Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Dec 1918, p. 7

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ý-m N"iTau ÀkjDCMBR il Sna.wurr" on August 28, 1857, and lived N M .drincluding one of the song ,"God Llé Mlles Matha Rn=udanteber opent one with her pente outil ber marriage with ui ihYo ilW ee gi"sn day laut week at remront. %Wm. D. Howes ln 1882, shortly after D by DoME DOSVORWitYe.ilW etAanMn Otto Molidar of great Lake spent whIch they moved to New Berlin, New FCDELAlg.,"A NIG RIN S FROM ZION ·E·é·l·d -- ont of 9-Lradise," th-@ Thankgiving at hie home hors. York, Wherbie they have einece lived. she dsorebgn adw ilhv Mr. end Mrs. Micel Wagner admeel to mourn her lsfiher husband, D C AR S RIL Y L TF ouebel ac "aaind Wen ha,,« family have mov e oChicago whee onsou and three grandfhldrena, b«Ildo g esp|r Uli P AT iSto a bo betteratha men, aI hane they wil make theoir home for the winter. one brother, Fred Newton and her aged k» mI WN X U D Y thabt or th mepat th arc Mr. ah laeofggerl P"*luthr wiolve t ageid. FOOD ADMMAINISTRATOR MAKSE Atog edEee The maorary of men are a s'unkeng Thureday at the home of John Brown.z STAT EMENT OHOWING LAKE Epiden"o Probable, hug Da Ee.mYer, 1had lot They reek with tohaeco.-. Rev. George Schark @pent Tuesday in FOX LAKE COUNTY CAN'T FILL DEMANDS the Founder of Zion Again Chicago,' No Restrictions on.ý Wheat end la*Uunsexpoeted teoturkfer Menthe Talks to "His People"9 IN WAUIKEGAN THERE ARE ONLY JosephiLe Krapt called on McHlenry A Sudden Passing Away Formera Can Do Whatever -They Hwt tadAantPemna HE EUS CUT'M iriende last Baturday. Friends and relatives ln the commu- With With it Conunler Ceide Highlyathn-. CANNED' VDICE CLEAR EENEY MEENEY, MINEY MOER 1 nity were findeed shocked when the mes- =i«nes ultable Olething idNow that threeyoung women bayo eage oflaehen over the wires on Thanke. A fact Of great interest In Lake t000tIes oc rmth rv a laid (-faim to all th ebeauty ln Wan- -- - -_county which has not been generally "100Lvs ocefo h r . ag o i rani a up tolthe public t, de, Thei famtyof WIll McClure have been giving day that Mr@S ert Dunnil was 'own" ht l etrcin hv uda ihnd filled the. Zion ( 1 ewhsFah.Hp ndCat il wthiflenadeda hr lnes a o eot ur-been lifted]fler wheat a., a'result Washington, D: C.-With the subsd Taberacle. It was the voice of John Cty -ýh-t,. the quiickest way would M ré. Chittenden entvrtained a number tion and death oatme very unexpedly. of the wheat situation throuighouit ence of thé epideice of influenza the Alexander D-owie, Who pas"ed awa, 1 o miwig' wold-ot" method of ofl ladies at Five Hlundredla@t Thursday. minnie Coigrove was born as Antioch,th country and the declaration of attention of health ofitlers eI diresctedi 11 years ago. Ecen who out byMusi, làri. tr..Young was a Chicago vieitlli 1, July a,,1883.and died at, FoxL lee it isadmitted that a farmrIl omvto pneumnonia, bronàchitis and other NMore i %o wre present ORe wl u ress fuait Tueorday. ln the @am@ county and ébate, November can do anything he wants to with disease Of the respiratory systými OverMeer Voliva rolled out a pho Oe wtre u osse Mrs Gregg and daughter, of Chicago, 28,.1918. She was United ln [mariage his supply of wheat. He can taIk, it which regularly cause a large number nographadisetdareod 1 visited] relative here lever Sunday, to Biert Dunil, of Fox Lake, December to the mill and have lit ground and of deaths, especally during the winter moment bater the welIl rreember, .r@. Wlil l Aright was a viettor bore 92,1902 by rea partngesh keep aillthe flur th tcoimes fr u lronGen ralugthe RunerdBlue' oice of Elijah thie Restorer birok .C.LTW lasit Sunday.iedi eashvcoutdte Because of the agitation in Chicatto Public Hlealth Servie, these disess h ilne Hardware, Harnes&, OiNs, Pints A number of puplils are out of ochool wil and ar yeaè aernuti h on the high cost of foodstIuffs itIl iwllbes'clypraenthsw- The sermon. a typical assault onanGas again with Influenza. . flaiithotel, where she will be grealy Interesting to look at the situation in ter uniess the people are particularly tobacco, was one of Do)wie beslt of Agent for Sa] Vert., tock edv Mr. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ge anor.f . crve r isdi eoy n feto h fosun fs s tn h icgocareful to obey health Instruction& forts. It was delivered oriL!inally in ROUND LAKE :-: ILLINOIS occupying their new cottage on the large circle of frienide who enjoyed er Papürs have been stating that wmy ."The Prenent eid mic" id Sur- 1901() at the Chicago Auditoriumn. south olde.1 acquaintance. The deivoted husband la places have been found where foodgeo General Blue, "ham taught by bIt.. The recrds made ait the time wver- @Mr. and Mrs. Barry have gone to heartbro'kenoiver her untimely death. stuffs are spolling arnd that is .one ter experience how readgy a condition s hi;pped to Australia and for .seve, Chicago rhere they will remnain the rest B hhq er husband,t>rochlrsurvtved reasrthe osm .In kethu er , dh a beginning apparently as a oelght cl al yea r,4were lost trae4 ol ,f. Throiiz, MENRY JA S E o hewite. ot o Atichclaim ts foodstuffs are not be nz Although the worst of the epidemie i, Voliva's efforts they wereremrd Storage Battery and ElectricalSer%,iceb bot o Aitoci llr.marketed.e. there will continue to be a large recently and found to be a, good a liarerwnerator Magiet, a1 About 1 oc'lock, Thankligiving atruodAmnstao arlGbb nmber of e!gatteored cases, many of ever. Inns r s mm VaRackestrte a th ma n bo rieofe tkteentero eh@oftLibertyl e. was askedahloutt thembe ldand spo tgbie guhi There were four of the records,Tw hnsead-.1 onia %aukegan Business College. She im on Saturday, Novemb)er 30, relative@ ed: "Se far as 1 know there Is no against. The Surgeon General likened taking asscenographic course. adfinaahrda h oe hr place ati this time ln Lakel .ount the present sitiintion to) that after a, Mr. ('allaha&n and Emil Van H-aecke beautiful wor ds of utcomrlort were read 11i nf here lnfoodff ae oli r r getde aig,"ofr he h iotoredl to haeine last Monday. ahoternbyherrnd Mr Poi- spect. The fact of the mia :e l riounderstn" hsbuie"sop lyn Mr. Amann and family motored t>lokfAtochTeen seehnseshard for ustl ons t hteoeo h harddbi sso Graylak, Snda. icvrious foodstuffs to supply i au the lamies ai % 1bde dr, ha% e dis. Grald arsh a hn s wt telaid to rest by the sidle lofthose of ler rnandltu heei ore nw appeared. On th,- contrary, lhe con- Y Ou an H ave rnle athierinn Hickoiryýernjeoery ever for anybhody to be storîn i n tinues-. the, water1r fi .hoursaml even The fl>ral oifferinigs were manjy andi quelh a way t.hat any line of oNeednys, for hi, know that th-rei s ldant- John lhoma and farl itt,[ededthe lbeautifull, tesýtif% ing tIo th, igh esteem might spil i n other wordi r.,ge f h I rl rela dling fom smol wdngof MMs FsDzal>thb uchianan l]in% inwhkhMlhe %was hlbM by friends. Is no rouib!ý to gt rid of any olf dpring ebr. sings ~~~~~~t foodrstuffs: t'je great, - ihnyoer nter<treko Phl Shridn as entd h. armto u rode tem orth-rer aIntluenar'" lhe Nwas askvrl. "Not neces- lir Peterhir- bl i s that Nvoi.eoIlrnu-el' ent , There has been a and o 'f arly another lar ide mi."said Mr.Ar to-(ltril frer iedýo;r fra ,r,ý' Iln the Surgeon Generail, "but unless the ' GAIN we approach the Holiday Seaso. it Wiln soon Le . . Numbr ie hth elel int dead or couns:wa-ire rather s11, - i people learn to realize the seriousness , time for us to say to one another, 0 Merry Chnistmas and Si >ol wmas (cIlued Thurrday arn! l-k ri h.t epn rinsadknrd Particular food. On the o ..miof the dantger they %wIl] be comnpelled toeap e er"Wa slni iefryut daày for a T hankýgl ing vcto. .o bas bidl a fowlalladie Lake county has been a mHtapa y a heav death toll fromt pneumoe- decide to put into your home those things which bring help, com- 31iekwthsen ria i hiao u.oh, fond anddoltting buband . produce njoie miilk becau o, f the nia and rother respIratory diseuses. fort, contentment and aiting cheer for every member of the family, pur bling soin, needed blqjtm for fihel >e su- rrow fallis (;ni oU.dr»mand for this product fin !IChiag C m onC ld gl Catching. Irthy memuory, weepfing imothebr TI a inrr::ers, bhowever, n-r)wrkini Momav oonM r Pak onad the rearedhe lat kss illbe to capacity along this lino al cr- "I..t la encou-raging to observe that ELCO-LH provides bright clean, safe electric light for girl. how to prepareai s ervielcooaAnd you herlIonly brotiber it oeo h ikish hdpol r einigt er hto-the house and barn; also electric power torun the washer, af eur w ibsegv h hlrn ra rrowtual e on ti eak. Sotfair as I ty w he t foo 'd narcongha aekr frem pe a n cream separator and crtber ight machinery, It bringscity Moearantnualk tffs have been oarded ann a cmt pqernb ndaeanof ddropetsaofconvemrences and modern benefits tethe country home-makesthe 1,1afritha Amann nd (oaraeVasaeuke Aadtlh rtet, to spoil in the effort to at h h germ laden muculs. Such droplets are farmna better place tolive and to work-and soonrpays fori"elin took . harge of the warm n unches last, Now is still týo beat no mnorepic fo he prayed Into the air when careless or Tm n ao ae week witlh very. good su(cces. IThey Biut we'll never forgeot "your datrling'*Ignorant people cough or sneeze writh- mad drsve served tomjato moul, ttioc,(a lream and Thuhhe om ese1omr VOLIVA'S FOLLOW= MARTIN T'IIELIN'- a vg.ablMop in our hearts her iinimory liugere l isels gond to know that people haveMA TNTH LN a egtbl ou.Till Iatly thougrts are il -r. learned somiething about the %,ailue of Phone, ROUND LAKE, ILL Tlo præti seligar:Margcaret' aiSine a ef1 oldo orofRSN V R AeC e ir n s----er whenpeoe oAsk for Demonstration "D"mMnh ran ar Minrit, as of heaenlyrkio orw E SN E A lare largely out of doors, the respira- Vanflfiafke, Shirley Thomajs, leroy here gripi, no pain, nio angufish tory diseases (coughs, cotds, pneumo- ak, lma an St dha D Mey.AEIl candistuIb EwURtPEtrnia, etc.) are Infrequent ; ln the fait, - --- -.f ou people begIn to remain indoors, the reprtr(Iseases incretse ; in the LAMB'S CORNERS CARD OF THANKS CamNtOeo h Voliva wInter, when peuple are proue to star' lire Frank Clark of Wllauke Wedsrtrunuhatelhnk Men Who Was Drafted ln badly ventilated, overheated roomus, gun atenedthebakermealattourmn friendim and njeighb#ors for Ever Went Overseas lp eator ies eoevr (;range Hall schoo i u.Sauray h i manykind acts and sympathy - - evnin nwt r lnambet onu duigthe bort sicknemssand CA REERS "MA NIPU L AT ED" "'V4°""'prat Sunaywih ir ad Ms.Clrecedethof our belloved wifeand daughiter. -- - Still another factor ln the produe. Also for the many be,.autiful flowers. Never Got Farther Than Train- s°" aof cdeis, eum ni ndor re. La\ erne llook, Whbo fell from the hay liert [Junnit and famlly sirtoydseesicreenssoig loft fin he ale'lbanend broke both mng Camps-That's the norance of the ýpeople regarding suit- armis tsgetting along very nicely. Mirs N Colegrove and soir Claim Made hy "AntisyP able clothing during the seasons when Over 60,000 satisfied users endoarse Delco-Light Verden Lamb>, who was ln Chicago the wveather suddenly changea, sitting tralining tfor Redl Crues ambulance driver, AllARRY tofNenLAN ISty I"%vlai '°° tac h°° I"" se~ or° calm bone wek ag MII; lthIl H RRYNOL N Itl has ben n i re i ton -j1 what la even more common, especially came home aiweek agofacckonsles pneu- N t mong râhwmTdresIgso lighty that oniiaondha si ltle bettery crt ý - DEAD ABROA ;W F = s':" : writing. M r. and Mirs. .ahGadal-.Prvices, ever wrýnt overseas. jurious practice. Dlonald have all twen sick with influeniza AND BA E DIE IERE Cold Sav 100,00 Lives but are nowgetting be tter. They fhave A DBA EDEcEae being indc notharmv I bleve e co l niyve oneThe art, the skill, the dscrumnmating taSte Ma lre.atenankce etraire esg oest ae a-on the ground that fi In opposi bundred thousand lives annually in of many crafts Umite in the construction of Mr. nd rs.Fran Hor eteraine Mesag Coes t Jaes ar-he Ucal edStates If ail the peuple thi aiy Thankegivling day. rell of Gurnee Telling of wa,. ' i °' ol dp h ytmo rs i 'Mr. and Mirs. L. H. Millier and June hr etinFml lee, heiýil(n ofca1 living followed, for examiffle, ln tuber- spentThjankmgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Thr1et nFaiy Hwvr te reto cia closis sanatoria. nere la nothing 1 -• 1 Geo. Panzer, alsoe Floyd Lewis of North overruled theiroh in and th, mysterious about it--no specitic medli-E e t i a A p i n Chicago. DIED DAY WIFE WAS BilRIED big fight that Voliva thus puat up for ene no vaccine. The important ting Mr. and Mr». Lieu. McCullough and SC SBle a time, aoon aparently hecatne fruit- li right living, goaod food and pieuty of Such is Belief'Aof ParreIS-No- ls However li tha ta .i i fresh air. ý'y R Shorwood,@pent lat Friday and lin mos w»j ntetainedl a few etmufenFia rneoon. and M4 llrs J. .Poulton and famil werebanksgi ng goes 1te ail r. en t Kerr attended be M o - Mr@. Clark near Millburn last week Teoaday. Mr. Watson, tire. Richarde and Miss "el spent Sunday with the Charles Richardp family st Antioch. Victor Moore of near Ivanhjoe, Who was njurd bya fat lat -ek a was gi herole t%% enuday frhurisi beedehfis parente,'who died mne years, Mr. and tire. Dawso.n and famliy of Clearopet the Thankaglvlig holidays with Mr@. Dawon's fatber, Mr. Rowling and the Shepardson family, Mrs. James Kerr @tarted Fridaby imorn Iag for a vielt wIth her brother, J. J. Pettijohn and family at Washington, D. C. Lyle Miller of the Soolinempent Thanks. giving w11,hisl@parent@ here. The Ladies%' Ald soelety met this weeE Wednesday withà Mr m.ianter and enjoy- ed a pwedinner. Hiarry illbr, w wet to C-hicago two weeLý .&?"tu o omult la peciaist was operated on for an abless- at a hospitalin ChIcago 1att week Monday and isdoing as well a.icould betexpected. ne expects4 to bie hom so.01 Lait Friday eve!nijg sixtyr of the friends of thre lastor and faily gathbered atthe chureb basement for fi donation party and mxrialevenling Early tin the- evening ithe pastor was sent for tt per- torm a marriagzef?) ýremtony whiebr was a comiplete surpri- The evenir:g'- entertainrient Wa.sim] charge of Mrs. 1 Frank Hamilo, and everpiine presienit tboroughly efj ryF(d ,vrybit Aofis. Light tefreshments were -rv--l Mdr. Ella 1 url w tm borninr New York, May 18,1 >5. pasedan av at lherhme bere N 2vember :27.11 S ihe wia. married t,> Henjr url in, ii an<mi Moet of sh-ir inairried life has b een i nlt la this vkiinity Shie ham l , 1in0,or bealth for somete fa ladw as in ('hicago two.weeks aigo to coneult a specialist who gare her nonouagmet.Tbe .%era was hield at the ebureb Fridag Iserncoon with burial in Angolae ne 1. Tu her bereaved husband and MILLBURN i The meeting held at the home of thre tees MUIiugall and slrM. Clark was ell attended last 1Tuesday and ia very Sur aftern(oon spenIt. WMissParl i levelanid of I'lgin, mpent goveral daYs with hier parento, returninig hume nn. sir. and MjrsJ. S I4.nmllan and family ènd Mr. and MIrs. Eldwit i enman and baby of Libery vlle, ntTa siig olth the home uké Mr. and Mr-. Il. D. Minito enitertalned eM t rou Uin6Groive, Wi11., re. Safford lell last week and sprainied -r and . Stewart left Wed- »"ay fur St. I ttermbu r loouda, Mr. and Mlrs. aec Crawford ni ýankegan, spent Ttiurgday with John awford and family. The Ladies' Aid moelety will meet bursday, Decembewr 12, fat the .-bureb. nDer will be served. L RULSSELL to produce them- Objects as attractive in form as they are efficient in Operation--ideal Christmas Presents whiCh satisfy the giver and gratify the receiver. Electric Portable Lamps, wrought in copper, brush brass, verde antique, silver, art iron, Wicker With shades in art glass, 811k, cretonne. Electric Cooking Utensils, chafing dishes toasters, grills, disc stoves, perCOlators. Labor Savers, washing machines, irons, vacuum cleaners, utility motors. Electrical Articles for the toilet table that ilcrease comfort and multiply convenience. All- in great Variety at Our Sales ROOms Prices the lOWe8t PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTiiERN ILUINOIS daughter eof Gurnee, and Mrs. Kate" Lewis, M r. and M r«. Carl Miller and son, Clarence @pent Sunday at L. H. Miller',s. On Friday nignt, December 13, at the Gurneel M. W. A. hail, the Warren ceme- tery asocit-ation will have a bazaar and supper. This bazaar was to have been held November 1. but on accoutoft Influenza was postponed. Ali members are requested to donate article@ to the different booth: Bakery, fish pond, sew. lig table. Supper which the ladies' of the association know how to get will be eerved from 5:80 to 8:30 for 85 cent@. Donations will be gladly received. INGLESIDE dMrm James Hayek epent Thanksgiving MartinStofel @pont Mondayln Chicago Kelly K imball entertained bis mthe, and father Thanaksgiving day.s oer âBlg Hollowshoolgv aakt@ca and card pa ty at the twba]Wdnes day evenin . Mie@ Laur Buchanan of Chicago, was a guest of Geneleve McNeil over the Mrs. ames Larkin and family are spending a few weeks ln Chicago with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Deviln spent Thursday inu the City. , B. Hendricke returned from Waukesha where he went to take the mud baths. Hi@ health la much improved. OBITUARY lan Went A broad -.ast Year ln Aviation Dept. Shocking news came to, GerneP Sunday to the home of James Far- rell ln the shape of a telegram from the war department Informing him of the death of Harry B. Nolan, Mr. Farrell's son-In-law- Nolan was ln the aviation depart- ment of the U. S. and his death is believed to have occurred In England although the telegram does not state. The pathetie part ot the matter is that- according to deductions made at the Farrell home it alxpears evi- dent that Nolan died the very day his wife was buried at Gurnee. Their baby died a few days before the mother and @Ince Nolan also has passed aw'ay, fitIs a case where the entire family Is blotted out- Mrs. Nolan was formerly Ruth Far- roll of Gurnee, daughter of James Farrell. Nolen enlisted ln the avia- tion department aom hertraine n to an eastern camp and later went abroad. Th.e last heard from him ho was In England and therefore Mr. Farrell believes thâat the death or- curred there. According to the message, Nolan died on the 21st of October. His wife was buried that date, havinig died three days prior to the passing of the husband. . -9. r .opvr no wmat war is ov-er It In Interesting to note that none of the boys even though they were ln- ducted Jin the army, ever were sent across to take part ln the fight ln France. They were ass-igned to var. lousq training camnps in this country and so far as can be learned not one o fthem saw the lines of fighting ln France. On the other hand, the young men who were drafted from Zion but do not blong to the VolIva faction, veres Put Into the army just the same as the average fellow from Wauke- gan and other parts of Lake county- Thun with the war over, the Voliva boys who enlisted but who, through religious opposition managed to pull the ropes ln somte way so, they did not get Into petual service, will come back from their training camps and wIll be acorded the samne distinction and recognition given the fellows who vent across and who "id not Put any limitation on the kind of ser- ventthey were wllilng to ive ther The above facts are given to th(, Supn by a resident of Zion Nty and If they are -wron. that , rp are any boys of Vthe W -tion who saw service ovrm p; n will be glad to make fa co er A give them cred it fo rthe en* ro. viding the Ir names,7 are g1ie % One ZMon man toda" qaid Lbe be1leved that at least two Voliva Ve harl actually gone overseas The Independent's circulation con sists of READER$--not of contes. tant&. Mdrs. Re'eves 4s able to be around again. L Mrs Spencer Howard @peut a few days C khome. SJohn Howard andfaity pentThanks- C Rin ln il waukee. t ah ladies met with Mr@. SkoYles On à breday to sew for the Red Crus@. h There wili be a Community meeting l ad aoiable ln the church on Friday a reing, December 13, to which every- d ie la invited. - I The Murrie family @pent Thanksgiving t 1thà Mrs.Corrie. s ýJ. R. Corris and family spent Bunday 1 Oth F. L Newell and family at Beach. Dr. J. L. Redding and family spent ankoglvling with their parents In Mr@. Utto Mara is visiting her parents ElnrHowe's fam11y have ail got the George Del'orris ls sick with the4flu",. Mr@. Oeorge MacNamara and son of ers.voake, @pent a few days with Mrs. 'Aleand Mlildred Siver @pent Thanks- Ovi! nt ome.Mis ueg oivr accom. K rgaietbMacDougall accompanied by faother r turned home FI. ig 001n, he expect to go overseas soon heY. M. C. A. work. 'a, VOLO lre. Peter Stadtflid and Mrs. Ed Lsgk called on McHenry friende last tmay, ' . in&dMr. M %h bSteffes and family Pete clleFý at the home of John Oefilog, Droplet Infection Explned In Pictures, "The Bureau of Pultic Health, Treasury Department, has just issued a striking poster drawn by Berrman, the well-known Washington cartoonist. The poster exemplifies the m odern .mnethod of health education. A few 'yenars a underseimilarelirumistances, the he th authori es woul have la- accurate bulletin teaching the rote of idroplet Infection ln the spread of re- spiratory diseases. The only one@ who would have understood the bulletin Souldhaveout thethose who liready ln the street, the plain citizen and the many millions who toil for their living ,would have had no tIme and no destre to wade through the techinical phrase- Col.DS, INFt.UEN2A, PNEUMIONIA, AND r.VtUoM U OPRAD THI " 'Copies o f tis poster can be oh) tained fre.of charge by writIng to th, surg.nI)oral, I. KPublic eaýt, geryje. en teAL Diel at New Berlin, New York. on Tuesday, November 20, ire. Wm. D lanks- for Illinois au to licenses Hewee. Mrs. Ee formerly Mine Etta for 19,119 are, now-ready for distribui- Newton was the daughter ofOwen and tion, announced Secretary of Statý, Mary Newton, was born ln of - Emmerson. -

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