Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 30 Jan 1919, p. 12

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or* IIar..t$tore rorWq.s.n' .e World's at Peace! WAIST SALE, Easily the Secas i 's Greatest Seling Ail Sizes 13 Warth $2 Thse opportunity to partîcipate in sucil a great bargaîn "feast* le flt frequently available. Here are dozens o1 pretty styles in Voiles, Lawns andl Organdie Combinations with trlxnmlntgr e Val Lace. Tattirg, lnserting, Embroldery andl Crocheteal Buttons. There la a îleaming varety of rnodela in al aimea with new and "different" shapeal çplars. Silk Waiststo$5 3.69 tt.e aie PrettY 511k Cre de Chines, Tub Siks., striped Messa- line« amal stripesi Ponges lu hil "n&iow neeks. 4.89, liandeorne neW Georgett.e CrepeS and l Sl 1k Crepe de Chines in al~O1rs, temnPtln&IY embeliîsheal wwle tnbroIdery and beada. Waists to 12.50 9.75 stymjsh dressy Waists of the me.t beautiful deisîgnina tashioneal frprn exquislte silk in the clever- est of color camihiationsroveal 9ellerles nodela wtth roanalor «V. neeks, eiaborately beaded and braldeal, tll other modeis bave high neckse or large s;quare collars andl vestee effectz in white, maise, navy, fiesh, cherry, henna. etc. AUl gise. It le a good thlng ta re- member tisat new things arçe con- stantly arrlving In tMe waiat sbop, j Watch our windows closely. CLEARANC4 0F SUITS ,:éat 14.95-23.75-34.50 Each worth double the price asked. y"Mvý! Whiat vakl'es, wvhat fine istyles and wliat liberal sav- .ings -You'Il hear these rcmnaiks often about those sale suits. There a,ý' plain and fur-trinunied models, according to price. Colored Sateen - and White Muslin Petticoats fo,É Iess tban th.e mater- iliis wortb, Bt 97c Childrena C Q'OATS At Wholesale 4.98m5.98.7.0 $10-12«50»$1 5 The savînga On IcVnge coato in tliie sale range trorn 82.50 ta $10. There are Sies tram 2 ta 14 accordlng ta price, in. ciudilng Velours, Plain Cloths, Chnchillas Pluahes anal Broadclotisa, in aIl colore. Values to 2. 00 Tilp Muslln Petticoats enibrace a large and l arleal assortinent of pretty styles ln Crnbroialered anal lace trîmnteil ffects, s niaflutacturersa close out to us at a phe. nominal saving, tisen tisere are blacks sateen anal a tew coloreal tnes as weii as sonb knitted Petticoats lu white anal grey ln a special selling at 97c. At $2.69 there le a special sale of very pretty petticoats wltis fine quality heath- erbloom tops anal deep muiles of chante. ablq 4aLk. These are worth 83.50 andl n- chiale aai Azs. TMÇ WkA1iqsU~. S.tur4>'q' F~ir C~~iués Mo.i tht Buy , Business Bommg! Money s ,t Notable NeWe of-) -A Dsvffla1of Amerlcan Lady Corseta isLet e JnurySas -A S eUtional Sale of O&èr3,M Fin. WaIs your new (Ioat fière, save- 7.00 to 20.6() Women 's $2 'Union Suit* * W0110,14n'and<l Liisepm*heary fieece lineal union mosuitel aili îize8 to cleaij Lt 81.19. 11.29 Vettm69e Wonipen'e fieeced - . Vesta ln ail izes wlth hait leevea oÎ blcCî'elesm. a groat hargaitn. 81.50 Vextuansfd Pantý 81.0-Wo. lflcf'h snd àMi$er,,' hieavy',ýf-eted Veste andl Pint'e lui tili ciz(.e. îcdimed to 8 cach. 75e 5'cistm and Pi'slu4c-Childrenag regultr 76e fleccé iiied vests and p5.fts tu ail Aimes. $1.60 Union Suite 89s -(tlldren'à eXtra lieuvY fleeea union sutm ln ail Women's $250 Silk Hose 1.69- Pr. A spetiaIl purclisisp m5451,'0ut f 111 PUre ÈsIik hose ln African t'rown la n ail eia<ý. 82 50 value8.8 Children'. 69C Brown Hose 49c Pr, Ail lïiao,, fz,,lice aîî,i . li ai! tu fine. anal s-hait ini %frJ(a icrmti ,a isie $16.95 Coats 3500 $1.7 $16105 Gloth orplush, "Furred"' orPkzin, long or short. This assortient feattures the seasolî's inost popuilar styles ini the variouis clotlîs and plushes. Sone are ihaif liuîed otiiers full lrne(l. Maîîy are fuîr trinuned, otheîrs arc- plain-pleated, belted, but- ton trinuied, ail sizes. Coats at 8.75, 14.50,- $14.50, $15.00 and a few $16.60 CoaL,. 0f coure. these are odds anal end&. $8240,'18,00 and a tew $27.50 Coas lu wanted styles and gond colore. apec- lai $14.50. 1.50-1.75-1.98, Micîdy Blouses 19 Sale Includes Plain whilç- iddalesor whIlte witis coiored trinimiasg. Size,, for milsées anda girls. 1200 New satins Sergé~s 9@75 Discontinued Nos. in- Anherican Lady Cor-sets to- 3.00 .1 Melv oeî--al.79 Exactly tev dznflue Aineîicn Lady Cor-sets, in regular 102.50 and $3.00 styles are otbered as a "&speeial" in the January "ae at $1.79. The lot includes FRONT and BACK lace styles ini a good range of popular sizes. These are discontituued nunîbers anmd these prices eannot be repeated. - Front and back lace styles and a&H while these cors last at 1. 79 ~ea sefllcrsof vashabi satin 158a. Ornhn±onsla Iesh andl white $1 Brassieres 77c WomnS' brocd$anal ,lace trixameal braserps inmay5 ewanl pretty t.Yles aad tn aili mIe.. A speclal group of cmats have been ar- rangeal for Immediate clearance and l n clude values to $49.50, at $29.60. On. big lot of coats in values to 142.60 in Velours, Kerseys, Plombes, etc., at $19.75. 1.50 Chamnoisette Gloves 97ci A wdnderful value, ail' colon, andl 'izPm.. marked for rluick clearance. Desy reses m 15.75 m 24.e50 -allowing savings co/ 6.75 to $15 on a aingle drea.. This us an evetît urilike aîjy other of the eîîtiîre season. The styles are new, umnerous and exclusive and the prices are unexpectedly low, allowing very liberal savings. The siz. ranige Includes modela designeal *spocielly for women, littl. wemon and juniors, ln Taf. ft@. Wool serges, Wooi Jerusy, Satins, Crepe. andl comLnatons ln street, sfte*ioon da vn olng modes, cloveriy garnltured with beade., ringes, sashes, brait! anal embroidery ln varlous ecooringe. Other NeW -D-RESSES SectallylPriced 12.50 m-19.75 The dresses pitureal Illustrate varloua styles fournI amial the nurnerous Under. priceil assortments assembleal for this sxtraoralnary occasion. Partîcular wo. mon, dewlrlng lncllvlaualitY and *"differ. entun.u" la their appareil VIII enjoy ti wasd.rfly dlverslffl densemble S et MODE nfstrla. pk- 29.50 ('ast8 up ta 8565 inmany hanalsoine styles, warnily lîneal, InterlIned, StYllsb fur trîmmings at 834.76. 867.60, 805.00, $60.00, 857.50 analnomn uu. t, 4...,. e an 5. .RUFFLING ALL FURS 75c - 98c - 1.29' R E D C E DThe ultra tlih n e ruifi ng n ch e rrY , M a ie an wl ith ep ,a ily R E D U C E D price rd St 7 .5c . 9 c.,ani J a curd . lng ta alalti 'iP $19.7 WVonen 's Ne w Neckwear New Organdlie tolir., ca in d na eanbroidery dottedal t 29v. cllare with coloreal ruffling in rerlous. stile,, ai .1 0~9C anal M d Mur lin Nlghtgowne in Hii,4iz" and wanied styles. 89.. S2.oe Gow.., 81.49-or fine soft Longcioth in white and fenah l many pretiy new styles, ali slzets. 83.00 Gowns, ('hernîce, $81.98 --Of MURlin anal a new eilk striPe batiste, a v-ery pretty anal dalnty tabric, elaborately tlrmed. awhite andl fe.h. $2.00 Corset ('avers 81.49 --Of prPitymilika in a wlde range of handoune ciyles, PrettilY ernbeliie. Children'a 1.50 <DRES!dcSEs 89c A spécial lotin a fair site range for lmediate clearance ai 89c. 182.00 Dresses '$1.19 -- Chilaljen,8 Dresses in a variety of preity plaids, ail slstis up to 14. $3.50 Dresses $2.29-iaidsonîe new affali ln plain ,wite, blue, ýtan anal combînations, 000é and two place styles o1 fine glnghas. Childr.n ' White Dresses 1.49 - 2.98 - 3..98.- 5.98 Protty new dresses f White Vollee~ andl Organdie combinations, ail lace, Oflbridpred, anal heribboued in szes for Uttie *kliles of 2 anal on up to 14 year mîmes priceal aCCordingly. Go. A $39.50 Set of- Black Wolf 21.7%5 A beautirui set of jura, to b. sure, andl durable too, analil itaseprove. 'conclu. sively that the January Clearance st HEINS offers remarkable fur values. $5 Coney and Caracu- Muffsa t 2.98 lilat andl hall ahaped m in uif nconoy andl Caracul, . very gond looking SSII wort4 85.00, at 82.98. 18.50 Scarftansd Muffs .atl11.75 A gi eat amsortrnent of separato Scartp andl Muffs ln quality turc of wantedl col. ors, at 811.76i. 2.98 Knit Scarfs 1.49 A speciat purchase sale of extra beavy brusheal woal lOtaki Scarfa oSfer. thgug pheomrinal values. ÀALD VOL.. Mms Youn to W EXPER Descrit Folio Edftor Dr. RO Influenza vreventil 0f Our j mach teg low. Where w« thse cially M broke ou were car horne or cd, 1i Clod tom IleL r hi., 041. low tilt 1f lis.. s, of t!i lng dr,. 1 have s anld ,y5 thse lui Uibl. , day çpno: Anloti thse bow, third kil and taku menlngiti es andl è boiledai a »ies; th degruses, eleans0 where 1 they woc nîgisi or milk, tes liquor o1 woulal r. clans ad form 1 1 Thse gi frarn lui up: T1hey selves oi properly. plxyduleian oeid. Th wlxen a Get Into and tolao Uul lie CLINI TILI3 Col Efforts Fi MANY Wauke: tors, tog foresee h fantîle 1 conductea of Comm by Pr.( of Healit chiis,« supairint, a-re a otf ý!:-, ý, - -ý. -'ý a - ý- $34.75 $29.75 to 24.75ý and 34.75 Dresses

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