N. 0 i iïus-àaSimýUaI,~~Uf as Wluiéieti.u fer .'Nu lt~e j oum for Laoin0um* ilit u Peoh mw'lhumlay. Avela aa oaaounAgSU OPTIN mPUlos. 8.60 PSu VEAU 8TWOLY lNaPAE RCKI4AROT.....................i... .......LoIMenmtua i I I I I i I I t b TINIy TENGS TO BEEMBER 1W Velmabtb , )gru. 9 *joue hebadoors. .p vaika clos». Eimemberthe Germau atrocftte. secp a poor or ick ueighbor. t WHAT LAKE COUNTY! du DID'FOR THE WAR Ngov that thié ver ln over bave ySu Mente of retint gfonds.r WM stupped to tâtaitvbat part Lake It came tbrough ln fine shape in - uty piayed lu providing men, mu- the lberty loan drives, lu the RAd Mou et.. orUed Sam tu order Cros,3 drives, In the Y. M. . A. b bscotry migbt basten thec drlvnd inlutbe var savifga staiipsi leï.o e terrible conflict. drive.1 'X» Sui «beievez it le sate tô say P.cpt.se of the geueral Interost. bat tiers lswî a conaty la the. Unit- becqiuEe of the. general contributions i«Uttes vbclcalils enlirety equal. ta tiiese fonds, t#e Sunibas endeuv. id what lAko county did lu Iis par aored to gel ai accurate data ablolas O@W Mlter. the totlei contrlbuted lu thois dit.j 4'bg reeson for tais las fjt Ibere ferti-,movemnuiei ipossible. ». mot USD7 Coiitiés iiere go many Accordingly tiey are given ae fol- Misent branches of gavernment sc.. loy.: Ms located. Wheu you stop la The Liberty i~an et-It Lake couty occupel a re L -etvLoan . $ 44,ffl tuMas la bibg confilet Second Liberty Loan..1,683.95ei luO sasil t prevlons government Third Liberty Loan.... 2,338,700 Ê deîîgn@d for Ibis particular Fourth UAberty LoMn...4,133,150 - lbii btory la vrillai, If 1h07 Total In iberty Loins ..*9,099,850 aMtIes ltcenes of counnUes, the ITHE WAR STAMP SALE& *belanu viii Poittek. ecouaty. ln lhe var stamp sale.over Si.. 011,.8 onie of the bisanst factore of 355,000 vas snbecribed lnuthé coni. ÏW*couille n dolng Its share toward ty, durig the. Ysar. be vu vos . The var stamp drive In detail lu 1 he cuaul figurer viii Dot stop to furnlahed the Son by Cbairmsn I. Jlder the many different branches P. Sedgvlch as follovu: on otrlbnted from Lehe couîty to War savinos stmp drive ln county. Mobg wrk. Accordngly ibtis Purchased np lu.Joue 1.$ 167,607.62 Oiè It la Interesting ta note vbat Purchased durng drive bOw vers, lu inue ............72,636.28 11111RIMiratlng theni vo have 1h. Piirchased up ta Septem- blleving: ber 1i...4 ......... 424,815.07 '11. , Ot Lakes Station, the Purcbased during Persh. 01004a largeat naval iralning station Ing drive ln September 73,989 .85 WbVi% Si.ccordlng ta officiai figures Purchased ln county Up liva ver. turned out tram the Urne to December 1........616,663l.85 Il« sterled! until the armistice vas Ieae.Total .. ...........*1,355,612.07 t, Port Sheridan, the great train. UNITED WAR WORIC CAMPAION. hg camp for anny officers and sold- Mfr. Sedgvicir fui-nimbes fui-lier fig. usf gcîerslly. -Thisi. ation had tirs. ure on the Unted vart: vork csm*- ificers training camps an&f many of Palgu lu Lae. county au folova: i. men vbo dtd lie vainable serv- AProximate total subscription lu ceabroad as officers vere tralned et unnted ver work campigi lu Laite Pt. Oheida& - cannty onlaîde of Highland Park and Thela 149th Field Artliery. Trhis Lake For-est and Lake Bluff vas iflhlery-vas mobollaed at Ft. Sheri- $102,600. "e aid sPent some time lier. lu Tiis fund le tobehodivlded amont açU training preparatory ta going the follovIng: ta Mrance viiera Il vas recognlzed as Young Mense Christian Association. MMO 11110, most efficient bodies on Young Women'a Christian Asocia. c: f101. Il vas trou IPt.Sheridan tion. MaM the 1101h tbob ls departure s National Cathollc War Council. agiet lest Beptember and tram Jevish Weifare Board. ls n.ilR gavo a mighty gond se- War Camp Comtunlly Service. mnt oret lef. American Uibrary Association. 4' &' amp- Lgag. Cmp ogan. the Salvation Ar!1B- 000 Ville range vws turned over 10 The drive lu lhe.rfii of 1917 for 009. ISM for nueIn training lame '«T.' ln Lake county lnclnding LAks W bis emSors lu ordcr to labo care Forest and Hghlarnd Park, 170,000. « ts ovOrlav ai Great Labo.. Salfation Army drive. nmnmer cf VJMosad vos.sentl hors and vers 1918. $12,175.00. à9ffl @pscIiraining lu rifle range Ruigis Communs drive vinter cf , * oUa filleS them for the job cf 1917-18, 53400. *AStgEo41M iithe uis. Toalifor Uic four drives, 118.075. 1 L Wlat brep Ilar o viere oîcf Besîdos ubesc drives muci vas ibo big motos tM iscipialvas 10.raiaed for UtcRPd Cross sud the Y àao mai ei-a ont many of the big wvilcibai ic been mcitioued befors ~ usS l balli supplies ln lb. aid probably vbicb la flot 0f record boSeMsot l'ain. Aier cn,~office il lu uay liat wanaa Mm thlb.muilcipal Basbomm -sd Le counntyvere very liberai tu ;r SII trla d big trench dlg. tbesc respecte. WM vid v eh eused «nsvoty TE MAN POWER. md. ler. are lbe fleures hovlng III My factees lu Waukega, vbat Ieke ouity dii la furm&gsbg Oitysud lsobcehicb foi s supover ltobilp lova Uih uish : mui-tliois of virions iais for Mmi seul lu draft to rmy- tuIbhe ai-UT aid iavy. Tis la District 1-Libertyvll.... 9l4 aPvlîed lu, lie actlvity or District 9--Waukoga ....... 768 AMWIOMstemcol& Wirec 00.,thec Brais voit. aid tl iGl. Total. lu army ...........1891 TUdrivar oundrY Co., Noth Mon rcsiscd by draft board so liey coond caler iavy- *1k. ms«' Wh oee ent 1510 District 1-libetyvlle ........ Mu m aav"y. District 23-Wauiegan.. ...... 1»i Pt. Siseian base heepital. »»Me d ompletion: a bopitel TO ota l avy .... .. ...... 170 bumaR*ise of i«dcd so& Eutiunated nimsber orf=M s n os- IIIIII- 1,8k fr-im Europe are tY Di a hdroa go vio msaledvol. uI o; a fev mu-del ai. Uilsnily tlu ary a"al y, Mo M tiers ani troumnov on lie Gènd total eeftrlhutiomel cfman. viiibe ote i.mcml lu-power to srny and mev>. veuntesa placesilutUi country b.. sud droftsd from Lake cErntI>, 811. Ilt liasshe vii.,. or luurci Neihher draft boards 0cf Uichecounly te b.ha rO -for sMd maiehan a record oat he moi wb enUlsted 8 mvMsofier a. possible. lnlthe navy-their liasemerely voue - tbose.of men "released trom thc draft la looking ovcr the field t la la UicY could go litaoiivy.- I4k county hed a very ac- But itleh sare in elstim a ti te ta thc vhole prapnosîlon. verp ai least 15o0 mcitram the. Wan- UXth lecountY came hegara district and et Ieat 100 trou in flac tyle ln furniehing 15 the Lbertvllc district wio enlisted Intaludifferent moe-tin the navy ith -_ onler_ n l_ WALN -I- 9. n. . ....... . .. et m»l«at* li1Auàb, he t ter puy"eo aV lettt 6 te cun bas t sa oe: Thl .bubu mslm oreieto Md" fuflovma fo v rmoue& e. w oem ialpsi 0 tm >"i pi mevas tesedla Ibis eoma try su "5*0 uideretaul Itl, ates "Kowever, Omiomtorentire output of troncing uecWsqes. 'fr le ma Year, bais booms agagel on Wvaginla lireely oaascll eUh bs var. T"M là. lu pustin omsdatary .ysiam at lie vasons eueampilmte. We bave aloo bul a imaber of ci-se mouit. ed ou aerpllsn tithave boom isel e ai*vaions loating groundi. lBabyow viiW-glve lie nimber of machinues tual va have ebipped for Worla conueclol vita th. varI- ndus. tries. "As regarda using irecningmach. Ine. for diggiig milItai-y troncies, ve iraiguel a machine mpeclal fer Ibis ani-pasewvIlci vas tesied cul 10 lie apparent satisfaction of the milita-y authorilies but believe il vas fouil, lu 4ctuel practice, thet lies. nia. chines made 100 .iuvliig a targei for thi.e emy sud &aca ley verç ratier slov lu provo Of grealt ilvait- as. for frout Une vcrk.» OTHERS DO THEIR PART. Aid Ilion lisro vas lie Waubegen wlre voris, the Moi-hem Brun. worksand allier local concerna vbicb turned aut ver malerllthubug" 8uanitie. STEELE 15 OMMVI DJSC1[ÂREEIROM U. Se N. RUSER VUS Waukegan Young MAan Who Has Been ln California, Dis- charged and Enroute Enalgi Charae Steele of Weunke. gai, via va. Irausterred corne veebe «go from lhe eost Coast tluthc vest coasi and vho bas beeu living lu San Diego vhee- be bas been contlulg bim moi-vice as su o«zigs lu lic U. S. uavy, bas reeived bis discierge aid' i h »italed vi!b. baae homInh Weukegan viti bis vite lu a 1ev daye. Sîcole, lt la recalled, la lie vealtby Waukegsn young mai via, viien ver broh. cul. Immcdleiely enliseelaid tendeord ta lie governmtent is fast matai- boat, "The Dicbie." Be vas ahartly after-vards commlssianed and plecl lu cierge of lhe 'Dckle"~ ici did patral work et tic Soo. Later- beva. tranaforred tla esub- marine cheser aid on lie eaut coest aid then falloving the armistice be vas asimu tel l lesomIcat aid bas taeei lnBai Diego stuceis ma- riaeta Misalaie Reoynolds of Wou- kegon. The Steeles loch an spaut- mient lu San Diego aid had planned la remain tiers for the vinter. Hovever bi-. Steele made ailpîlca- lion for bis disciarge and lt vas given ta hlm a few days ega. Tic bellet nov l ata i.and is ls i are on their way te, Waniegai viere they vili take Up theur resideice ln th. Bteele maneici an Sheridan Road. SI3EK TO RPLACE TOWN COLLeMTR JOBS IN ILLINOIS Bicamngion IBl.. Dec. 81.-miend- ment of lhe iev lax lav vili b. camne effective July 1, 1917, aiolisb- ing lhe S offc f tOvisblb collectai- ail P1841129thc dnty Of t«i collection UPOnthe coml>. hrcearer. vilIhb acuglil before the nest; session of thc logisiatiro. Thisvas favorel et Uic anuel contvention cf tlic iigl Couniy Tressurers' association, vici opensd bore today vill a alargoet.- tendance, uearly every couity luli te aIe belng reprosetale. Ambuou tealures of tho îev loarempualhng thc treasurers, and tiay desîre saine modiceatieus. Itln pgiogiosel 10 s> point a comille. àth-mle amiocla iton ici vii1 conier vihibUsh. et1ve committeuets IlgIafld. Aurora-Reduetios 0f the mise of bi tepolice force aail encieraipina lut of expendllures lu ail dqarlasule Of the. clty viii ha necensny hfiflie VaObosition ta lucrecse etas rate fgtallatheUic echal élection 1t eb bicli fls.24. A pcttimwàà Si ied lu court loday Tie Blalchfôrd Cal?, Meal Co. the one-hall Internt of Saisi A. lie. $11,000 Nets M. Hoeaon icugut hougil the Nixai -properly adjoingnsCiels"alu 168 acre. lu N. 1-2 Sec, the Baby A. Sinmons place on ea.et its factory du Madison ut., for 811,- 81, for nominal consderation. sido Lhncolu avenue, narti of Beach 500.37. Un Lake Foresel strect. for indicated consideralii oo Borait 011 & G«asCa. bougit the Mary J. sud Clara A. Culshy $7,500, subicct te Incumbrence. Siotford proporty et soi iticul cor- boushi the Hugi McBiiey Johnelai Mai Hart bought part of tic Cas- mer 'Belvidere aid Market Lt.., for place ai aouhwvnt corner Laurel aie S. Cushng property on ea.t aide $25.000. ave. aid Green Bay a-ced for $56,000. Sheridai Bond lbr-lb a? Beeach et. for The. Y. M. C. A. baugil thi. Tala Annie C. Sharpe bougit 330 fi. on Indicaled $8-000. Siopard lot and alec lic Hutchine vest idele Aivahuce Rond fi-on Hen- Arthur J. Mitchell baughl 225 fcret lot adjouig hie "y" ou thie urth. i-y Veeber for $38..on seat aide llidgevoab avenue tram Roui-y C. Burneli loch hiie la the John GriRfth bougit tie Della W. John R. Sasser for nominal coîsil- Jas. W. Nîchlal prperly au veat aide Hoyt place on veet elle Sheridan erallon. Geniaee streel ,ocuped by Cary 1Broc. Roni, nori 0f Wisconin ave. for Rani-y R. and Leura V. Gunkel Market, for $20.000. $ 19,000, subject to encumbrauce af bougil 375 feot ou veut aide Lincoin Jas. A. Saluai botgt lic Honora $19,000. ave., scuth of Forest ave., tram OGao. Waebbuilding an vest aile SoUhi JohnGriffth malacougil about A. Rndfor an Iindîcated conaidora. Genesee et., for $8.000. 250 -test fraitege on esut aide Edge- liei of 88,000. Promi a business bteuafooint lie voal Baid, opposite Noble et. tram WS. a Menu and vite bougbt lie banner purciase of the ysarlhithe Wm. Herbert Johnmai for nomala Theodore Schvarz place on South perchéeseiy the H. W. Johns.lieuvllie conidereloi._ aide Vins avenue vih auth 20 fI. Ca. cf about 255 acres iceli 0f ail Della W. Hayt bougit the Join fi-calage adjoîlis Eleclil R. I, for adcinins the city limite on lis tata Grifftli pi-operly of 99 1-2 fI. on oust $10,000. for- au Jndicatl ccusleratIeu of alle of Ulinois ast. sauli cfrLnden Charlei A. Wîgbtzian louait a lot $119,000. The. coeipay la te buIli ave. for 85f 00, suilcel t encum- wn the saut aide of ShiaIn rond e duplicata of l1s arge plant et lieu- brane. ici-hiof Waverly street tram Wil!- ville, N. J.. viai vien oceupltald, D. A. Cray bouit elgit lots an lIL R John~son for 88.500. will cover 1,350,000 square letee 1ORGreen Brlar Laie aid Winsion Cii-cie LéeLs B Bidon andlvif. bought 110cr %puce aindvin glve emPlcyml f roua VIrgil B. Maya foi- nominal cou- 147 teei ou Glonaoe ail Lincln aveu. ta 2.500 lu 5,000 peope. sideratiou, aubjeci 10 814,000 encuna- for Doisy M. Ingalle for $6,000. Nlorth shore . ganhlsr District bramce. Arthaur 0. aid Virghiaie A. Dady bougbt fi-osa lad W. BMci about 84 David B. Jones deedel ct Ii. digi. bought île r. M. Ton-y Wpoety an acres on theaflots dirsabeUctof theaeIonGvelisiyu Jones. his nItate of omaI aide Ijulsi aves. jmt norti of 0"m Plant for 819.0w. 46 acres on Deati ave. &Wl Green lincolu avo. foi- nominal considera- 1Weceme Parit distrièt acq*si Boy Romd, almo 40 aca-es ou norli lion. nieraipsce ft tproeelv s at W511"Derpati ave. and alzo propea-ly Edgar- G. Bull and vite boishi Bye ahdei.a Raisave., foran s sgUI At naI iceest cruer Vine aid Oak lots a DluneseéSubbiv., et Ridge- cousîdoralon or $14,00. avennes. wyodave. and Beach et,fioa John Russoil X.El-varia look tle te Ellen HMllet1ai., bougil theC ougi. IL Sasser for nominalciuldenallo. lie Masyer ub.lsiy pgeéi «Mu eUn i properlg' on norticie Ocrpalh, Willim A. and RWmhaisl Chuai- aide Soui Genioee streal, for 817.- ove, tius Jobs, Griftha for $7.000. lbouglait n test ou nortlierly aide 600. EUlesBe» iell ber placeonou f UBesdan Roandemath of Waverly Charles R. ad Wm. L Ly« ou 10 metsieeGreeoBay RamI, nortuaof ml-cet lu blook 49, frma. gar P. lis Breveter buildinag « OuMni iis lue ave. bMary O. GuIs for *9600. haobudiullfor nominal aonsidcmllioi. Wàshnaheeet, for Wlaotel eCulIS- r vlg lite eStats. Della M. Gray effloyei teo Miul ciUca of *13000, auljmct 0e aan -'The ChilengoNorthi Shore ô&Mil- Gray Ituibe a »t t ou erlaidi 1e brème . . ýv.mw e E B&USd oâi quired tinoug IlHemel avenue sot cfrLinlen avenue .Asong the may resU«S e umOUis ente the Appleton. Tics . J. ha$11.M0. celeu s uajhng banda the fleslu- Gaiso'&Pd the Ilar spproportis intoodTiasterCo. toob tiiselto th Portait inuis the fowiag ncetmi Ud nier Baud for varions Ea J. Puni prorty ouvest aide l'MUak0. sdWm. J. Olulli aub t ecuslleim s.Pftt et,. opposite e. & N. W. Ry de- lis 6&7eW boulse sa h uâ Met eus, loinGriffli icugitthIe Thonis Potfor noMUlsicousideratlon. ner t fGe«esceandul ftm "i iabfr Wsaaf pioporty ou saut aile e.a- Thmsebave bees mng fana leela nomialmissiduallrtima. - Xl Bond.Rmi.n o f Scot ai. for thinuMt lie couatjy thatlaIck of Chailes IkWiyte bouadithlieassis- mmlnsiselratian. epace foohis aenllonluabt omong now boone on veutaile, North Gem. ln ilUahUadPark. lie more importait are the tallo- me. for 8,000.Elizabeth MUervia ce Moitii Chalug:1 Dr. C. 9. Amblree bougi theis In. cag, louait lb. 0.0. M. Bard bouse 1Inla lnton T.wahlp. yez; bonnesan mat Mie NatMI ir- n oveet aile Shorian Rosi, sooli of 0Ga. Siracisu bougl trou Wibbur dan Rond foer 8,000. Magibe aves., touruicasiel conilera, Glenu Voliva about 149 acres luaSSu. hoftekBt bouglit heoe. k tio of S831,00. 19 sud aiso Sec. 24, Newport for 833. Bvayer bonne os seul sda orli Max RaiS bongut-'lb. -'Wm. A 758.70. Countr et. taop84.00. -.CloriflIreoiemîe et,835 Souh Sier Ruai T. Bu-ci ail Arthur T. Oel Mortimie Kappe bougi thIle L P. iSsu RoSi vllhaboiut an acre of laid bougiit tc Catherine Pari- 2 0 BDukhne bous on veut ailseIjorth &mW a colonial type romdeice toi acres lu S. E. 1-4 Sec. 31, for $4.000. Comnty et., Ibr 87.0m. 8111,000. Thomas E. Grany icugit lic Corser James aSd Minule e MQlia bouilJ .K. Deerlis af Lako Villa, bongbt 24 1-2 acres fi-ol John IL. Fuloc for the Cosuolly propeaty cdl West aide the Clinion J. Spaese apleee at soutil. udcated conaidoration cf $4,000. NeetiSherian Rosi trom Wb. Bor- oust corner af Hisel and St.Laiona John I. Johnson bougit art «f loi gs for I*MI850.-- ais, for $22.000, ,-9. Origiai Subiil. 0f -Wluiirap.Ran. Ljoues Taulel bouglal lis Pocs Victaor ioraci boughl about 441, bar la Sec. 9,.fa-ciithie hos. EWe;i lu et me MU U MM5L *ui 'rom yaforassam ouu«M »M'Oened »àdven vu *".fDaltMi O ai U Sy~~~~~ C.h"oes sllstseu Uivaemme 1= bsit i Ueo M . iruit cuosi fie bu men Sm s ralmmd oms. bal -murerbns gei- id i- B er a i vay il is taf bae bon aliE Cri- oi-c os % tWbblitobR A. ugIB several tm fOOI. ioues, onsw . oAd=,iboumaiGau. -te ettheOffrit TIle Trt . i6«I vraI 0f WestMstra o 006 - i aamsdlgDecac m na onl e miou.oo 28 1918,ircu0 case. ver. ie siic bu î"ots 81buIs cf divorcead araolArKey i KhYila aya. a i# temsuhe 2beu of t«e. Uveeseyought oli Clhe bouhe ou ciurgte; 25 bIh tequiet tile;rel3%1$m«utivestonornrtos id Manld bUis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae fo mlUi 9apelurn 5stetf Weststres0fo ti g thny ort ndijusticembexUicnoiaK.l olor tonu icPn peece: touance; 2 billfofrfr-hangey b5 oulu tde Clarke ou on naine; tvabill e luisotaie illa 4htseanweset rneaifr Wet4a,600. bine for arituca in n apeusmmmoér eescfra85,B5i00. hi the cunty ourtand jstibs ogbhe i eottdrisbomeh teeou luce ti. aatraizn dvisIane be bt ie@Maon t id Cculaed i i tie cirmill court W. U J. Wlhiot basouyt dacb riom m. Mniton forh been kept buas', s lhe record shows-,MYTrcu :o m olo o 354 40elarallons for citilenibip p1812,M. ts iy nIb ia.l pers aid 139 petitione for second NortSec e10, thencgayn tphua&T. lier> lied duriug the year. e 10Wakg TP.UO . As ex-ct! ico recorder of deeda. Mr. Bircb sud Arthur T. (lait boiot 40 Broclmys oficeshow noe veyacres fi-oit J..Allen Haines and Lucy Bntrckvg as ic boa ane Pe- Pasd Dora Allen-, aise bouglit part lnlerotiugil*llticot0ftle Oui-klapropei-l inacs. 8aid Du-hng li ecr, onding Decamber 10 eut of rallrogd for $6,O.0. 28. 1918, 6474 Instruments cf ail Chicago Titis & Trust Cc. tbobtil. hindi vcre fled lnctuding trust desdintic as truste l thIJe se. B.obbe and mortmies, 1110. 184i acres la Sec. 2 sud 10. Th«ee The. total amouit of loais belng proporties amrc foi-h 0fe pc poIrty $2,877,866.22. Marty luteremting resi ecquired by ticeIH. W. Jolis lin- nIat ais a wvre recorded. Itla lm-.ville Co. possible la mention ail, or even à n North Chicago. zoodiy portion 'of the i;aefers Sied. Brovn Poate* Conveylug Macin. go linte amnmany vhlch follova I1Oi-y Co. acquinal about 000 test front- bave only mcitioued the more lm- Utc on sent sida Rush etreet trou C. portaitltleUs. A. Neveombo, Jr., for $4.750O. la Waukegan. 1Joi Biai-via booMa theis bla The business district shows soyer- building vili 2 lots ou norhbvesi cor. ai chiangsz lu ovuei-sblp. ne, tals il. and ilt It. fi-m Lace John W. Barwoli bonglit from Ge0. Coenty Stale Bani for $14,500. B. Warren ai al., the building on th. Un Lake Bluff soulicisi corner cf Genesee aid Clay- James I. Brnmai bought Uic LàcY Ion streats vlth 24.18 test frontage M. Bramain property on nonliveo for nominal coisideration. the i-ev- corner Norh aid Glen avenue for enue tampsatalaclied Indlcatlng14,- 1115,000. 000. Jeaie C. D. Stearus teak 1111e te Wilam Herbert Johnusan of Glen- tie Jbal W. Stearni propcrty on Uic cos, bougt lie Lanyon building Oe Laie ibre for nominal consîdera- cupied by the 1D. & 8. and Genosa. lion. Hlotel troun Durst sud Parmer for a ln Shields Township. reparlaI coiderallon of $32,000. Carile L. Holcomi bougt about 48 Pi-ed B.Whitney boughl Uic GiIf- acres east cf Gresu Bay Roaid lnSea fin & Strov's builing on eaut aide 17,. met veat of Lakte Bluff tram Geoê Genese. treel,. ccuplel l>y Alex 3. .Berresheini for Indicated causidaP Hen Co.. for anilndicated conadera- & tienor 0f 16,000, subJeci lte eouue lic nof $31.000. brance. Charles R. Whineybougil Uic Pe- tic Mary A. Moirima. rsata w ter MeDermoîl building vîti 22 fI. gnir*4 the Ixierest cf Aimina, J. Mas. fi-ontage on-ici-lb aide Washington i-lion hn 57 172 acres in Sccs. 18 anS etreei, tai- iqdlcaled coideration'cf 19, for nominal considerai. $9,500. Bleanor Me C. Marxz et al, bought emlate, for 87.642.50. AdOlpi P. and ivy G.L bongit 20 amiesla N. EZ. 1-4 8M, WInchi-ap Harbor troni Ja. A. Oea-mai for Indîcatel 810.000. Michael Dodds bougil part «, 13 Bec. 10 ai Wlniirop Herbor. cf rail-cal froin jas. A. Bille toi- $10,000. la Mion City business lia quite brisand aidmny propertie.e~ ciengel bands. In Noewport TcW shIp.4 Guy C. Powler boutghl lie Ai aid Alioai W. Coo. tara ha lie trustees of lie estate for 81l George N. Vase bouilt 138 of Uic 011 Butman fanm lu Ue&. 1 fi-ou Ray B. Dizan for nomeInal e sideratîi, n i ujecttlae, e nras~ Mena-ll J. Acien icai titi. 10 li Asben tai-m of 148.94 acrèe la s 7. frointhéliesre for lndîcet.ed W 000.3 William T. Ryau boaîght UiceMOIsI Bowersfera cf 58 1-2 acres lasesa. 24 aid 25 for $88000. Paul J. Quetâcike of Cileago. hougit thc Wm. Zaider fam of81 acres ln Sec. S. tram CasiiuisA. Km. aiey foi- nominal conoideratios, oui- Ject ta $8,000 enaumbrauçe. Rhchar-d, Mimer and William Reb.t mer bougil 512 acres lu N. E.Lî Sec. 13 from Jameas R. Doé" M Inlicated conaîderaticu 0of 84.M0. finliast and Wsat Auttomh. Curt ZslchblouraitwIo lbte laI Ayllîgs Bluff Vark Add., lu Sec. ý an Bluff Lakte fr-cm John Ayiîig boà $14.000. Charles W. Merlin o? ClamSe1,ý bougil 80 acres lu Sec. t. ùfiýO James E. Brook for indîcatol conmlê' @ratincf $13,000. Win.E. Cooper and vite baqugm the George lnl propei-ty or hàu nel La'ce lu Sec. 13 gar $9.500. , Join Ebleri bougit tie CPrliha soi terniIn Sec. 4 andInlu Mlenor, for $9,000. Henry HRimai bougit the CrO, Proctor tenu af 79 acres lu jlacM for $8.000. Wm. T. Sullvan hck titlc te a tic umml Iots lu Sbae'a Un. aq, lz Lake trom Cîhulon E. Farda-idge, jr,, for naominal cansileratici. Cienie C. Mdiyolte 'B. ani.AuW Il. WilSon 100k 1111. tram the Mes- ter ln Cuancery tluheliaWIla. sts in Secs. 17, 29, 31 snd 36 for and lien made vouâtary of lhe saie smnond tiemmelve Blanche Kcfer. Prakand Meule Kennedy tic George H. Kennedy tara of acres lh Sec. 12, tram lbs haire, $16.000. Axe! W. aid Rutk O'A. bouillite Harry 6. Dodavorl or 54 a«crens lec. 6, for s$Iies James A. Reeves bousbl the erine Brogan ctels80 acros taK 1-4 sec. 16, for nominal oSma lion. -- Senael A. 2ite and vite theAne Smihfana or 8se s.. Sec. 33 for $24.000. Carl sud M«onde Rus b thé Peter Ileurseu fana of f mq la Sec.20 sud 27 for$7.6a. Oscar P. lui Charlotte IL Nnipio louait liaé11.11. A. Niebe« a 41 acreslu' S 1-2 U0" 34,fX Emma K M. lu bal s titiou prpeedlsiaslicth afoal ln S. E. quarter Bec. 38, AUbl a. W. 1.4 Sec. 30, Newport Olaso 900. ln Grant Tcwnship. George J. 4layon bougi th* aCM' per A. Herbes tara ut 11111mrs.té Use. 28, for $1000. George J. laer bonght the Wu& Cousman fam of 120 acr a ulSM ail for 87,200. PFreuk Pouvhc houait.t b. Fia Ski ' ou fam of, 42 acres lu a S,&si "aa Grant mid Soc.8 Wej=-euis tneLated ouadceratm o »ubeot in a 827JM0 Charles IR. Ries40 ý mon, FOR MALS.-.4 0 amassas amss taý m. i1auns trou Làk4LVili.60oo so l s ood buudhgs. Low pries sud ouy terme. immosile Wp oso. Steeb, isid dImplesspéil Ifdomrsd. P. M. Hardlmg, Ars, JIL 42«* FOR SALER-ChoIes resdsneo iote on MoKiabsy Ave, mms.adris. 24 l'OR SALU-Cliohos20 acres la caose ranrfetofWanlandailGent Lis tlin, gond bouge, bers, eMs. be-eut, poultry hbouse gorc card. vil. Owner viwcSM asil reidmuc lu Waukefaa e. pari iment.T. 3.51aigu à Go..2 Waub. Ingtou St. Phionse33?. US8or 13?. Wiy i WANTE-To buy good le. caunty fera. Snd 1tué partieniars, pries, becs terme. etc. P. 0. box 281 Laks Foi-ss IIi. 521, ? OR uAL + ZOR SALE-*""ise pe.6 0dy.e ' privais sai, ail the furniturs, beddlng, ng and dishos ab th. aid home on Mlwaukse Ave. Cali bstwssn 9 and 8. ED-esé MeDomid. . l.lp fest traitage on vee i mde Sheridan Road laS. W. 1-4. eec. 31. 43, 13, iear couily lins 9rom Herbort Ham- moud tfi- uominal cansid.ratlon. Muy B. Anderson bougitthie Walter C. Halely esataI.of about 50W fast of- Uncoli ave. aid Beach l t. for o reported consideratlon 0f $30.- Mande IP. Rois bonghu thc Lev- roue Buck place on euti aids Mai-ah. mas 5etfor $14,000. Hriboa-t P. Cari- bougit the Clt- monta place an souti aide Ceilrai ays. for $25,00. Blanahe Elseniteedi bougit lot 1, Peassideis Sub., an vesu side Cia-. cie, ave., justl rih of Prosepect ave. freux Lane C. 8. Fera-cuden for- $15,- 000. Heny A. Garneri-bangât about 300 test vacant ou Sheacn on ad, north of Celai- strect, tram Win. T. Wcodley for $30,000. Samuel C. Perrn, of Indianapolis, baugbl Uic Goodman A. Engels plae ai lauth eut icorner of Lais aul Laurel avenes.toi- 815,000, a.bpecl te $22,M00 scusubiance. ArturniU kWiliouobugitthle Kiben liltzgei-eld propei-ty of aimai 207 test fa-ctag. ou wnlt aide lin- coin aveaunue ici- f Bace iet. for $13,100. Jahna BogIe, hougil lis C.t13« Be-- ir place on Linden Park ave. for- house ratda & -ladntrl*o6 Doit j 4 Plionsdo m soit?. m"a, vllhor wi ttb Opportuaty *0 eseaijilt mnni*y buteces 14îe- day. 8iaIson 0on00..i Stu&mbot à lad. Oh10. WANTED-IdiddiseogW vome cookinganmd b.ip tsk.eè" io 4oý voshing. Ali comvlsbus W rite Mis. J: BLNklchos. .4 WANTEO TG BELL-Six Mri Cockeris la cure oIAib@rtSt&b]ý VIew, lu. fWAt4TED-L.nnadrm., 2 delàn & etlo vimer &"id Irsif 46Y. iCIrI.caroto01.opposIte li.rrY Form, phono Lîbertyvll. a WANTED-At once; boy for Wwgon. Appli, Merchaits' Co. Phone, 40.