Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 6 Feb 1919, p. 14

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1'OANIAI'OLS ;PROIAIISiIVxNT TOT1EACIIR Rear AdImira A. W. Scales of OTFOQR>TIIREI3 DAY Ex-Governor. Fernis of Mich- Great Lakes Who Hàs Been TEACIURD E IÇÇ'JMG gani, who is to be Speaker ai Assinedto ositon f Sp- ~"""""" Big Teachers' Meeting This erintendent ofNaval fAocad Waa TO CRITICSOFmS OFFICIAL ACTS NERF Commissioner of Street De- partment Says Venom Marks Tuesday's Statements REFERS TO PETTY GRAFT. Becausé of the veiIgd charils and sensational inference. contained Wn 11.18commun Cetion below, the stàte-ý ments made b>' Commîsloner Dist-ý moyer bolow are extremol>' sîgnif-i ceGnt and lnterestinq ut thus tînt.. His' reference to a former city Iaderma. .1aving rectived a "'graft cek n having turned it into the. cty coun- cil a a part cf Ita Omernlngi%" fIll inslnuations ihat oommîuulon. ru tire' emy at Annapolis. t-, v. Palie Cty employes, etc., areso.ns.,. tional in thie exreme-Editor. Feb. 5, 151a. Editor of Thse Sun: In, ast lightls issue a! you- paper aPI>eared a communication algned by .y. A. Sliei'don, aise a tatement by Sar.s, Ofarrell rogarding a change o! street clames and a crîticisin o! aurL new numbersng systein. ir Thse communication signed by, Sisehdon varies sa mucis frontithe Cap i W Sale facts that hoe eltiier h&is an ilteIor A Sc e ilaotivo in writng IL or la bis ignor- (.apt. Boalos was gradiiated frors sRh-e bas allowed biu naine ta h2 used the naval acadoxny in 1887. As a for poiticat purposest. He statos he lieutenant ho taaok part in Ille Spain- voted for esci o! tise fve momisers isis-Amertean war. becanie a liet- of the ps-sent commhIsian. Tise'fat'at as enior' grade la 1899 and S cap- le tisat thse naome of on. oaanmiosion- tala la 1914. When ordered ta Great er r. ?Driurt, nover appeared an a jLâkeub. va& In command ci thse C. ballot,.lhe being elected by tho men- S. S. D)eliwure. Capt. Saie' vas tbors o! tise commission after the promotemi ta rear admirai on Decoru- deaih of! Mc. Powell. Lber 14th, 1916. eis baort :'in Nor. If "Mr. Sheldan lhad ever been la folk, Va. thei city offices ho would know that'_________________ tihe time put la by nsyseif bas hoci mucis more than "a !ew hours oacil tive datleu, act as 3treet foremai), woek at a caisacil meeting." My du- eeai% sireels, drive a tesa and arise Lien bave requlred an average of over &It 8 a ..ta run a snow plow. elglst houri a day oînce my election! *uot r word in rega.,d ta tise state- in 1911 and la perfdtmning those du- ment of O'P*rrelh. Mr. 0'Farrell tien i have reducemi the expenses of complln@ that the naomes of certain tise engineering departmcnt ta suob treetu s otld ho changed. On May an extent that at tise preaent ime 4, 1914, an ordnance waa passed thse operatian o! thse engineering de- 'changiU tbe naones a! 22 treots partient cate.the elct> about $40() Tius Ilr. Oarrels complaint ls a montis lemuea dbring tse aider- about aiv@ years bebind ime. Thi manie fim. A saving of $7 a dey ordinanc. Vns îmblished at the ine vas effected tva veeka aifter 1 too-'s and vas paased for the parpose of offire la 1911. anotiser eut of $75 4i ,voiding confusion due ta streets be'- mantiswon made two yeara later ~lo«va imilairly aounding naines. and ait te preaent tine no oe .. Willaipa wus one of tise names cisang- cniployed in the engineering titer!-.ed ment- The improvements eonstrssct Naturlîr I would flot expect OFar- uimi during thse Vaut elgist yeara u-il, ce» te sas tise publication o! titis or 1 belles e, conyare favorably wit5s any nasse, aaiy more tisan ho coa!d see yacrk donc lnanay 16 ycars of tise te a i.t2ss wlieh ho allowed ta 'hum dermanIc cale. Prababl>' if I wer at -the T$rMIluaillre. Haid k nat been as capable s main ais cayi>'e1 I ould farthtie are departinent o! the. Aaeri be able ta attend ta ail o! my execu. cm St"e & Wlro Ca., tise trucsk would have balaentnueiy destroyed. Neltis. - - .- -- r could 'Farcel asec the longtis of AUCT ION hae ie at "isurnei" vison thse snder J-lis fuiesold nw larm know auasthe latesru agent ap'pe de toamîthe Matt Sage farta. two and one-haîf I lirarlotmu ai htts mlles south of Mlîbura, 1I WlI sel ethose borst undor a 60pound Pro. publie auctlon on SatuMay. Feburyrc 59g tgr having atoomitise 400-pandm 15, at one o'cloek, 5 barsen: iugray' test of thea ondervrlters. It leaibard e-rpdrg. 10 yenn aId. 1 black teldlng for O'I1'rrell wlth bis v3ion blurred sPpt,- oi.i 1 blaick glding. 3 yeacu, by iMage o! ai Seagrave ta si-e tise oUd.1 hiv pmace. l2'Years aId, 1 gray liew Âferlcau LaPrance engin. et Ponv: 9 eatth-: 6, yearling @pingers ail. 1 vomrling bispfor. balance mIlIters; Persoa.»>, 1 cannot see wby th 1 t-o hoga h-tu-cen 400 and 500 Ibo: ci>' shouli follow OFaccelts recoin1 rhtcken'i. grain, ImPlementas.. 75 monmieloq and purchalle hase fa: ehiekens. 18 tans tîmothy boyv 600$12afotwe s tndgth i bti'l,-Iq of ci-ts 0LI bogheis orearn a o n hase sanedngtie ,On t1 hAI.he-of whp9t.50 bunhels of nosaietest dfuhgaatem ca harley, 1 elght ft ratIer. 3 wagon lie purcltsemi for 95e a foot. Neiisi" boxe,, 1 toi) buggy, 1 cutter. 1 bob do I1mUe why a Scagrave pump4 oleigh. 1 issy rack. 2 giavel boxes sisosld b. purcisased wb.,ýn tise bîd4 1 nimtunee enresmier. 1 milk wagon, 1 Of thse Ameclcan LutFrance CO. wva riding plaw, 1 MeCormlck Caca Bind. about IlQ00 lavior. A littie tact worthyi i-i. 1 cet font! Deerlng grain blinder 1 of nette le that viien the OSaou$ve 1 -'ix fnat Mr'-'rnirlk mower. 1 Mc-. truck twae purchamed for the South CoramieS boy ake 1 InternatIonal haY -aide fie station, à check won maled loader. 1 aide dellvery trate.2cultiva*.j emnlrkneb h aua- tac", 1 sod 1110w. 1 stubisle pov, 1Alerma kne @coii. Mr.ufar. folir--ottorm tractor plow. 1 sottte. tiis i omsln r sectIon drag, 1 caca planter, 2 pul aekira-r#tujrned thie check et that verrPrs, 1 broadcast seeder, 1 aaw time te th§. -City. 8cm. manuf»ctur- fraeeand cave. 1 feed grlndet-, 1 ors of ho s lacpuy commissions, on grindstonp. 8 mIlS cana, 1 cisurns.1 ales. hP'-d criaIl lester. 1 imp)eclal lncubstor A l11h10 ater I viti endeavor to Terms-AII splints under $10 make a camprehiensîve stateýnsent re casis; over tisat sein. gout! bankable gardlng aur nov ItumherIng systeni. notes hesrlng 6 per cent Intorèst. Ail egilainlas tise cenions for adoptlng goods ta lie settlomi for bofoce e. ,,, candsiiwll jet tise public decide JA'MES ARMOt'R FREI) CIRAItIIE as te île 'petits Owner. Auctloner rrul.yJ. yur-Nsn AUCTION Comnissiotter o! Streets, H-aving soimi my farte I l oeilIt purblic section on tise promises aiogt fIgoane LanibsCorners, tu-a ani one-isaif f ond plght o norance.syoinen irili-', vos!of Giscae, on Grand Ave. Afn aetntcdheytnct Tuesdaiy, Fobruar>' 18, at one o'clckae boy, la ver>' animuted confereace tbh- fllovinE nrOo)ertv: with ta auMber of ailler bays and s 'Il '-Rd o!flve stock, conalstlng cf >'ouog voMan and tduit esenîng In- 27 head of cattlo, sa folovs: 6 flou quleeed«tbth boy whl.n ail tise excite- militent. 9 heaivv aprinirors. 4 inllkins Ment w" about. "That wvai b> cava. i1tpure bremi AR.0. }Iallstela eoaehej.' oid the.boy. "and vo ver. ccv (beau'>'arnrer). 1 pure bremi tryin4 ta qplain tise haIl gane te ber. Holi8teîn beîter <l ,montisa aId). 2 h.e oulda't sndertand a durned bigis grede Hfllein iselfara <comm>nir hgm huit udriad o 2 years aId), 2 Halîsteîn iseifora (rom e edcan umerstaaour. las' 1 veRrI, 1 HollaifeIn bull cal!. i 1p e .asioo ece. regiateremi Holîstein bull (Il yeanuaId) 1 draft colt <cnmlng 2). 3 soots aver. d aglssg 140 île, Bilaire feemi about 15 it. 04 IPil'u8A Ulol <-l; i »,Ja 3 c t n nthv bau', 2 tons alfalfa hay.naeLs î sîtuso îx'î ju "100 susisels spei uo.a Smlk cana. 1 «M 3U U mn Osuoa lq ai opuied palr bob gli,, g1 surie>'. 1 top bug.'nUosaaue4du a aL emuioa uuat% g>, 1 nulk buggy, 1 20.laols Freoun £P an» & hJ *MOiO ;05a*«JUOs S 0aLo wIa "ilo iller and pipe, 1 Caîdron kettho liP.L lBlaq55soauLIiapào UVun UPalau l'tank iseater, 1 rut scraper, 1 net 04XM 0aI IMe.oq 4A a *01110eî,e.- aV *aven vire. strecers, 1Jbv 01 Xtq5.lo94 0 5 IIIAà'jOUAJO19 2iUUX p'B0al. châle. 1 extension ladder. 1 set ditch- -M P404 UIIV'3 imaOîpOW *se 1100à; lng toals. pontibale dîggera. shovof, j "no eaaingim uii -n p -aseu and torksemtisaitras. Washint ma, .1oîtqin»; apoje l~p'usalia chiae,,nome houoesolmifucalture and , p~.Né PeN mJeiIe boA.pv allier articles tac numorous ta mon therme of aalo-All suo ovor $10 £U ea Oliver DoUaire cash: oves tisat amount six manti',3, Oublpea olIer dollars. 'aid la a tii.. on goomi apmrovod notes bearlas' eror, Q48 seloic, oach coin luit g Wetcent laterett No property Mce-= e.. ose. it amA thecmi asoveti auffl eUie focr. wm, eat om. a ,Un1» that L , iLL. U»R, Prap. iatclyrodthse loed OMbb., l vaIs! rose pfaetlesly acoua thrace tire wold t,. '7"f * g i Last Day of the Session to'Be i- Held ai Waukegan a Weelt. from Next Saturday. FINE SPEAKÉRS COMING. SThe prograin as announced today for thse mid-year teachers' meetingL Which la to lie beld lebruary 1., 14 and 15' Two ex-governoru are to b. the speakers and it lu consldered a real Privilege to lbe able to attend w bat ahould prove ta bee snch a splen- did session. It laesetimatcdl that 400 teacherfi fron Laits county will he present. The first day of the session wil! ho at the Gorton achool. Laite Fnr. est. Tickets for the varionas places where lunch will bo urvedl can hoe Purchased ln tho btdipgy The second daY of thé session wl.1 be et the Deefiel.Iblljds Townsuhip high sehool. Dininot' viilie sosrvedl la tlic building. The lest day will li served ln the C'entrai School at Waukogau. The ~ ~~ ------- ladies of the Baptiat church hore are - te serve a cafeteria dinner. i ~ au iau These pea'iera are ex.governors Pe-r. n n n un iu ris Of Mchigan and ex-Govornor Wil. jO I HC B lis a! Ohio. The .Progrum fer thse three days 8 ~ aeuagts o tt tcc foilowu: Paving for roller skating. Witht, il )isc-l.Pthur. hesvy traffle o fLhis gstreet it loks AbrhalcMr. Pattr. Wi j . lîke a voe-y dangerous practice and Mbai. non-r WII abi! e i 1 topixssi at once. parentg MorangE. siie- r.onld 81011àwarn Ibeir 'chiidren or il; MoNingExrIc.-8r.F'rl. danagers ,silfety l-irst,, labest. ~iuuic.Ewald Kaiwitz who i now i,.caied Thse Lague af Nation-%Ir. WilJis. nJle a iiiglt rtiri m.usic. iJle a liigbsmuo i MeInsrY Tralntng-Xr. Ferris. Norths Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Kat- Witz bas, been 111 for the past weevk rldy.but la Dow improving. Ewald r' Wha 0c Rual chols boud Itturned ta his %Nork ln Joliet last etc. -Mfr. Ferris.nn. Muîsic. The Chicago Hardware i-oundry Great American Debaýtos---Mr. %Vi night echool elospd Ils second mnont', lis. of work Thursday night. Although M'usiuc. the classes have flot been Lîrge yet Mental Effcency-Mr. Perrin. the pupils have taken the- greatest Mugie. jof Intorest in ho work and rapid The Panama Cana-Mr. Wlllis. strides ln writing and reudiing Eng- baturay. lsh bas been made. The Foundry musida. la dolng everytising it can to get Law aklg i Pece nd arthe mon ta do thp work. Sev oral .r. Wlis. women are taking advantage of the Music.ehoal and ooing gaod wcrk. Tise A!Pttude-Mr.Perrn. ork wIil continue for Tuesday and Mi.Attd M.Fri.Thuraday nights. Alexander Hasnltoni-'%r. Wils The PartY given by tise Christian Musi. 1Endeas-or of the Proshyteriai risurch %lulinersadXm l.Fr. at the Progress cluh bouse Pridny evenlng praved a moigt en,;o),able al. fair. The evening was gpent ln play The DlfforthW. ng bunco lad refreshments .werv Science le caacerngd vttb tii.eiBDam. e r& e distances and magntue. otte stars; County Supeintendent T. A. Simp and witis prablenig tottOiID<the "ln-! sonvas vloltlng the echoola of Northi testInaI parasiteseof the 0#8.0' Art, lit- Chicago Frlday. LoveraI rans North cl-sture and, relîgou are concernied Cicago attended thse Poace Pageani th nieselraild;Wt i. l na.gis on at the Andriw Cooke scisool le tbquniersithe Ote=ill; with the Waukegan Priday evening. dreain, the defatt t. romance of lte, Thse plan of having a vlsiting da,- -Dallas Lare Sharp, ta Atigntie. ln connection wfth the meeting of the Parents-Teachers' Association of origine et Mlitery TIti... the Central scisool was carried Tu"' Comnmodore nad comander are day at tbe sehool: Promilane to three forma lerrowieil and corrupted froin was set solde for tise viiting o! clavs thse SIpnitlsti conaînalaiur, a knlght, a es and thon a short meeting or the commander, or fige suiaerior of a mon- "club was heldi. Many scisool topic4 aatery, 'The FrogclàI have tIhe word w ere discuasedl and a short progc's commandeur, thie italien comandlatore. given. Commandent, bowevec, aening thse Johln Tidy., who hais ju3t r"turîî'd officer fe! a fortilucl tsnsgurrisOn. from the battle fields o!f ran-e gaveý etc., couills froîi Iheie olevîîl Latin a talk hofore thse pupils of the.'NlcAlis- Comnanîmîst¶r. alîcomandetîr, and comn- ter scisool Tuosday afternocn. Hi oandîîr"ý, tie Conimanît. related many dif is xperencE>3 ;ht - went through wiile in Franco The card and bunco party givon by We*Ii te Thînhu. tisah members of thea 1-oly Faimily, It le wett tu, thinli. Tt la divine tj iscurcis was ile attended last es- set well.-Harace ?ÀI.. & -. ntng. OH, ZAR MYBAC R I HOW 8I1111Mt tet aut 01 bcd ln Un .mornlng. fl.750 Advaace Sprlng Styles by tise hundreda are bore ta choocs.tram ai the. varîî,îî ii' î 'Tise vonderful bargains offered imn this sale at $976, $16.95 and 23.76 have eatablîsbed a l-îid ir value- gîving that wiii stand su promo for man>' a day to coae At 19.75 aro Serges, SiIk Nb rî i r ,,Mrmrized Jerse'Ys:;St $16.95 and $23.75 are gcrges, Taffetas, Satin&. Crepes. Waal Jerseys, andîî ,uî oin- C learance of 'Wo men 's C oa' Save $7 to $15 o "à Coût at- 24 Chi Wiatec Coats foc vamen, misses and juniors la plain ad fur trlmmed styles in alý colore and f a b r i c . M a is > a r e b e lt e m . p le a te d a n d b u t t n tr i m m e m . A I m a t h r o ian e x c e l le n t S e l o c ti o n o P lu s i s Coats at $18.75 la values ta $35. Sale of Plush Coati up to $3'5 at 18.75 ldren's Coats - Childrèn's Dressel lorcost or Ies. at- 4-98 m7-98- 5 Tisese pricea' quoted above afford nme of tise yoar's greateat saviaga. Tisene are al styles. sizes and colora but o! course not ln al Silk Waists to $SThurs. 3,. Easiev One of the Gyreatest WOWs Sales ai the Year J Many stylish waista 'are shown tI silk crepe de chines, tub silks and pretty dark striped taffetas ini al sizes. Vitlues fo 3.50 - at 1.98 Hasssaino nov Giagisan Dresses in a vido v»4#ty of becoming styles, fn ali color, la Lake Co'. dr.ateat storeFoWme A Very Specialiy'Planned Sale of Wonien's Sfre>ct-Atternoonand Party- ~Dres ses Sensationat-ly Pric serges-siks-jerseysý-ve1vetis 4alles ta 16.50 values to 425 values to $,35 My baek aches! My hend buzem! Somnetimes 1 feel dizzy or black spots aippear before my eyesl; -iI have tisait dragged-out, feeling, am no nervous and sonatines havje pain in tise top of my head. Thea. are very often thse symp. - N tonse af the woapan, who, is drag- hr mcx. They mhould b. cor- rected, and the woanan put on ber feet by the use of a "temn. .,,~ ,~. ,-..Peranco " herba! tonic, au favor- , aibly known in every aeighbor- Shoad forthe pat fifty yeare-a. prescription whieh Dr. Pierce _72- gave ta the publie mnany yeam mgo. Thse ingredients are plain>' mtaited on thse label. This "Favorite Premip. tion " of Dr. Pierce's can bo \yobtainod ait aimost every tablets or liquid or send ten cents ta Doctor Pierce'm In-. ~ ...* ~ valida' Hotel and Surgical Inatitute, Bufi.à N. . for a trial package of tablets. Man>' ai Our 4M«1080oowomen aire unaible to teks, up thse dutie. aof nuruing &t tbs O #*4 bt tismiould know ho* ta tako uare of their «nm at bouni., S ftg h.Pshrpose no better book wa ever printed than tishe dint 4vAjd-a'boc ontainig1,000 page.and bound la do& sVitis Omjgn us irai Aid, Bandagirg and Cari oi Woucàdand Pruatuv, t Mi Oser.9ettSick, Phymidogy. Rygieu ,S«oiProbsm. Motwm md, 9b oaa *unbh tsada omee drug Sto or by rsea oely ~ ~ ~ ~~h m nl mup i iepubishersen 3"Ja St., Buffalo, . t (b.75 1 if-U-95 «103.75

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