Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Dec 1918, p. 4

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rii -î tyvllle independent «A *a hrte et ai UtoVUI. ean Soeud CVi es.M l at omoielPubiIcstloef@C TiheVlag f Ubérllîi* MOulSs fer Labo Ce mbord et iOu5eivOWPnoeudém fpy lbu*siY. dvrti8lais a ie KmwoWn Aplailou. orIPoN PRiCE. 80.50 P cN Y".R BTRicrtLy UN AovANCE i OKiMARDO .......T .......................... .. lManager tIlà uuddon crash of the. y0u9g ma nd iZMon Mr = bocane attructe to tii. <'gMf of tongues", calls Ië Iad t mportalco ftii.e authorities doing somthing1 q0w«oO5 the effect of a fanatical bunch vho worMhP -tu WVfteg-of-tflgi people aiittely carry on mothd o exrouingthoir fervent desire to -boa àdifomit and botter than somebody "h. The. people ~beve lutis "glft of tongues idea" go0 into OPUSm W= U .*iu fervor which mienace their health and if thu t m i l true that already six victims are -n the aay. i ~itfom imbibing this mqethod oIf 'gorship it looks aM MI*gh Zon City and tihe county is belng nenaced by the. Popgation of tins sort of religon. The foflowers of this d ÇtoçîPies dea iZMon are not numnerOus and there. Unthe fact that six of tii.m already are itue asyhun bw*as t th strenuouslty cf this method cf worship. It Mfltoo bad that suchi a fanatical idea could prevail ini ~aenlitied commuity 1*0. Lake county and the qbiUon1s"Hogw long viiitii.y b. tolerated?" Naturafllr .vrybody vanta te sue.ti otiier fellow = M. sd worshtp hIa Chtian-like Muner but when 1 ryit to exoeua, vierà theïr iiealtii and miud la =M nd eks tBem huhi i iet a ui.If the. people are to be allowed to go a.head lui tus .,.jort cf vorshir until they beconie un.,niarei; P tb b. the. cae ini Zion City in this particular secti otilii county basreaS, bas a rlght to interfère because ag octheii county money to take care of tiien after tliey hmv wr.cked ther minds. Î NýIobody vants to lnterf r. with proper relious ver- 'but everybody belleves there Is a Urne viien tue lino Z db. drawi. It seema as though this la one cf th4 BUVING THEM TO DE GOOD «The clty matn can nnly b. tauglit to mend his ways by glvlng hlm à #a ost preserve ta rosm n" la offered hy promotera of tihe forent proserve Ides 4aLsike ccnnty au la roaton for puttlng a blg projet through In 1take county ,VMeh eventualiy would b. s blg expense on the county-and which thus. or, ,e.dlng te admissions of promoters la deslgned prlmariiy as a means of PRE- VRNVINO the oty mani from trespassslng on farnier' propet'ty. ObTus it la patent that the taxpayers of the county are ta b. asked te r"in 05000 a yeur and thon fiat a bond Issue of aay up te $250.000 ta pro. vW0 à playground for the Chîcago and Waukegan sutolet n erder that lie gwUi net violt., the aw by trespassIng on nome fermer'* land. Rather fer- làted don't you thInki 1-Rather expensOve amusement for th. Lake county taxpayers. don't you tuUnkt Far cheaper ta LEThs nm trespasa tcobis herta content than ta 4buider auch s burden of expense just ta PREVENT hlm doig sa. If h.e s law violator. Ilirougli choe or ignorance, then th. argument 18: ,Vy-hlm off by gIvOng hlm s payground. It seerneIslke a Utopian des ta us; *tlI gae alike a mlghty expensove one for -what vo are te get out of t. ChahnianCOW s'~ays Wau- kegan EmploYem S howng the Proper* SpIrit ASKS MORE CO-OPERATION tmloyera of Waukeganare sbow- i img thoir patulottam b7 takimg hok their o14 employes «i*iiy ta tber return fras= teé sorr"c.Tht. oun- dOtion 0f'affaira la quite, Oa contrant wlth thse conition found Oàùnmrnetc- tien wheroe manufacturer. are promis.e ing aid positions only at reducd %al. erie. becauso poitions of the MoM bave beon filled by vomen. Harvey C. Coulaon, chairman ofi the VWeerai Cionmunity Labor boar4a of I.ake ounty. toay nxpressed mat.1 isfaction over the spirit being ahownt by employer. ",We have oalled .00 manufactur-1 ers On thls district on the telephone,"t he sai. "andinlaevery Instance they have asaured un that they yl teks back their aid employas ai rapidOy ai they retura. Through the systein vhich has been ostabllahed vo are notlfted Imunediately when Wauke gan or L.ake county Young men are releaaed trom the service. We wrIte tliem immediately. telllng them we vili be glad ta co-aporate in obtain. tng positions for them and alia write ta their former employer.. urging them ta take them back vithaut de. lay. Wo have htd a large numb,.r nf these camies called ta, aur attention but in each case thse situation bas warlcod out aplendldly. "«Rlght nov 1I von l 1e ta make an appeal ta ail employer. vba need men to 10.1 their needs wlth uni. We cma co.perata vitis oach ather by placlng tii... returning soOdiers and saiora la pooition, best multed to their ability. The employers fWIU ben- eût because they vill be able to taire aivantage of the largeat empiayinent bureau On tihe United States. i wculnd urge employers ta taire this iatter up *'m iah us Ommediateiy. Whou 1 say employera 1 do not men heuda of ananu.c tariag coUote'ns. but heads of stares, barber sisops, etc." On. af the diMeutifs that 1;1-l have ta ho lraned out, acoarding ta lir. Coulian la the demani that smre Of the. returnlng men vili mal.e for botter positions than tiiey had vison they vent avay. Ho Baye many viii foui that tbey have baia brasier ex- perlence vhich entitles tisem toaa abotter position and ha Baya it may a not be quit. us easy ta place them Yai though they alipped buck ioto >their aid Jobs. Ca-operation, he says, ...w il solve the situation. POLICE ARE NOTIFIED Car Stolen Thursday Night. Stood on a North Side St. ail Day Friday th de ff MI ie lnbImci iea -msn who insiste on wantOng un- automoble--e o y stetOs one. Then, we preaume, te provent hlm stealîng an auto le Wauregan, Dec. 21. Fty hMa desire to ride, tise public ought ta buy a car and gîve b b ohlm. The automobile visich s stoen To our way of thlnking, Waukegars people do not need a park outIin th". Thuraday nlgirt tram George G. Chas'. *y ton or fiftesn miles; te our way of thinking la flot up te Lake cousty ran cf Wisconsin avenue, va. rocos raOut a tores of parka n the country for Chicgoans, te, what's the. Ides ? erod Fiday nigist hy the police, and 1 ,a bluoJacket vava. tryiag ta gai Thé boys, who corne back. from over there mnt not w.ay vlh îî vas aIR but ce»tured. ptthat many-of tiiose who nover got acrou sesis, did Ho escapei Ibrougi fllght. Tise car :thal been stolon tram la front of btsplendly hoe or they would have beon unable Mlle McGutre'a place an Washinlg. ýdo vbat they did ln Europe. Xuch of the important hon streot. Irk vas doue back home and b.caua. cf that fact, the The Police vero laformed early »~ who return, must flot ,au la reported te be the case, auooieaseta h ecito .butmrerouaté officers vho, though anxicus toe gt ic 0f tise stolen car, bai beon standing Uon, ver. denied that privilege, not tbrough their ow at the corner cf Steel Court ad Lava Court aIl dey. Policeman Frasnk sit bUt because they ob.yed orders. And tien many Who McMansman Iatenei ta tise loca mw doun. a unform, made possible that splendid sup- tln-lsamedilatly. Ut et U. Aierican army whlch made lis organisation so veeac ers standing about p ypsble. The retarned soldiers viiidiapel Much rigisltou.. bAu ra tewvlllkeieh angthe .rgoyaid detract from the deference shovu them glsnce aItishe license Plates on tho sq ~suo he actia w lgeral report Baya, they wlththat e . soln cmue p~ ~ I euul uMaY, parte 0f the Country. W. hope .'Whereé yourloonse," he de. in Mm ocf lt lu and about Là. O uty. ESnobblah. mandietfaablueoclet vho va.uiln MM.T TETHEWAX laUlable toundor UCh of the theoirtver'asest. ~umn tehlÉ t~t .latd drln ~ 1111. Why, IV@ right Uer., lat IVI re __________ «ntd RM héCoiktpil thélireair. cf te (lthus dmocacy Tallng out hi.fliaalléi hUe Po. ne .DeMocrcY o tetimes ( hth eocayiliceman vtlod à,teUs. rear of tho car1 97TYYÉ> la bigilflUetrated la the Sothermi train. tb examine Use r nuaMbr. Ma i.p. acrding toi Word tQat cornes baci to WaUke- a ndte crepod&QscklI uonibg camp ther. Il la sad tuaIther. la prao- ho ateppei ibok te Omoace Us.aor mot amai fom th ucuh lef lu ti cap. T e dr arreol, but bhwuvu.Ssal too Z Wt M=f=-toooUhletinheimp.Th ate. Hu av the blujac'eI isap' a&M 1.ft constat chlefY offlhlnil, Indiana aid geuung tiovnau a ey 60 or 75 *Io huereas every mai from the southermi tesavay. Ho gave ohase but thse sillon glVei bis dlaharg. (0f course the southen ludal i.lm n tUse r à.l charge 01 SOUTHEN MEN and anybody on matceslu hefrnt part ofthUe the fav6dtlmm nbOvn the outh dUrig the cr hvbioh conro.dhi mUaI lb. menerrhbli been trytag to thrmona merely has te look over the lBat cf the merk th,. svltcir la Usee oU vithow, 1he dlahargeiol And who ,rc utili trainng in the a&M cf tb. roguar loi.t il capiLrbat Use machine vas etoen on T'haraday nlgbt for Joy rilOu. Pur- - ~poses the.peUeo are oonvlsoe wat that Prosident Wilson Is belng treatod as a tisa havé- nt ftlgei out yet Ma abppa& Well, va3t here everî akidng who virother the thifliraI tPouloema vio ssued mre orsoal espo- aumm Ulsct be tuIS ie' 0 aSUMe moe petoial espo., .. vii e t ar thé qatiij*. * i i d omnination over hie gover mlng f o h th r e » Og l o Wih ouldn't h. b.é m ..wpau.a1 lscu't h.?bat U. J. Tuger 'Of WaugM". on. et thowa ovsr the. Fedem lsy 11o ft BeW.<oit0fNortiior u lloste- day loaaei the.buaineua beok ut 40 Irove avenue. purchased lait vee from the~ Allen Rotan patate by WII- Ham. A. Korber. Thoea= la for a period of ive yoams Wlth the. completion of extonalve ore t won the building, vhleb er atarto day, tbe campin viiiSu- tun m cof etIa mdom a kerlos. At la @egoetol that lte pD4co viibh opoei a sortly after .TauuarY 1. i SM'wIm w TO BURY TU DEM>I Fred Stanley, Brother of 0 . L Stanley, Wrttes Interesi- Ing uFatheess Loer" HAS SEEN MUCH SERVICE Had the Honor of _Playlnglai Band Whloh Appeared Ze. fore Presldent ln France T'h. nevl balery wàU ho ane of a' flow he helped tu bury th. dedi àin of ton ltat are beiig operat- 'udar a galling artllery tre--hew àthraughout northoru Illinois. One the Runeaoi; dova Ainerican obrer. mas opeued et Roolford leat veel. vation balloons-hovir e bad tle ber cities vbieh are nov llsted as hamar ci playlng la the baud which new homes" are Aurora, Freeort, l&pleed before the president of loet and Waukegan. Tise Vin Frane unidisow ho 1, nov marching tre vwl buholn charge of a local mnio Germany vith the -armyb of oc- rman . Iellite arrangementig for cupation-theee ami a dosen uther eo openlug are ydt. ta bu smnoumcei.ý Intereatlug tActs. are relatei ln a lot- Accordlug ta Mr. Yoger. only breai ter vtsch ha. boots recelv4i from rl bu bekei bere. The "-gai eleoo Fred R. Stanley, a brother of 0. LU ric aveu" vOil bo nstalled in thse Btanl.y of Waukegan. argo dluplay vindav at the. front The lether via a "Patier's Lottor"' ýthe stare vhere lite ork l ho u vy4ten by the Young man tehi. afull vlov . ai l litmes. rtepfatirer, W. W. Savage of Holeing- Onler a retutilbusiness vl lbe tan, iKansas, but vho, Wlth hic vIte, ,niucted. Frems breal i viiihbutak- nev la vlsihln)g relatives On Wassko- rn from lbe avens und iPlaced on an.Fred Stanley uni hi. parents aie every 4P.isninuteq, beglnning nt lived la Waukegan up ta aàbout 14 o'ciock la the morniisg.y aobttthttm vnta NOT DRY, TI4Ar'B ALL Kansa. vire they bave lived ever Certain advocates of what they slace. They have a largo number of erm "dry moacures" ha .ve ne eppos- fiandld n Waukegan. ien whatever tu Day. Shannahan Fred Stanley enllsted Bt Moloington r speaker of the house nt Spring. aMd %&usesnt ta France viser. for a sf4d ekdeopig tbat ho conut ite -timeho e serted O mUse tranches. Lat. atod wlth the. "dry&." The fact er ho vas tranaferrei ta the band lis a 1he1 Shannahan hiniseif lias ai.. w5hicis organisution ho vwa. located ways been a teetoller. As speaker vhen theo armistice va.slsgnei. )the housh. bas mode one of the The letter la onelo0f tise mont in- sat presidlng offilcere the state hia@ tertatlng ever recolvod boe. luaiOh er hald. There la no legislater mOcthse farimer Waulegan Young man ppular OnAllInols as Dave Shanna- tolls of tire vérioua engagements On ýan and It lias been notewortsy that whlch ho to'e part. naMnsg aIl tis-, te loeatures over whleh lia ha& citle,. it vas the fAret letter his prslded have don. a great deal of parents ever bai reeelved fram hlm, work. Thero thus Oe mucli to hie la wblch ho gav.e locationis. crdit InIlOlinois législation. lie tella of standing betide a bat- But, juat homame ho cannet bo tory of large guns an tise morniflg ut Oasaed as a "1reai dry" Scott McBrIde Nao'embEr il, and va. hopeful that nd other ln Chicago are out to "gel he would ho permitted ta tfire, the las scalp" regardOosa of the fact that lait sisot. Ife mays ho would have ho le a strong and an able leader, been able ta do se isad nol somne of- personally an exemplary man and tirers api.eared on the scpae and hl@ présence In the chair et SprOng. fired tise lamt tew sisal' before il I.Oid procuresas worlctng legîsiature o*ciock vison tise orier ta "ceas. fir- rathor thon ane whlch vouli ihe a% lrg" va. given.1 sword'a pointes lf the time as would Thée band, ho sys, vas assigard I ec ths, case If tmorn f the mon ai- ta the dtyof burytisg the dead. 'ocated by MeBride and others were Sianl:y suays Ot va. bis peainful op- elected tu the position. hi* seems portonity to see bis cbum and ber't to hoe a case among some people frieni boôt Ibrotigis the heurt vii vhere the matter of beOng 11ciassed a machine gun bullot. epeciacular a a dry, or net" la mare Important Ondeed, âç ays, vere the attack, thon the. poesesslin f exécutive made on the observation balloons. and legisimîlve qualifications. Mais ytlnes, ho ,ay. lhe vas ubject-ý This '"dry Idea" seemis tu ie a ed ta machline gun tire tram enesny nania wth tome people; It carrles airerait but ulvaym escaped unburt. them beoni the point of reason ln Mrs. Stanley said today liat ah.e nattera grestly of more vital Impor. expected ber son vould stop off lns tance thon the partitllar thOng In Waukegan for a visit an his vay Nhicli they are directing their stten- bomne, stter recelviisg his discharge. tlon and dOfference. _________ JAN. AULI PRICE BILL BOARDS IIIDE- ONUECENT III(lIER STREET CAR, MAÀN TRAN IN DECEMBUR ND WIFE ARE HURT Tise price la Se PRld for Jaisuury mik viiî Se $3.76 per bundrei pounni. This price has boca net hi lise fedoral foai administrtion and bas been comniicalei ta Ihe vur- loua rnllk bandllng plantsauni huyera tsroughoultishe dairi district Tire priein aise cent bessausa.companed to the Decomber pries, viicisas $3.77. MiII prices are established month- ly and tise 13.78 price la ha.ed an 3.5 per cent butter fat, the prico Seing higiier or lover ai tihe mli testa for butter fat, vben ieliverei le mlIk plants by producers. This meansa tisIthe prico per quart ta consumeras vi iromain tise mmo for 3anuetar-i4 uots. DECLÂR FORT The spécial ataribca&d appcluted hi Secr.taiy cf War Baeor mi baud5 ed hi MID.ou. Jeon I& Ohaimber. laIn. buooetbr Cgooal, iisei il. inspection cf Chicago% four ver bon. Vital posslbilite lalundwai ndde- portai for Wsoabmr Tbey vers nat .pieaaoietItheeau- tecks UsaI have been maie on Use army bospltalpi jiat Port 8UlIan. "Cba*e. that Use hoeital eouatiso lion lagsptrous are al rot."»al (ion. Chamberlain. »The. muperviali architelbas talon full precautlomu egtant lire, uni lier. le no danrger. The buildings lbaveoon OecOd ami approvud, hi Use lire unios'wrlt. Plana have boon maie for UN50 bois et ]Fort sherian, vtihS ola of e k iait for educatIng the malmed salilera. Brnest R. Giram as'obltoc vha auperviml the biil2 o f tUse bd bMaua, -ntal L .aplc Mr. and Mrs. John S. Carlson Struck at County and Grand Avenue Monday TOURING CAR DEMOLISHED A farceful argumenî for tise ne- movril of the huze bill boards visicis abstractht rvlev of sîreet car Iracira vas soon Mossduy ulteronr lua Wuo legars vien Ac. uni Mi'.. John Lru Carîsn, vbo live northvest of Guryte.1 vere bit by a 1-treet car ut CauntJ ani Grand aveuse. The car va-s demeROhed and 7fr. Cari.a.i sustainr.bbadiinjuries ta tir- heai; bluhiewfý wab brulsed ecasder:,- bly anai a inger buly hurt. OUter vlae Sh'r e.caped vlthb but Miner bruisea. , They vere enroule ta thoir home on Use Charles Farmun farm visere Ms'. Oarlaon la manager. Tisai yeN galmg up Use bil ami dii net recasi Usl th Uetreet cura rua on CountY strot. ira. tbey craihed on is front of Use ouar *lich hure thre-r10oone &ie ieapte lise efforts 0f tise'driver cf or theauto and Use motarman 1te aveM a collision. Thal Ihey es- cape itiUs Usir lives se.mud a sur- prims o 10iumo ew tmeusei lie au- cident. FATiIER PIES A WK AFTER 1MOTII1ER; CWID NOW ALONi Chales Sielu of Fox Luke, duc Satariai ovealag tn a Chicaego bar pilaifollovlnugan Ilînesfrcmtli tua, foflovai bi pneumoisla. Hii death foliovai hi a vee' ta a dui titof t iri vie boiednt Fai Lüms of tise samo trouble. Thet louves a three-year.aldbd o.a et-tlw MW Veat«vwo f User fault we. l - yoD lnovn ai Fai pt àvd therem Mayyear ,W-ANT -ADS I RATES-1O CoulaPmr Lias, Eaé bo.. n0 o m" NhdomlcIarg FOR SALE-Pour loi. . Iaquireo f L. F. Brown an Broadway street, Lberty. Ville. 5129 FOR SALE-A 40 acre sud an 80 aere fari m .0. rom Lake&Vila. Oood soli and good buildings. Loy priesami maly terms. Immqgdlate possssion. Otoek. fteni a m lement Il ds.lred. P. M. Harding, Ares, 111. 42tl von 5A14-choilce1 e - la *-w range cf Waukega aui Gr«t -L Btaton. godi housebau eeeS bement , luti7 bSumeowci e chard, vefL. Ovuer Wii c00«M« smalA eaiemee la Wankegaum PlIt Dayment. T. J. Stahi & Ce0. Waab lmgwtSt,- Phouoe3UT, M or M3. FOR SALE OR REN-5ar am C - 'A . ý. - -I i r»lvj. 6 - M4ciiy Ave. Mm.Grims. 2.4 FOR SALE-Onu Of tire cholceoat 4C acres *Witbln 4 mile. of Wukegas w. hava ever bai ta offer. AIt unmr trigir Biateof cultivation. Ooiboute barn, cemnent silo, bugg shed ton) bouse, cava crib, boit hanse,. poultry bouse, laudlngl5 heai ot Holateit, cattle, 4 gooi hbrsea, 60 luIl bloodei Rhode Island R"i cickens. ail crop? and tools. Small $aymeat cdown, baL as a rentai. Immediate possession . .OtahI & Co., 226 Washiagtor lit, Phono 287, 013 or 737. Wlly Il ZET O;UR ESTIMATE bhetor cie. AUg Stor.m at". bousemolg houte ralolng. Zion luatltutlomsaau Industries,»ePt. 4 ZMon City, I. Phono 49 Zmon City. W<l ltï WANTED-Two or Ibre. rooms fore iighiC houïékeepiag. Pb-one 2i.J.- 52-lp WANTED--To bu. good laa. ocusy farnâ. Bond full partieularoi, prie., bec terme. ete. P. 0. Box 281 Lako Forut, loi. 52te Chi *6 tl JO atc tir vil tri lai of ln col e. toi iti fi cil la wi Of bc el' ha th ci ai h1 hi h1 11, r tI ns AUl =,ài qe Tfu t end fi niai d huma well g peit liuEAiJe -ladk anather defoneeleaa hasiritll'" liEtviAN, IILL D1ith.oust ta mîseif a. 1 hastemmi te- vantir ione0fthe dstrution DI)"Seeing a French liasion aour mn. OWN WOUNDI3D;DID tUmssng, Itrspped to anuireh T li Y E A T ? e st. A t th ls ho hursl m b ' augter, as If ho hfrnselt ~re rn ed by thse sock h Z.".l hurt bombe. Waukegan Man Graphioally "'Mon dieu! Mon amW hpl cria4, Describes Scene Abroad 'This baumflot been auueb a bad nlg1ri for uni ater ail. Fritz made tva 4dk1 When Many1're KiI.d rect bits on tise bompital varia l whlch Yeu kaov those Boebsq voniciare quarlered9#) or lhesa PIOTURES THE SENSATIONS iwobeleve yeu boys brought !n y.atqr day, ami not one 1011 la cry 'lCames,ý0 The tollowing tory vas vrtton ai Mgain.' by Ensign DwOght B. illngs, instrue- "He wualkei away. cbur-klng to- ter of virelesu an byiraerouianes aet toise .If eho ai qest hourd a tfans tise Great Lakea Naval Training #ta, ny aftar-dinner @try.j tian. Mr. ]ilngmlves at 625 North "Again 1 clhnbed mb to ho ambk Genesee treet. W auiegan, and h . lance, n i a . i mat o ol«Ing eàtvaa$ vas aver n France vils tise Amner- tavards No Mans Land and borne.Ba Ican Ambulance assoclatian la-t feeling of aaberness came oser m sprlng. He suv mone of the l"rrarr, us I pondered aven this manifete-. of var and lie la velO able ho give a lion of rotrlbnuton." graphie description of tise scones ______ vbch to0k place on tise battiefield of tisa varl'e greatfflt var. On re DR % E À turnlng ta the ltnltpi Bltem,.EnaignI Bildg ni Oe n tise aviation de-T D partment ut Boston, Mass., und NEIIAWJI vas sent on ta Greatl 1c. ue.,11e INOW LATED sUs la tise storywhcb Mr. Oillings bis Bo cleverOy vritten: CANCER ULIUI. "t vas dumir. utter ane of thase rare summer day. of ' northern t'race. e ma ou aid ur dingy Belvidere Womnan GetsLetter, tar.papered barracks, chatlng o!f ro horne. Our work of lamorro n i n the Fo Relative in Glasgow prospect. of ais *ariy Germen cIt Telling of Horrible Act- lapse. Thse sun had orrg ine(-e sanhi Int Vie riýln7z nfs. arnd only thse lat pale fi. e .i1 k loudestsiOl hovcnefd n (Belvidere Republcan) tise we4. The ginist rliing from cach Mr&.%[&rion Rley, 307 WVet Plag hollow was thcrlnnlng ta Oil aur lit. ant etreot, rocelved a ettor a fe te vaiiey and make cach outine On- (daye ago tram ber daugister-in-tU distinct sud ghastly. Nov uni Vien Mrs. Frankr M. Riloy of Gluagc> lis, distant rutmble broke tise stII1ne. Scotieni, vich rocites a eue . 0 fthe tvilgbt, or a star siseli saine. horrible punisisment lndilcted uponu where out In No Mai'. Land turned liritIsis prisoner in 'Germany.'I nigist once mnore Int day.' victim of tire Hun'm cruolty va. lgI "Tise-boys vere grawing sleepy a! Ing vils tise Canadieansea ea ter un unusually bard day et 0, anid tured. Is reference ta * e*te aose by onse, disuppeared vOisin aur letter maya- siseltor to tur nIn ready for a bard .. "i as -ag te a friand S day on tise marrav. 1 alaise vu ether dà# Vbaae brotirer-la-iav left and feeling atrangely avake. 1 recently returneà bomne an e waîked up tise roi tarny ambulansce. ed prisaner tram Germany. Sh. as I could Dot sleep vithattwlshing me tisat tise oung man va. not rny falthfull pal gaod nlgbt. Clniisg ng veli upon bisraturn tao te thse driver% »eOt, 1Isel; gaziisg o i ndconsulted bis fansily ad tise littie billO vich separatedUS 'Wore yeu Inocul%ted viie la tram No Man's Land, uni Frltzstrern any?' askod tise pisyiclan. ' from fur te tb. vest came very vas tise repîy, 'a isunîreî 0f us» falntly. The 10v motter of tise bar- 'W eusid the physician. 'I irage tire and lise glstiY tiasies of 00. 1cuis do naîbîng ach for -the guns Ibrougir lie mist tldinc becanse you bave bea no that tise crovis priaco vas n.aking vifs cancer garma'"» % unotiser desporate attempt on tise Prss ilapatche. have ro 0 Chemin des Dames. But tisaI vas far ta lime carrled the. neya that - uay, uni 1 fel1 ta muing about ers and peopleoliving il a trdte those tonies tise poilus bai toli us tured i h ie Germaina havebeu a! o bumMae tMb tfl n adoculalei vili varionst iusme hospitais. the ahove letter la but actiie r -*A sarp 'pOP' appanalli Ovýo-0f Use barbarity of ltheflua. d " heai, brought Me la MY feetsuni 1 bave to ho talon Inta tise r "iooîed -elyvard. Anothor uni then vien peuce cames. I a Ibird and faurli report follovei. y ach vith lis Utile' firely flasr, and it I 1mev the A-ciles ver. oolar forC IA D N se trouble. Tvo tirin pencua of îiglt f( ýr sudienly plurcoi the iartneaa sîy- t vend and merchei ber., thbru unid E f3 m. everyvhere wlth tiroir long bean fin- j> 5111115k rgers. Mare Arcobla ut a diatance jolned the brunI, 111e wlvem anavor- lag tise cll ta MLi. ut nov tboy AS F1'UYlf'13 have ceaaod! Do"Is ilmean liaI UseOr quarry IrsaO@caped? 1I rainmy Ila alettar 10 E. V. Orvia .a oursami nov bear tise steaii mbu- tornuy Clarence W. Omitt c of B plane gravlng louder and lour-go ad1 or. Il va. ahmogt overbeai. Tise "g e sali: ae n Ihw11 Smotor dîtes LAidsilence &gain, excet lby Attorney Pope liraI Mme for Use 'Aiertl Alert!' tram the Vchar va.dumaior French setntnies. I1ilung mysoîf b.. - tc. O gost Stveen the 'cam.- A hising sossis, demies sres de W!md ler thon a atunniig crash! Hertrend. are ii er. Tre.11e ,n cis Mranthe bospltal! AtsorIticirareson vwu la te oo e 1ý cramés! Silence. A raur of an un- er day but Ivau ont, Sseb* B- ipÏrMebo motar lifting a plane to a e ln again ln Use nezI fev ae ty ai tise Huis turnas once mare tovard sa Hunlami. Ly "'Pandemonttihumasbrokei lacsot )Pollus are runnlng fnom dugaut ta FOR SALE- buiding. each trylng tao ut-tal bil-s )y fellow !ns a French vislch no farolga. aý privai. asi.. r- er could onderstandl.but punictutoi )X *Itis many peals cf Ragiter. 3 sails. meuh ci s. "'fine lini of a Joie, ths, toata-________________ . 1 "4"1 ý. 1 . FOR SALE-rhtili-0 rmidanm I.t. ..1 ru et, eh la el BSOY 0F' PH( That the m.Ihoda quootloaD. 'beois pruve Of lire me roleasei Ir. hounditia try ta rafi' vriling ai sebleketi 1 voesout, dldi, Ibo t sent tu 0 ~.home,' bI ,.phane Wa ~.tirfa the Silppod or patral v tigibtee huiOed ui worried White ve ,golng %là lb. proe Ilorm b dolUg tb -aterva toldthre On te "Oathe vhat I are con -fatber1 the, O -Obn't vain 9 t ý or

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