Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 11

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('. f btor balle niait eV c belon !bïe r.aed faort .v.ry lime thé . spira iseet et h.*.- uatlDkau befor. han - h*Ri é1davr 'RIlevi = QM v nt t.UtwfaimagIntt34 ouiiy pbuiçap.Dr. Broyal, lu 10 -P e1ýl8t la s ëasio a reua mjt bbasrd RMeiBUWM *0uIts dn~iatd f i aam' ~mucHW-oRIC TO BE DÇNE te it 15e. tionpièi- * bea omèe tRiatb.y MeIrly sie *b" â*dMiw le atarM land t nu- , as muad, hbey ivmll. WIf~~ nDi~Uit ý h utDr to1.a T - s I8I8*1IRS DeàS o à~ bomsaparent tha t 1l .hearne old gag--of lry- Bee WoW1Cd Out ltg 10 getpO Doc Brava Mdembers of the Waukegan exemP- abouth@J tion board do flt kUow bOW mach IgWhatla th une OUtatRiethaï k»lMy longer niey wIll be required ta e Lam afair? uks meliO. 1t a d»U. et a Jma. -".v the job" but exject that I~hIUmp.yeet Rie ~ cntuy ~ they wll ,erve until the oilice Of the Ru~I. bIS rust . aRu bj turn f1iUprovot. marsal genral Cleara UP diU~-inxIstaoevill a~Iat~lutr. fbneJt ail datafla -f the draft. crbeh local board lad tollowed pre-' what' tim n ofviens Instrucetions ta be 1 nreadness dort *T .Mdomd -Sto close their recorda and tain them AMi bas uita ed MI * i!Iv IIIover ta the govomument on MondY lm# oiieuidY If Rios wbal b*p but lwu'o deterred by s #ègitlf ;LM YMUba's the. Une? .1 f- fs e rom Washington telling tbam ta to t. InbeclicVOUa mm *.ef echUkeppth ne records open untîl turther wte hrugtirt Rewrdl~og brand, l. ntinstructions are recelved. it ta ho- *MR M t nG te o Î a bietnMvul.he leved ttbat t'bis will be Outil the kW)!a emy iret of the year anyWDY. Juat what dattersthe members o he board will be expected ta lie!- £'~ ~ ~form ln nie meantime ln flot known Prisident Wilsn mu# b. a Pmo guese. Bof or. the butlal emb qessawbeh rbably E01,h tnahsted 0on iatffudg PZ 2I.EIOCfllS aat tei will canie up concerning theie nubter ~ tek MEVyW t5e slle f a nub oig out ofthne traope which vi» e- OV« bê *ýS f aqulme information on the part of the bHOV 00.Dîac eta Md thé. local boards and they figure that tîtia ML aumd ma pércet pM wàs,% inthie may lhave been what caused nie or. te uscnepeaGoROdlern28der ta be issued. TResuit an.'&«-réason that la ascrib- AThe 6UxàVu*daa anar' d tir cd is ths.t the goverument vicies to 111ai rgit apeu tabd«tu* t ' usasteàly kee cahee% on the 18 and l9-year- Goae SISPUvs'1tpfh bois vIa registeied se niat 19 bof =d..0"1)"» -*e M& 1)« 4eue universal miltary training tn -s-aw 55 wU9 1froKU m io. decided uPm t wll be IL micaaBli- oavt'di"IfVS Gitreai«MOR ait-Wgy gesW~ pler moatter to line up the boys sub- There are a number , o mattera gv er 0tii. -for th dmmn oar-clsesk-sre Vth îD8OuI85 OO I00 Dord owfns Wyand alydemtroyed and îBh get a rum *t lasbouldrb. hat th s wasyonf e mes d cisd tt s.ned un Cthe met OkibaAt * ht o aScoiorte o oheV t~n F1 ~5f i *~iItrator 11L Âcordlalytt emi Wlh ne Frue r rit C1n WU1 ii0eMtat 0 v&MihitoR. vIêb mit M a esrinofieflns teesud '4kee anola giai bm lii adsasomabra s villi inicat en tlfnie- owltoigouangt cf sort ofr&1mb tana, ». tabve g - -0upr8l"g Ralaba . buavesi.luhe rvea beebose- w;e 8toer bave & ere mn ifore pema Vy elm l the wheel b wbib t_ ,fî t W tà .w p m w .2 fré i a pae aows u t- o w n1ýcuce,0 Use l___AlIi1 P.ld0'i i n V r .dlameuthrpublicau& tirnp w*set.». Therefor -ae b teRaI e turstl1 no làa w* 'msé ot erlther" a Bthe ame, w iicagteons f cf nie ptoUt-t ho , and tracd &Ct hesVORd matero, CM hbn etan=0a. slu cdi. ay c-«e i- lu uesiontab. sedtatraelig oerpubic S~1iW)s.~1 oo ril ladibt l ei - la igto b. Veflbfr"«.pru«W1v.u M t b bls dis- laMb wrehose trAt o satie aeen abrn bàtl.*ucm wse vM evtey rerwmin tor onf the 0 IbiSd h u t h aider." debiili. whit t Bang AgtaNeuvifle. vit scias ak ém'laq tômo* udofta "s a obgedtd ali-b the f bis ornerngt haer 91 a Im kVI t al oley of thbut It M*tln won1« *0 P.lm r à etUte vers pb"t. Thévi bia awof Chraw.»Wbneaue . it mntentessd ai sbupcthem ei .cftesm I& fore tb hayum ukset off ...... a d been pffl:.Ohf oi (t#Wurnd Usleut Il bas eau ascary n rec bwlat t» very hob. Pond lttate pInrs fbaabee, faai.he oulli f foeLUwy 5 mition te (esplouleh vould IIIp fflre& terks v ertIca .astlonslly knanndfiglitrsferee. bellevutteat bO tb#dlsrefereetoto wbil Il bas fallen la ta tes aealstflbeesuse cf he var. Ueomouseofby th ~hJset8bIU7 sud svy as te eue sprt lest slsuIstê nie ebief -s'eoeesttca or aie aendogeradasvI a * - * New Chief Prales e tLakot BEST SAILORS IN WORLD Say$ oHsÇdpotnt ors wfth Oters Gi-cat Lakes, Dpe..-UPOn tak"i Ing over" the station au Commandant CaP* A. tif. Seales sentte follew- Ing message ta tbe.0ollcers and an- listed menon0theicstation.' *,l a auing eoniliand af thOr Great lAktesNaval Timinig staUtio and the $th. 101h andIliti naval dis- tricts, I wlsh b valos My appreeia ton ar the g-cal. things tbat have beenau coupltahed bers vbile the ColMasd MU e ld by siy predcea- soi-. Cspt. WIitt" A. MaffetI, U. S3. N., and tae ressz the faitli 1 have that the futurs viii show oniy irO- gress and adivaiicemeilt. "Ry contlnulug nie liard vOr 0fi the past and preserviftg the frcali. ucas of the Great Lakes spirit we will nat failt t meet the future require- mDents of aur great missIon-thaI of furliing trslned materiai ta the navy, matai-l that 1a alse viti energy and eound to -the cor.. -"Durilig the var 1 have had manY oppomtunittes to observe nia navini of Our- allies pnd to contrant 'hem with aur own. 'l bave sua'n the mon of nias. navies at close range ani i kov (bat aur men are at tih esa" equai tau tce boe u tie ed Among these men of aur .. n a thase from Giet Lakea Ifave made for themgeltes a pae'liat ta dis- tinctly tnid- ava. Wti thc samo Ioyalty. to.inwoi-k sud devattlat a they have dispiyed lu tie punt, nie men of the Grest Lakes are surs té malatain the higli standard tliey have esLsblishe$-and toadad to the g1readî 'ytde sud enviable reptîta* lion of thia tic greatest Of naval training stations." The plaintiff rested at o ntodaY ln the case of Llndblamn against the- puity le con!psnY of Highlaind Park The decise started putttng on vit- nnaestr luicli. An effort ta bc- lng made ta show hy the defendant niaIat er nelhbhars ver. lot a"- noye .y he,1h. roximitY O cf Uic Ic' By A.-K. BoWs. asistant secra- tary5ecurity Tttlg & Trust Co. No t Busi lness of the Recorder'a offie. -4 for tie week enig Decenubsi-7, Over 40 puplis are nov curail 1918.1 the Comonwcalth ntght1 Number ai couveyaiices,. w whl meets Tuesday and Thi Number af cittel môrtgàgea, - eveatuga. The lioundry people Number of trust deeds sud mort- o ofndtesho ote Tag@l.nme fIsrmnsfld ployas but have stated that me Totl nmbe ofIntruent Ile4 aomnu ram ather ahape - 71. wsîconie. Total amount, af bans. $37.800. City Attorney Max Przy Business han been quiet, andal bn, iaveS 1.ursdsy for Ottava, Il below tic average. business. lie expeets to returi The followlng ai-e the more lin" brday. portantt dais. Ni-s. Warren 1. Powell, 35 In Waukegau: Mary A. Achen Old cf Marcel, Cal., dl.d sudde, bouglit the Truc place,'on east aide hermorrhage of the longs induc Hickory Street uortl af Masena ave. ihiig partîcle of a nul lu for $5,000. whtch sic vas satina et lui Thomas W Fri-aer bouglit thc Rat, witt ber sister, Misa Frances1 le L.. Faulku.aI oula 4t nOrtbvelt nie hermorriage being cauacd corner Chestlut and Porter Stréet5, giclent effort te expel the piq for lndlcated,.$3.000. .Ii>tls flamand bouglit tic place at Mis. Powell, nc Helen Hay, 513.515 Marefet Street framt Ella F. very papular ln St, Louis Socle Strong for ludlcated $1,0Q0. About 30 men snd vomfi ca- Ernost snd Ida Pott bougit a 44. t thefini meeting Of the C ft. lot on eut side Oak Street bc- oundry uight achool. A muce tween Ravine and SQuth avenues cm misuber Itg'expected intahe front Frank Tjsatt fçr $1800. 1 meeting of the clas whIcb In Llbertyville Village: Max K04- blId next Tue$ey senîitg. uer sud vifs boUglit the Mary E. tes book that wilI be used 1 .just bouse on norti Bide Elin Courtth on te utb te fai- $9.000sud took as Part paMint met ana otr et yui ou th e le. o at ie e North Chicago are pleased t, endSteet. SItbulttcPaul that thcy ai-e ta have their parl B. ue Swif0t34 ares in e17fr cOn. Accordîng ta t4e termeç nBminal an j( 3. reIn. e.171f0lease f bey vers ta hold it duri nomnalconideatin- ar sanc gneYa- tiersate'. Leonard Disey bouglit the AlUai be thâtthne Park board can g' C. Murray place au »amth aide Cook trol by udxt Snmei'. avenue for $8.100. North Chicago never hadi lu Ltbertyvîlle Townlshuip: Rs1bb rail than she la having this gE R.. Harry F_ and Delbert W. flouse la cortaîitkîy helpiug out on tJi bbo«#gbthle UEmna E. Itause faim, of bln. If tus veather keeps a bout 28 4 acres in sec. 30. South 01 peopîsle al t are vîsîher eAi-sa for «Omtilai considersl.ioii. sb- auv mare liard coal or nat. .ject ta encumbr*lice of $12.000. a itrIs.%t Peter Roue who und egave back A purchase moaey ti-uat an operation Iu a Chicago il deed for,$20.000. lant wvek Wini raturu te Narl in y-remoat: Rudaîf aud Auna -U Snd ay If condions IL t ireri-kng bougIbt nie Edwamd saga crable. ,40 acres la SU 1-4, Sec. 7 foi- nomin- -The Chicago Hardware F àaI oonaiderod&iÔ. bas just compteted its yesrli à n Autîoch sud iNewpor't: BM tory. Tht, aokitthne first fM. Hughes bouglit undar Partitioni cember this geai instead of apri-eeiîigg the Spafford farin tu, 8. hi-at as in former years:- B. 1-4. Be.25,. Àtiland am8 . W. 1-4 Ni-a. Mabl. Ermin, a teacher Sec. 80, 'Newpotfor 116-900. ' uorth achool. and hplier asi lu Grant: NeIlle N. Tweed baugbt Ei-in, wbo gôt ils disduarg the Henry Menke propertg iuln . 0.thc army Frllay bavegene b 1.4, soc. 4. aon NIpbink I#ks O fortaugheuselu Wsuag«i. ]Rn $1000. Ia lmd Job, baek ut e-is lu' Vernon: 8linntt R. Gleauon 8h. vas a .1c aaanàte ati bought the Ajun pleua estate 4 1-2 College. Baltimore aud pi acres in Nj. 1.4, sec. 15.,nr Hall frcud of yias .Iesaie WIlsoE Day, fer $8100. -Ni-s. Francis B. Sagre, daLPi Albert lioldeullauierbcught 6 1-4 the presldet of the Uulbei àSea n14W. 1.4, Smc. 80, at Long tir. Warrsen I. Powell foi-lac Grave tram Jacob C. Neyer, et ai. probanterOf hii5tori st NerTÉIr tfo log0. entv#érolti, yaî Pator of the Ia Deerfieli:, Henry sud Autuata liist. aburoh ai, Nortb Chiei 1e»n bougbt 10 acres las S. E. 1-4,1ItWo-ears. then vent ta ANti sec_ X..Item, ejirietta Boudion, *O naut -af un., Powell'. 11nominal cosatderatiou. Ister MnOVIng tua Ms-ced. Osl HIgh Grade J.welry-Riup. Brfflltf LIavali Neckiaces, Lookets, Cufl bton aandBrale- lot Wates eaI ve ry Low Prime ~~4 ~t 1.29 undie n lSitt, fine for Fali wearl1 -$1.75 value at.' .87 Lades llght weight union suits 59C for .........-. White Goods - The beet White goode, value to 35e yard, Bpe- 22c eial yard ._......... a Best Rheeting 9-4 value ffle- 5c ]Boys' K».. Pinta-, $1.25 value 79c for ........... Saturday à Moday- Dress pants, 3*48 $5 value .. SPECIAL $1 Boys' blouses, as- soi-ted colors, 59 *at ----------------... . ....5 9 and drawers nil9c at lien'. Work Shirts- Blue* 39C Chambray .. Mou'& Heavy Work- lng Tronseon, for $1.19 and 2.69 Men's heavy cordu- roy pants, value3,98 '$5at .... lionsa LigRit Work at. ... . ...1.. 58. A large assortnient of ladies' silk petticoats, assorted colors, and al styles, value $2 to $8 at $125 ho $4.48. ladies vhite and black Otôcklngs special for Satutday and 5 Ladies' heavy fleece at.... ..............stockings , 34c. Ladies' light fleece stockings 28c atl...e..e...S..hirts.... sud0 Driem rs an each at ............ 90 Silk lisie stockings- white 933c at ...... .........m........ e ings with white heels at .........-. .2 Z Ladies' wool && stockings at. ....... Boys' Suit, al colon,!a 04W b lue serge, t i>Ç" $8.00 at $5.45 and '....... w WRite sal Mick Onk Obtokiagu at Boys' and girls Stock- ing, up to size 10- and onl 2c and.. Men 's light wool socks, 45ce For men, black heavy;" weight 19c. Men's high* gra4ê.- shoes. values $754eý and $8 at. Shoes, $350 nd$Â valuîe 3 Rt $2.98 and BOYS' BROUS. Boys shoes, valueà $2.50, at U apair ............... Best make, ail stFe and sizes, $2 value at per pair id only $1.30 and a.a LADIS' SOIS. Ladies' high gri4èý shoes, black, light aad. dark gray and sky c&l or; value I~ $9.00, at . -... Ladies' black shloes, broken sizes, $5 value at.- Ladies' and girls' black shoes, hig flp- lace, cloth top, $3.50 valùe ...... s7 Ladies' voile. walstgt va.lue $1. and $ 1 .5 0 Oa t . .... SY~ DEI skin shoos, lace and bip.l. ton, value 3.5Q1-d . at 2.48 and ...i7 Ladieg' Wool WJ ers, value $7.50, to $9 at......... Children's Swet4ïm value $125 Regular 10euSl~~ per card .....!M i.h Cli Ire a- Big. Borgains ln Men's and Boy's Ma«tý %'undry . naws'end Chwidren's Overcoats, of De- Alo us Worneuns, Boys' and Girlo.%iloves aaid Jnnuar? MtIen-aildkds, at Loet.Pris ýr at the r ToutTI * 219 W intnStçeet. - Th M - Tht kstP~jer iiîI Uteri vite kuews that trtgei hWlsdthakasl'<"di«esu r ll h.sut"Iu uhs su emamatinbatiy ousu Wth tunches *f ,5A e 1 "k wtt lii bit qg Wb"Isuv itsoue esisi t ele DURINO PÀST WI3lt $37,OIN. WNS A Number of' Minor Farm Dealsin Counyand Smal; e n , t. . i n ....a Q aO.4 -- - 1 1

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