Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 1

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LIBERTY VIýLLE LAKIE COUNTY INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXIVI-NO. 51. SIXTEEN PAGES. LIBFIRTY VILLE, LAKE COVJNTY, ILLINOIS, TKIJRSDAY, DECEMBER- 19, 1918 KEATHI EXACTS IIEAVY TOLL IN IRIIS VICINITY Accidents, Combined with Ad- vanced Age, Causes DeMise of -Two Pieoers --I. passible wuc don@ fur ber by ber rola- tlres and friendg,,euccumbed aftrr a very brie! llînetit. Mrs. Leuber was Iormnerly Mise Mar- tha Alliafer, dauglter of Mr. and Mrm Joseph Alkftr, and was well an u .sor- ahi! kno.en ta ajany people of Lberty- ville, ut alîlcb place she was employed previoue to ber marriage. lsurv ving ta niaurn ber deaîh are: ber' buobaod, fatber, nîotber, two elters and two brothere, besîdes numnroue other relatives. lTb@ fanerai 100k place from the reaidence at 12 eïcluck noua, Tues- day, tbe Intermentbing la Lake Zurich cemetery, INFLUENZA STIL PREVALENT STANLEV CURTIS After an lîneas or but a few days o! CIaims as Vctims Several Per- Influienzia ollawed by pueumoula, Stanley Curtis. a brigt yauth of sirteen yeare. tsons of More Tender YearS dîed at the borne of i parents. Mr. and Durlng Past Week Mire. Edwin CurtIe, about a maile nortb o! Libertyville, at 10 o'cdock Sundayl ulgbt, ietembel 15, 1918 He sias a HENRY KERN student lu thbe Libertyv;ie 1public echools ~b et o lny Keru, wilu!,-l>aud iucbml deatb lo genrally Theure d aIte omel ntlct a deiorFd by a large lrisie of at-quaint- c. loek Frliay nîglît. Dereier 13,11,18,M.ancelts ides hi-i father and mot ber, tir ended a long and rultful li!e o1 u9cful- le survivedby îre sstere. nue.sAbîut feh weeke ago lie fWI an d1Hie fuouerai wa.. hed roui St Lawrence tuetalned a fracture (if the bfp, eînei, Epscopalilti tfileCty Wdileeday alter- whicbtimebe l-i hen cuf 11d tobis .Ïi ut 3 <o'ciock, the services belng bed, dtame be rinqIriatn hilleriug ae lIdctjb3 the r-tor, Rev. CUeter aboïe tated. iC 1MIL.Tie lureraient Wam Ilii Lakeolde lienry ýern a-as birn lu Lel,9î g tetr> couniti, leîsl>ua oerl, 1833. JOHANAS T. HUBELKAMP be bdbg the elltë o!d mli -flldreii. He Thdeà u ubl came to Letke ,ount,vllinuîî, I M, îr i riThe dINI, r1o! ,hnaethe-,,,irllu, r-turnfii Iabaout tsi ouîrtils un,, aul .iýwrr r Il- a 'Il, ,ittlitîg Ilii Nlal,tiîirîit ,oqnty, 0hh1'. j br,,tler, lbout 2 il,!, îr,-iîor t rii cli -currd oi lur-lav l>,'.,îber where l1ir. cl ir îitil 1".5,(; le i . - u r, n1.- e retu rtêed' l'IIlri1104.anud!b,-ga>îrili 1. Or Iff,,te , hi, ati An ~ ~ ~~ - nc iîg.-f 2t; y-ais iiil ! 7 î,l,,. i An 1,,rîtteveir ît Pw iii o. ,br,,rler s n '- iy -io-h-Iil t Febrtiatry 22. 8l'M, w heu lie a aO unI i"d ' ,,,î , Ir> île luii rirîVk i i..-1- , la iarriae -to Miary C. Thoîma-, -lauglh- the luteriliiit b.lug n MIout iî ter of lbristIaiî anîd Cathierinelrie reueti3,>.aiiiga ploneer nectierre of Friniotit tbowiell DE farewell 10 lite yo'utg vn Ile, t, eflilIili ilD P . CK O hl@ countrys sers j-.-foîr tlîr.,-e rand EIN ES R O ;6 . a-as acg)eio i~i,îlan ofuithe EuR OR d"E !N it i tilh liii î,,Is I nîfantry. lifter, ervlug for îl fi*,rth. lesuferrr lier.1 marint 11juiemDRUCE NOT DEAD I& bot at lue Ie Ky , tlîe Injuries'i suetalned cauming fis diocharge from t-lie service~none w yu~î Uîî annur-l Ele returneit aud ri-sume,! firmlnr lu! Fremont townoiîlp, coniutl Ife in tbat capacl.ty until 1881, a-lpiu becaîlii ta Lîbertyville, wbere be lias Miure beecu & permanent raillent, conduet!ug for tome yeare a botel aud llvery stable. 0e w& & member of Waukegan Post No. 374, Grand Army o! the Repubîle, Surviving t10 uarntbe lace of a lovIug fethber are tira cano and one daugbter, ils wlfe bavlng precedeit hitasin destb April 21, 1917. --------------------- i .,. .., .st :30'rlsrk ed Dead of Wounds,, Alive Government Announces PARENTS RECEIVE LETTER Dated Nov. 20, Fifleen Days After Govemment Officiai- Iy Reported Death AIN'T IT A GR-R-RAND AND OL-L-LORIOUS -FEELIN'? 37 ourt OY 9f lverirnMNew Teck Tribun& ONE TO EIOHI. ~1.5O PI~d~ YEAIC IN ADVJ -WOMAN SUFFERS FRACTURFU LIME ires. J. Oetar Johnrson, a-îte of the foreman o! the s gitt larm, ahout a mIl. weet of! limeiy, îmet wth a dietreemini aceident abonut 8:1-5 o-li-k iîda mornlng . Biug short o!flîelp at ME tarin, Mrs, Jobîeuoîîuidsriook ta delivel tire uilk ta t1wir iik depot lu town WOULD MKMA LAKE COUNTY I le BY FEDERAL À( 'y Law-OrÉer League ani rOrganizations Presenl ter to Secretary of N Upon reacbing a point u tilwauliee avenue, wbere it Interrecte the C. M. & 8t. P. reilruad, the homee became frigbià-DMAD 2-IE Z ened, preeutuably st the milèl train. E AD 2 MIE Z Mr@. Jobnouo also becume lrigiitenied sud jumped front th. wagon, eufforlng a fracture of!thli Iinjbl the flil. 8he wu@ Thomas Quayle and Roy. takien to thp ullire o!fLUr Taylor, wlieret Wiliams Leaders là the fracture wa@ reduced and afterwards Move Covingkk wu@ takien home lu a car by J. N Bernard. Sle i reported to be restlng easlly. Demandsa tit alLake -.ouM made dry territory or that nt lu G. A. R. ELECT OFFICERS 20-mlle dry zone be Croqttd At nu> ui nretingo! ohnG.Great Lake* naval station f6oiÏ Ragan Post, Na 7-42 G.A . il principal feature of a flew tMOO DeCinbr 11, he ollwI . wre el1étdIn mtd by te Lake CounaW lieembr 1, te lllolngwer e antd ~JOrder Lengue and otIter 4W t,, olice for thvcin îfg .ear: zatlons ln Lake Coutsty. --7 Coouîiaud, r, J. E. BaHard. Accordlng to 11ev. Tliômais 9 IS. V. C., S. 1i. l',,. of!the La 'n;îotnty Law-erder 14 J. V, (-',, Peter YQower. >teps have been taken afred Quîrberuiaser, F. H. Iî,îrèrîîuý. 5k Secretary of Navy Dantella I. 1D., Dlaniel il1omlk is influpnce to have the preti 0j. G N tI. lotket. lire cotinly dry territO J ý A. lettonover ft', trrtor: fot a eW ,ý Adjuant,0. E('liirIillýhbre and tlere- but the xw AdjuautO. i i,îrllicnunîy ni laite. lre.t, .IPol)-- . Aund, if <luit doe-ts'C apPeal 1 Atiruti , F- P. A ,p,y offifil-, at Wahlnztcn thonl 1i it thpv create a 20-naft uTrILITIES BOARD PAUTHORIZES 700, -abouît thse naval statIl SALE 0F WAUCONDA RAILWAY' ,,les wnuldnt leave mucli ohm 'ilnb aite rtity for the lf illiOflhs11,111v,, ,pointq 1i thri inty ate 8n« Conimi i Iut o%,r 2imles or 22 ml"esIf the tine,, Zurich and Wauconda Rai-i from ireat it aes. road compny vta purciiaze the Wau I 0thers AId Move. I <egan., ai ki,,d and EI,în t racitîOzri t i, statvid that Rev. Ear WC compri).,n3 > ,,rorly, 1,-fl x>C t,- thc national lav enforcement agi gante $;10.000 tu ca>pitalai tici , i, ît llie Methodîýt ehirch, la ln Iformer conrpany anîd $100.(iiiu Of ve 1<1 Mr. Quaylp and that the lî,,îd7 *,îoi utlorizing Lhe inu- Dof iethn>odIýt, Presbytertan aud, $lJ,.HO o ra' ti sockuidS lQOîi denoiinalions are alsO l010104 of bonds tv lie frr c ompafil and n! ineIntemVm t granting it a certîficate af' cons-eu- 1ffpiPI ts oemu 1vi,-ja nd înecesity ta aperate Ote,, 55it for thse largest dry ote W railroad betwecn Palatine and Wau-' Idential action that has evu conda. i ought at any time barriiig (This merely means that the stat£ tioflal prohibitionl move. utilitîe commission han authorized it 1,; stated that thse requesti the consimmation oi the deal made bis h een ld bep» UT. 1 recently w hen thre receivc-r sald the and tâ liebc l19 co n i e ns 4 property ai thre litte rair>,ad tsi the aternsid*rifnow. bondh,lders' comm lîtee whIch bld t er e e o f O rs.e S lu at the sale. Thrunthe t stop teemec ore o bas been taken for the format Opera- for tlhe demand at this tisas M titan of thIe road under thse new own- la the explanatlon th1e dry fouII erahip and management). v ane: ______________ 1'ey say that Insidé OfA WIE JIC onths, by Ma1redlope* Swet"tplNûSLa-flb. 50.000 mgÏà"-i n * - ES Great tsies for lte V. 'ILS-1 IN PIIONE RATMarine and that tliey foid i IN PH NE Pa ES be protected iroin bonS"1à- ws~ 8 i ,,c u~r W ~ It the utmofft. Th fu e ____tons MA L iii SI. ThnoWufliOý iBunday atr rImpressve services I GorgDuesof____ ___hat________a alie betngeonductobte RevEarl bisparets.uce i Gaysof ,thebar onBundays, the Bell- B«bsouuttLngDstncthen. Ti e ti cons, famrheadr dlwtoenti Chrges andorxe a on,,miles of Hali DRY an la te [anho ceetey. <,cefromMs.aitJMs-. Ewar ISSUED soo 10haIt rMoitaeds, or 10 fr- TRACTS AT GREAT Caretnd Fxe a -la stîli -et by reasost CARO 0F THANKU. a-eek ago. Informning them that he mantaining lot, machines or Xanrb e-Stnar,_tth_____Vig 0 W. aieh ta tbank our mauy good had died of wounds recetved ln ac- IAng oflTC.mI¶ on teeproStandardcourethe town lsS friende who no ably assleited qus lu aur tlon. Ie, like NMark Twaair miglît AUAIN'ST -IIUICI4LisTheaiatry itlnon tse premises LALS NA VAL STA 0 Wgi-tn oc 6-PRna t6r cou wr e se al have arltptn home that thre nea-s of 1.i eneral Burieson yesterday annon- Haîf Day absolutel!. laie bereavemesit. tise statpes attorey, fieda pettton ln euto nnih ogdsac Is e-msecre C.O, .H.adF.SKeu sie d*fteatiDws cnsldeealy eagle court las summer, chargtng many Don elephone rates, and a charge for ail prise becasise oi thre lad - rom the a-ar departorent f'rtdiy >Jde R. K. Welsh Enters Fin- violations as a recult of a-hlch It a-as Contractôors Who Are long distance calles wheiher the Indi- tion. imiless tnterferefl00 GEORGE W. CLEVELAND nîglit, statlng <at the annoiînrement laimeld the hotel as It a-as Ieing vda aldt ece rnt x4cýt oetrl r Th fnra o helaeficrg W f helkecuny ong ma'3 lDecree in the Case of conducted was a nuisance, suirserv Work Have Been CaIIed to Thedual ae srAct or lot. ex q atagoet ted t h e L ip p nT hetn e a-l r ae oe spu b l iTmo r a l eeA na n u arnc tn ent , b u t il b e1l r Cleeadtunr!o! tlplacefime uIleor- dWeO!tIre Laeicl.t oterasrehr.pict Htl ie fpbicmrl. i nrîcln Washington, It Is Said 21a. fea mooths elapsfng bho _____o_____ _7____r.an____sed Ate 8ar ljuctoi :301p. m. to 12 p m. Haîf day rate mlt. and JutY lot. a"re ternn al o u J. . T Ire erv, -eSn a Mrs. Drues recelved aa -wIre from , the waas asite<l t titat tîme. 12 p. m. te 4:30 a. m., 4tis day rte. jlenth t eto JusifY theé r. a-ere canducted by Li1bertyville lodge aa eatnn ttn httil RESTRICTION1S ARE STRICTj FORMRLBTVLE CONFERENCE TO BE HELD Ail rates apply a-ber-e conni-etton la_______ .son had dled of wotsnds on Nos-cm- RLBRTVLEesbabli.shed, but 25 rper rentit dlItIon- NIre Be,EArl&A amîrgi , paséiotdtbe pre nts liew r efarlt the MAN ENDS LIFE AFTER ail1 ta Ir e cliarged aw-n a irar-ti A TIiCI to. 492, EA . i Ma>, aq t Paetes byber 5 eluviea- 0 atIeatat ten-DRINKINO DE9AUCH uitr person tir demirrded toa nssra-er -s jFAR Presbyterian churcb at ttîls cty. The their son, dated Novemtbor- 10, tirev Sunday Opening, Siot Ma- - Building Pro ject Unider Way cali and dose ansa-er.IAN AS I inéermet waq lu Lakeef de ceiuetery. were lnellned to doubt thse oMfrfalirot- . Fraln irtbertyville, Beach an d- 1 Clcvlan, - - lOcaion The tirahei ~chines, Gambling, etc.. are Z'nCîy iPtLvreahfo Now Would Provide Ac- Slmilarly a-hen a rail 14 made fori HA S R Er. lvla(wsaseteranlocomti',e fiain hytlgahdtWasIr -re yRuZgofC. ioerCatye fat aasassried aiti cmmdaionor. a riartlcriar riorson and the peratori engineer, bavitig s% orke>l for vearsiun the ...g-..but a-ere ....,-.. the Informa- Bare-- I Fg f t. jvr a y Il '-' 11h itl com- h onfor MIyIdIIY t li te person raîe<i is 19noî t !AL Linis uhete rnk Nea-e lo esach ln the <reslr- aithtIs<ePtiiorreor r(,eq te <olki W À U;I .srieo-h iieio Even this dld trot dlepel tise in- g gatie, a-hI ire shocked ta heari e oto h eua ael boelarn eepotd licLecl'lud" ilsigering douht that remalned ln tlselr1 Judgo IRobert Welch. Dec. 13, ls- tbat he comisftted suiede ai llth ThaIl conractera Fengiscel in prît- clrîrd. IYuhWoLvd hoe vent a-espt and trdtlesrIce o! intud and day by day tisey hiave been sued a decree 0of permanent Injurie.-I»I RIrodcs avenue, Engloswon>. Hie ting rIp tIre scores of nea bulhdlngs IAir Une rates are establlsIredron YuhW oL dN he went welu thedcase ai Edthard J. Brun- body a-as round lis the rooniing house aet the Great La'cee Naval Trainîig this bams: Up ta 25 mlles tIre rte adW re n tbe Sautberu'Paclflc warklug until 1895, ceved, tellinig them tirt an errer dage, attorney general, arnd James G. heI >betng filled a-Rh gas. station bave been called tea Wash-1 of cen ts fer carh isattmies la fixril. ndW re onF a-m ertrdo conto dacdIa eniade. This word came Welch. state's attorey of Laiecm- Ante a oun- tiredrssr, room ora Out to Make Il whA note a-as fouod on bIstdresserncngbondforea onterence, ta the report andl for grenter distances 6 conta tri1 peare, Frlday, nsary a week later and In ty, vs. Peter Jtohnson,. Steve Panesi, showiisg tIret ho bimself ha>! turned tlhat beceme crîrrent today' an>! led eacir elght rmiles. Thesîs rates arc' Frankt V. Waller'es. 9 Be a-as born lu tbe year 1829 and at snch positve torm tIrtlit cannant be Benjamin S. Llpplncott and Elizabeth on tise gas for tIre purpose of suicide. .otc cie ht possibly stops mîgit for the dtstance by air llno. hh'ldistoeU the ime ofthiei deatb waa aged 89 yeare. dîsirute>!. Lpictt, htia-ie. Tise entering The note sald tisat ho ha>! beetr un- ire on foot la cancel that portti o f A ftrtber effect ai Oie uniforrir conaultinrg engineer, 404 [tuin he arl 11ehoa-s mrre,, Is Almost asimultaneouslywaith tIere s- 0Ltrp eraen njntonfllae al t querbifs habit for Irooze bbesvorlç a-irch remeins madone. rates Ils bo rsducc sho)rt-dlstenr.- toitIrest Sunday tn Mua-agi %vits baving prèceded hlm ta tire grave celpt a! the telegs'ans telllng ai tIre a. temporary restrainlng ordor tisat and ho bilt tIret ho btter end lit ail Thre carrying out of tIre contractsI rates o !i, an,! " cents andrrive main eral warrant oni tire * ffyeart% ago. Survlving hlm tIo one errer, came a letter from Young Ires been ln el!ect ail surmer 1 at once. which have been aa-arded and a-i!ch4 utes btal t1-s alloa-ed as a -niir th ie mails ta, defrand. sofift G lvead -a -I i rueIiaoî.I -sdaeyNvm- Jh nad Panent, hi the termse Hoea-as 32 years ol>! and formerly are helng rarrie>! out as rapidly sIUdrtena-rt n -Iie ahl,, At t,ti<tas ofIl bd faml:reid on$sberyaveue IIsber 20 and sald that a-hile ho had of the permanent a-rit, are re t'l-lv> a\nkgn okn o oiepossible a-ould provide a naval loste t lk irom Ne -York tetoSan Zan- ïîoa-nownas T. APL a cit. n ctbe ltI letIr eftre Ieen quto 111 In a hospital tisat hoe>! tfrom ieeping or permittla ta bc e tim tthe tanner>'. RHo -still as- io a-hlsaccommodatiorns for 7 ,,000. csobt-e m .m ot 5frmonisaago ho* city onOctber15t lat, o sffeedvas getUIng eeong ait right, and kept or from sclng or giving aa-ay sociate>! aith Nevl at thse tlme b ire teamsieszo n lecag f$,nta f$6,1 na nloL l, ORi InJurY, froi tIre reents Of whcbhe@hope>! te ho homo beforo long. aili ntoxicating lqudf on thse prens.s-commte>! tIre ect an>! lu helieved tI IrearmIstnce Il bcdand, Uic -bchapreso $, reea! of16 atae r Aooh.. IL w .ldDcebr5, aI hi@ home tu Sprbng- George Bruce ia 25, years 01>! an>!as Ïnown s tise ppilicett isotel al! have wr> pe gîv> !strIleved ael aln_____the____ sl ente>! iteoi. sMd Wb fld, Ore. Bis rematus arrived fn lea awel-Ltknoandat>!papuler Youngl.ZFox Lait-e. TIey ae erestraiited als e g ofona- osl w tise am on !nov çeor fo er t is perqîlel rltiat tisegov . wth a" au LibertyvIlle at 2 'elock aturday alter. mant atGrayslaite and vicînity. He keeping or operating ale 0f mcliueu IlAvergne alofowoly lîve>! in 1.1-th w ou t oof eps orails om erqielgclbt h o-fetni I etr s oon. fi e waa aemmber or the lef t Waukegan ln one ai tise OrsI or other gunàbling dovices, or tram i ertyville, marryttra a Libertyvillo h l ed tht tis e a'no' osibe rmfVsiOfl in b so bti-;7'q10, lg la, - -JuepndntOrer ! ddFelas. drafts. maintainbgnu srisance. girl a-ho Ister dIve>! Iisa, chance tisat there a-lisho e77,000 bienr lng plans a-bore tlev are nn T ina l1r re.thse Tho denreet ssorrsofuOtd Frlthet -finftating biere iirrg p, ire r ! I aa,iiIICo i, r the The largeot AnttoCw MR.LL EKR Antinri, rrrclscd a-or> on Fril y of piemises b>' tIre Lpplnnt's ho came- wil a-îî Iea rivirlan ss-thin aa-eek It is ronsttîi re rî tii5.î115 h, i- o. r 1, 1-,t Il, 1s i.0iii", dl it--ioi vienît credît ho" Marha.hefe,> ~1i ~< >~ ~ '-.t Nvîe< fhaîl ber brother, -r-ed one othe ttan Johnson or'P-me-t. discliarge papcrs have gonA e t 1>-rinid t,< t il ioi nte ti11n 1'l" ii i, i i l - i ,*---- i>t r ri1n.tî 'ili t re>o -i --r auci9ida Serrrad, a-ho Ira>! ben ln F'r-ancedfor' for salgon purposes, but lit le stlpii- cmnaîdal ofie 1011a Lke 2i.h',ii r s tili rie>!a . ir.dri- , -ti ,il0O %îîl-et-ence. uSirta - 't >ii. ' Stîîî-mîrliî >~the pat rive nionths, lia>! surccîmtîd Inter thai tIrey susose ~entc aant i!iepeeduo as-oreî station ta I<mie svîa ai d. tii.- .b,- dn itr le ila!l. \i '-kîss When Welter 14.198 ica--i vcîina!te pnieumne on tOe lfthIrfaiovf--tise leaee,tbat a&4oeCffl eneu-_to t-t hre dedtention for j of tIre -ar have bee-irsettIe>!. s-be nmue cntrai-rlrcta n-r f ronsofc Doil'Yi, Ilf Atlug vfrlgbe.tare wi IOM Stle LopIU Mpya$al examInation Io required. 'Under the circumetances it a-irld thlItconferenrce. and -tbr l'a -r-n ,îIi ilog vr H e.frdW~ ~i*t iek LaeCounty's Big Weekly ~Cuhd0Gre@tSfSfIiIbI&Weeklsma Cousey Combined WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN k. op& corda. i Mlms .8 au e trou ru- Md lmi of tbï )id eli y hi, ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PER YEAR ýIN ADVÀ Tr Ai

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