Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 1

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LIBERTY VILLE LAKE, COUNTY INDEPENDIENT INDEPENDE NT VOL. XXVII-NO. 7 FOURTEEN -PAGES LIBERTyVILLE, Lr1AKE *OtTNTY, ]IMLtOIS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1919 ONE TO EIGHT. $1.50 PIER YE&R IN ÂDVANO8, 1 _________ vitit marvelits rapidit>'. Cailt. Uri B. Grannis of tht' Lakte Washingtonr, . C., Feb. 9.-Plans Fouest Ifeme Guard receusti> called for itingtng home tht' bodies of ail attention to tht' tact taI tht' base- navy officers, calions anti marines ments of tise homes In tht' colon>' are liov hurieti on foeicn soit are heing overrunul itit rats, due, lie chargeti, poarked ouI b>' tht' navy deiarîmnent. le tht' tact that tht' village' author- &nd tit(_ actuial vontwa.l be under- nties vere net itavîng garitage ctîns tieis viWhn the' nexit ew mon1ths. empîied. Tht' viehoa of relatives viilgev- Nov cornes D. W.Hartman. editor Srm tht rturaiof the bodies, and of tht' Laite Foueste r, a wteltly print- lso the' final dl@siltOm Thos jdlIn tAe Woet, anti delares the' bnought -omne elthen vwiii be sment for- rats aren't plcking on the' riclu espe- 'nird for privat'. Intermtent or bu'ed lly. Tht'>'psay no favorites, ho lai tht' Arlingtout ou- satnteother na- says, anti the wbiole lov a ln!ested tionial cerneter>', a elauti~ves may de- wilh theun. Cide Tht' departm-et5 announce- Taown ls Intected. men Ioa> exu"ssc!aprerut' "Tht' square anti business peu-ion for brnlgng home al bodies. of tht' cil>'tg isIteraly allve vitit rats The' tepartmseaits etatement nid ant'i u ie, hliewnlt'5 -""%'bens ve tld that vitere bodies vert' bruoht one' business man we vlshed ho hLone for buriaIl in national c8meter- voulti keep bts rats4 ant i mce at home les, full lîtian> honora would bt' ho saiti they aent',Ielltlng thein5 et aCccrded. anti that vitere privat' lu- terate of? 150a (d17 terinut i , -tdc r-I 1the liaiv votilt ILA tt'iphont' 01tt-nîor tldut,,nithat p)rep-w '1 t x'a - ; 11:1le lii i-t-y e t h thtlt'Ii- cltitt ui tht !r (-tiNI lnos.tî0dliaI t tth,-e\cpiititif tisons nian -s-arant 1<aitij", ni met'or- -lm on ti treastîr> would refunti actual burial exprnses net exceedîng $1001 in _ebch There ara bargains in The Inde- eaae upoti presgentation o! t4t' daims. pendent'& advetisinq coiumns. ELGIN TO LET VOTERS I>ECIDE ON DANCING IN Il. S. Heres' a nev ont'; Elgin votera are te decide vitether dancing v-il1 ho aloved la tht' Elgin lisi echool. The matter o! dancintg In tht' g>m- naslum vifl b. presented te the vet ersa sithte April scitool election, u the' resut of à motion made by IL .J) Postît ansd quctl>' seeonded b>' Attor ney Pieu-ce Tyreli ast te Februal Z, t'1 ig cf the board of edwiktloe Wtin'day nighti, Tht' request fer dancing v-ae ioe-lb>' Tocs-Blc.Dan Elletraoot of thue Univ santtih-lclîrch anti Rev JDmeit 'Madison Johnson of tep Episq etupai clînrel, uwon.- it-sent îî lIte meeting. The Independent pute Libertyvilic fia-si. LANDIS CANCELS CIHECK FORGiER liAS. BARRElI IIEADS PASSES ON ELEC- BEEN WORKING WAUa FARMERS' INSTITUTE ROAD COMMSSION- ERS DISCUSS PLAN , fic AflV 'rUJcvI,àlb MOT AUCHI 4USlI WOUNDED IJERQES OLD LIOilT AND1 IN THEF VALENTINE TO QI VE CIICA60O A fiS RULES BACK ON SALE THfIS YR. NEW NEWSPAPfR IN FORCE iAIN Swain's Missives This Year Chilcago la to base a newspaperUtffilities Commission Issues- a Pratial ito M st edileti and îrinted by visundeti men New Order Regarding Ex- E Prcia lh ot andi enliate-tipersonnel aI Fart Sheni- tninsIlerie Fetching. daný esoso evc. 0 - Tht' irsI i.seiwil appean about 's tht'fuist week la Mach. MANY PICTURE CUT OUTS. Weuntied me. whe tiesinet l learn AFFECT LOCAL CONStJMERS w tht' oewapaper profession. in anyi'of p idore nt ask akls, blts phbasesn, vIl be given ,a cempleteE Idure not beg s:.Mlle, course of training. Untier a nev ruling b>' tht' sîste ti Let having that, or ti, A -MIl saff La being essembled public utilities commis3sion tht' North a 1 might grow proud the whie. unuder the' direction otflirst UÀeut. Shore' (as comîîaay and tht' Public "No, no, the umost share Kellogg M. Pattersoat, former Cil* Service canspan>' vilI le dliged te i 0f my desire shalh be nevapaper man, vite uttil recently intî eviefrnvparn jh Only te, kise the air vas editor of an army paper aI Camp eut fir8t cnptliing them tot put iip Thati Istely kissed lhee" Pilte, Ark, a deposît covt'ning tht' ceat of the c Thisi la arain lui vbich tht' s-ain Gapt. Wlliam Wolff Snmith anti Col. vork. This plan wa.s pormitteti dur - 0f two cenlturine ago sang te is love Frankt Billingq et tht' surgeon gt'n- ms- the van but nov bas been abol-a In tribute of \'alentino. Il la relprint eis office, and Major Beagle, edu- ldsed as yl le see-n b> te foliow- front lei loti- miasages ut tht' val- catilonal officer ai Fort Shieridan, are fil dispateit tram Springfie'ld: f entine season, anti bears slgity i>'t- co-operaling In an-auging for the pub- The state public utllties commis- b forent aIrain from tht' modern lsve 'icatien. sio eeSterslay entereti an crder re-r token. t'tabiiahing tht' mies In force pier a Il breathes tht' tender, rornantir l A El A a let May' relative te extensions ofU strain of tht days s-lien 'faire iadye's" IijkLAI iED UMANelectu-ic nd sas service le nev coun- vert' teptont a rtîshion Ie sev a fine gUlers. Due to vwan tax conditions oen asigly lfeetSituation W SF E L - I D the commission ladst Pring upon ap- vri h een aso onnmne- A E BL -4 - pilcation o! man>' t ublie uilitieg cba'irel anti busine-ss experts, a ime 1h A"iAI 1Anrr amendesithe ridles thon In fonce and vite î~î. wotîank'-p ti a cehio u A IA~.t IJEI3pros ideti thal the new con4urn- le niei ii- ti fi b ber ft'llttw il t-s antId aioulsi hi- rt'qîired t tlli it w-ttb brot. t fi,' ottest forîýn-Itv invet- tht' cottipany mnakin-c an et. ni,,n;iti gaion amiuioqîu:tî 'o tht' cusitifrthet' t rrk! ;iiM.~practl (N~wf~ui lt- Relatives of Cyrus Proctor 0f- trýtottnwîeh iuniif il e - , st -" l nai r,- , hisaffe' Antioch Would Have Deed isunier W insta:îniiînti-tilt mi' -raltoz1 f oFarm Set Aside. Tht' ooî- r i-.iued a'- t- 1,1 v !akt- x t1it-,tto-n ii e- t ý tffî-ctim t' aiain the' ol iurle.: t -i lii-.' - ;nfl titi tirfi to lit l ing ee-v î-t-î tc utiliiv lo ii i.k-- te ci.- of-ileut' hît.tng prait il NWifret' of c'large ais-xtron mnfl -,xi Iul. î - 1.,' ~,. - -titi tlt>- HAS CONSERVATOR. c-eltîîn wo pot î engtî- ai ne-1 cf t.j :--til lit ibl I i r e oi j imuiring es brv Ka.î:i 1') ttit- ri r Te i i atc ir," ltthati lo.-tt f charuge- an extcni aon i VA ft- 9 hi r' iii-- o iii expect il(]atî,î aIîid Claiming taI Cyrtis Pro to mcciid prolo' r-- î a îit i Ttit. mtmlenn Q.I. a wel linosn nid re t len, 'f X L C mati f 'i t. 1-fop i- tr.inpd oul ticit a ihi îut aah'tteINK IK et hitîtt- irns soenutgh te itnew. he execautodtia deedti tel 79 -tin If a fuir dili riws skis-i anti mile are farun i'vel mnilis azo. rela v rn'- for hlm. attId ju.-l a-ns son as the 1are tendins- ever>' effort olaie thl, ILLS h, COME BE- kaiosst-dgo t' t titi-amiahi ho pene- ieti set acid, Tho hearing Is tlat- tie li rin . ho Is <ute litel>' toi 0<1tecorne bhe te maHter In FOR E LECISLATIJRE itelu hinittoîf. anti tht"- ar- not out chanilv In Watîittgan the atler part4 cf thé' air. eltler -se they> aav t ofetIbis mîtt. N_____ Tht' taît-ttines. latel>' comitte linn Proclor. lil developit, solti bis tarun the' 0titîý,s-ihow plainl>' tiie praclical te Hênu-s' ierman o? Miliocit for a To Take Their Appeararuce in l>' of tue ae' In vhich s-e live. Tht' consideralion of $8,000. This lasttuod lace-paper. golt-ieart trewn fol-dt'- le have heen te fair marktl'value of Legisiature Within Next e rois. tiear te the' generation or our te propet'ut>. extreme south. are replaces Iin tht' About Ivo menthe laler the' relia. Ten uays.1 cartihoard pîcture eut-enta vhich lvesa cf the' aged man fileti a peltlcn mare up tht' hlkof tht' offeings in la celunI>' court at Waukegaii aHkIng Srnfel. b -Eeto valentlnes Ibi season. titat a consprvtor ho~ appointeti. Il e Chanes n Syles va prpesei t apointan nlicitforun billR are t'xpectted ta make their Chane$ n Syle. ws popo toaipein anAatochapltearanie in the IiInot.s legilature 'Te celluloli banjos and mandolins banker b>' the' nome ot Ziegler te the l v-it etring.i-et tinje-l are goule for- offire of conservator. I'rectou- Inter, vîthîn a week tlen tisys. Tht' spa- aver. Were they> matieI German>' posed no objetion to tht' proceeti- cial commission aultorizeti b> tht' or bas tht' tieision et tht' practical in «and the' conservalor vas appoiînt- PSecnor Claree and headeof Mo imiusded mali af tht' present day Pd. moi Carec .Bc fMn gounded their deatt itnull? Mou-e to Tht' next step taiten by the' old ti, . stud> election methods la the. taete o? tht' 191q vaientine girl mans relatives vas an effort Il Set about readti t malte reconimenda- au-e tht' scarlît heant ci' boxes,slde tht' deeti te tht' tarin on tht' Ilouis intentiedti correct so-callt'd even vlth candy> at a price which ex- dlaim that lie vas not et Sound mind shortcomings et the' preseat system. tracts a private anti prolongeti groan viten tht' transaction vas matie. Tht' Modification o fthe lavs rviating fromt tht' gentleman s-ho vouldt iert'- mater 1a beittg fought In a spirltedti t- prilmaries anti elections vIll]he by sow is afecion.maner.Proposed te eliminate wvital lid te b>' how i afecton. anne. le a condition ot greal Conusion anti But %batelier their t ormi ansi what- overlapping. ever thieir tteniment, even the' aw ar D JJ)Jf lla the' intention of tht' commis- couidti trtiive aiwa tht' val- À MODERN IEDIUsien tea skitthattht' number eoft'le<t- entinet' for the' ttating season ef tions be ul dovn as a means ot sav- eariy cjting. And with war banishetid n xessadasot>aodtt snd luae agin njhrnt'. thre s ritK 'ILL AT large numiter of poUUita campaigna every reason le believe t'.salIlocal yLX.flflrST9 _ flTS!untier rreent lavs. dealer.s, that the' saientine trade vilil ~ t 7 Jl3 - A J Sm alaain riai'ylb tii a-as0o be tue beat in y>ears. S- esitt lus tht spu-iau- ylegIsIatonno ________ on the' statute boks. Tht' commis n~rn n>iuIEU asi l a saisi te have agree t Uai tht' NAVY DE À TM N f tent' be aile1 a thing as a mod.- basic principle cf the' priman>' sys eun- Pied Piper.'t that gentleman andti tofe r"minting candidates Ia Njhis flute cao flnti occupation anti Sounti. TIiere la some differenot' o? PREPARES TO BRIN ample remuneratiot Iin Lakte Forest. opinion, however, as toi details. u>annc ME Thot garden Spot et the' wtalthy BERO 9 BO IES OX lias more rats titan dollars nov, anti tht' rodent populatien is incrt'aslng Lake County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY SUN, ILI lU AUKUKR AAI!DU31I33Jfjj 010LE G~>OF OFFICER5 FYYI 1Il~IA AT GURNEE, PRIDAY ___ Ai passes Iasued by the Aurora, Man Who Had no Accounts inFLIIuly 501) People attended the ses. Meeting, Held ait Libèrtyville; Elgin & Chicago railroad,ilncliî Libertyville Banks, Uses Mous of thle Lakte County Paruners' Recommend Libertyville- hosp te city officiaIs anditafamillesi Institute at Gurnpee riday The' of officers of thle Company. isere or- Their Checks. mnettings were held Int he hi-Rh ntioch Road. iiered recalled Fridav 1b>y Fredral - chool building. The' toptirg under -___ judge K. M. Tandishprr,-a the' judgc discumion were:I will Issueà re9training order again.,t USES NAMES COLBY, CASEY Dair'lng-J. R Malon, Elgin. DPN SO H ETE commi-donwhichwjilNew AgrIcuittîral Co-operatln-R. permit the road to raise ifs rte.J. tehoch, Chicago E. C. Faber, general siipprintendent A clever checkt operat.,ssaid ta rioe .WheeWiab.Illtghway commi-siont'rs fu'o*n anl of the company. testified there was CountY iionie-Mrs C.ail Grey. .a union rule which riequirpd that be one Albert Llndworth, Pas been Îliris-O. M. Schantz, presîdent parts of Lakte ceint>- 'held a Mot-, passes hobetied for employt's andc working Waukegan for sorne lime Audobon Society or Tlnois. lng at llhertyville Wednesday f» their familles. 554 these passes wil'past, using check@ an the two Liber. Forest Preerve-»verett L. ',%il- diseus road building plans for the. be aliowsd to tand. Ail intprchange- tyleille banks and netting a big euum lard. Highland Park. coming scason. Charles Ruseil. able passes, issued to i lysOr for himeef. Jut how much he se- Election of Offcers. count>' suprintendent of h1ghwaye other road5, muet bc called In and cured a nat known, but In at lemat Pleetion of offlicera was held, the wam prepent. With the ending of tihe cancelled. "It la abhorrent te Me one Waukegan bank, four *'bad" following men belng elecled: war the' consensus of opinion seem- anld 1 should issue an oriier requir- checks were turned In by marchents Prealdent-J. 19 Barrett, Prairie ed te he that there wouid bo moro lng the' publie to pay hlt'her rates who had cshed them. V'îew. roail work done tiq year than lut when menibers of your failily ride ît la relit the' other baniks. llkely ertary-4e<rge 9. Brainerd. year. free,." Judge Landis sal te Mr. Fa- had as many dposlted as the' one. Area. There was a discussion as te tile ber. Cty officiais of Wieaton, Au- The' f llow used-aiis ae n ---ourer-Leslie Bonner, Lake plan tlat wouid be feliowed la #A> rora, E Wgn, Batavia and oher cities ignig the' checks, but thet 111-M 8 Villa. signng the road building C IttsM di along the Une have beeti riding free Camey and Colby were the' principal Vice prescidents-IT. Âmes. Newport it sias decided that the' plan vouli nder terme of thue franchie. nes he adhered tei. (leeret WhIt. Anlînei,1. T. Bacon, he mudh the same as last yeaa'. The' sumae ho signed checkse for Waukegan; C. C Âmes, Warren; E. Discussion was on the propeod ranged from $Io te $25. None went Harts, Avon: Gordon BonneY. Lakte Ipoeeto h od bt HIfHiPR S 0f -anYligher than the latter mina. Villa; E B., Gerdan, 1eeffeld: J 1 ibertyville and Antloch and It W" - The levrn" ofthe fellew la Samuel Duba. !.ibertyvllle; L. Aý eio amk eýonod RO D IA ERÀL by~ tht' fact that ho went ta Huedsch, Freinont: William Dillon' te the' state that become 4 ROAD MATERIAtS -Tbetyville and managed te «et Watconda; A. C. Recenhach, Vernon 8tacbn od 1 c ec kt boo l, fro m n th (, ban its th ere l r. A . E gger , ria ; E . W . R ie> , C ub : s A il bon d ss nroa.e t f e M4AY IJALT IWORK an(] tiiet cawýtai Waukegan to)work Pau Slz, Shields. that if the warmnwýti-rcniul li virirried a desiinMent hl an eeto.teflovn 'hi (iftht hiierys l~ hata nd ein elcte jtllis ytr oii-r than asual but It .egislators Have Plan For n-tçriha had an accourttin th& Prsiî tirs %IarN [Iiakp.litirripe t eîegrul. h .aeIIre \Va itoc2atibatik-. 1Soretarayv Mrs. l'hila Nîneý. State Embarking i çofar - i mownlie lo t In any Vice preid-nts-Mrs .1. C i. Tri 1wîh regard tle Tt'r,-sumption et Busnes. cscîîvte ashbucliitsin ht Rî-sel.Mri. hB. Grice, An t o. aIorIî on ftl pvîntior Shie-ridan road - Wankogan b.-ianks -he reiied on hi¶ tI rs 1,VY S k"s, Avoîn; is< ilv alii n h ioa Springfield, ILt. Fi îJ7--llinoýtniay i bilitv ta induce inerchartts to cashi Sîmiinons, Ri,nton; Mrý. Williain Iii 1)11 [ stare lire. it la planned tei r* get iito n imedi I jar on ht' h e cerk in Iin al"ta: \'7s..iJ"" ittusme' Iluiî, Work as soon as the weather istt Into a adsci on llr> ieHowould follow the' plan e Lhrovfi:M. c.oinga.Derwilpemt garding the' $60,000,011q bond i.ssue lnto a stolre and making a mmail pur- and If il ilets It vIII 1)e the fault cf rhate andti otI> ,ndpr the' checitan- -____________ the manufacturer, or reati. makIng paYmenut, taldng the change The appellate court ltas jut eocn materials. walking ont.. lrid teccut orteisn The Iiiggosl job that lm contempl'i- Operated Long. wbernîed the Scrity court deciIEStoH ýd y li stte drin te ecostuc Th tcttha te ellw ancon- wer.-în th et onurthe fSas i surbne U ISD tien period. Li tht' building et thet'Ilnued bis gaMe 80e long la vhs.t amaz- rdage lgnsttelIon The wie 4,000 tuiles er roasi authorizeti b>'the tg tht' banits. It seems 9that nomne-caeaastt' rn T. owr OL WINQ G voers wb'-n the bond issue vas rai- hdy ougbt te have "caught on" butfarm ted.Thoîurth Lai se conibeil Ied in Novemnber. ta date ho bas evaded ar-est alth.ough dget In the' cao r senrms. At premeni ihore seema ta bave de- it la admittesi tht' plolice were noti- Jtgetbtt aeo erte s velpe smegosi ladng t Ue ic pd a -wecit ago that ho was volt- Meyer, a Foi Lakte suit cos'ering the' William Hicks used te sork et uelpdstithte sspujceet ,aterll tg okdsale cf a boat. carpentering for Will Neal at Druee's is belng held ti Sncb a high minimum WrkdLataly. -____ ____Laike. Ht' tment awa>'. Ht' came baoc - lIcwver th feksw eem tebe orgea ae siflablete uh o~ste Orai-siaite ast F'riday and walked thatl it lm prohibitive for Ilni a mwvr h elwsemt h ogr r tl bet ahbgste lte Neal homne. three mlle saway. start upon its undertiaking. It la bin "aur midst" stîll for ho casht'd checks in various parts ot tht' City. Tben be was taken stickt. He dfls probable that the roaie division of bis ]ast check on a south aide store lJp te the' present time, according Slra' the, dppartment of tpublic vorka vîll as late as 'luesday ef this veet. te the boat estimatea avallable, thet' eaie sa>' shortl>' thaI mater"ai prices 0f course It laites time tor tihe forgera have 8ecured about $175 Nebody itne-w wherehsreais maies tht'wcrk ptrohibtive. ceiat eatruhtt ednsthrough baving casheti elght begus frliv Gered:n' K ngsofhere o ecS No Specific Charges. thnough the' Wauitegan hanits, thonen cokts.GereRige Due Nospciirchrgs av henthouh ht ceSritgh in uchicS.- Laitesaid he vould Inquire Sabout1I No pectirchageshav ben trouh te cearolghoue 1Ail et the' checkts catthed up te the made againat any lndivIdual, finm or go and back tatet'Libertyville banits. rsntmeothtwLlrYvl Ciaondfh a eaies e organ izatien. Nothlng more la be- The feliew evldeutly fgured that a" prnse ionthtionLlberthle Chlrsgg nd f h d reaties uhe Ing sali in Springflield, uerhaps, than ocntLakeceunty.Tusa.gtwr !Hct'duh was veiceti openîs at Chicago le Tht' Libertvvilît' banks called tihe ît wa on Monday that a check ter and notifled ber of ber fatheerO Jaouary. when tht' tate highway Waukegan bankts lesgt veet andi ex. cm etelbryil is a death. commissicnen-t convention served plained that the' fellow hasi ne de- ca. ame kte tht' by Johne W.rat N- Th eanhdbe tk t notce n oadniteralmanfacur patutheetha hi ceck wre f el of Waukegan, the' checkt number Warren cmtr hre tht'> are hOld ers that maintenance- of vartime pri- ne vaine andi warned them to hewarO heîng 275. This checkt wal! on tht' in tht' vanît and iln ot be disipced ces wouid cause hesitation on largeofe bis opergtions and have hlm ar- I'irst National Blank of LibertYv-ille cf until tht' daughter arrives. lit programus cf highaaw;Y construction. rested If Possibile. h s te a n taand the' endMruement on tht' baci. as as t' a ied forhat rs eani Tht' higha'ay deparment bore vert' watcbing for hmho ppar as rd ibdang3Mclstrae her lefihad d ickfo'r eas mgo. seems te be offerng t'very chance te the' Windows te cash a chec'îbut Whe v a ed ibbn si23M a lsenc a hTt' ed i e e that Hichts' eat va responsible matorial manufacturers dîd net do so-he werked anong the sWgauea. hen appears a poilrv;Lkto te becouit' reasiinabloe. t'nless mater- merchants exclnsivt'ly. whicb loi tei bc "Ppte Arc-'1 ereti1 in bis walit front 0av at . lai prces fail there wll be compara- Me Even Drave an Auto. eo htapastenm flDruce 8 tivel>' littie acconîlished In tht' The fellow gave tht' naine etAlbe'rt BMissw hat ap, per tt' nameof - breati poicY Of rond <construiction Lindworth and ho claimed It o ea vîO- Mshe mm osîpintiuen o -ht 0a be contemplated. lin player-he clalmed he «et $15 à Miss Hamanond was asitetiabottIi PLANS RSVD _________as__il night for playing in Chicago where, malter today and aald tatseIr DENIESINTENTh livd w o ahome. bbl:y accepted that CheckItn prtal MILLION DOLLAR DENIES INTENT lie climýd that ho sold J.A. Colity amnfomrehsptiblad tf ltIIertyville a siolin fer $125 sa.nd pamtno ngtafor some e t w bhat tht' checkt ho gave A. Luschiter nove ter>'imngte JIc Icueda ARBOR AT STA. TO PROHIBIT THE for $25 was the Initialpamncm ateh' payment onic ~~ ~t, baving a balance comiflg Of $100. nt check$0.teao U KAl I t watt enîy when tht' checkt came Oin t a y asecnd. _____cam USacOF mariteti "ne fîînds" that Mr. Mna'aocn ic< am Luchnearkce t cnl cth'te-te Libertyvilie wbiciî aise proveti Watsiington-Chicagos emergeaq WehlgTn B C.Fe. - ir. low w auj on e goodth begus igneil by ia man nampedcomunttpe. carrying lis drive 10 pro. WlasechTi e sngtogenC. e4ral sec Aa -O oung aDrury. 'lUI.qwaq fîîr $4,50 anti came vide work for returnlng soldier.te retary of tht' board, of temperance, 'tr. Luichiter says tht' lad vas e îe wîtent atinlBnl h'lgiliv hlso hento prohibition, and Public morale Of about 22 years olsi. short. very ligt twhle c ntrea foprnded te fc onsrucapioanh a lindiver hall-' tht' %ethoditt ch'tneh, isuet a state- in complexion; that ho had an auto ica ctaof th a clearihng se for onr ui ofatmillin-doa bap' muent teda>' saying ibat "the' desper- antid i-ose cOnsiderahlY. lHe claiâned unan>'et IPsTht Iintv ith. behekrineinguSt aibtht e a ot le 9att' effort o! the' otiaîed 1kuor tu-a!- te have a wealthy uncle I larO ooks it de dpafitatwto hav bclet.aîigSainhytt ayDzrt lie te mate credîiotis People belle';e Tht' va>'Mr. Luschner itappened teboLouisit'.i lie tilleraers have eeti ment wllgt i hckwswena uchsduin g are of dilferent colans. whiclî lusT aie vc teiete that vlctori9na prelbitionis vmgtbscin wa iesh cas e asovta hfreaac s h hcg soito f-CM nov demand a consttutiomial amend creclit'sfr$1Mdgo h e e sîovthl ie orea retso ite Chiago ssocia tion 0f .Crn 9 ment againgt tohacco. net ta mention change bacli for the $25 chettk. u erv live trmtuig tgbi.mecdcars m'Inisra neaa>'eenin v-suer eeing j wonhcaimgt hthe hecds Lndî In the caea of tht' checkt sIgned la Part upon tht' stgnlng of t» danvIngand falure taattetdWcd thâ horwa %l'd"name. tisa banh. armistice. nets' îmi cf >rozr-ri certain demis and tht' checkts hatio eocît.iili'farthat the' on- i Other members of the' COMsaI theelnrait oftut tht' Liberlyvilit' bankt t- "There s net utow and viii Ot'," dîna u h LbrYileWksdprmnn otsl lite ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~dnr taeeltad"nmoeeitb> Atrvlt'm ; nsm ottr >'person In Waîukegan naiseti- sho playedpoiot oe aS the' point vhen tthhckvso ea îsrings were R. 13. Beach. sedrtUY secure prohibiltionu of tohacco, excepî itast ho claiutid lie had an accottiti1 sent'-ti ltlt Ir. Banwîll nalunally of tht' Chicago Ascaim s 0 peritaps Ils sale te minora, a proposaniinle bande hinwtlf. nt fiwon il mît bc carrylng an account in merec: F. B. MentgOlmr.uv Of lte 1W. to vich Moat smoers would :»cadlil. it 1a belle vt'd tihaf hi- liai màare.f. Hoveevu-, the tobacco men for otller uattOand ltaI he rmade a ltryilî ai.Whueho iii n.termatuTnal Marit-eserl-"ntS. Sy; tatavarîngtitt mlt>'mU-geo cla-nng wltilt' hc wahors 15ltt-uprstnce-or aiea ai.imn i iiSSlL ahould liew ig htib i, 'dCCÉtl thebck wont lthrtuit', iii "lt ft- VI iti. r a n W SIm liens of People 11tVtP varnlyrusent-ti iI-lttiai~ i .î r'ttrti al U derue oot )f l lite forcing (if tnrts teithose £f-TWO CHECKS ON MONDAY. ît. irtftte nittir , (Ilti- iiTîtittit. MapoIead -our seNdipr-t w-i-rt' net pu-vieus- Thue cherit forgera Who hli' tt'lioi i Iht1':b ýin nb ti bci' i h islir, If Chiîcagoî p-y v nccttutoii l titandt iat ti-t'sonkIng in Waulteg5iirerptl aeI h'hsr lii' the intividuîiala h thalct rt-s lidi iigntatiotn tti not censei thoIr efforts. despiýý1le tht-slvsmilt.mreimburse 1:. . m t tuiittdeuntsfrornthlie almg a placariiutt tf ili1trittir vtî e1l-tntpitblicitv giipn b>' the Stu'n reT' tl . rtt avytt uîi n h n-îfiutfotr iouuen near Uet'v1s juta n> m' i i~ gada -iîî urtliioreIf is q<lite apparenit 'nI tirne Ehoulci stilI bu very cari-fnl have itottin courses lain clt~~- sI ar' anti siuitil itIsertiI~ngtiotlir tat Ilii- vitime i; hemiieleet hitp ' tIf iwith these I'teetsuuies-. iuy ntW it t'nivesiOf loS am l ode." ~~~~profiti il Uv'the - pnblicity ant i"thtw-1ieh-t-. sicueti thent esi>c lsosn

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