Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jan 1919, p. 10

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y lEhto2ft,199 -are of1rdd g this-great event at lessthan pres- ent whoeaeres Hundredsofurby ae re- turnig fo~oes and from cantonments to find hey have practically- no thing fiit to wear. We feel it is our patroic duty to he1p-lhese boys, who have so faithfulfly defended oui country , by mnal;,[, m ngthis.t lelyeent-giving them the best ini the Iand at price that icannot b uplctd Lot 1-20.QO Suits Lot 2-20.00 Suits Lot 3-27.50 ,Suits Lot 4-37.50'Suits 12.45 87 21.75 Men's and young men's suits, made of Men's and young mnns sits, made of fine Men's and young mon 's latest style suits, Mcn's and yo-ung in's lîigh grade suits in good quality inaterials-'-odds and 'ends Ieft quality blue serge and tancy mixtures, ail made of fine quality, beavy wcight serges in ail the newest models.îmadle of fine quality fr -om thec scason's selling-mostly fancy mix-. sizos and a good selection of colors. Values plain colons, also fancy mixtures, vralues up bitte serge nd fancy înixtîiî ( , ail sizes. Val.. -,tures, values to $20. Very spccîally 99 . up to $25.W0. Very spccially prîced ~~5 t - $27.50. Very Upecially priccd 1 7 ices to $37.50. VTCry slP< i<lIy Jprie,~ priced for Men's Week ........ for Men's Week. . ..r.M......W.......' 8 SIJ $25 Overcoats 14.75 Men 's and young mon 's overcats made of fine quality inaterials in plain and fancy mixtures. These coats arcenmade te, give good serviee.' Values up te $25-00. Very 4peially prieed for M en 's 1 7 W eek ......................- .................. .... 4 7 32.50 Overcoats 19.75- îMen's and young nmens overeoats miade in flic very latest styles of good quality materials, ini blaeks and dark oxfords. -%l- es te $32.50, are offcrcd for Mon 's Week at the very special pricc 97 ..........f........ ...... .......1 7 $44ýOvetrôats Meis n yoiungiuenshigh rdov- ni -ade of fine quality niaterials in p ai nd fancy mixtures, soe silk lincd, vlue up te $W.00, very 27.50al and C. P. 0. Uniforms Reduced 333' Per Cent Men's Furnisi.g Are Reduced MEN'S SWEATERS Mcii's hcavy weight sweaters in a good range of sizes and col- on- $3 and $3.50 values special for Men's Week ... l8 Men's $5 sweaters lu a good assortment cf colo re, -al sizes, special foi' Mcii's32 W eck ................ ................3 2 Army sw~eators, regular $500 %-aliies, ail sizes specially pr ieed for Men's Wcek . 9 Men 's ail wool sweaters in a f ull range cf sizes and colorn, values to $12.50, special . 8 for iMen's Week ..... --- MeisSuspenders regular 50o values~, special for Mns~1 NIGHT SHIRTS MNen's leavy flannelette niglg -siirs, values to $2.25, stial for Mcn's Wcck .8 MIHN'S ]PAUAMAS M%ýen 's heavy weight flaunet- et te pajaunas, values te $2.50, spemiaI f or Men 's 16 "ÂTu ROBES Ilen'-, bath robes iii a good selpe.tiotu of patterns, values te, .¶9 i(), spee ilfoi-Mon 'sl HANDKERCHIEFS Extra large white handkcr- vliefs, rogillar 2ýe. values spce- ial for McIet's w eek .............14eý 8 for . .. ... . ..$1.00 MENSBELTS Mnsleather belle, values to 15r, speeial lor Mcni's OFFICE",' 0V. COATS 39.75 C. P.. 0!O. COATS 37.50i j SH IRT SPÉÔIALS Ail mcn's dresse shirtsi in a goed range cf jpaterns, with soft or stiff clTef. Vafie te Special for Men's Week.2u Men 's di-eu shirts in a god range cf patterns,' Values to $1.25. Soft or stiff'cuffs. Special for Men 'à Week .. 5C Men's attaehed collar shirts, val- itesrup te $200Q. Very sl)ccial for Men' Week 975C FLA~NU~*ÉOMIRSa Men's flaàtu ieltte shirts te val- ue up te $2M5. Special for Men's Week_8........ Men 's flannelette shirts, values 11P te $1.75., Special for98 Mcn's Week Men's flannelette shirts, vallîws% up to-$3.50. Special o Men 's W eck ......foi......... .8...... SILK aiIMTS Ail hmoken lots-of'silk and silk liber sh irts, roversible cuifs, val- ues te $7.50, special fer 21 M erm's W cek ......................... Meni's work shhin i grayVýankI blue, values te $1.35 spcc- -fl ial for Men's Week 69 MNNS UNDERWEAR Mon 's union 'Suite, Carter 's unake, values to $2.50 spxe- il for Men 's Week ............ Men'es 2 piece wool undeiwear values Up to $2.50, special z for M.%en 's W eek ............. NEOKXWEAR A good a8sortment of 75(t. nceckwear will be offcred c for Mcfn's Weék at............ SILK HOSE .Men's pure silk hose, blaek, wvhit.e and fancy, $1 values speeial for Men's Week ....7c OVERALLS AND JUXPERB Men'* dark blue overails anîd jumpers, $2-50 and $2.75 val- uies, speeial foi- Mcnl's 19 W eek ............................. 1 9 KNIT GLOVES- Meni's ku'it glov'es, 'tiltues te 50c, special for Mu- i3I9Éb Mcn's kuit gloves, 'aliuts to $1 2 , special fo r M n 9 $125, r...............................7 9 c WOOL SOUE Me sheavy wool mixed hose, va1utem te 75c, special for,39% jýe sWeek.................» Mon 's heavy wool hose, values t'> $1.00 pair , speciai fo]r 4gc M en's W eek................. wogLoz Mon 's flannel -vork gloves, specially priced fur Meiî' Week, pr. .............. OruIO~a0.CP. O Young .Men's Suits 4.-98- Onte lot of' v 1111., 11(1s -iîits, made of uood <juflity nîaîîîals, ini plain blaek and faîîcy flixttl..; ii't s 111) (S tor 3, ver>' .sperçially prieed t'i'Mcî'sWek 4à Young Men's O'coats' 2.98 Onte lar-ge lot cf. you-uîlg mîen .s overcoats in a goud range ocf colons, ail dark mixture», :sizeis up et<2.- 1 This is a r-eal, snap for oyoir meun to sectiir siueli gairunts aN tiiese at ............................................. Men's 3.50 Pants 2.o39 .fnslicavy weight working pants in a good range cf patterns, fancy mixtures, fuit line of sizes. -Values Ùp tu $3.50 are offet*ecU in this lo)t spccially priccd for 23 Wlen's W eek at .......... ............. Mens 6,.00 .Paànts Mon 's fine quahity Wress pants in a good. range of fancy stripes aund plain grays are .ffered for Mei's Week ùi a f ul tlineo ot.ý sizeg at the vcry specialprie ,)f .... ................ ............... )on 't fail te inspeet those pants wlule yOn q -' - ---b, t V ~ I f J O V. âma, Sui, ~bagtH MetimehI l'biuttohI ilt-a~ISndy Teet at wia ab Fýme e a reoturnied Ihatlhein, L IyThe umu » al ]ILaiii. 14, and tora ad dCon- in<iem deu. oI. en moUoing"1, Inâteait of tired li, dissolve& Ack your Deal Every man poisons iae ne S WgM&able lu do not gripe à if practic batter thesul and thi Ieft in BI and ai litte t Cc

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