Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 13 Feb 1919, p. 12

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.t. .,... .~ LIBEUTYVlENDPNDENuT THUMDAY, -FEBRUARY 13,.i19 TOTA-L $vw9OOO BUSINSS SETIER Two Genesee Street Sales ln WaukeganFeature of the Week's Transactions. 111 INSTRUMENTS FILED. 1B>' A. K. i9owes, asaritant secre- tar>' Security Tille & Tfrust Co. Business o! the Recordera office for the veoit endina liebraary 8S, 1919. Nusanier of !ebne>ances, 89. Numben o! cirttei mortgagea, I0. gages, 13. T"talinuurber of lnatrumonts illed, IIL Totraaout or lons, $67,000. Business iras been quit. bu-itsu d loaus a litIle aboie tire average.. Tire foIlovng are thre more im- portant deais. lu Waukegan: Frankt R. Grover, o! Evauston, booglit 23 feet on Weat aide Geueseo et., mast souti r o! ar ten building, froua Heur>' Walther, for $10,0O00. Wm.literirert Johnson baurgir t It Iltoxan brouse en sotirst corner î;euesee st., anti Grand ave., for In dicateti $3.000, saijecl t $.00 c: e'mmbrnance. Rasu'ii H. Etiwartis iougltIwo15 irouse.ï on ew;t ide Nortir ave. julut vourIr of tenter et., frorn C'tarlea K. liairatow anti Bora C. Bulloc\ ruspecc tiely,' for nominal couideraîlon. Iltilmer H. Schrîmmel boagirt t et ls on east ide Asir a., nantir o! 74assena ave, froux E. A. Cunmting.. for $610. Anus M. Grnu took title ta tire Michael Guerin lots on so'îîi@!ei West Waahington st. anti w'st sir'a Elmwood are., for nominai coni, eration. l"rederic W. Sut ion 'onElit tire Kesseeý placeonoue sade Electrie nnt i r 'orter et.. ou webt end o! Etiartis sireet, for Indicateu lu Laite Forest, .oit riCrffith bougirt tire liaraiti C. Griffus place or' sent idite Pojian ave., Just east o! Illinis aave., tor n tuitateti $3.000; al so tire August J. trich place an cas( side Oakwoadoavo., for $1.000. Hareit C. Griffis brugirt lt- Quayle place on nortirni'Bide Fral Place, fnom John Griffith, for Indirat od 12500. suirJect ta $1000 encm. brune. Kate A. Hopple bougirt two lots aoz. at sidct Wildwooti Rond lu Wash- ington Circle Soir., tram John Griilltir for iidicateti $1500. RalplirR.' Bradley' took dtle lathc Arciribald G. Avis lot lu Rose Ter- race Subtile., aiso lot 60, lu saine sol.' division front John Griffith. for nelu'- mnai consitieratlou, also lot 36 lu saine rirtileluion froin Faim>' f. Quasi' anti lot 64, froua Heur>' Suudnrark for $4000 ech. inlHirlauti Park: NMargsret N 9vail boagiritire George B. Kerr place ou Seast aide Lirreolu ae., norliro! Beecir al., for $12500, subjeet ta $4000h encumubrance. Thromas W. Winslan bluglîtirhe J Etliott Coibura place on wst sîde Lakee ave., soatir o! Laurel a..'.. for 811000« Arthr 1 . Iardin anti Tieodore f5cieorman boughtt5 Nbettie L. R. Tonus place on West aide sireidrri Hoad, soutir o! Beecir et.. sitir 2.1 feet frontage for indicateti 871>0, r,.b- Jecd la encurmirance. tlimrteir Heine hougiltirhe l'bilbP J. Kavanagir lot lu ýBiok 5. Ritle woid Park Ion ludicated S'250 la .Bëntou: Peter J. DaYoung irorlt Iv. acres lu S. E. 1-.1. S. I. 1-4 Sec. 3ï, wsct o! raltrosti nt Beach, for $450.* M. P. Wiuther. et . i., uougirt 4 loba on Klnkwood ave., hoîseen Main et. anti 11h et., Wiuthnot, Harbor. froue Thomsas E. Weii,. estate for $700. Dorotirea Lewis tok titie train es- late o!f1Henry Francis Lewis ta 40 acres lu S. E. 1-4 Sec, 10. at Wintirrop Harbror, fou- nominai couarlderatloar. lu Grant; Josephr andti me PanLa hougirt tire Frankt Frana place lu Bonsletta Soi, ai Kagle Point fur $3.00. lu Grant aud Avon: tiÀol,. .1. Vogt bougirt tire John 13. Couvruse farm of 27,1 acres lu Secs. 1.4 anti 25, CGrant anti Secs. 30 anti 31, Avon froru Cbi R. irIe. fou-$l140011. 4ýn Volo: Rose A. tiluimaes tronglrt tire Fred BuniliIota in Acittey's Atiti !or indicaleti $1500. la Vernon: Etlwart Giesonm bongiitirhe Emmoil R. Gl"s,.ou 4 1I acre, ou Mlwaukee Rtadt at fiai' t>sy, fur $21041. lu Barringloîr: Village of Bauring. ton boagirt à acres in S.' X. 1-4 Sec. 35. Cuba ai wst cuti o! Vlage fruui -Inisa W. Freeman sud otherg for FOR SAL.-Holâtein springers, ai,. fat bireg, nomse brooti sosi; lial Fi rtein anti Bunhan service but s, tfi ale or exoirange. Phrone 945-Y3. Two milee a ntiro! Spau}ting Cor., on jMlwaukee Roand. Fred Docker. 14.usety Cam Moe .Fait. A ioniell>'a tu l I.>'ueîinatiort NOTICg. 0f C. 11. HaaenaMd theii. rfor Of bale Of LandeA nd Loti for %ite, redoinptioa vibi expire on the Iti COURt, CIY Cntra en ay orfJoue. A. D., 1919. S T A T E O F r Ï . e J h o o b i g , G r c so W FORT RESI3RVATION DEFI3NSE PLAN - Sy tae.aal Ulize, and A. Y.De:ublen. That on TT tie unknown o esand tej iltire »1111 ayrof June. A. D., 1917, W. Investigation of tâte Plot t b No Spingfild, liil., eh 7- etate rparties interested ln tire !oilowint IB. Suitbl purchased Lot 19, Block 10,' u th oitlbarraim 'At otoni fdfnetdyPoot urbdLnsadLotb orportions Waehbura Park luthe City'o! or i Sheida, fustate bytie dim.very t h general aseabi>' recommane. a o! clock hoenbe planted in the ponat ion% for leisîation made necesary of Taine NOTICE Chicago, aaa«e la hetr naine of gymnasum. uncovereti Tuesday what1 b >tire ar. .AEToirir Woodhridge aud that lb' lim.' officera ut tihe fort helleve toairavri l'lie recommîendatione !olow: Tl'at at a Tax Sale, of land andi lots 'for thre rodeolption wili expire on been a further plan ta destro>' the j 1 -Conxnron branches of slnd>' for delinquent taxes for the year the "t0h Day of Jahoe, A. D., 1919. new base lopita; now approacing'should ho ltanguI lu tire lementar>' 1916 made b>' the Couuty Treasurrer W. B. Smilth, Purchase-. omopietion. grades. snob teachlng taire lu tire and Count>' Cierk ln there ounfi' To C. A. Newtouab, Charlotte M., A little bill of inflammable rul: Enlgilairlanguage. court Tuoa ut ite (Court li e InMPleonsdAF.eahn.T t bish was founu i pled against tire 2-NigirI scirools shonid bo estair. trMCteo!WePgnhoute! atr 211hnd»A.tF. Jue .B, 19t17 ain irospilwai bndg.nda fetie 3-Tenperance. olealneas airdILake aud Siate o!f llinoile. accord W. B. Smnithr prrckased Lot 17, Bock wa ewfrt wa arecandrsile o! theihumanitrody. ahtouid ho iug ta tire tAaS o! lliinola ,1 10 Washbbrn Park. City o! North Ire a night lncendiary mnaking !liq taught for tire renetit o!fie u eITa Oscar V. [lanki. and ta Brad-,hcg, seadl tenreo way along tire fete tireirandkerchlr! irealtir. fard E. Sirmons, tirat on ieltrC .Nwoi n the lim fo r. miglit have served as a gruide ta tire 4-Vocationai eaducation sirould Day o! lune. A D.. 19t7. W. B. Smluiter iiepieo ie 31 place wirere the rubbish irad been be exlearlnd in tire pulca heairs. pnrcbased Lots 1.2, 30, 31 and tir eptl on iexpire onthe1919. put. 5-Ail solicitors for fîuda for Nortir 23 I13fretlo! Lo)t 2.) ail itrrr ue :,. 90 Aside fronetire suggestion o!flire chit> or relief purposes sirouiri ire Block 2,. Sirirdivigion of!Lot0; Co!,.f W. B. Piirriraer. Mid clatir, Mai. Johnu Robinson, Twen ictised ta preveut fraud. throp Hlarbor, Village o! WlNVntirrop To -W. E. Maqon aud Edîtir J. Mai- tietir infantr>', Capt. Cari Engeldin Speaker Siranairan referredth ie Ilîasror, aiesseul in (*re namne o! O_'1son: Tirat on tire 1'otir la> of lune. ger. pont adjotant. and Lient. d. F. edlucational part o! tire couucii's pro- Car Hanks and lim ie for red.<ni .,1) 117 W. B. 'Smltli porrirared Craig, pont Intelligence offleer, gay gramta totire edûcation commttre and 1 LtionAdtintatewothîî*p tire>'have ressort for bellevtrrg tiratirhe liegse featire iwent ta tire I-'tIn ilexpire ou tire 25t1.h tay r ofAdt 30 Additinthe y o tWaueat tire twin plots were cogine ered Lb> cens. and uiscallsny committee.. J'nA . 99 assesetinlutire naine o! W. E. Mason 1. W. W. syrnpaîirizers. A rosointion o! condolence ta W. B. Smit h. Pureiraser 'aiseon utire mine date W. B. Smithr It developsa ta witin tire lasIt, S Reprentative Ilomer J. Tice andi To Fayette E. tarsir. C. W. lleý_-'rciraeed tire &aoe lo for Sper'l weeks tire base irospital building" ! amIiy of GreeunvIew ln tire do.atir O! docker and W. C. Fosler. tirrt on th- Assessmen! Warrant No. 312 and tire have irad lire attention o! vandale. Mn. Tlce's wl!. xa adoPted î5ea t25h Day o! Joue, A. D.. 1917. W. l1%n, o rdmto ii xieu Interlor watts have been daniretiwilth r erBlrnairau spoînteti a rommltee Smnithrpurcirased Lots 9 andi 11, PFlouý. tlire foir Dy dme. A ).. exire1o red paint and i man>' winriows have, of 10 to attend tire fanerat. te3t a fIue . 91 been 'brokerî. .5i of Subdivis'ion of Lot 6. Wlntirropj W. B. Smiltir As yeî no action of ltre iosptlr -H-larbor ln tIre Village o! Wlntirreî' To A. F. Beanirten, Paut Soderqui5t ira,, lien putllalc congirnl.inir.' he eî Ilarbor, assesset ln thre nalno Wasud T. Il. Durret. Trustee: Tht 1 1.500 wourndrtd anrd slic.l.,iocl; sot- KIiKIIIAR5N TEHWiutirrop lHarbor sud Docîr Aurrun..tirhe IStir ay o! Jue.A. tD.. 1917. diers at tire fort are houneti ln tlrc asd tire lime for redernttlon wti ex W. B. Simith r nciased Loi 69. Corin barrckspir en he 5thDayof JneA. ..îy Cierk's Plat lu tirelCity' of Watr Soiig]aeoe ,ý1 en- T R EH R N 1919.kegan, amemsed lu tir, naine of A foreti anti orders have hem issuti W. B. Smitir, PurciraBer. i.Bsiin nttetnefrn tha ila 11persona; pursing rirroirgirtlUe IE ToGog . atnurai ia . Beudempinanti xpir ontire--. tr 1)a regservatioll' atter 10:30 p. i., eItiýrr THEII O3U iciDE T ereB atr fl hto epin-il xieo lp3.t afoot or lit machine.'.. au' to)p wd. 1 tire 2itir D>' o! Jone, A. P..,'191.of!inn., A. D., 191. Trîe practîce of aearching cîvillir 1W. B.' Smlithr prrotrared, Coin. 20 lits.1 - , W. B. Purchaser. x1oikmen arrir mg ai tIre fort andi Wairkegant. Feh. 10i W of 8 E Cor. Lot 8 W 82 lits. N Ir Ta Emma Linditroru andi ta tire leaviug wrll Ire corrtinneri inde'ilmitely Tirresoutlr Bide homles wert.' ran- 1Ika E to point 20 l'ta o! E lin. tience Esate of George R. Lyon: Tirat en n il l anrjîucei. ucletib>'Ipugiaa Treaa>'nîgri. brta hog ail lu Lot 8 Iock 2. Village tire 29tir Day o! mue, A. D., 1917. W. àccordIng ta reports muade ta 1h.' o! lilsviiie andi the lime fer re nl. Smnitir purchaset lot 5 BloCk '1.S ---u- otlarg te lrolltofn tsatîsi or t'rdeasption will etp.ire on tire 211h I3ay E. A. Curanringa. and Co.u Addition netlage floin laa is o tw f o!uar, A. V., 1919. lunlire City o! Waukegan, asre AIR FLYIN(i.IN ~ ~~places viotted: rad tieim fordepto wlîeI. AI L 6-NW.ALTER STE.NBEit<. U7l7 Lber. W.' B. Smithr, 'urchrser. lu tire naine o!f Emma findatromt and 4 At FED ty tstreet--theve', got away wittir $14 To Tire Rarlly Club and mntteimefrrdmtonwl xleI MIIIUIFL 1"0 F 400 inl cash. B. Damier, that ou tire 211h Day o! on tire 30th Day o!f rme, A. D., 1911.. K. NIARKARIAN. 72:1 Southi Itiia dune, A. D., 1917.,9W. B. Smith pur W. B. SMIUit, Pureiraser. uiuau iTtTUi'5UAL etreet-trieves were d"icover(,i'r i ciaseti Lot 121, J. L. Shraw's 1dI T e.1.Lo adt linPo I5 VERY VNVSU ÀL tire act and beat a>' retre St. %talon lu Sec. 18, Town 45 N R Ill. 1er: Trat ou tire 29th Day -o! June. I E'ntrance ta tire Stenfbcrg hoin ' assessed lu tire naine o!fItarit>' Club A. D., 1917. W. B. Sailti purcuaietiB Flylng on L.ake Micehigan on Fel xas nitaiuedth irougir a window. Tir' sud thre turne o! redlemption 'viii ex. Lot 104, Gso. R. L>ons Third Bu.L 111ryIlh la someting tirat sur tirieves took a purfie wich tirey pr nte2t a fJn,11 iiinl h iyo ajpaa-t 'ýrised even tire aviateurs at Grerat foonti lyiug on tire diuing montu ta- .B mtIucaeýeqdItenieo e.R yn Lakes. Tire unîreall i> rld winte- bie. After leaving tire place tirey TW. Bdoe . Suiti, tPuronute andete l tirr, aie o eo. R x.Yn msade tris possible anti Tuesdsy a' extractedth ie moue>'aty irwtr oTrooeY ,rtr hto i. and tirtxe orrde therwlle ternoon Ençign F. R. Whirtman an.' pft1ae away. Before leurvtng tire 28th Day of Jurne, A. B., 1P17, W. il. r-pire on the 3Otir Day o! Jue. A. D., a Ensign J. C. Eameas madie a ligiuhause, however. tirey enteredth ie bed- Smithr purchased Lot 188. J. L. Shads 11)-il fraI lte hangar at Great Lakes lu orMan wirare tire Steubergs vere srop- Subdivision Iu Sec. 18, Town 47 N W. B. Smilth, Porchaser. N9 seaplane. Tirey sere ip ln t', lng aud ranssekd a bureau witirorrt f 10 F, assesseti i utie naine of Ta Elien Proctor. Tirat on tht 21111 air 45 miînutes anti soareti trer th beiug detecteti. Tire Steuhergur i Ornu Billinger sud tirattire lime o! DaY O! Jante, A. D..,1l17. W B3 laite at a ireigirt o! 1,00jfret. TIr not dîscover tireir bure utitil tirEs Redexuption wlli expire ou tire 28Li SaillrPiircir55ed Lots 17, 19. 11 aird ai wttexrenll bmp ad ié orin. p areceutlyth Sèn Day o! mue, A. D., 1919. 20. Blok 4, Oa<land Sutbdivision.' witrd s-as blowing 75 miles an irour berge allr haill berty bonds lntheW .SmtP tli'r Ct fWakgn llnlan-ý,e '.11 xione ourr tire worsît as 1 base. A !ow daya ago tire>'depoes- W .crtr orhurr I> o ak.alto and thoue ruve Oe on. urltiEnalu wrtited these lu a safet>' deposit vauît To Lois Burns, C. W. Heydeck'r. in tire naine O! E. Proco nitr moer e mcaon"tiaI tEixnd wa for Bate 'eeping. Theire ii.made E. J. ileydecker, M. T. Lame>. F. W Uiefor tire redemption vilI expIrp' treaçireris sud urmpy. but the î"ng M escape trorn tire irouse by un- Chrurchill sud W. C. Foster, Tirrt on o n tire 3lotir ao! Juane. A.fl., 1919., peralore o! tire air was nli. locking a doè'r. jtire 281h Day o! mue. A D., 1917. W. W. B. Smnithr. Purchaser. 11e'7gn Whitmrore iras jirýt cntiîr* At tire Markarian home entrante 111. Smnitir purcirased Lot 5, BiorK 44 To %V'. K. Nizon. W. C.l'aster acti frorn Pensacola, iorldu aud il, rea4 gaitiedti îrougir a diniag rooyur N Ad ta L iake Bluff in tire Villag- F'ayette Marsir, Tirat on t're 25th Da>* , tinks il a wonderful performrance t wîudow. Tire tht.-! then uniocked o! LaIte Bluff, ussrsseti i utie namc o! Jue. A. t).. 1917. W. B. Snritir l>' lu tire'mitidle o! Fel)irrumry. .-1-lioti tire front anti rear dooras so! C. W. Heydrcker sud lIaitir, purcrsacti Lots. 22. ?4 anri 25. lIlork tire sontir tirrewonidti rnkthis wsoir tirnir e coolt i mue an t-ara>' .5051i,.time for redlemption silI expire on 4, OsirlantiAubtilvision, lunlire City' dertril. iresrid ta snewlipapr ina" G. Tuîlian, isio occuplea a tom ai tire 211h Day o! June, A. tD.. 1911.1o!a*Wankegan. sud ttire din,.'i"r' Tirore are no titîre tric*i nycr., a: ire Markarian home was rtwakened W. B. Smsitir, Pu1'chseer. lion viii expire au tire 301h Day o! tire'aviation camp at Great, f.akv. l'y tire sutnd of tire indow l>.ig To1 Lieut. Henry Swift la !rom, Pensaco openeti. le arase suddrtarted town Ta ,CTa>'Ior . tint On tire 231h Jue. A. D., 1919.C 2la, anti ire wlli shorti>' glve exhtirbttor stairs to makie an Investigation. Th, da> o! June, A. D.,,1117. WV. B. Sturtir W. Kl.Smnitir. Porchaser. .fligirtsalonug the laite sirore. hetween Irurgian evîdentl>' ieard hlmt anti i-iirrliastti Lot 31, Ravinte Siope, lir, "To Nlson K. Nixon. C. W. !Il.'- 1Chircago ant ilwiirauktee. enuign F, madIeiis escape. lie oftaineti ut Sec. 19, Town 44. N. R. Il E. assessur! decker anti W. C. Ponter, Tirat oun I1- R. Aplegate sud Eusign Wiitmorol. Two yeans atm tire houi a.'Wr lu, thru naine o! A. O. Taylor andtitat:Q%1 Day o! j'tne, A. D). 1117. W. Bu. are aiu.o froin Pensacola. Tire>'aie irnoken ltinn mucir tiere ame waY. tire lime for redemoption m-1l expire Smilth puncirared [-Lot- 1. 2. 3 ani i. @i4 new menr on tire lake Biture sud At tirat tirre tire tîrievea Ot.tairrr-'l On lire 30th DNy of Jonc, A. D., 11) Block 6, Oaktlandi Subidvision for Phold Imxportant positions et $500 ln cash. W. B. Sith,. Purcirasaur. Special Assesement Warrant No 413 Lakes. Ensign Applegate las aldtg, TING Ta Mary bMurphy. Deunir Murphu sund tire finieo! redemption siti ex- -be a margeel lunthe air.le does taIl TEACHERS 1401.9ME£ n eTI.NGunrTrtato h 9spotus. %id" stipe., mmelarran taras. Tire m yrmeeting of tire terreir anth Dneof WJunerTrD., t19t7o, ut.B'pire ou tire Stir Day or! inn. . i, 1!ailing lear, stalle, wing over Win-u. ors of [$o connty opened todla>' ut 191.9B i, as easy &a3 eatlng yoor breakfast. Lake lt'reat anti continues tombrrow -Smithr purcirase th ie E. 44 !e"t o! Tire, tneeflyrs an o antlrng ntiSatmrtay.Lot , Bock Il, Original Town, min W. Bl. Smnith, PorciraEcr. Thee treeflyrs an o aythng nd atuday th Vilag ofWatcona, seesed Tao'Charles MilIer,. C. W. i{eyteck- avitir a seapiane tirat dam ibedon Tire diroois o! tire count>'. becatse tireVillageo! Warrcnda. u.'onssthé L itir an arn>' machine, o! tire teacireri meeting were but iu tire naine of Mary Mfurphy antiD.er1anti W. C.B.eTia utr ntiowt) for Ioda>' and tonmorrow. tirat thtiresmeor nedlenption wii .'uX 29ti Day o!Jue. A. D., 1917. W. . Tire second day o! tiresassint will pire on tire lOtir Bai'o! Jue.A. D., Smfithr, poreiraret Lots 5 anti 6. Blocke ire aItirhe Deerftelt-i.eld5 Township 1919 16, Oaklanduti uidivisio. City' of CON UIREE ROÀD) igirsciroff. Dînner s'ili ho .rervetiw . uiirPrhalr askegan aiseonoutire lOtirDay o! ln theo building. To Franit P. Hawktins, tiraIpuntire Juan. W. B. Smith purchaseti Lol.sS5 a -Lw Ràn PM i ,ugUrTire last day wiii b. serveti ln tire a LLAI l IICL(entrailBeSoolat Waukegau. Tire 2MDyof Jane. A. B., 191,W.Ban.t 6 lack 6, for Sperial Tax lWar- 0ladies o! tir. Balktciurcrhireeare Faillirpurciraseti the W. 20 e tioern I No 41e anipire ntne o! tiemp o ,r NDD S LAN Sta Berv:acafeteadinrer. F. 350 feet. (Ex. N. 183 feet and Ex. t t iIepr u ie3trDyO 111Ju- A D D SPU NES Th ls*W.erl ar gs-gverorsFPr W 5 fetO! E 160 feet) Lot 30 JoeA. B.. 1917. ýtris of Michigan anti ex.Govo'ror W itIigirsooi, lu tire uaine o!fP. P. Bas- W. B. Sinitir, Porcirat r. rlis o! Oio. Itins, anti tire ntue fonr e edemp- To E. J. Vatman, Antinuv P. lian. Autoobiist ph trveltoutir Tire progrant, for tire titre diys tien il expire on thre Otir Day o! sen, George F. Sciretier endi Chicago Auooiit!ho tae ot oiiows: Jue, A D., 191*. Titi. anti Trust Co., Tirat on tire ?Pth .aniti southwest probabi>'a8a swirole Thureda>'. W. B. Surîtis Purciru-. Day o! Jue, A. D.. 1917, W. B. Soilir ido flot knov the belit route rirnuingz Musi-Mr. Poiter. ,Ta tire Isaac Stephenson Co0., Isaac eporchaseti Lot 1, Blockt 14, Firat Ad- L t Wbeeiing anti DesPlaines. Abraham Uncoin-Mr. WiliI. Stephenson andi C. W. -lcydeciten. dition to Pont Clînton lu Citît ! irgir- Tire fact is tirat tier oad viricirh bmr Munie.Iatotie2tDao!JuAB..ldPr o1 Iec1iseesat been openeti west train Glencoe ln Munie. ta nte2t a fJn.A . ln aktr "iàlsemn Wh0 tgl n !trro'rttin MrigEeeasM.Fra 1917. W. B. Smithr purchasedthetr Warrant No. 130, asseaed In tire mati" shiir tie oautmosiihsti. s morTir.LeguEeo ios-Mn .7Wtl rntvtit ltir. N 1-4o!Lot 6 Blk naine o! E. J. Vatn an sd tihe tinreà doenet kuos. cannaI casty i>'nd. Mrusic. 17, Plit Bo! Hîgirvoot ln tire Cil>' O! fer'tire redemptîan vlil expire on The chances are tirst niait drivers Memnor>' Training-Mm. Ferria. Itigirsoat, assessot lu tire naine a!tir. 301h Day o! Jane, A. D., 1917. hio have occasion to so toa eMM g rt.' Isaac Stepheonson c'O., andtihie timoWe.SntiPICrM anti otirer pointe lu tirat vicinity Ni unie. for retiemption viii exptre ou tire To Edini H. Alsbott, Tirat on tire Idrive iouth froin L*lertyilile onitire Wirat Osur RijraaiSchools Shouiti Buc301h Da of Jane, A. P., 1919. 2li1h Day of Jane ,A D., 1917, W. Bl. Miwaukee Roati. Tiara d a t ter.-?4r,. Ferris. W. B. Smsith, Ptxrcirmser. Smilth Ipuncirazed (except S. 175 I.) rible condition nov aud sîssys la. munie. Accandingi'lirte route ta !oilow Great Aur4oilcaun Debatos q M'. il TcTo 'rews StOna'n, Antirew P. Lot 85. Soutir HighrlandtiAtdun. lunlire O gana a V'ireîig su BePtaue.lis -Hasenant (3rlcgoriti. z& Trust Cît>' Of !ialtidPark for aptentei Swollen bande, a"kes, foot are dué, to, a drop"la condition, often cauuied by dlaordered kidneys. Naturally when the : kidnsys are deranged the blood la fiWedl wlth polbonous waate matter, which metties in the feet, "na and wrst8; or under the eyes in- bag-tike formationa. -As a ren>edy for thone eaaily rec- osiiedeynptome of inflammation eau" db>' uric acid-ag ucaing urine, beekache and freqirent urina- tion, ai welI as oediment in thea urine, or if uric acid ini the blooda bas caused rheumatism, lumpbago, aciatica, gout, it is simpiy wo.ndel'fuI how quieki>' An-u-ric acta;* the pains and stiffness rapidly disappear, for Anurie (double trength). III min>' time'a more potent . minates uric acid as hot 119 tea rucea ugar. Anurie ia a recent scientifie dîscoyery b>' Doctor Pierce, Chief of at the Invalida' Hloteî and Surgical Inatitute, In Buffalo, N. Y. ten cents there for a trial package of Anurie. TT FILLe THE BELrL- A dose of Dnetoe'Pemc's Pi Pellets. SIek or Billions ileadachez, Dlzziema, Coustp Indigestion,'Bllious Attaeks, and roany dorangomonta liver, itomacli and bowels are promptiy rellovod and B3ut flot In t:i way the linge old-faahlonoi vin to do IL Tire4e UtIle Pellts have hotter alioda1 dleanse and regulate the w hoiese81m ntral. words. they do ilt thorougbly, but mildly and gontly. no disturirance 10 the system, diet or occupation. tire iaalest In size, but the most effective n rmtp ,le ibe. perf ectl y harutieia. oulyton. litto agar They're thre checapeat pille You can buy. for tliero antcci tu give satibfactluti, or your mouey la returnd wl11 expire on th.- 301h tory of Jiirlu To Micha-*l r,.snik. tla<lwc A. D., 1919. Warriaw Zr.iewgki and lo.ecph Loua W. B. Smith, P:.rr.iraýr r Jr,, Tiret on tire 2nd Day ofTJlly', To Edith J. Marron, Tirat on the'tD 1917 %V.I1. Smirth p-ireharEd 14 301h Dey ot Jone. A. D.1#17. W liH IA, Illock 9, Washburîrn Springs, CI% Smîtb Lrt. afnd #, toon'F fo!Warrkegan, . i, bbse In til Subdiviision, C'iy or NWatikegtn. 111flainre or Si F'rrnnnk. for sf)'eiai 94 aseasmed t heintire ropof EdIth Ma.ron n,esment:i No. ,77 and I179and t for Specliri Asseseme(nt wasrrant No tire tinre for tire re.dinoptIon wilii 412 and the. lime for tii.' !teiern ii iipire On tir.' Zrd lay of .J'tlyy, A.I wii expire on t 1, ay or Jue,91 A. D., 1919.W Il mth 'rire. %V. IL. Smith, P1urrha&r-r Tlira on th- . Qnd 1);,y o!f.utv, To Elizabeth Niu,,sIemin, Thdi)l o,1 1. 1917 W D. iruith purriased XIÀ tire 30th b)ay o! ion.. A. 1), 1. iL. 14, 1 1 A. C-untminor & ('01- NoCt B. Smnithrpurchasmi tire W. T i f. Ave . Srrhdiv' In the City of WIÀ Lots 21 and Bloci, 6. Firsl Addlipxrean. 11,1., for SPov1IalAsam t0 Northr aide In thre Crity of Wat:lý1, Warrant. No. 207 and 41r. a$se8@4 gan, Ill., aarresrr4ed In the naine of in the niamp of F A. C rm;ni-199alai E'lzabeth Muasleman. for SPecil As the' lime for tifýre rdplon -III ai sessment Warrant No. 413 and tIr'plire o nire Inti DaY O! JulY A. lime for lthe redemptIon wil ýil-s r 1919. on tire 701h Dey o! June, A.tD. 19P" W. B. Smith, PreirAper. W. B. Smith,. Pureliramr. Wkly Feir. 6-13-i Put The Idle Acres To Work-, VMI iî itikw. .rlîik~ek .dralinage eligtillei -ot Wrt ii'atiillark .1 iti-ýisîg iîîîzîig liell) ia l..tit. llîie WUîieîi î i.r, Trueck T ires A:pIhtwi1r Al Sizes of-Firestone Truck Trires in Stock. IIEWES GARAGE, 9 WALIKEGAN. ILLINOIS ORE-SSMA KiNO Wc are now ready to give >'Ou the veîy bcst in irervi< in this line. Latcst ini styles anîd <esigus always hetc. Whllep U Walt Taller Sbo 131 Southî Genesce Street, Watîkegail. Out of1 town custoiners given pronipt attention. Cleanling, pressing and repairing given special atteutiol BEA-TING JACK FROST Hiels a hard folle- 10 beat whifl o'.later your radiator. But it'a eau>' to keep hlm from gettlflg a death grip on your batter>'. Kîop your batter>' chargod right up 80 thllt when YOU tEks a 00 hydremeter toiit the reudlflg wiII bo up te 1285 mark. Thon your b atte'>' will b. fuily prOtected aven If the thermomelter goci dols

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