Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 5 Dec 1918, p. 8

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TTRLcBRTYVILL là EP I Z T !IEsDMAY, DECI A4rea and Vieinitq OBITUARY Ili.,speut Thsukafflving and te week- Vicor John Moore was barn Io Huron end wtb ber sister, tirs. Harding andt couflty, Ohio, Jan,' 19, 1@66. removlig ber brother, George Brainerd; returuIni to Ilinos with theet of the faml ta Watermau, Mouds>' marnlug. Mies two y.srs lster, aben they settied ua& ele0BiHardiug, who le teachîng t farm near Grayslake whlch was the Brookfield, opet ber thaukegi ring vaca- C&miiy Lame for man>' yiaro. He was lion ai the honte o! ber parents. tho youugest oi elgitl cildreu and ce. Mr@. Anu Lathrop recelvod a lelter thie enaiuid witLhIel parente ailtir the alters wPek ironi ber lwo @on@ lu the service lu Lasd aime t0 homes o! their awn. France. Tbe letter coutaiuîed no parti. The faml>' circie aso broken thîrteen cular Inormation furtLer riîan the tact 7esrs &go hy the desth of the nîofrber that te boys weri weil. This howiver,- liowed lu tbree yeatg by that of bis wasagreat relief la ?Mr@. Lathrop a@ lttM ffl Snce ihen he has ivîd wit bis oee ad heaàrd noword from tbem eluce brother. sudasiers. Hi bashein handi- early lagt Sepleruber. cjqpd ibrougit ilii by lainees, somse o- idad. uIahibya t1mue ilght, st other timeo quite serons. name t îîlrîy years ago, wan caling ou eentracted when a 1111e cblld aid to-q naltance thie week. 'fhirty Se died lu a Chicago itaepitaf a!lter an yeare ..,)rko a great change Iu a persan operation for Injurie@ sustaiued lu a fait and euh a greater change lu a coin- whIcb proved ta have broken two muultY. LMr. EdwBrds ba@ hein an venisitras ofiei spinal columu. oninleir ou the Wabasb road for tha Two brothers and a @Intir' bav .e pue- pasitwenti.five years. lincalid Bt <eded hi. lu deaifi. Survivlug hlm are: DOcatur, Ill. Hi bas a fine borne; a son MNs. AilesStimite o! Maniattan., K", and l int eo, uvice lu France. Mr@. Lels E. Manser o! SanAntouto, The Reti. F. W. Waugellu, former ?sxse; W. V. Moore ai Quincy, Was.; Pastor ai thte Ivadbioe churcit, and uow end E. R. Moore of Aria, Ili. lu the Davy sud statloued at Grat Lake@, conducted the hurlai services of - - Vitor Moore, beld at the home ai hl@i CARD OF THANItU. t Wt wlsh ta express aur heartisît thauks la the frieude for their kindneo@ and sympafty cLown duriug the Ilînese and ater the death of Vctor. E. R. Moore and FamfIly. AREA BREVITIES W. F. Stark, a Fremout townshipé 1tanner. @kIpped front Areathie week twa carfil'o! aat elraw tsa aChcago eusta mer. Misé o a.Gruwho !ormelrly lived la Ares, but with er parents moved lait apring ta St Elmo, Týnn, bas returned zw Chicao aud hacp-ted a position wIth th $beld,hîeho'Sbe speut a few day. tt. fne friend. MiFe rWee. Miod UNreJ. L. Lr1Izeë~o SoxUty oa hie joîned ber huseband t the (rat' LaukesNaval Station. They wili Ilvin l Waukegai. LMr and Mmr Bridges speut Bunday alterr.oon and eveulng at the home Ofilors Hardig A bard tlune social ahi be given In the Communîty Hou»e, Frlday evenlng of titis week. An ltrestIng time s ueal ie ex pec ted. Mdiss fHarri-t Brafuerd of Waterman, LAKE COUNTY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Improyed Fairina 10 t. 1,000 Acres Favorable Terms Of Payment TIws. Farina withi.50 miles Of Chicago Greîtest Produce Market In The. World PROPERTY IN TOWN OF AREA 4 sbe.of ci losgo) -FOR SALE Modem Houses Vacant Lots -Factory Sites Acre Tracts For Subdivision -S%»â Tracts For Truck Gardeners F'oultry and Smalal Fruit AREA HAS Wat.m Woe-ks Sewer!S7stem G&as4 Eectricity B.ecfric Railroad S» Railroad Béât Lne Commections lgeautiful Lake, Populais lummer Reaort Are ý l 1N-e Market Fou- éA Nuh6er e.I ndutries. Adldrems F. M. HARDING4 NU7,A, YWI!N DIS. Uri. A. 0. Esether won q" wl quinsy ts firet o1lte week. Mr. sud Mrm Pderena of Chicago, speut Tbsnkegtvifg st th. A. C. Richard. home. Cors Hodgkin@ la eomewhat under the Mr@. C. Loamis and cihidren spent a few day.ast Orchard Place with ber mother. Mire. S. E. Kuedier epent Tueuda>' siternoan wlth LIre. F. Stabl at Long Grave. Dan Hauptfubrer le epeuding a few dua.vt the pareonage wlth hi. parente. lu correspoudeuce wlth ber friende, Miss Laura fiprague italieaCalifornia westher le flne sud she le lu gcood health, evntbaugh *'du" les as bail ihere as bers. Mue. Chas. fSturmi aud chîlduen @ppnt a few days at Burlington. Ws.. Mis elen Rasmuesen of Geuvlew, la etaying witb Lre. L. W. Hutchinge for lte present. The F. Mitchell home was a ecene of pleasur.r and merriment I aat Tueeday ni ghtt. ot the% they were pleaoed t thel r departure ater so, many years lu the neabhorhood. but te eighbore and frieudsý.gave theni a grand surprise tu .end theni ta their new home wlth pleasant memories, itearty hand shake@ and bst wlahes for their healtL and proeperlty. We bope'they will not ceaie to mi ugle with ue Olten. Robert &wgien spenithsks-lylng at hie home. A. Biser of Elmhursî, wus a ouest al, hl@ brothèer' home over Bund&Y. Mdise Hsnnab Md. sehols spent the wekend wlsi her parente. Mr$. A. Rit @peut thei week-end ID ie Ane Frank and frieud spent Thureds.y with ttw former'@ parente.. 0. Frank and eon Lawrence, @pont Weduesday lu Chcago. A. Froellch, p. Young, FI. L. Prehm and H. 0. ilhîlman attendéd the funeral of Robert Folletb t Long Grave, Friday. On Thanîslviug day &bout thlrtY-tive menibers of a Kilkiüg Club" lruWl Chicago, were merved turkey dinner t i Rouag'. Mapleleai botel. They, went am far as Cary on thte Nortbweetern and walked ',,m there. Bev. - J bd re. E. Bizer mpeut T1'auks- giviug ýi Rîmlburwt witb relatives. Mimb itume Elchmau epeut the week-end a% bi r houne. R v.Icerhi wa" a guet at the home of C W. Kohl, Suuday. A. Hoeu; and à Kirchbaum returned v' Tbaukq.gvlng froni tieir deer bunt lu 'lecoiu. Each wae formtus enough tu hring home a deer. C. Ernst bas been seriouely 111 witt pheumuonta. MIes Bertha Graber ha@ been on the @tek liet. Mies Rose Pretitule atpreseut workiug in, fllean. brother, E. R. Maore. Novembur 27; A nuntir oi people are planning ta @pouding Thsnk@glvlug and tLe wook.endi attend the stock shoi>w tis wt.ek. vith aqau-teglu Fremout tovu. Vernon John.sud Dan Myer, who acqaiuandpe cnlne Ivabeeu' . oe i .S an op botto The concert lit the Eagila hurlh sLi ail rechng u LeIvaha ehre eliesdluC. . ankCapeabot WOSuntia> eveing was well attended last Sunda>' moang. manthe ago aud vire lu training t regartilees ai the Inciernent weathpr. - .Camp Polir, Rliy.Narthi Carollua, vraIte --- --- - -i IVANHOE ~home mîntiy thai îLe>' were ta hQ EiFL 3 niustereti out Ibis wek Saturda>' sud, - -J àr. Sark, w-ho Las beeu ver>' ilile vîwli probabl>' Le home Monda>'. 1 Mrs. Willfam Nu-t le e svfetlnx lier said iii Le gaîning. LreHBarry Itile> lft for Pittsburgh daugher Lirb. Roîy llOtiblus, ,ofDer, The Sunda>' ciool le reçrifig for a lest W1e dyt puiafwweeiePans Christmnas pragram and tree. with ber hosbaud who le daing gaveru. Mr@. lRuth Lidgerwood vas the week- MI@f@ Editli Wrtz. wlio ba# a position mîent vont ilu that cit>'. Bath wiil returu endi guest tif Mr- .itjlrt Heytpeîk, ofi ai 'ti litcte client rFlîianksgeuîîmr ut tii Wntf-onîia Chritîniu la «Peud the Chadwick, 111.- liante. holiday -aeel. witfl tihe.latter@itler, Nil-es ster wLiiiuijins, ofh ltoonIlng- Mre. Johnu Wagtîer li la, teu qitîiiti'tirs. Johanna (irace. ton le iiting lir il-r %iimejorithie for ceverii see. Lr u ieHeury Utar> aud LMr. andti I WlIàmo.u MIis- ÂAne Wirtz lt teaehilngib is we,.k Lr. .EMiman open% Suritay with LMr. aud LIrs.e Ci i'errieii. 'f llimbli5tid lu itiace of Mimes Bth Cook, taLa lias nual Mr. andi Lre. J N. '/.mmer at Lotng iPark, were the-i. ue ti f'tir. ni'l 'Mir. utirt-iy ra.-îiered irum nta atack o! Grave. Thes- st-ne act-ompanied houme Fraîîk Petersoni. ulyt. thi,. tItiýt) hi>' Ne, rab opasr.e,who Las bat-fi The Kultting Clubaet e .tiertaititeil it F a S .îIpbanti himlit- sre guesutm-atspentiiug thdpast mout h i'tIMr, anti MisesBestrice Carr. tue-du>' ,venift. rIt.- Beet Lu home i 'tufkagau Mes. ZImmer. LisesEleanrt Ai-air returnei hotmne Thanks.aîvIùg fD. H. Liurtîhy, wbo le empioyed b>'dram St. Luket Iitejital, Ilticago, Fri- Mieei. Mary aud Anesi'Payne ant i Wije & Co., pa.-kers lu the rity lieut day. where siteudînaent art oli-ratioti tLe Il-lt. Payne- !amiliuv ire entertaineti Sunda>' at bh omni, lOur village. for appendicite Sbi.firîlprînuhfletriiitll. at th,. home tif1i E Paynet lu Ares, Mr. sud Mu-s W.S. Farnaworth vweut Mise Elizabethi!t .lfelt Was te guet ThuredIav.ta the cit>' 'touday la espeuti a fewtinys o! Mise Bernîce Tîicker o! Blghiisud Park Miss Emmra and L,'uts itatbe epent with relatives. Satfirday an&utittdi. thtrea dave a! lait wepk wtth their tir. anti Lre. R C. Kent sud daugliler, Samuol Gastfieid le home, itsvlug re- 6rother, Iln.anti iamily lu Chîcgo - Francoes, we.t lathe cil>' hst Wdiectfi-id is honorable dist-largefihotu cer- Quite a numuber iran hera- attentiîd tLe day ta @pend Thauksgivlng vlth rtla- vit-e ut Camp tirant. lmuerai of Vitton Maore which %vai, ieldti lies. M. Katreturned bomnefaturtiay Mise Abert ecyhre, 'f Chuaick, le, at'the home of hÙe brother, Erneot, latb %%',d uesday. Misses itubv Knebker aud Chrstiania Wiagner epent Saturday lu Chcago and saw *"Jack-o-Lanter.' Mr@. George Roslng ai Poud Lake,o vieited lier parenteonue day lat week. 1 Mr. and Mr@, George Braluerd enter- tained the H. C. W. Meyer and F.1 Hardlngr famille. of Ares, Mise Harriet( Brainerd of Wattermaz,sd Mise Emmat Grabbe of tiiplace Thersdai. f Frank Yckery s»4 sau, "spli, @pont1 Tbâakslvlng wiit Chicgo relatives.k Thel were aecompani.d homce hilire .1 Vier snd Georgie..The latter s1 reparted la ob. galaing icSly now. 1 but %lir eK'nt anti ber daugier nemalu- id for a veike vislt..1 F'rank Hammonti, vbo vent tii Alabamna eti weeie ago ta epenti tht- winter returued home lait voit. Be Say@ tLe South ma>' Suit saine people Lui Illinoléis agoat euougb for hlm. The notebitoders committieai the waukegau, Rockford & Elgin Traction Ca., eiected the bey temporar>' dîrectana at titein meeting lest Mouday and tbe fuiiowtng as former>' anuoiuceed woulti îbe, vers naneti: H. L. Fisher, G. D. stroker, John Spencer.ý M. a. Dttck;. E. El. Meyer, Wm. Brooks sud M. 9. 1Allisan, thé latter beiugJ. HA. Pattersou'a repneseetabivs. Thee min wiii nov tiako fillchange ai tite operation oi aur raliroati and complote the organItation. The bonde anti stock viii nov bu Fti hi ai Mrs..P@tàmr Meyen lé sptuding th@ e esk eusti aud lu Februar>' aler everYthiag M vitit relatives at Waahi.gau. . IoruadliusId the stockhoiders meeting i1l MMise ie Bbuno! Waukegan, vas viii bucaliti sud athbiti ime perman. te guet ai relatives andi frientis bore euit offilcrs vîli bu elected. The nev F aveu Sunda>'. direetars hid themr firet meeting In Oh1o Obunauf and Miss stîlier Swima Chicago lait Monda>' sud ihicted their o! (filmier, @eut l faturda>' aud Sunda>' ofhiers as ioilowe: EH. L. Fîshr, presi- IU Chicago.- dent; E. Ht. Meyer, vice preaident; ,M. ri. Ur. anti Mre Frank Dilorf ! ira-4Aligsa, secretar>'; -G, . Stroker, tnese- 4kspeur itunda>' afleronu at tiie unir. Ni. il. Dleh.Jtohn Spencer anti Wilow tarin.Win. brojoks. executive coumIttee. J. A. Jeusnett(tALibetyvilît-, wa là Aler leclion o!falllcers the>' Immedl- t, recet Fremot calier. atI>' took up the malter a!fiiring a uewv Mri. Lyneli retnrned fronafiinthes manager, F. W. Bauge havlng tenderîtic viel w-iL riai - ln lu ie cii. flei.reelguation mIuctutahîe ti@appalut-c lawretieTtus 1,11 laqI 'A etne@da>' nient oi man>' ai the siockhoitiere, boy. for Alt& Vtsta, Iowa, whmbu iii ll eve, 'tr. Baugé aîlnuadouhîhe retained apend several wekstevirA ltsdaugituer. as agent attlii.Waucauda station andti ltire. La Meyero. a bitbé~r man cauldti bLe founti. Mr.t isses Gertrudie Frederisia atul rene Bauige tmeiug ii l Iketi h>'everybtîti> ilertmil are ente3rlaintng 1Sliir co-usin@ biug aecommodating anti slwave au fnom 1,Le8cil>'. thîe îob, a man vîit man>'yeane o! l'rivette Adrev Miazuce Oi Carrîp raiirosd experienues with Nortliientern Grant, @petit gnuda>' aI tLe A.'ti¶aul efm sud a 100% record for houait'. LMr. Lame. L«e01 aibcago, effiîiency expert ofa! una Lee lrciwho lemu ilili-er tu îLe Jears ci experensS'lun airoati rk wuas . S. arn>' sud lias bin lFhraute fonrtîrpo@ed b>' E h. Behi. a prominefîl 9PerenlIMunthe pant, liasien ver>-Y'Ii i lcago business man anti a large-,stock. itL Slîisoieh Influnzuia ab abasebuspital htîlter lu sur riîiraad, as anc ai the Leel titerA,, but lias recovereti ant Inle9DuhIe men ta put our roati on li lest. MIr.1 was butme. LMr. I mLr w a@ aformier Lies record vs. iuveel!gialed anti ile pî)t>iimr youug man ai Frimant, but o!feseuef@ul handltiug of man> large enter- laIe hlise lt-en lbusiness wltLbis lrather, tprisets souvincedti ettidîrectore ibta h ltî-tîl utiiîi-aIi 111ehyother, LoslIe vas lts proper uîau ta tAak ur rondi a i~. ae i ii i- diiB-payiug vonlure anîd Le vas aceortIly> Wsî i r-t of Vi,.leht it uova künliucodt 10acce'pt the sompletetmanage,- Jit -re liretiî;uidII îîua trainhng ci6raip i-tlaklog up fie wvon nMonda>' Wélu . j,r o. fine beanstatltîuad lorftIng. lHt-realus tue tait vhtit-i CT je,i.-t,ý\ tu-iselim. Ie altentiet eoiifriiutabLin butlbLas confident-eltai - tt- It5ikcitiff 'i,-s.iltnlon anti aur roati eau be matie le pu>' sithoiigh rrrttOrlitas, It iat 'i-wpkortstracion Le sari, insu>'radical change'. viii La-e (i 11, Ilé.,fi~' - isO a si". iOf r oye i, e imatieanti liai lase Do Mrne lu hwllahimiturilriu iur-'-ii-Tîein uttlng tlîem in tîperablon. We beihuve tt-î-ots miuia Le Oi tnethîe diraitare havenmadie a vItse seectlon ri-ier tiiLii i rg ,lI-n 'liîreing tir. Lzie ant ilUautcelsfulhLe 1 wîi lihivi, the gratitude of theti mre Wsut. Fer Sie. oMa«@ Onlthe Ui. ceniotanutly. Here's bopinu ior te DEPENCENT cui.150 pnositguiuî u î- ,tii-~e -rn iîor Loedan hach. Tiere Ile another galti star ln uimur-sc ie fisg.' Louis Schultz sac killed lin tfon was tite officiai report receird by sl brother. Adolpb Schlutz, hast wesk. Mies Hazel ititz and dangliter, Eleanor, ofChicago, are vléiting at titi home af nid Hanenherger. tir, sud Mr@. George Pelles, Mir. and nr. Warren Puttes, andi Mrn. Edin huau, voee he gueste o! Mn.@. A. W. Acteneon. ai Jefferson. Sanda>'. 1 Mr@. Eti. Binghau anti sou accompanied tr maiher, LIr@. Ensie Pyle, home Laes Ieduesday boa visit for gaverai daye. thuibert Lieyer surpnlseti bis people huaday mrnIng. He vii @pend ses. ah veeke at home. Mn.K. Eliernayen vas the guet ni Mre. Weber, oi Chicago, aven the voit nd. FRUITVALE STORE, LAUNCHEI BV LOCAL CAPITAL, HAS BEEN SOLO RV A RECEIVER those Wito Bougitt Stock Wer, Promnised Handsome Return un Money lnvested Waukeganitea totahIe .utithr t two or three score or more wita h etedti Iirm favifgin luthe Frultva. company, making il possible for titi coucern ta open a store lu Wauk, &an willi a capital advancedtib> Io cai cillezas, are wanderlng wbE ilicir statue will lie untier the fateý tulm la *affaira. Titi Centrai Trust ctifllunY of Ci cago, appoluteti receiver o!ftte cdi of 62 lirultvale stares ou Noveunu 25, 6ild lte sampan>' ta Sainuel1 imt-mit o! iCitago. The i1tt9 lmmmediatl>'soldthetticoucerato ti N'allouai Tes compan>. Jouà chat tii meaus la not fui explieitas»>'et but Waukîgnn staf hîtiders are nol holding out an>' gre litpes o! gettinitheir moue>' lacir ,at lst titi>'0,1 nOt expoect toS tîack anywteros near what îLe>'1 vested. The store le stli rauning ln W2 kegaualtitougit tnov launuder nE ownercitip. Wluen tite promaters o!flte Pru ianisetsupan>' cama 1te Wauleegsn uer go lthe>' old at0c IDla hiacl $100o, allowing purchasers t a psy fI lu monih>' installmi'ft. TI stock dld Dg% givi purchasers a part o! tke biU51sa s5but mirol>' P milllngthem t 151tliPate ln1 profits If there yerO muT. gBloch i vuý> w ur ii t 1"b ii ttit la ) etis Yov~rSa ~ cre-îifitI.lO andi as tIis proposition. caiiid for a Naval station, appears ta he Pisa' stanlds ln u m. Tbe dugout lîseif lm majarlyof sul votes CaSi Il took con- lng to a tig majorlfy or titi propprty about 1'2 b>' 15 by 6; made of a cor- qideruble liime aud effort ta secure owuers. .Mafly af theim bU ojected ragated ste-el whicit cornes jn sec- thefigressu ua tii oficai.rîortta itelesin o!titlu lad a iiaytions, vititlogg aud dlrt over thle top. the igues o tat he MeW«reortto te lasig o thir andas heya door asoucre etepie leadlng flut«) as ta whetiîr te proposition carried hmd ,ranted to cii l lu I tho flu-it il. A wood,-u floor and cfectrielilghtu. or ual coulti hi determlned. The to- place. A (loril> Prouily) slive, two ituniot tl numiter of votes cast lunlte setel When te landi vas leased te gov. which are crîudeiy made of snome boards aud chlcken wlre. Occuplld was 975,545. 0f ibis nutîmer t"',! eruiment look It miu-ly for ttc per- b>' M. S. E. Witecler and mysel!. question o! cafling a Contir-tittili 'i loti aoflihe war aud * waority af Wî havi pleut>' af clothes, soi and convention r 5,lii 62.f012 w"ill>,property awueri feit thal lite profi- lilanklets. rulbeêr boots aud every- 162,26 voes w r ast agajnst i.' et>'wotiitilite turned itack f0intem thnig trikep du-ysud warm vitit. 162,26 voei vrt' 'lcnîy la eat aud tack or the lines, Titi conventionlst l-tlît rrril1dli' et the expiration of the confiiet. cs-bwal mares colt a feluw aak for. s majorhl>' of 71,24f) lun a nimber of Instances lte an- The Prlvaji- fanhine Xirt'cji!, rst of 'lir, properly vire pprer.ei. The hndeperudenirecIrculation con- * miajorit>' of ail lii, toi sj c.î t f- willingin ta -tdbut they dld not likçe aite of READERS-not o! conte- or aga1iflt il auj flir rlr-tIIrti-shot'h ie Ides tf leasing for il meant lhàt tants. flIit v0.4iotes, aist for !' aet aud X3704 agauit - t t. 'The liard oltads Act : i-îjiir'l fi ppgaSSSSSS55ý.SS5iUS:5SSS ioritv o? ,îi votes-i t i j Inr ili bes fhe ýi4th nýHO LSTEINS AT AUCTION va s l iow at fl int. r C ttS8q i-"i %ots er, astfo iilnihýr o ti"TUESDAY, DECEMBR10, I918, BARRINGTON, ILL. l.-g is t iire .The ltp oifîr the pr-i- C r poiîtiomn wset661,X15,wlffiî- 'lg4.r votes werc t-eut againet IL Tlje Co plete Dispersai of Entirc MiIking Ilerd joritv lu ravoir of tlii'propositiontg ___21.405.le 30Regiistered IHolstein Cows XMAS SHOPPING BAN OFF ~ Twelve head of the above- have A. R. 0. record, and the W'aehington, Nov. 27.-Tht- Lin uaji others are just as good but neveuttsted. Ail are very oit Christmas shopping sas lif'cif U. well bred and EVERY ONE IS A FINE INDIVIDUAL theCouellofNatIonal Dleu-e. i Ail Young cows. cither fresh or due to freshen soon. Orrly Restriction'u upoî thte sa iof (Chrîit prfitable cows have been kept in this herd, daily mil.k mas goodat agreed on b,- reprecseriti--i rcr ieq or? anutactutrere andIlie r'-- oa d s having been kept. The herd has been selected taill irnile with thei coiînet] sre on-ind bred for production and individuahîty. Ail are nice y tiîeiv removcd(. ~ mau-ked and are the straight back and large capacity kind. Tii' rt-suit 2sexp' e.t- il 0lie a grrat Rtlmnflation ti luir. holiday ' Neyer before in this vicinity as there been such trade frorn thua, lIme util Christ.- M". te etlcln ir an opportunity to secure cattie of such high clss. ladby liii- war industrieu board!, W .1.M ARTIN..Ba3rrincvton, Iinois but hy agreemenit o! mnuf tffni' d iealers and te counfcil, lhrey wcu- Remember the date, Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1918. commencing a geucually obeerveti Iat 1 p. m.* at the farm 3 miles west of Barringiont. The agreemenit eovered lte cm- -poyrnt o! cutra fabor, lte rancer- vatonoftrasprttio ad oc l USUAL TERMS 0F SALE. S.nd for Caisinu. WM. PETERS, Auict. Idelviries and the restr-icti o!o ex. îieuditures. Il The counucl.lunannouucuilIs' de.i a i ebu, salti liatIt l eUeved titi àtep Public Sale Notices publisbed in The Independent are read r. wouidliclu inte direction of re-es. by frein three to f ive turnes as many responsible buyers a labllstiug normai, afteu--the-'war con- in anyother weekly newspaper in Lakte couuty. d e ýn. le eat ao- eat ýst thi- L. tel 1e et ft- 'au- lit- 1a gof fou- 7his ta>' te por- T HERE are two (2) kinds of insurance. Both are good, tili death takes place, or you want some cash or, .a lan. Then there is a differeuce. One kind keeps right on being just as good as ever, when, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are 0. K. tubl you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep, you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good kind is the kind to buy. Yourý Lii e Insurance should not be neglected, and, when selecting same, do not get the wrong kind. T HE OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better thon many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS dItionsad would Ibelipln getWng 0M- m :1yo h WouMdbv o&r R diarsad war workers back tut or- their homos au the period oi -h EMERSON '~~~~uc ~ dinar>' pursuits. wradtt~hd0sV 3atr COMrL~It D TAON Chicago stores say titis rulig îwer nd the ag oe ur" oD (AU M DÀT ON means titey ba~ve Imutediate employ- lu purcitasing ail titis land theorfOT Tuent for 3,000 women. cmsa Lpesn UPiet M M ECINT I3LECTION of!the _______ Figures Given Out Which Show TAKINEi OVER OF013 N ARL PLIFN the Manner in Which SPe- OF LIFEFORNST TION oENLIFE U cial Questions Went L.D F RS À IOiaod llfnt egaU*t h A vry nteestng ocuentIssed PLEASES IIOLDERS ?lOtit field signai corps lu France lni by Secretary of Sai Louis L. Eme'r-a letter ta bis relatives gives "ai eau bas been received lu titis office Bdelilfe' of the lugouts whlch the and contalus muct valuabie Informa- Many Neyer Did Take Kindl y boys are uglng. An îxcîrpt from tion régarding the election heid lu to Proposition of Merely is latter referringto this featureofo Illfiisono November 11h, 1918. Leasing the Land army hfe i. lulcresting am foiiows, lncluded lu thte Information lu th. ________l etter hein,. datpdNov. .1 and titue book ip publshed a table showIngý prior to the f'iplisice beiutz signpd: tlite number of vole, cast on the var- MANY WILLING TO SELL Wvîii try ar"] give you morne idea ohtwresbife _____as ta how i ;- à ituated. Picture nie bus proposiiolbt wOfl5 b ittdaI l1v' prjeý I.-lime. A ulce, suuny at tbf. election.1 The action of the 1'. S. governmrnft.iîtrn'oî lîing lu a dugout ou my The promninent proposition suit ln l purchasfng au iland that original- bunfi wrfîîrîg tiis lelter. A dugout l ed wag thal providIng for thte cail- 11Y had hein leased for the peribd of!I whlcit befare the drive was afi ele- - -.-. ~~ i.. .i.~.# e. fr~.tT..rr,.iphone exehange. .1trIlt bene~th tite ni' a rnnnt itinnalr.nnpntiin ta wa ,.thei te of theGreat- - -en 1 -r1a a- n faug wîcîn-- - - - - - - - - - - - - lefflý 11 1 1 ivi HM H( IJUAED. N toffel Wa Rival- Oang. becl ea na to te theo air,Ilu Wàke on. il hootherg ai hamachine th tis esuit 4"men lm MWlSIy pOlIS WM thie re tlrStoffol .W b an l Igato tel letendltg t appemnt and suv ~ ole tii ahtt. *t hae1 sud hi. w e wa& bsarfa, w hi WL leentgtht yre a wi letg ye wieai la apili le ai lue beie as hez thme rte lie dt .Oyitgs anotie utja ome io came i'Mestar

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