Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 19 Dec 1918, p. 8

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LERTYVILE IN»PE»ENT TKMu D4Y, DEEBR1$~118 4rea, and Vcinitiq 1MMo sWcox Io Bock ini Stalos Mma Mdie. ellevorthWlicoz re- rai a tlgan. Monday, from their 14 Mgorris, totlng that be had landed. NMow!ork. ou Saturday bis nana. n Mmii se belng wounudd lu action »a pnbliew et of! asitîsi cali WM Jnonues. Elseparents vere advised Mt ha bai beSu ouu ded over't-vo atm mgo. Met-bt t-me be ban la »..jueIonbosptiainluFrance and s pamsee have board fron ina regu- 01. it le bopsi that Morris naay h. aW for Chistmas. ^RE^ BREVITIES -Il A, Wason bai been 111 for t-be past buv dis wth su aitack o! Influenza and Wub drUguionrai been cloaed. Mrs. 1. E. Payneand daughter, Geneva, kW5la TiruMeay eveaing for Calitornia, ý,2 asa ibeywviii @pend ibe remnaluder o! ý4Ié vicier. Vaql Bouma let Mondai morning for aasimudeait- ai Kansas Cty. I Ma.Novurbal Greeu of Chicago, s@peut wiieieek-endi th Mise Bees McBride. 0 latriguee tron Evanet-on were1 Saleiaiumd st t-e F. C. Sbaddle bome -. Mr@. . L. Tripp bai been confined tu1E ber home vît-b bronchitle. Tb@eMMses eBees and Ethel McBridie aret W@d1oel>'IliI t their bome bers.. W. mar on>'t- o bethtaMr. Wangeliuj G4 ret Lakes, vbo bâin been conucting thessiÜ-vice ai t-be [raubo. cisurcir,mas "~Id taO Kansas City at yeek b>' thes esilous Ifm01 ho! bi if. Mina Ama Tegmneyen @peut Monday *ning lu Lake Forest. UMlma Aune Wltz vas a Chiago visitor Ilast vsek. Idise Runt Kueliken spànt the N eek-end 'e.Ares witb lire1IlS. Dlîmph. -J. L. Charuherlin lias rciuruued boune ? aler spendiug umo m'ete iu hcago. nsaKueb-kers sc'lool vas liised ,ggaSUMDOU account- o0tbe li", u he as1e home 10 tay untl lter Ciirltiucae. An Ail vli h.glad lu know ihatr. 'oore ha.reovered enougb frum bIs ioauilluie to h. abl@ to be ot Sunda>'. J, Mr. sud lMr@. Ils Chamberlin and *jUghter of Liierty vIll@e, iere goete of fonerx parents Suuday. ti M steeWirtr In teaellrug rt affiner iwsrerular bai typhl lever. Taujalla viscalled t l hui olime AU COUNTY PRSandSmlFri iooe Ferm Wrorks are Electricity, bie Radiroad Rl road lino Connections atiW Lake irSpmmer Resort We For Md Indstres *hère ah. ha. bau for tlia 4ct Ibmc vee. ai lthe..nitarlum. Mr. and Mm . O.. Iooeebaeh and ehildreur and Mr@. Albert Hlieheck ver. th. Sondaygogieie of Mr. audlin. James Soautialger of Lake Zurich. Mise Glaisa Goudman va tbe week- eud guet of ber cousin, Mlies Lllan Clapper. Ai the Royal Negbborseleetlou Thora- dey evniug the folovIng offler. vere MAT TAKENMIFROM EiARBAiE PAILS NoAr oaoMan, Husky and Songis Repugnant M AM 4 lt.L vei ce"a belle, men Itolle prese whies *id wn dayi saet week on secount or the illuees0o!hie lite. There Do nupreachihiaservice Mr@. Pauzer and Albert were called tou Norwood Pari lant week on accolât 01 the deatb ofiaa dter ofthe b.latter. Be retorned tbat night but Mr@ Panzer will stay for a Mine witb tbe tamllY.. The rernaims of Henry Keru of LIbe;rty- ville, was brougbt here for burliSun-. day aiternomu sud placed beside those of bis wlte, who pa.eed away a littie more than a year and a balf ago. The Kern's wer. amoug tb. earjy settlers lu tble townirhip and, were well kpoavýp and higbiy- vreep"td by ail. The sincere syui;îthy of their many friends are ex tea..Ied to the bereaved famiij; Jams Towner trausacted businens lu North CbIcago ou, day tast week. Mise Bemie Mill@ la ou the îci fliot. MIss BernIce Bes@ @peut Tbursday evenIng at the Mille onme. The choir practîce ut Ray'@ was pounly atteuded ou accout t the weather. Preparations for a Christinas prograna at the cbarcb are belng mnade. Boruito Mr. aud Mlie Wm. 'Stuerp, Saturday, D-cember 14, a sou. Mrs. Aunie flouse l i. vitlughlir daugli. ter, Mr@. A. Rolland. Mir@; Oirge (1.hrke aiid uhidren spent Suuday at the home utflire 'Sophia Towner. Mesers. James aud Fred Towner Iran- scted buqines iuLake Forest, Thurs. day. Mir. and Mir% Robert Rouse and dauglî te? speut Sunday .St the home gt" latter's parents, Mir sud Mrs H, M1i. J. W. Hutchiings &petit the week-endý ilili relatives Inlu ilwauLe. - PRAffJlE VIEW lirm H. Uun and liretC. (jilman Were D)eePlaitner, aliers tast Wedriîesiv. NIre S. E Kuëdier sppnit unday even- ing ivilli lier sImtrrnt ltac luIs, return"Lg home via Ciceago onday. M rs. Emima Krueger - pett everal days with lier chuidren St Liheprtytlile ast j week A. Welhretieri, and Violet were Litbertyville tallers, Saturday. Mesrdames A, (.L Maethler. , I .liether and tC (lIman rmade là buslnestrip to dte rty t'idi Chas. Sturm, e hi, lis el-en qiltÀe ii wlth asthmas the toast vietek@ able to lie out. Mliss Kraiuer left for bier home riear Rl,îct.ioîd hret eek. The @tek unes lu the Ott home are ree-uvering from the "dlu." Chrnimae entertainruent ut the Grace ehurcli Tuegeay eveulng, Dcmbr24. Mir@. H. Aibrecit sud lMre. A. Peter@ were elty vîitore une day last week. Choa. Krueger and famlly opent Sunday eveuing ait the F. Staucliff borne. The meetings wbich have been hell the paint three weeks closed Frlday Bilâbt. Mmr. Davis returued tu ber home at Lake Foreet, Monday afternon and Misa@tirace Wakafield of Dsslaiues, has taken ber place lu the Joo. Richarde home. Mr@. Caldwell vas celled to Sîrarland taet Frlday by the death of a cousiu. The "W@ 7" club wil l s entertained by Mire. Lewis Merwlu, December 28. Our maill bas heen very Irregular thfi pagt week ou account of the sîcineâo i our carrier and the huid ruad]e. The lRed Cro@sfield a business uîreetin@ Thureday, l>eeeuîbèr 19. They nuîwliave work to give out and 'histee heen lielpirr lu the Chrietruae menîlîersliiîî) drive. Miss Elda Horenherger iras titre ues of Mit-@ Hilda Eckhart of ltaveîîwood Monday and Tuesday. MiosEleanur Meyer iras lih-,guetc Miss Sarah DLlerkeo!utChicagoi, llouday. Miss Margaret Velderand lirs. Sînelzp of,,Chicago, irere the guets of! li Albert iýaëtou, Saturday. Miies Winifred Piegge 0utliranDtJour tlon, lIlwa, ls visltlng ber parents, 11 and Mr. enry Plagge. lirs. f< K. Orslburn of River Forew vIsited cire motier, lirs George Stangt tast week. MI@& Margaret Vedderand ber usîrbe Charles Parson, lef t Tuesday for Mobil Alabiama, irbere they wIll spend Il wiuter. .lre. Tlii anîd ditugliter uftiGento irîre il.i gui-stre ut thi!m cousin. lMr@.- hiVaut, %Weduemday. Sýreran d hire. Conrad Uclitruan Foîrt, ,,>rlld,,,, rte week eîid gue8 o Irp . Il. .iimtcrîu. Mre Vi r rei, Pet tic rîl Chicago, i bir-eil vleltiiig utti*., iiiiue ut Geur I'etti or the îîst 5 ccii Mcrieu -ccli yi-r if I .ai rtlîge, tfie s ee-etl J Rue- t ut îilr. Ii ii of!I laitier, lir. Uutii-î. The Dlrva. o-s.unrtioi tie P reci-v tAert elrcted- Mns. Aune (Goodman, oracle; wiigieui w rîuurx lour Mr@. Katharine Giarnenr, vice oracle; caped Mr@. Jeesala laston, recorder; *Mrs.' COL.LECTED -AT STATION they Margaret Pettit, Ireaeurer; Mr@. LissIe vit-b Vaut, chancelier, Mns. Minute Jnhred , Soup Mostly Made of Refuse tot marohal; Mn. Christine Nensat, outer Tae fo C n-M as ir sentinel sud Mrm. E lilt. Jobniod, louer èentinel. The offiers vilIliec lnstalled un ail Samne, Unnourlshlng Januury. Wheu Jsrdge P'ersona heard that was Tbsodore J. Knaak vas iutalled es tha seven fitnie chllren of Audrew trenc Grand Mesiar lu t-be Msae oroder nt Domallmt. 18th street sud Dugdale appui! Highland Park on Saturday evsnlug. Rosi. NortJh Chicago, bai been bar- Of a Mir. sud àMn. Fred Meyer aud !amily lng for their meule: clu vere the guest Leray Neuf of North Soup and potatoos. 1ît 5 Chcago, Sunrla>'. .- Pct:toos and eoup. ife Mies Elizabeth Krus of Cbicagoi' li Pctatoem, aoup and cotee.. what viptln be alceMr. Ewar déig iAid when ha heard t-bat t-he meat there vbisitlg er ieeMr. dwrde rwant t1 mae u pt-be soup on abot, ibis eek.t-inaaverage meal coulsted o! meat lianei Miss Ida Kgaak gavs a piano reut-aI t kecn from thie garbageaimcan t tihe t-be au Kinabaîl bail, Chicago, Wedueday nayal station, ire juet natnrally got the1 evsulng. 1 iai clear through. escit The aduit Bible Cises of t-be"Preeby-' Sgo he threateusi to t-sIe the sev- aluni terian cbureh beld a buolueeaa meeting an obldren fronttha parentesud thtif and social et the Communit>' bouse, seumi them t-o an institution or ta t-he Out( Weduesda.v evening. Tb@ Cbrltmaa home for depeudents lu Waukean or gains prograna o! tbe Preshyt-erlan Spuday Lake Igluff orphanaga. sud sainaiool l be beli Mlonday eveuui. H. gave ths, parente until Frlday t-heu Mies MtNamar,, principal o! the, morning at aine oclock to colre luto head grmmrteol ed helck ot countlantishow t-bat-: lng1 graama ehoo hli bs ucy nmb r F ,R8TThey liaittralgistérsed p ng 84, that won tb, dolt cair nage ratilitd by their bouse Bo il wCs ft taIlive ln; t-vo Uadys Eaeton, Frtday, IDecenber 13. t SECOND-That the father bad pro. tbee Thne Parent-Teacber association beid vîded ample aubstantiel f ood for th ot tlir muut-bly meeting Frtdayafterarron.j famliy which hait been boullt and lvere Mn.o. Fredric-k Vanu CouIngb paid for; and tha.the amalier chil- plan, upole ou the' Rcontruttion Work dreni badeo uffncint milk to drink. over aiuu uediale sl1esTHIRD-That -they ,promlaed to thre Graham Suppie eeturned home iaet. cere for the chiidren as tbey ehould a ec mek funNorut a, reeleha. ;ng1 been it-h li@ brut-ter, Frank Supple for FO RTH-That the mother had bal 4 th pas sixruonhe. hown ber destre lu Uake cane of ber bouse ratber tban paylng attention tu lire. C. B. Joliristîi vas Ithe gueste t f a sick cow. S ln.Ler-iiyJolincton iofl Gieuviem, provldlug tbat t-hei'parents bave Tlu,@day - j, donc theseethings. Lhr cbunî viii ai- Mn. aud lire Sismîmal Hokeubarh are loir Uîeiu unothr.r pc-îîod of proba- vicitlng relatIves iu Chi-so îlis week. d lon maid bis probatîinofcer, .M ss ____________________ k-li- closýe vati to, sec hatthe doas the courti.ha" or- NOTICL dc r-d. %Iy %vile haviug ict rmv lied sud buard, It w'aà one ofthuenost ptheiLle of H 1 amuinîît recpusil.le tor ami>'debtr crin. t-le nauy cases that corne lut-othbe 81101 tracted t-y an> urre ut îuysel!. county court anrd alivus, ou Monday (Ira' John M. Mieyer? Hall Day, 111. aftenioon, t-id5 farniiy of uaine, tir;ofo liai 30tl them Iu arma, camne iâte county court s adthre emallest halte, lield b he ta unotîer. vas cooang sud laughiug. it- vit( ES O D III IIT made stuong bearte un the cour*-' o r room shudder as they saw a phase ed LT"J >lUr~1E V f ona par-t ot the world whlch the "'ne UIUIL TU VERY thar side doesn't realize. ci!l hl sry vas a doectir, tragedy telt W R o fi lic most- repugnaut type. Anidl m0 LAST DAY 0V' ' hie cyen chîIldren wera bright littie Yeu _______thîuigus, the tiro eralleet balui; espa- V cialiy alert- for their year-s. and Joseph Duffy, Waukegan Man, Trhe 14-yeaxr.ld girl tnId boy t-ea n e Writes fromn Hospital of family w-s afpd, how tbatr mpals cos- e Bulit Wound in Chest and' coffee, the latter belng given us- C uaiiy uit as tbey vent teolbed. The b SHOT DOWN NOVEMBER il court orderdth -le parant-s net t-o give ________t-be chiliran cole at ail, but to give them mîilI, explaiuing t-bat tht towu y Has Been in France Since Last voui furutiah st if they coul not- d Spring-Letter iust Re- afford ta buyILf The lîttla girl, Rosallue, t-oh bhoy y ceived First from Hlm the>' ail. exceptiug the, fathar. leap M lunue room; boy he bas thbe -littia his T- Tohave bauta ouniemi ou the lait roosn" but t-bat-t-be otirer dont waut- iday of t-be var, t-be day an wbiah th. t sleep near hlmt as lie la tonohlit-Iy. ba armistice vas ignei. vas t-be sintor. The mother admtted t-bat muet of ea tonale experleuce of Josephr Duf>', the ment comes from the garbago 1301h lufantr>', son of Firank -Dut>', cana of -tire naval station. The fath- I227 Williams etreet, Wasrkegau. nie ar amuittai it. Tire *purt insisted Wankegau Youug Man vho lft- ber. t-bat- ha go to t-be market Insteai of lu thse first draft audvira bas been expoaiusg t-be farnil>' ta pt-oaine paie'- id lu ,France ince aset spring, lu a fet- oulug. ter wrltt-en ta Charles fille>', s local Th'ie father, a big, iruskcy man, adt. ,d frlend, telle of bavjug beeu ahat- in mitled ha carns $30 a week but t-bat the ciret. Thea lettar, dat-rd Novem- ire aso spends mucir for bonze. lie lie ber 2 3, vas vnlttln tram a c-t lu promlseci ta put the booze moue>' lu- ai base ospit-al lu France, havi-g, to maetatnd food harea!t-er. ofbeen dict-ated to a ntenographer. If ha doesn't t-be court- vili ta'ie Thea-latter follova closely an off-i the children trom hm, a serp which gciel telegram frana thse ver dalsarh j bot-h husband and alfa !rowned uts- e ment- which vas receired hy t-be ou. ng vouug man's parents a ev days ago. Thue mot-ber axcusued har neglct o! It , tated suerai>' Ihat-iehuit bei-n se- ber beouse by expîsining te Miss Pal- varaly woundadInl action. mat-lar t-bat ahe bad a sick cow irbicli JTire parent-s of Joseph Doit>' have requlred mach o! har attention. recatrai ndirect word -!rom hlm ist snce last- spring. At t-at tima l (~f id. rsent thens word tram a traiuiug cmplunsB SCR S innthaeUnite Stat-es that- ha expect of cd tu go overseus lu a fev days . Nothing morc ever vae heard fronO0 G R A I 7p? bini untîl t-be telegrarn came ana'uuc- n. Ing tIsat bire ad beau lulurai. Th arnawoelatters but- neyer re-e M C IEO RS A i r. Tphe letter raceivai lsy Mir. RiUe>'. 9Murphy9e Townsend Pictures fol is Bae IHospital, No. 9, Most Viidly Toppling 6t, Navember 23, lqlS. Over of Hun Airman er ChalescaRiley, 121 Couut-y street-. Mrs, W. C. Tovuseni. 213 Sout-b ?w, Wauitegau, 111. Utica street. bas recevai a ver>' in. le. Dear tieni Charles: terestlng latter tram ber son "Mur. te 1 write ta say I ans In t-be bospîtal ph>'" Tovuseni, nov iu F'ranrce, t-al-. train a gunsbot voundInluthe. clinsut Ing about te final days of t-be var ou the lait day of tbe battle. Seemsansd minuta descrlng a talling Ger- pretty liard linos visen Iliii essaed aiman air machine, is pictura o!ftlie. for an long but- I bave march t-o be iug mont interest-ing. Extract-s frons t-bau rto nsd bave sud hava beer t-be latter vbicb la dked Nov. Ot-Il. i ut nost tortunrte t-at It vas n orse lb. day betore the armistice. follovit 311s sud ans gettlng sanôg so vell. An eeudig a blmet t-betiret of Ams baviug the ret of came and thse vaek and hope t-bat Yeu vifi e- bas attention and averybody la genti and i cal. .K. Have airai'bunehon" )rge kini t-o me. souvenirs but- got.ti rai carrylug thons Best ot ailt-lthis uIntba vorli asarond. B>' t-ie va>', oda>' ia Sou- r-as soon as 1 amu veilieuaugh 1I ang day, sud 1 happen taehava the vhola her home vb!c'h ma e>' In a short tIme da yta myseit. Yeu knov a sort 'of nov. rest dî. Drndn't crawlaout oetns>' ri uInthé meaut-ime visblug eten7bo. bun'e until aine belle, as I sure vau iae dy a happy Chritmas, tired. t-lieTour bieun& "Yeu abould bave huard the- tare- ,Tnqrpft E. DItnp"F . 11eli«k!s -ethrcw oiver leuFritz ai HEREI are two (2). kinds'of insurance. T Both are good tili death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps riglit on being juist as good as ever, when, right then and there,- the, other goes to the bad. Both kinds are O. K. tifb you have- to make de mand for mnoney. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both kinds keep you from worrying for a sea- son, but the one good -kiind is the kind to buy. 'Your mii e Insurance should not be negbected, 'and, when sebecting same, do not get the wrong kind. TH4E OLD MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE1 INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best .ipd better than maziy JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS n 13 ;2or .....25c nut ........... ....2 -1 lb. omTamt o e8..6 c 1 lb. Baking Soda ..,.... 5c 2 IL can Bride Elect To- 2 lb. can New Orleana matoes ........I12C, Molasses ..........i18C Bottled Olives, stuffed or Armour Oats, large ... . 30c plain ..............I13C Argo Starch, pkg.:...... 9c MEAT DEPARIMENT Fresh Spareribs. . 22c'Veal Stew . ...... 1 Bc Pork Loin Roast ...28cI Veal Rost ..... 24c Calla Hams ......... 25c, Veal Steak...... ..... 30c Pork Sausage ..... 2,4c1 Leg of Lamb......... 27C Bacon, heavy .. .. 3 5c iLamb Stew.......... 20C Guaranteed Eggs. doz. . 60c Leaf Lard............ 30c 'Best Round Steak..27C Bonelesa Cornbeef..22C Pot Rost. --.20 and 2 2c' Salt Pork ............ 25c W. haudi. a full line of f resh fiah and nysters every weelr. Swo.t potato. .oranges. apples andI a hull lino cd tesetu.bloa. ORDER VOUR CH-RISTMAS POULTRY EARLY- GEORGE M. LANE KAISER BUILDING LIBERTY VILLE fire. lite Burt lin. wuvai I'u ntjuu 'f2n ture of the vort a&ho ia doli. I set sonm.big school aSter i 11 E J IU r I seea taone ofStheAmesIM oeahoÏ aued only a -minute before brae wo uet oversea. loft vitha * i i ere falllng on both aides. lII'TO I ~- lags are a flyig aud ever> body lavaiR U TO T-9- load onhie heart," seuviresh.o Wu IerIna, "mLe Gam re fte." At ~leavins hie vite vea Tory aida, waaý set 1 ai tatIoued lu a town MJ O VLK iiRiDC ln tact IIt waa fait tat sire mmml th bas ;z BOdrYSenn ife not live for mauy dey. stili thre whose mont recsntý occupants - oldier, true to hle connu.try and iut rGermens.MisAlnAtda neB. hile lookiug up billets tihe otheir Ms llnAtosAgl e-wnt on overmeaa iroping e3191t hmn who ahould we rmn acroas but tweCn fl ter-Sefls and that the vould get botter sud th51 e emnsoldiars vho bad es- Wve-Husband3 ha would get word tibathae vas- 61 ed tron one of thre prison camps: right. yevideutly camne lu ibis town NEW CASE IS CITED Hwvr i etr oeýr o hthe expectat-lone of runnlng lu- Hwvr i etr oevr o thelr owu country, but mucb la answered and ire heard nothigtrous Idiamay tbey were again talion Case Where MIss Allen Locat- home direct. For nmsn resson or bv tbe . P's. d Wfe nd FundShéHad other the vired wvee croeeed, ti S býtheM. P's.ed lfe nd oundShèHad mails ver. crossai and iheo oild gât lb. th way vho ehould 1 min IntoReaed eatnoldg a t htarbcve other day but Bort ll'ellows. 1 Rg e elh otdnsa o Ite i W going lu one direction Ir amjwas better or viretiier the baibeea ach aud be was comlng from the 3fNiss Evelyn Allen of Waîîkegan. callesI t0 her fInal reward. >cette directiou ln another trench. virose latter to relatives - showpd -H. fluually went to thre Red Cross course w. stoppei and bai quite that tbe knew Jinut how to go &bout suter haviug îeceived a furlougr and est. Ilto 0get neyeo ofLient. Hompr Dam Ithere lr'iera-i referred t10Ume.Alle. sure hopie tire ceneorstlp vii boe icger, broflgbt thle ches.rful utewi to Mie s.Alir-o irmcdiately. as orne of éd socu as then a fellow cau write relatives sud triendsln l Waiklegan buer hueps of duty, got in toucir vitti t he vants to. Gee! Toulgbt on Tbhursiay, has been one of the hjs famlly over lu Ainerica and fin.- re can't b-ýboard a single riflé go-betweens betveen mothers in ally got thie word vhich vas taken touly hours before Il was a c-on- America aud lthe boys ln Fronce diur. back to the solier vhen b. report- nous rose. Did I tell you about lng ber solouru In France lu connec- sud at the Rei Croms beadquuartere last observation balloon 1 saw -lIOn viti the Rted Cross work. again. The neya Misa Allen receir Boche brlng clown? It sure wsa rom vwbat can bo e amned of Mineý ed frain t-is soldier's vife vas t-bat Atlng. Everytbing was runlng Allen sbe.ha. doue a vonderful work the bai recovered entirely, t-bat she î~ ugicely wben ail or a sudden and has been thbermiens lu insu>' mi was lu fiue baalth sud looklug for. es Boche plants camne snooplng as of brIuging joy Into the hearts or van tan the timê vhen ber soldier of thse cloudg. The iruti air pneuiii moihers sud fatiners vho have Inel busaend, should rome bacir from as st-arle-d îhrmwiirc ligh ei'î'~strace of their sons and Mai ea bebas France. d srapnel, but fallai 10 rit(,p"Keen the means of brlnglng happi- OuI>' au Imagination cam pleurs m. It took place rIght oîîr' nets to Moldiers "over thi-re" whuo how bapp)y that soldiar vas sud boy aie anrd va e ot ne tuiriln idare looklng for Information of rela- grat-aful hbe va to Mien Allen virose sheller as liii shraîp'îel xai t,:ý- tives left beblnd ove? bere. - <uowladge of hrew t go about Il ail arounm i c. I-n"i i-c'-:'- Fer Instance there was aune case hrnuglit hlm thre much loolagi for oobservera wei- . whre. Miss Allen erupbasized thbe ra aucwe. edge oft i- hasXr- au. ;iw, re 'r-i ~ llrîg close to iieground __________________________________________ re then thro%% n oi L-ipth ee1w ies, tiro o!ftî.'niii r ein rbead: evldentlv pairol e.ýhý S PECIAL SALE THIS' WEEK Pt-hird crne çwrsp1t v ýw dl coluinn lifit anrd flrc'i THESE PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY gsome klud of chmellc h t nith Ion on ir. 3 lb. pkg. 30c coffee -..- 68c'Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. for 2.5c Dutch Cleanser, 5 cana.- 25c'Mince Meat, 2 pkge. for 25c ýANDALOUSCOGoen odWsinPo- Large can Libby's Milk. 1 4c der, arge pkg. 6 for 251c Aunt Jemima Pan Cake DUCT SYS COMCan Salmon, 18K; 2 for 35c" Flour, large pkg. 42Ç, ABOUT CRA VER, for---------------.92c, 1 lb. pkg. Tapioca .. 8c 2lb. can Kara Syrup, . è lb. pkg. Shreded Cocoa- Hemla lethe formai os-dan r whie tova Just whiat Psy ('lerk Gilbert J.' t-ver vas conviclad on court mar-, ai at Great Lakas ou t-he cbmirze of iaing propart> o! t-ha Unitarl rt-as Iuteuded ton the naval ser- be thereat." "uulae'ill>' selllng rperty o! t-hp Tlnlted Qiatas itutd- dfor thée naval service therpea!" reglect of duty," "perJory" (tiro ePe- icat-lonq), anrd "scaird-sous 'oudurtt mdlng to the destruction o! goai icals" <(tirea spacificatlonii), tound nu "not gityl' of Charges I sud su ad gult>'of the ('uigeq l,111 i id IV, and adjudgei t-be tolioylug unt-uce». 'The court, tbaretor, sautaucEci hlm, Psy Clark (T), Giert J. Craver, Unit-ed States Navy, t-o be iumissei tram t-brUnited States naval aervice sud ta be lmnprtsrsuei in sucb prison or peu- lt-eultiM as the couveuing su- thorit>' may desîgiiate for a par- loi oSfifve (5) Yes." Crever vas to start t-oday for rort- muth, N. H., wbere he *111 serve la sentence. iý-

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