Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 23 Jan 1919, p. 1

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LBRTYVILLE INDEPENDENT lAà CUIYr"DPEDET Lake County's Big Weekly Vcr ~EL U WoeCoeutnqenNM. XXVII-ýNO. 4 FOURTEENT'AGES LIBERTY VILLE, LAXE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, TBIIRSDAY, JAN1JARY 23,1919 ONE TO EIG HT. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCU. EDRLAGENCY Ct-OSES SHOP R3Nw iL KTO HV 2000 AIfDIuu1 u¶ mqrn FEDRAL Wauegs. . HAV. Ew2ommandant inSt. EEDN IS MERCER SAYSHE'S CHRIST. RESCIND PUIIOE The federal Comniunlty Iabor R, Nw Cmen aSndat nr ae.Rev. R. O. Buerger, Kearing KI lm TAIEVV Bordoffice In Waukegan vas closed #C AÀNCO Emet oSu Tll o re- EÀ SOFRE NI- hI ererCaied Sy$R TE "IS 11 WII VI NTy1da n orders recelved front Wasqh- e 10and uuePlaPrs He iDe mrvC Swift Kick. WJI LRI bas eaearanottbad IFF TO SHOW HlM etanNuue ln. IN4i FRIENDS 0F '6rH eevsSitKc.ENTIRE STATE silice ILt iret wos opened August 1. Just before the flrst of the ycarak .Mrcr rterhn bas hen transferred ta hie Grea Edaortt'd O. tal.Sun made Inquiry at the naval ItherSoficrte on ednbis dain_____ C.T aser Ba er A.Laike. Naval Station where bie work WillEneaortoFid swthe tion au ta juat vbat activittes tha e lunofthe, reieatedibis Glann Co. reaure éraherAn vil ie ta. assist the demobiiized Bail- Prisoners There Can be Fed rwere tiien la progr"si or contem- Mrs. Eliz. S. Young and Mrs. thiat helte .so ih. City, <lni Chicago Telephone Company, nounaes -Plan for Conven- ors In oltaining eîuployment. Nir. for 9 Cents a Meal. plated for the. immediatp future. ethVotr o Cl itly aedoverer Zontsif th e o PlsBcI rder to In. iec fTax-Payers. Coulson dues net knov mast boy ____Ctt ribl cls i fornia Renew Friendship. los' church, when he madle is crease the Rates. long hie services wiil be needed lu mandant theretore. alter gottirug bi4s daimi originaîîy. Ibis capacity but bas been assu red DOUBTS THE STATEMENT. bande on the reine of the big eta 'Tbey niocit me; tbep spoof at me: 110 ITWIL W RKOUT. that Il viii be for six montbe or a lion bas furnished the S'in wtth the A W A EI NEEDETte erm. f l eotr l JCION IS THE CAUS. ya.Cna man be fed for nine cents a sitatement belo* vhich shov. work SWNM NIDPNE "But ahortiy tbey wiii realize IheirIN C Ti. ~tiig b ffrt0fhi li The cioing of the local federal meal? under way and plans afoot for the ____ error. That wili be when my seul TheputIn Iltoeffct f he axemploym.nt bureau came vitilou t The Phprif vfN(-en onysy orld'a greateut naval tann sta.! .wicb abollabes the officei of towii warning. Mr. Couison received telc that ni ne cents per ment was wht il tien: tanlgHov the UAbertyvilie Independent la purged of its moral biemishos Asar;itoa epay nm. cfélbCtor h« acaused mlclelàPcula- ,graphie Instructionis from Wasbing- Pontta oferithi-' prl-'nnersduring ii1.wtt ta retlee a teman !renewing [he ü'I . h a ave e n iete ta ruleou A ai e ioamprryijuo tic troughout L4ke counbv as ta tonlaie FrIday afternoon ta cloae cember whicb inciuded a chick,-n bas reached thb.filmit of!lis territor. 1triendahi p between two Lakte couniy wîîl the sprit of love" l. Foeli 1initie Superior court la blow the taxes votild be collected thtq bis office Immédiately and report ta dinner at <Christmas. la] expansion. - women who fast aaw earb otber Ini Nîercer learned of big mission, he Chicago, the new tell and long dli year. Beief base en expreased ! Qreat Iakes for duty Ibis mornlng. Sheriff lmer J. Green o!f a 2. Tbe only sohool that IliaS leen 1876, 43 years ago. is told In two 1e as 0engî we erietîa tance telephone raies approved 17 Mmy that peope ail over the couin- The employment bureau came In- county, Isnt traim Missouri, but sa- discontinUed le the Arrn'-d Guard telre gîven ta Ibis palier Ibis- week Iy from Heaven calîed upon hlm suad Po.4tmaster Generai flurleson did flo Ûr7 vould bave ta rnme ta the office to existence as a war time nnetessity hP will have ta be sliown.sehool wvtic furnisbed mon toeopirer Nrs. Elizabeth Suthierland Young oavehm f ~aoin.go Itel, effect et 2 o'clodk Monday of the county treasurer In Wauluegan snd was the means or stabitizing la. "There'.somaie catch ta l sorio, ate tbe AnU.Suhbmartap hatterv ingaverb;bw neo tes rind i n'Isay t i wl owtt ilt1 Itnl.Tu as 'Io pay taxes. This, il vas feît, would lior ilu wauiuegan. Ail plant, % ho aberi ' lic salît"l'iii gotng toô writ' meclu bais The icol hi vecn p shos~ In far-off California aaîw the other'. el..e, etod,"u otwexit jotaeffect In ail statos la tha provre a bg Inconvenpnce to many. vere dolng var vor'ç vere ohilgî'd Io the phetiff orf !iean rountv. j-k- wiltl bê added are nioip different taei u oums rt 0 h"~ ae kt,: îî klie d , bu the uio xcut llnis ndaa County Treasuirer Roy Bracher , x- hîre lielpthrougb the board . No i.git hlmfor stimîle mentis, the nutiiiaviation mecbaiiic schonl-'. andthie and thug boy thetr friendship ayoelisercdotevsetîî.IMissi,. ippi, where stahe tnJanctlom lian. bda, hveer tnt e asrman or woman could ubtalu n îlcy- itle rot çîisîîîirs lie feeul'îanduithotfin laradio achool, whl- h itgiio'i kit eed ot a itacentury a;;(), tîrough ignorance.'* base been granted. woved out a plan vbich viii mak- iet none of Ibese plants vili tnfociiitn.If lie ctin siii~ oiiîeitavSd.iresived by correspondence la pe-Manager Fiord of the Waukegaa lit possible for people 10 pay taxes (ut firqt reporting ta the board and. way of cîttlng the coqt down orn -3.. The folowing work has lic iii ured In these two letteri: Mdisrict ernoon fo t 5 put tilt 2D fleir own eomihettiîes, very mmii 1receiaing a card. In tt. wa thecents lier meal we vant to lio stpp sî@nce the .igntng of the iriiiîî rcoraLttr dcicb reciod wnord t o'ut oc the. saine as they dd before. Toa111: government vas able ta keep a posi- ablout lt." 14tie: ..... PoCto'stCaer., INSIIJL STORY tIis Mr. Bracher tl appontine d<l' live checkt on ait Ibose vbo obtaitied Thi' ocal sleint!ays that ori iare , Additlone ta, the Avitiîton cartired.e, anf ffect tbe new rates. No expisanglos pulsI veytrnInterlnt okI hewrpats ono snewl ell th(.- -lîcrîge imgpi5 In the Ih 0, D*. r. .Young: Jan. 1.3,119. B R was made-le merely was told to In nmrn en ses sdpputy viil111 The chaîrman of the board .î,o perscn Ouitheaitliy, ablho lied iiii,'i 71hî and 121h regluents I otl1d yur ame th Libr OFaes. hu t ty hgod res .1bob». viiid bIn a a n.Itr hr %fý lev as in',trumental In obta;!nIng bans- canner i)e f..] for nines ci-fis a iieall 'egetable storage cellar at the! yIleIndependento oc 6arili149TU AD'I'IIJ CDV taIn in The resclul Wflund In a a nk. ire wP< ite ras. Lieîmen and women for employmont I in ns, tic c iet con-Ista c1l,-li ho05:pîtal. t1 l fDe.~-TH ake county. i 1wondered I yuwere tbe girl i, ngorercae s IILut t hela a«cessible ta the greateit nitîil '-r of; the e1.entlal industries. in fart Souri. 4. The activities ait Greait ILak, 7,vhom I knev as Ltzzie Sutherland 14q n re <aî sarsuto t a people. Ail taxe In tr town f, Ibiss a sonco f the- î,rpoaea of es- Durin>fr îti kini ;î-ril h ii.dîig b îac c-f-dw lint In in arq zone liv, and yoîî kn,,w I Ilnction in Chicago. o!Private McClintock Tells How The temaporary restrainlng order Wauitegan vii libcpaya,ý il'- oî f 1tai,lisiing the- buaîd.Many prople 'lct.can inyiîîîricitiiii blc ai onsisî principaliy of thl iriiîiinz "if as iertiia Cond*rey i . sued for Illinois at the Instlgatlc Bep o! tbe rounty tria lin-r I who vere working in occupaionîs feecîlitîn riis ;ri ch ci r 27 fous icw recruiha, and, Ili ad ilion tItis Mifny changes have talion CiaoUntW ninlan-ftesat ule tttel on@ "f have lven tbec mattor cnsId coirdrrîîlio Slnî,lvr-trans-j pcr Iii L crut i "t* . 2 ihle varions achools l i'î l ow ý i lisîce ve wore "irGreat Battîes. -sion may only temporarily liftO&e arable tbouglit," Mr Brachrr Pîil tci- rferri d lta1iares wvIere tlieî - îulfi do , cr cas i !jfl - cii iisi.zirii- t Viior wilibitsarted laier. Have hein i-Islng lun (tîlfîîciis ___________ Frdadedth day. "4and I have d"tIded th -t he " 1- srk tImportant t heli-can-nîng oni p i. ilsv tpn 1!ý lia -o ý1p 5. As nearîy as IL r;-n lne rte .l ofii 1.Iis trîs. r.Fdaced 1 the bet wav nt ofIf If o worP,,t t,,i wa. If-dý! oft!ýe.5- pl,17 LAKE CiCO. BOYS IN-,117TLKE hO.rOYSîIsITashapratsyangap tyinataicatauf. te colect al the taxes fir the riif ha_. gîsen the hlghit praî.c of! er i iitie-îi ohnlnr, course itpontih1e ailon e"f17'iLr - theii h ohr19a nýier i ty In Waukêgan IL vould reu(ijlîre hi ,.-serv!ce r.indered thona hy [lie S pi,î-op]. uý.-iI ti hiri 1- %sii -the.'population wili r,,tdl, ,rui l ý- ynîîe ohrt1a nier The guiluer ofC ici!liago', , - teIncroage plan,.lblLa the ta-i.. the hiring of a nîimbi r orîit nil i lboa rd. aH-ie1c-ra.t fai l 11- - - fronti ad vlI roi-i h Fane 1tewa u bie rîot hcî l. îtArlieryar athe. satec-il wier te escndngor h-stiajm ta oîrColotadi-ilciraie o 1 rrlut' hut r .1 l;uiheiandn eut jpri te var closed; do nos, Inew %ahei19hF,1 Aileyaeanvît anddtIbereo vo ho td ct iarn lint T00ir. oucann corne ploij )iiioseI.hotier1-.t.1 lw i-ltiwio- lt1h dbone base temiaderih-edeforpplId formpmpSm lit vould bes diffidut ta gv, gr.oi ser fr hhitc'essuimanh stilimcr ii fborne.I- ed t fice thImrfigurei'1 ne li1ftafI iai ,lusd a 6. Tls Is a aquest ion a hicu is mn- -W1 i lke1 ha lowsouh uc a bcioutîtheo! Fraceand lIreicilil i - lîcag toay voe tfihave that Ilvill' ('Oulil-o1. fhl.-dhiâ office Il wiîui.i have' liii ti - à îoîl druaîle a tirelv dependent urîlîn [hue pout!ardsic v atecbohýe îttan toint trfeFaner tand ti- ins lcrtPt-hcgot yl more tahave t-ge dapi i- cen diffiu; t ta render tiîeter s'r- sujaîl flritie iit r viat lie scaet hicb vîli he deternined hy n:W." led a relit Novemribe- 'and 1),,- t ter atit uthuissîic cin-tioi. - bad1[ln e t nr() c nctto fl ot le e is tercd tbrough the diîunhý'i in t! i tcethan lie gave. troni t- udînz tlii.- Pti,oiers. 1 do net gresIn regard [ta'lie manning oo!*c1înher for Cailfornia. lîut Ilicitaii'ns -antChl.urcago e beulqe would Io have tiril Ibn riv oxn nf-1 Àfter the signtng uîf the arii tep ire itatt0 a y itat 1i iH it n-t mît-the NIrc:iant Marhp by the nav - er la nce nov. 7Niy pister, Entnmais t were won.InCiao lie ie vork cof the office bi-canic' o~fiff t-to fo- tt 1kinoss'al 7. thl f the piruposed barbu r been vith me since Jtly. Do'yoti 'Pri a[i, J.. W. McClintiock oft[hi' fInth is situation IL la believed the "l'fe books wtw1nut li' lipt hlien t ciinstanîl-e. hany retiîrned s tirc -s i!,,o t i'more ta fied thiiiart' net readlv ho ho annoiinrd. 1 itlive In Wadavortb? veîer.uait! pra chicaiv a o und- f ast u atîr hor eferawIl corigthea the saune as before. hoNvever. TIsY' and .iiidiers fiise etaincd eripioy titan I eceuîc'd trom titi'counly - In gcneral ri i le a basin apprnN New I viii close boptng that 1 i m vtzi fpati callPajî-.s ll itouuf Ù,ia,-itoncerfore efinl dei ort .ait- viii lie In the bandq O! tliec (Il hi niehilrue: :- ih e [rves of Mr. i- 25<0 % feet square. e.xticndlini i stalcen and that i viii hi _r Cnt; a -ý yjjj lc o ialdcso.Tefd 14 is o ehap3 ay utn lso.oi e main pover station til, frao inShe nafuture. ad- a-.colii qi"nt'! h iii a col~aicourt nt Pensacoia, Fia.,.lasume time peoi i Iilias-banve fltri In i i - _,_____ V IIiIII MEN I1 *I'4Wrn ioundary of the. starlion SIceey.eralihe t lar-l.'-i t r"aun c adîly etdfuit hearings on a poe- to pay. Tho booit.then ss.:l 1)i - L ViUil VLAnohcr motter vhich viii requtre SlBERrHA lC . OTOmanent Injunction andMna e brought ta my offre and peobe ALLV hou, a dei-lîn in thte near future Is vithi135Es tu -t, Ch'icagoga a:id (1!1,1:y p--t 1iXfused it. Dol pid lvuluat:1-neviiiortwjSheridan Federal Hospital regard ta te îurnîng ak ta flic(tC'ionlî'e.'Cal!etaling. WnFi, ls ao tavcm e heh(ý11t , r 4u wUClE saOumi owner the south bai! of the building e"l'm 1h. r cuu'At St. Nlihel," lic sai."t'io 6cr- Illinois von the first point laInf Uiccoletins vii i c -aW 'I XE TIRL3 v iineontrcîiu _ e wbîclîthe association tooit over car- W - a -t c11 ionsran go fast that 'C'ipî. Fran!i clas it ibiPoabuaster eraBd, erdgtslrth ki n3air w.uo Hae eenH urt el in lthe war. Officeslata ttsec-tJ li toec iibevFbu a ussnMonday,. vlin Raymond IL and yl not recense the twc por cent JVA lIIiIC lIsa.lion ofZ the buîilding ver. bunned oriver oSuOfie:icir the top Vth the intanlry. T.ue Prultt. reiresenting Attorney GeOIM. commission as herclufire as bliat 4 L UD5 J I.IS I P ______ t wr or atibtes Te r , mitu Ofie taas-»'ctvtes h dýf The news 0f Mrs. Pris"lo"7's F07ui l' - uughtboya pulled the pluces. Tliy 1aI Brundage and Coi. George T. DM%~. has bpn dîne v. __________ 0f lhe more than 2000,000 nmen board cc!ipi d h. front o -feFac poffi"o-t5ts ta llreddrctaiggothlslioigum erenig1.sasgl Casesochr tnnianyat niendorl, fnd anufue ýdnnn undto andthe -e retreablng enemy fines.lie tlities commission. flled an op of olerIn txý; wilstrtab)tt'Lquor Cse ismissed for tnansported t toEurope au soilders cff and fuel pdniiInîstrabor andali t ectn ta hr s vii "t- tofPoecto n the United States, how many will be dIneclor o! Naur gîrdens aiso bad of. it."One loy iniithc raine battery-1I- t lton for temporary lsjuacetio totaly bind lics a didtheRed ros relef o L lcrlnly vas a Ittr <nftn'- targ3t bis name-seýzed a German and von lb. The defendanta ver. -CsSefoTra. . Answer-Oniy 22 men. clety. le20dytaasrth Mc W I L M A N I T L E C H N G tH o r nC ah aes ef e cdS ep tt Tf of elr- mTr ia l.. f o d d- p i e fo r I h v i' e t - l e " i o r Il a c h in e g u n a n d t îr n d IL b o n a G e r - g v n 2 0 d y a a r ti . b o Tii. ceuîhave sulfe'eWA Q E X P E C T E DT he fuer ,iiioniiqtrProroroattare ' uan a ropla ue th at was-as overing com p aint. WIL EA.LTTE HAGE L CION I S PECTD.ion of unarn, s log or bobi? ministrator and a-ar garden dlrectorsr 1Re ra Cne 10Pry I vas urrelk iu but Z20)tfootoverliead pouring Itul- t 19believed possible that a local plan voried out b -lAnswer-About 500.have closed ilr roffices and moteitod ,bu ooenov Ee^e"nciî slets lotous . He kilt' Il the pilot and deciston imay le hastened by court Treasuror Ro'y LBrcher o! coliectiiugorh.bu Wauliegan, Jan. 19.- out and tbe Red Crois ta tammcnov emenîibrr or couîid tell me wherc brougbt down the plane. acti'în i! a customer refuses ta pay taxes by estabiaing deputies In Thil<'a a! oti lav anid crminel O! ailthé vast army ent oversse bnb ti cd(oI odua'e.i-se te."Durigthis smore drive", tbbc lithetIcnov rates, pleadiuig the tempon. every lova In Lakecounls' intcad cases lI enunty court vent le plooIs not more tbnlan10.000 viiil b e-teon Madison itrci u lputng 0019' thecptrd n ot akngitaeesan fr Iltapa thits mn'iog vien practIcally ail turlrd unit for military service. It draft board l-i rucanrterq Bol li.,1 ojj 'flue ('ore ofyeara agouner cturedsix erm teb peo us anA ry injrutioasdf icml orsftcapmeasthavouteasr a theecases veodtm'aîed fir vant i. estimated that 10,0ù0 viliineed office i. fiable te ý-' clcve on bh MsÂd ,îukFalno ak-caignce i med r vtb(ieor-te o! decifn prolably vOl af prnqasctien. Thi.s c w:s" ."e-oducation." These eatumatus CharnIer of Ce-si i rce ha-cmaintain- g aa osno!hn.mer Top Sergeaîît 'Michuael elt.ily ilui ie sonmevlat dciayid. If no cuptos- slar chord aud bbe constideration of follovoil tr tlie case o!fbthe Fr-,'.atcc wre given out yestenday by Maj. ed aIf the.e îîflh i- anîd .111 lc iemii gci. laRaspect!uofily, charge. For a mselz sud moe e er or agenat for the Illino!s publie ligt.- Ur'. Lraclier for bbc public la belng saloon cuse-; vien the sstu,'ts 'tnr I Frederick P. lteagP-, chie! o! lte rda treer te art wvti ilie bundeîîlis litft- ReS e. .tlG. u8ed îles. g-lis, olîr ammunîllon 11es commission forces, Ibrrugb a pralsed In the ltgbest ternms. ney talion ta prnsecite. This rcourse cational serv ice at Fort Sheridaun. Pd. 1h is undc n , ti tt h- civrer M______.S._________ wagons golng on* daîiivta pi' IuuP iet at once, thec atbement et Ur. Wlben the nev mv vent loto effect Wtake t c 1German shelîs strecun aven the bat-.inî ol emb niaefa tonstpca- asnet uniookcd for as a s.m.iar At Fot Sheridan la to le the great. of the bui 1,-ireadY't Lke I HE eel 10shot b thun.theccvrae renovtaydiable tm abolishtng the office o a! nhp oicour ý austaken rec"ntiy vit'i ir,--est and lest equipped rsEtoratl.nlie south poriiu n eo!hebuelii d T tRAleflidviihotin couuîthe n uortsar aybeM laronan inoidg ha te outsgard to a numbenof Iiiieor cases Ihospitai In thc niîcd St.;tC-c. \!ore and rent onttr ie, dlvidui ot 11.1 t'L'be enemy Irg-an sh-elîuug th( il sl treasurer aboutid colet ail the t[Dxe - Folo-io aalie eoies'case olu ithiaîua houaand patent.i are liu"re TIis course lîcay iduprn c',I division quarterîntu i«îs heîdqta." Under ho mnev rates ai; announee - ho directions vere iven as te hlow ral togetit'r with thei"d-u otItln his.Th iapta a -c onîruc-1toul he['ia -ro!Ci ue" eUrT D tor ne va"i- b'tebua iat uac o iI4mui vii as bo le done and il va.. crardmed o! thein: tuTte foosery s a on o! it ,0 int tt hiif Oney laICi t OW N A 55 IT ters oneday we tesiippiy csltî li P i-,a haer nrai Iof u1n mle ailof em it e fot %r oeofls5,0 net agi un f oepa oiirnies score dnawing tîmir ration,;. hoat peoplefo tra tparts o flhe Ir.. and Emma Howard w)-îr h d .i rc-lu the, nececb'iuhalli ng tetusvo btgi , remodeî.,L ýv-ME ~Oursa va.thie only company %' , : - a ea Irt t it ivi legi 'th hlIthîe grounty veuld have ba camp ta Wýîu-t tors of lie Mnefla 1-otel .It Ftuc >sî%tthîcu'go;îîg eut o! doo-s. [lie Offices. etc. .dî~:I I dd net seirshel tan, lut conthntuiidcla-fi.luIsrveuph î1 kegn or lepuipoe. ndn1te aitetcianged -swith selin n t ýIîl.- - The men are toalie treateil ai ii --'drawîng supplies as IboughItil cas - uig!t a-id o'îe toirîiof! bi 'day rate aranaugement vor'.ed outbl Isrui. ilog liquor on Sunday-case dtsmîssei i r-tcun Oe!"Cure tnii .occupa- <,~ i!rI111- ratnbng vateF Instead of hell. lbacon minhtnuud 4:30 a. mu. Bracher tht. vil nt le neceaaarv for vant o! prospeun. on. . uIcInc-ssla brlibe c aL e UI3LIIARGtED MIEN Capt. Johnson lesfilferoa. - 're poit-natir(tenat ai et laI tfor lahite cdif f rn t ha yul lie ,Johnson and Panesi former p"o -,al) t.1 lii" us-t tlirg îossubîje ufiThe are "Busy Days"l at the, --on [bat saue day a big ammuiI île generai't of thse orden vilt b. ti n h ifepittws ilI),iet "'-et the "' ar I t 'boe t1ii iimon a chaiiceto trouSod d in aiI ugtfine. Auhtililt eu res michlegsa thanthie salaries pah(Iil](ie; For ae re d.i- Ltpp eln t ,.xc îI'.m ma Naval Station as Station bo îmuctgi Atolh h euerts 1o Et;cagS lhsitgi' i -i.iac) day Ihe m m i t Ltue ULI IIIU I'tII P111 ias almopt inevitabls [bat It vouîd - -____ tovn collectons vho rec,Ivcd a feus olwcatng îîqtîon on S'anday--dis Ihi -ti are tritg tttught ti li ut.ict v. v.Grounds are Cleaned. blow uop ummeîitteiy anS shelalis 'i T lI C W tWO per cent for ail taxes cel!8t-ImisseS for vant of prosecutieru. c ; oc nit wî acinti. b.ukitîy. s. -îod Ilwkr 111<14 RAMonE1o OU TYOD F L -eqlly god rsult. gie 'JsephBlan. chrgedwlthno- placei .c;lieoruiichterri-y it applae ofeana trJ Jo lunov J.o!hnon in ot om om - ~all god rsuis suit and batery-ease dîsmissed, u:-u.ucl isviris il !thCwv may si-eltr i i rsnryvirebeî a iv mi'gribSa ibaud fine exîhi L IS lLuI-EI The placing o!thIe deputitis int bî for vint o! pros"cubion.ioftlow -se rm tCie s-arins Threehue becs maich apparent ua nvbsfilnI fs nsm uishoiun sitclinibing lu theier 11o! heLîs O D I I Ifenent fouilluis gmenely amta ro! ompoEtteron lagitvili.5ltoficlaîisusci u tugh. ceihnyanas ie rpi i agca le n lasen o fieeas roa twc uv u u ii ia l ees accommiodation ba[lie public as thbe etn a eut %'th ito i v' - Oîeuic-t ia uc%'.he ot[utiubis hvati o u on yt e tg-n- tîhoxu ttIeasGea a shehî îck wtindl tOfla ~inANNU&LELECli kjeo the 7lnglvilch provideslthatabbc bond byxtSe toi la otnty treasuro sha hba e bit oudnhy jalilfr ta --n¶ b) te iosital vaî Id lail-ia[o e- eunimeot for soiîrs discharges frouie1Accondhlng taoessailor Ibere tan ltile dotng su. TI unitho has br i bevty. liaI It euiholian bi. unt leb ain ortriai vhen le ti lit,* <i.donations o!f tri-vi itru- service. .Toeca- up any mlsundusr mucl ta do ai the station excepî î taed*" hatuTien oourse. Mn. Bracior figured 1,(*arcsi a ôbtlnua.ctîus. cIS ldautos fui r ies-h olroom, standing, bic fotieîslng dofinite stabe s .hovvel cntai d siovet snovor rmc, l'lie pge hti her bodeetatio L d o pyrsd pli an g.iud - ý In thc common iaw cages .t0 ft, I -steaun pressers for clailng studios, meuits from the Caunitiof National the snav In sncb a vay thatt Ilue anS St.Suii vers the tire" ttttlt W.T. Hitchinsofluof Waukega P modtin t txpaer an slIm ,"I oving action vas taken: j ait. emachiuiery, electrical cquip. Defensèet wosliinitton are authen- large peces vîli 'bs 'rolcen anSdgisv-.sctIat i- ilr ih tnok part In l11t0 got cot mucb more than fIlwctid te -EarlIlH. Corisît vs. Paulvie c- Ti uic t anSdwood-working maclîlnory.ltit: en a chance bte elt. The sanie satw tatr INlcCritoik subt. is Flerted President for employ exrtra deputies hInbis own ofo! isus-dis.missed for vant o!ftiroiecui. floth ins orchestra anS a bras anaud . Each discharged soidier vil -o asla îr t rttcfvn the Ensuing Year. fie vtch vould lio necesqan If lthon, hase been fornied. Lieut, Col. Thea' glven one nionîl'is îarc. snov Inside the station feocos as th, joliiit-lýriz. 711 Cut-iir aveit.'.i tbano vere but ione place ybcnetucs.. Henry A. Lnopf vs. Sdney fiuihdure S. Prosmire Is glsbog tIe plan 2. %e.1h wil lîbcgls'en an allose - lresuit cof tic close attention pr-lid la Fuîn-tto. usus rin'uedS-iuriisvlit 'iti es couid le palS. 1-dismiqerd for vaut a! prcse"itln bis adeént upot neO<f linos unîtone-baif cents i le-în-_r l- ie allr...d- o- iv a ihuullet se'ile lu"ieulas wating for T"îacCpt d eiv

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