Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 16

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PÀL~E T TRnAR.U'VVTT.T1 TM11'rP1ND1?MT TIIURSDAY,. DECEMBER 12, 1918. IIl~S ÂRSTRYm 1N6 TO GOET SLEEP Lldlm Says Hearing 'WWisAffeoeted Aaks Dam- ages of Artificial be Co. fAMILY NEARLY FRANTIC $ays TerdfiloDi Continued ali Nlght j Dampness from , PatMade Folks 111 01sf Llndblom too thp WltTraS41 psand là circuit court Tuesday after m 'and told a jury why ho tbougblý » h sbuld be awarded dainage4 &W"lnt the purty ilep and Refrîger- <'utng company of Ili4ghlard Park. Uadbflwu laimed damnage» becaise . « the terrifie noise made hY th", ýplant uibi and day and bec,(ase oa ,ýb extrelue damnpnesa uin 1-mproxlmn »NOM b"t Dis- hp ES BIOGER JOB FACES BRACHE Wbou (aunit:. Treasuror liracbar aSaUrnd office Rfteruoi lie confi-oitedl a harder and blaSer' Job thanL any county treaaaiiri'wao bas prevlougly hald oltite ln leke CountY. The reason l, tihat un'ler the new le whtch becoaî&a aoperalive 1.04. year IL la up tothe coufl<y *rOaaurera .Ililinoin to collact ail ha taxon "eh s print; ln" tendi of havlug tbem eqUected by the varlous town collec- lus,- lu thcr wordâ tha towfl col- iactor'a Job bas bc"ýn dune a'aay 'alth eèd under the new law the couu ty truurer wililhaveotu o illect aI1<lie tuxes.1 TItISmeau of course tirat eacb emuty treasurer lncîdlng l.ake ceufty 'aI have ta maintain a larg- er force in the' aprint; th--ibas evor bettn bafore. it probabl>' lneana in<the total that se'.cal more iièn'oii w.111lbe put on <l-e ay roIll ibe county trasnurer' office antd IJat a ne% iystem 'aI hae tuobha tvolvad in handling this new braneh 01 work. Thua Mr. Brachar also coniroats a more imp~ortant aud laborious tasit Iban hia predeceiutorii. lu the pasI oac,î 1treasurer bau lîad bie prcdocessor's exlierlfice to pat' leru mter, e lias beenauble <tufol- Iew is formans, sreports andi his lim erai pracedtire but ln the case ai v. r. Bracliar, ho 'ai have ta farmn mew plans. new farms, new reparti., etc., because of tho aditional duty *devalivIng upon hlm lu thea matter of 'oUcelcting the taxas of ail Lake court- Towni collectors 'ahù colected &F tilhe txes thon tuiruetithe manaY aves' to the treanurer Inter. Thias wth the work of 17 dîNferont men eing doue s'ay ,wltla, the 'aork be- ing turned over o the cuty tresa' tirer. IL. la seau that Mr. Bracher sud Iti& force w.1i have a blg taal; to per- * orm t aaprlig. Mr. Bracher la tryirig <. get famil- jaUr wth the dtails of the office ai lut ai pomlbie andi accorduig ta the offica emiloyg. his Litalelng ta thq Job 'I11e a duC cdoessta 'atar." ANOTIIWR 4OLD STUR IS AI>DED, Anothor Lake couil<.y gold star 1 added to the lst as abowfl1 i .utIsa - OfWica report releaaed Tuesday. it LIE L. SANOMAN, DirrinItoil, kilUsd n action ln France. iti lista a150 show that George P. of enr iMcHenl'7. dled ai dI.- "qw. lilla Bot a remidant o a uo 'ýjaBtinthe icScbfelflera ara well snow'a -,,I 'aest3rii Leke CeautY. Latin DerIvative. çoff'lrfti laderitvcd tram the arne ý1't81i word as eaptiii, hut wth ji and. of the mcaning andi apalingli tbword corps. Caporalts e Linmeait a chiet or se heo tëtehCâicPOraL EETA1LEE8A»DChARGI» TO CUSTOUMWU. uiirs Folowing are fair PrIcea for foc<is ln Laite county for the curreui Iu! a'I ww. as dterwilned hi md nntrotion. Namas af &il doearsfI sellin etaipries outaolde et this mre a pouM bha réport,4d to O0.i0.ridWa IhI~ U G o feAeri food adminstrator for lke c ourti. or to towunship sdniisitrotorm lUfllI iat wiil take th* proper aation:V ii <Prepsrd b, the Wautegbg tood d,,lnlo<ratlnn Effective week homeuli ning Decem ber 13, 1918. E tsetali gfieucacutellnuff arpsyfor the. tDi asm.d mold mot «"0 .Othe toim. Th* sert ta the realet iéscfeh artice.aialt t l i. Cot t. Reftler Pri* t. consuma,'4 Sskery Wrtpped Bre . ............ Pr lb. loat-131 10'- Whte Fleur ......................Per 1-8 barrai s.s-.o h'omas McHugb. urvvlng partner Whte Feur (in bulk) ............. 4 l..24Se of the contractiflg firm of William Mo- Ryo Fleur (In boue).)............. 5 S,--sa ge ran snd Ca., together with Theadore *Y* Fleur ........................ Pr 1-8 barrel-S1.30-l.Ct, $ H. Durst toayfIled a bill for account. viol@ Whsit rieur ................ lb. ba--SI lb 37e lng agaiflat the cty of North C'hicago A mandatory lInjunctlin also ilagaked. Oralium Fleur...... ....... ...... 510-l. bt- tV ' McHugh relates that ou Augumt 21 Barly Fleur........................ r bb.-$.5O fl lb. 1911 the frm f William iloran ad Ryo Flour ........................Per bbl.-$10 7c b. Co. enterediInto a contract for Instal R ico Four....................... 100 lb.-$9 lic lb. lug a system of sewe00 in North C'hi. (t'ader thic Presldelit'a Proclamation rot aier sut seli aud conmum- ers muât bu>' wltà eacb four pound.3 af w'ilta fla'.r a Poundi of orm sb- stituta. Consuimea abave cholce of c,rnmeal, corn lour, barley flour. rlce fleur, oat fiant. beckwbaat flour and golato flour. Ryo flour, grahsu iant. whoie 'whest focur- mnd csaefour Muay be na!d wttbout subttutia. Corn Mcml (white bulk).......... Pr 10o Ib.-SI Gli lb. Coro. Mcii (yellow 18ulk) ........... Pr 100 Ib.-85 lOc lb. Hanre (whole).ý..... ........... Pr lb.-34c Ise bacon (bout @rades) ..... ...... ...Perlb-5lc 57e bacon' .nsedlian grade) ..........Per ib.-45c. 51ac Bacon &qua&& (wlsee) ............r lb-37 41C Lard <beat grades,erten)>.........Per ib.-31c 37o Lard (bulk> .................... Per lb.-30,, S36 Lar. Co#.!Pound................. Pr lb.- -25e 29e Chas. (full cream ncl to order) ... . Per lb.--40c 44e Cheeefullouam, isel>.........Pr lb. -40c tee Orunos (g0 te 1lu>................Par lb-lic 150 'ommny ........................... Pr 100 lb.-$7.23 I120 Rice <Fancy) ..................... ir 100 lb.-8ii.50 15c lb. -ice (Mue rree>....... .......... .Per 100 fbe.-49.06 UlIl. ens(Lii.ý................. ..Pr 100> .-$pe clb. Sean. < Nvy, hand plcked) ......... Per 100 lh.-$12 1Altk(higheat grades) ............. 0 Ise Mtlk (miedium grades).)........... lc Mik .<va"poteg.-not ew.tcned ... 16c 1Ise Butter (cramory, extra, bulk ...72 77e (One cent hlgher ln «caRtfS thme 10 tuba) SutterlflC (standard graea& carton,> Per lb.-.95c 40e auserne (standard #rades. relie) ... Per lb.-31c Oc t uttprlne (,nediuin) roll@ end bulk Per lb.-30c 35 c fEggs <trict!y f rch, candlied*,i,, Dorzeu,-72c î.;ci rEga(cold storagec ................ Dze-58c 63c Ptate............... ............ Per 10) ibs.-$2.25 pk. of 15l bq. 4uu Poat. (Western> ....... ....Par 100 Ibo.-S2.60 pk. of 15 Ib. 4Oc the estlmited compensation of $45,5 10 7.On .Innuary 2, 19181 the contractors prepared a certificate of final comipie-1 tion whlch was duly 1used ln court, February 6, 1919. This waa approveti, by the court Sept 16, 1918. M1< la stated that the contractors sup-1 plled adAional labor and materil other than calied for ln the wrltten- contract ta the arnount of $30897.49.* It lo sot forth also that of the orig- mnai cantraet price the clty af Nortn C'hicago, although requleftte(l repea t edi). to turu il. over, haa3 refu-ied ta ircîn over the suai of '20 unless the cautractar wll gîvi. a full re- leaso of ail dailms. This h-, ba.3 re fused tci do. Th e court iý a k l toý issue a mandatory Injunti on order- lng tte clty af North 'Chicago ta lavy to provîde the necessary amount of ais caho that It can ho turneti over when an, acounting la made The case la ane that bas draget aloit, ln the courts ber. for a long tim.. Tihe Cit yof North Chicago tal<es the position that the ' additional irork done by the cantractor was not re-ý quired. Demewii nmorcenmry. Donald waa havlng a blrthdlay party. l 'he citiren were al! enJiling tharn- qeslves when the doorbeli rang. mp lIng up. Dlonald went to <lhe door. Standing looklng at the chili. ho sali: ',Sa:. <namma, FrotIdie ta bore, but he liuln't brîng me a presûnt-should %let hlm luT' Blumberg's Senlsational Holiday Sale Gives You an Opportunity to Select Your Christmas Gifts now at Prices far Lower than ever Offered Before. FREE DELIVERY ANY TIME $40.00 Golden Oak Buffet-Large siz', Quartered Oak, M\ir-ror Top at only $4.90 Solid Seat Diner-ýGoldt-îi iw1?ud Oak. $4500 Colonial Dresser-Large case, Frenchi plate Mil-roi-, onlly 26.8O $35.00 Solid Brasa Banded Satin Bed ouly 2la95 $M.OOÏGolden or Pfuned Oak Library Table- Over 70 Patters, at 10.95 Reed Rockers are Sensible for Xnias, 6 9 40 patterns up froni'.. ................6 9 L $25.'00 Loo se Olushion Morris Chair 129 oit. sale at oilv ..................-. ..1..- ......- 2 9 Rand Rubbed and polished frarne Velour Cushions 50 Electric Table and Floor Lampa at DOLL C ARTS AND CHILD'S ROCKERS SPECIALLY PRICED. 7.50 Oil Heaters Only W $3 Handba p 3è95 eaul liait' of pî'escnt valles. Size s to choose fri 8½ o 11. E.~~ P. IIl.u un . 13 .c~esSt Telephone 107 By Seliing Dependable QUglity Merchandise, .This Store Keeps Faith With Its Friends. Next to Woolworth 5 and 10 -Cent Store Fine Linen Handkerchiefs The Gif t Always Acceptable. Tiiere should haî-dly be agift li5t w'liic does îîot inelude a few' handker- t-h ef s. Despite. the shoî-tage of liineiî s.we are fîifly prepared with assort- inecnts that pî'ovid-e ampIle ehoi<e. Women'Handkerchiefs 0f fine Irishi Linen, big range of dainty hand-cnibroidered cor- nerPs. Eael 25c The Half Dozen at $1.45, "She'ilà Lilce It" (iîoose several froni these exquisi te examples of dainty hand eînhroider- ed womcen's handkerchiefs at 35 c, 50c, 65c, 75c, $1. Bath Robe Blarikets Miîne now to make inii or lier- a nice eonfy Bath oir Loungiug Robe. Extra large size robes ini splendid color assortmcent with girdie and neck cord. Simple to make. Each 4.50 and 5.50 Men's Handkerchlifs All Pure Linen, fil sized, uar- row lhei, cacti 29c The Half Dozen at $1,65 lincluded are real handiwork Maderia, Armieniani, Span- ish Embroidery, Irish Peasant and Swiss Appenzel. Boxed Handkerchiefs for Wom- en and Cbildren Are Âttrac- tively Low Priced Charming Gifts for' Baby Nowvhcre can they bc, more happily chosen thian right here. Dainty Mhite Frocks, Creepers, Ronipers, Swveater Coats andl, Knitted Sets, Soft Kid Shoea, Bootees anîd Sacques as well as lovely accessories. IN NO 13URRY ABOUT YOUR E WE',RE QUOR.ý Ujndblam said that hé had protest- Qd relpetsdly agaluet the nuisance, 'bt thst ha never han reiv-'d auy l'oSai. He sald that once when ha àmaie the roquesi that the artilldi4l "oveaan door of the plant no that the ne would be a little iota se ver.e, maklug 1<. posible 1a gel a lîttie leep. ha was eursoti and tolti te go te bcd. At tin sthe cin hocamë to terri- '694, ho aald. <bat Il wax net:psary or binm ta siol! cotton ln hlm Pairs bfore ba rctired. Thils pract('a bas lm fored hi. hearing. H. vas not the only one aho s-I ferec. be îepllflc.d. for his entîre -ally 'acre kept awa'ce n1ghl.s untll tlsey 'acre aimant on the verge Of mervoua progtration. lia Raid that many tlmr'a <bey avre kept awalce ail Tih. dampuema from the arlIileal les plant, ho aid, was another ds* ai fai enture 'ahich he andi is h1y la ta put up ,ath. Tha spt vas ma noar chat thp,.iàndblonm hOUle.wozs damp ail the tine andi imemLers çft ce family war.- render- 0411 III The came i, an interesting ')ne.h »as iicd ber' at a rpecot crm ot etirt and reacitt.tln a verdict for the dfendant. A new trial was imated and LI]14dblo)m agalu ii an- savoring to col:,ct damages. lectione iii lay or bou. Early ioice ggft her- that i are bled id a ent's 4 e rixi -9 - - - 1 1 1 KICO r ER Closiïn&g Ot Shoe Offer ing Lfore OYS Leathèî i,so scarce anîd hîgl now that the old fashioned Shoe Clearances at the enîd of each sea- son are a thing of the past. A dealer lias to seli his stocks at 5<) littie p1n it in or(jer t<> sedithemn at ail that a big redntion is impossible. Nveî'theless, we have gatthered together ail our hroken lots-the most popular lines on whih the size range is îîot voni1lete. W~e an't let them i-est n m mi c-or mon- cv is investc<1 in tllýem. riour ......................... 1 .men prices praeti- 0ý-' 1 1

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