itYîO- ER1i: twa l owlv i oe sfer the Um r. W. Jeunes. cairmia. Un. Ilst.r. Vies chilrocan Mms.A. iJ. Blth, a.otari. Mma.L. C. %erof t, tniaurer. lmn Birman Uler charma vort com- Mn. Jamons Raiplu, vecsarmn work Mm. E. kt. Tweed, ebairman member- élp eommlttee. *siuî. ls cîgaultatlon. lait December, MItai aetion, 980 garmente wvan made Mai pped-a vaorygood "sbovlng for Ilbe nmh.r of vorkers The nov drive for membersiip la now on; barlngcommeied, Monday. Usem. bier 16, and we hope everyone who joun @à for 1918 wll tend lu B dollar for 1919 memberehip. Rem,.mber, If Jouir PMd Cross button doen'i eay1 1919," It la ahait nunîbur. W. Sud lb lookncatai ur file. tha& a liv people tu Orat township bave not joiaed. W. slucirly ope thevi liv viii 008»etgat once, so th&$ Orant vi be X pr cenat. Dout w at 10bel asked. GOffle là ou, tberby aavlug the tifie Mafl nth of thé vorkens. You May "daI our dollar tb the aertary, the ctefrmau o tte nmhenbip commttai, or pay ,St tuaa"Yf01t e lliereor'V>lI- i»sr wprkers eaniPrigu a badge. W..mlore asrons îcremembar that laed Crois voitk dots But dlaulslsh wth theOWI. sial0ofthe. armietice. lb rather leis.W@. Miii, have a quantlty of soet jami on band thst muet be kmlte bl Jamuan 1. Wlill on huit a pair? Il Vols VIII,sali us up. W viii brtng or ', 024théT arn tb you if JOB cananit ca[ e orIL W.alo hbavi a, quoi pcf little îlrhl-irp - rue tu bub. fln1s1sdmyii . MM date. Can't yon make one? Tbey us ail 6 eut oet and are simple tu matte. -The work room bau been nevly edean- #d a»d dvioratedl and viii b open ou 'WedSCOSdAy afernoon fro.m:00 until i:» WeCloek. Cant jou vielais? sbould e Ouahermoon a vsek bu too mach ctu 41v6 to thei Red Cross efforts? W. ar e til eetlog dlean. trong elotbing. saitale for refuge.. of asmi ai: or ige: also lin sud lead fol. but the. driv* for nutole laf.ciosed. The. money deoied from the sale oi fin foli le Sied -bi the homne service departmeut to heip 1 eidy soidier' jismillea. 1 At Ithe Noei White 'Weicome ]dome" *parti, cakese oid for th bemefil of the. ls Bd Crois at 012 sud 814 eaeb; coffest , $ per Pound and doaghnuts at $12 per 1dosn-ptetty tifi prie" for war tmea . $4730vas reaitted ram tbe sale of the linon centerpicce made and donsted b>' . Mr.. Brodereen, of Chicago. Fred Lundi. of the. Lakeiîda hobel. vas the. vînner. W. helleve that Our junior auxfllary 11bodo the. banner record, a perfet ivest- e heing maie b>' (korge rdplesak, 12 7»Mar old, lu exacti>' une veek. Other ,Perfect on- ver mad, by Clara Laugli. li n md le.n Driscol- JW. hulle nov hhat the. "fin" epIdemir has pased that avec>' Wednegde63 viii Mae a large nuinber of worler@a aItfli w ork room. 1 Mr Bies of Fox Lake, and iM. a. àueOn left Mondai' noon enroute for r,, lorids ta apend the vinter. lire. C. G. McCandieus and Luchla Amann areonamong the iick iI ' Miss PhaUUen@tliaSud tir@.a.G.Bu rueti 0.9 elocum Lake, are Vlalttn fit lthe Liiviier'a home. "ad DeW@ rcacled ber. Saturda>' liai eWliis Ohorne, Jr., of LaGrange, Ind., bad hein saccdently @bt bhrougii tbe Il eaumt. Mdr. sud Mas. C. Juge lifit Satur &W Oevenlnig as Mire. tiabore la lter of #M M.Junge k,.Theicard Parti' vas viii attendeu Itàatudai eVeDiDg being fourteen table t pisylag carde sud severali ookers. LAKE VI LLA itn. WU. *aIk", Jr., pemt lait ve vlth hW lutte l eas. L L. Sb«erod vaula the cty on buaioma ?uday. Mrs. A. J. tilueu Md Mr@. 4. B. Rfuuai7 ergChcago ihoppers lait Irboradai. lir. Ben DU@ ansd 0. B. @pnt the1 pent weeik witb Obloagofriiadi. Mfr. and lin& B. L. Wad, Div. Suider, P.. LShrwood attended the Dinday achool convntion et UbertyIIIO 1,51 gaturdoy. MIar. NormaanRant @peut lasiThura day wtb ber brother's family et Kolze. Tiie IErnet rale, Jack dink and Tom Brumpton faiiies fri DOrly MlBUc with lnfiuensa. but tit late reporte are improvlug. r. Chai. Keller vas a Chicago shOP- 1: per Taesday.v Mfr@. Nbiîe mitb le uurslug Influenzat patiente niar BAlier Lake.e Edwin Kappie entrtaiued a few litile friend etaieishoni. Baturds>' alternoon lu bonor of is ilgbtit trtbda>'. Mr. Baer and ithe Conuaier'ti Ca. lawyer ver, la suora thi tirt, of the veut on bouiess cbnuectad vîti the Edward tionard lnjary case. ies (oefsadl.Our principal ie lu aE Chicgo hospibai being tneae for pna- moul& amd sMisa Matbew va. unable1 to temach lais eek iecaaiiof Illnees.theti nchooi va.closa ntil iirt lboildala. iesBornna of Fou du Lac. vho caesm pu bsip car. ior Mis.leFadden, bas besu ver>'Ill the paut veut but ls btter. q The local lRedCroaschaPter boa.adaPt-t ed tva Beigian Oi French ltables ta bet careil for b>' the chapter for aI leait one1 pear. Eusign Ban[ Potier. vho bas beau lu1 lbé Raio chool lu Couuectlct.tor tome1 nionthi, surprised is famnly Monda>' b, valting lanasu inoaneing bis intention 0f spendlng the boidap vwiti thein. TomBoamait ha. gone tu Banmoud, lad., ta voit and for the preeut, tMrs. Buroeb4 h lawt b er parents, tir. and M ru. Sorenson. until b. Ila ettied tier.. The. lSureson tamly bas recelved4 Officiai Information tiat thein @an, Oscar1 ha@ benauleuissIng lce October, @o the1 word ment b>' hi cium Ina doubt ltruc, muci ai ve wauid like ta believe thal h. vas tili lving, ltirs. James tieFadilen paefsaa> at lier home bore Iast Friday afler a short Ilnease. aithaugh ber healh bea becs fallng for the past jeaur. Ber buebaDd~ and one aon, W Ii, survive ta mouru the lu@@ of a iovlug vile and devotcd motier. Ail lu the village viere @bc vas frequent vistai viii micaelier ebeer>' word sud eruile wii-lia alway ready no matter boy cihe fet. arnd ve ex tend uur sîrnpatby ta the berevil oui-s The fanerai e-as beld tiuiîday, wit 1iî alaiu Autiaci. r loa*pilue L.auime iateli sas bora ia Lincoln, Nev Brunsick, t anadb, Oct. 26, 1859, and dled ilecetuber 1-4, 191, 2aged fisy-nime jeand, une mou li, elghtecu I day.. Si. vas uatted iun marriege ta eThiomas id. Grtir , Jane 14, 1878. She moved lu Lake Villa lu 1892 and it ba@ been lier homne exer @Ince. She was a member ol the.M. E. churci 0f liaIplace. Six daugitore. tire. Marlon Wionnlî Mfr@. George Plsman. Mr@. Jack of Lake r Vla,;tirs. Fred lBerg af Berwyn, Ilii.; Mn@. H. F. Beebe o! Autiocb; and tirs. là Hariet Wrigt oi Boeton, Mass ; sud five soue, Erneet and Roy>'of Lake Villa; a 1fr. sud tirs. Lybe Ltwiier mre moving to Chicago. Dyette Worters bebd electIon of offrents .Widnesday igbî. District Manager ýis».u of Chicago, conducteil lie mel. Mr. adMmdrs Struren bungalow la Mm - L. A. Trts vas In Chicago A boy cama b giaddeu the home of ~Mr- Ad Mn. Jus. Amanu, Touaij. -meCora and Li. Litller of Chicago. "metSuanda>' wth relative&sbhae. UtiILoi, Reneba anmd, friend of Ot::IIisago.@peut Ounday vith ber mothir. #bd nova reacbed boe of te death of lin. Dr. 9, L. #Griatof o. Omaha, Neb., wbo movedter. ea mgo, viBre ber jand ha.agood podtion. RUS!EL.L fte mutng mmd soclabla st Nie churcit 1 & Doecer 18t, va. postponcil ,Rusasulha. an eidemie o f Ingocsa, mIb aven>' bousebold bus froin eue 1 li.Howard antertalucd lbe Ladies' ~y eudt'anireM.. I.L. ivin van. 9" teauvitoeuTuaida>'. M:an sd Mildr.d Slverspt the veut. 'euNt lir parents. ~grot MacDoagull receivad word 'litbr thatlàle alled tor France, '1Dioatber 1(t. Re oas gone lu 10. A.vont.- Lee, af North Chicago; Asibley and Blarry, of Libersyviile; are lefIta moau the lois of a lovIng mother, besides the bereaved iiumband, to &iH of whom ve extenti our sylnpatby. SLO alao leavea tvo stators and on. brother allaf New Brunswick. 8h. va. a home iovlng woman belovid b>'ail. The funeral vas privaI. ai the home Tuesday afternooD. Bey. finyder af Lake Villa, Md. E. churcli ofllcialingvIti burlâal n Lake Villa cern tory'. Em"ZZJ is Base[ Thomaa visItai tbe Van- acte girls Sunday mternoon. Mn. &Mann, 1frà..Rull, Martha, Helea and Lawrence Amnosn. Clets Young andl Esther Perry vent 1tulb.heteannia Paget ai Garnie lu th. Warren tavn- sblp iigb achool Weda"uealgbt. Word.bas beau r.ceived fromx Steven Urban. vito ls vel »misae. E. B. MMntie oueet viltb e"l" Donald Mansit ha@ r.over.d but Ie .1111 Mfr. Pcrtegy and daugitter. Cathsrine ver. laken act aturday vit I nfluensa. This cana e tour Po~tgy irls tu ho absent irom ichool. Thboea perfect tu epeling for the viet are: tiarthmDeMeer, Car&Vmaa c a. Emima DeMeyar sud Shirley' Thoms.. Sebool viii claie Frlda>'for a wVe' Vacation. Iscreased necela s of egO luI Chicago caused a drop In lie price Mionda'. The. "fain food prie lslV, sont out Monda>' ulght b>' the Unît, id S;tates food administrtion placed figures ton freab candied eggm et 66 and 72 cents a dozas. The. retail Ptice inse laI tlde>' morsing hae heen 72 ta 76 cents. Derners sald thaI lie Incregsed receipts vere due te> lie asasuall>'w-war eather. Il l8 lionght probable thal lie hans viii keep on la>ing untîl lhe arrivai Of a cal.! spL. FIROT IN, LAKE COIJTY-The! WÀUKE~R EiIIILS IN À SCÂNfALOS RIOT IN KENOSIIA Men from Great Laites, Ac- comipanied by Waukegan Obits, Clash at Depot FISTS WERE USED FRE ELY Waukegan Women "Skldoo" as Qulokly as the Police Rush afier Riot Cati Kenceha, Dec. 12-Four, enlls-ted Mes from C,at Laites. P. F. Rbodes. Jobn Hou ton . W. L. Stonîe and E. R. Wonder, were seotenced to 20 day-ý In Sal b>' Judge Tully In the munici- pal court toda>' as a resait of the part they bai l n a dpbaucb and fight atag- id at the Chicago, Nortb Shore and Milwaukee- Eleclrice rallvay station ladt betore I1o'clock tibs mornlng. Il was on. 0f the moat stirring ear- b>' mornlng combats ltaI bailbecs pulled off iu Kenosba for more than a year and the frr salIors vbo sent- ed 10 bl mbueil vith a deaire and a wllng 10 "elean Dp tbe police" fait- cd of their mission. "Wlt thl.e ey. b. 1.ft undlmmed t vleved bis dsina*ed noie" wus some- tblng of the feeling tbal thbese four guardians of Uncle Sam's navy baid vbeu tic.> got over to the couhty jail tbis mornlsg aller pleadlng gulty t charges of disnrderIr-lconduct. Tbey wiii probabl>' have vienty of lime ta thint. lb. malter over as t.bey admît- ted that the. real punIshment ln store for thein vas sot the 20 days they drew Iu Kenosha but ebat they wvtuld gel vbes lb.>' face lbe Provost Mar- shal et Great Laites. That officiaI sent word la the local offtciaIs that ho vould send for lhe boys la due lime but that il would b.e lusl as veli for lhem to have a chance ta cool off and tel Ibeir ani- mal spirits bave a rest. À..cocnpanted by some girls front Waukegan lhe four saitors andl two others bail gos. 10 Kenosha tb at- tend a dance. One of tihi members of tb. police offcere bcd 'acen ad- vised At the dance <bat there vas to be % dean up of thei-officers aind on e enai- rinformed hini that If lb. police trled 10 interfere liiey woutd lie cari-led back in vooden boxes. Accordisg to the poliee tbe men fram lhe station bcd cnnverted the waltlng roomn of th. rattway coin- pany 'nmo a "lo"e parlor." The r.'. ports vbich reached the police werp of a scandalous nattOre cnd Merchant Police Ofilcer Fax vi-nt oer ta lhci station and nemonstrated with the' ni en. On. of thle malors caiight Fox by tihe thi-ont and j,:îohrd hlm againet lhe watt and tbrc-atened lii »5rIlh bodlly liarm. Then lt- ilot cal]se-nti n and Po- lice Oti'iero 'îlcGiîeprn, olmistead and Iladalz went ta tii relief of Fox. In the fi-ee for aIl fight whilh foiiowecl the officers tiqeen iheir fiais and t'îeir gune. No ane was shot hîji a lot of Fallors were scared. Two o:l'o'v men sought escape. The girls, caitsaldtd lb,- front Wau- kegan. irotted au av front týie station just cs as their ulh surt vould let lbem rus and the police were husy .'nougb with the ne- nol 10 pay a gr-iat dccl of attention ta lie wameo. One of lb. sailorg came Into court ibis mornlIng with a b&dly brulsed face and olhers of tl'e liet of defeudant declared that Oite police bmd sbown a 'tri-at 'em rougb' tes- dency. S People who wltniegsed the debaucli *of liesaclors and the gis and laie vatched wltb glee the flet-cuffs lnsist cd tiat tb. police dld sot '--teat 'ein rougit enougb." While Ail of lte mer ideclared liat they libcd not bei-r drinklng the police officer9 declarec liaitbtey did sot act lIke sober mon Tii. four mses admttted ln court tba tbay badl becs guilîfY of dIsorderlý condilct and li ii>masie no compîiantJ againsl lhe manner ln 'whlch tlielie lce Itandîcil hemn. One 0f tie Wautegan girls who v.. mlxed up vithtic salions heme.On Tueeday evening lates occasion 10 tll a Wauicegas sevapaper liaI everyhintn at iaplteued, n tbe sta- tion vas entirel>' witbin lie bounils of pronileî>'. Police oiccis ins Keno- sia deÔlara lta>' are Intereitei lIn the >'oing ladMs Idea of "pa-opriel>'." Tie sanie atandard bas neyer pre- vailed amoag lia youug "oen of Kesouha.-KeseIa Neya. TIBLS TA nES A PôSITION1 IN MINN. AS FEED CO. SUPTI Waategau. Dec- 14ý J. D. Tîhbale annouscea liaI hi bas closed the conft vîwi George Hormel and Co., of Austin, Miss., manufactut'era of f aed for live stock R. leaves Waukegan on Moinda>' b asme hies ev poaition wvicItpro vides liaI be is lu act as superinteut dent of tliu plant and aiso provldf tormulae for lhe feede lb.>' expoct -tc turs out. Beréidesiblia be viii oui Une a large MFperntllg camPlaUri sud empia>' lie salesmen and rouI the mes -in a big driva for business Mn. Tlhhals ha. iived bere Bevers >'eara and worked et lie Bai-veli plan for.oome tus.. During lie past cuit mer ie acled as wan gardeit advie in Waukegan. Hie vît, vili restai burefor the linebeing. I i. c o c e 'I -l t- 1' n FRT WAUKEEiN MOTiIR TO 6ETf DE- TAS 0f A BURJAL- Mus. Etcheli Receives Word from Canadian Army Dept. About Sors Bodv IN ST. MARIE CEMETERY Message Tels How Grave is P'arked but Adtts Numbers PLOWS ALON THE TIES Crew Saved-from Inlury and EngineFlnagyMaintains Its UpghtPosition Wauitegan, Dec. 14. A railroed wrect at Zion City hIeld up aprtb-bound traina conslderbly thla morng. At 10:15 the. local freight train wbich plies beiveen Wauiegas and Keuoshjý vas on a îldlsg et ZMon Cilty aud irai golng uorth te get osto lte main lin. wben th. englue SddenIy lumpal the tract. vbeeis ploughed througb the tien and then aheI- lsted over. For a moment it -looked as if ciii 'would capsîze for she reeted over and it loolted as If notblng would nave ber. Engineer Jack Witley quilcklI>' hut ofi teamu and as fI ou.ld have becs fou>' te stick 10 lthe engine wltb the poaelbility of belng crusbed beneatb ber, both Englneer Witley and Pire- man Harry Johnson jumped fram the cab windov on tb. east aide and lie>' ver. gafe. The. angine roclced and fora moment th. east gIde viraele left the rails and it looked as If she neyer vould regâin ber equilîbrii before abe fell, but tbe tender. belni; on the tract îeemed ta cave ber tr.i falling over. for abe rcelcd hart igain, but .1111 lay In a precarlous position. The engin. happened ta be lylng so clo.e10tethesortIt hound track as ta stop al tralffe on hbat Une. and a second section of the local trelt bcd ta go north on thé- so'îth-botund track. Doeo Agent Rlpb Pfetffer hi-Id up ail train> tilt the line va3 cii-ar. Ha bkept M1e iauth-bound pas- senger whlcb ia due at Zion City' at 11:16 from leaving Wintbrop Harbor niti! & freight bail Roue tiraugi and traffic ln gescral bad to ha delayed iu order 10 gel trains safety tbrough. A wire vas sent te Chicago for a£- sietance and a <recking train vas dîspatehed 1to theicene. It vas b.. leVad that a point tiad sprung and br r e i vudh iln liaI vas lie reason forthrovlng 10 10 vialare fa cwourtod e Stl inl big angine.' At fon ebe sîil lay In tors..' l sîlear def amîst . lia a dagerous tiolonandI t va5 sol tireyusels tu s elfao iii ma JI safe ta sta>' anoud lie iast aide of tmeuni-er thigwaop lîqomvoata.. ber. muheirt tplqo -lto.1I Engineer Wîîeîy lives in Chicago Ibrougiout tii- caunt>'.c and FIreman Jobnson in Milvauîkee. c Netier me nvere burt by lie lump IlL l for xafet>'. VY1l.U lUA.W U N111IN 1 TELL 110 TuETIIOSE«RETURNINEi EWLS D0W PECFROM WAR; IS IIIRT NEWSOei PEA"W. R. Marshall" Mentioned in 'WAS RECEl VID! e or iptc el jNev 'Tort, Dec. l1-Welcom'd tis Fifteen panrakes and thi-ci' lice. bei-aie SsonaIolb.henation, 7,740 nia--c of bn-ad! ilowus ihat for an appo- soldier'-. sailorg, marines cnd avia- lite ? tors representIng vlrtucll ci-en>' TIa'teis Ie ind ot an appetite lii- state lni tIti union entereil tog-boundi Americasn soldiers Cet oser ln France, New Tai-k barbai- Ioda>' on six large aI hi-ct t tat's wiîat Sergt. Winttirop ltransports troam Iurappeun prts. C. Foi-us>'of Ihi-erinance pPrsnnneX. The ales Ihese mes bold about ose' 107th Ammunitios Train,. î2nd Dis i asoîher vere nairation-; or Amnercan vIanli at nc nwi-ning foi- breakfast. bigb courage on Fr-nch battti-fiitd. Sergi. Font- 1-l te son et Thoedore on lb. open ai-as and In the, air ciiove Fori>', ciîy atiorti-y "at Zios, and i-! France and Engianil. Ecndi-eds of enllatei,,et Itîna.sha. Wls.. sear>' tic mes, matiniid fon lite b>'wotund. two yeart a4-o. Prom ltters luat! received lncornte of lhe vans ,h,,av- received by he i-Forhys aI Zon t1he lest ighting, wer hîîrrled ta o fPital-. boy's osnlte hattl'fieldts recetîcai lbe and lhe thers s'est 10 camps, vhare tii-s of te arnmtstice gladly. Wh-n the>' vilil be deamobîlzpd. lb. American soldi-rs tint heard lte The.voundedI ncludeil soudiers wbo neya tiere vconsiderable i-ijoie bcad vaîkei l vih ci-nches vhen theur lng. as thei-ftllowing cîtraci fi-a r ilpasaîteil tram Europe, and vba. Sergeanl t'orhy a lier yl show, exultant b>' thv-i- homi-canii'ug, lossi-i "YOu aiould bav' beard the yelltl nwr pi-p3asaide and dectareil hemn- ing and cbeering, and cees lie reai selves ,ctir-d.1" firevorits lh:.t vi-had a tev nigile W. R. 'Marchai orf Waukegan. vas ago vies te news of Germany's anoîher Invallded trooper. For weeits wanting la sIgn bhe armistice vRasbe vas a heiplems crîpple because ot beard! It sc-lylseIn yli > 1ttest sieli ebhocit. suffered si-ile movtng trying 10 r-cii. wlien some of ithe ammunîtion during lteAigosse ad- welcoine ecunds reacied MY ears; vasCe. bul thon 1 couidn'l imagine vbat Il 'vas ail about. No oustil ose of the (NrIarsball's name does sol appear boys came up firn the kitchen did In the cil>' director>' andI nquir>' 1 know wvItl was oip, and lien I did tlla t, show via W. R. Marshaell le. sone ballering to'ITt ertainl>' le There 15la a Cance that Itleis 'Bob" some great news. andl ve velcome lt Maishal. toimon>' of Waukegan, but vili open arma" viah, for somo lIme bail sot made bis homte ber.. Ho-vever, Bob vas ln II dI DCsei-vice abraad and thiere Io tbe BU R R RPAK chance liaI ie gave, bis residence as INTOTIWOSW S Waukega.n) - Supenviaon Chartes Crapo ibis noon - sid bo felt sure ltaI lie Marshall re N ilT ferred In vas bie hrotbir-in-lev. Bob ON 14 NDÀY IOBT Marsal l. H. sald bis correct - O N IIIUIWAI. ;.. 'IR.aW." He Ibat Mar- Waukegoi. Dec. 14.Y Two Wcu*kegafl establishmentUt ver. entered"Ch>' burgiars som, limueb mosday nigbt. butlui nellier Placee did the tleves gel esousb tec paY>' tient for thbir trouble so far ai Il bas bees abe 10 determisOeat lie preul l ime. The tva places en«. Iêred vere:9 1-Tie Biuusbirg Farnittire store0 on Sioutb Genesee slreet. ,Thteg thievas gaincd an anti-anc. throagi a basement door Ieadlng ln fr011 an adjoiuing building. The>' ranC'cedIL 4It.placeethoroagil>', bal aIlliaIibas1 been found ta b. miealng up tle i pi-sent listme iga8siali ameant Of1 - cange Ibat bail bei-n lefI in lie cash regisater. Na effort. apparentl>'. vas maile ta blov the ate in the office.E 2-AmeTIcan Ralwy>'ExpreBssof- fice. In this pace the thi-vos got1 in b>' forcing a i-iar door. Tii.>' turneil hbings ta)pe>'turvy ln lookdngq foi- articles af value, bul a.s earn>'1 as cas b. determined vere motl'mileà tO gel ava> withh an>' articles ofi value. .1 Th'e police van- notifiei of bohi roihenles titis mornxpge4udare Il~ Ing a searci fon the tblevez but iiav 1 nal as y'et latated aft>' day wbffl @hall bld hlmý before b. left for I'rance liat be planned coming bbck t0 Waukegan afler the, van d liaI ha believea Io vi>' Mai-shah .dealgnat- ed Waukegan as bis Place Of Tes- HARRIS ARRIVES HOME According 10 word frein tbe sont, Frank W. Hala, sýose cf the Waate- gmn mes recenl> gassed. arrlved witb othens in Nev York yeatitday and sons vîlI b. istarteil fan home. - A letter rec eived f rom abroad etates iat Tonm Mercbant le onI Of the hospitai sud vas Planning 10 ne- lois bis cominandnme days ego. Titi disproves reports Ibat i. vasa serloial>'hart.- .ln Cicago Frîda>', Mark AlIlson Smith, invaideomre as a captalu and convaîescisg at Great, Lates base bospîtal, flledl a divorce tu Chkcago us a Cblîcao #'four-mJnute-màn- viti es a Cbtcgo "foUurut@.bbin' Itb havIs, astolon ils*viWe affections and s ina MiWhlet. otalned a loving whWit the alcauosa WnOt .0 h ems ivifla. !M»a, W DpOM *'as ava>' flbt. the "1ourmlaule- MR&. OHAULE8 % ai~ DIES AT INGLESIDE Pox Lake village. whieh ea entirely te lb u epldemic vbick ag.d lthecoimul> orne monthe teerna ho be bard bit dîîing the currfng eptdeanie. Four veil nowfl vomen ofloI vllatge, bave died from finltvy lait death ocurring Satîîrday w Mil. Charie.S Mmla, 29, paaeed a She lbaves bier threewyear-old son.j ber huSband, the latter nov serlouel>' 111 of the same troubW , The other vomi-n who died v«4 1 Nrs. Emil Kipreila. Mris. Wm. Nage]. lir.. Bert Dunnill. SUPPLIES MItnITY WEAPON TO WELLII States Attorney. Wili Have a More Effective Means of CurblngViolations BEEN HARD__HERETOFORE Believed that Restraining Or-' ders WilI Be Used More Freely in the Future The. permanent Inlunction grnntel I'riday ln lb. case of lh. l,lppincot liolel of Fox làgke. prohlblting the sa. boon ln tIaLM establishment firn ne- malnlng open on Sunday. selling il- quor tô minore or Intaxlccted per- soas from operaling alot machineq or perinttlng an>' sort ot gantbling on tb. premises, places a poverful weap- -on In tbe bandls of lb. state'e cttai-- ney' to Mamp out vice In -lhe laitere.- glon. Heretofore the. plan followed b>' lte ofilceofthlb.state's attorney' bas been to send dci eclIves Into te lait. region and -oblan evIdence of iav violations wthb regard ta tiqicor sales. etc. lit Iben bas becs necessary to file Information In coubsi> court or obtals indlctmenia ln c Lrcuit court and bave the allegeil offendpr3 plac. ed on triai. lu maity Instans in fltact lnt att cases theiie trials% dragged atong over a long perlod permttling viola tors to continuée ihei- offenses, ln case thbe> desired to do sa. Nlany times lb la sald tihe- ottender-, werei wtting t0 pS>' the fini-s fer the iv-- clege aofiteeping open. tnder the nev procedure It is an entirel>' different mater. On a recs- onable shoivng lbe stale's attorney 19 able to oblain an injunclion and. SAFE, GENTLE REMEDY B3RINGS SURE R.el..1 F, r 2nO MEPAIsia-le- F-11,9ira e o rne isvYeun eed. 1 bis- 'es ai-lala - . - s-t.Ibo o' > or-'ais l Il , . 1 oi ,or -b0 CI' .r.- alo -i lodr a des:..-du ,. 1 a-11 , f ,inta i . tu, tht, p'I, I.. nia-th last .1 i ""- ai. r ae - Ao ing, rh.'ounaaiiasîo. se - a a-I 1atl i îd a- -i-t ne neya. hiuLI ,11:1dN a%1. itaîri. ij i'a ! Il iru t oreiiCis, :The art, the skill, the dlscriminating taste of many crafts unîte in the construction of Electrical Appliances- to produce them-objects as attractive in i f orm as they are efficient in operatlon-ideal Christmas Presents which satisfy the giver and gratify the receiver. Eleictric Portable Lampa, wrought in copper, brush brass, verde antique, ilver5 art iron, wicker with shades in war glass, silk, cretonne. Electric Cooking Utenails, chafing didhe,,' toastors, grilla, dise stoves, percolators. Labor Savert, waîhing machies, irons, vacuum oleaners, utfiity motors Electrical Articles for the toilet table th.t > increase oomfort and multlply oonvenise " AUX in great variety at our Sales Roomm Prices the lowest a PUBLIC SERVICE ýCOl OF N.oRTlN iLWd 1918 Di tc de ce de le ai et ar se al If hi Fa Fa ti ni t. et Mrs. w. %. Etcheu ,mf -aspect :re. Is lte fini-IWaîîkeýgan voa-v io recelve a formnai notice fro. n.n var depai-Iment teiling ber about lb. stale ofthe b.urilof ber son In- France. Mi-. tcheill Fr May 'Te' aidtrom LAndon, ftram lhe var lpartment of titi- Canadien arnw. a etter teling ber about lb.e Vurfal )f ber son, Alfred Norton, wbo e-as, mong lbe Wautegas boys te lsg ls llfp ln service ahroetd..-Norton' enisted vith the Canuadian iroops id was amog the final la go ovei - gas. According te lh. hurlai notice bbcl déparlrnent isnt Mr's, t0cbeli t t aowad liat Norton bail been banil n . N at ft. Mrie ilitary cemeter>' aI r* .NUIINS liave, fte menionn hesanie of tas régiment etc. The huril notice GENERAL AUCTIONEER says; that iggrave le marke.d vlth Hmtebi ug n ova a ooden inanier wicb 1stemnr- Hstt itjduet. a ar. On Il appears the ineription and Sots thehishost prie**. Fi bat "Xoaites died August 21 et S0alisa pociat>'. For dates, woun<ls, that b. vas bîtriail et SI. Phtone or Write tarie cemeter>' et Havre, a' recog- Mzeil mIliter>' ground ln France. That ZION CIT'Y, IL hia grave bas net yet. bec' olelcalY numbered! The memoria ii erecteil witb ailthle details describeil tberr- on. Tbe hurlai report contaIna ail te Informationt available aItite prea- 5. C. LUTWILER ut lime." Thug Mm. Rtcbeil ie the fIrst Wau- ltsHdae, Hamna@s, 0084, Ps kegas voman 10 receive lhe wordami Gbas rd Aient foc Sai-Vet Set tenod jual wbat has been dose vltb lie ROUND LAKE s ILLiII emains of ber son vbe dIed e vlc- i mortheb. un slatigbter._______________ Mrs. Etîbeil states that a recenU>' circulated rffltrt liaI sbe smli be- Ileved ber son vas nlot dead. vas HE!NRY JANSSEI absolutely unfounded, . aileshe ail a no reasan te believe thce-war depant- IStomae Batlsryaaor mdEeioel mnt report vas sol accurate andl Self-Starter. Oenerabor. lMaman Igniion service bhe since bas hi-en waiting furtber Tee Phenes: 6&naO27-J, anuno LI ward about biB banial. N bis Mu ou ni q -il au~ its.