Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 12

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- ~nrm.n, I1hTnUMT3AV. DEC1E1<1Wf12.î 11 -, m ------ - -~-~-~-----..- nov rata ou ait. li6ini~ *5*111 M nFormer Coun- e eler and Others klÀgButby tat-imeIs : m one AIRe illl bave 10 asIe- 14. Clrtmas vithont the formper wir 0tien belpins carve the tur- r. perAI le ta lieaway, tact les, i- e le bsaway for a long timo. bt her loig nobogIy 'aovs. % 1*1 eelWsformer elerk le une 41 st .cepted la Juige Lan- ir et. ýclicgo ta serve as Jurer tlevtwI3WodtLtazito f the fiVA lbntir, prominent Soeialistâ. 'on of5 e vilating the espianage i«»* h aant benu finhed YPl 4 b viu .~triai tarle l Wîll Lel 1shsuot affale, pobably ei- the gla e i ew yezr. And AI. 4ëeft, vilil e lacked up un- 1l the alWvdrdict ie reacheti. TcUsdesendants -are Victor L eÈr lVeSumafelect f romt l hSe;A*lph ermer. lrvîn St. âuTugoi, j. Louis Engdahl ani rlaea P. ruse. Al entered pîcas Mot lsity. War ýWerisrs ye n ot wanted on wfl as 4"«i plain by attornicys ir tbe dadants as til e <latonai iw ,temLe Tbe day passiyL w W juqr_ II uneempleted. ,Prospectivi Jurons voTe Seindeti I te théir attitude toward eonsclen- 'M obiector% pbacIfinse.aitators. Ahàrty bsan wverareand service beam pparent as the question- ÎZp«E.dt !.tPpl. etos enu- iSiohdai laI 10 pr cnt Amer- aUg ulgàt,'Le prejudicai lu their Igfet of the defeadants. Seyaum S tedma.. colinsel lit chpf *the Socalise, wavred solde anc hhirehian alun another a i tey jei te quaify. At that, a number Ét iS renonnced anY prejudiceti »#t at have and promised a fair 00if s.lacted. MIIET NUDERIN4 SYSTMII3REIN A EPLAOALE SHAPE ei Noosd Plan of Renumbering Entlre Çity WIli I a Long FeIt Need Heme 10 SYSTEM AT PRESENT Io Wankogau. Dec 9, The routai anuabering cf tLe e e~ triais Las bien under conil i alnfor the lait several ycsrs. l »t ahneune bas the neeti for t ilacourse hein se urgent asaaiN rsent- Pnactlcally no attention l M bee ald pa hi 0e numberlng af aises ln some parts af the City and Ï# reult ta t Il Jet at impos- 00b for a etranger ta Aini many ad- rua.,. 'or exanaple ona may go à aL «CiAIetter avenue. Wasvortb ,rsieor Mairlon atreet and fini nomu- p30 scattered about wyuL greatest ,Tt -oul Le quille naturel ta sup- ne tiai ne niembers axceeding 1,000 euhd b is und ln Waukegan nntie8 it 'jîath treet and yct the nuanbersa * coin qI the north and soutb otSwt rua as bigb as 1100 and 1400. *O1st part ef t lai that the num- ali ja ump .200 or 300 ln ane lg5n a 700 uumben may Le 7'nla 400 blek, or Mgain il muY le* the 900 lork. TI içMt tla th1 he wiii va- let- *r:ai'rers and others vho ana cal- '06nt travel ta al parts of the jlM!rts ade much barde r ant Iil lit di4iIy impossible ta fini same of h.a0teéses becausa ef île it- 0415158 lystem, of numherlng. This eb4itle dosa nt apply on the soutL P. 'tioesbut lela a found ln al Mhithe C ity. lXder lie prepaatd aumbering sys- ktisse mistakes vll La rectifieti = 4-t wîi L e a corparatively easY tiler te find apY nuimber on any ifet. MtIî detaillS of the plan viL ho eonveyedInlathe ordinance vhlcik 4lIt be preseeted for iaosage nexi *Msday igit. " ¶At Waukesan yull continue ta q 2 cents a quart for mlk ai ieapsv 'i4 nuary bedaine certain Tues officiait la Canferelice vutt esan distribuitons ixei the wholesale prîce t $.3.76. per 13 a dacrease of only oe abirmr y oen." Mila lut ilf pe.bila gecd.b?. 'iwei yen jp tero Le punctilal la lie MÔ as not te keep breakft GEO. (CINDER> WILLIAMS1 Star Athiete as he appeaIcd when an, playing basebeli In Waukegan. ter of ai INCORPORÂTÉS AT ti1 NORTHICMiAr to de GoId Novelty Company of No. Chicago Plans 10 Entarge Scope of Business Incorporation papers have been grantai to the Goli NoveltY COMPAny f North Chicago. The capital stock of the condom las given ax $2.,000 TLe firm will carry, On the wark Of clitng pletunai. 'pannants. piliow cps, etc. At a meeting Lelti Tues- say night the folltillg ollce" wPrc- electei: 'rsident-S. Geld. Vice prpeident-Chas. Filckel. secretary-1. FInkel. Trea.iir-Julius GOld. Attorney J. A. 2.1Met o Waukegsu took ',argp oi ail tLe legal <Itails. S. Gold, wba tormerly conducted s photograph gallery ln Wsukcgan but s'ho Las been ln North Chicago mcv eral years. baa been effeia'. PiOL09- rapher fer the naval station since 1912. The headouartons of the cou- eern viii Le at 1910 State str-ier. N4orth Chicago. It i planned te en. lange the business on a big %cale. SINfi IT TO TilE TUNM OF 6"SMILESe.1 Hene ) a parody on ,Smileïs" oild sung te its lune. Il vas sent ln by a Waukegan neehdent: I've been out wfth boots in KLhaki. And yuL Lboys ln Olive Drab. I've been'chume wl lots o! al'latare Theylre the fbest sports thst1 lSC even iad.' 1 m'as once engagedti t a lieuteniant, And 1 promîisci hlm 1 weuld Le true. B3ut the boys 1 really love themOstest Are. tLe lads ln tLe Navy Blue. DOWN PLANE WITH RIFLE Remarkabl Fat ef Marksmanohlp Dscrhbed by Amincan- Nowpptr Mon. Atlanta, Ga.-Hov s German air. ppu~e was brought dovn Ly a eqqad cf1 Aisarian infantrymen armed caly viti rifles -la graphicalîr descibsi ilu a ltter from Han KR. CaNai. vWel-. lrnovn ta navqpapor men of Uic Seuti tlrong bie fcrmer-cenizection vitli lie Wasiârn NewspOor Unon, and vie la nov iervlng la France viti tEie Eigbte-nlnth division. A WmaIl squiad of Ainertcan soliiere,1 amoncI Uem Mr. Coffee, val resiESi bytéaide 0f a roni, vlan a Germen plae, fling very loy, passéd over sand began dropping band grenadtes. 'The Anleridans opaned ira villetItr rifles aid a chance îLot strod tph i.O 1 tLe beui, killlng hLita ntntlr and brlngng the machine ho tie suni wtL a crash. -Thiti 1tic firt in#tWK4e neported vicne a slwlane hbag bsau Irougt dova ii rifles, andit lts ne llkely te Le dupftesi agin tm'ou some exceplionalîr goed markUs: pu a schance slot borne., MWWÀSKII~T0 lîate's Àttorncy Walch appeareti ors tLe superirer today and ced the board teaalov the claims, 'Constales 'Dave Marne, Wsat i ry and Carence Hais andDelle. rale Ior services reniera wbecni ey vire la charge cf the Lighvay ian Great Lakes station lait smm- nr. ThoRa buis vers laid Ovel by isuperviorsat s privions sesion id Mfr. Weicb explaine'd that If the ard dii net ailov the bille, lio Mlii. f wouii La pemsaaly rgnoslél >psy them.. Hea sali thbt Le pîscesithe. canais s there to direct tragile afler Coin. ausioner Atklnsan Lad aprpealed te ceriNf Grifla iand te eberiff hld id that Le lad Do mon 10 Puat on le job. Atâtins'.a then aPPcled te r. Welch and hoe saihi thobeut It istileo 10the public tbat cooatablea eul be put thera te direct the. Mr. Welch aisoeaxplaineli ta the oard that thero vouli Le a couple fbuis at this session for Dr. West- hoen of North Chicago and Dr. willave of waukegan for servies adercd ln handlinq Uic veenreai sges ln Waukegaa ani' 2<0. Cbicao, icomupliance witb the staie iav re- aiielrg oinebody 10 hindI. these sacs. He expiained that during a single nntb the faderaI voman operators nWau<cegan Lad handled 105 girl., ot ail of them havaven vene de- .saed. He axplainci that Dr. West- ighen had found 21 cases and DE. lellows 28 cases vhich reqffliéd ai- ntlon ln carrying eut thé datail, ln tLe atate law prescribeti. Hle emphssized te the board the iecessity cf co-operatlng vlth state md tederal authenitiie In Ibis mat- er and said that the hardeit perioi : ail la ceniing nov when the troapa ar going ta Le demobllIzed and 1h le jeu esuenUsi 10 look after tLe vel. ra of the vomen snd men who are tm.ya together under sucb condi. tins. Petition cf Missra. Durit snd Farm- er for ewamp land deede vas accept- id and orderci executed. The final report et thc retilinç county treasurer vas adcpted. il ghcved a balance on band cf $131,51. Election erpense bills vere alloved tia judges and clanks bsing allevd vo iays ah $3 a dag anidotheral- lavances heing the eame as formeir- ly. .4fr. Mîllard of Highland Park. ad- dressed the Supervisori relative tu ascertainlng the board'& feelings to, ward creatiiig a forest preeerve of etensive proportions in Lake coun. y.' It vas decided to have a sPecw* commitie investigate and reoin. mend at the March meeting. Mfr. Mil. lard said thé tentative plans fr several districts tu Le included lia Le pre#erve, Ineludtng: 1-Theflise orth cf Waukegafl nd extendtng to Can'p Logani. 2-DesPaifles river valiey. 1 3-Grass Lake, including Lotus beds. 4-Yox river district in southeru part of countY. C. T. Heydecker, in bebaif cf the Deerield residents aalted the board o delay plane for advertising the contract for the nev state road near De>erfieid: the desire la tu obviais the crossing of the St. Paul tvioe just north of Deerfield as hg the caïe ,ow witb tie road as it exisa. He sald part of the right of waY for straigbtening it ont«east of the St. Paul tracke bas already been prom- lied and that the balance can becoh. tained eaalIY. John Griffith ýof Laie Forest, exý pressed bimscîf slimilarly 10 Mr. l{ey- deckcr. BelL desired te have the r'bte changed ta Telegrapli rond there t rallier tban the Ridge rosi route Supeî visors Clarkre and Whitc op, poaedl the changinz cf the rond be- cause RIdge Road vas thé road decld- ed on before the electioui. Tàiey felt ut would jeopardize, the carrying out of the road's plans as autherized by thic voter. Mr. Monaban felt the state biL. way officiais could and would decîde the. route. Verce. Ringdabi and O'Connor spoke on Uiceinatter. Von't Judas by Noie. --Troubleeome fousa makes de mont peine." sal Uncle Ebes. -."Wbcn It'S ton hot tel de robin tge ig de locuat bolies plide lima." The Prohlstorle UguffslO. A linge buftalo willi enorniolai bora iiConsiciuousInaprEbuiotrld rock drawr- juge lslcly found là Algeria. The ÂM.l cmn elephant lealecs a strIking feature, and otbcr animals include the lon, leopurd, gazelle and domestie geste feis slieep.- - <I G~ ~,USY THE PMD CROSS COMES sr JEANNE. JIDSON. - l* AM t o rget the simple joya, The. IIdly thougt, the. human tears, Th ihdmleu Iaughter sud tii. sîng W. hsew in other h appler ye&Ms Lut *aEtrow hard, ansd cruel and cold, And boMnt young, our hearts are old, Reid là the tramp of death uudied, Tb* Xéd Cross carnes te, 11 again, Tii. dup of mercy long mince %plled; Bid la mur hearts the bird. to slng, Re«,e#Dntjoy that 5115cr kllled. PRETTUST Y3TO 116VENOUT Tlhe ne liltin' 1919 autoinoblé ilîeces are the pr@tticît yet. Cal or fer nai year la black number on s mareon aciground snl the plate le about bal! th e si e 0'i 'Ibisyaans. fflt Itie prettilegt thlng about them 18tithe prie bas net bien nalsei. Tiel Dot go te esetmuan Ibo3. 1. Noc nov plates bave arrired la wau. kesan tasyet"am renot fleeted bore beotei latter part of nmiii vwekai ecoriing te lnfOrmiAti0 Pudding 1l% mlstery. Pudding la 11* aariy f"ra«as Muei of miacee melof »eeOort. Weli gou. §oed and itnffed Imb an IntestIn. and tben eooked by boiling. Tuer. a&M vorde ln many carly Ilangilanges mfr ing pUdding, but il memq origldaly te hav reoine from son',wor4d majlg a short Lady or inflated 111ID. f»O mhn w aethmo a srted us4,W g-d go Udur iMd(worm-ut belote du beau liiwMt lasMd oet .1b.dlkW* Admf timmesat cegt), *wb. liN 150, WedatIDÈt thepa* rfUt *1ï Obi amd nev stvmm d tfiu foi Dr.Plerc'sAnuieTahW ¶ proe u bt ti!.la a sdedisadnt sud cenuffl hi kidnse sud bladder« is u zsialumu I yu vQfl" w4w Anre, ond te% itu i>*. IUMreedotl.N. Ir.o os Mmple pchage. 'I %wowi tq you tin"Anau.POla dalhm- more active tsau mAi ~,e soIf a bot wc otes dutî* mdSW iivcr7m - khie'th !clt obbGU for voak vmsaj b".tpdletq" for El . Overco«1s- md Suits INSPITE of the fact that; Most Of 'the c0lld weathef 1 1518ti to corne, modem n~ecw4sn a it necessary for us to lean- up aprin0 u tc of Overcoats and Suits ini Qdrtmke room our spri»'-g lime which wit soon arrive. One of our big, roMy, warm Overcôatu in gohng to feul migh- ty Comfortable viiun the NeMeruyand Zero are <hunimy. AUl 8pecially,.P94gfor thia Great laruce Ivmnt. Nov, il eler, ha the chiaikde for you té get a. 281k! e« Overcoat or Btilt for the balance of the ypar, and keep it for'Seit Tear as viii, Saving the Âdvance iu Prices. Suits, choice Suit or Overcoat- Included in These Lots are Values Up to $30 121 North Genesee Ste 'Phone 107. T IMIPTD,.Iqy V

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