Lu etiditio (elle1 yaarn .yPartr itis a revlver lu hig home earhy te- "We have been toli that Gernmany f vrîti var adti ant tltey were netir W', He la saidtetabave beau des- hati no luevletge or Atîsria's ui- Prepareti for ILTh Ple coun ttad: ert Moent, atiotaulina reanon coulti matum tet Serlila. It vas a lie'"sys ',I la nat tae tianiati. liave'r. r ,W learnati. the Vorvaerts. 'BeAiin vas saiti ta tint thair Jumbling vas respousî)le get Ni' Fod as 4 var aI. Tabave admoniaheti Vianua ta go slow, for complications whidb ultliffately lu- objert 1.Mayofwil h a eceayIt vas a ile." vlvei ermany."î oe a t' 2339-41 South IASaIIOetreet.asi isveneti by a shot at 1 a ni, LIS no~ l<us obstacles sucha peiaen E Me vent le is baedrooin Site I gL REMOj 1T E presents a"d nov 'te annoîîncemenî oe kOd itihm deati. vitli a huleitlihrough le madetielat the cast i ii probably hecau ha removeti Wadueedaysetatse ixl Walter Fard was the ynuucst son AST JH C UE eau spent Tlianksgivlng day lu the beau X th fauly, einga brilie of ilas Wû« # lé ?,KS hoapîtal free tram the litlIaprison cui Md Wilkes anti alt)ofetLady Ford, thlUS I YYYas eloake ine rwardl thet day M1 .%1a] Who- leter bec4me Mrs. Etivart i t Sh lloknfrwdehada itase inger of Chicagoansd hlia lat another vîit a natural anticipation that le, le se juter, Laura. 'Plera vera saine (Cantînqeti Front Page ONE) liard taetiescribe anti the nunse thot' for al !ofgei sstes a vîl.tterytrat lia ias Itaticharge oetlhan casep.e imait ith evey rai t a s ta malte up a as enxioup as the patient lirsî t pr TPie Fonds liveti lera niany yaarti chars e ha iiovarcoma trials1see lier removati tramint. pr (l hein father vas engageti ln the a cdtibulats ty ougir hlucre: eoing business lu Chicago,. T'P lednti rua tions he yaîn giras Lylig lunlier lied lu tle vindow theite bulletientnjuteunbusinhss wnov prac-chîi li as beau a couspîcîîous patient af th Wm etnter b iness vAtb yhlme t1caîîy recovareti anti an Wedneetiay 0f (haeliospilal al these menthe. Tlhe sale bieriedi n later he ha tIng beyhvigtae blg planter of Parla catvhIcli mterman anti couductor on tie clivai Isteti iloatgethsiess, nakluig t bias encaeti ier body eail blase vee%8 street car vblcli pt ted the rareur. fond uemm c (h buinssarri-dng o iii ha remevati anti she ylspeit ipeople gain gto il ir wortctSthile anti1 l4rd.Tb;tnisgiv<ung day at the beepital lu factorisa anti' ordinary petiesîrians couri ____________- er ausniai anti lood i vtheut tho have learneti ta loit for (bat ittle uncotfortable surnountiing Of .a face lulnte vIndew viii a lhappy TURK Y PRCE uge platar of Paris cast. ouie anti a pleesant 'wvl-rfethe1 IM E PRCELttle Misltloy suetainati a veny lianti. 'heyv wlI sean mise han, but tN 11 U §À V I1( AI lbai lacaratet ian anti leg anti bodyvtht-yy l haieglati te learnuthat se Ij~~y5J5L>IA I anti a sevarely trartuneti siull. It lias recovareti. As sateet befoe she NTwas the laten vhlcb for a titate- h as more friands wliase namnes site ace'd lienrlite and. !or tisyqte utile dos net now, than anybotiy lu tevu. patient lay lun[lie losiital lu terrible accordini ta nurses at the itoapital.. pain, a toast pitabI' s;ght. Hawveat, Deepite tbe ordeal tbat little Mise fttïuhPrice is tgheSt 011 the tact vas inally ovrcama anti Flay has gene through site hat suffi- Record Here it Is Lower site hbas racoverati cnllrely front the ciant tme te tiraw pleturas,' mosîly an n Sme îtis tature af lier Injttry.humerous pictures antisan xiibit et Tha 'PlmeCtis ,TeIanjuries ta ber body hovaver lier efforts shaws that sIte has qui1te, vae of sui a cliaracter (liai t lw. a itlte talent aleug titis line. Lying DEMAND SEEMS LIGHT founti mmmdîtly uecessany follow- on oue'a bac anti tainlg a piture' Ing the accîIdqut te put lier in a plat- la noesesy (asai; yet ebh.lise doue, Pod Administration Makes an ter et Paris cat antiilu (bt position. considerabla along (is lite. ou han back, for 16 weeks,. tua young Appeal for a Plain Thanks- girl lias laid ther tnoast patiently W'heu miss Fioy leaves tiaeliospi- giving Day- Feast avaiuing tha fiuai ardar te emveta Ieatnat lea'ime tlie cast.' 1lier greatly but ot course wl l ba 'Pbanka<lving turitey la golng te lbe Hapspy as a Lai-k, glati te knov that ,lie la recovereti se JL rosI Iuxury thie yeax, fan local dent- 0f ail tla hundreda of patiente un 'leeulaa «Sa are qnoting (liskitnglY fOvl aitltte McAiister hasPItal, (liera lias 'id cents per pounti. Even et that, beau takon rare eft(hase mny years. ANCHOR-ARK CLUB 18 INCOR- bovover, tlie pica le conâlderably it la geueraliy ecrdeti about the loa- PORATED AT SPRINGFIELD lover tat that changet inl Chcago piaI that litile Misa Floy lias pravadT heico n rkCu a n b» ug iny other citbes. thaeveataut, (lie deareat. the met CTiotedchralSntfie ld u vau- Osne vel knovu Waaitaga ucher lavable andthebMoast Patient Patient ctoaet tSi-oiati as club! ta4ay quototi the pires ton valous, 0f al. Han disposition liae beau of anti il lua(liasrevealati thai hl 1cu k"ad et tavi. giving ase lie Pries(lie kinti vhich matie lier recovery vhicli starteti ae a bi'snch eft tl Shtpievaillenlat year. 'Ple seheti- possible. Hati eieft beau vtih1ing Masonie Ontier liera lu Wautegan or1 0 pie. ollove: 11197ta vîthetandthe(l terrible ordeal of lias nov expandeti until (liane ara 1918 1917beiug placedilu. an immovable posi- lu ail seaun branches af ibis fraten- I'unkey-------------..44e .16e lion for,(hae e16 veeke anti liaedbeni anti lenevoleni Society vorkiltg lae..... ...... 30C 25-28e not routrollei lier wyul la(lie val' tar men vha may blinlutha service. Z~sls ......-..35e 28-30e alie lad, site coulti not have pulladT h 'le local organisation vas luur- Çhikens------------..2 25-28c tinaugi. Imagine belug placat inb a, ponateti by C. J.LaiaGog Whilthie UaIncreasa lu prices aven plater ef paria cast coverlng oue's -Jacktsonanti Roy Hilil. Il deevIOPe laut year la ual no muci as an sani eantIe body frein the upper valett (laI the Waukegau, brandi of tle.- bUtclas of tae. navenîlielese tha lu- lino ddvn toe(lie tIp atofoees n. Aucai- anti Ai-l club le raally tlie' ,ermae, 'atiieti te an alreatiy higli 'Pat la (lie expenlence she lias gana parent 'o'gaizatiOnou tram vh thef paica la ging te make qalte a tient lu (braugli. For a tmeinte l as feareti other branches bava aprung, Roy gatis vallet. 1Iliat liai- fervas vaulti go te places' Hileinthe localacretary anti lia l8 *It te a uaticeable fart (bat fav ae the resuIt of (ha terrible ardeal davoting 8il of h litUnaetetahle vari turkeys are being tislalYet, geese but shle juel Insistedti lai see as conn"ctedti îl the club. 'Plis angan- ant clickeus pratoionating lu (ha glug tý stand It l ad ie iti. itastioane a harehy niembene payl win.iavtiipîss.)r. GavIn lias beau lu charge afin lu trivial tee andt ten are assistei vindw dsplyslier case as local physien of tha et tinios vliaat (ey neet i flancial 'T'lefoodadm ainisltrationeut Wasli- Northvestaru ralîroati anti Dr. Hop- halp. it vas organizeti bare aven s ingtn l a isptch entout ures inB, the aurKan generof a te year ago anti sinca (lieu branches the publ e Spaecny vlth ea rd railvay lecoma. out liere la the itave beau establioledet aI l'luult tain tiegraa. hospital evry (va or ihrnea veaits D e i n a i t, Norfolkt. Beusingburet te the 'Phanitsglviug day dinner. tu look alter lier and ti s we h .ai Baa u,?àryland sud Camp Lai- vh ipthflos as prograaabog. gan, Laite countty. iWashington, Nov. 26-A Simple TeeIntadco htgn e Teeaenw8sommeshr ?hmansglving dinuer, in tle spirit oet 'he l'itadbut la (bapos italnthera aeg rno0 m ars Ila fod conservation siII a necessty for (ha but avys, te p u ak iaed Waein ai anti ale 0 ge aedilng ar our allie,,le ssggestdai oy's r ea leav etaeait asme t heia luaibaiaaa.,0 by the food adinisitration. Foran tniyrdt ir of eei InieTbosu less club.gniaio br famlly of lice or six persane tha tel- disposition sud lhappy framge e ie Ppscea l naiainlr îovng enule aromanlat: las bean au Inspiration ta theelho,- la due ta île persistent efforts of loast mnlu redhciten dc: goepUtai gaueralîy andt t ha aller pa-1 Mn. Hill auntia number of otbar 1 Rut urky, hicendüc, gugetiets about tha boaptal vIa have Waukesau men vho have beau ablyý - or gaine(if tle tate lav parmi(e) les naible't .o rail ou lier white aie assisteti by-prominant Mailesn t(he -ith hb-cetdrossiug (lettaver tiietim esiterstation. or rinta stiMg.Only those persans vlia lave li 'Plie heatiqtartere 0f telocal Masis.t potatoes, mashadtluriaps. part af (heur bodiy aucaset inl a plan- branch a ndilieretare of (lie parent taketi tonatonsu fhome canati). tro aia atraiz nt rganisation tgla bthe Masoni e on tsi- cf Parsaucet ieaàzesaltain- Ci-misery 55UCC ~means te (hie yotzug cit tae bava pie, Waukegau. M. HIIi ttat LUttace oi'friit salati bati practically baer autire body-- un eti at (lie temple ail te tinte. tevot- puanykiit pie or taamt-t pudding a east ail tiese veaits. Iti vas lut- it.g big efforts te tie vehfas'e afthec *di 4tleu lveti by tlie foot adi- passible for lier te change lier ps iluli. Ut*ftrtla tam ilparts of the tion t any tinthle est beiug et. Xy. ù o)nte4 tes indicate that île lui-- surI a nature (liatiteshad ho lie au RIcht ThiflO ta Fn Out. taJW miIpXgy for ThankatlvIng viie haer bae'< cantlnuouew day alter day, A ven' moment ofOu li %* - pêj Thtis aise appiies te chicene. veekal ,ter veain anti monî l ater 5hotlt lie t-ylbng ta flndi. Ot, net ir1 eeee- mutl. vat va tilfer ftrat ther pel, but month. b In l va agai-se -vltiathemà.-li-$zuukia. Hovever ahe avercanete astren- ýsalary of val eran firemen anti ,ee tthe préseut rime tg $100 tuanth. The captains recelve au anal $.. Thte tirst year men rp. $90 par manili anti the second men get $95. After tbe second tbay ara rateti as vetenane. mIs.sioners Ihirst anti Diptmey- Dok a strang position againott ing the Increase. basing 'thair tiens an tva points: RST-'Phat thera le no avoutable y wlth which lu pay thlecse- ri alary; ,COND--That 'aven If Iliere vere eit wauld ble Iliegai et Ibis lime sew an election occurs inslie af nontli. .this abietion aving ipainitied ut by Ille corporation tel. yor Pearce raiieed to bath et earguments. lu th% tiret place said that whan taipayars vateti n inereese ln taxes they did sa the untiatandlng tliat a large et the maney wae ta hc useti ln eaeing the siza aor the f1re de- tant and Increaeing the salaries 1e firemen. Insteati of that lie a large part et the maney waA rted ta the stree an tibridge 1ta take rare et an overdrp.t he sald he purposati ta Institute ,proceedings to see that ibis înioey la jturnetito the. Draper tiant. With regard ta the other objectien- lia eaid the law :provides that no Increagie lu salaries caun ha matie be- fore a biennial election. lu this caise lie salti, It le ta lie a quadreunial elec- itou. flr ~ ft station when *he alll;hted f'om a "EI4TE" JI L train, carrying a suitease full of d CLE NF> UTalitplbas been a persan ofutp CLE M .OUTý'S 1ver minebeing taken inoa uâtody. During her trial batore Jutige Lan- dis andi while in jaili seperslsqtefltlY 'PjRISON '15 OPENED ta us it ame Ibe persons who Comtmisioner Dletmeyer repiiiet1 i iliat there hall beau uothiug Iliegel The ilireeamn et 0fextrema wd4iihi about the transter of tends tu the who have accuplidels in the Laike etreat anti bridge departmFnt. lie County jail for sanie tays pentilng saiti that the sireet anti bridge de- th,,, rentavai ta the faderaI penitcn- partinent does not owe money ta tiary at Leavenworth, werl, teken the lire department. but that on the away Monday. çoantrary lt always hag heen neces- Tly tiis lime they are In the tell. sary ta take maney that shaulti have eral.prison ta beglît their terme. Thle tane to tke street and bridge tiepari. manInlu question vere: ment la psy the expeuses of the tire R J. Ramanîlial, Abraliani Irpcuni departmen«!. anti ierry Ilimmelman. convicteti et doimmsianer Durst look thé pcsl coapiracy te conceal, asgole from lion that while he giadly woulti trusteeefthlie banhirupf cocerti of have coasentedtiet the Increases In Krecuim & tlimmeiman. Rosentitai wages If money vas avallable that was senlencedtiet serve two yearr lie coniti not see what otlier nem and the olliar twa were se'nlencod a ber., f the commission were drivin<c yar acli. st when tlîey vatat Iincreasep vhile Thesp men wera brouglit ta Watnke the elty even nov lm living beyand, gan lastw eek viten the "flu*' epitlem. its incane. lie said hel new of no le at î.,avenworth prevent.' t heir place where the nianey col(' e tek beig tal<en thére titan. The iit en ta psy the Incresses. men are raputeti te lie sortit up Into Commnissioner Orvis teak itIe Peel- the huntiretis ot thousantis anti It 1% lian thet there woulti be no seriaux saîi tlty are thie veztltilet prlean- objection tlauan x drase In vages of ers the county Jalilias lielt inle lteý firemen anti plicemn uIf the fY<e lime 'Thomas P. Kelly, theé('anatilan of the tva tieparinfentq coulti lie te. was ," hpr wilethe fight ase duceti suffilentllYta holîl 016M withý lu thpir Inconie, Waukegan Locals NIrs. A. M.Morrisen. lILhiff atel. today raeei o altter froint ler son Corporai John wiîîî ln France. lit telleslier hleIsln the ihespitàl., icý tvth tomach troubla. Il Is 'etIli le9 nothing aerieu. Privais FralititShorman. son ot Mre. Louis Aclieubacli, le ia cerna home for Chriatrna4. He then leaves for a base hospitai ln France. lie lias been stationeti latelY ai a Post baspital lu Clevelauti. Figures just conipli by the local draft board shows Ihat up te the prasent time the total Inductions lu- ta te army anti navy tram thte Watt- itegen tistrict lias beau 1075. 'rli Ineluties these whn vere dratteti andi Iliose wha voluntepeat. A fagaintit extradition. Dynamite Girl Goes. Anti, while the 'banhiruptcy trust' members have beau taken front the local jalu, Itle also Interesting to know thal anotitar prisoner onthie Jrase. the dytortamgil'wa fer train theounfoaeasgirl- l, for thre e et's as been heltilul te Laie coanty jail pendîng lhe lifting ot the "flu' ban at Leaveuworth. The girl aIse vas sentancedti t the' fader- ah prison hy Jutige Landis anti ber dtention lu Waukegan undar Sher- l!f Grifilu marlati ler third or foui-ti sajýaurn lu Lakte caunty pending dis, position of lier case.- Appareatly sbe lias nov matielier ast tnp li era. Linda, (lier rend nama e Ilalir!elle, Segata) neyer ravealati lier secret She tietiet faderal oefirer anti car. rieti ler secretcith lihr ta prieon. Thé, young talian girl.vîto va-t arresteti last Januery a! te Union was lielng takên, or the purpofil 0f île lieing broughtblie. oiep AT OAKtA .'i Audrow J. Retimond. 53, of Oak Park, tiiedti tiis nornlng et hie home rfallowins a short INiles". 1 Ha vas formerly a resident Of Bar- j lngtari anti wax village, aitýornéy there for moine Yes. Last October lie vent ta, Boston vbor lie took the Masonic SSrd tiegree. lie vag once grand conahder ef llliuaiit. p orvitthel late, John Robertsan, formor ibaulcar of Barringtan. KIL.LED mDY'CORNI SHAIIODER Wtiýking lu front of hie fatiier enti ailiher membars of tae famiiy Fred Foiieth, a 21-yegan'Qiti t*l'lffllivlas îy, et aterible deati Tiaenday lu ai a rn altretder. lu sema way lie vai caught lun(lie beltîng anti trawn Inta tte tokhine. Ilis riglit an vwas literahly tom ramo 1<1, body anti lits lefi vas also terri. biy mnangiati.' Volletia vas burried ta tbe office ot a Palatin dactar anti b;Is njuries w(re treatati, but lio diati at four ù'clecit, a tew battre alter tlie sévi- (lent bhatioccurred. lewame, e inetfMn. anti Mrs. Robert Folli handi lat i lied tW years in Cuba township. lie leavea tva lirallers anti tvaessers: Dan- IcI. Albert, Melianîne anti Cnrs. The Inquet vouiti prave nothing exceptlng that il wa san occidentl. Optimistie Thought. Otten what la givan lismaili. yetthle resuit tru Il tlu gi-est. war le'sson for peace times War has taught people to save; to get. the most out of things; to get things that have the "most" in them. That's a great tesson for peace. In clothes it means all-wool fabrics and best tailoring-Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes. We have them because there's the "most" in them for you; and byg9iviig youthe "most" we get the "most." It'ai- w ays works that way. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early -A FEW SUGGESTIONS- Bath Robes Sweaters Silk ShIrt8, Dress Shirts Suspenders Traveling Bage and Accessories Coliar Baga Mufflers Thousands of Neckties to Choose From SHOE DEPARTMENT Women',s Comfy Blippers SAil colore Men'a Felt Blippers Men's Leather Blippers Children's Red Felt Puissy Boots Boys' Tan Ilgh Cut Shoes Boys & Children'is Rubber Boots Women's Peit Blippers wfth lea-. ther Soles, grey( black and wine The Home ot Hart Schafftner &I Marx Clothes Wool Sox Wool Gloves Leather Gloves Ramn Coata Pur Caps s By A. K lit e. 'iol,; Ill. duringt< Wa, a. *ile t. üIglhi pa r. andti. ý t~he r i,1 proi'z dp e.î t- pLat fili pic m- 1't i ar te i <I:m I-xsi.>. i tram %% :- s ubjv.'1tot Tlopiar-r for inommîa y Barr % il div., on i lIttai for InluLaite Trut tCe. the Vins. -ide NU Kit fith forIl bout-lit tiw * east eratian.î on w-'sI * eft lot Par kt:e 11ti oh .X M' w.Maiti for $2.-,011. lit (rozzîli MXaillilas I , Hlowardl mnal cli '.l In Lulake vIn M-,îzi bauglîl Ili 2j and 39i 16, néar X Keeleýy foi lu Lihel'aly B. Swiftt 17, fer $5 Iu Deer bougbt 20) fram Altr gave bat'i Were n, 'rang, lt auîltetidv lined ro Garters Silk or Fancy Belta Sîlk Underwear H[andkerchiefs, (initial or plain) Mackinaws Li be Lake Cos The 1 have beer Weregr lng, wheD Jubilant a way homE pai'tment hearts. '1 and when home. A: lic up to t sands of]1 hearts in - mirely I"h FACTO[ MAKE RECOI Biggest N with Bigi Mar

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