Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1918, p. 5

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OfieTolqokemeNumber i"Ccr~vli xhango. S «»i st th OtO t.Llhat7Vb,'IL,.5 a-M5d ClMa Mot"tr Offcii uiistonfor Tho Village of LlbertvvIio. om Tueo. Advcrteg Bte- mdce K-- ou APPllcatOD. iTONpRICE, 0.50 PER VL.AN 8TRICTLY IN ADVANCE mT................ Edtor ITI4........ ................ . . .................. Manager %P9KHARDT .......................... *,*,»'"*'«*!*Local Manager -Eryboy mf!aW#&umd bmchoice of gifla. It je pr.parodaurtu nglft.bruy4. Elvory mrohant and dealer la roady for you Enry olork la rady to give ym a mutin Ug elcome and aul tih h-you ue M&rly hpr;Ps arefavorites o Ithu dors ns d the derniers That'a becaua4 lthesurlerluthi easuon you do pour shopping the. botter the..assortpient and the blggr the stock of qoods to offer you and the. more time thore ta te dévote tofinyOUr ludividnuavatsa ned a" . 3"0you sm.hop early y ou arenot dWrticte bya gIhat jar cf ezcited, eagenyers mb forgettilng wbat youfcame after or driven lu desporation to buy Borne. thlng you do't nealy vaut. Nor are you lilely to, get, your bat knocked off, your icoat tomn off your baok, your-foot traaupled on, your tem- iper rwmpled and get b&ck home no tired out tha.t you'I or 191 Tri as No, by b.. col Oi Mc an A w 8, ______________________________ wlsi Cns iv er"would corne to you again. Lbu NOT VTLLUTICÂTION, JIJSTIFAIR PLAY S sopJOly Obarls ppley, former superntendeut cf the ILake KURRABEI VOLIVA WONT BE THERE i >=uty poor farm bas "exoneratedll the. Daily SuE mad vbliva plans to speak Bunday on: l'Tho largest iu- A Lake Couuty Independent. "ECxonerated" if vo noodod berument camp lu the vorld." lb vas blnted, Baysa aMZou j« t-but, vo didnt. report, tba.t thua interument camp vblch Volîva viii refer 1W,@told thetruthin theofirst place and thosovwho tld te is "te apply lbt to8atreMnudous stOCkado viierea, t due uutruth aro the ones vho nov must tako a gulp as they amokers vini b. lept iuterned until they viii vov Îlot te be cou ea bi tratmnt f to buse, the veedany more aud until ail oder of tobacco hag MOe Âppley go into court, ofs i raenoftehl et their pro and tersyStem.' wt aud psy the price which the state lusw prescribes- in ' WiVlv os' mk.SIta' oe0nO guch ee-$550. A pitiably amali price for such an act. lation to the sinokers who are te be ail bulichod togothor. Everybody vho wanted te bo fair knev tbat buis Govemnor Lovden again proved bimself vhen ho do- pse'DID TELL THE TRUT-if It fNAdnet, Âpploy 1dciued te listen to the appeals of tho multitude vho sought ,ould have brought suit immediately against it for what to save tii liffeofo tho mam vho kiloed the. policeman inr Wbad cbhamged him vlth. Did ho do so? No, of co1,1i50 fot cold blood. The. governor refused te b. lnfluencod saying t«ro ne uvis gufit, ho knev ho hadl confesaed te several that the. courts bad had their say aud tbat vas fia. The. mm-be marely hoped tbrough the. campaigu of villlfica- fact is tbat every time one of these gansters are siiovu «M cared ou agaluat this paper tbat he mlgiit remove a immunity or given froedom or commutation of sentence, Libie f li.odlm tatcam vih sci a canalus adds tbat mauy more criminals te tho list. If a fev And, as Urne vont on and as thi. courts insisted Ulat mr bninatekplc u bcaothr wudbcas' ,the bal-vitted woman be protected under the lavs0 ofacblgan he am frwrdsu pad ua vattu lva oftheof thoir feeling they eaun "get avay vlth it" thabso 0 ny otst, hecm owr n adJs httelw a eof the.crooks I"talcs a cbance." W"t pay:$550. ____ Such a case vas nauseating from the start.. Not a The Postal Telegram cempany bas oued for an iujuuc- ,Iufor auy uevspaper te 'write about. Yet, isn't. a tion restralnlng postrnastem Burleson from tln control li-wltted voeuan 1k. thui Lina Larsen enttled te pro- of the cablea. Weil, ve're glad te se. It. Rad Burleson ,oIon, espocially lu a county institution? Must Lake taken the. cables duriug the war, it vould have been ail ,eoqty, for the. sake of potectlng some iudividual who rîl W- ar Stop. Nov wlt hevr oothia. s izue 4»ood lgh befome that, condone sucb an acb? Who wa infeusiblo, inexcusble and unwarralnbed by the. conditions ~.=b-pWo? The man wiio off ended or the lmbecie wom* or sane argumenta. JuSt a case of iba'vlng the. lav sud ývho vvu imposedl upPn? maldng use of lb because theY Can." Evon a cable com- Nov that the former superintendent has confessed, pany has its righbS. And even a postmaater gelieral. 'Un guilt sud paid the, price, the case automaticaily ends _____ 1» far as be la concerned aud se far as we are concerned. The boy viio lbt home to go jute the Studeu's Ai-nu S BUT, IN THE MEANTIME, at Lincoln, Ill., is that Training Camp at one of the schools in the country is oe ,à 1lf-vitted woman and h.i- littie baby who will go on lu'i of thie great tragedies of pesce. Hels going to be forced lievorld andi only the. Almgilty kuows what the. cild in to readjuat hus yearls work on migiity short notice. It is Yearste corn e vii.1k. te b. hop ed that every one of these boys will find a way', $5W0 pays for it--only it DQEMSN'T. te remain lu school sud get the benefits of the. year of Hovever, nov that it is ail over-exceptilig the frtureI training wiiicii the, goverument started for them., for that chiiid-we hope that those who saw merely t<v111i________ "taion" sund "persecution"lu oui- position iu the. matter The. Gerînans, figiting among the nations of the world wlM b. faur enough te that haif vltted womari te recognizêj as long as they could, now are Ilfigiiting their heads off"l tliat Oui- position vas inerely that of one insisting tiiat se amoug thiexselves; riet prevails, Élaughter la seen onev-~ <et a square deal. But, there are those yet who will Say', ery aide aud the. ex-kaiser is hiding in fear of assassina-1 ,'mb even iu spite of tuat admission by Âppley, "lh.'vas! tion. Could anything more tragie occur lu any nation? ,'teated shamefuly." But, viiat. about the. voman, the ok like a case of: Getting their just deserts. à=uty's Charge at the poor farm. Yes, what about hoer? ok As vo aald several juonthu ago, vo repeat nov: Tiiose who It's the early Christmas buyer vho goba lb. bargains t=Udoned.auch an set are just as bail as the oee ho com -aId the bot goods. And, it's the merchant who HAS bar- m~itted lb. _______gaina taadvertiaes. He dares advertise tiaithefacUti. %~ HGH-LAND "THIS" HENANDNOW f eilov vho doesn't adverie them hepes to have you drop. LasGM-cii te Da"TIySn, dENAN D g iiNoor alu ud bke vbat h. bas vithout conslderation sas tewheth- *ltted vonfan, Lina Lai-son vho vas rsvaged by the. foirn- e tssbigi rnt S u tendent of the. Lakce County 1Poor Farn, vas ABANDONINO THIE COUNTY F'AIR ked rlghtand left by the Waukegau Daily GazetteTOhe poselblîty that 1the ant'tal auluinga le of «"hoUier than thou" , i.slabed the Lakte c ... t yfair ls to become à thIng AS C wu ilifillIghtiy. in case the dtrectons find It A ^ CAMBRA malga big ado out of nobblug, that lb vas unchar4 necessary to sabtidon' the annuel te te agd ma mdtbat tue Wfaivt hadne place eev tit lae s bg change for Laite- Itab totheage wumandcounty Itla rogrettable In many *ecAM o defnse.respecta. il seeme too bill that Laike The OSun thon bock tue aide et the uni orbunate voman county:canlhot rnaln Ifteua tla fairlifer t hu rn iong for mc 1 MdIudoted that rlgiit b. doue te her. Efforts te vlllify rnsny yeai5. wmpro aeti ~~vpositon, dld net ater our course. anf couyrseavn$rtedi A fev eeka ago, lndlcablug hov tue other Waukegau disnerceet ahds can sLM u wht eh t lhcode cf etblcs and mor*ale," at- ,cowvr:l,d ~ilseeme su If the dlrOC- tii Su beaus, dslrng e sow litlecbaltytors mîght try to carry It alotlg s he iio cadsmm d. ai mistesuhoallead tYwhie longer and get Into a porlod of cm wo ha mae a l mitakand ho the reconstructionl whor. planas ,y b. purapuattr miArthur 'Wrlgloy readjusted co 1the future WIl e bot- repontait sud bis seul bad been vashed dean tbi-ougii... thl tept o f ou",lat A tt n i n and repentance. gel mon n ho' positions of dIrectors Le whc are enthuselstO n the succOft T RE S n AAMce ecuel tscsol A f a business of think knd for it la For the kiddies there ie Do oe6Mera ne_ __atce ecuei hi aei certain thal It muet fi If @PàthY 10 boat the sturdy littie Box Buater hnpends ta exat smong officais In Brown. It makes fine Picluresanmd ~u ueeuecae,Âppeys I vs bavled out" be- charge. The qiuestion le: "'Can Lak ito vustand bard knÔc&s.Sç simple lb1 "bad net shovu chaity" te a inuwio had com- to beome a thlng of the pas?" and efficient that anyonO cari ieamn b ashaeflat upon a state charge-sund admitted ___ ___ make excellent snap5hots. Pricco, a, shmetulfronti $275 ta $4.50. lieum tried bu, deny lb; lu the second case viien wei BUTTER 78 CEN--ULPS TI abevu chaity te eue who confesued bis guilt and C a.' t b. that the. farinons out about 014A1i1Cterse>E $5 sormow over lb sud pald the. prie. by taklug hus Warý-n don't want ta capture that AÀ mi to îhe'niumh te Joe. VU sbnieiil+i3lif ê~sho 55d eharbwstranger who malles nlghtly calis? An deal Christmnas Glit *u ashaefu thig t Bhw sad cariY. e'e 'con keeping Il up night aftt $ Aftua if you esu.explalu the "lethics" or morality or night-and hoestili manages ta dine Of evppridesa, ve'd like te hear what lb la. regumrly each night, nt boing par-*DUKE' RI~ OK ho unvas vmong lu tfie eue case, lb. could't be orra cmail arnount of butter wlth his othe-yetthe 1"hIgher -plane newspaperi moaI -Andi, with it et 78 s»nte -a ____________ pound, he certaIly oughttt10bb. cap- tured If he'u golng teo keep on being For lilaie and Wantt ^de. In Thq boatIl? .se wasteful. ndependent bring recuite. VILLAOE 0F 1.bUER11TYVIU.E sa i wmeeting of the Truto. ofte sa of Iberlyviloe heMDecember 2. J18. Frouent, Prouldent. J. B. morne;i moixe, colline, Davis, E»Wsorth Mmd vt% absent Golding, Wrlght Iealng eaied ta order by Preedeut B. More. Mianute.of meetingIt elM vember 4, 1918, vrere rendi. Mov.dd ColOinse.pontied by Hart that minute. Sapproveti anti pad on îile. Ays.-1 Alins, Davis, lovnrlh, Haft Carrled. Tb@ tpueoar'a reports for Sspbestt, eobef and Norember 1918 vore reat. oed by OmOs aseudeti by Eilewortb ilt ltereporta be accepteti andi pleoed 1 ale. Âyse-4olItns, Davis, Ellsworth ti Hart. Cmrrled. rTe talloviiog bille vero rendi: tbIIc Service Co., pover ......83050 KlIcbmran, smla'y .............. 75 (0 8. Llmbomry, eolary........... 75 0 A . T rep to v , salary ..... 2l 2" homor y Ille Lumben Ca, fel 4 . .ait CV. itgiser, prtintlg121,5 V. À Niebôlua, @%orni a sh. 4 P. Evilior, lamp andi repaire 11i5 ablicSBervtco'a., etreet lghttng 12087 Abortyvlîo Independenl print- Inn ................................ 12 55 John timter, âeciai policea..... 600 iteretate Bsmud and (ravel Ca., gravel............................. 72 23 mis Krucbman, etreet varb .... 700O ]o. Trlgge, elmeot vork ..... 8850 Jhn Brixon. stroot vomb...... 680 Ire Dept. lire cmliantiprmetica. 1600C Movoti by Cotilie e.coDdod hy Hat% tiot the bille ho miOoved and wvamats -- - - - - --- 1 m---- -- ------------s:;:m :ss ,WANT AD S IM -0cmb P UnF" àa t»;SSS:S FORt SAE-Pýlmoti1=dbcocbeous. M. P. Wagmor, Phono 974-R-l, Prairie View. 484fl FOR SALE--Champ: Fmed nuit dOing room suite, 8.plece living mous suite, tron bed vlth springe andi mettroe». Ibrary table, bitchon haolioem rocti rockers and rot rigerator. Ma« Kahner, Mecond street, nom, Orchard. 50-1 FOR S spm gtngsrJ.P. Quorin.Phs 265M1.50 se ev, 20 gange. Addross A. C. E. Indepedont. 50 1 -R7 ICAESTATE * FOR SALE-Cholceoeleot$1hcm McKlaiy Ave. Mm e lmee. 24 FOR SALE OR RENT-55.ere farrn. 4w etlnoe. L ib ertyville , 42 il buo.11 13tif no,tbe olti. Prorninent + III8 ELLA.N OUS as+ blood linos. Uaacl stock. re»coable ________________ pries. Address. Wnî. McCredlo, Loks WANTED-Old cloen cotton rage. WiIl Villa. 111. 47$p4spy 4c a pound mt the Independent FOR SALE-Four lots. Inquire o.[1 orL . F. Brown on Broadway etreot. Liberty- GET. OUR ESTIMATE before order. vill.15 p utngStorm csh, house movinir. ville. __________ 0___ Pl___hoae ralslng. MIon Institutions and FOR SALE-A 40 acesand an 80 mce Industries. Dept. 4 Zion Clty. DI. fari, i mils from Labo. Villa. Good M Pono 49 Zion City. W'cly l2t solO and gooti bullinge. Loy prie@ and esy terme. Immediate poss...on. The Insepondent' circultion OUR. Stock, lied andi Inplemonts If tieoireti 1«Omt f READERS--ti « ofmnte&. F. M. Hardlng, Ares, 111. 42tf i tant& Colline. Davis, Ellswortb, Hart. Carrieti. to emi, It wvu black and hard as a rock, launebed a firs.eatlng ati.acb aboya Vir. Mloveti by Colline secomded ty Davis ta tbey »my it le made of potatoets andin tulles juot t davn on the 1 tb It va. aijouno. Carrwo. scav mmd corne ather aoed groundup. no nild tbing, that lait fiare of tbe bat- J. ..Trptow, VlileClerg.,@mornfa the boys have got soin@ of thee île, and lite order'to Ceaie firlng did zob ________________ bread for souvenir to labe borne 1 have rdeaih the mon On tbe ftont lin@o util the. A LETTER FRON FRANCE snome German money wbieb i amn goîng la% moment, wheti rurinerte sped wltb It to keep. W. cau pget ail ml kinde of trom foi baie ta fox hale. cetr a ouvenirs ve vmnt, but t id l ta mncb of Tben m quit. tartiing tling ocuirredi. An following lntereoting tte a ot1 ar br.ianjon ~Tbeeylire of the creet abeait (fltb.m reeeived by Mre. Hlfer frarn bervoun, abri *o carryre auddrîly1opamns vtb dncin Barry, who Ie n France: ,e.Idi.ors. ddwn tîhe eup, al lite vay Novembor 19, 1 918. Weil vo em, arne gond novs If It le tu the irbed wire, etralabb for the. )emrMothr: tue md t ues it e an tba Ibowho ernna, came the IGrman troope. Dea Moher tre ad 1gue-g t l an tht te woleTbey carne vitit outotretxbed bande, ear- Just a few limes ta lot you bnow 1 arn 7tiî Division le going ta he on. of the to,-eartgrluos mnd souvenire ta eway for e)ing fime mnd gettlng fat. The weatber tiret borne. 1 beard we wene to ho back cigarettes. so weil didti eiy bnow ltsw sa fiue nov, tbe sky la dem, rnost every tn the etaten before Cbratrnas. We bave litt1e wemkneae ot their f,@. Tbt.y came lay but befare tho va, watt over It tmmcd everytbîîg In mnd oxpoct ta leave to tlîl boue pleased tbey wore tbe ight ~aind oeryday yo voido Ibat or srneseaoriOn da orIvommdbati stopp.d, baw gladtb ey vers the ralnd eeryday yo woldn' thnk or ain seportln da ortoandKmtieer bad depmrtod for parie unknown, tho abootlng hâti Bsarnucb 10 do vltb lte boys ont of the'dtb Di)vision eupply boy fdne Ih wasta bo now they voulé tho vether. But Iàbe veatherisgetting train amy they arc aI@a going ta baev, bave a republic mi lai in iernary. cooI nov It froozes every nlgbht. Weil 1 villose for tonlgbi. i bave Cuit .N" e aid one stubborn l1111e l'ue- 1 visb sou couilioe@ the prîsonens a lîttle iiffe outfthei per ta Dnd aanl'@ n bingiloin vo vant."' bore ot u Oernay, ov b. ousu ou an e. hmlbe7b Dvison Whereat bis ovn cornpattlos rnobbea cornlng hm u fOr y o h o o o a ewa h t IInhlm mmnd bowled hMndown rond le cnowded wltb tbern, tbey are of lias datte tbe l&et montît or twv'. i The farest ortb nt 1il o'Clncb on the ail ationalîtles mmud @corne ai loob Weil 80 long. f ro:it of the two armies va. beld t Ilt bal. oDly ball c!othed and haIt ii. Bamrry. ex trema Americarn OIlt un Sedan vay hb, tbo troupe of îb.. 7rlî lîviai',t. Tb*. (errny mivt in awinl :Condition, Attack Before Vigneulles îoeîbeaî ait- lie ntfenret la lte lhine.-. oorne idtheb.Eugliih boys, vto Ihave Probably te bardent figbting belicg vas beld by ltas. ncogrt) soldiens vho, been captuned and n prison ion four doue l'y amy Atueican In lte final bour i ed ta malte ut) tbe oui New York 151h yasmythat rnany of te Uennian wast that wlbengagedttie troapai of IL. ,iend liav@e l)og Lceît h,ig'dpd vîtOtthe 1er eyFienehi TOy vre i.t 4nc.. and ther people are now tarving ta deatit Tbey 2ifth. 92nd,Ist mnd 7,tblilvilono "'wlth iIre ram n ogtThann nd ,ricoqe b., sitowed us sorne uitbe bremd tbey bâtd I bo Second American IArnyv,l eha' rilwey that leada la Calmar. $ensible ghristnîas Presents This Year Give Something Useful A gift of furniture will convey your weIl wishes in a degree uneulled by anything'e1se It makes a use- fiand erdrng gift that wili afford you endless source of satisfaction . The biggest tbing in a woman's life is her borne. To ber anytbing that makes ber home Iighter and brighter, more livable and lovable, bas a greater than mew'e monetary value. BEST VALUES IN TOWN ARE HER Our store makes your Christmas shopping easy. A large variety of highly artistic and dependable furniture and home furnishings invite your inspection at prices that are really exceptional. Big value and entire satisfaction with each and every purchase. Our stock includes a good selection of Book Cases, Rockers, reed and oak, Beds, ftugs, Couches, Library Tables, Pedestals, Chairs, etc. VICTROLA- BRUNS WICKPHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS TOYS FOR THEMLTTLE FOLKS Even the kiddies prefer presents that give pleasure and comfort for thse entire' year, such as Kiddy Cars, Sleds, Wagons, Autos, Desks, Blackboards. Trunks, Wheel- barrows, Beds, Cribs, Tanks, etc. SEE OUR TANKS IN ACTION, GET ONE FOR YOUR, BOY, BUY NOW ONLY A LIMITED'NUMBER ON HAND The Ray Furniture- and Paint S t o e Telephone 9 Libertyville M, o. eloea. Meeotin easvtot&H. The v i vilIlbe lb. O'Clocb.a Taylor. attend. Tlhe ci Thursdaj O'Claeb. attend. ThbéWc viii holti ve.b The 1. 1 I L I M c m

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