rea ~ Vkwt~< f a -m..........aii I altkam.omd, Iud., e-eus orlsîrn lathie horne of mmte.De». *MaiMrs. Ra.Y wllo amnd amePaul oï» Q». li.yer-re gue<eta famur Abou tii.R. Graibe houe Crletmma. Mlm Nôu&t reen, of CMCWo, ib 'ý'0ptpsIiU woiday meek we-f ti eade be n Bardlng- la spending, the. pnbr-aetswè. an4, F. M. Illme~ary L.auz, <ciWaukegan ism@pend.1 iY~Bbw saka eith irs. Lueta Ajere 14M 'roffle no Csio lat we.k by tbe ~g lnUw ilisof han dakugbât.r'a faslly, Mtt&. esce< <bt -*Il patiente,.eirse MmWs Ad& Kuobker, o" roule ho ber %O»ai Ivaabo., got uarooned by tha i01.1 TuMaay .vemi.g ania @peut the eoat la Aa. *ord w e-a eelvel Saturdoy irom Mtr. -WaM. ofn a Great Lakes, tbt<hb.bas VUaicel arieesta reprt aeti.e itention 'ai naad tbt b. expeched to receive hlm Ahebarge mlua1e- laye. - 1 Mr. ami lirs. John Badge ansd lauiiy 'vmrs.tihe aneataaiftirs. Badge'. parents at Dlamand Lake an Chistmnas day. Mr. sud tire..Wlli Ra epent Chnis<mas e-b b be-Kne liamiliy atPrairie ie-. Thé. ise. eBeensaud Ethel Ntinie, e-ho bave been 111 wllh lufluensa lare eaanabletobeaout. t Beoane ai Ibe prevaîlfntepIdelenDo *".leration mas bal t the cbunch au 4ieltasas Eve. Other services homever, w1ti l bebell sunal. Phalateol iems ai Morris Wlicox le *at be l nom ah a camp In 0h10, pre- - umably ae-altlng bis tilcarge. Bis ImeUl more dlisppa*ntel hecansesthoy bai hopel thal ho rigbh speaî Christ. 'Maostabomne Misa Dora Dorfien @peut Chrismnas et lb. houe ai ber parente at vanboe. NOTIOIL My Nyeif. bavlag loft my bol and board, 1 aum ot remponmîble for any debte cou- tactel hi acyane but myseil. John M. Meyer, Bail Dey, 111. 5Ott jI>jCg COUNTY IW.AL ESTATE -PUR SALE te k.1,000 Acres IlaolorabIe Termes 80 miles OreîoIssW Poduce Market la JsfWorld PRPERTY IN TOWN OF ^MA MideamHouses 0 aatLots jp*ctsry sites 'Acre Tracts fer Subdivision 31111111àTract& For Truck Gardeners roub" yand SmaIl Fruit '?Witr Works 5.wm syst.m - IÇes £iectricity 0ecbi Railroad' -% Lice Connections- .1rSummer Reaort »get For crf Industries. ECEIWEO ?OO LàTE FOR LAIT WEEK. Bia Mary Bamley of bcago, @pont Ba&sdai at the horne of ber father. bers Mima sGrâesWels of Chicago, @pont guéday ilh Wauconde relatives. Mises Rutb Bapke o Waukegan, spent the week-end st lber home bore, John spencer 0i Chicago, wag a lmns i ne@ calier bore Thuroday. Mir. and Mr». Brockway of Palatine, spont Snnday at the borne of tMr. Und mmr. JO@ oa@Mu. , *eor1ge Hpke wae business viitor tu Evanszon, Monday. .;HI Gepuer and brother of Chicago, maes inanager of DeSmet Quarts Tile Co., were bore Suuday. Alvin ltinbalii@pent Sunday and Mondal at Woodstock. Mir. Lem returned Monday ater spend. li< severai 4aye lu Chicago. Alvin KImbail returned home lest Fridal alter apending six monthp lu the essploy of Uncle Bar. He, euiited' at Woodutoek sud asaigned toaua arao machiit sehool at Fods. Aller spend- log a lew weekm there ho wu@ transierred to gavan&b, Georgie, where he wu@ etationed fçrtwa nionthe and wu» thon transierred ta the Firankfort kreenal st Philadeiphia where lie wat tationed for three zuontho and compieted hl@ course wltb bigb honore being one of ton out of the orginal 800 ciaaewba iisdée ýwitb perie"1 mark@. Be was then sent ta Camp tierritt, N, J., ta Bwait embarka- tion for overooeswben the- armuiîtice was igned and abppngtopped. Alvin @&ys ho wouid like ta have taken the trip acrase alter Le Lad goua ail througis the preparatinu, but n0w that avery- tbing le ëettled ho was aux ions ta get back hume and take np peace time work again. Veraauu Johus and Dlan Mdeser, wlso were expectiux ta lie nustered ont oi the U. S. service ]st week are quaran tioed by au epldemie of carlet le'er ln %heir barracks. Nether ai the boy@ are sick but were quite dttisppalnted aàs thie meaus they e-Ii0But ie litLme for Chrlstmas. Tiseladie' anxiiiary aitise Federated chnnch gare "an etertalumeut at the High achauilelat Saturday eveniug wiich drew a large and appreciative cfawd. Tiie nzmbers wone ail excellent and were bihi, ejoyed by the audieuce. 'l ho uew DeSmuet Tile iactary bas been warkiasg ail sommer aud full lntailllng new maschinery [or makirsg cerent drain tiie. In about te-a weeks ail machines anti equlpmentiii ho @et anti mark ai lurulugout thein pradtw ilI begin. A great deai of lliing le gafng ho0lie doue 'lu Ibis viinlîy nexl spring anti the larmers iili e able ta save quitoe asum ai rnouey on lhe pnadnct as tbey eau boy Il rgt et the lardon anti save the beavy frslgh t charg *s. T. J. Leie, aur ue- ralîroati manager ln Iaaking up the lbnongbâ rate sehodule lasI' Welneetay founti the C. & N. W. bal ail paper. prepared ta seul lu Washington redocing a ur prorate ou al thnough buines front B0X la 25%. Bs aaked temrae-by tbey figureti aur lins aboultiflot but 25% mien ee ore hai. log mare tan % ai the distance anti receivel the repli that thise-easailI thsy tbougbt me mr. elilledti t. Aller quito a lengîhi dscussion tir Lee cou- vînce t hei ibis mes discniinatlan agaluat anr rosI anti oat a fair division andt bat lstead of 25% acrarding ta nliage we are sulitie tu 86 6-10% They accadntig eitblnem the 5% cul antiloft the division aet180%. Bal tus nem rate oual hn oought h maniti have meant a las. ta aur raad aif$150> ta 02000 a year. Busîne.. au thse rosId ule psking op, tb. track le ling lixeti aIi il-afthe places anti regular sebedulea are nom dWmbab #jî4il,, -Wltm 8geser lala retex, humma latoey moli have nadergeet niaimu<aI4àeg &Bdmi91W gaggrahie. e-oud lmalbat t frgtuo.' Th.stnimtsae.eam ing for anotiior mon<ilyexmnaation ta bgo ieavd&Y, Thor i» be nm@ueexemptions thi lUme. l'ioe iret basket baill eau again show- ad t» l klii.i abllitY lort<eu e-ors agaiinst the Brut eau tithe er.7 Rlgh moool. Th$. ratl W&ie-S very exeltlng tidliry firitlu th@bm andu Waucomda ioliue-tug and tunmag the. score very higb. One gid bardly hkeep teck aithe. bal as tho eue-ork e-u su, se-lt. Te. guard did wee for tbey vory eldazu ailowed lhe oppolag tuant ta have Iit ilpassible. Theru ere Mare louis dunlng bis game or bath aide but weasofIltte advantage ta M!enry, for isy the Iinothe.lirat hall[e-as np aur score e-as 84 ta 9. .During tbe second hall a greal tisai ai argulng e-as bti andt ime was caiied several Urne. but ment on accordlag 10 the tiret bail untii tinte ionrseonti hall eamp. Flnaiseare being Wauuda 81 and Mciteury 15. Mise Mrci, lufth and mzth grade tearber, la fifIl it the fdn. tir. and tirs. Peter Duflj nnuce the blrl ofa aona, December lBth. C. W. Pttis anti George Pettle lit for Sac Cty, Iawa, Suanay webe they mer. calieti by thi.e.niousneam ai Ibeir brother, WliI Pettie. tirs. Sullivan speut lheeesk mItb ha son, El ai Highliand Pink, e-ha lateiy returneti irom France. tire. B. Schrenolh. ai Campton, la visiliinu< ber brother. Herman Frost. tirs. Ruassol and daughter Charlotteo ai Cookavillo, la lie gueot aiftir. lBecker'@ iamliv. Haroldi Plangs of Paris Is[aýnd, Peter Curtis ai U. S. Navy, Carl Anderson ai of Payne Fldt. West Point, Mioissfppi, anti lapbHorenherger of (GreatL akes, are Lame on t,'n day iuriaugbs. Miss Eleanor tMeyer e-as tLe gueet of tivelyu iMtierney of Chicago, IlondaY and ruestiay. Mrs@ Sarah Adams and L [s1i are vsît ing M. anti tinsAdiam$ oi Wsukegan, tlii week. Misse.loeephine Woodmaiie-as tise guesu ai er i«ter, tins. Wm. H. Kiast of Wlmuette, ast e-eek. Me. sud tirs. t)eck are tihe proud parents ai a dangiston. humn, ionday, Decembat 23. MiéssDorothe lWlilams 1@ viilng ber iqtor, Mi sEther, ai Bisomingono,, anti relatves and friendtu nEiPaso, lit. Harolti Vaut Las receivet ii4 dliciarge irom tLhe [JS. Army sud returneti irn Rohester, N Y., Miondy. tir. and tire. El Tisenrien anti son. Eimer ai Highlandi Park, mere tLe guesti ai M-r aud ire. Ed Landau, Snnday. tirs. W. Weir ai Chicago, Ws visling ber daughton. tins J. A. iecheit, Jr. S. A.Hale ai Lexingtan, lKêntucky, le vioitlug bie moîber, tMrs. [sC. fiole. Itoàcoe Woodmaut nolurneti hume Sol- urday irom Bloomnglon webesho tas beau visiling is grand parents. Miss Faithh eicist aiftMountlVonnon. le spenting ber Critrnes vocation at ber Lame. tir%. F. B. Meyen entertainp the Msiissinary soclty aifte Preshyteniait churcis Thuraday aiternoon. The topic e-as "The Mountlneeo.'" Mesdames Golding anti teyerm and Miss Je0015 Vetten reeti articles. Mir. and tMre. Cutier anti son ofiDetroit, are viIlng Dr. anti trs. Culler. Lest Wedeslay alernoon AI Hlagi e-hile at mark on the streel near is Lame tiuicovoredtiIre in the haaement. Ho put inlb. ie ratilanti eitb the anistane ai aur Impromptu fine depani. meut anti neighhre suceeleiiIn ptting ouI the tire e-Lich titiconaiderabie dam. age tu finît fluor anti baseent. Funul. lune anti building %vono bath caveraI hj insurance. sntrtainment ta have been Wjven Crî t: beIrnsgmaintlîneti mas ove ahthie Rail l)my C. 'riatiil ecnrbhan bren postpusîl iutil 8p WAUCOsNA TOaN'sisHqP alun ScUR L NOTES 'cîork, Sniay evenIag îl)ee inlien29. Ralpb Whitman eturneti tao Plîoa I aller bing absent fan sevarai meoke. 1Pauline Barris le absent frozu achool anti le unIon quaranlins far the lIu.a clams dulg maslosl'ocslbhe chool Concentration of Aviation Or- .apu rittiib y ans ai tLe dered ai Naval Station; Ra- Mgeuni ieiiae-s. The saptamore Englisb clasm Laviag di(, Work Aiso to Concen- campletoti "Cooper@ Spv" are nlom reati- traie There Ing "Scalla Lvubo." LIt civalous traitae sl o tbave a vague farmallon Below are Éfaune oth ie big movcs fon omorneaI ur rorantie boy@. matieuBnde- ay and reportet wi mch The, Juniors have mal.etem fint ope ièci for thc penmanency Cof attenpt»tu meur. clam money inrn mal. Great Lakft as*- ltee worlti's tageat a1 pop corn atItheb baket hall garne. traning station. &~ They mt mt Try salialactry relurus 1-Ail avation acisools of the coun. irom thé Oak. try orderee enovod sud concentrah.d9 Thp irgtýearsenir éls@ha a t Great Lies aviation unit, tinst ITet tirget elarCthe lia aer y &king l tishe largest achool of knd ineeeig xeiret b osn l n worid.à e-e hy matie hydrogen, anti lIe 2-R.portod liat ail radio Intrur- Prssperlipa. lion achools aiso ihave been ordereti Tis e sîiomsr art. great star' gazons@ nom concentrated eh Radio achool, Great favlng tudird lu Science cimes about Lakes. tise moon, sut, plans-le, rarnola and stars@'3--Report.d Ihat ail hospîtai unit. la geral it e-se lounusthat il au for Instruction andenoti concentrated atisieteo -a sanru's it00yard@iInluohetahGreat Lekeu. .econtio anti ront run sfura seare-llbout 4-Tii. continuation of e-onk on ail1 etoppoltg, Le ma11ld lnthal tîrno cîrcîs buldingsuier wsy wise upeace came the earth uver î4eres limas.Ilt be muikdldcatea tieat ail of monsten naval cudstation la ta, ho used even dning nin et tise sane rate tram the earish peace Urnos asud liaItI la to be tho siralgi tuthle sun, l monl requIre on.eituge training scisool wiiere al, nve Ov Indr'lv,'is onhlmtamatle ;:rances of navy inmtruction haie' r thé 'Irip unue wy ua e mua ot be cou" etstr Amrican Red trous AIds With Supplos and Comforts ln *th Equipment of Vaflant 1 - Thse American Rted Cross canteens. whlch serve at railrond stations, Izu. portant points on higbroads, and ln tue-ns and villages -throughout the' Italien zone of war, are Dow servinsit American troops. These canises have bee> operatlng durlng the peut: six montbs for the benefit of the Ital- ian arrny and is ailles, greeting the. soldiers In their passage from o»n point tg anotiier wlth coitesand American crackers and Jam. But It la only recently liaIt tha khakl-cl d iaghters frozu acrosethse sea have been iLdded toelthe number o 0f8se mrved et lte Red Cross nesl stations. Numerons bowling greens have boom estahllsbed by tise American Rted Cross ja the. tuberculosls barracks of Paria. BOYS AWAIT BULLETIN FOR NEWS FROM HOME Ajnerlcsa moldiers fn campsand 1ho.1- Pi ala reOet Britain are uoe-able te keep lu tonch with affaire et home tbrongi lthe mtdlum, of a daily bulletin service wbichbuba been eslablisbed by the. American lRed Cross.11 Army ofliers say the. service its a lang-felt e-ont. providing thamen witb sportlug and home news lhey canuot fid ln the. Baguis nee-papers. The arrivai of the bulletin ia nue- one of the big daiiy eOetODIn ibits connection a Red Cross worker la Elnglsnd senda tise foiloe-ing mesaffe te National Headqnartern Wasb. lagton: 1 Alter tahking e-lutiitheboys about the. daiiy ne-s service I bave bea told te uotify you that If the bulletin 1%, ¶iecontieed you e-i Leb courl-usar- tialed snd 0h01." IT la particnlariy lnltesting to Amer-1 Irons la kne- tise tromendousi Cross bas dons tomerdreiieving is-1 trous lu Belglum. Aimong the. many titings doue for King AbertU gaitant Uilei army by the Bol Cross the foi- loming are a fem: Tt estabilsiseti ndfnlng roozu and reading enti urltiug ous et lb. mare- bouses lu Le Havre. Tt gn e a plate sud s bowi to 6,"~l munli; i workers fln - ta use ai thein j1eals. Il itteti np recrnetion, marna for1 e-orie'rs ai munillon plants. 11 instalieti a co-opecative restaurant for the miitary personnel pf ho Mari- tlîîso Agency at La Havre. Tt lnàlallet ishomer batbd and 's bar- ber ihep tfortihe. armi gatrnisostl Le Havre. ln arrny training centera tise fle Cross gave housebol camfon-bs, phono. graphe, gamea, etc. il estabillhed a dormitory for 200 mon aithé .norne for Permlmiouaiu-eo at calais. Tt estabhisiset a caateen and library ai Calais. t estabilsieti anotiter canteen far the personqel of ssnilary trains.7 Tt gave maeonl and gamet for a cauteen for thse personnel of the naval base ai - Il gave tise samo for a canteen for lte personnel of Beien geepiane nits - Il equippel a mess for lb. personnel of ltse unit ai Calais. Il gave tente. canleens, neading roozus and shomer bath. for the per- sonnel of lise Bounhougli beker>'. Il organized i dnlng 'Marne for searchlgit canupanles and artillery batterfios having fixeti rnntpunents, aud installaI sis<wer biss 1 lutisem. Tt distnlbutesi 60000 ensmeleti plate. aud cups for aldiers lu tise trenCheS. Il gave prlzea for organized i aletic' tounnaments. Tt sent presents ta enri man deco- ratel for brevery. Thse preacti are qtsuaiiy nazors, piPas, folunlain Penn und such. Up to nom tîis eork bas only eppledt 1tlie Infautry. Tise ResI cross pt'ovitied tise appe- ratas ans i lima for cinama shows. EIgbtt tousunti salierasenos,(hem P.very day. Il iuppled books for ail sallera. Tt installed a le-cretion anti wrling noomn t tise large catee."-ai La Panne. Tt presentedti o evcry iufantry sud cavîlry regimetl surgeon a mielîcai traveling case, holding a etofamedi- cal instruments for field service. Thisamark taquiraI an epproprie- tion af appro'.imattely 1.250.000 francs. Struihb fronthtie front le tifs cornE- ment of e Belgian colonel. t e-a maIe recentî mhille b.oe-as sittiug la bis dugout telklng of the mark of a centeen for wiiditise Anelean Rel cross bel jusl provided quarters on yen short notice. "Ou. ive dsrnonsttmtlOn l[lit thi a better tison a sarnof taik." American Bel Cross ban ere;ted s barnacks et DiJon, France, ta serve as s day uurserY for tlie chilîren aofte French e-amen mia wor ln l the Unitedi Elatas Army cemaniage lacton,. CANTEENS $ERJNO u.s seTROOUS IN ITAUf Il are two (2) kinds of 'insurance. TBoth are good tili death takes place, or you want some cash or a loan. Then there is a difference. One kind keeps right -on being just as good as ever, wben, right then and there, the other goes to the bad. Both kinds are 0. K. tubl you have to make demand for money. One retires, the other goes on and gives service. Both' kinds keep you from worrying for a-sea- son, but the one good kind ]'à the kind to buy. Your Lif e Insurance should flot be neglected, and, when selecting same, do not get the wrong kind. THE 01D MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Is as good as the best and better than many JOHN HODGE, District Manager AREA, ILLINOIS mn xEtoAY Es: says tatrebl sa ioas ecrn wa bo"w atlka u hefalt Wel tsecien laavu -e. oseeu prt bween t ie ngin tuers a ts, e» 0lgspr a bd ees we elrO Isims iseHan nswebaimilte lat. ai1e ta bie l ,op rlons i. gA t hot boralu is coe tr4 Th OId oýp fii u l o ar e for assa e o h sau Une ofm. t Am ea trosn h seýo ,te o ie e t ra oresT care aer s arrolaewscb ts cnlMAE FY wbicbwa nover, y amanfresacoorbisreelled. O l bom b yB e am it n . F asio m b rie ssto s b a z a r n âtel.n b ch t e I > t e r p s ed M US9 1i PraiuatrieV wo yo te s e icnon sud tue l un a ai e g g . H enîchlde -iler so It . Bmean ultipohlwaisn er cho.-. s y . tO1,9 BE" fCro aLLED VoID tetisan l t frayigvSL aWel t tise Aies aloterrm ubyard ub_____ b beteeehn seer ndteGeIn p rvnbla itesl On bolsd fU hRu.tb i iiiosose liedlsthlstat ansuis ubdeteoprts. A raidlalths onte r..~ "aid 811isrwBih' casrigfalcooi , a rieteA alelieg e ole i ilseti u nJn 8h nee g A s ua r lle irea hou ntw m bxe u d ,ai harr eerigen a"inerea tai s MntdTbil Ing Prs [O Ange h ee.b oae , Mot,: nele by wtise at pblcettiIe1c4mM- Ofbmbe Md sq',eta Ibaho hid nûeriid u n es ln bs endlvee y Sat' nOc.ih nlse Thtn s'e u ht i. e wir bl a c oqure-t it sttute L U IIIr Oa A R D oliCTln MM.iaco for ilg'ire'w e .ntmoiv iti,i,, andci eThauTer. -ettrs n.u c a ngt for e a sent <o l, Hie satlt ho wrioe i id. e-itb bis îs ey t i iTO E c isoA cud VIn a n10 g e s e ring a theahe be. He H'n sàiirte Aide. s atilya iir a it:tie agu e t rbnts iy>e<',S : Moo A lr t ilbe r on land itAsbiistantonStateseswAttorn&ey Don a dsandno al is ln e troue tlait Ktat ie1. iser81"wsesMe-nt l ,aise se endure chdle in em nuetd inl them Ha tiOn Jtao8k I tb e K ie But lies abeid the f uren' 51 Iow o w ouiritel "wi os-orgC1ca" o, c os itutanael bidn ad i 1 à tdh,-e sn is Ses d srss, isruseI the t allebut b lie -lad tiis temmis- w ak pslg hoghti Ho ,lie nure h nido an eone ili as e edealil u reder ta hetp ama cna1l, e nd lsed at Ts, s gl*upreb ues 1, re-e eabo t; lt to'i otderl s io e n J L chantrum aBrooin hocmen toSn : Tre@eneesuailleurs%;esu Lrmlus&Dpenrt. tes0f te gasrnd train corpura- éLcgo sdfor C ire. wk s roItesiv Tehl. e-bn id eulo tb.cbes u edr. nus. . i'raaciaco tabe nu stercnt Tbie sent 0i te wit i. .any pet-s edi îy ste-n amission," c ar ted1 se,,s t I ig aop ae t off a Tte -s motle àlu I butssgthe int ntha Ave teorgumetchb ente claIecidom- & ot al.te prnt at b tat , As . 0pae eIers sis. mssiotnt ba oe Aetorn e oau ldr. tandooralei ba e fmeia te But. wll-tb e Tst lle waxi niuedrtone ssui e R. R iven Igln y the le iatr e I may ce bai te U 8 n icthse o u ualle aildue tbd e Battenin h nfnte cou r amo-ti e a. t e o k t e 8 .K Biu tey d i 11' te nd soesud v]]lid hes 1 i ver isat ay s*ate s tbave giva Te K saih aa e bdai(Ii o nte usaldttli tecu se ir s utlits cmmiio h ns isnî of dtNe tYok, assing ti se ouiyÙk e t the 0 alibie irro. senar te a w x cîertig ncv rot e rd t e iodsi p o anl. n t lad 64 bil y '.lla r1 biine ths by rdeou; term tioold r adfilnalirealababie g ov n k nt tliei MAue 0lt. , lie mon ,lrnt i h a i, *i s ii Icae llnos terfti nen rnt Afcscter ieg usterel Ont..iK T h o,,wa ltte lnt tee tasseursnatemens ofofttherservice.lie plnstopdr ffatut i 6 Balrsier.nI asAnttonRes n r g "ten r e om aut m eltspaeosana Out bos ied Pa re, ( l n tiii" i "et e misn b a ge ns-er. teguto- and ism e veI mately But, l ni bo ltem lit]5tilA riWi(5 ýl the____,g___ ilIl______________1 Ma Cuebe ls o ithose osIi5ralllethe,5attentio~n f te ourt trodueithef a..hrna hebereserbe ttslcoesbscomiissions ai.,, r.T h tnciofa e-ra ge pr c ole Bah hý o oe s. e uttti ,uffs,.: re i.:tO Bx rE nM rt e0F nW BOt he i s 0f aile oindfi8s l t GhleTSA UN1EiCdet lvu" a inorfli nal e ato sucile gonia mevrrou ai mAI O Dia ies Russeil , ce n;Iy aupe- rn- ter Illinos ate M yr. n on isomngA llerof 0egg ms o raie ut t ut, Unele.i ttis rn ic in temii aiea heflna es of th ar- r ti.fBrerd a o Balneerding] c rps luYFran e ncloedl oIheamsictegra e are pons aebulletin fd tnntitiercisant dJsd Bill'hae-lit li 'Cartse lie lab oradi)te pOr tagad ad I 'ese, a-L is lt pouctPronduct ion e nhoeu Bt Tankr ider . 'rhes n iiiýtet r- l T dry o E i tE Ohu NEW. BD O AT o Tharn e ae rduton cd hekn o lsl is .ecdopt mar piaitia stiensnîkf aitfrode tends uoota Chrls usel, ont spein mh-, nngotus' nMr. Toa A0O M 111 e rm..1Tbal .. tlend ere dfrappein tkec ameri>l i',' 'V"s Wison. wetnole lue e-c o r tNe ryae rtîc110 for t lIns. SifusialLr fpont mas dbopT- wi v ar le heii Damey o fic te-a chusforte uti, nd t Ue0rali Rae d , wotin G erman lino the A en- ng of('the arnlM hei asret 1s-001' tresrni m aar e tiopn et s a en g cvaors l rnc.fclsd tng ('licao t h ihomo? li.srd x rîlali lzc u ne If hel o the Geman popagada an~. liriste on Dcliais21 e, bt e Su- l iTsemtliesat htlar fnoreet e a marie ta epinteotd h- i vrotet bpbilig a.1r tn uson e leriîtne amoeli l'artdifr thate eo e pcoe-ara ad, In e îî .,îi ds'ly s s 1 imb" oncetoict seibs con:ne igtlsgfo acaselu-nc i , 'u and v!Eear u tp le rOicenteaithe.ota atem ptcutll case ne pos fi i' lncrr,, T. I an. t e ti ! lu e n c l r- ! erne rld h " s l p r r o I s N oth e G eM a n s a n d a rd i h l " A r en b o bi mi ve, the Ynsie p s ibsr tr i bc ryi nIC foodMe TO BE ISyoi- uaid-ins.e.poebjue sipl lie P ît, tida ne itl bsea' tc i.erySelrsao Mi s by oud e avînter îves The Sa:f Mc, cOURAtnlGEDBY NLESMbo,' ptre b tls Tanks rougit lnthe lt 1 , lusoil%%,ie-19_ I lil__ iron 0f Nacor ucBi tin coupaay. lire.pag iand rpad a. I m-1 enio!Unt XIO9enior, bue as o s cdi s0! rtnpi; athre elt f oe-w liadmln d Rhe tie xnl aine y tci-aI, n bon. h ryl n 1 dlseoiî'ace u' tiongis Un l i (te --e-o ad.0 ao n n a dia r etrs . 0 n i I lhea j Aofme rica n1s . a t l e -c iT f e ect a l en li Icngthe-hiermain- ploaan a n te' "Piureand "KilpY Z, Wop' "of 1as- hevethe 0 strefnt e-a grondfo tsepupos o leasl the.' "Mtiiet lpa ddy." "Sheeitey, Amortics ade tans li aovt e teh"pgsli"adsiia e e , .arlyfsionlaêtrds lUi mwa soldpre hattheYwer cowrds t'O akso nu bit e-I l a tie Breau o! hall Oie Tis lcalJansmana'l'lsieset a~in wslcs mintine ti thcnreo ln tav n os! leiT. . sT. 1nenis itn ctiý4onstendta j riroti0!te erds pomît. d ota nthrigi xplalve ia lnso!etvhebtenA enias nely enis&ou nderB ai