ver 34; Iii ri.. MM. 72. van. 37; Km. mon- WII3 TE$TII 'AIN(i PLANT IN WORLI) MMh .Aeute for Faot That , evy Pail of Smoke Hanos w.Oo Plaoe Constantly. INSTALLED 190 BOIERS. T'he reassuafor tU. reat bAbies Stto eingm oky Iis nInter là cîjlabcdby tUcfieut tat lise sta- tien. uhuit. install, dluher direct or-th~ss gscontracte-m190 tel I&e. box huiler.,ansulna, ln mecsanilcal Olpinont, lie station hecansu un- $que tustisatI l iaa In operabion marc beatng boter capaclt> tissu an>- oUi- er single Institutian lu e xstene- sud Uus lb la tise greabeet isating plant in the worid. .Thoe e190 boliers n-cru cl .firnisis- el since Jul>-. 1917. ComMiise.], Ibem bollersbave 22. $823hamac paver, or an taverage ai 117 hersc paver per gailer. If placed cundbas-nd, these 190 ballera voul cas-r a space ai mare than hit samile, If metcl cosetogelîs n, mil. b>-ide. Uihe abler>- voul have 984 toit trontage, or neamly oanc fifth et s mile. These bol]ers cantalu 117,547 feet "f1 bofler tubesand 4,820 square fel ai grates. . Tise amokestadbss furnuta- -ed lt-lstUe billers, If placel end ta end, rwunl make a stackof 6652 tfest, or more tissu anc mile hlgb. ¶Iual vouil -be lie greatesl amoke- siS lnluheise rbd for aheatiIg plant. Thleisoe19 boier, have a cosbined OSpacit>- af over 2,200»00 square test of direct radiation, or an aver-age af 11,900 square fel Per bolier. or, ta put It lu tier word.. ionu- hundrel 4earloada a! radiation. lise.. 130 boliers are distrbuted amng tînny-în-a campe at thc Great lakes station. Evary hiealugl indt ta uqulîpe aiso vitIbot n-a- tii orage tanks, sud thc arrer usa-1 Its with nat-r ieatisig garbage buru- ers. -1 ELOPING CUPLE ' TRATION CARDS TO BRING OWN PASTOR ENTER DANCE IHALL ilERE TO WED THIEM1C0un01 Acts to Bar Girls and Racine Couple Establishes A Precedent; Are Married in Local "Justice Shop". Hlarr- W. lewis, aged 25, Racine, Win. bad huard af tise pilfallas et b>- marrylnsc justices, Uat beset tise @ep eitishe unarv n-ddlng couples hiscis Soa toWauheçan ta gel plilce. su Lho he sud Agnea 'Nelson, agel 22. alto af Racine. deeedla lope to DhIoW Gretna Genu. Uic decielý ta tek.m no abanca-they brouet la "lulter of the goops l aug v Ils Ibem. Tise pastor n-as Rev. Jouas H. Dresden cf Uic LathermuAloaneut ehunrussof Racine, Ite trio arnIved ln Waukcgan ale MUBr-dsy aflensoo. Constable Car- mes Ic NidseaiUic nam or111e » d Fuamer- n-s standing on Peamc'a Oerac. n-heu LewIs tappel up isul esmd ta le dinsoel ta île ourt- T11 shw you thse sy." 1Mr. Mils Imn-lecofiel ta hia Usah"h.*sud lb'IWd040-1» baI commtue Wauke- a st nmareed te avold fie r-tar-- fl ms.rlare Ia-a! utWWscoeulli n-blé requin. scvcral dWaim ntWe. bilere a&inomm au m a kenout. go @sMd b@4tthey à"balth il a" pa"astl sog for emeleuc. à&. Mies thon Inviel es couple toe ave USocremony peforme lal 1h. office n-bitéhe au" M. Faumer 60"y &mMli thud eb.ffen n-maaccipled. k n-e pobably tl irs IUme UaI a naluister evor pefortmel a maâr- ria«e oeremoni In .a '».uace ahop" In lfttb-th n-isole affair calablldues a. pcelent. for nhile one ocCaSiOS- &afms& Sf&illlsm incident poi- tnaed in Uic movies-one viserin à mmrrlage...c.ilg couple kidnap a minaten mal have Uic ceremnuon 9er- formedlnluàaspeeding automobile or on the lack ai a bucklng bronh-lt la doutul If nyouefver befare c- Osived theles luWrMal Ilfe sol Put Siltala, exedlitioii. IREW COMADANT M ASUMES CHAGE Capi. Bassett Relieves Capt. Scales as Head of Great, Lakes, Boys Unuder 18 îrom Publie Dances Here. (11mb, and baya uuder 11, -,uars o! age ara ta lie bains-I train allpublic lance balle lu Waukega unulesî lb">- are accompauled by tiseir parent or guardian. To enfance tuis mule cvrs-Y persan n-ho attends a dance lu tise ckln lutuure 0111 b. oblirel la regim- ber beforu bclug permttîel ta inter thé halt. 'Th15is Ustheplan tisat ul b. icîlan-ol here lu thse future hi vîr- tue o!fsuam renîmeultu, tise danoep hall andiuuance passed ai the Mou- day ulght mEssioli of Uic citY COamil «on. Tise aidinace becoinea effec- tiv. n-itim10 laya afler is publAca- tion. A penatr of i&M $3 ta $25 1le proviiel for vistioOM. i orpoatilon Cosusil Eulkey cx- 1plainil fiat thse amlimdMeU n-m dunflel a i the-»que«Ofiotlbe GIr-la protedUtvIe urnu. 1 The ebtlwmance bail orinali pravileS liai glS» aler thc age of 1 d8 sE m ot attend public lanes bui difiolty haishbeau OMusa te o- forcfua ibisaeclioS becauae ilbam bue biUanable ta oued Uoncmso girls, Thc praprletso! Useth anc- halle m MtualdIsputa e m ate Pment af 1h. Lgirls n-bas sy gave lb-dr arcoes 19 on over snd -heu thea b nveetWUmw 'so!fie GIrW Praoc-tiva 1Leagu coulucled au lnveeotSaOiil n-me au osai malter for the gir-h IC maSo ee Npl0tr dental. t tlüer the n»w-onlinAnce a neila trata. carl mmet -le selcI i 0,ry persann-ho atfendsa publie dance. This carl metonDWtithesDmand s ge o!fl-etaherdU.iThese cardeares ita ho kept Offl ion IniPeotOn-It Us lh ancer asierts UsaI ho or saba iovor 21 7e«» o! mgo il ul; n feea amary ta rive lise exact age. If uudcî 21, lionever, bise exact age inuit bu rgiven. t Tise givlngaifiMlse stetents ln L_ theaakiug out of Use carda mubJecta lb-te viollar la Use fisse. Il la exPeci- ed thsi lIAs er-dinauce n-hI bave lb' offee ofa!kceplug yoUng girls fr- Use lances. Th1e 01d ondlnandeld Dot lai boyf unler the age of 18. Compllainte bave been recelved tram teachéru hovever, Ihat boys attend tbes's dans- es sud negloot their sbudie, sud fte that reasan Ibe>- misa are ta be barred unle a mcampanied by Useir par ents. 1It leveiON tUal En*igu Donald who.. s, kiled hisMu1 at th( I Waulegan. roel. 10. Gede, - mi - - - Today tise cutiscommandant af bat ib MetroPale, OhIca lut1ma n-c Girest Laies vin take command of ivel ait La're F'orest dtsnng bis gîta Use Station. This aftemnoon aI about aI Great bals-s station. ln-as Sat 3:30 O'cloc Captatu mredeic Bren-- urda>- s n-colago Ihatise lait bh ater Bassett n-ilarrive aunbie St-. oardlng bouse a ait ke Forcst, wn titou via astaMOble. sud a short time ta Chicagoandfl, aller taillur ta kit UsOe-after thsée-bedil o! Use Ste- bmlcf n-Ibisciiorofori the UsCou lion n-lule l uruel over la hlm by grue sHatlI, gota pistladi dflulshia Capftlt ArchibRîl H. 8qales. Cons- tisé Job aithlie Metropobe. Grief ovei Mnandanit. Captiin 9rcaiea n-AilIs-ars tise recenit de atîs Of bis nf- l-as gtvci Greanb Ual' s a short lise- ater8t&ts titescoause- af is dssporidency. Ji 0OciO-l toi' err(is nioruing, anfi vs-.IIIlo, is nlt, written .lanuasi-2.3, hlacb lecin irage utai10 ?,0 fn- 1tl'c N-aso' <u' ut1 cd lt-.$1 0000' lite lnsiranco Acadutîs>-aitAtia)olits, nlis ro' iseMil iolicy (o Il i,îou llu-r oandPrrlvýds-d $2 assume bis duties ai cupurutseue.t.1000 for Ius'i'sbusesslc la be used asl A teegram receiscd aon 11v Station mentattil for bis (ilt. amudaymoru "DOmnuqi he luet, tisaï, CaPtsas DBassett n-oulI arrive in Chicago aboutnma.tolsy. Hn-wl! be met ai the station by iAeutenant-ý Commaender Chester 6. IRobert&, Ex- ocutive Office. Tley vini bava lunceluon logother in Chicago sud' n-UthiUen .usoton laoGreat Laies, n-here CWiptaa Dsatt n-It bu e- emrdcl MIhbornorns ahbecmas aoven thé aide. Héen-lU te met b>- Caplain Sosies sud bis aida n-heu le arris-ca4 hemo. Cernes'From U.S. Utah. LIaplalu tiasott la ooming ta Great LiSes front thé U. i. i8. Utah, vrbich bai suen duty lu foalin waters dur- ju Uiît e rlaIofthîe n-ar, and visici l ge uitfthse country,#fiain une m- 1se. Ris record le mn envlible anc tIn naval blîlor-, snd Uic tact fiaI .ho bas ismen made comimandant af 1 Geat LaIes, Use 'Worid's Largoat Naval Training Station," proves tisat bis services bave buen agipVreclatul. Tis la slzo proven hy tis,, tact UsaI hbie appoiniment an rcar admirai n-ae annoauel aithUe saine lime Captain Scalee' promotion n-a annunccd. At la cxpertud tisaI bath caîstaluani;w be nolilied of their appoinîment -eus-. lu bise next fun-veka, at n-hidi tAme tise>viii n-unr tise unions o! the rank. Captain Scales bas heun ati(Great Lakes for a peri ai ofuiy tva maullis. He came hure an October 8. and le releasing the command o! lie Station on IFebruar>- 14. Thin la lie shartest lime su>- commandant tbas remained au thé Station, but lu t a"lug: Uese upernteudnd>- 0f Use Naval Acens>. Captaîn Ofea la reeiving a position tisaI is cousil- ered second 10 noue mniong the ahoirc ponts o! Uic usvy. For a long lIme IbIs asslguacul n-s cousldered the usat dealrable Orne af any autông 1ahore dlte. RInce tise gron-th oi t rea1 Laires, hon-ever. tiscre lias he- rcone snse iversity o! opinion )among offîcers as ta n-hicis of Use 1tvoa ssignusenta la Uic mail lestr- able. 1 Dwriug bis short stay at Great 3Lakes, Captain Scaies bas maIe hlm- selt anc of Uic mont popular oiflcer9 19UST S16IN REGiIS- Wost peope u-à loe M63 Otba btear achrasted a fro atInthat Wounded' and SiofoHethes-a-eE.,iing lieg h" dote. tk ar f e mpei e asDynmit Tie ~flb evn n 1919'P Experieno a TU. R §n- hi.atr e a angese 0f heathe~ ensMy a CloosMaeSere0 ted cYoung giw tetie d-hRee rl tad e aproferssiton nt he C M SateLeBilawe iesThe borne 4 54t e artent haeParetThersthansalenttracison bat- beaa ratst oi ffl ne7o od y .crlngue 100KEUT THER AT ENRHT Fndlab l ot o.$.00 bndDa pla t dnait brre thl e ai as eo&tnt t rthe tact, av-* I Tpe mant timepebond hig een en fo liioiteS eladtal Most 'peooledwpendtaistln decrtion.oTithee benalnreoppor tsoertad it bIrsl kh. Won n dh i150 ici k au e ouS M4ul îng lwofliad nmer ofadn s William ansen hasoxc ting leulemecut. he ancsairne tat dBusiess lu th e nisHoA. R. dImeri u lseas namter. sl b eenpingret -t l l Dort a Eprenc t herdiiid 0 a lcc<,k a;t h t " wm l tnendîng of e ents a yie C'au e ab fBi. F'or Shridn wre rUararIfî th e ~saretp etfr thg e lyor eye U kcen-> a er lta oliedachng o har bisutvle rpîngaedet a-h ma Cl. ros arse bele.. b h eisrimngt Ne athe nlU erit.e- lseea i Roud ecati s e U tence. preeeredte , n thcomSsae ion taro!oei* si u l dmisca te r Ug ned oi t ne s dep te r o "H A LTt er t o ie t t ri o n p i gie d l ., F b ",d e t Into theFbaseDYNAITE.I agrcltueder otheI- measuopcmoe jry idhet eeasatre-m Diôt ô dYmitebarref uie à cantelonsbor telad a epse n-Intr. If bond I a fr 11(11THEment( ferMletis cmittc ae soitmunid- T1he1,50clota r nd wu absuit.-Uic i loes or a daran eo fr- as that order for if you thefail ta hear lbthe ill nt If en re rIIngYou ato hr11hbupemP cut The ca pahdtites, lloiselnes ous ld For Shridn erefrutraedln h a sa ufo Ilti hu e roktae DP evntIfoyor car l cncloedlenaret ln ene ciageMd eive ntativ FrnkE. $00 yr. "lmn'army o rers eainall, at tii. ri0 A S tmu Lndafloe ta l ermit. s hBlt eneit tou er aopl e o a e aJosiets N e tRW sRvingisoe.X vlle PutOingaed stt a.b heB etIg (j o h ln ow as mutetegrntbeasThntnc.peir w oisionberiO oen pti disvrldy nghof bey -crch rezlgmdar-lgdrlgte ]tbln tou'llheruotmandivent actio nwpramd b se ta o-aue.orî prefuse confeol anc o! our tirs o If h Ulde h beut twic a rs Cae-interu mouhide l to tI hL 70 N? them belp g&dclgg tor taLLdTHEctcK at an appolntcd bheur and explode dyn. Asa ate ifanrecon be more eastly Ipyuncltet o nc oUne s a ms LIBERd,, LUA dieceu imte Te yamtewa lo fuu.obtained lu the antumn thnln tbec1builai».______b> the manager. OffIcers Ses Plot. îprlng. aud there la Do abjection taeaop-'Tepoo.dnwssc lh ~ Army officers are tconvinccd thePiylng thc manure non- and lowlug it William Hansen, a local private- hcn Bne ntmts T e a opted by v,îo ai cte and vlieg Plotturs expected ta destrovtiy tatelie upon the soli during the wluter at>lemn a h xetniCiaoBikrItmtst dpe yvt flte n ilg UYicnsu oldruadthe rd Crosnui tlnhe, fork gI;It ithle sali n-hen u lat Thnrday rnnrnng at 1o'clack, Waukeganite that Course is es nat Pxceedin,- 5oi0000 population. thesluldes andthe Rdy nightDurshimothIng torkplatn.I ltyom. hchnreao teresov- Beng Considered. B 3)ca cino h b » s e h p s e e sag n i .lue l b a nin g. If plvy e sinfga- ng drivng throug b the fort a ter _ _ __ _bill, aud tors would e em ployed te Dsrat isepat. re s ,00tan amîuDur abotan iO an heae&ni10:30 at nlght and n-hile lbe uaaped MIGHT MAKE MONEY TIGHT. "maintain a continuons aut0forait te show. l'lI ,0 ites d ab»lhotn fne undr den ppl'd teuni arimcd, Uicebn-a naval station air- departmentsl" and rsport Uicm ta the thei ohon Robinson.oatlang 0f ln On essd two Younlgn-amen n-ha had There ta tIhe Posslhility that thse manager. the purpase bein« ta msjko Nia. oh Rbison cmmudnatheseurface of the plowed or spsded ibes t s ct nbis cr e @ t stni let a hu h rauypassible a responsible -finance se- the T-entith îinfantry, la odgsolil. If the land te broken up t]@au. UIl ey aClity aI orfm tbati t ieart on! the teudr- h i oafo cag i pr thse searCh for the plotters. Te tumnIi be homacb casier ta get ,lntrucY."d-aclosby hie vriois batiks Boxtise ng.prmnshae yts o clOcks are ln his kccping snd ha aysshape for plaitntn Dxt sprlng. i rtenTuh vrosb"en h ramy Intelligence officein- have fotsnd Many sections onlons, kale and spinscis 4 bullethale lu thse rcar fender ut United State, In other varda it la cn epmisoîîri u Uc e c the anc clew wnhidi May reuit lu the eau b. planted thls autumu. A ganln i aenn a ,a- -hrMhebl id tiat thse trcaury departinent mission tarini city govermuent. Capture Oi thse bomb ringlegder. vilI belP te food the famtly. Moaea let freim the soldler'a rifle atruick it new la crAidcrlng the advtsbilily Afn iisl i tt aems I-mmdiately &fter Uic discovciy lic etrtIbis fall. and servitved brlng Uic auto party.ta of ]laving the banks taes a prorata A ecti aes nder wehave lb . _______________ anempoyaa îuddcn hait. sore accOrdlng lIn thelr surplus aMer exercsci a uderisoy ther. Bu visiter on tise Or. -t---- A à. Hansen, tclllng of Use malter,sid. howiugoan'sd undcrn-rlte lit rather bs age lugisal s, anb Asth 100 c* "trs-' wsdrlvlng Uiroughs thc fort attthavepbasuenUc plans ttaatahav 1 c_Î00 careutru ud lbarrs ntis ben lupratic lu bc o u Couneli Wouid Name MaMnagers worklng on thse non- hoDali lt the tIUR ~ ocokatngs.hvn eente UnderinIhe Âbbeylnbtl, covpoemtlà post theY ver searched. 'U u y iu ea nbd bout berîy bans. pncsnoi eves uUcd Workers' pookustaEmptigd. liait TT n heard shot* one or A Waukgnu isol ç ainPwe vr s lauci ut Ihe aer oid hea Poellet vOesempdied and dinner -the aficers in Uic car laid: '1 rues Chîcag ronUtY .ald tisaI a bigc ninîabtrathe hadage oI te Palla opened, but no explosive n-as "Preventia. et vaste s la . ea nt i omcbody musti have tbld van te hait' basîer ln thse City aeked -bai be gteradment raies itfrtheuagf foumd. Brasa faucets vere fu ai 6mfodc evaIn. hegftei i 1trow n th emr 1h01 rase nd thouglit about Uie sentiment imons ment ral eparsImeutf omié le several dinuer pate. tudl tp mtte nte ankers pravlgUncle Samnpr çpitdb-liecuclvtoi~ * Whet te De Wth Ppomr. ee ndhto by Ui bfltfri the ner ad ueder-te tieane a Ing .th ecîs suThae adoas erewrcmoved antdc Wel-slted sud buttered P"lcor 5jed sud itodthayIlldietnd h ecb-l ue rthplnexo! hanHg selkagard la palitics or place a of eolt e tuetcase as rsoaned eit afusud Ia universallyIlikcdtisat n anc needoi ontd abat. tQat Uic banker ln question nad wOutil hautoffice eatheUic -l c« plce An armed guard n-as station-ircîl ta est il oftener am a foant andi sud a guard steppud off the siden-al meut of tise bankera relative ta tbIî Te ayr l e e sly uner ed n-hcre ha c ould see wlbheut huei s ot as a ligbt refrealiment. A bowl comning up ta the car and asiug nme plan oi procetiure. tic Ahbuy ensre e comansa tio ude si-eu. le had ordure to shoot thu f gond mlk. n-lsIlý-rit>-of iceîy wlso I bad In the car. I told hlm If thal n-cru the cage. If tise hank.iteAbe esreh omesto Uicne trh mis oviiacgrbWhjoppcd kurnels of corn flontinir around Uere n-ee two naval aIleurs and be are aekcd ta undeurue tliîn untiro bremain the.,amne as under thse opend to- uita-1Ik a Sandîy oealnng lh of the 5bic sîdt-opasq on W~e camporne and preo nt comitls-lntei oaf gavera. Withiu a toiie'a throw of 1h-- g3f- nicet n.hol'su oîtis OwIfudletedrwtssruk Liberty lban bo bc t,,rm- d a "VItory utrtaî oupsaer al the taildiad, te bildig M1yq R kndL lieitilocal 1 ibdnhe erdbelleots'- b lhn.a hecocilrene$10l for 1ae!centameeting a!ones tise the wî, 1id- -tiyofusing poppl rcru e ieds bis bullet. a strltîgcnt condition or the- m-n-vcoul îî$10 dfrni raIleetilofthea the slel-shock victins., th- w thebbccommon n-sys that eryhody en. "Land e<uthe fAllow wa-nt ne ni t ad rmrl lt d Ilere re a fw not r,, oumotu-te. Forliifwston te uklk hadhjourtinient. and $3 a day for lime cd adthi20 ,cfkthei pantanî 3 ii î. Hr r e-ntc cmobcrn l -a ntuwl hmut y eifs lthu-ant t hro du Io, l -îîltewrbtts wThn 20lu t af bis te KYms iistPopooru Puddinp bbce curtalus up 1 roît bu har the -ussderwrîtu unarmous sums iu theu -spent in iy oimttwrkbuth acosth ase rc towr t Pub two cspfula a! fr ,,Ilitypapped commdli~al ait and, net suel bnIln-utlti rp herl ai iii Id fnot bu permitted ta eus exloio o abob f nye '-w on trui o>,ba-ns < uch a way tiat local indîî:îries whiW(- d $1100a year. exposono!a brïh t nc rewoldtwoanmd a baitCupfulr o! milk, tiree bold te haIt t Is miîbty rlsky bus- mlght waut finds lu carrylng on Pt-as anad (lultes of the cit>- man. bave wreckud on,,, if not cuverai wefl-besbeu egge. hait a tuaspnonful Incs ta tire a Phat Iike tint t - aer ae ,uiiumerated b>-tise Abei buldlngs. wSspct oaiIt, hall! a cupful o a ergar anad migbt have bit onu of tise afncer-." ficulty dsoing an tacause vo mueli billau !allowu: Soidies potuav Suspect.a an hI espofl o nct a.MExçlains Order. money n-as tied up ln tbe Libeity~ 1T e ln h.lnssdo-l l Ydyfers eo balngthe e a ofuhan. n-cled pour te, La wnellpcrased ppdI- The ac in callesj Capt. K. Enguldîng- bonds.nnc s are eis!orced. r na Fisy aiturnonlute dre ! ig disis set lu s pan ai bot n-aber. er, 20Ui Infantry, non- lu command] of l-onever Up ta Uic present lime . Teapreont aild'Ir eta in e a Cnaia am pîvtscarrYlug and bale until tbe custSl is set. Re. tise past. He n-astoitd ni the circuni- Useovibasnnotbeun anytitug efinite prfv4s a suilcase n-blch resembled thc anc mavu frein bhc oven, caver n-lUs a me. stances and aslced if tise publien-a-' lcled pantUsenmalter su dethe l-partmeni.s for cause. lu n-hlch the bomis clock wnas iouud. ringue, n-idi mai le asde by rlr--renn ii udllg boibb cideTO zerethe coutroland the Io- PaIerai Judge Landis addresscd ig a ne Of the n-btasofthe cggs I 1fart at ngbt. lNe sald: u. o ie ndiut nom-Pertmuents and divisions a!flbhe Ci the InJUred soldiers tram Uthe gym.s- ai-nkle n-Ibispopmoransd ltgbtly ."Thore bhasbeau omuch crti ive. aItou hln on v er tne Infora. vrm . nafsta tge w e5 snN'lmtvenaHweevouner gee4 ove atend itlg !B vei u. braisa In tUic. of tb. fort hospîtal. etc., ID thepros ad peopl i mousoy, u'- 4 eatn i etnso h làftt ThIir5dUa ight Sam Long- - thal vs bave itwed or-derstpr-tu alauuioniapasUc council n-lUs rlgbt la take part te fordt.Uiceegroesilet. assistaby Mapte opoom qamesetveutmmy possble Irubplanre the Chicago ring celebrities, atagol s Eolle ogehrtpo ânda bran- ahe pstosibletaroudleho. Onegovérumeat la couideinln cml theUicslcussionis, but liavIag 1»e é. lBol tgebertwoPOM110 t bu» f hes Isep latefle ou u tbtsect"n -ii ic lthen- bIan taelie 5. To meommelil ta tise cons" bautfl g oin uthe buffld&g. nsger-, armapic, n-th a pfti et mn gmgonouet about l i in h pozTbocu"a t ef. o dtion ecryoreupeihont y 515180 01.trusEv mdole-au-ts i tsOMuhlciof h ave an order tisaI thse gas doptone sucS o «atnt sh a sa-u1e5 dilpustop0 5wiaaftotte El- e- Tic manager1nao§111d1nocive slba sualon. Highland Pm,[. Fort Sient- eriae orIsyta. pÏ&ngtisougb the ai and Wyaukes tmI îd aaL mss a t hall n-85 o IeiD nervatiols&aiter 10:30 eil a*t. 1: j4 CRO IS DU- ssbary as miglit ho ftel bY cadi- lu icgyseshsu.cofl -saad tva et "The order la Ussieal i:I Bance. maS cUivnoSi0f plot. ebuttr Ultatte 8 -4 HaIt' sud thon il the. driver daesut fyjyor Wiii wmrnu'u iehteve lottim lebatnnuel vanifla fiat dui s5top, firntuoabsats a lu beae te *" ~At ail meetngs O! iii. mmeclt"i thc destruction of som boildibg or etoefl nwstean sd mok.aetheir command bave effet; O SINLB R Y maya, twould WgudIe sud for &X lo- buiudigseen-hon caîaVMo.M- 1"M e Wmtinethnifte o sp.herd lcapupf vl -c. m oOEce OM bulig 1Uchta. alMl 1 obu ritlit er.a tasoo t VILLE SAY DE3ALERS 1theUr-oMeb boid olte eOOtY5I t ffl- Wboa -id- ~~Wr*P M àg Tlsey thon are Psue.d ta go te h aSwdbi 011 o flVAIVUq ilesn-My e ape ta é»re t<, e ismarsdonuk.va15tes A No ProsO5cté Unless Weather twa "Inrs mmd emmmss a D ALE S S AV D i h II naacs ies ear% thse lectiofi aa hos J ~~~~~~Ing chocolats squarez..cloue, taenuie seuorcff te ,r rTrsCl n ean atd f ua.lfes10 DIVI'I~II Popeoru mUe ixel -lUspod nutaaitlaIs nell. lthe car Cou go on. Tbey So For a Time. MWer-ths & -0 imos. sli wflii ILK;DU1I~ft Ong.asd raisins or laies aiU pugt on et tw ftgaiet e cupie nM- cainfissiaiierSouMlie votheebUcD1pIdWmiss e n lucniacs ne.Uey Ts rSqcue nic rpa eeseets tts rir u i 1*1W ir ~111P1IIbOcaltteiconfection n-icb n-lukeep lb. exîcnuating. LIbertYvIle arc no e VY Promiu wiasen t the detinm LI~MADE'FA S.J5U veineO tlic. -1 Cannet understaid wn h be If the veather td oi l eép dan-n a____vie____h mnmR t Be tesèeamark thon w-ti mo let ha'I Mor~yet Hk inWaukegan A Me-niable Achiesn-mt Ill n-siket sesbouM il te B efre atThi lers sd he couine n-o have a510115le tcS oead m eme f ta u diITSCMe I y Befm atThis ime. Amerilesavel ad » Diant for the puip ipoPtOtDSte taud the wUic v etaia teafor M Q I f ii pric la ot m n-as éenui - syer of crop ftiW é sthe po ol and the s aliler ;Dro eitl*nS Pb Inla. T ie expectel big sipply ofT T X d tby supply sud demaleIsdamnn- busheai fn-é h iehh - Othehouil buildiis, etc. I l nl 5 TtAeUraaipiÀon bwuo etrtlvr a'iiy1iaoa !Our isunlose ta b.e savoren-tii fie mstenilOd and IIin ual yt tîhick etrated ery fordly tbile mm tpuleald if you w n-t4pain Just ssioui for hsrvcsting. Rosileuts of If millk I e met Iat mlii e un-al- - ....n- ..+++:wbtr d mchlgle for do us1driver Llbee-yvilIIcare O1bopIng bthshe Lon nee, Mr 3" Ir- gieuifui at Uic prosent tns le A QEAMAN H-OPE 0OIWROVED w h aéigfrtegad eahrwlintmdrt u h r ram rteceni uimolth AND n-home commande muet ho aiscovelil fi; ii suown-sd gel colder. numerablo strenuona n-ester-a @Ws neagluzpries 14 a10 ent. AERANPUS ONIAU a apat ioui' conduct o! Use pout. Jus la as neosesany te the houne- tiwu esfr mauY YOar, Waifl ILS Il anig tain 14 dtia18 eme. Aaînymon A R - hal aPat or as Il l ta te ebusiness mnu.Hart taday announcel biseItAmtin Ilu eartcgnaie ha éie i ry n oAlstatsment made ly 4 praimi- *FIN DLAV TO SERVE SENTENCE sud people lu Uic nortis requin teIce~l m viud iers la aln-apegntam iii ai emeeUCinnnofiiiy e*-- as a precorvatîve Jussi as much as thse r-loI <s! r-sIdmLIHobuir. ýa sampd wth ilket he resn,* IbsDountr? n-ofasidmebatr O The.]latnope cofb-ev. Elvard IF. do their souillera neigihois. Suns- « have n-oriel hord fer- a ns lime.Tiser- have caitracted la is eae wnar n-us ocrmany * 7indlay. Zian City preaciser, ai es. mers are.,lnlensely bta io sdbhoiyer, atdelrltlg s aid, la tairs the enre output en_ shows thai @vonlan the esqcm, + caping a penitentlary sentence, van- teesén bucomes a very V"iible sda au5 opesa U in tain tair7 farieand qucause lthe + country clear tinkiag sldb"ta +. Ihed Ioda>- hn-the esupreine 0courtcousmodity. cul conracta 1 shalirelire ios~ rsspply of milk lau mach lar-ger nDue,4+ di t tundervalue théc orngeis *deu1eOl bis petition for a bearlng on Iu sud around the faite reglOn tU ilmn nor-Id and 155e a n-dl au te thon A s uallyte use ae t t thlAe +*ofthUe American republi. Ouly is 'tue. Flay non-muet albgin teecorp la consldered just sasnec- sud mucs need rest." ofa yesr tise batlilng planta Sund more + in lits confidence Ihai n-e "d s , ervlug bis sentence of five yearsinu esai>-ta cuccesnal businesa as lu Itla15 iinlal Hart n-iI n-edlà»e %, millu an their bande tissu tiey eau + not land lu Europle suffiîu tishe JolAu ienllsitlsry au acharge ofthUe cotton rrop lnUic soisth, or the daug¶htor o! a millionalme Msataa "seil lu retall quniittes et Use pies- + troopg te affect bis flai Iseislm having butrayeti Clama Snyder, a 13- n-bs-t crap lun ts- nrtbvet. lu tact cattleman. 'r eut prie. 4,.W i~s 5Germean mtWàp& , >-ar-old MZn it ty u91É. an te shortage la nalhIsng short ai id lu <euc or tb naintances ibis sur- + "--jda t tuai the Asaedea 4, ffoi-ng tise I Iac et o!sn- a calamît>- among Iet'armera. It NINE BOYS WHO TIPPED OVIER r- plus milk la belug used ta mike but- +. moilers."h. ld a 1111184officiai 4 tence lu tie circuit court aI Wauke- n-as stabcd at LlbertyvIîle fiat Onu HAY PAY FINE IN ZION CIW er-lu tact Ibssbas become quit. , an e oun glovernmentt "because 4+ gan Pludia>- Usiaugh ie isattorneys team ns oFox Lake ell into the ate Nine boys n-crs placel on IntW a Industry aI anc local plant. Wbetb-r *fiey cnnob arrise intime. What + souglît ta tae bils case toetise su- an accaînut of the teunl belur Zian Wedneaday atternoon for .dae i n ort Il la continued wiIî depeul 1 fIriateIs intelligence and de- preme cort on a n-rit of errai. strang unougli la bear Useheeht a bey>stack an tise tare tfsà bupon nhter thse supjply ai mlii cou-* vollon of ouieisunâred tatillon 4 Stat'R Attorney- Weich filed a brie! tise borses and plan-. ou Sunday lent. Chiot' Becker an& liv t- t. 1~. 1* b'.