Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 2 Jan 1919, p. 7

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ilbaOffillmg. - ith bar dobert., Keevanle*entertainiog Georne Vase: and soni et thé horne ut sylles-i swept &ieis ection M l obn Corrtis. ho le Bull brnuburub.d their B.Duni rias on Cbrletmas. Tbere nu.Do,i fthe unverstpof .sgedlg a leu das' vae&a bu brotbers mai siter. brifos vlstudhbar sieurs acd Misri, d retoracdi 10 J. R. M 3. . A. Sivec nd madagh- * .95, Cbrletmmoe *la Wau- H3oyau la lerkng suirB. b. wier Voeu, of BotOn. Mass., g. oon,,Ai Wateri ovn, Wl., iMr$. Cod ied ami a »ad «on semsl@,d coier Pery ha. noue to Kenoeha to ,*. a trs. P. A.Fifeee @POU, part M* têesklChicago with tirs. open- va£wmr A~~~~ esivMv a, rttage. th the eception Deat fr New ta wi 119" bg storms or anytbtng ese1 Deafr. mmiMii.B. w Jaso-1919.theirmght be expected on a tnIp of1 Dr. d Ma. B B.Jammn ad tblr ki, .everything vauld lbe talten< daugbter, Doria, sâet Fvlday Io Cheauo. of. Of courbe there may bew 4~ et.ralnmnt t te cbureb, for trigies ta' be overcome.l. r y« 0.enîg, Wee p%8»08oa4$m$cý-6* ~5,lqejofgto iitt oat of b.d rosis ani voather. t =iM Ond vould UtMse E. A. Mainl, lMr#. ieo Webb, commit bimbelf. But hie d d "ay ?boraton Woelougbbz a»diMr@.e.JohnieX i, b. villig to takpebanli SWdp ore umbea'ed emoig the elck th trip ln à"N. C 1.-the new t toeWt Lberty motoeed ftaplnp. 1Iw Th@ laite o ths ei Cross met, Tus.- mske tva or three trial tripe oî(i day et tb. bomne aoftire. A. H. Stewa t 200 or ' 00 miles and If 1 foufld e rtblng runnlng mll ght On <me Of fa. Ma dIl'fay meeting tu ev for chil- triaitripse1i would continue the dm of s EJUUage across..1 could take f rom1 Tbl IswEBalle Wat cou sd Ruth Pol- 20 persane on board and liiese w bibà t,»mcted buulnea's la Chicago, Sot- Include a press representative, ar W"Y. tra plt vbo could act as radia ![av. A. W. galord and daugter, Mdises gor. and twa engîneers. The h3 i", .peutathe ev Jear vlth 1Mr.sumigrasphie office vould have ta be zîu-Eaph , &tWeston. Il.. Helen eilted before i5tartlng zo as to U~Eiteitasta loalmaonWh, favorable weether con-ditiOnS. liî6ti,* hlD @Chuf.It muet b. remml>re du ~~mcbng smaIlong trnp." sai Lient Hanimoul Mullâtbura Ineurance meeting wiiltîOusîyý "It faites big steamer * bs dbsitite soulehall, JanIII5JIl. four and a hailto asix day. trmi j«t tie elaciln of ofllere aud iranemu- y-ork. 1 prediet It W'l lbe madi tlbm of busiess. Colekain dimer viii be seaplane ln 2o hours from Nev ove4 hy b. ladies of th church. iAeut Lee Ianimnbas àai Mie. Fred Achen and Blle Truai, of made a filgbt acroa Lakte Hich Zoné"eb, spent Snday wth Mliburu B. W.9 ____________HELPLESO FROM INJURI MINUAL INSURANCE MEETNG Frlday Certalflly Was a "Jonah for amitonHuciter. ef Cou ? *emaua meeting of the Mliburo Street. Imlaeurmeompaay will lie heall! lovr rom S l. Neomc Hll, Wrday certainly vas a "Jonah i Ii..ou lBIurdal, Jamuary for Hamilton Rucher vho UvE liffl, at 1080 a.- m., to hear the. North County street, near of tb. Company, to iramiact »amyeavn. .He vus ln an autom ntet* b m d axi ii election of officets oeasjhup ln the morntng vhic 815 enum year. imtlai r atured cnee cap; E hU ied. Wp"aa taliepreset. ln thé evenlng. whle he lay I ISllbare, In., Deember 80th, 1918. boApleoda. bis laJured lea lu-, J. ~ I)panSscy terr. tamt, bWsbousecaugbt fir _____________hoeWu esarea from furtier linf ]M 1 TORIC FA0Ç8;U BMIIED AT the prompt arrivai of te Ared ment.. WATER MEIETING TIMJRSOAY It vas at 2:25 a. m., that Il LRVI DY HOMELR COOKE department recetved a call Huciter home. The lire bal Jut nov when Wautega la dis- ln a pantrY iii vas bl8.tflS -Mr theng b. aim prtbs.m, tK la la- Sercely vises te depertltet.a isitfEta neli thaila Wmikfm Theébouevas 111ed vitit Smao :,à tMe tl»e te OVers v.e a l» tercllng the lare depmi'trne * ieop.iatilag atthe fle vir vo iukeeturnei lerattention lài hrela ealouaparts of the ety. tlug the cildien out of the l - lus eu»mcoutnt 1g aigu theb, afety. %tlag of the council rooige vhere Mr. FINcier. unable tasIDON Xè.U I Co** ewlained tistaiita fet 0- dilploclng hieplaiti lie msttia be Ô014 Waeh. vas lylng la bei beiPlese. affec ~u m i M oen.' oanîe ¶a Wau'ce- the dense Bmote but unabie *K Tbe ocmpany reqneed te cty mjythlng tabel, blef.E » ott u &va mta.lan vele otr. iremoved t a a place of safe Db vaMer ta the plant. The cty dl the lire dcPartmeflt then extîti * ai, pIUichesanie time camtructe the 'tire lu short arien. = leforitlia avause. Tbm esvole Huciter vasIlnJurei vhen l egde esi. WitWOIur for Wâs truck bYa,,tret ca ' *ma, yeaus Mi ciso- by liii City, lat vas baoltlng it outof the yai 10 aba aiàsuai, le chauffeur ~for L. Il. PrentitE s',Oo» expiinedi tbat Uneh bl'oh eck. U*OO1 te »ow pong arteelaxi ater àbr y*b& a, tcvWall havlng been On@& JonVScok èUl~ lst sarTii. fixa e ta u ît sguthe1 4MM .au y a i ho le dei La"t1 of aiIndependencee 'vag Ioh ~ 'ap mirsici si 141eock an ho wnnte lthine fim *igmlu. 10 avean ntesan eiltbat, as ie outld, Kng (eonge oS (1<0011018ta se uxtMis glnnd coutld red i t w1 tii L-. ~~I'tsss -*I..lfi'nikn ence Sth- .,ilig-, j WIU. 1'IID07-4LERON ON Nemmeai Uevciis I.14ctmt Nef Abotwdu m e.<etIY Gevefeped Tb*e AIMmtis ceeuE iii b. coss. by eepals maf Yeu, l hetIce "W. bave a machine thst viid It rliai nov," mai Mr. Hammol 'Tlue aay ieiartmeat bas a madii caflel tbc "N. C. i.".whbiia oise lsesseiigers and ft leata the pree time fully equlpped no a. to moite û trip. Tbs. "N. C. 1VI cutotripe b1)f any land or naymachine pradu* by ayother countrlutneLb. v andin la îlpresent condition It inesc able of mualng thte trip acros il Atlantic. Thes maciscarry hn or more motarusno that If enyti slauldhappea ta chie motor IL cau b. repalred vile lte llierswv uanit@& 1% 1 mode the trip," s Mn. Rommoni, "I vauli bave Oive n .Of Course, someone May att., th, it. 181 In a amail boutmmcis andS tbey migat, meke it but If sx thuassloui haipen to Usaitou* It verniSb. 'gooi.bye.' Andithect% casitr lae shfici lihat Ifthoesm mechine sisaald rua ltanbad vealt tbeY uouidbot accomPlîsa IL nt scout machines mea maite a 600-m nom-stop ligit nov, ami by slight toratioma lte fuel capmty cauli lacreaa4, but iL 'vould b. a chu 1e&bel. Thoee litIe epeei achil cma Maite 140 mils-an haur. vîtb struag vlnd at the tati tiscy cunu 1 80 miles an bour. Bamceboiy m poealbly me te )trip in one of til 1 achine, but It vilI be a daring fe U. S. Btu EquIpped. "The . V.8. navy ieportment la a better position ta matte UsefIll .titan amy private Individuel. Tt havre Uhe men ami Use machinesa their ewenmeatai nld lu unîlmit 'Tii. Unitedl Stotes Naval Avist 1 eliartmemt bas made vandé . trides la aerial vontr. Tbey iu rhsd a large sum appropnlated fort brandi of the service anidLterec )made la large losel carrylng machi lu reniariable.1! t "»ow about the diffculties ofi -i191 navigation thal vould bc %Wh iIn s Trams-ÂLlanUc Ifia Lieutenant Hamiond vas aked Cissee have been practlcaily c came," vwas lte reply. *We have P Instrument% that vii laite cane ai ITMNHSSIViU UIOD gltS ESHOT AT BY U-BOA - de'-iot ', oit A!'iAJ MO(BEM Wêm mut e ~thPoh ey ins r dc frrellestieirr olin " sntuttheiO the k~ tsW =cholimiokka UicJip Ootect e vigl:vhigparf &WM4, or gayin monbe, labuiklami. lba fodetiluroneiadkaiser hm.u VOS dheI*y n akesnth bgdo'hor hu ndtae et Islnd habhoiebssà th f D.oebeimiivu s oUM th UhlylfifrAS ln 2 wintanoe, si p.a»aied tUir peOs. Coi eayu love Ycur enemmes," b1* do bils bmci& l .viie M oU,. .Nar-TAK SSTUBoRN *STAND by cejprmhlp ere Ioosened aCed ir. Nat acrevsutrd i i i autsa lv yeels id. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fls wil Ai*o <bi bigTop-Skneuepermitted 1te 511te Smm 4,bobelleved tbemuli'es destIn-11Surely the kaiser vas su unit- as. la limace, mtéai olmIsaBSelteict.Sflad* hi.expeitences wllh 1h. baby ci te deati t aIthé bande ai the Ger- toue man. seigepiemo i aoutiO u T WîM*~<NM lie i16-kîllers ofthl kaseron the hlgh Imans. Their curies 100k the tari Wssln Oriental Trade tut yrançe Bes ho mim t«M tup ThomasToititanlofi1064 Jacktsonlseu.As. d to put hlm stery lmb orai aanatbema-a ulemn eccleslas- The t. S. Wautaliga pielt a b, one pinoitiei vsin omg therOntlalI:s-troet, Who vW. ommitîta ltb.heWord., titis Young nsvlgatar refuecd.! tical condemnatlon ofi 'Gerinau-madc Oriental traie halant Genmanv de- lai or taentr l. iinoa n aiOh aty aun> al on Dec. 6,, an a contempt Moovor, ho Inorrmed 1he Editor war." clared wan on France. It wss lan, ~enite etnthe Germaxas bai evacatci. He lnfhcoutyastil e upîse a ccliofîthe Sun ihai lhe would gladly tell Thene sailormen oursed the tact AmeriCan Prt-Hona0lulu-vhi la nidtele bw L. elgAn eope enesa a te ouay hst ibu It î ou f hi* experlences If somn. onc woufd that they mlght die vithout ralalng cile Sent declard a sîte et van ëz- 'r ap. sidtaee the Amereniaitsa oyhea sabimies that be e y.wrIte ibsn. a band ln fight; dietliît tupholi- Ilei vth Geran.Th bpwi lb. even cogne VIIaidtriai ta is. Ibeir prlved af bis fibOeioiM. SU b Hi&brother, John S. Sitene, Of 1he lng te traditions or Amenlcsn-made thon known ai the Governrr Jaesum. Takkari vas commttei ta SalIsre bitee te Vuty*, Lmegting fan hwtheir idecep.prca Judge Pera»»l5because af his e neSI Chicago HeraId and Examiner staff, ian. i io forkngc thir sIe mater Llcbfeld pay for 1the support af bIs daugh. as ~prevalled upon le undertake tSus But God vas ln Hie Heaven, and snd bnought to tht Allant-GcoieC Ik er ai TeBlim essiedlata ter Hulia *111o bai ben 0commînttai task, me Sun readers are permvltl. o tde-4t'l.canld munitIensuban ToJ i th aids se. us Tiatbey BotiwT usI80adgae telaSPrk Ridg.e chool. althougia Tt hear ef a "BattIs vîlli th.Hun" ln Realgned te tbelr fate,bc de la'dhyUeutnam ofl mado ase u Uioy b ta guslnaid gisa v as ehovil uaLho vas amply abI. te whlcb S Waul<egsfl slor boit k sribes the condition ai the mmnaofVirgInia Coast Tt vus ioaded iî makese tise tpe ba teestuTtIl. -promfnenl part. Lh. Wautawlm.rusga.Wenfic icr tact i cou.. tihe tcy dl mat aveÈut- of uveets vould g<IreevorY c-ildmt ispt mach In est. b«th ic>'Vere wIling ~t hegreu nage u ost ereStn vsIidatsrOl Thtdistant boomng of a bear> ai tht United States ane-t'v..ftb cR la. msr vat se bi iti u. htCourt on a dlllsqueiicy charge. Ut 1h. sleamahip Wautouge, operated b>. calibre gun vusboard. The -S. 0. a sp<iniiil of sugar. jus, cueh"s at henîlie it4 .e he itftt sis U sent tethLe LateCouin- the U. S. ehlpplng *oard.-Editor. S ." cadi Ianritelp sud been heard CTbe Tise Wautauiga le 11iln the dtW.__ lac, ~ ~ Blc ri fte cnnssce1914 Mai ty liosptal for treatmnent. Thies (>w01 1 kie atchful oye of Uncle Sam bai nt ddkstelsunAtlantic Part.5 tu fuel tisereforelit, ivas a hippy <loy for early' Tmnt sprint. Tktr a rd'ofbnrnmoftesabor ur lse auep iteait vooad itI as one of the "al themn when tise Amentesus marchei ad te a l 5p-r month fan the sup- tern" AIl eyes vers nov focussed on a beut imaIl freighters on the bîg sosma be tt tet lt.port aofhIisuaglitci attise Palrk Camlng as it didIn thUe early ove- great blackt huIt coming MP Sstera. George item. nov le Usird o* es. "MIany ar the people ao f et didid ige sciioel. ning vbeu tise accasaal cry ofai atIlas Ploving lhrough the vater e1 cen an Use big Cnihe o- aie a asv ha heAencasve, Tokatanegleeted ta pa>. thse Suinbungry bird ai the ssallout dis- an eormous saei. mouth soon le9 to start on a trill: lu net ngeuc atheax nertavn the sud vas lanwgit Inta court On a ci-turbei the peacellul Calt ai the tvi- A raider? Perbape. whlch viili te hlmu te0.linii apa- b. h aoil&»s marched lina Gbemt,-,Use Bel-taIon. lHe persstadInlubis srefusai ta ligtthrt b is h1 warnnng shocieithoe Na, it culnt be! and other oriental norts. %uce glume. hai te have It éxplaici ta pay andm Se 10 boialit tal ho UICf felings and senglbillttes oainmbers Ils <is vere trai on Use sub. es them vbere tht boys ln blue came able tae 1 9 eovauseent tatise Cotun- of the. crev of the merclsantshlp Wau- sud nflot on Lb. unerchsathlp h £mou 1h8 sow Invha coplt > jail on a oteipt change. Tisat tauga-silgar, laden-bound mtri e Asau iJo et -bota prc-- ITSbeTTd ait. Ignorance tbeY van. hcept ln ad- vs an ulv 18. lHe staYei thon. tvaIde ea reia ot y aymntso rthu at aay lmg the statuaeaifte vorli van." isys and tien-pali up. abtatinng o aa mncnpn.b aymntsa actu al 55 Atiugsbbabem brslfrreiease. On Dec. 6 Tokaittai as $60 The cimeulation came fnein the lips lm« g. B oom Datacd. M TS R NS est. Savon menthe . ltehfield neyer bai In arrears ou the payments. . va < w tse onul tae istie That slîout va, drovned ian the bee sîitat mylIm, olier iii d intaomekt mmisuw mito a ythiîd officer on te sblpg bride.ofibursttmg waoi and[ C fEUT L T~ a la ho meet amy imlury. le lied iseven-ealm. iai ofut biemth. thse c"aibndteou ock" trcedsmiera etgra ym n~j Igit n.Tie irle. oerta, li f 7, arnebal oui ls ar.hes atcosaicningvve. s au<te 1 l. andlg ehmarmiailieeapbamfi1ln bsrataieas.stlliAotmrark.iaiUs The - 'bey tbem belng vitean a Wrplane bomb the county could pay ion hon expeumes " bolI eîruck amibiPs. Tt found ies mncntt h u an ropivihna 0 es ivbr ile Uer. Tt vatshaoya tbat bie had set lbe Imaginative brata of th.e -thie engine roou. Great louis .Commuiat oteSnAn- ltei. hieva.s sading. He vas severel>. salary vas $80per veoit ln addition sbl'ee v awbtrl p aI liemet aistem i lîteai, breaitmg glass In swers Statemens Made by ion ahakem but'not lnJured. He vs at towhîcb b.obai anaîber Income. H M ste Hul noue aent a ai idw.Teeguede. "ohr'Mna v Irsa a egist vatoncapviontb asagaMaincamimtted te a jii.'GeuShteueul bv ben ba iion ht n en ins M thr ona ru Guemns bomaitUse camlp wituîa t uc.Bnesh.bas been thons these mi ottied up ln the Atlantic Ilniad oflnwhSte he b rimson leshat amienle,-ugn 1. hve Gema uin g iedth an> . lLg al0?9 iSbentsai vr ln Ithe Kiel for the navy d.partmentInhî Ueppeerbatmsei ronrd the balance avae>ta ite spot. The but hobu s fUso Depy the.O=off thy Floiermnandora cait lghed on tise flo4 oitht enine rouir. heSn lInca Germens stela'oyei sem f-thef requirei sud States tisat h a ha h~-ofto Plorîdut theVîrna oathe." yteegnor i unetkel idypbih hsi rt U. S. Plames and tise viole camp vas pardt ta io> olail as long as Use TsInmanm ietmon n t iatis nin15aisstant.i helt iol headdSun: ate 9 mer- set on firebelng COMpîoîelY îeaînoy. court mai requine. Me assumes the moi o aetwrecodlg t bs, ee e o' ete,$ekmt met ei. position 1h01 beotla amartyr sudtAealprail y ai Usthercrovdamt et e.Te meare Goi hus ea inesOint e artie esit A naig ttilun 1. hI? Liciflei boubt ocksoe Gen- esuIes ien tte motter ai bis Incar- thtardttes rail vssemetie ca-y cf aimii ta me. Teemme are you'hurtr" be va 1.v n- bandtise adv a.dohe ele, atoy ing Tititi viibekcîminutes laaing la seavari, ieastiug I1mbthse steant ille 1 tit.rai therItemOpindod," androséc over of he ar. ugithoi lSgTakkrl M hoko mmiids ami seiuson lte lnvfslanary. Hanis maie bard in the handilmu Bhearice ndolhtr s pinion, ami em tht la speaklgofg igztiarOugi 1Injoi lu nt bnown but Itlalesali h. A nlet troail> iet rro ?steel hausers carnlei lthe Inue unti ise rticl ai yul ay I vadsoiea1 ftht unie, llelgium, Licitelidesleu otInue t rin l ontpieIb ei nawa i rof alb ectbos. uil iner sdtsa ehis ni of boy il bad beon campletet>. vrecked long9ihliebas îno Ith vblcb taeO,,s1e asp, cnigtv.,ai Nt iiu i ui danger, e1nam Ihal-la auklsdta Ihat ami Ihat il vs bard te tel w helht pey. dock gvnsn vert avasis. Lrge guns' men nacti iri tabla te raisin lan . nsher lysrnet h'1 Ibat mutdfradada earch iorn dean linon te bandage his m1 hn . Ifth st emi a e- thit vas a Cil>. at ail, la seevral pisu et ne ovr n tdoa. 1 ondrthe ae rel ts cane e ths're ver, ponsesticig up, Sean- ilerchantahffIEU'b aptalu, <lasses ta ons jbts ct.tatt h iuto aa Amidlt'ebttît contimueil. ttunlin hlitsthuihlil noeithe sne is mude ad tht ns<lancI K R Doe,to ntestainl h hl h ml t themp higta IiSaeîthee miaarne and "%cum ms rais acur Country.. Acordiig ta ber beUUf. L m rne or thse City. - - rly a-r -My Coda, siste apreparlng te gi; ,,- nraged in a iealb grai>ple. ewudntctetatnioav no bal be n 1000 reaients ln tisat UIEeawavaw ' gbatte aiveiedeeeTee" h e Tisa cue sisip aow irti the suit ewudntcne aalnli 5 nte '. A C bLeenLIII cle d w r eenee.h marine tire, ani those on board tisee soute wtsen tse "Star SpanghsIBauL- y: ity. A cIA1i~Tecnaagtoeatsesua a lîtatsca wsrr'sate fbitse linte Seolier' 1-i playel MAon AiX- T TIN Th ongtwe f h uba__n.A .I mYbacr u fol theeleopenti. Elght mut a cnsved lzng. nowcoverei th sRot. wearlng the uniforai of 'Uncle Saut. would ~~~~~~~~~~~forth. Four cravîti forarathntrei.l the paeofvr ode r*g o1i0, 'WALTER B.ÂRIRisp .HosMesIsatrsat A nInths figue tbat of lise On]- the 'ocattional flash O a.,tIre t is; tht plceieveruy saltur orf f te uIErI, 3a caram. tof the coaailig cîow, ti r I c nandmutis10h îl alnd.' ort ltelmns. but stlu thts. to )fth IE T MO E; eahat teCamp Pal eretchaod forth to h on gtw ,tist ieeiii am resuc>.. btai o tht niarvesaine n ir 10 taY ftfjCPIP M II' lossiflg at Station or. Ts atttan mr uilarge Wat vouli v avdnl t fl 10uli L LJ IlHLIR- -Wautauga'a navlgatons, lhnough tlSflS't waa begun. wttolarge aermv usainav ttiten W(,Uol O DESTCOMM TER Josephs L. Hickts, Company J,. Frt bîmoculars, amyhlm laite abanilrtr- qEv.en saIsfroi tht reý cV lthe at of 1tensetarua t-hemeWd an ol- Reiet tto tGetLaites, chlef irnibis poitlami vîpe te ogi orsos i te calls tisen or rather intImiatU sydra MnWoW sivnfitn.met instant deatb Chrlstmaar nlgl salty brin,' f rometht glass la the per- MY. Tersieentcle ea Sabout six oclocit vbeu be wais sruck -Iacopo. Tisat aet p.sved tiese heHahibi muh ie r u.- thssThtsci ;erS mt emsl La ý tinoCain rvld h)n n lrrrca IteCapPrycommander a cowari at heant. Ho u ll a aed l o nt b.acreossih aboutllcr btinelt1, Liongt, ied Cristmas t e rosaln< IRb ivtesa ofthe yOuM$ was preparnig ta sts. a deth 510v lins for thcray e o fs. hlf a ot r gIl vlw tu10, Excitemottrecog, czîn os the m45 ISa Lnet idCrsms bluejacitet et Portsmouth, Ohmo, have la the evont Ihat tht merchantuman ciantsbîp gatiertdinl the wirelesi propen va>.. bee ntifedof hefaal a en. gave btl.Asio ri ra a«- oI au- Walter G. Barber. ,'ha ta a Con- Meanvhile aithoities ai Use sta- To stais a ieatb blov, vith tise vi. remi- alrta rolbts s~ fren test lui191l quailfit as "lise oest tian ame coaducting an luvestlgallon tala of his crait hlddem irom vvie, "Waut for V.S pblpagBared. - l ew~ commnuter la Chicago," didWedne»» te delermIine just how the Young man the periscope glans muet ho irfrins offers tisanuefraitnc rne- darit day aflernoan la Wauitegan. Mfr. met ieath. Whether ho steppai irei brime, tIse optlcul illusions semd vide i ti," fls.shei the Amnerîcali jacitle. Bor k erbscantl I ias iera Sacrtt s aso the torpedo fine. --lits Malesty's ship Rloselend, sen- Barker bs claimd, te bs frTvas, bht rar of acar iit thepat oIlsyard houai, vieses Wautaug;t Baie reail> theme dstinctions:*allier car appnoactng frinmitheeoap- "ia u ;cns lhu' t ýha. 1. Lirai 72 years tn a Wuiegan. posite direction or visether hotueIled seemed houre, vison a hatcb caver voyage to home Pot," camle the an- R YN MT C- 2. EsipjOyti caulnuouaîy for 42 ta gel aens Use crosulng la front, o0 The.ei ekyvani at Use plt ai setaen. AY .t SMiTeH iv yeara b>. Htbmd, Spencer, Batctt a car sud lîppai on the ice Is met <uns on tIbosubmarine. o. aTute its i.tis stpdl o eae is Uy fore I &CO_. rettln ln 1 913. A.knovu but probabi>. vITT he Srought Tbnee-lncb shteIlaefriomtise mmmuu-0Wauoum. Bthlstlie. L the d fo 1 e» 2 omtddail>. On Use Sortis. ont aI the Inquisition. ]tioni ebambera vero passai up 4 ar.lyta iets rwa _____ Dm>' 2 Comuti _________ through Uhse.baltbes. tise ierchamtsip bai made salls oi unI>' -western for more Usais 50 Yee-hevr..ihtt cnas Mn. Bunker bai hotu slk in fer eliII~*The foswari <un vag lirut tae t sth aen. ttbIiaievsu loglme at< enume ran ALfIaAfJI îae.couli îaite four itnote an houx la tht longtim, hvin ben l ora tain JA R S À ;Tisent vas a flasis of ire, a- auIGulf Streams. oc. 6 e nuSo' cas fr Bvem weks.Cloudi ai moite asceadei, folowoi Fitea days Iter ltse Aionican à is'" lie adilneyer boom veil in-tmcd Brits- merh3USED TO rnd th 'es on tiremet fri Ruband, Spencr S D TO Y Smoan Immedlately bîy a great geyser aiBllhmnbamnlaaita GradFt Tr>.,N YE e a aer Ibrava up nntir Use mer- tissa Huas bai taittarevrcige a'l a )mobile Mr. Bariter vas br n ry N .chantship. Theolitell ushort. Dasibrue ThHa- rett ch r- o Ma. t, 1846 mud vs tctala ARE IS JIK Tht stann up spît lire. The noise crev off la liieboate aller sinktag >then Wauitegaa as anuInfant b>. vay off iUss hoU pasetng ovoriseai wu Ue b.FoaIedy IhCiW la bei tise Lrle Canal oui the Greatateks Tva blueîacktse eaelinto ne mt unjilie that mule by a glant '.Icsi botontia iisses ts i a pus bySot b. is arnts Wen e uiti> as lise>.steppeoff aiu n lec- racket as It laites te Use air. The open bonIs. Ftianiy lisirbot Ire and vas 21 yoare li lhc vas assistant tee car at Pearce'a cOrner cari>. Sur- guamer bai oveestualei distance. sessi onlnthe Weksthiie.BnTlheR Inury b>. treasurer aud ParmSter cf. th. ciaî. day morning as the recui ef a coun- Tho aboli passai ta leevard. msin alseWs aie. Taise dtpi't cga Mlvakqo laarta bicorne plaint maie b, tise conductar Ibat Once mare tise iorvard guis baîcliai Danes vont hall af sehva lip t-ae & N arleeu elinai.In16 L.ýhy relmsed ta pay Uieir fore. The lire. Men on dock beli Ielbreath. pextaiten oi no food la tisnee iayi. tie ire ,,qutrfiomluInivntith young moa gave tueur namses as Na- The captain anieroi tise belîsmçn aI vn oSh sevence nmhot te Use the Joues & LauuIun &stel comp"iy thon Itoeaablum ami M. A. Green. t tesep the slip poltti at tise o frlamivnzewtrs ie Use 'c.~ai lhbu-i, Tho couctar«sa helirU e o .ung nlng laver of the subuanine. A 110v crev af the Waulauga algisît ixi e qull One , Burtett & (Co.mnboaaded is Mle mi t lC.ii andCiii 0vlessonti 1h. vIdUs af tis, tan- ubmanie.Oc ielsasuil l anrre . Tvo aliton.1. iosFrances sud pVrtemdei taeb.oaie.»volie ea*i. <et The aubiarine unera qulcit- ta sla'rtht chip b>. orpedo tire, ami Lite. Ai- Mn, James L. RIppe>.. sud anc brot, ai for thei rasm. They tlI dm lbs mcut elr fire. Tise morciatehlp dtiseitise aienhe ftise crv un-eN. estAL danendoi ON2 , at Mrs. er, Routben b. Barber. ail et Chlc«O ag. tiatUs te>. liaigotten on at Rs- vas movtngatera at full opeea. , nutisiltre t <tren isoumvîis, asb hs iavlt-vlei th eL-t, ua-vive hlm. cine ani tisaI heoated>. bai cal. A fourtb ebellitecit la the air. Bt trm e r tonhe tsasnd *ad #et& te h4heet Mol 50050t ioti er fanes.. He va. Insistent, Tier, vua a eafenîngmeked.,a pIons salllng unSalonna lise Stars amies isuutus@ lnIn that oui>. hree bînejaukets crash, an explosion. Thse air wu Bînîpos hel ne great fear of tise Hum es icily e ac ' <vefo ~ Pitvft U bai gut on at Rocine aid tisat ho et!c wl ieng timbers. o rtrsubmas'ae. Tise ont itar vas Usat Phono or Write caset S I bdchocitt themi. Blond corisssclem oxpani r arer bips ai tiese amneflsrg u MON CITashYl ecti b>.y 1~ll Acodilng ta isatar>. Use men 11111 le ani veina ireeze i.t sncb limte for the migisI. During tise war hIseof oe ta do PEAU .L JUIN1flU refusai te psy. sylug Uioy bai psu ftue body tg freof feeling. Speech the aIlled nattons ditplayed no lîgis Rt vas anc., and vauilimot do mc agalin. camtes bard. Thse baody talisaoa a b>. nigist. StîlI accifieuts were few îl uJ~I.bT The comnctar aaye Usat Boen- colduiece. ,*tte quuckene(liseant -an fam ian en 140 I bui sn edo andm ,telngtont eremaina la thIà tata un-. islam>. actes fr owardice are tld o3.SeCe UTWILI- hgihd N ÉF sB lm th aon t vda. tar e bu nvastII s nLa aohr rna oîi ie He fî la et scin liue ril 7- O. Foreel. aluais>. nght sali:.-u-g ta ge off i aue<an visR ~filreca S.ti feanteehir b r ieflthevnt ttce.n u yGr * P l3R

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