'I ~J1LLU1~ More than four thousand Delco-Light plants were deivered for war work. Tliey were used to supply electric light ini camps, storehouses, hospitals. Y. M. C. k. huts, airpiane hangars, sub-chasers, and other branches of the service. Ini Red Cross hospitals at the front, Dielco-Light opcrated life-saving X-ray apparatus. Dclco-Light Nwas specified by the Governinent becatise il is dependable,, efficient, simpfle to op- üeate, requires littie attention, andi because iL is AIR-COOLED. Delco-Light will work for you, supplying elec- [dic lighit and powecr fur your faim, store or home in the saine dependable, trustworthv vay that it bas for the United States Govermnnt- twerity-four-hours-a-day clectric service with a minimum of attention. Over 60,000 ratisfied usera ail over the country know froni experience that Delco-Light eases the ways of peace just as much as it has so rm cently been lightèning the burdens of w. By imply pressing a convenlent button, you cari flood the home, barrns, or other buildings on the farm--or stores and homes in the towvns -with Delco-Light, modern, brilliant and clean. Delco-Lght operates a pressure water system, givin- you A the advantages of fresli runniing waterfor your house and barn, protecting you froiii rie and enabling you to have a complete modern bathroom. Delco-Liglit power will ruri the churn, washing machine, electric iron, v'acuum cicaner, electric fan or sewing machine, and a hundred other things in field, barni and home. In stores, it will operate the coffee grinder, meat chopper, car- bonated drink mixer. and varions labor-saving appliances- or charge automobile batteries. Install Delco-Light because- DELCO-LIGHIT betters living9 conditions, increases effici- ency and soon pays for itself in time and labor saved Cà& imhm or ite tor your co oft the new Deco-Light Catoloue-. a ioeiy luaitod 1 6-page boo#4 showIng km wD.EoeLight Pays for ftiotif nlme ond ILabor Saved MARTIN TIIELEN, Dealer ROUNDLAKE, ILL. Stover Company, les.. Ditributors, 204 W. Randolph St. Chicago, 111. TH£ DOMES'TC ENGINEERING COMPANY, Daython1 Mabors of Dlco-Lt*t Products ri r-i ri i ,i i in___ N. C I ..fflr~L.-..'