Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 4

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Oficeelophom eNumbar I.Ubertyvl Exeheuge. ~tj b.poutoffleet LbertyvUbllle I .. 8 econd CI&-. Mil Mata ffcIel Publcalof for Th@ Village Of Ub.rlvvlle.' jolPmbmOS« f. Lake CeUmVBty crddet imubwepr.e..qp :Wa Thoundel., 1AdvwtlllUteRatad e.Knova on AppUcettou. MPTION PRICE. 01.50 PER YIEAR STRiCTLY IN ADVANCE MIN . . ...................................... Editor lIÙTH .................................................................éae e, CICARDT .......................................l.......... ..Local Manager: tÈOU WIN'T LIOKED"-ECBERT TELLS HUNS Prunier Ebert in addreang the Genmans said exact-j r'vhat the Sun predicted the Hums vold eay after they w4 Ieked-previdWfg they ver. flot'llcked te a fras- Wl, their cties burned, their art treasurs destrzoyed, etc; é4 ve ni they'd aay just vilat they are nov saying and Smake. one feel all the more that an armistice possibly iould fot have been ulged until they ver, sent te their »a in supplication and after they, tee, had ufred ac iBuce and, Belgium have sufered-a fact which they Wtâdy- are gloating over tilat vas net thlecaue. Beaitisl from Ebert's ispeech te German soldiers: > YIour deeds. and sacrifices are unexaxnpled.... No nmry overcame you. Oxly when flhc preponderance of Ur opponents ini men and material grew ever heavier did re abandon the struggle. "Toit e.dured indescribable sufferings, accomplished womparable deeds and gave, year after year, proofs of var unshakable courage. TYou protected the homeland imn invasion, sheltered vour wives, children and parents rom fiames and slaughter and preserved tho nation's r.rkshops and fields froni devastation. "With deepest einotion the homneland thauks -%t. ton can return with headaeset. Neyer have men donc tr sutned more." ~And, read til further referenco, in a cablegrarn, te k» ituation in Gobionz, vhlch ity the Americans have - "Thstea.d of cringing, or even showing deep respect, b. population adopted an attitude today that found ex- m"suon i.iýtIing American soldiers on the streets and sanmeers and laughs which were only vaguely concealed." Ian't that the Germazi of it? Dome't that show their feelings lu generations te corne theylU be teiling how "vwe khsd the wvend and surrendered merely becaum e v od lut nothing and had destrzoyed France and Belgiu io * tht it meant nothlng for un te keep on-vo could -61 Jobig more, v. oould dustroy notblflg more.' Noeit, Ebert sayu lu plain vorda: "No enemy over- »»sv ý'-hatdoes lie mean? ies 0 'W IAt VIVUF~ Rebert RooftHghland I eut Undor Bond Leavei AN AUTO ALSO MISS Car Belongng te Payms Maloney 0f Great Laki Gene et Same lme t k Hihlsnd Park snd Lake can fliels are trytu gto get trace c bert Rouse of Highland Park, i ho* vaâs rccently indicted bi Lake eonnty grand jury Iu onu witi the dlepositkon or an autor ,wned by Floyd Coans af HM Park. Bouse has disappcared tram land Paes. That would notr no mach vere It nat for the fi Indietmont bangs over hlmu ang et thc saine duc ho dicappea Ford sedan car avncd hy Pa" fdaloney of Great Lakea etitl we d1aapp.sred. .Eport ha. 1 the Ford vent aloug viii Roi Accordingly-the fact that thi beionged ta Uneje Samin i sui reasan for tic naval station a ties ta aia lie Interestéd ln IR viiereaboita. Tins the navy0 enc jotnlng la the. search ta bin. It seorna tis soute Umne Mo, Coans tnrned an automobile0 Rlouse, to Bell. Ne Io sald ta ha, It at a price far above viat told hlm ta clil %for. Laie, plaed tié matter ln lte cimuni s&M lndlctiment va. retunedo Bouse.The charge vas cu ment. Rancse bac neyer beau b ta trial. George Coone, enothei land Park man, aigned his 1b0 $1500. il soeeuethat Paymaster M turned thc Sedan over ta Rau eral days ega viti the. reqi 11r P.R)qe called NMeloni one nlght and tlad himlmie) chance ta seli il. KReviU toi ahead.Nov Pegluaster lo vondering 110W ha vent a viether ho sold theaMcansud manay or viather be 100k I and droveawaay in IL. At am Rous and the car are bath V It lealikely liat stops vfl lE vien the. time eomee te ha bauddunnvich Rouie saou relcase forfcited sud "VU Coons wtfllbave 10 ensWer1 falla,. to appear. lit la farther seid that Rou a traollof lad dcliii lu H Park Incladlng bille fa, nev shoce, etc., sioug tie ."von chanta of HIglilaud Park. NE4RO BUTLER LU TÂKEN; )IS CHU iWIT I MNY '111 -- ---z A V * ~ £ - limpanaeb. omeo titow . W A N T Illen snd Weai na la beitVill But lb.solicited& WI o h. h A st ..pi Should Wear fl.ed OrossEmblem lDye la pléow witevh.e . ollcors iosa moCécie . . t [mil go, or *Il but thos. vbh ave ot à 0» burri.d waacé aitthomoallleot sonaotei mod la théir moneo it . sbmssu a:sbe:sSSBZS blo»us.b. veek of Deambe 16-28 IF. J. Wrght, sser.tary of the.]Liberty. vl tMUla iot about tii. idaouà ftUb@rty. villa Cbepto, %ad thoir memberéhlp t 701 S LI 4'++ >iik vyl. maa" voe"St. cortléte. vimdov bausner, mal., end Il tb. 1919 mnih.arlp button of the e.. vil b. malied promptly la returu. FOR SALE-Four iotas. Inquire of L. FU PmdCramielabelag wora, theglanes vil For lb.bemeât o!thoeolatb v LlaeI .Brow"nuBroadway treet, lbry. iq register safltt.rlag Impression. Thni lisait ho vore not ethobu viwonhoévTll. 6129dm button le to lbe glyen 10 svery, &duit sollitors calsdorvho lorohior t ceom. + ~I6wbo payé tbe ornedollar memberabip coutldono itgohouirmerablp vh.a FOR SALE-A 40 acresud «Î80 sies. Biedoe uttedolrlae h.liait signefi. b.olletor callod, the aCa. gO,42rm, 1 mile hru LakeVllae. ood W. cent hhlag about d. traneetion. Kennedy buildng. viilbeopen Baturdloutsol sud good buildinge. Loy prif, and i Wbat the. Amer"on Red Cia.. vante @venins until 9 o'clock. Kladil brimg ouiee*y rme.,Inbi.diaté possession. one aster' thue Chiai le to paeothe worid mejour money tutahe room -and reouîveStock, fond and Implementa If deelred. G es liat the.Amerlesa people aie h.hind the jour battons, vladov beannr.sud P. M. Hardng AÀ a - .42tf R.d Cis.eporit. Universel membèebip oter materiai. FRlA--hlerodueit nh wiii prove tht.. To record sucb a mei-FRs.-Cor eienelt nh bcebip the Bed Cross Cratuse Boit McKlni.,r ve.Otime«.. -3.4 In ty of- Cail le blid the wéeck hereChrstmas..D Sprtleld, ofiMareg.,15.-Ndvsrd FOR SALE-Elght large Holstein heifee, - of Ro- No quota ha. beeaeslogued to Lberts- *Dcloehurtiaif o!J.Marengo, RaMea: L aman ville becacse lta ps edtuanroit every- house leader, hors on businees. d - cos 50l-2 . .Qers hoe )y tenbdy.d afl »hat ho woud not become a26Mi.02a y thc body. ~~~~candidate foraliseaker snd tiat h.le .aebranoU h ne 'etian The msmbr.hlp hution hoa. a bie n ivas la fava, of' David E. Shanahan hr r asleI h ne ,glnob ivh-a red croie ln the center ai a.vwhite for the ohar. Shufleff la bansPendent'a advertIsIng solumna,. vil bandhckground sud tb. figure 1919 under ooosted by gnoe dry organisation.s Hîgh- the. red crose. For lromee. store, for the speakerabip. matter fatorisa ad offices there la a B.d Croie sect an Service.Fleg ta bediepiayed lu windows. I? TV T f, Yi id thai 1% bau* double bine border repreeetiug C Miro/i M ared a thi emcond minbenship and a C u Ugo..ilS uit Gti ýmter red ciela b. euwrer a ewhite back-IQuntGot to al- ground sud the figure 101 par cent., for Mtoitkicoi tu e that a pbu si n e h ed t ousire h. e rli Servies Bunday 'viiho heid amfollov.,- The soph o mores held a'very leteretlng Io fficlent No famlly in l.Iberty tilltt ehauld haviiin 2ev. RBoomvIFI piesebia Chrlma. i. ea nivoen fra e"laitie. i uthori- noetet ta diepiey a ttervice Fiag vlthsemnoth uiePecan odTeegtv falywnu$heee ( RGuse's oniy anc cross. There sbould ha added eevn owar Mou I the v eins deG<><>< ansi, affirmative 80, negavive 36. officielàe mal B.d Croie for each uember of the WU oadMn"lul.eclgli lm. Sumner. the ncv Etnglisher, arrlved T1 locate Iamiiy. The alm la ta anraiti familles@» plnidC00em: ana..nttldIondey. pcr cent. equalir vlth buin... concerne."The. Chrstmas KD«," viii bu giron by Hurrah! Tva vhoie veeks vacation! b FlaYd à Bcd Croes eeu ha added for eacb th choIr. The public cordiliy Invitcd Dr. Carvie Ale-xander delvyered an over ta membcrehip. ta attend. intereetleDit au "n Bygiene" ta the. t iv sold The Whte Roue, lu Wahngton viii Neit Sunday avenies et 6:80 tieen mobilirs of tie P. Ti. A. and tic bighp Coons have a I100 par cent. Red Crosi Service viii hae a Chituae iesson fur the. Bp.iholgrs Coanavortb Longue service the subjeet bains,@catgr li cor Feg sud Prosident Wilson, vio le 5150 *'Peaee on Earth." A cordial invitation We arc aIl gied ta velcone iHarold aizalesioenlth. otRedtaCfossiosit, e 15 ztuai ded toaial. Strsng andIHumaei Fiagg hack ta aur nbezle.homelu-he ounty t folow uit ne The Prayer meating for beit veeket @ chant. Bath vere lu the. S. A. T. C.* at brougt has raid, 111 aummon yan ta tii.eauom tii M F. eliurch viii b.e hed Thuredey Racine Collega. and have nov recceied %r Igh- radeehip$" and ïLbertyvlle boueiii îvenîug. Dicember 26, instead 0fr Wed. their diecharge. and for accept thc Invitation. - ned&Y aveelnoe. ('hletmai day. Mise Golden Ward ha. icen unable ta naoney mait ta le y i l bail a Id to go oncy ia mbead- got the the car îy rate1 cnc. ce taken ave-the red *hie George for hMs une let ighland F uits, MI mer kiED EflS TO EXTERMINATE THE CHINCH BUG Couuty Farm Adyleor W. P. Miler o àmouplu couuty. formeriy e reeldent of Lihartyvilla. la stil active lu the dis. char"e o! hie officiai dutias. even if tha farmlng ecasan la suppoeed tu ha end#. Hie lateet nove, et the suggestion a! Sltate En nlogiot Filt, le ta naugr- .te a wAr non the cblnch bug. The In, ti cl la ot id i R aàn, lie aysl: *You protecteduonieîana xrom mva' Albert Glaze of Lake Forest iielteed yeur-,vives, chlfdren snd parents frc>m Occupies a Celi in the Laker qbter and pneserved the natlon's vorkahops and fields County Jail CE M. devatation., see? They're gloating over the fact O ~t tey "eMenet made te sufer as France and Belglum WÙI!D - IN RICH HOMES 0 bred--and nov they're bragglng over it Juat 1&le one Abr lzaIerwoh Ild = 1e Ht-elaghter huler fn homes of wealth Our aMes, chaialew ayPIERMIT- at-FLaice Forest, vas ta'teu lttaecs, C D 1IE TO SrOP before they MMD been wiped out. lady Monday by Policeman WAlker Ilbea s ial voha goe o afevvees ongr. Sales of Lakre Forest and nov accu-f 1111l"us_____________n__ imweksloger pies a celilu Inte Lake coanty Jail at o WVaakegan, charged vith robbori.a A GOOD IDEA FOR LIBERTYVILLE Amang thé. Lake Forest homes vblIch,q ýprobably no movement that lias been started in Reno- Glazeta hrg it avn etre lu recent yeare bas gathered such a measure of sup- Pror siley o! Lakte Forest Cal- e t as the miovement that is demanding that men who loge. as Jbs l ~'"' hve h qulifiatin v~citzensip.VoIre, Poster, baud broler. Ld ob I Knohaha e eqalfctino ctznsi.jadge w. A. vincent. *iIng Kenosha an American city for Amenican citizens Theftt from different homne are plngte e qitea tak. ikea lt ofothr bg mve-sald te have Included moueY. vatcli- to b quie atuk.Lik a lt ofothr bi mo e , an army saber, a pair a! field C t sl blazing th trail for otuOT patriotie cC>11uh111- el aggpg. artIrIes of weartug aPParele à aud. the resuit of the experinient in Kenosha is going ,of varions iinde, etc. - C *ud a nation-wide interest. It rnay 0e that Kenosha ie icreomelth lait plobbe mbeet with difficulties in carrying this plan into prac- AGae i Cfeldl'vl &Tobe valale airoeid glu asehre » but it can be said that the principles on which the lazce tO hvelas n tlr n sthere. mvment àa founded are economically and patriotically the' on -,I ddition ta, other ~d.hore IiLiPi'ore8i. Suspicilon To be a good laborer a man miust be a good citizen, po14r1it d tali L e cargeomahe be man who takes n6 interest in the nation in which he hona, ciili- i i W lyeyd thclre. ,lias no tieg to hind hini to that country and no strings, iia -ifitiy toolc place and _, r t) h a 1,,11(1alîlbefore tire ýbligation leading to the capital of it is flot expected to j. whetirer or o *aa star mnan when It coules to doing the work of that m "'-ntliaili-ire rtirn, (L ~dessAmn~an to '0e a good worker mustb'e fiir with his M-wrkers. Hle muist feel the coinradeship of equal XIL , 6pm if. ru irilwin jIII!IUIMLyttUflE iNwS pl AUCH MAml aCWh sesion of the county board seersto procluce ne lis tiflr l iI&.Uiti~s nev source b'0v which the board CAN spend huge' Warrkegan Chapter R. A. M., No. 40, of mnouey. Note the latest suggested: The erection Friday evening eiected-thele OaIRce'rs:, tuttion wherein to care for tle unclian women C. E, Dileis. .. bot place like tliat sri'roniding a big goïernment' P A. Dehoin, ecribie. 'Wliy not have the federai governnienrascist 1, 0. BroclcvaY, treasurer. l.ucia matter which isn't a countV iffair by 13, Tnmscapt baat. . t *-iïdnlg There's such a thing as asking Coa cyelr,.L.Wtd- Obm 'tf Its share. Thtis situation is a na. redors 40 Ut~ ~Ther. nov are 328 memberi 0f ihe MUÉ chapter. îovement accordlng ta Cenlinvilie cor- Wednc reipor'denl ai tic Springfield Journal, le meeting viti tde henni co-apereln Of the famers. Fire le tie nctbad ou,- loycd and Ii lo propaeed tint no cesation o! wark vîli h o Licrated anil very hedge and feucc row lu tiecocunty laieeaued and tic leaves, bmusb and otien rubblsb that Iunisli a blbernatlng l)are for tie bug@ and thoir egge or larva. le burned. Tic slogan bus beau adopled Zamong the fermer,: "Oood Iornlng; bave you burcd yuur cbInch bug@?"I RURAL CARR4ER EXAMINATION. ThL'UnIted States Civil Service Coin- misoun bac aeounced an exanutatlon for tie County oI Lake, Illinois, ta teM îeid a*.Libert-yvilic and Area on .iauuary 11, 1919. ta titi the position of rural carrier et and vacanicies thet maY laler c-cur on rural routes froLn otiior post ofilcese le caiovc.mntiaucd couuty. The examinatitn vii te open offly ta male citizen@ wbo are actaiy doniclicdl lu thc terrltory -oI a pastofliice lu thc connty sud wbo mccl 1h. other reqeire. mente ticl forli lu Farn No. 1977. Thia aorn and application hlaute may ha obtaIued fram tIhe offices mntloued above or Iran thc United State@ Civil Service Commission at, Waahiugton, D. C. Application@ ebouid ha larwarded ta the Commision et Washington et the erieol praeticable date. Durng tue cou tinunce 0i tic preseul wer thc Commission wiii. lu accordeuce witi tic retîneeatithePost Office Deparîmeut, admrit womcu ta rural carrier examlnatiaue apon tic Pame condition a, men. ity direr tion o! tie Commission. JoitN A .MçILHErNY, Presîdent.M AN OLD PROPHESY Tihe extraurdinary propbeeY o! M001en1I Siîton, mnade lit 1488, lea>as folinwol Carriages i vthout boreeo vîll go, And arevidents Mtiiti worid wlth woe. Arouiv tihe worid tirouglite @hall IIY î lit the tniiklifig o! an eye; %Vartr-res mlaih ý t more wonlê-rm do, N% su rrrîg uL Pliahi e tri]', i'1,116- i i1jir' (loi ait ahbe. Anil wii i. i-frrnl ai. rr ntriftria-; A.,lý eate me a lai a oou irn, (liailde at teel),dPsudifonnd M tu teind thait et t, Aineasiawt eshb ou, i o Eugland @haillet lest admit a Jsw, !Phc word ta an sud shal came., lu elgiteen budred and ,igitY-.oe. e -copled by Idru.. uLasAyre. Demmber 4,1918. Area, 111. Presbyterian. There vîli ha nu Snnday secool. ander rnliug aI board ai healt1à. il s.ji. Preaehleg. Topifo!ecrinan, "A Christma.s earch." 7.810 p. m. PreechIng Tapie of sermon -Tiie ieaiity o! the. SpirItuel LII." There wvîli te nameeting ai te "Boy Scouts sud Camp Fire Girls onu Frlday eveuini. becaue of the leri ueuta epkidenl Thera viii te no Prayer meeting an aed sie ha. returned ta berhom. Hanry Engiebrecht va. Iled Captl of the foot-bal tean for udit jear.1 Mbe year that the t"m ail voted for him for nezIt >ear. The Seniors vîli give a party Friday, theember '20, ta whlcb ail the aLLer claa,ëee are eordially lnrItpd. Tbcy bave bet vs areni goling lu mise ItL Bath the boys and girls baeke-t bal OR SALE OR RENT-65.acr. tam. OANTED-Oid cincttnrg.Wmi pal 4ecà pound et the IET OUR ESTIMATE before e- log atorin -aah, bousemoving. wuîe rasng. Zion Institutlonsa ud idustries, Dept. 4 Vion City, ni. 'one 49 Zion City. W'ly lM .OST-Nev aitld ehain for automobile, on rad runaing et roumilvuteak kecne, 1% salle north of town. Fiodor deée notlly Joeeph Butchlne, Ltberty- OL NOTES L EditorI JudgIng Iran the appearsaa thé promIs. r> have goad ceeueo. A basket bail gerne wll ho pialed Thureday ulgbl viti the Home Guarde. Admiseion tan cent*. Louon ot Hone, ouarde! Victory pledgei arecètlll Ps able. Aiea tbrIlI @temps sud W. S. M. are suit purecésabis. Tbe remalnlug members af the Nautilu. Staff bave been app<>tnted &rd the vbiiol staff la nov endcavarlug a. sucoueses pear book an thelUlft staff accompilshid. Tb@ staff la sa oliows: Harold lagerty. editor-iu.ciiiel. Relen Buhiii.y. inueeftmanager. Violet Porteous. literary editor. jeannette Taylor, jota editor. Franc. Lesch, art editor. Elvyn Wlghtmae. aibletir editor. Dorcmtby Alle, ocrli dîtor. Ailces Jung ,*clameeditor. FOR SALE-iH~eiMulas.cov., H.âe. adHouat at privaite sale. W. V. B. AMES 3 " mileorth ofiUbertyvîiie.1 Sensible gbrislmas Presets This Year Give Something* Useful A gift of furniture will convey your well wishes in a degee neqalled by anything else. It makes a use- fiandeduring gift that. will afford you endiessa source of satisfaction. The biggest thin in a woman's lie is her home. To her anything that makes ber home lighter and brighter, more' livable and lovable, has a greater than mere monetary value. BEST VALUES IN TOWN ARE HER Our store makes your Christmas shopping easy. A large variety of highly artistic and -dependable furniture and home furnishings invite your inspection at prices that are really exceptienal. Big value and entire satisfaction with each and every purchase. Our stock includea a good selection of Book Cases, Rockers, reed 'and oak, Becis, Rugi, Couches, Library Tables, Pedestals, Chairs, etc. VICTROLA-BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPHS 'AND RECO RDS GIVE A CEDAR CHEST OR A BUGGY We. have a large supply of Cedar Chests and Baby Buggies These are well built and sometbin g that wilI last a lif etime TOY-S FOR THE LITTLE-FOLKS Even the kiddiea prefer presents that give pleasure an.d comfort for tbe entire year, such as Kiddy Cars, Sleds, Wagons, Autos, Desks, -Blackboards. Trunks, Wheel. barrows, Beda, Cribs, Tanks, etc. The Ray Furniture and Paint Store, Telephone 9 Libertyville 1.1 1 ý«day, December 2.5. çMmicy anct equPI rLsponSIbility--KPnoqShq. News.

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