IL WE - for 870. -Wei Fotifed orUn Vernon rome.hl>. Rarl -CM r H veo(ConiaIedeFtatLaettW e6400M M Cold Snap-éost People FO[R a EYEAR 1918 *coe o Y ARand lire.Fleury Fast, Who ]Iv o -thus far! The - thermiorneter bit theDowitt Van Ostrand gleti.etf lek1 13fo ______cosd_ aio o $0, auhee bought 200 acres ln Se. le AvenUea' ïer marlisix o'clock ltestnlght IüU fF e r-00adgv aktut edfrad8ta h oGilyett o conrWarretiitownship, died etoutetlgan al uPsae.i OOnd aebakrstdd fr Ersklne Gan Aene wtof8Latter Huis Himseft to Ground à« rm a ntetoogn al pare4 byt h r . EWU 70incae $500 Sl e No the farniiy home Sandey afternV>t> Beside Tracý as Train Pass- night long. Acounta differ ai ta the 327,000. inDM8 ardloudchugt i are aured $5.o . Hlsa . N beau degree of cold thtu marning,. reporte hs ln L p I " Mr ,Fud ogtsxars Luaad.,H ae fOkPr Faiast belied e e fo moneoy.i.d fornUMUvomau f-ux4-dgres e.o of' eSec1o = Tea inth no40estacaterofSecn2< N.gha40aceeru-N E Se. 1 V time et a North Chicago factary. H@e es, ____ ti Dead tronmM4chanmcs Orov rota 1rom Or2n finand 80 acres iu S. E. quarter go& Y=grens eloh. 1 Ela Grrateeroorgetrramey el O O QU IT Wai .10k but ten day, and bis candi- Ploigaesieo h eot. u eea Bd e a .Pilp o 600 aM rmteGfreQilys tion had been criticai for several OCCURt AT CAMP PERRY Woloin ae oneor hereorsdBU GeiealBUIDIS$15P,000. or$600 are Hpeful0f da~. Hevas sngle nd a rothe _______X G. TAYLOR STORE. north side Not Up To The PrOviouB Ceorge Evert bought the Jno & nictd8500 -14 beIOw.ý Year - Many Intera4n Carrall 40 acres ln N. E. 1-4,Sc. Frank U. Welter of Maple Pai .SM IW Up. ofLyle nd Mylra. H leave a ndo.utmihora indjîcetedt reathnught«out CbougngahedBfurrd erni f1277acooei afAl n yba . evsa ôcSih abujce tGe T OUL.OUSE STORE, weat ide- StatiSticS Are bieue t thund r eeker hgthelam000 ., ggraudmother. Mrs. Faut, in (0hie. Lates, vas killed InsaUitiy Monday 12 beie. Iln Sec. 3.1 ai Buffalo Grave for $22. IlmuLDOWPuat was barn ln Warre n tovfsluhiinight about fAve odclock vben lie wu SUN OMITC-10 beiow iLoe 9are nNW14Se.2,50 i a -and hat lived there aIlit e1. tr'jck by a Nortkvestern passenger, COURT OM<> -8 e oiiw. o l8ca 2500. 1Harry E. Wing of the ConxfliO. Ï1110set are that niiel Punerai Tuesday atIt.n fron the train et the Camp Pêrr croulit ATTe t BEY RUS E1 Secs. 24 and 25 Grant and Ses 1 Martin .1. Healy hought the Gatzert wealth Edison Co. bought the EdwarI ATEBRS DUSOF 1an 14 Avncumrn$e8fr00,0as.;. Hrde for$11te'Se. M 14 an 5n earHao f 4 ae, l lcla* 0forWaukegan houts. b uriai private in Warren cene-the naval station. A second blle-beow. 114,n00incuAron fo .0001 six t ~ acre bin iorthewst 1-4 Sec. J1onhn7,aeai5 crl couuty vu remain "an tery. ljacket escaped death very narrowly. TOM TYRRIELL'S IiOME--uot. Jh .îaeougt 0 crs n Chas.iL.rberd onfor $1hoAht t ecs14 nd1,000Hit.y a -lb. rest af the vinter, and Smih iand bis friand ver. r'jnning WesttbaieJohbnoviSe . l from A. Est 80 1 oe foln',Richr . eret Jli 4 as n N. W te ero0,00 . Keog buhtte os to tt that fair prices lire- aEL ~ri ~'~ta catch a street car te Waukegan .&!deAN14 RbCY Mao)nnomnalconideatKn.lloggec.15,fortndcathecnPo»' eve Y III ILU I when the accident bappened. nmialtreiertit,1., e.45,foelov. q onidra chmitz tarn in Sec. 36, Vernon and MMn eeedInforatonTva through pasBenger trains aa.s s ure ln pretty cold,' said Bert n Lake Villa Township. tienofl $18500. Se.o ri e d !fr 81f,0.t 'wbich causedt hini ta lie- AD ~ J~ D IM t Great Lakes ehout five o'clock. Brenton, a, coai wagon driver th, John hIL.%McCurdy hought about Ralph R. îarr E, nelhert W. ereallTelfalHltto Il efforts ta regfflale coal JjEA TO1Rjjj45 -h ew bu.-ckt saw oneti trainmSo'i Holst et a. of the be abandoned the Orst of Jan- pate and saw the. street car ap- bis mustache, "but if's nthig like Mortimer A. Rapple, for 81,1f. trinof about 2ýI acres ln Sec. 7>0.1'te ,I>iu: o71arslSm dut!. vi»Dot e copletd 'UIâJlPOSIIONS passed tlîey ran around the rear of 1father says it vas 6 dtresa eiw ouglit 110 acres in Sec. 9 rimMor- tien, sulsiect tta encîîubrancrefo in *Orb*n. At that ime, it 18 lbe- - ta ranch the epectric tracks. They zero on New Year'q a n16. timer A. KalIo for $10.625. 000 and gae back a purchasp m,îney .Tacob S. aindtDella M. Hoviand of' ilrfe dtn.Itaon. wilCbaurman. Ceulson of Federal dîd nt percelve that a train vas ap- "11 don'tbeleve there ik a httr Win.J. nd erha Mshbouh trust dd for $20001).Deh i Twsh leamnîlaon asluci Labor Boar hik sc proaching nt high speed on the op- thor-mometer li îawn ttian mine," the Guernsey P. fariner farin et. Max Koliner and wifpbuteth hcg bougieabut73athe-l 1ulamnsrto a anhposite track, the slOw o thaving Asitn e yrilasre hs89 acres in Secs. 3 and 4, for $16, MryE Js hnennot iEi Secs. 16 and 21 frrnmMina M. Crawla aver meainre tase o la an Appeai wIli Be Madie . bepn hidden liv the other train. morning. t uued ta heiong ta the 750. Court for $9.000 andtianok as part par- et al fer i nd'cateîi $12,000. Ie peopie ail bad an adequa t. -Tee late te stop himmelf Smith governiment and for yeais lhting on Joseph PfannenstIl boughc the ment the Kobrier place on east sido e o.Rsusn bu h o of uelet il nie aiprieMANY DONT NEED JOBS <a fund htmself ln the path Of the the side of the old Dodge building, It Wm. J. Fish tarin of 38 acres in Secs. Second street. etTLina sastreof6 weefi.train andi vas hurle-d vIaiently ta one regîvîered 19 heiow ibis morning and 3 and 4 for $8,500.. First National Bank of .hrth acres tn Sec. 11Ï. for $20A.0. Eraline lias handled the st aagnwoe édnee fc îe ufrlgaftrdsi 1 audI m convinced It ia correct.' Auigusta lehinan took titll e t-the look title frrnm F'rst National Saie 1 gei t\orion bought 1-6 int r. tu laie county ln a most emf. tories bore **len the appeal vas othler injuries vbIch caused Instant Waukegan's new ire engine liad i is Ernest J. bobinait estate of about l)eposit Ca. of -Its bank building on est C. 20 acrsl .14,Sc fam er and haa been the mon made ta speed up the production of deth 'baplti re" ithis morning, re- 250 -acres ln Secs. 1 and 2 for Indicat- Miiwau'See ave., for $19,500. ironi reIC ailng for noinla fliug a real famine wber, Ibth e wr wva, and vho have benu flling The nearnes vtb vbich the other sponcing ta, .,aline cali for te irst cd $75.000. The Interstate Sand & 'G-ira-el ('0. conisderatlan. afpeered ta lie mort criti- the places of men evon sinco, proba. saller escaped death vas; almost mir- titre snce It hec been placed -incrini- Henry G. and Helena I. Atwell bought the 1Lqke caunty Cravel Co. Th. liorcas lHome bovîcht the fran- H bareced ocopnsa- lly viii eceive an appeai ln a short aculoms. Quice as a flash lhe sav mis-ion. A cal) was rncplved at bought the Mary J. Kerr tarininn N.propcrt" ln ,ècs lan1i22 or$25. Ces Porter acre-s in N. E. SeC. 3 hr bis serileslitauhdois a the t einuiho rerthenoitins t revas nlt tume ta get acrosé 7:2,0 a. m.. thîs morning ta extingulsh W. 1-4. Sec. 5, for nominal consider- 000. fo le .VnSlac o 1. svte uary ilbs im t Ie hémn hoar rtunng fram the' ahead ni the train-a-n tbe other a Ftre in the basement of one of ation anti gave hack trust deed for Intel, t Sand & Cra'el Ca. se rve lea.Cs t hislaie opnionhant ibe varunfitflg sa faut that le ho e$adcirsbue-a ot 6,500. btgt..acres ii-ec 1 nd i pElle n F. Van Schaick took titi. un- ~ *c1cool dealeria are endeavoring Bof CarlsrBvey C. oussoa Sutan, gtc.hI Scr.1an da6i - b u »m -l i naddiiona i suipy f te Feaa C mui a or B a d could fnt top h moelf. y ' a 'nue and maret stre t. W ith the red W . Goets ought the Jay R. ramn John El Fig gs for $7,462. Porte foprrlo ur o fo!the.FrancesG. ~MSeca vichthy hpedb a"- O Lae ouity MrCalso Iinie premp exiértion lie threw hims;eif ta thrmometer regIstering roi n te taCribl 80 acres tea ortbwest 1-4 Sec. In Aiea. groud letve ohn.ort an I ,Lake, for nominal ct- Dni .Don oaetfr1tefr$280 *Wê.oflwhchthe hpedt etht te ppalwil h drete cie. te ronbewen the rhad1Ï2 heiow zero the tire departmant 2 an CJedar sagn fr fr 1,80 t* ed lier. by rail. Under th, htteapelvi ledrcodci!4outh bound tracks. A fraction ail raced te s cor eeof the ire and hy sideratirn anti gave'hack truist tcdCatholic Plshop of (nicago (a carp.l Raymond L. Retiheffer and vfe «W ta evealotmnt te ct a On ytP h vmnvo Iicmtncsasc ntelr the train whiied by. menus of the bg c!1emnic.aI tank on for $5.000o. acquired the Sheldon proporties on hought the Donald Butter fane ot - *.1 0 sverl hndrd tnt a;~are such Ihat il lm not necessary for go shoclced and stuiined bli the close. the apparatus soon extinguishcd thf Joseph M, Horton bought the Hon- Lk r o 85 acres ta Secs. 19 anti 30, for $251, 00 ce~thein ptayaiIn fv o ie ho dld ac- ta death vas the Youing Miani'blaze A overheateti chimney haî 0are B. Tower 20 acres in N. F. 1-4 l' o! $110,500; aise the <harles WV. 000. empOighaymenrit inctonle ebc f- ntees tili for gaverai moments. e fl. icn e bx n t,,ba5metSec. 2 for Indicateti considerahian ajMrtnpaeoof1500 ls h- Josepsh D. Purcell bought 40 a9r«t *lohgeof >.eusmenl Union Drainage thouh aparhtocimuls t b otTando aas an rnassfitfaWlltmReaus eperMarnIhein4,0p.Wm. aceg 20acesla$W3ec.,0.0.0;i eciseron theMa Diniei- . v-onOnenodoheconsentf t a relibe cotlt. Othen blueiàckets vho by the Americant-LtFatiecopny Bni. and <Charles B. Hamien 1S, for $0;also block il Kentocli &Unis for $10.000 . Né«bfd. Cuntyof Cok an of uishthei posiionstatmnewh arethe lragedy vere qute un- ta Instal the fire engin ,cfr. 7bath bougbt the Frank M. Hamlen proper- Park for $10.500. N*erlfild, Couni retk n o ui therositionsetaimen who ar'je- vd vi.rhee:s and bath cars,1tt d'Id net; tY for $9500. IU SGOVTTwnsip l.rfie. outyodLke Siscfr turnl froi e ric il a rua Thecani!n Penry station seiinte' 0know It unti he retîro' -iti o the lire J . A.teeves haught at mivter'a .Johîn T. 2.llinsor tElgin, holiglt USGVT hM HLLS No"lei eebygli5te61ipcieus t i lt .l îff iuly i en oun- e- t ane s~e tation. To t a allte h3abish-ai it-an latt,,n faim of 12o acroIrthe Franik 13t1tn tarnio t i are,î , , Noacsi hreb gionliiau en o tr-if iiîdn îîpo-îetfo ayeral tioatbv bave occitretithere. tentian hy aone of tîe fireiien. tînt.Î in Sec. 5 for i Stanîtiroconsoe Scs 2,: anti 10, for$1,.AChcg AvtoW .S ar ______ON._u___ng__ith snow removed the rot. h1e tsain(, to Jahn Il. Kelly. Rudoti anti Anna Frerkiîttc "t 't oflve (5%) percent u1 the appemerît "The plants vOhici vwere iurning WUEA O PRATces.ON. n beuooeiveii o u ..rî,îeout lir2.- s. rotlarl t- mrout ,r-oW ALKGA GOupervsr George Biso qr Iivnsonhp h dadSae4 ce nS , m n u rsnr e ho I ors P ESnîth i ranlRdge lurtr Sc.7. oruomnalcasît' rNoWorinamgem parpomefor tbe year. A. 1). 1911 ulon ng a procs (f r.-onýtrurtion t nvn ubro pel fra. D.W1 .Siho radRde utrSc7frnmia oqdr oW r-rmHm vitin Un.mi lrartgoPlace thIi-ti oit a p.acï, basi;i, Mn.. An epratlon. wbich if penfontieti sistance trin the poor peoiple of the Itl., hough the Chauricey Morse farrta aio land& iylng wtl no r aeCotlson saiti. ThIa willlrequi oa on a huinan heing v oulti have becn I City. -of 200 acres in, Sec. 32, front C. J. Edad anti William Pleboiti Strning analogots f eatures lie. DIarit Numher One of theO towris ti 1:f lt fatm ieeaetero asra scin e- The condition as a ceneral tliinrz, WNilson ton $13,000. hought the George Dieholti tarai of we h aea Let oe a ¶Imq. I ate aneantie tjdere re lerheecaaeCaesanan sectio, vas per Nute~.Cony iC<o at f kv of tein vicb are ntaking ne- fOrmet iIbis morntng by lii. Smith,. a :however, ia net hait, for the niajoriy C. G. Brainard bought tic Cyruts 157 acres in Socs. 8, 16 anti28 frotti ingenai Waukegan and a Chicago D.ri.eld. Coety o! Lake, Stte0o esi;fan addtioalhep. This local vetenInarian. on Tixea fox af Waiikegat people bave ample sup- M. Clevelandi faim ln Secs, 28 anti 29 CteieDe dfr$501,sr- aviator, alto reporteti ta lie a Ger- Mhinos. and th.sane mnut ta paidttamaies It rather dIfficlt ta place Mon terrier belonng4ntg ta taboun8lntegfoa$2,liteanig lfe tatteln47la 47f. inma pisneacre -.n b aClaà the ou&drsgustiTr.aarer of saitiUr ra- vlio are returnIng tamtlie SOTMO amara. a Cty fireman. orty af people illeti their bina last Aîîdrew Sanensen bought the <ion. Sec. Ir,. ppnvthrtr ate"ytl gille ircet hl@tobis e et h el tipsttn n h tfe- Te Ilttle tag vas trappedti a asummer or lent fait. White thero taBeakestate faim ln, N.E. anti S. 1E. CaHFtcte nt icbtut laks fai rte orscate thecagfycry ali o u o o h i r ih l l e o M i h n t w h o iles befare nthey vent avay. Tb le i t re f n station, the anaee- a shortage of hard cal there ar a a ti ec. 16 , est of ro adi min t1 e t1e J o . l b. Mi c u r ad wari f o glt l'u)a e o ap i e C ic g y L. D. 1919. anti te defanil of socb led udeso eol h r eti s o psy lIn saie places an appeal aratythetIc vas apsiaieti. and theO operatioit uirei !popevoae etn oir fn3,687.50. acres i Sec. il for $19,20f. Seeming inelity Of tho er udo-, mut be everi tracts ai land upon his beau mate ta thé omn ta givo va, prformed. it as a sucress ln ,oflng ncay on soit coal anti calke. Gayslake. I'nry P. Kling bougltthe races prtient ta get definite inform&all. vb"Io ad Installaiient remainasupaiti uP thefr positions andti esame that -everl' sens. af ibe word andi foiThere lN an ample supply af the.lI- F red E. anti I. Nett Hucker bouglit NI. andtiJeine L. Sianoht fartnai 280 tram Gormany concerning vauuh VM b sod aordiggta aw a pr te asimilar course yu ltokn here." beaitby. littie yelpfing Pplpies vere ter fuel ln the city Bo there Its no the John W. Builard property Ont acres i Secs. f) anti 20 fan $10,000. American soldions lau imdffl t4h vil b sod eerdli a iv a ay la InmaRy unta c. ecodîng ta born. danger on that score. Cool dealers soulli side af Park are., veut af lus- Cari Mieler bought tîte Deppincir parents andi friandts of a 70W oe8.»ý atelat ofai a ucl maimiefit acettoe r ousn oa fcoisae i. 8 a 55ulvl-hs1 h it vere lept hasy tatiay filing emergen- son st., for $3.700. farai ai 90 acres tn N. 1-2 Soc. 33 for caga aviator unofficially creitdvt. and ae.n.d insersal. 'igback. thoir 01f on»ioy« m a itptti ime tbat gucli an operatioli bas heen cy aidera. Round Lake. $17,223. deatrayingfIvo oneiny planles aui -Dalsdbitoltday ai Jannary A. D). y as îîey rolatur, Ibhoe ecases the performed on e canine le Waukegafl. Physlcians are af the opinion that Frat State Batik at Round Laike jcl' J. Wright bought the Chris. soverai salisae beiloonu boitad "b Iole. mmon luservice de ot dfo t d noces- thImAsn*ping aold vtfl havo the effect hought the John W. Hart praperty ai tien lîsîpike farin ai 50 acres ln Sec. German Unes. Who W15UbOelle I. FaEn B. Idzyza. 'Tresaue . 7ur ta aWy ta the lal>or board for If tfset 'amy no6s vuusyS O of eb cecking the eplienlc af Influen- corner Ralroat anti Codai Lake aveu. 33 for $7,500 anti reconveyeti t ta severely 'Noiiiied andti tkma Jilffl-, 1. £4111111.lDLuftMa,4AttoreoY. .1aisitanco". ledtif h e ubuurviIiS kiI»dspl.Z4anti pneumonia. for nominal considération. William anti Emma Hapie.o. ___________ The colti veather bas cauueti many ln Warreg Township rt C ni1an .Wrt c o ndLetr.llfiH.SiM~ valks ta hecome inuually allppery Miandi M. Wilson bought 10 1-2 qure the interest af Lizzié andtJ,. son of Mr. andtirMe. WIMIRM3* un" people are requesteti ta place acres le S. E. 14, Sec. 25 anti 39 1-2 Caroline M. Witz ln the Michael hobarnian, 5489 Cordni aveuue senti or salies on ther uippery valks acres ln N. E. 1-4 Sec. 36, neer War- Wflrz feat= o! 210 acres ln Sec. il. oaill IY rorted ai i e t 1 ta preveet M d 0ac1111101;. Hornse- rentan, tram Edtiard S. Keeley far n Wauconda Town.isip. ln the (Jerman pris«fl cmp et U8 shusaehegketbs eteg 120. John J. Brown bought the Ftrank tatt. Badon, lu the Black fornt aM aslot t- siy calieti sliofton hanses. The Ferdinandi O. ant IdaeB.,-Hartelli C.Duning tarom of 123 acres in 150 illes troam thé e ncb tfrtSe. Humanle Society le keeplng a vatch- bougt the Marlon F. SchryVer laem 3at 6fn$850at aeFrvek i aet n Il fui oye on ail leaiteru ta Boa that o!f139 acres ln Secs. 9 anti 16, for lu Sec.trustndee2i for $8, g ve r. vk ithoutants nova &Imm,é tigre la no cnuety ta the. bonsea, dicatoti conatieratioli of *10,000J- Bimer J. Coauntryman bought the coiicélliug hlm. No snnousni atier thraughl eavljxg tient uablani- Wm. V' D. Aises bougit the Lavlis Ellen A. Hagen terni o! 58 acres ln of bis capture haecole fream. IOvft sieed or tiy. ermitttng tient ta go D. Knrox farnInl Secs. 33 anti 34 for Sec. 3 for indicatoti consitieration af departntent. about vtth sinooti slioes. 112,000. $6,000. (camp âastatt la the saaie camU Wmn. anti Frances Ostroan bouglil In Cuba Township. Eugene Ilaiaker of Wauk8an. Im Wani.egan, Jan. 2. aie Geoa N. Vase faimtai 42 acres la Harry A. Dooley haugbt the Geay been a priionor. Ranuikon bai v!*i Predictians of a milti, opeu vintar Secs. 20 anti 21 for $7.500. farma of 143 1-2 acres ln Sec. 1 Cuiba ton hoste soveral Unies and ieplalei have been shattoei the lest tva Emil anti Mary Van Haecke bouglit'lac. 6 Ela, troam the Maeter la Chian- Ohole vas treeteti, etc.) daye. Wlîb a maximum record af là the James Caliaban feaim 0f 102 acres cery for $14,000. Latten Tolle of Captura, belav for llNtday oonnut anti 22 la Socs. 33 anti 34 for $7,000. Rot C. W'heeler houglit the Day- Thé yautig aviator's father appési. belov this morning. Wauiogau la ex- Elmer S. anti Mazie Faiukner Id Wllmer 119.88 acres an eust aide eti ta influential trlends lu October periencing anything but nilîti vatb- bougbt the Bronadtetrai o! 80 acres Fox River la Bec. 16 for $21,600. Ia an effort ta findoaut is son'. fate. er. l N. . 1-4Sec.19 et Druces Laie George Henrlch bougbt the Pied Aiter an Investigation inir hiCh lhe Assistant Chie! Tynrlisa thermo- troam Man, E. Schooiey for 86'0()o Grahenkorî fanin ai 104 acres ln Sec. Redi Cross vas calleti loto action, the maer, whtch bas enjoyeti a record anti gave hack trust deeti for 87,000. 28 ton $19,150. aeroriautics section aif te via de- for yearu of reglstonlng the coidout Ernesh J. anti Kdith G. llarnstahle ln Ela Township. pertinent gave out the Informationi eandth.eliottoat veather la Wauke- toak itI, uriner oreclosune of the John C. antiJua S. Barbaras that young Shearmnl as le thé gan, shavet but 14 tiegres bl.ov Maggie Clark tartaiai 40 acres In bouglit 80 acres la southvest section Gemman prison camp. zeo, wvile a itherto unheraltietisoutheast quarter section 16 ton $2. -4~ Sec. 1, troam Salome anti Allient No Further Informition. thermomoter ln front af Atterhery's 000, subert ta a $1.000 tacuutitnanctt. C. Barbares for nontinal considera- A letton corroboratIutg evlieeO drug tone reg'lstcreti 19 belav. Johin ana Carcline Loqsmnan bougbt tieti. hth waetRsttPio (. 1 The assistant chiet'fils marning il acres ln S. W. 1-4 Sec. 2,,front Mary 1. Bradley boîîght the Frankl: thaet raho tvas e tt rison v a nnouneti 22 btloy zeo anti the Etivard 1,assini. Etivanti 1.asttan Scholz tarin ln N. E. 1-4 Sec. 17 at ters o! the Red Cross, but attemilt te .( beat Mr. Atîerttory's thernteon ought about 40 acres ln Sec. 26 Just Liouihfnltictaicniea lat fr t niormatliti falb&. coutisho vs 2 biov S Il ves aiWarenontran ohnLas-tien ai $4,000. thougi ail but three or four serions- 50-50 nov, and aiay the liet thernin' man for nominal consitieratlnta. Kimbaîl W. It-lanti haugt the ly vaundeti Americans have licou Me mater vin. in Waukegsn Townshiip. Chas. H. lreuger fartai 190 acres movetifrain the Rastatt prison sine* The therniometer ln front ai the Stanulaw antI Mary' Habrleieiz Ia Sec. 14 tor $26.600. th. armistice. Sua affice regstereti 17 belov aI S bought thce<ice farniof 1:14 acres an Wm. D. Steil bougbl the Wnt. The van departinent lias vnittm QAY, you'll have a streak of srnokeluck that'il 'clock this morninfi M. H. Rabin the Nrltwaîtlcoe roati ln Sec. 7 fronti Cet tariai about 100 acres lni Mr. Sieamen Ihat It bas Do furth« - b-> put pep-in-yvout,-srnokemotôl', ail righti-if you'11 reporteti 16 helow vien ho bit hbia Joseph Jarka for $30.000. Socs. 16 anti 21 for $15,888ý.80. Infarmation,. persoaal vires. to800.. rn-nwîth a, jirny pipe or cigarette ppr n homoet 8 o'clack. Dave Webb ne- Frank anti Elizabeth Pavlik bauglit Fred E.. Chas. H., Elien C. andtirny Baker have zone uùanavEssl Ellgf ppesportei 14 beiaw et bis home but add- theNilaguire farinai 130 acres ta S;ec. John J. Gtsswiller anti Caraline M. anti a promise matie by Georgec %si mal orne PrneAbr oéakn d that bis thenniaieter usualiy vas 34 Beaton anti Secs. 3 anti 4, Wauî Sauer took titie framn Master inofa lte coaimitteo on public lâafagma. off about four degrees. Rmlorts a! kegaa !ion $17,500. Clîancery te thoeCossvIiler tarai of tien, white lie vas in Cicaa reOe*l - .-~ ufbetween ourselves, -you appealing al long the amoke lune. tram 1 Sta 15 helav ane quite comi Rolirt Da<iy çonveyed bis farni 90 acre-. la S. E. 14, Sec. 24. for $7,- Iy, that lie voldi atinl obtalunlg des ,, nover will wi»u-.up to bigh-mpot. Mea Who neyer before could mzon ln ail parts of thé City. of about 771 acres la Secs. 30, 31 andti .tis valdntig enOe-OY ff Yo cn clla ppe srnkea pipe and- enwha've This la by feir the coltient veather 22 te Lorena J. Dady for nominal Chaica t'1. lunto ai Chicago, by ts irt nme thn, o it he amoed ips fr ear al tstiy f Vie yea'anti there vere few days .oonsidieratton. Titis tarin Is suP- bouglit th-- Clias OIt arin ai 40 Bruce Chambers a of t~ * b is int nin, ho, a bt ie sroke ppe fr ean al esift' est vinten vhich equallet Il. Tiiene pose tetabit-helt at $i 00an ace, acrs v~ one e.2.ft erassatpes an rti ér want tlssreyo andel uarphoto- hq- R ight 0wil h e gcuingsP.iitli A. i nvaataiocnrebrsvll lnshp 12 S . V. forn15.800. 2 o menasitan rve fortheia I~î baPYYo'l ote Ue t eua thva thismotr- JobhnGrffith bn f ouglit the theavun Hend he Illu n antotti ouIs0; ai cd orps t F aeavnoi a onk .- onkethtounatedmet oltle de p bi e or epaers and lhar an ..Trrl' hm rgsenp2 UdSatrtfno 0aresvan.,. 000. S n e.. 9ad forr8 tram.uCanntGanethneerele ub