Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Jan 1919, p. 11

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LIE~RYVXLZ fle1tMNENT, TRItRSD4AYJANU14RY16, 1919 *Ouos0 ii, .6dne Uie" esud Po, were-aeamly gweys s o ottiwhat :DAY vie Ilfl u U «Wédisov«ed a tis aY that tlb .U5, vbkhaliedoen off the :HE LE àm om «utlInaig vesseis, is returnesi andi vas ln our vlclnity. It evie commandai .by Cai>t.Rose, wI1o 14àKe COUfty boi corne in-led beau niokuaesi 'Kelly' by the 44uaal caee ierelu men wlio vere chaalng 'au h..' Roue ocformel, potmaster wo sea. t andi darlng ceptaib and *'as the prutcpal. Illmb. Save us a lot 0f trouble. lie bAt H tCck disappearesi wonld dplbemteily let lie know vhere 'iMe thie speedway inveai&. lhewax ansi thon 'boat 11' sending Lis wu Sog on for the goverumieut o position by wreles &bout the. .ection wltb the big buse bompi. iVie Wc rescheul the olsi nue. This. appearçd 4o bcbeon@ or the Close Caiiifor -'Kelly., "Opnittens lu Chicago and itil as 'We 1llnaIl1Y locate i hm, Jhowever, W btMli unday that lho wasd!scov. andi dropjied deptli bombe. We wvre bd.laving returnesi quietty to bis certain w liedi put 'Kelly out o! bus- iness, ,and eu reportesi.10 tbe Britisb .dlsaPPearedNnvember 21. Ac. commander at Dover, but be oaa flt to the tatement blie s nuw ery optmtstlc.", It vas &bout Noveniber 20, thst The fOtilla later learxies that the Ie to Lake county. golng te U53 althougli bady damagesi hy their Çty. wbere lie loolces over sottie deptli bombe, lied succeedesi in reaaeh- teton property. - Ig ls base. The aubmrlne waa ro- returnedi to Chicago lbh@nxtpaîresiandi vas mt tartiag out on andi lva s at that tm lime n a new career awben 41e armistice vas ,flat lie wax struck by an au. signPd,. l114-ansi remenibered ntiil,,g lieut. GuID a OiEone' of the f10 Ë until he vas d!acivred liter men of the 1,784 aboard bbhe Huntlng- train golng to Covînglon, Tenue'- ton obo case trou the middisle wp.s. Thse question lit: Disi Zion Cty a disaatrous efect on hl&ii mmd.O TU I li e actuaily riruck by thm au. BT À Y O lie? A (Contrlbutesi) A WÀU EQAIIWllis K. Xetcaif, son of Mr. and WAI1 EiA Mirs. Luron Metcaif, of Gurne.Cmas ~LI~U ENANTborn e, Waukegau, September .-, LIP TE O T P E. 1691, anld diesi December 3o, 1918. Ail of bis lite, except th frst few months FO R DBIOn ÀT AIS"Pet lu the Gurnee communlty. At the ate of elght yars Wllis sur- (Contified Fom Pag one) h" hreaultesiacrvtr o h From elle ui.> Pîne. Ail vaU donc thAt buma.n sk<il lis horne orlglnally was lalus;udd orla'.hm i oeh MUic., and itbs paents now lis-e ln ithle >Care of a speeilllt for a vaar and 2, bdt,. but rellef did nfot conte. Hies afflction I"aly reaultesi ' olioving lm the big send-off' Newln weakeanng the pover of bis beart Féit dlsIuatche,ýi gîte the Waukegan and ts.vas hie handicap in bis lait Ilimseots vleh vas an attack of moIu». Nt*" York» Jan. 15.-1mw a dozM n lasPite Of bis afflcton Wllis was »Rlesi Staics subnarlue hasers' alwaya bdlit and eheerful. With the ,10cailuz goff lPlymouth under <ofli. aposIlo Paul le coulsi oelhave 3.j,: beOs of Leut ..-WW.Gumz o! Wau '"q bave logeerneiclu hatsoever clate 6MIw. ]I, âaioat san< the faruouî 1am, ihondntu bcliecontent." Hoevw" 7.31..n aforr a lime bellevpdey 505regoter la bisi attendiance et Sunday ail don-- ". -as irtlated today by j eclool andi churcli and vas a menber Ueut. on lis arrivai or. 4oard of tbe Gamme eburc. th aronAr'd ruiser luntington. IIow Beeise of bis beautiful Christiun îerviIg -' ; i .tf a tchareeter. ai vellisa thie aympatl'y "As A'"" ; ""! l1tllia eitlindusesi hy hie pfflictlon, Willlti was ji«qi.Lz.raqil lil outil itlset tebunisto the anemberu of bis famlly Work to ýi.i i te ;Germnen naval wth tics eapecla8y tender. This eel- gde,' li' -t. i.uîssv.saisi. We arp 'lu& Wvas sP0relbY 1n vbo mew bhlm. "GWhilHow itHnrtsa u-The Pain fi âgeFoot i bometimee il ioin mlu mar. leriul Heave, o, 1à bSte mi'bock luafthe gornng 1lVeI s il due t10sanove-abuudam ofet h" poison cafl e.e aeid.The kiduy are nol, a1bb etogué id of il. Such conditions yous eau readili' overoome, sud prelons lifs by takring tbe &dvine of Dr. Plisse, ohiie àkeep the kidneys lu gondi order." *Â,oid too mucil mest, alcohol or tci. Drink pienty of pure wsIer, prefeis ahI' bot osIer before u nis, ddrive 5the nric si. out of the system by taking -Anuric." This caun be obtainesi at almost any drug store, in tahiet form, sud wili dissolve urle acid ui bo coffo. dissolves sugar. Yon kuo tilt bfore an lDuerance compauv viii fakLe a riait on your flee"examining physician wili týst your osirand report oliether you ara a good risti. You shoulds@enda s ottUs of w osiz 01hbenemsts st Dr. Plierc's Invalide' liotet, BuflaoK. Y., snd you wili receive fIro@memuical siaosu t. vhber fthe kiducys arm allei. Wlieyour kidneis get eiuib andi clog, you enffer Irom beekace, sick-bcadacbe, dizzy epeili, or twiugesansd pains of lumbagorbeu. matisansd gui or elmmp le disurbed two or listee turnes a nigbt. Taie. hed, belore too laie. Ge& Anurie (asti-nric>, for l will pet uew lieii. yo7u1 moc-ys sud your enitre syslem. YoouI ci ml u of vim, vigor and vitality, ini of tireS, dragged'ot and blue. Anerie le a n tiSa.. more potent tban ., Ubis, dissolves sud carrnes aai' urie sel.! sud otlier poisons troum esy.70. Aili your nearecl drugi tfor Aporie -inu tehlsfora. Every man or voman ahould lie careful " lia l s iver le solive sud Ibe poisons are net allovesi t.oiog tbht qstem - gel I 0of tuese poison b taking a Wegeable laxaiveoccasonsli'- euh e MDr. 1tree'aPlesanaulPeilew.. hey do Dot gripe audviii ot ar. Ibm mut delicleto mn. A WORD ABOUT FREEZINf If your battery =uke$cbýargod It WON'T FREEZE. The electilein s l ttéry je CRacIcal ro against freezlng, but «às thé battery becomes dchag.d'more and mot of the sulhutic acid la withdrawn Into the plates, and there is an incressing proportion of water lcft in the solution. But water freezes at 33 degrees Fahrenheit and an entirely dischayge0 battery wilI freeze ltte below, that teperature. IF IN DOUBT AS& US COLWELL BA1TERY S1IOP $hrianRd U Mdion S. 'Phone 22 Sof and ,I -p flContlnued Prom Page ONID Bessilower, nov Mn'. IRoland Dun. put on thé boxing glovea and mad5e up one oftheb first movlng picture hoalug contestas evor tlrovn on the acceen. Trey aise recall boy two Wsizkegan newseper reporters were seen with boxIng gloses on la a frlendly bout aud which veut te ma'oe up on. of the firet pictures of the kinil oser tbroa'u on Uhe vas !Mr. Ajuet andi nobody edca oho Inventesi the imovlng plelure. Thonliter siong rame George K. Spoor, nov bead of thie Essanay Co., lu Chicago, took Y.r. Amet's Idea and i ilwadevelopes inl- te the real nîovlng picture produet whlcli nov cuvers the mnuet 'e recalled that Il shouisi ha creditetee 10Mr. Amaet that lie vas the Inveptor andi deaigdnor o! the moving plct Ire Ides and thisa l va.a al start- ed lu bis 11111e laboratory on North ave. Severul tîmsis luepel M"g- aine articles Mfr. Spoor bas giver Mfr. Amet credît for baing the inven- tor of thse movlng p!cture-. Mr. Ainat served as alderman lu eWeutcegan for somte time andi movesi frout Waukegan te California vbore ho mince has reildesi. 1 Mr. in writlng back home of bis î isit 1 te M. Amet teliL o f a ueo il,. .voution the former Wenkegenlte bas i justperfactesi. one wblcb may revol- utlonize thie use o! the phonograpb a.s an entertainueut featuire. Quotlng front Mr. Lees latter ro- Lgarding Mfr. Amet's laboratory ansi bie ueo invention on the plionograpt., 1:'Mr. Lee gays, 'We f ounsi'.%r. Amet lu bis laboratory demonstrstlng hie ueo eleetrical reprodOces' t0 a friand. LHe dud not recognise me even after 1 sisi Watqftegn, but tha minute le got bis yen on Mca. Lee leled 1the obole i rowdsi pottesi. W. bold Mr. Amat or Lyour laiIng dictatasi a dictaphone lrec- ord ansi sensing it on te us in Cailler. 6nia ai a Christmas message. "Mr. Amet repîlesi: 'WelU ve viii sensi Wili Smith a rosi record,'*80olie liasi ne dictate into bis machine andi îgalid tetell you te finsi someone vltà a na cf 1h05. tvo minuta gri.phoiie to rreproduce IL Mr.Amuet bai perfect- cd an eleotrîCal reproducer, aise a 1recording meebanisintebehaattachesi i0 te hedise or cylinder. To Ilistrate ia phonograph lnl a botal lobby willi Yona ot bis reproducers on. viii 'not oniy repMduce tbo record lu the 101> by but in every roou lu the botet A> lying il t0 an apartucut bOUIldIlg the occupant hi' pressing a batton eau. turn ou the mugielnl bis apartuiOnt. Heocdaims te bava pertectesite l&as sociation of moving ptctumesandi tbc voice reproduction. He sai I lle sd not have a film ounlbond or. ha vonîs laite our pictures ansi malte a voice- record ai the saune lime go we coulsi sensi botb film ansi record te You. 1 stoosi out iu bis yard 15 foot saaY froinone o! the borna protrL'dîui f rom bis laboratoty ansi dictates Intb the recorder Iucide of bis laboratOIRY. Hie voice reprosincer sets on top of bies movlng picture machine when ho la taklng th1e picture ansi vata s l, perfect synch mmasi. '.%r. met l'ad oue, very intere8ting thingâ te tell of bis -Part lu the var inventions for the governulent. -He aliowes us s model. aise siresjuge of an aerial ter- pedo for drOlPPisL autam~ati<olly f rom an aeropiane. Tis con8lfft-es Of twO biadles wbicb revotesia bc'hPtrPe- Ldo dropiies thr-ugb the air-tIs ac- tion uncroofnnga eaft vblcnt aI predeterinfed distancerle.e a Leprlng. thug causing a conmousli ansi w bte explosioni o!flihe iomb. The plane, travelling atg a fixeai rote of apeesi ansi the torpedoes droppesi off al, fixed lutervis enavîsa an oper- Ktor te oover everi' foot o! territori' for a certain distance and., at a ire- datf-rmined wldtb aocorsi!ig te shape ansi size o! torPcdo. *'"Mr.Amet dooisii'lookt a d&Y Oldlr tban wlien lig le!u Waukegafl ansi as lu thc 01,1la, ,ba.,bis 11111elals.ora- tory near.bisbngalow home obere tbe wor'as ail bbth iuse on bis fuver.- "He saIn Jsat ise bas sent the go.- cramlent a. gi'eat nany Ildeas but lias g net acceptai ansi vilI net accept '. ly cent for anythIng for service 1e the governlt MRS. JIÂS. KXIUT Mn l ames. Knlgbt. wbo-la in bec S01h year. pissed aai tis atternotin gboit 2:0.0- t ber noue. 320 Frankîtu cIreet.'Wlgukegan. 8Mr;. Knlght baS tnade lier home lu Waulceuif mani' years. Silo W« the vîdow of James Knigbl. a -vetorau coud uctol' on tbe Northt Westemirn aosi vlosee deatb oocucresi a fev years, ago. MrD Kulhath ealifollowesi an IlfuIesa 0f about a veek. Bbc baves Ibrep clsil-1 dren: Herbert Knlgili, Mase Carrde KnllbI sud Mrs. tbur Blanchard, nl or Waulegan. CARO 0F THANKS. We Sectres 1 thank our msny filonds for the '.une ovu ndur lng theise lus and i t the dealli et our son Willis, also for the. beautItul floyers 'eontl'lhuted at bis tunerat. Mfr. hff e. LUpn MetcalL l D & vkW I PÀ1 -r Fe -o-f the remaining stock of Pianos and Cabinetsfrom the FULTONAL Waukegan's Foremost Piano Bouse If you intend buying a Piano and Cabinet, -either this. year or next, do not wait, but corne - in tomorrow and select the instrument'you desire. hiver Again WiiI Suoh An Oppsrtuuify l'risent uitef. If you want to save $100 to $150, corne in tomorrow for these Pianos will not last long at these prices. Exclusive Selling Agents for Columbia Grafonolas and Double Dise. Records Styles Frs>m 120Oto s2 15 $300 Story and Clark- $45 Mahogany Cabinet, high-grade mahogany Piano an ornameiit to any r o om, double door, -guaranteed for 20 years; neyer again for highly polished, patented lift top, you will neyer - buy 24-090 tis agan $ 9 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for only ......9 $400-a large size mahogany case, im- provedsounding board, tone that cannot be equalled-, see this value $2.69« Have you heard the Harmony Grefonola, It caiùnot be equalled for only. 14-95 Solid Mahogany Cab- inets for Sheet Music or Grafonola Records up from Y; $450-the largest size piano with t hée néW:' style lift top -a reai Story & Clark inStru- ment, special sale price 10,000 Columbia Records On Sale Du ring this mônth we are seiigGood Furniture far lower than any other. month in the year and it will'pay you to investigate if you want to save money 1 i C-0

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